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US .1.:a ar (J'alipial-itce 57i .3c t M4 ti"' or Pimtic wamitiom or "tau, by 4pokU FU OAo Mb 3 p 11958j. pp btasearch Ltd. sel Sep 159 td io PIP SSI.-Urf pp uu Pillir-In Studied by the MatIla, of by w4N. Dchartoya, V. N, Rozhnnskiy, rt~r; nink 111L Hawk SSSR, -!C:L cr-i'v-K., 1,-.o CD i -6gLd ities in the Plastic DefOrmatiOn '16~-Lu by V. N. Rozhaiaskiy, 18 pp. 6 Cryt .RubSIAI iper, Uspekhi Fizidieskildi Nauk, V611 ix~ io 3) 1958) pp XWV385x 387-4o6. AM-tr-5332 PL-480 6V 1, 261.)442 on Phe PIP 1"161 11 ',*bA4e of Electrical Resistivity in ,Dinlocation Generatiou., by S. D. ni ie N. Rozbwwkifq YU9 Ve Gorlunov, Irs DOk Ak Nauk BWB,j, Vol CXVj, No 1957, -1 03- Amer Inat of Phys Bov Phya-"Doklady" Vol 11.. No 4 17 May 5-C1- The!, eci Ok Thin Mercury Vilna cm the Strength or Cryptals, by V. ff'. ROZhanskiy.9 16 V, Pertgovp H. D. Sheblklas P. A.'--Mindler, 4 pp:, FOW per# Dok Ak ntaAk s=p vol =I, 1jo 1957111. T749 Awr lut of Phya Bov Phys "Doklady" V*3- 11P 5 6s MOM. Imam On, thl crealm by, If 1q0, 41 PAV an of ronwucm of' l*ryordc Datanied arystau, Va Ak Ikuk MWO 701 it ri I Axor Inat of'ftz Sov fto-DOW17 vai x3z., so 6 il 1958 '1 Sci Jul, 5f -ig 2711 L-276. Apo in the Dempl-n-c. of 0.1 Me'~~Q. Wins) bY, 7, il- pp. DOIL Ah 171=h 3R., Amr InAt 01' sov Pays Do)Oad*# Vol III a the or ;trlrj Fluatio IW,'ormatiou in t4xIU 1$in le Crystals, 'by B. D. Shchuldoo Yu. V. Portnov, V. H. Rmtsnokiy, 3 pp. Pot At Ikkut SSSR' Val CMIX, No 2? r0 "a Awr Inst ar F*u Sov Awe - Ooklady vol in., rio 'i U1 59 the Qmqp in Lwo cr"tanim IWV# So 8 nklys 2. A * Oro Vol 69 ftl I Llb lbr ago Stud~r: Polisi E. V. RIJSSL 1961,1 it anetics of Selective EtchinG and he, h~' I of IaCl Crystals, by V. 11. Rozhansldy, of et al, 7 PP- per, lCristallograf iya, Vol VT, 1.170 5 Vt. 30 AIP 1~ Sov Phys Crystall Vol VI NO 5 d i Ll 23 J1. 61 03 911 t S-', nw NaCj cl~~) Diskilka, s1l :1 NO Ot Order 6") Trawl. V. 031 r, ob,.At~ I Vat 1.11 s, ))')'I Ove regul v v Kit 6 llcyrs p 0! 11101) thal "it ill and Stepanova, V. M MION 01' rmswcAnONS LV Lachl-wimunme NT'Lim-shchvnr 11akh NaCI) tr by T. R, Cas-;, N R I.Trans. 'tio. 925~ ~5() 01-11115 Naull-,SSSII. DiAlady, IW41, I-SW 6tiorl (it dislovatkios ill I'mic )f w~ lv-,~( I vc ctching oil 1.1 It cr ym it III, "luill, of (palfilative .110 f1moilita ill, Owliill,4% mill moth"t ill tio. 1. '~Kiltllll 11101 111-2 CI -.-tal sn twit - (,I ~ I V. 11 V V Trawz-82, W. N~msl Itu itear ~j [,it, oft..# T.Aft~cl Los Sci Apr (BY-5225) of the Mat at' the DischuV of Opu%Uvg ba the to vith a cautim Owngim 21nr 0. UP Vesta* evywi, so Ilp 1953. JPFS 7094 lnlvels igation of Processes occurring When ismunizing leado by G. S., Rozhavskiy, melj~ li,~ S~iinov, 11 pp. IIU~S,I. M Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II, No 6, 194 pp 113-22. PS scii~ Aug',1,62 209,857 lwdtive DI a 1.;athc,3 for It p 111tio 4iI TrIn't'r 1-t ie Mby Ir, 7. ~r, 1 if Oy9 B Im 7 vo - Zavod lab, Val XXIVq wo 8. 1958; per NOT 'RSLMABIE TO TORBIGA MT1OXXi#c1 D46 59, IN ins ONLY Kin'a 6: J~ I of 0: 1 ~i'vil Fiat"Mit onji Kt 6VEt Russ!'Ai'i b rMiation of Sulfid4 Film On the Surface I Lc=.f Metall MiacmIr-, In cf y- Su It Mtrofanovq 1. A, 1f;trigin) V, G. G. 8, Rabavaxy, 6 pp. o per, Xolloid ZhuvA Vol XVII,, No 3. pp 2375--Af.'--dX'd 39499 ChemIstry T"to T"T With aloardi to SIS& sea by, R Uveliftye 7 pps Tel 16m No So ftipt ila Lot A-31 9 YOM 16 R04 0 v If A~ f3d