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~r c alculation of. the Ptwh-PuU Magoetic M. A. Rozenblat. A OMI I Telemn., Vol 10,, Wo 1., 1949j, PP; 32-~50- Sci Xwoum Lib rio g/oloo - I=" 0 bc~ at Cardiac 0 Reopiration R. V. umth v Der %I I~wl :Lu Rta, 1382R., -r. I i OtW at P"SIPO ftDoWsm Under gUtic I go VON "bdisamp V., V, Rosmauts, i i !Fldd mavm 12mamy, 1.9", pp MA R-3X93 9"Y, 0 :>- 3 71777 Fri IAI Ji,--L ,~'bution of Radio Telemetering to In Work and St-)rt Pt~ysiology, by 4*nblat, 7 Pi) '71 ~.F lipe Veat JUt Madit Hauk SSSR: Vol XIX, JPRS 246 8,4! 4 26o,ol6 Add Addi iorml ~IDuta on the Changea in thu gfficlAmcy f un" of Clam r the Influence of the Activity of. 7 Crthe ro~ of Muclooo by V. V. Rozunblat, 4: RMUN porp Byul Uspar Biol I Mods, Vol XL1= i 1, p I No pp 119pro. 14 M~ /,f,, Consult.=%a Burmu Sel Ued wy 1,58~ I A l4at 110 Idl, -_9 Jul D-i*,) (~ i iclx'Lilleg Up Cardiac Potential:: F ro= Subjecto for Radio tel ennetr~-., by at) A. T. Vor6blev, e Dy,.Ll K~3pcr Biol Vc! LII, pp 119 - C3 205..156 Adsm of RIGOA 3?am vel(mdfa in mm wwap tv Vo V- ROSOMbIft " the Wo am in= ft it. me ftftuma v" rows== mot Fed, 3.40 2, LUS &'IS FRUM, THE "Pl:,~UULEI ',!7, ROZENBLAT, 6 PP. PIUSSI 'AN !BKO, PROBLEMS OF FATIGUE, JPRS 12361. LL Wore F)AV Into the Commoa, by V. V. Huzenblat, 12 HUSS per,, Houka i Zziizn, Vol XXIlif No 11, Nov 19 6 4: 25~26- ClA 901272" C fie&l 243 Rand Corp BM-1922 sci A irqxv~61tics Oct Lilmetr r~ Data tbii vr MUM prCmesses Wer I atistic by 11. X. VeMbctil~, V. V. ]Rogeqblat, lpp To bk,; itl6uglyz lift-valft protdovegyp Kiev? =PM V-9076 P-cl 40,9~1~lcia pb*.816logy Oct 56 Theor~,~; *rmation Tannamisnion Through Stoebasliie Co6=jm*tlon Chamls , by M. pp. RUSSI"'I per.,,~IDOk A NRUk MR, V-Dl CXII, No 2, 1957 -fO5 R SLA $-1171 scl U YAY 5811 AutomaU6 Cohtrol of Evaporators for Aluminate sollltiQ4 :Ln.Ah ina Fmcluction, by A. B, Rozenblit, 6 PP' RU.S.-SU 11) per Tsvetnye Metally, 1101 IV) No 3., 1963, 43-1,1 Primary Sau:rces Sci jul 64i 263j.517 measurem ~i~Small Temperature 'Variations on the ISu'r 1~ ~J~Solid Bodies, by G, B. Rozenblit, 4 RUSSIAN j)erilzmeritel Tekh, Vol XXIV, No 1, 1962p pp 24-21.)., C6 sci 214,400 ~ct 62 WU"n QrWWl WoqKm of the Z*- Mon, by X u, Impoddyo ppo ib amu Po6TO A 2 CM m 5 plasti t I V. L Or Skin bv no 2p vol ma pp Sol v., An M61usil' or the Cbmk*a of ~Renqiratior-) r-ma Lot. B43664clre, - sUl% INActims Ditring Grant rnd gwi2t Drop'' ~lu A Pborlc Pre3suro, by F. 1. ?ozh=lsnL--Iyj Khez. en, 2.5 pp. i-A ; ;. ~ billp Fimlologiyu i Fmttaogiyn Dythfml)a, I :J, Qwimaoterapiya.. MG-L-2-9~2,-D Sal -miolom /a 7 Veb ~01 D t o of UN RM Sci Oct Iti j "'ate in the ActLve Muses ti 0 of Lmd SmU ~cc' torap, by V 0 V. Wakovtoeva S. N cc' Imp S. KryUlcovu, F. N..Uebanovi-,,-4"--pp. ~mw Am11% xums, iroi xn, No 6,, 11 Consult=ts Bur*au lf-202~ 566 J ozenblyum, 9A ILAYS WMI SATUILABLE rute Differentmialm Itele it ,nutoraml). 13 SepGS. 13p I (L'.%Itl r35 n6 p58-63 1964. 1. Ass,viated Elec-trIcal lndistrit-H. Ltd.. Trafford Park (Englanl) AU, dmatiLltegulation of the Firing Schedule in Tul~,,~,O'i kl'4'ns, by 1. S. Rozenblyum, E. B. Manusov, s a L mi k .0 9 19 s Aprl~ O,r,, Steklo i Kerwnika, Vol XVIII, pp 25-28. CB 254,9S7 g webwo C* mummi, %v V. Vanbw Am 30 t ~ ~ b PWO W-A ft* smaj, ObK : m, I I ' nM 96336 Tho We 6f Do ng cc 12 pp" RUSSIA Pe 11 1959.bj~;; .10 Sol ju 160 Photogrametric Method in Spatial Cowdinates of Points jectory,, I N. D. Rozenblym, Astwn Zhurp Vol XXXVI, No 6, -1072, Amer Inst of Phys Soviet fixtron - AJ vol in, No 6 1;2 1-01 No Iuioa f Nterminatiss of Cfttiaa As va 15,0 1949jo jpp 610-2v ,::.tl-. :X- th: Preep of Ll DiIs c''Ob 1. Rozenblyum, Rumss e':Fj, Inthenernyy Sbornik,, Vol XX.. 1954, DSIS LLu m.965 (loall) 1,2 Oct,6) ctiLfii~j.o*a 0- L,4c! crec-o Of J. t-cm"'Wul i Wfscu., by V. 1. Fovenblyum, 3.1. pjp~ livbanerny-y flbfj,.-nik, 'Vol a, k, 49-54. SL4 (50-13830 TV No 7 j;Xz NCII-2102 54 Field 21E, 209 flovinbivuln. 1. CALCULATt TH PLIPTURE STRENGTH OF ON E- 1. Associated Electrical :11 STF-A TURBINE ROTORS (K IIASChetU ntl st r, em. Ltd. PIECE FX DIttetnot'llf~~CitrA)SU 'I'd ~Iliokovttnykh tlolorov I"arovykh Trftfford Park (Englandl Turbin). ; 9 4ieij1d". 16i f6reign text include4l) 7refs. TII/T-~iN?. Or%ter from Trans, Of rok! "In3shl pArmnle (USS11) vI0 n8 p15-9 rv 1964. r) rer c; ni f.. io-, eiwnt,'B '33 IAN x I~lh '.~v a 6 uy -.,~C>6 Iit 1;10 Strongt!) (:if 9~lrll 1! 4 3 r jrj )AVIOStl.-Oy, 0, J?RS-2153-1! I t S c ; IT the Ef-Pcct of Solute Cr---~bon cn the L x %' llization wid Chryv p pp. i p.. pkii j Matta i M,~-taUov,. V0-1 V-11 Fiv No 1!,1 1 1036.,1.039. 17, ~)b of Electrochemical Study of ftmosheric Co. sioll in UArley by 1. L. Rozenfei'D, !T.~! Paylutskayb. per,, zavodsk Ubomtortw Vol 21, 1955, iP-M:N3T GB/i L RO c Jul 334;t545 i Ii i I I i nel J q t i I I 1 . ft .iat 1" 1!1 i 1 ; i i r I : I i I I 3Mxkk . I I 11 ; i j.. . I I I i I L-Lh - ~, i~ i i luux Or iSatallic Corrwion in ftrrow crevicto GJA Is 11 - Corroaloa of Al=uaum a4 some 'by 1. L. Rosafel Id at al. f T.Uji Zh RUSSM ur Fla Xhlao VcA XW; No lop 1957F 1~2311 "2336. Co-op Tr 3a set - m; M~ )Lxr 59;~ L. iw"Utreltdo. 151 IS! 11 -Tj 19 1 Of Q)nV6104 Of IMILAIS LD ucks and cmicest, IV* Corivaiun ma mW Smw of Its Alloys,, by I. K. ma3mmkov. Pere Uut via Kbul Val lul 2=5.2335~, P50001f67 MvY10N1 U 2242 1~-6.ZEIVF,,~-L '40 too of Notab to lowrow CUUMOM of oarmwe 0aww"a" co ichimme Savue"'o by 1. Lo, 40 So. *W#bMW* MMMWVM-- ~w PU Mao Val JMlp No 22o 'One CC luild CC-1,6-Polyglucoai.dasea of Andmal Ti's a 8; L. Rcrzenfel I d., I. S. Lukmakaya, N. L Ruds, A. "hubriia) 6 pp. it I Ip oWdmiya., Vol XXIV, No 6.. 1959P Gwoultants Buxeau Jul!~6 (DC-3081). ANtv WdAl of an Eninston glactron 1 4, go for lavestipting Thermo- and -~ittcrs (EM-50)p by A. M. ~P. V. Zaytoev.. 3 pp. ROZO 1z Ak Sauk SSW, Ser Fla, Vol tinfoll #0 ")j 1959) pp 527-530. JPRS 3231. Sci Ct it r, tic 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ob detive Lens for all 1,1,dssio,,i Electron EL P. 'I 1~2 pp. Ser Fi.,-, Vol C&'V,, .7103stv,;, pei~~ Iz Ak Uaul; ESS311.1 S 713-7 6. CTr-L, qi 205 j 1.0- A Wflx" , 10 V 0XV., SCI ~4 ph~ olu:Liou Emission Type Electron by G. V. Spivako A. Me 1.1ozenfold.. imo por, IZ. Ali BaWc SSSR, Sar ~> Piz., 3j KDOCOW7Nn-inevid, May/Jun 195i,, CIA/FDD/U-6-39 ico, electron microscope Cr- R~nrecltion of Pitmises in Cues of Epidermphy- a Be! ~6cbnlque and Remalm of Determination of Eir ctii~p~~ss of Disla ctica of Surfaces 8 by I . I I 'A RC 4.61nfel I d 2 pp. Rvspra,~ MO per, Zhar Mikrobilol, Rpidemiol i *=Ilijas Vol XXVIIIP No 1-w3p 1957- ltrpnon Press I ~'I~diclw .57:1 fto 40ci DUTorectial Usauetry of the Fhsily of Pairs Ph I to P by S. A. Rozeafel'd. IFIXII a tioni. TAW vol xw(66),q igkg,, pp Me Tr 1486. scieut t$c Wtbewtics,, Geometry Jan 53 iM/DEX Arja of Structure i3m& PrWrttica of ~W= Frepamuogwp by A# A* -rozUexualmya.. 4 pp. Vol xxv, no 4, ),QW, pp 6-n4-- M ft9d P648 Or COU-JktWItU, by 4v 5 lb 2p IYQLj, Sp ODD05M Lil PP 1, by B. L. ~l 1,41 ~i I - A. Popova) 5 pp.. 3-iol0iiiniya, Vol )aV:L, 205 225 0-962 (DID Ye*~,,~ ~Iiibrazhenskays, k~ e St3micture of Biologicaily Gluams,, by H.L.,Jto~~Jtd 6 pp. IoM B imip, Vol XXVII, No 2, a8& CD i The, 1iy 6tosides Obtained as a Reault of the MO.Aloi :r Liver Mycogen by (f -Amylase by E,~ 11d, 7 PP- ltuw t) Bioklhlm~ Vol XXVII, flo 6, 195S., 11 M- Dj~16f 1%6 Linkspia in I*xt4-an by AdMal H. L. Rozenfeldp 11. S. MDOIAfis *ImD Per, NOW o vea Mo No 3o cmaultantel Duvau sic st f ~46 Componition and Properties or Zymstinp A. A. PownannIm-yaj, N. 11C. d4i Hu pp. rp DA Ak Nauk aSM, Vol CXXV,. No 195 ~p .9 0-931). ADS 59 OC Daxtral by BWew zxtzuoU so so 4400 ol `,fa- onG by Vol 40 1958~ a. L4 go tAi Russ pp SOL. 0k 4 Jan raftlueosidase, by 1. .9. Tat knytL, 5 pp. BloWdoo Vol XXItts, 150 2p 1958P cossulumim bureau 71 I d ji ~ 11 ! Gl~c 'by Proparatim 0:~ Livor c(-I.,4- P03, La Not Cwtaining q7kWlano, by E~ L4 N) . d R Jq'c 3 PP. D6k Ak Nauk SEOR, 'Vol M,-VIII, No U*S, 19,59), ~j~ 12. Imer In" cX Mol 8. ci oo is Rethilm adfarlas From "%also VIA VII No I'l ftl Ift Oenur 6 X tit SLOXOMW aw 55 CTS G - S. cl of Albofungin and the Antibiotic Ub. 660- flozenfeld, 12 pp. mwio'~ p~i~~)~ Antibiot-W. Vol Ell no 4~ in,63, pp IITIS 70 - ~~a- 7 Apr, W17M FOR SwIlT. NUUM" 6 Of L4 VO PCMIN* 1. so a ALp 3~ FPO tc* PLUMM RWWY SMIAL13TIOUK110i Jm 17265 u0s"7 urat. Nie and Preventivo Aspects of Public flekt)'~I es for Rural Populationo by I, I,. Rozenfel'd, 4~" '61 bk, Lechebno-profilakticheskoe Obsluzhivan- AN ~6ils 16 ~,&o Naseleniye, Moscow, 1955~ PL-490 OTS 63-11068 ti -~~Oiol Ned Sci 34- ME FS AN MMODS OP PLANNING PUB1,1C D I HEAUrli !*.Rvic --k- CURATIVF AND PRrVFNTIVF C ASPECT's 6p PullOt HEALIli SFRVICFS FOR HURAL POPULk, ON, tr- y It. Brachyahu. 1963, 45p. PL-480 I'F ~ Or&-rlfri'6~0 ',50 63-11 C168 Trans. ofmi~d~lvo. 0 'vy I Metodlka Plantrovanlya 7Arav0oki'1rAo'enlyw. ~CeOvbno-Profllaktlcheskoe Obalu- zh1vanle SA-1 tkogo? Wlenlyn. Moscow, 1955 171p. t. DFSC RIPI"01 :k *N It: health, 'Diseases, Inhibition, TherOpy, Ito Oltall; 101tural areas, Standards. 1c1nr!. S aryy t lectu c- Asjy~cts of pi ATIM anning ffwtWs In N -i-vices fora rural jv)pulalion. Princlix-11 mll gI;in i &~vvl(Vmcnt of planning 1xitilic Calth'."'CrO., .~En rr'). 1~arcas of ft, U. 9.Sw, R. Numura- I Ces; ttx)logy. IT, v fliological i~) 9. no. 9)(over) I Rozenfei'd. 1. 1. 11. Title; Curatlve ... Ill. Title: Leche-bno ... IV. PL - 480 1 IF W (6 3 -1106R) V. National Science Fotm- dation. Waghlroon.D.C. Ofte 01 Trdwksl Untit L PPINMI, M Al~ I L ~NI -w , 8imvIli H AIAAj_~*Inl-~N m-Acrq1 -31VIdE i ~ Pl.-43t) AL, -'~.I Ortju'fr~lql'~ brslli Traji%' 01 to. 1, Mravw',~ tj~~i 1, r 1961" '.i" medf tile, aft 1110M 01' PLANNING PUHUC iwr. 3. PLANNING AND 11CAL PE SONNEI. IN MIUC tr. by NL HoW)Iev. 1963, 139p. 1) 63 - I I M) i ' omll!m Vlantrovmilyn Jrk~vzmlo Votrulmosti Nky&~M. pamwmi, *pw)llc health, ~utttons, Ramlardij. 63-11070 1. t1ozedel'd. L L 11. Tltle: Plarming ... M. 'ntle: Planirmanic ... TV. PL-480 HEW (63-11070) V. National Sclemo Foundation. Washbigm, D. C. --VW79. cr~ Of Ti. d Yu. P. o1 COt'--,'Os*on Call tT,,.Ijle IL Ju. gr ] 6 - , of Rota owmrjlon zoam'd and T* L 3xv pp -09 (On lam or Panhave) Aug 2WO863 0 or Haul amosim in "looll Wd QMVUL.B, WU'd OW L va 17- 287som ut. t edh ADiilki ............. ~1~~,nce~ f the Chemical Comp)sition a and 1 fiwe Organic CompoundB on Tbeir Ability to',ii~iU~J;rrouion, by I. L. Rozenfelld, V.!ii 'Per's i6nts eva, 8 pp. . . ........... RUSS 0) P(~It, Zhur Prik Khi,,,) Vol MIV, Tio 9 961..~~ ',pp 204742055- CB Sci 11 Jul. 6ra~ -84 021-0 2 valor` e4, ilt Ze$l A RUS'SlAlli) Ir NO 9 -es of Volatile Inhibitonra, by Vd: M. V. Poltevs,,, pp. Zhur Prik X.imy Vol XXXIV, )P 2056-2061. CB -65 0210' 2 Thel 8201C lowzb* Hadlatical an the I ActIvIty of Nvbds Cov With n2wo t PO Ak Vm* MMs ffol ems, xo ip counatnts Bul"U Ile, f. 9 ra ~T'emperature on the, Diffusion Current at aMj'the''hickness of the Diffusion Layer, by 'v 6 i6sim 6 pp. R IAN91 110 per, Is Ak Nauk, Mel Khim Nauk, 'N ~l i956, pp 779-783. Consultants Bureau 7 HO 5 m Sol %*rbies of X MaMe lana p by X. b. a Ak 2VA dd&p ia CMj 99,~.o cougataut I sure" gr (17 i v I L lv=lc Corrosion., by V. V. Gerasi= f n 4, 4 l ow p"0, 1% Ak Rauk MR, Otdol Mu FALuk, 29 Cmaultants Bureau 9 IT04POMUUV on the Rate ut "Tosiun kid V. V. Oeivalumm; 1. L. RQxcufuld. r) Jr. Ak Vw* 8=11, Otdul MIlm Sauk., pp 1166-1171.. C=UltanU Dam= ctl it bT WhiCh Pitting COITOS"LOIl il; laitiated StsWess Steeis., bY I. L. Rozenfelld., pp. D* Ak ftuk MRo TOI CD=, No 2, 1T. CD loo(q,o, -4/v 4*400 L. pp, ting Properties of Chromate Pigments, zanfel,v F. 1. Rubiuhteint V. V. Zhwr Prik Xhim, Vol XY.XIIIy No 6~ Li92-1299. CB F )f the Mzorptio~% of vo-lati.10 the Eipactmhemismi %51 IiYAII fly Rozenfelld end V. P. ParaytMtoora, pp Fm:i i tok A Ifauk SM,, Vol CXXT1, no P., 105,8v e63. Owoultmats BuremA 03 Err i AU No c y ap ot Protector Blocks of Alumimm-Unc V. V. Geraaiwy,, 1. L.-RozonfUd 6r, Iz Ak Naa 688R, ONal Mdm Nauk, 1.0.0 'jo pi) 3.050-1052, Consultants Bux-ess C c 57 6mz CIL! EW J.-L~li of" D-eteminzingr the co l! u-,Aj. j2 PUut CoL~tin,66 on 16., Zn-Vod Ifiby V02- "I. 3..#J J ! InGtru Sac of tmcr 4 a Studying, Ir P. R., I A ISSUIN) T ":~,,d Lab) Vol U.LV., r 6(:) 1 c6rr T scjt 1, P ; 91541 in the InvestIption of Atmeyberic j!lPSP1G;' by 1. L. Hosenfel Id., *Ron* lee-no perp M Ak lauk MR Vol XCIp 315-317- (-I Rr 3 Co-op Tr Bcb go 81 lKinerals/fttals '" Inve ti Stims of Metal Corrosion, by 1. Rozenfelld, RUSSI Oy A Nauk SSSR, Institut U Piz Khimit. No 7.1 959,1,~ pp 22-40, CSIRO/No 5692 0. the Rolaorasmant in AAGGjAved - igr&tO* b7 0- AlOkll"V$ L. Ro"afelld, . ft~m I no] 0 lb lop 1958P C, 11. 1. R. 0. TWA7 r, '5- j &L ;-Ie XOR I~il Method ''0 by it 11r,ov, Pow lzv"tiA 00 9) 1-961P of Xan0acturing Diaphragn3 Le Bs Pcocafalld, An 1, A Skuk SM. Sariya I YP 70-756- 9676303 ra-w-62-ioo With iz.. W;jLva -WA Uedw%p-budaa Beharlor of A6%vmdmUu,4 by ot al. rb lifts Vol xxixo vp kizwe Iftn so Tr 247 (WONG (340060) 0 Properties of Chromate Pigwants, by 10, iL Rot" RUS.SI 11, p. r 10 Zhur PrIk Xhim, Vol XXXIII, No 6,, 19610; 1292-1300. INSDOC/T 4372 Sit Jan 3 7- = of OaMen Tmnafer Tbrough Thin of lUctrolyUa,, by 1-t L. DozonfelId,, thrice-co per,, AW Ak Usauk SSSR.. atv 6, Coop Trano Ochema Tr -233 LIal2se P Ba w-14byalcol, Chemistry I-C 110 afzl 1d- DSM UMS V.338 (358. ssivIt'y of Corrosion-Resis'IaLntu Alloys CILL~' , 3~ide Solutions, by 1. L. Rozenfelld., yj P. I~Imksimcbuk, 3 PP. Issilull,,, per, Zhur Rz Dim, Vol XXXV, 81 194.? PP 1632-1836- Cleaver-flume Press L~i 02~ 201i Mecbmnislil jol' Selective Linear CorroLdori, by 1. K. Man.;hekov, 2"hur Fiz Khim, Vol :.-.C~V, 1;o 6, :)-72 201, jurl a a A. a A............ Cu C .e. Ru 1 ro Sc Ca ~tribution on the 34arface o.." Loca-L :i,ad With Thin K* 14yerb o2 Uc--L,,,oJ.yL!2J-, ~Lenfelld, T. I. Pavlutskaya, pp. er, Zhur Fiz Min, 307-1314 Vol XXXV, i7.o Cleavier-HiLme Prc6L~ a! ddation of Urcontun, by 1. L. Rotenfelld, pp. IAN', ! per# Zhur Via Khtmj Vol XXXIV, 'Ho 6,, pp~1995-1003. Cleaver-Flume Press 61, 1! Ic I)wpolwftwp by 1. L. Rosenfeld,, TI.I pp twlmnim p b* At No* awlt V03. czliv no is 195611 1'. 139. N AVY 2291/191736 MO OS cu x l i r5 32 i~ c t Art may of .11, itermining.the Prenance of Inter 1Corroalcm lu Stainleas Steel r 1e Lo. Rozenfold, zavod Labs No 5,, 1955m pp 557, UYM GS 70 No J~088 pupottlim M. of do 1%vtochaeow Ions #~_W ff6 1 i i-l-kici w 11.4 . Ii : 1 i i i ! p ; i I 1 : I I i 260,927 A ISO rai~lks~ the ctlon,gr lrou From Corrocion by Sodki I lRitwiter by r, L, Roiihfolld. ;.F.1 li -.- -.. - :~~ I .. pun! tv ton# ft* mm. ifol =cvnx, no AVC Tr 1380 L t, c;~. I I ftV 52 CTOI~)=