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T. t c n ~C- 1:z rh on T*-ml. Abo ar6 the ftrmtion of the (if ThtpoIjIlby P%. Royer, ITMVII.. peep VC1 V~ no act Chemi Jill. 6P. lit the Gonatitution BenzyI Derivatives A. CM,adn- Dal Ooc Chim do ftance~ pp AM-1w. COIRO 7al prova~ t ln~ Cameras, by Rene Boyer, 12 pp. N teot~,~no 1,,064.,773. Dept cif Comerce Patent Offlce Sci Lib (gift) g 58 Hist6pathological Study of Losions Caused by 2-Acetyl- I 1 1. aminpiluorone in Different Oraims of Rats, by J. 0. Lau P. fti~illel~ R, Royerp G, Ru4al~Lp 12 ppo ru Ll t~ranalatioa. FRUicli, Bull.du emcerp pp Sm.catiific Medicine Vol XXXIX$ Do 4; 1952l RIB 613 Oct 55 I l L 61-27460 lee Dumall loyero Rel PROVINIMIT IN 11~E- PROMCIION AND AITAC711- 1. MIC: KAVS I...krr c).-, SOIX~S, AND 1111; RESUIXING 1. Royer, R. 1). ODUC',' [11priectionrlkment A la Fabrication et A la If. Patent (France) 1 165 852 se (let; icn Iles de 66aussurf:-N, et Prodult en R&md- Ill. Pa tent Office, Wtuilling- m1tr. I vj, 11. SAtil 61, 4p. (4 figs. ornitted). ton, 1). C. der fro,11 or -,I,A $1. 1() 61-27460 an,~. of Fr~mjdi pate-pt 1, 165,854', j,.r. 16, cl. 4, 0,, A 43 If, j4ppl. K) Nov 55, grantW . ~U) o"1 t18. julle SS, Pull 'MAIII, I It 1111:~ I'g I oil lwl loll, 11111talt-li, i.c.1111vt m invc-rll It .11S d1lEvs [1,00.1ralh, to shoe sul-z~ Imule of 1StX dall(w. a. %4(nyl cl~loride) which is diflicult Ow, m V i)-, ~11)1. bi:~, OtIke Ill its 11111 illsit, prop,,-ltlvs Imhzllk, I"r t~i" 111411111facturilliz of sho"'s 11.1k. lco):4d. fiv,il_~iit' 4.111111I)IL' SJIt"i. P-L' I- . "Plitisand R_-~rsoljaj J..'oulprilent, 1 1'. V. 1 I Off,(, of T.C),wcal st,--. 1 i 101 1 ', - , t ~ TLe D6t~'T~4%tiou of Smil Ammift CC t 11 1 Oxy, i0solve In Water,, by Jeen Terbarstal., oc~ ~r lir,, Valere R yp. OT, AA U-091 ation. r-AIC:9, per;,, W1 centre b*340 otude ot A e*~x (Lieae), Vol V11I,, 1950, pp 494- 5 00 ABC Tr 1738 79 !~-cieutif ic Chemiatry CTSAXX of 4"toaa koylovs, at s 3k.fmved 8pectra of Nitric Oxide Adsorbed m bwWIUCK~,~WtBUO Mmelr Salts and W al by -A9 No IOZMJnp 4 -pp. M Via., us 90 ovt:um i apektroo vol vn., No 6., IS 59" pp 74'-7(e-. OMA 4r Tht., Xtlfz*rea Spmtre of 11trie Oxide Adsorbed on hi4ic = chrcmic oxiaes, lqr L. m. novev., A. wfl~ M Ak S" MR,, Vol My$ So 3.,~ 19%1~vp 588-59D. Consultuts Bureau J~p 60 viido Absorptim BaW in the Xrrared Spectra of ;~'bsoe)~d l4ocules, by Lo M. Away., 3 PP. im,3141tj pe-rp Dok Ak Hook SM.. Vol CM=,p Ho PP 561,o%3 AXP SM Fbo- Doklady Vol V) no 4 Sci I-hT 61. A~4 ~7 j c2.,- 1 11 1 1 Tba I ~itaa;d Spectm of Watero Eth=ol., wA lbtbp-wl Ad s6i~od a ChV=ic Ogiftt AV L. M, lb"v and A. N. To re pp MAISMW.. gwllp Dok Ak No* SM., voi =av.. No el 113-37'6. kaft1tative ausau Sol ftb 60 Qhmigeu~~Iii thr. Infrarod Spectm of kolecul!~r, t~u,-'b-g j1heir Interacti= With Ax*,-cx-j--t"cn oF.jtIuw6.dum SlUcate Cate.4rat&p by i V. N. JPJ-IUmwv, A. N. TerevU) 8 RMXAX), per, OptAka i Sp&tro, Vol IV, So 195~0 3350 ATS 2$,=8R sa~ - Rip Kq~ 59 OTS, 10 od 0 1 = 0 1 tff i6- - ft-- "-I. b"Idellid memo BO&DW:Um Ali, AA ia4fPvt~hic'. Uses of ncri~ ~ 1, ,Tf44u, ~n Gcor~,Ca, "I I;. M~, x,qf,r, Acadesde deo Sciencoo , Comjrta3 RI 1: pjqf~i'jo Vol C M.V, No 17p pp 14,024-14:?J. S" 59-17737 act PC b t P. NO 4~ Vo 10..A.A~ - ~ I I an RlMblti4 Oz 0002 * Va 3,p A i i j i I i p I (~ /, , ("6 Q i, I i -e, I- t I I ! I I 7o -111h t Wchant Ah vr4 a Sol 4 ~.4 I MIA pp San Chat of the Veftical Dictribution of IF, Ion, by 1. L..!W~h srA 1. P. Lalcti'c:i~ Dak Ak Wauk WM, Vol CXX, No 1~ 1'358 Consullants Burenu At - ocupotant ce ftlange Partic3AS Agc6& U uls coamu-11W ammo by 1. 1. X- N- SVUIWni2l, 3 VP- zhw I 2"ret Piz,, Vol M=S, pp W-wo. AIP 133ir Pop-JXTP Vol Xns So 2 Apr PWkW~apbliall~r ACtIve ftrticlas by IbUJg Dwiug Atmapheric by'. RPY,fh.., 8' Rp a so* Solis Val xCiv I ;Pik* Mo. CMATDA-16W Qww"try Ago 55 CM 77; mom cip to mt D Wl Uwt~ou t* tim StWIV ot DiLf ft&Lon in gloctg*- itod NOUNS* by 30 Ikor"j, 4, "to 2ims is" JMUd-fiSL Vol 237t ~pp :694-1696p Ow Stamd Tr 70-37934 ON I ~~ A~ ~' 101566 ( EM ~11' 1110 W the Dopmesive aftation of the U's Dwruw Sebisapbrulat by A. 1. A. Savawll, U ppf mm"o v6,~ ;or, shk Ibuk GrusigBkU &so V61 lint ThWal, Apr 1952, pp 241-2.47's CIA/FW/U-6359 gal %be Fslmvea of Natral lt&lblU=j VCIf t: by j, A. Z. Ppytbaltv IT pp. =StAij, ZO: Mal7k VYVsh XWV D*pto2#o Tall Vt Mar-Avr M5,, PP IL73-U%. US JPIM/OC,-L-2210, act soy 50 On ht)UM ary ahjus of Generalized Sulutions of Lllil)t~ic Equ tions. by Ja, A, ko-rtbar2.,, i RUIS:Allli; rer- Duk A 14auk SNS14, 'Vol ISISD j"O is 1969P 1,1~ 41-.4,4v A 11~ th m ~ a Vol. No I,,u silo !iept-~)ct lar 70 .&0f eA 6nUilcn of Austenite In the Viciftity a ~h~-'bs 'Cz7vUl in Come Df lbrmation, B. Y~O tqd~~, A. L. Rcrytburd, pp. Sup), or ,bok Ak No* SM, Val =, No 5, Amer Imt of Fhwl) BOY Phys - Doklady V01 My ND 3 Sovjei iron pro,Epic~-S-' 195( 'b~ L.. Trar,siat- n,d ateel, industry: development and DSCOW., Foreign IAnguages Publishing House., the Russian. DSIR 669.1 Lending Lib Unit Be 12215/0 Waya t6 ~nci%4pse Labor Productivity in USM Ferrou6 letailurgy., by L. Roytbw!4., P-8 pp. I m0 Russ:um,I er, vop mcon., Do U;, moscowp Nov L95 ll~ 40 - 52 -. CiA/m,)Aj-7047 USSR 00 Econ CTS ~ 59 r 111M ,~ JbtA I IWa 12 OW UM Dow1rd the FIM Me- 4LL 'No T. Gatitsarm, Le Ile 107tbwdo 52 pp. 0211"Univa assa X Ems No Isom MDOMIm, M3# PP 1-31- CTA/M/U-~WU CTS my ON THE THEORY OF A GYROSCOPIC ";ERVOSYSTEM WITH RkO~* NOItE. BY L. YA. ROYTENEIERGP 7 PP. RU-Mm.- PERp D0K AK NAUK SSSR) VOL CXI-Ilp NO 51 191 o P7 1650-1053- 9677947 FTD-7-62-770 SCi - PHYS 207,96o AUU 6Z .06~ oe ~,Iauwlatim of Distwrbmeas in 2ramient 1, Lih&w Upasive System, by Ya. N. Roytenberg, 4 in, rp PrIk Hatamt I Mkh,, Vol XXII Ylo I'q PP 534-535- Perpmi ]hot P"M 159 5e 2r Omb mat, 04:1. ftw~'Icsp Mathematics "TOBCOIC Vertical# by Ya. N. Roytenberg,, lit tim pw' . PrIk *tewt I HOkh, Vol X., No 1p VP 101-IAO C3A#I)D/U-7812 (FDD '.029'T) Appli(W Tb6ory of Gyroscopes, by Y~-.N. Royteabergio 31 RUBSV~-N) b~k$ Mekiamnilka Y. 8138IR sa Trldtsat' Let, hlOseovAArarqqmd, ).-~5u, PP 115-129- CIA/FDD/U-'(-366 USSR Sci -Iftgtheering,, gyroscopes Feb cTs Oa taic Theo Ity of Pulsed Servosyrtems, by Ya, Y4. .6cnba` n m s x --v 4r6r? rriua(in" mrtem i mek;-,, vol xxlv,. NO 2). 19' )0,. .17P .100, -315. Interntl Phyo Index Vol II, No 10 Sci ON. mlyn AuE; 60 (DC-"9) millitoo Do 1k for laterm6tate ATS Squipmat,, by Y . 0.~ Kob-&ts'p YOO me R" a, _~Ierg, 10 pp. r., Vostalk Svyasls Ilo 8p 1952# pp B-10. JPR8 660? SO I : '> Feb 6i '00, (HY-5087) 11"id 001rating aW Tecludcal. Iaformation on the kllode~niiad ATS-47 Equipmutp by Ye. H. Roytombarg, pp-I f USSWO 'Ver, V*stnik Sv)-azi., No 7; 1957. JM 7030 ;3c1. ar, 4 Yeb Iloy4o"llumm, 7 pl." 3 "311A Mar U.A A:', L'.. '12- -.',-'L/6o (NY-4~1,5t) An RSL for Long Two-Wire Trunk Lines, by Ye. M. RoytleItlberj!~'~ V. A. Goryachrev, 1; pp. RUS31AN Or Veatnik Svyujzi, No iO, 1,15 JPRS 7CO5 ;ci ffan ecta 1 -1 jSXA 11.,! x 2.0~ Oul 57 airr'l-auy on glactrodes Dwring ljigh-aiar&V ';;iilwough in a Ifigh Vainum, by N. B. Roza- uiovskiy2 pp - patrp ra Ak Hauk SMp Ger Fiz.9 Vol XX) 1956~ pp ap"--200. - // Coltabia Ikeeb (NY-183o) HIGH SPEED iCHEMICAL CATALYSISj BY V. A. ROYTER, 1 3 pp., ~ I RUSSIAN, NIP., PRAVDA UKRAINYO 6 JUN 1962. $( JPRS 15246; USSR ~ ECON SCI - CHDI SEP 62, 210.,008 &at tm%Wflor in Assaw e&svip by B. D. Petukhm,, : 1~ 0, 32 pp. a Ina' ft 3p 3,9639 jw im 2033k 65 23Tv 378 Imot1ptiono of Surface Areas by the Nethod 1 1, of bn~owb Mmtt and T611w I. Mm B-PoInt as ChumtorletIC emstants, b]r P. A. Ortbj, K. Buths. Q~pw Porg A Avorg-Allps Chm1ej. Vol CMJ=I,, 841 9 02 Ipq At* 3.9 f Tr.,vnsi,,3tars in ~,,dse IJ lit. z Ran-lct-t:-~-r;r VC, A, ig pr( rolosi ma Oxw aLmUmh b7 to so Ma SO As vwgblqmoovas 0 oar.. r,9 Iwo 4- La t act a Crzei~agi;- of tLc ~w ;40 C1469 04, COUDolloatioul by S. A. 1 1! fici Mus Lib TT 57/3-5,25 "Id 6c 4C*IA 101i ~Rl ~;Ls BELMEL: GRI.TN- J"GEN I M SEI~EICH DOR INDL14TIlIEBFTRIE BE I#D FABRIKO (~Irlmer I~iltoiwl lbdrailmlya: %lece Notu kb*zi it na To )~rltortyu Zsvodov I '&Erik). Bp. *r L-12KII ~ )r&r fmrn as ~ft-GS-27181 rr~w. in Gi rmkirl prllu~i. (USSR) 1963. 1. Stichtlrqt v(*)r %loetIlli. To4r-g.%nkvll)ke Weten- schippellIke Literalwir Nethcrlh.)115) Lumqwan Ti.Anslatioto Centre r T~wsiom by A. Rox*Uy*Tp 8 pp. Lug' ~per) i0eadezist., 110 11-121? 1934j, PP 67-72. im R-M-N/45 ug - 0000097 &L Tht! Signiftemmee Of th& CoutrolTeleacope Iz the . I I MetaurL"Mact Of Horit=tbl Angles, by A. ftozaliyevp 3 iv, RWSIA~j po Irp O*Wozlsto So 2., M5; pp 40-48. RU set - stag P~,Ofacftsy Feb 61 on aloboNklobw a" to affte. Rqi,.Lacement of Halogen in Azo CompoundL;. II. 'Replacement of CUorine Atomj in Dijano k s From 3j,3 -Dicldorobemddine by AL J~3 kov ml k.-oxy Grcrupj and the PreparaLion of ]~,thers "of l~14'-Diamino-3,---,'-Diiiydroyybiplienyl, N. A. Rozanel'skar B. I. Stepanov, pp. 11 SIAI~ per * 7%ur Gbahch I-alim, Vol X_UI, ac'i 1~01 3) J' Pip 758 II., .- -763. CB 195)181 T~p Ck 5 by A. A. Rozanov, np, i I *LIS IL "L41 1~ aPoeliVoVed., No 3-4; PP i ~ JI ortaln FVope I ieo of Zr - Nb ILUoye j, by A. A. Rozanov, 141, SkoioV, ill pp. UNCWSILPIED tms.ujv.,~ I)Imo psr.. Atomnva Enaratys.. Val U., 957 P A2C Tr 3133 ~J-Y 02 ~17 b 56 WMAX TralniM and &mlally UbefU 'Work, by A. G. pier., WwJml'uW GWm~lao No By 1960. Materift Artis & Dd Press smiet Eftowam Vol ms, so 15 UROR Aw. &L US AmU U 4w the bhum hvAir Vol 346t6O7 rist~4bsil, wsi of ve 1~ I IwOiz% 1 VOI! 64V VO,t of Jun 'on of Nitr*Uw md 141trites In the 03rtb ladtam Ocemas $y A, G, Posmovo wam 13 pp,, or !M& !=Ulm& 10221511.1.&. 64: pp 941-101. vy tr $349 MOD tir 323 V $cl 4 Ocemorratilly 327o628 2,e loess iftoblm and the Formation of Serozesm., b) - A I - l6anov,, 23 pp - 9WO445 Mssvis, P~ws FOchv0"deDLYet 110 71 1952;. pp 028 60-22845 PLUID 61 PM, 246 Sighlficnhcu of Su"nsioniin Irri.Sated Water fox; the ('If'6reain. FertUlty ani Mnlioration o.-' I TiPted' SoUa, by A.N. Rozanov, 10 pp, RMS,4N, per, Pochvoveden4e,. No 2, 1959, pp 8-18, Amer laat ot Biol Sci c i recl 60 13' Effact zirmbd A. 11.~J (NY-3913) Alloying on Young's Modulus of i, ~y Yu. F. Bychkov.. A., F. Klimov, anav, D. X. Skorov, 17 pp. bk$,Hetallurglya I XeUllovedeulye No+~%Ilov, 116 1, 1959, pp 231-243. JPM 5195 Sci -KLn tals B~p 60 13 (NY-393.3 CM nt 6 ftsical Properties )>uring Decomposition of the ~r-Aase in an AUoy of lZirconlum With 15% ftdbiml~ by Xu. T. Bychkav, A. N. Rozanov, 8 RM3W, bk,' matauurgiYaL jL vxualovedeniye Chid* Metanov.. No I., 195~x yp 224-230. JPRS 5195 Bei Sep 60 Ro:~di A Ams iL Kwra,Ar',~ks Int-ItA ta K& W~j 0 2 N. 1954 is of Plains and Fcothills of the Kura- (zonft1Inyye Pcichn- Ravnin i Predgoriy S~koy Nizmennosti). Trudy, Pochvennoro- V. V. Dokuchaeva, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. In Russian. XLIV pp. stLlWzatlO'O and Mallomtiom of Irrigated Soils) by A. 10 Roze O-vv 36 Wwazbs Pri, 0"%"anly on 6o-5nql PL-48o lkll -Oso;4s PIT lv'rmi Slaetic Modulue a Zr - lb Alloya, Slovov, P. 2;ychkov, A. 11. 192~~ D. 14. ly yu'l~ 7~ PP. t'T4CJASSXFIM b1no per, 1957), ~Ipp 152-156. I?pb 9,18 Atomnaya finerglyn, Vol 11~ A "C Tr 3 13 7 The~Sbr=46a MMSI~Ns Up EWJ - Gecwk Ni. 6e by A. N. Ito-.anov, of Central ASia SarozeW Brefted Aziij, 1951. om 60-PMVI. PL-480 LetL,-raination of the Solubility of Metale ~n Lithium, by Yu. F. Bycbkov, A. H. FoLw,.ov, Yml~ov.Lwm, 6 Vol VTT RIMESIAN, per.. Man Knorg, No 6 PP531-536. CB Jun 61 m I i R~gsld j~~ 61-4. E1101 Am 61 oes on the Soil of Iran.. by A - N. 7 PP, rwt FoamVedeaves ]go 71 1959P AM / 57 7.) 2 q~ (NY-3913) Constitaici,Ml Diagram of Zirccnium-Niobtim) by ~U~ i3YQkliwT, Aw He ROMnOyl Dv Al- SXOrOv, 17 PP- lliwi:AN) b) t., Met~&Uvjglya i MetaUovedeniye Ch:Lrsiy~ll wiltalloy, No I, 1959P pp 179-191. JM 5179 AU.3 4:4-1 '7" /,7 (w-6363-) M,,O,tAiod of DrioWng an Autaratic Contiul *tem With Nearly Optlum Mmmient Oonditima, by ~A. V.4 %Zawv., V. I. maltenIm 8 pp. ,6 perp Aektrxiborudovpzi~rc pp 63-0. Sd - Rucum 61 h Octitod ior nit-amcting an Au-comati~: tlont,~ol Y. j 01, Systan WhosLe Transtant it. Clos--~ t- by 'A, V. ltoxanovp, V, L Kukht5nko; 9 p WKWANO bkg Saaolctnoya Eloktrooboru-1, M0'rongit 1%0,, pp 63-49. %78817 FtD-17-0-973 Dm~,. 62 A 5tliltq of* Org,aM,Xim o R ADI. WS p pp se c Ju n66 Thiochrow-.G35 Metabolium in the ~ ~Ilhite 'Rati; , by A. Ira, Roznnov,, 2 Vol Y,XTlf, ln9~) CD Mvtoib ism' of lhiamiae-05 Phosphoric F.Pters in Ardmai Org~iaevsby A. Ya. Rozanov~ 7 PP. RtSBUN.. ]~,er, 131okbim.. Vol XXV No 6, 1960) 11 Y Pik CB SCI 15-7 57o on of p= phoopMrus Raters of Mr. I By As TA& PP* rlp Blow".. Vol Wo ND 2j, 1960l pp 'W", 2330 1 SM we Sci scrr 60 S-;-A,y~ of the Metabolism of Radioactive Thiwaine ill An~jnal jOi-mism, by A. Ya. Rozanov. N. D. A. Tsuverki-lov., L. V. SYICrr~,- rOr'n-a. 6 1,~er.. Trud~- Vces Kba-'er I.I.ed Ra;-Iiol.. P11 0C a,zi-jer M'Odi RacU ol, Moscow, 1-95",' IOC Tr '36CII Oc t IM&W DL*Ulftde imd AUlthiamine in Avlem,p by A, Ya. Bmuu3ov-W 8 p1p, 114, pm,~lUckMaSY&O Vol XWa, so 4, 1962,p al,~oo i, . i j I an I 63 1 i 3~e2 -11 2200 Itio Oct of Memel elm an the awrotion of uda*tw (AWirto.) Sa the MIUm by 'It ~t, , I ftkolbLo' VOL xup no w I got wt4am or us awwman or ACU In the SmUn AnIsM Onpulami. 6 iv. lbi mmv ft 20 WWI OOW-Alwts box"= 7*1 Son Qf tdades.435 &dAW by the :rsvw&iW!cc $m Aol=3 OVWLsal by A. Is. pp Kew"# Vol 30=9 so 5,9 ms" to tht Q-11--stic-11 of tho of ~nj~iuuWa nroawovn III rhe" )mima'I t~i ~]110 ".10vv 5 pp - biokbilayal, Vol XXIII., mo Consul.tants hurL-:~u 5421; ctutim Nor 56 MUM, I IWA. ft NINON W41U 1 mug t mime -T-,v'vt~ Dat-i oi-, Pxchsaocyatha of th--a 4 pp. WSSIATI,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS!i: Yol (;Xxxl~ ifo icl6b, pp '663..666. AGI Jimal 61 Sw-l ot th~ Add Ommm Trq*al Zom of Bmms by B, G. No,"'w aind I* No Mswmao ps 8 Rum"t OTS uninssudwwo No 3s 1962v pp. 73 - 82 SsripU Teobrdoa Alo AW,: 63 AntomatialCompensation of Tilting Mo7ement of the I i R jIm; Bye,raulic Forging Preases., by B. V. Rozan V* P. Lints. 1111-3SIANI or,, Xuanechno-Shtenjovo-chnoe Proiz., No ls6l', PP 38-14- 3 DISI 2885 11st 1148 L .-7# B. Go Rozanov Pit by U7 Cbcv,~dD,.,mlR'iYoj. 1960.p P 55 PP- 96'112-LO 4. r im~e-~Iftll draulic Presseg b~- B. V. Ro--anov F ub: U.TAIi MIPper, Ycat Mashinoutroy) '-Vol 0 pp ATIC-*F-T-S-90. 70/'V Eci En."Aneering, review Apr 5B of the Gh-.rdcn1 Structure of the %nnpy Polymer of DI ScIprojenylt A. I. Sn"cskov-a,P,.F. Ro7-nov, rm. R 133.9 11 Zhur Obahch Dim, Vol Y-,TIp go 5 liar 62 laf'A%fL'vCa Absorption Speatra od! Zirconlim Rbodmi4a cam~j~xaa; by Yu. Ya. Marltum, I. A. Pmanov., RUSSANO 4W.F It AX ftuk WMP Otdal Yhlyn Nauk,, Ii to I 1969s Iv WJ". CB VV-~ 63 233,.3k Of Ou -'aftepmuslit AM C*PftbWlAy,*f %6 ftleoz-01C of Dubldrp by Le No Roiamr, 3.0 P99 PW- Oft"Op Naksp va no X0 a* lVdAve of Boni" 00020a Ck* or the baomp"b Imutuft ROPNRVbj. by L. S. Swanw. r on# Vol )ONO so 80 19600 286 (k rt Rozranov~ 5 pi). in~ 62 Some Results of Stress to Rupture Under CIWAIAOM M of Variable Stress and T=pev urol~ by M. P. Rowneg,3. I. Rusanoyr- MISBTA~, Peirs Energomashy Vol VI., Nov 1960., 1. PP 36-39. BIBI 2066 mv 6;~