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rAvbU= fm (awiUnear gqmtiorx, bv 6 p. Akadftit Ikuk SM Vol pp 551-554. Am Math Boo Vol )UM., Ser 2 Sod (:!Y-51 00) THE DbELCIPMENT OF THE TRA14SPORT SYSTEM I t-I Ti iE UkRA I t4,.E BYN. ROZDODUD 'K0, 3 PP - FZL:SS I AN NP,j GLIDOKt 16 FEE3 1962) P 3- JPRS 1426S UE SPN ECON JUL 68 202,0-[)l (DC-000/8a) lq!;9~1*4101on 12 yp W.101ROP J*p USI. a wam clugme Accordutg ap the Coams by V. Msdp~~~j, V"t p go 3p 1961.o 30 7;p 41!ctly/Aur-~ .1%4v pp nf -qr o r, Oct 'ii L~! 4-4~ 0. A. 1 8 a Ir Ponr-ftjl~liarsl!ialling Cor the victDry of Cou-,unitial in tbe MR EL~d lu the So'c'ihliotic Camp; by A. ~ I J)* lj uel-vialm" Rozehnalp 17 pp. ... ........ POrj NiVu MYsl~ No 3., Prar--'c) 1960; J MI 3378 il up itl the -tui.Lck [:,,(:)l,~cbnjt~jnj 12 pp. No ~,ur Cmor,-h of the CC Czechos I (WOU", 19~0) PP 5) JFRS 352]l ~gation of the Procers of Thermnl Diss--c! Hexacatbonyl of RAybdenum, by 0 1 Stc;P4inO',.,'n) A. 6 iv. ;R &SXAN, per, Fi2 Metal i Metnllov, Vol X, No 5~ 1 6id T)P Cie t6.1. ~n it mcpaiq I I m to Prodiwdvc Al do Grova of NINIOnd lrgxmwo by V AISXU4 A* Romm 16 pik, Ids A KI - ;z;aa_- KUM ~q jr- No I t964. I 261.07C CP the Cw 00 mm lu mono. A.A. an& ftimm--mzb vul a6v Inve6ilgation a the Proce" of Therml Dis- so.jj~t~on 4 Xol7b4*U= HIXBMtOIWI - I - Dslps~d6m-t ~6:r tbo Tate of the HateroLmneous Proceaz z on Ttuou*~~vv and Actlyation Imrgy., by A - A MAMM UUSIU Mlis ZhWrv V-..% Rc I 21 I%b 61 AW Tr-haW Ef fic'I Qncyl~of B.Ilse Columns (Contribution to tb! r4t!neral Tteory of Intensified Counter I Current Extracwra),, by A. M. Itozen, 33 pp. fttl*,ISTAN~ 1-4,,, ENHtraktsiya, Tberiftya.. erlin~nio. AppaxaIturaL4~. I-Losaaw, 1962. Sci -- OCII. oc~ 63 ,~2 I ,"~rtn Iiii T-wri) -Cloverming Hydraulics and Mamo 'Lrans- 1,LC]t(+d PUB0. Columia by A. H. Rozen and 1 V. J1. vamullrev, 23 ipp. A,~ 11-etrAtul.ya. Theo:~~-yn, RUEHYNt, APE al~utou,--a., ."t-D!3cow, 1.96,-3. Sci Mac Boi Of.A .2 6" ~ i Ubm7 of 1~ PdLood fttftetlan *Oxxm,, by W 16 pp, RWOMM vwjp wAmb D* VYVAMW ftkolys Bwniot,s go 3s, 3-95Bv PP XS ITOM. AM Tr.Ws3 S,-A EA-t:r, R-114S6 Unc 1. DIFFUSION THt"IIQUE. A. M. Rozen (Rosen) . transl,~t6d i6to French from--.T-277-11,~ of p "ThevndlJ, Diffusion" (a ublication of ~tomizdat, MiSscow., 196o~. 71P. Isotope ~epatlation; Translatians MC - --1 2 -22 Nil' NSA Dep.(mc) ; $71.60(fs), V.If--~4mf) JCL or OTS TboorVI!of Isotope Separation in Cob bir A. M- Rozeno 'c"-23 5 PP- RMS IAN 0bk, Tearlya Rudeleniya lzotopov V~IW*,'Kolonnakh, 1960, FP 3-438, MB 11213 8d .2 "?,, L %? rn-utorl'.'= b" 'joanj, of TrIbutyl Phcs~pkata.l Fart 2. XCfOCtG Of rL "~tlUj.KiA*Ui;kUC On prxiAion 16:r Pu(IV), by S. T. libisernko, A. M. ~-Rqllp RadiokhimiYao No 3o 19601 P11 AW DM-Inf -3or-31-5 sci: chemi V Oc t 6,-L LI.B t 60 SM Fkijsico~heaical Characteristice of E=hange L. N. GiMinj, P. *1. Bobikov, A. M. pp*~~ RUSSIM,v peri Dok Ak Aruk SWR,, Ifol CXXVIII.. So 2, 1959, 4 295~'!1298. CB sci - Chem Bey So the Thermodynamics ibutyl~bosp~ate, by '1 11 orkhorina . 22 pp. SSIAN! perj~~Zhur of Extraction With A. M. Rozen,, L. P. Neorg Khim, Vol. 11, 1957, 195()-: 9. i - Chein c 51' AEC AERE Lib 792 78,242 of MbtaU by t3w Aftas by Lo go 61*Unp Pe b bObikovo i~uft~ 1. IN 00, A. IL IMMs. N. A. oil Tor J, IN. 1. -Iwo No sci ~7d for the Votenduation of the Of PWWdna la a CaLum and the lAqttld In the Assam PP* - ~.Wo Wk Ak SaWt OM I I 000oultamn so i Therbod its or the Extractim Equilibria for 'i Uranyl: flitraie, by A. X. Rosen,. 1.6 pp. HUSS:LM garo''~ Atemnap Daergips Vol 14 X05, 1957, pp Conviltante Bureau Sci - ih~ Phis &n 1*8 5 i4l. L by L ff. DC& Ak ftuk, Ve. 195.- Llip $466. AM RZ.,M12 act EX-t1W:,-td.on Uquilibria for Cobalt, Scm;ll Otther katals) by L. I.1. Gindin; 'j. A. A.: 51qzep~, P. 1. Bobikov: F, 1% Ko-.fluz., Tc,-r~63-mmesair.., 5 pp, pekj 7hur Neorgran Dim, No j, Ic)60., pp London SO. Scp 60 hydroob-loric Acid oDif- )" f ..cohol) by L, M l Nk Tzrot-ii, P., P. Knuba - 1) nn. per, Zliur Neorgan ?,'hin; N(7.- 1~ 1960) pp Cleaver-lltn~ Prei;s London ol. 60 k". Of A 136110. VAm 7~lev. V.* A Ws lev, V. A. arid others. IN PACKED COIAYMNS WM 19611 8 refs. S or'S St. 10 62-104S, ~Itml I Nsuk SSSR. Doklady, 1961, 401 ILIG. My' An transfer. Vibralloo. Thwers Wicals, Nitrates, Solvent d. TT. Y. 7. no. 10) 62-10434 L Romen. A. M. 2. V"Uev. V. A. *IQV WAVOW owsuwm=vnt lootope -11 q P3 lVa"Oes., As IL Rom 4, =po* A6 ,loin N Im m p"s Jkkk Ak Nwk BM* Sift47 Its in the Tb*M of Isotope Separatica, Zell$ 92 PO ........... .. X13~10# Pmeadlap or Um nrat AU- a6c.Coufaxeme an PAdlaUan Chodstry Pro~xi~m-'' Rf 100topes.0 1957j, goft5-C fp~ CORMUMMU bArMU Sal. boa =~tinu#us Mass Transfer in RectificaZiou by A. M. Rozeas 6 pp. rXill tr, IRUNI"i0tbrIC9-m per Dc* Ak Ibuk My Vol consultants Bureau Sci - d~ewivtry 56ICTo of the ExtractioL, for ~;tvat~G Elpe-troly;os Disscalutvd 1u 11.1'.- Pbase, ;by A. M. Rozrn, L. M. Gindin~ 1 K. i:,c.; pp. I il~j pv~r N)k. 144%*" 7, E 7j, C 'Z ,,.L960,. DDICL Luri pp botmom Cbddv CaLmlysts od water AM mUs Vol?)-# 190,P 10, X0 712,p Ed -tgljjl~ IL YL ~UWW-OOM Oil "ME AND VIROMME PROM AQJW,Ut 9DUMNS ON MDIWL ADSORBOM Wt~~ IOU COMM is voftkh R"mm VA mft pa,Walq* Ad"doxwo tr. try L lbumL (19621 llk~ OWOP ttKt 04 9 rels. [MO) 7*om 14 61* 1 : ~l olt-w Arm 071 oq~ SIA $1. 10 w2m i~ 1 11 7v0 w of Akodualys Hw& SML DolJody, 1161. am P. 20-24L Do k Wbwo* Mr. bW6 rr. io. 63-234M 1. RouN L Ys. a. CmRo Trmo-6136 sdasm lighwarml lefe"Th ocpdwdm vinsw wadi imutl., Lr Z~. Okied by D. Zhelti)-khin, 3 -pp. #'o vex zhur Prll*, nimo vo, MIll Dt-c"~ li~;1554~1~11PJ 1.33t. - C:rA C 42-155.)- cowill-talits Ppalxmu 1 hosom" nwbw*L~ v by M~ Iwo mom* VA I# Iva* ZLOWIW IWO 000 1959758 Va 7 of Vibrati=L! ton INIJIMUMI;k Influencing 1... 14bkin, 0. M. Rozen, L. SIAM', Sci jau 62 Scasitiv-1ty and It, by U. iumarkina, Bio'Liz) Vol VI) No 1, !961. 11*41 L V th-:~ T '-'%U(:. i u1 Vol 17; i I I Ihe Irfecl. of Nnetrating Radiation on the Suc,cinic IDshydrogemaso Activity of the Paren- chymtous rgans of White Rat.431 by A. A. Rogov, V. ROM62P ftuss~N, Or. Dya HUper Diol I Hadp Vol XLVIIj No go 1959# pp 74-76. Consultants Bureau swpt 159 Yodej IA-W, CC F' p.o. k~ato;O~T zlo I A T~C VarlLion Approacli to Livaillatiolia of the -ti od o~ Harmonic Balance, 'by Ye. 1,, Rozonbarscr, MiPSIA14., per, Iz kk Hauk JSS'-,j., oTi., To' i Idbernet I I Na 1~ 1964) !)P 111-123- JPM P-45-3,63 `7Z met~4ofjetlmting the Prodwtiv#y of Labor in Pet, = Processing, by V6 A. Bugrovp L. A. Rc= wom$ Eib per #wart moz, vai xxnn,, So 6,#. pp Tedhniua and Commvial Tr Sei6titifiii z4ginwring Jan 56 M /Mm VA PI 01 FMummy of the Acm in the nuarino %-:: ---- jtmtlow of Fluorine and the r t, Constoat 1?23~W it, tke Tampratwe g98.1 to 50wors by 1. V. Dutkov, Very Zhur 71s Mat Vol =Vj 1950v AW Tr Be Tr AJ51' 203 Pbwsic~ -7 No ot *am* 300 w ob"t M" VM Xk*mls46 %W A* fto 46, mi. "Nowo p mi Idol w9v so ks it Akio i t" PreparatLeft Ot Ramm, Block,, 7 7--~ "d Ia t O"Iyokwas AV R. A. Rvwembmrg~, goo, tMgWj.�WLmo Vol Is So 12o r 2C Sel jWS. TI-6 -I I 11 ritnt-Ifr IIL 1'4 3100;1OV3. N. FI)e1h.111M., 1, votlev. :~. S. 1. ~Og, .~ ;.. M%?(11 II)IN M' 111?~%TIONI I W CYCLIC MIGEN -c(NNTAINING 0 ,~M 11,,I~ NDA, M). 6, MuLECUL-W kkTIWIT DV- THIAt I WS Pt Itl 4, J(Ig, tc-I Ptkk lltvrit;.4 In T-1, N 1. 1,,-, No. 1. vVI'l -I 4-dcktia of Trw ALm;orptiat ior Cloud:; ait.- L by Vo 1kAa9vrj,, U U*; i L~i ki .IAbr. :)cklaw 'Ni ikZR. D-wtitit !,tix- llm~u~ Idlivaw-11twnnixia i,-Czl- Nam %k)v)rcwm Issica Ifil ~blalwv# .4"IROV 111'.~;rtsmyojo ElaktrackvLitva. j':'I',i0TU/Jd'-23-1437-07 6 37k) 96o4 1 I P09W 4C ftlak JWWm or a I I 5~1* bIr 0, va 96 ADw iI -_i all 1, p - - 11 i 1 ~ b 0 1 G. V. RozenberC I i ~i moft 9 Vol I '~ 0 1! Al M~ Oho Ac Aerosol Propeirties Deduced trop'' ~Opt leal Statues, I)y I;. V. Rosenberg. RUStiAmo, Toro 1xv AN SSSR, Fizika Atmos- i ~ I i - for 0 k0 Iwaa, -pp 1 9 4311 ~T- PST IWT-~'3-S93-68 S C.1 C e.11 Au,s .6, c~ r;l b r vu 17- r a w Fac ~turrl AffeatirW~ the of Deformation in~ puttiing, by A. -Rozenbej~g, K. Bassonov. IRUSSTAII,~ per, Tz Tomokogo-Ordena Trudov Krasnogo Z=M~rl. ~Toliteltb Inat lmani-Kirovu, i 1. V01. Law, 1~?57, PP 118-131- AW4 5359 MIS ~1 62 Iacresislog the Itffectlyonose of I yficalut0cm with WOO L. 1. up A. XR Rosokborgol pp. per,. Zbur MW*btol ftldeolol i U611noilo.1p Vol IMP 50 91p* 19580 pp 5& fty 59: MORPE Cozt~ i4tip'~to the Theory of the Process of the Cutt or. Ws j. by A. M. Rome~!Eg MA A. 1. I laq+mmapt- Vta 20,, So 10., 190 J, set )wow Lib 110 50/3392 air I L. ]PIP scient, ZI/ ot the CUtUng Posve in ftst Steel,, by A, IL__fti~gba& watuniop 3379pe Yost Nkshj Vol n1vo so is 195h.. Get *As Ub So 54/3677 Min/ibt*.'Ld Ner 55 am Rtmtrberil. ~A. Ya.1prxi vlasova, G. N. 61-23667 DEWRIAINMION 0jr !AJLPIiA*IT IONS BY DIRPCI' 1. Rozenk-ty, A. Ya. 'nTRA'lION 0111 A.I.IZAIUNE S (Opredelenic Sulfal- ll. Vlasova, G. N, 'Mcr" hirmimil, pr)"mi'mo pirmaniva s [ndikatorom _ Ill. RTS-1877 A arinonl~,S). July M (51p. 2 ref;' RTS 1877. IV, Dmarimem i,! SLIenlifl" rd 'r f I um OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-23667 and Industrial Rmearch (Gt. Brit.) rans. isf Kbi lljjcjjcsl~lc. V,..)IokT-.i (US%R) 19 19, no. 4, P. 67. M . I kFSCRIPI*0Rq: OSulfilzes, Ions, Dticumination, volumvirio:- was devist.-ti for determination ,:If suiph"tes lll~rlx. splOlling harb lind vIfIllent liqllor. Ind for ose 41r~illg colpilycle alinlysir of Ille spitilling i caki% 77v nwi!xxI millcii the determination o1 .1olp1mles wl"ll on (.1 161- wx Ilion, t1wil I oi. 2%. (Audwit) IT. v.0, it(;. S) Slio Clinicz~l. Aspects Ti seascs, RUISSIAN, bk, Voprosy No Apl ST 2'L':', of Psychor;es Dau to Chronic by A. Psikhintrii N(:-vropatlclogil, OTS 60-21173 PL-48o FDIVm(.w-qzati(',n Of Cyclic Oxygen-ConLaininE Compounds. Rept. 110. ~Copolymerizatlion Of Tetrahydrofuran With Alp%a-Oj:ide:s. *Dy B. A. Rozenberg, E. B. IAyudvir,,. N. V. Desrat;,,,'~Va, A~~ R. Gantmakher, S. S. Medvedev. RUSSIAN pe:~ Vysokowlek-ulyamye SoDdIneriya (usaR), SLA 711-i"it Fo2ymttarizati,5r. Of Cyclic OTygen-Containing Cz).Ip:)unds. Rep-.. 110. 6, iilDlem~lar Weight Distribution Of Poly-,et.-amethlone Oxile, by B. ~A. Rozenberg, H. V. Maklets~va. 1. V. Epeibaun, Ea 13. Lyudvllj~, S. S. Medvedev. RUSZIAN~ perl' YZsakomolek-uIyamye Soedirieniya (USSR). SrA TT-65-17(155 U z 3 8 Nr ad MPon Sao" ca *Mft irss 7 41L currents and Voltages Daring Single-Phase Short- Circuit iwIetworks With Auto-~ftmwformera, by Rmsim, per,, Blektricheetvo,, Plo 4, 1959, .PP 3-t-37. Soi - mectricity Oct 6o, DBIR LLU m.i676 (loan.) Rooncimy, ~f Sulturic Acid In *e ProducUon of Fertattors, by F, To Dwk-evatyj So 6, Hotenberg, 7 p 110983 Ow mft ftws Vol VIt 110 3, 19391 pp MA It-2"? .~LJ q= ^Midi OM-0161 ~ imp ="# by~ no yo 3 ON -nz State Optico-Mechazical Plan-. I -nr, trument., ror TAncar and kigle Measurements, by !)L-lyunc)v, riozeilberg, 6 pp. .11USIO) JAN, per, Itzmeritel Tekh, No 4, 196.!, P-te 1130e and Temperature fkastavmeatu in tobe Upporr X3 AtV--~Iopbere, by G. Rozectergg 12 pp. Txg tu Val D K TAX, POIrs UK Uspek Fiz leako Vol XXXIVII Fo 3,, Is Smi Tr Center acleatific Physics and epwuvphotogmplw or the night a r s*r the mararea Regiou or the spectrm, 3: th vi Ald at tW Mactrou-4tical Trauaducer', 1* to - : UaWkbl riz V, so 10.9p pp W-450. /fil Asmaramew7lin New Dat on he Composition and Temperature of the HighDr' lg~yet,' of the Atmosphere., by G. Rozenberg., 3 ppe RUSSUW,O mo j*r, Uspekh Fiz NaukL Vol XLIIj No 2. 1950P P~ 32? 732b. AITG F-M)-7404 scie..,itific -I!Plwsics Jan 1952 CTS Rtmet; Ore ill lAaht a Mmor Ploced ,rured Uli, Pull -trawtj AU=A%xo ~i* Uapckh nz vo~-Mlv, No 3, =11o 1953.1. PXC Tr 1:379 Sep 52 CTS/D= EXPERWEI MUDY-si IN PVZ'L ( 020orhum Tie" of D, WVgMGATION OP THE NOW FLOW OP NON-NEWTONIAN FLLRD6 4 1! SM, AM-54R75R m P. 7T# I Z m 2) Tr-64-22106 1. RacabM. G. D. U. A7S-54R75R M. A"odatedTochrAcal Servicm lw-. East Ono^ N. ottile An Expuvlmn~,t.,Ll Investigation of Nonatationary Flow in! Vise 10 .-Plastic Fluide, by G, D, Rozenberg., 4 pp 0 i RUSSIAN,; perk Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CXXIX., No 1, 1959.. pp 56-58. Amer Inst of Pbps Sov Pbya -Dok3j%dy Vol IV,, No 6 scl jul 6o A Digittil Saiw-gystem for the Automatic Progra=ing Controllof a~:Reveraible RoUing 14M Screwdown Mechanitim., by V. M. Ozerno., G. S. Romberg., 8 pp. RUSSIAji,, paro Aytomat L Telemakh., Vol XX, No LI, 1959P PP 152bY1536- I= br Soc of Awr Sci 'i - big Jul, 60 9 g- 11 ,! ortLoo at ftek IA"ro of a Lkdhrx ; ~ ~~ =~:Isaumq bw G, Vv 1*64.1bw q 34 pp. pp ; ) I- 62-18621 - ow nigUrtaN INSIDE A WEAKLY ADSORB- 1 t gorzenberg, G. V. ING, SCAT~'ERINO ME-DRAl AND SOME Pmsmc-rs OF SIEC"niOSCOFY. 11962124p. Igrels, orac, tnx~ cyrs o~q su $2. 60 62-186,71 Tran.j. of ka I ~Spektrosko"ya (USSR) 1958, v. 5. Z 4, 44P.' no. 4 1 4 DESGRIi'MRS: 6(*icm, Atmosphere, OLIght. Scmtttr6g.~ Polarl'iiOon, Flectrornagnetic waves, (Physic"- Qp1lcs,A-r. Y. 9. no. 6) ' q( tockkst Stryket L,,=Axmw otate 1n the WterJa,, crf a Wdlum lfjt6,~3p ftlclah Scattering., by G. V. Roreulvuxj~.j 6 Tj , i Optika I Spektxo.. Val My No 3,, pi OSA scl; HY45- Ight Ecotterin in the 2afthfa, Atmosphere, by ';~~V. Folau'beTjj~ 26 PP IspeM rj:a ja%*8 Vol LM, No 2, Lu,;) vors '0 1960, 173-AJ-10 AV 'Vol T*a 01 - Pb'" ab 61 J, J,n tbr, Atmo:~ 'bk, f>j~ozhektorrq-; I-lich V A AD S j. Abrai,~*ghi.on $peatroscopy of Diapersed IdaterialLig bly G.. 33 PP. RUL'S.'UTI) pt:%, Vapekbi Fiz ftk*j V03- 141,~: h. Alp Sov Pbys-Uspekbi Vol 11 (69)s No 5 ezl 'FMr. MUN' jillot::, Lh :,k! A- troll ighil. , by (7. V. Roz-eabe-,,. RIJ18,I)IM ~ bk. i .1-ci . 13 4th awarter i I 0,17 19 6 IS i I-lay 65 : "I i : i I Itenomenu, Their for~~Atmclspherc Research, pp - W.. Uspokhl Fi2 R6 441-54. Noturp.,. and Use by G. V. RMBUrgo N&UL-.. Vol LXXIXp Amer Xwt Of Phye ScA, Fayo - Uspekhl Vol VI,, no 2 Opectmoople Am~rsls ot Ught. A-ALA ow r ot oil by V*,PAmnbergp A3=9000 @or. as# Va. Mao 59 ~r;r` 4u' of, ttic G, RU ".131AU, Ila 2~j po r, DoX Ali Nauk c."SSRj Vol~nr, 1.1, 0 C, oc tic Blood SWItitute from a ~roo," bY po"dems PrcbUW Oewtalogl 141 Irovi, 1700 Is WAS pers"m Press Oct Hall A at the ftqWUn ejectem of the Body, A. !~~94MT# It. A. Rufteni. I. L. Ch-rtluw, IL 0. b"Obadem, 5 vp. ft*Uw &mtolw I S&L mrvrl.. =0 00 to IMs VP 307-6 i9 01:, Expl M)dibis Roa wr ROW^ 1960. rition in the Uktriy Sediments of the aA Wk Field. By P. K. Aziwv wid 1. B. 5 X*r,, Go" JbftI I Oamij, Vol IV.. No 10-B.. Sol ju 1 (DC-4666) Concen 'tratedlBalancing of the Repeater Section in the Measureiiientl6f the Length 91 or Connection of Reserve 1 11 Piece6lof Cable, by I. G. Rozenberg., 3 pp. RUSSIA.N.,~ perk, Vestnik Svyazi, No 41 1M, P 19. JPRS 6694 Sci Feb 1511, of *2 lk XONOP Alk "1d6 - I 1110 Nclod 19$14,980 lz~k! PO LII~fi~* 1) l.d.)S4,4mi a I Uiir F U. Urbtui Housing Suttlemout Areas Ijuring Invomonts for I-Iluir by III pp, Uiulctya Instytutu Budowitictwa %'o 7-8, Jul-Au4,~ 1964, pi; 3-5. A tlct Cott" camokaft by At IF ~rnl` i LIND Jo N3V ~l