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Thv;-Thrhavl~our ot the Surface 411,or of Metab3 911bJetAod !to Mechanical and Thei=1 Procoszas,, X- 06vinsktY, V- I- Nok4Y4,v* 7 PP- 11101 ii'~'Ib-j Fit Metal I 14OUll-o Vol Vp 110 260 19510,~PIP 3 39 - Pergemon Inst SCA JjinAlat lcly The 11 Rel~~ bw tIOMbIP Of StrsqIM IM DYDO&Lo TensLon, by B - k. Rovib'Okl L. M. Rybdowa, 6 pp RMS"ANS per 712 woul. I MRtallow Vol il no 41 19601 PP~598-605 Sol mw (a 15-1030 Tile skfeet of PMious cyono I andliPiastic Deformation on Vni "~r6nos !~cf a Hotel, by 13. M. 6 pp suissm, owo ris mw i IM 1~601 pp 60&-Q2 S131 NW161 Hut Treatuent ft"n"and ROT fnskt mounov, val us pp A rl 0 Hillp Texporatare Stu* of A.LLoys, t~ie Phase3 of Obld~ Ham~te Tdontical Latticoo With Nmrly the Same :'Iarcl~mstitq,s, b*y T. T. Titarankot B. M. RaviuskJy, I Us ~s kN., er,, FIZ Metal j IL916LUP Vol VTTT, ~jr, 3t, p pp M;,.r 61 Thf~ PW fect ~& Oe Size of CUstC Grains on the stre~If;~,ReljIXa-Umn In Pure Vptalo,' by V. 0. Liutnau, 1 1 -& B. 1C.: qOv,'6kiy,, 3.1 pp. RDf,S%Rlg, m6~per., Iz Ak Jkuk M%l, Otdel- Tekh jaidL., No 5, 19514rliv 91-911. SIA ft-1004 Mw 50 FA Noloaftv Dd"m 060trw end it, , itterin AUMov IW IL IL 9wbWkl 5 Apr Kri all xwmya, voi vin, Amw lowit of RVe am FAWs Cryatal Vol Mrs So 5 253#965 a-: tlu~ of r, L 1 14 1 of "Ref0=11 SiLreaues) by N. P, M, Roviwkiy., B. V. 6111"L.1o'.. RUSSIM" Pin,, Zsvod Lrbl Vol X',(V, No 10, 1959, Pr, Instru SOC of Amer Sc i I -~ 667 US-4 ROVINSKII 6. M. Depen(Jence of the mechanical properties of solids on the atomic. actioli In the lattice Im i Akad. Nauk SSSR. Otdel. Teklin. Nauk, No. 9, 55-64 oil lowly 60-16981 - English E u r a t o rn Beh6vlor of Thin Surface layer of Met-m-1 In Z~ne of Stivas Concentration, by V. 1. tvlo"~Yevnr B. 14. Roviuu4~yj 1h pp. HUBSIU, per, 1z Ak Hauk E-SSR, Otdel TeW~,~ Nauh., No 10, 19!~4, p1, 14 -21,~. 3ci MIUB L11j - 55/31496- SO. - Physics, Minerals/wtal A ~ 4 4,-191 Bre-Ski, of Crystal Blocks and Appearance of Kicrostresuss in,,pe tal Duriiag Pla,,tic Deformation, by B Ho inski L, M, RYiAkova) 7 PP- Wipers Is Ak wauk bawas Mal Tekh Nauk, No Rukali~p 64; Oct 419 Noce 52v p 1 -1407. R-37216 W- R SO - r, '- c ~ e / /-, A LaIL Toc. "-d-Strain" Obt"~ 1; d FIOLordlup, I'latnod, by B. M. V 1.1 a 10- 1 L 'I Y, 3 PP- per., Livod Iab~Vnl XXIV, NO 11, 1953 pp Iwatru Soc of Amer ,q)- 616 .1'.. tiodi or Oriented Microstresses I. by B. M. V. G. Llutsmu., 5 yp. mo per,, Mar Tekb Fit., Vol XXIII0 No 2,, 1957P pp j45-350. Anar Inst or Phys Soy Physo Tech Phys VcLI n j No 2 sai Ph3miics Jim d~ St it so sidwa X-gay Otmlwi Pro&wed in I*t&U b7 6 Pl"tla DermMI&M. Part ne-P kr- mml .0 iml S Mur Tekh Fit., VOOL Mao No Uo 1951m, ~ ; 1, 1135-1 CIAAMA-2369 +4 5 /C. .5 ccmtr 'QUOO ~to the Theory of the Hu*&nlng of .110tal6.11 2. Blectron Density atWI Chwalcal r3fecte in th' Latt of the Solid Solution of Aluminum in ,~ol' rp B. M. Ravinwdys "r pp. 3USS smo, per,, Mur Tekh ?is# vol mis No it 1952#,; vo 63~11,(As Sei Havium Lib No 53/2359 I ontit ic -4, Minerals/ketau Mar 54 1= A cuwm B,, P-0 missiat szt pby~ alp 57, for MMov X-Ray Mcroscopy,, by V, G. ZW Ilutteau, 3 PP. per, Is Ak Nauk SBOR,, Ser Fix,, Vol XX,, 853- Colmida Tech z r6 'If A Noole A*** X-fty NicrWrojom-tor,, by S. H. 'JIV. 0. Liutteau, A. I. Awdeyenko, IL pp. JRUSSIO9 so per As Ak Nauk BMIR.4 Ber Fizjs Vol XX.9 lic 7 PP ki-W- Coluidb-.,.a Tecb Sa pbyi fkIp!.57 St. ll~t a in Wtal During ml e 14, Rybakovs. YL jz~ r t 'Arz Ak Ilimt; 0 Tokh ~~auk,,,XX NO 9.. 1953.. PY. 1241-3-247 Tr the Strwture or Crystal I i tep in by D. IL hWI=Wp L.M. Rybakomp 9 pp" Ser Fig. Vol XV.9 2v pir Is Ak Nauk RSM Ik c7. ICWIUOWG Of PftllMlrgLrY PJASUC Def or=tion ou ipwimmum in lietalso by D. H. yu X4 B. M" lp 5 pp - a pero Iz A 16juk SM,, owel rL)akb 10,11954o yp 57-60. uk,o so Sci Mus Lib 56/GW-3 Minerale/Metale, Pbyoics Ravins~ iud shoysby, V. M. OFT .W -.110F TM ILAUSCMNOR EFFHG-r 22 Sep 60 191p. (Ub~s. amitteM 11 refs. NBS: S_30210-41 "&- OL-1143-1). Order frommi LC or 1.4A mi$I - 80, ph$l - 80 61-13644 Tranu. Toplivo, 19S9, no. Nauk SSSR. Otdclenlye kWKIYA: MetAllurglys I p. 137-141. It is i bcown Owt the emer) during resld:;~iented t convel3thiml yield verse print in cart nitudc of'ie6ldual 4 preliminiro deorr of 0.! - to 1. SAC. atm micrtetrulti~canl stralt,a craimed by (Meta Uurgy,--Smw Imuscidager effect depends on tte m*mxIal plaslic deformation of esomealno. The reduction of the Ant during reloading of the re- Itted satisfactorily with the mal;- lesitex mJcrowxalne arising aftim Olon, mom favorably in the region dw magnitude of residual oriemed suitruned up with macroscopic ~e extexnal ked. From the ii7A! of cal. T1r, v. 5. no. 4) (over) 61-13844 1. Single Crystals (Xlemflurgy)- -Defornution 2. Title: Bauschinger effect 1 - Rovinskiy. R. M. 11. Sinaysitly, V. M.. Ill. NBS-S-30210-61 IV. J1116- It - 1143-1) V. joint Publications Research Service. Washington. D. C. offiev of Yechm4cei S~Cvs DiStiortloms, ill the CryBtal jALL'U.-'Lcc in Alloye E-~s-W"A on!:Nickel at Temperatures of 20-500~01 Salcoilov) G. M."' A pp. RU . aSIM.,.per, Piz Metal i Wtall, Vol VII, tic, 19:59Y pp 79-90. pp Sci AU& 60 Is* of Dmxity In the loy V* 1, gritshoyas I Topro Fla Tel Is* 309339 Aram""* R11, ~: tYl ~t in the Autcaotive IlldllltrY, ~ak J T. h. IIA40jachav, P. Tovetkcrv, G. R?v 5 n Vtonmicbegkoya Gazetz , ~!5 JPP.s ii3li'Z, tj. 1'7f App~~ I OhOWMINO ]A A09W 9 A, ov"04AWN Wo It** POVLrAftys Im Mal -143 36?. w CLtact 4 A. "Ply I A 2vir4, ..171 - 6 Bw=u -Bic 9 1 10 f(ximideas b~ in 4 Ll scene With ~cblorcvwtbyl) Antbr I A. S. Rovins.k~yr zhur Obahch Mlim,t Vol W; No 2~ 19WY 646--64,t', CD too of TimucluS so& Crediting of "twoUp by I. X- ROVIDSMYs 332 PP- OXA/MD Tr ud I ,o! i I - Rimuclog and Crediting of capital OTO &/tun 55 'si.or of 11%orium c-nd a N"I'-Tuag-ten Electrodec. in li~l (I Mau'&I~E; ".,.n Xenort j by R% E. ~i v jw~o,jj 0~0;eo, l 2 pp ~pcirl Radictekh L95!;~j Pp '1,018-1025 v-0! IV) i*o o, pp 1141tullp kWl Of Lij~)lt Und :Aolrtrac ar.-,uxtcrj Its ki Gdio Wil 110 'Clil 4ou 1112 jry a9l Aircraft i !by Y Luel. a. Ya, 161S~a~ ~bk, 1-bsovw,, l'R60,, flat - Aero lul 61 Engines. Atomic Aviation NDdorsXty',, To. V. Tooriya Aviatslowyky Dvig,,,xt-elpy; pp 29-32. 967oi67 ATIC W-L-932/1 ProiduettIm Of Ozone by Silent Miectric Discharm., 6 1! bi ftstovskyj A. z - Ftminwwj 6 pp WMIAN no per, Mmr Prik Mft,, Vol XXIX., No 9., 86 7VA. m 1309-LU5. Comatants Dareau .3-57 67- Vozturcri ckf --n Zemon DUcharga) by P. Vol. 11, ~o 1, N(uw Motbods of Recording Water i.)rops; Ks Ya~ Rov.. r 3 pp Ll 1,,ar, 17. AV, Nauk. 55SR, Ge 1 7; ).959, i~-r) .1076-3-078. Pxier Gcopiiys Union 19ci Aug 60 A OmtrilatIm IW ZU On In the Bodl= MAORMO god Amm1m &afttov by x. J. No, IL ftwUs,j U IV. spmxmo~ 240, VU V x Ib 202o 1958v VP 3211- IWO, 30. Assm ftab Sov sp Sol - aim 0m xp~ Apr $9, The Sha5m cdol f ield in Th-. Tyumon Region BY r-P 5 Niolo- firitl i 7:,~ 1Y) :4'0 "Ll-13; Sci Aug la the Caabt=tlm or IAM~~ ned ftDgt by t. F A ro Mom Kov AMS J, 141 lie, Poid Dirferences Be, Or~'ah-Speciflc Antigens, by Z. i. fIU'VLIOVLI J, (I r)'j). PILTISTAN) piliv, Byul Bkoper Biol 4. Medi, 10101. XT'.-T No 11, 195T, pp 94-99. SC I -, Redicline Consultants 8ureau 0 cc 10 mmne-817ecific Stra tlo~ Mind D;~jvlcpneat )f the 8 PP. i it OakoloG.U, Vo~). i~j ic'. , 1 ..4 PP Pergamun Prcac Sc I /,!1 -2 6b 7~' C The lar, v oe of Specific Imine Serum on the Gro%rt,h 4 , ~,lieh Ascites Twour, by Z. 1. T RM, Pe Vaprovy Onkologit, Vol Vi No 3~ IA IMP 33ii6.137 Pergma Pratte sc I -web (0 lj~ Action 4 a ftealfta Mmum Iftrum an tbia !I 1 111 o by Z. 1. top Pam Met 76%0?1 MOIAS Rpul 00 DW I Wd.. Vol XLVnj so it .,4. Cr. AuS fVfe Diotootton of Inoomplete Antibodies in Dogs eter O~Ioioplastic Transplmntation of Various Ch%awf, by Z. !,_,RqM2y!? 7 pp. :RUSSIA;N,, par,, Byul 1960, pp79. Sot &41 Eksper Biol i iied, Vol L,Nojj. CS 5- WAM or Ifte-ft rous I I A Namum to ftedr Apeasm IL AWOPABW. L 2. armovao 4 IV?, Igot Mal I gas, "I u1s, 7$696~ On ",-he Prot ~ i Antigen of RUSI LU SCi - Wd My 51 Of the Exogen. - Ous Origin of the jtumor 063 K-Is by Z. 1. Rovnova, 5 pp. perk. Skeper Diol 1, Ned, Vol EMI, 7.. lpp 84. CODOultants Bureau Irepirati bn of Specific Influeaza Antisera, by 2. LI Rovn`ova, 6 pp. FUSSIAR., per,, Vop Virusolog., 'Vol IV, No 4. 1959.. 5 rp, 465-476- Pergmmon Pmas Sci i ul (>O ji ON** of a ftow ftm I by 30 =w a =30 A. W, Ron 3"t 83T (SP-1499) I Pcxlolb llt~es for Beiawcb on Madleal sblcigs Prc o~, SPOIS1 Upiflome to the Polish 806DOW) bY MwmrY T YP. polamp Polskq WgodWk lAkwok:L., Vol XV,, No 49,, 5 DDO vp 189840bo. aw. 0 Jbd Ap~ &~ JM 4471 1,0~4 W-00'a -487h) Baleittists i and Research Work in the Medical AcubdoiUv Of Poland, by XOUVMr ),~4W Aski, Part L, n, 23 pu~ 4 port Polski Tygodaik t4tkareki, Vol V, NO Zi 22 AUs 1960, pp lVl-1'3:.17j So 35j. 2-9 M* 1.901, Vp 1366-1369. im OQ me r6i o2/4 no PO pp n 448 I '." - 1-1 pmdkpumw of R"WOMIS nmoo tw hommidm1p )b IL2. 1964. IFMW307 I .1 -L)'. ,,;,,)I, ,,NiI,I 3W,603 WM-~ji flause il U"Vt (SF-2~00) PROUEM~' OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS BkTkEN ~~OC I AL I ST AND CAP I TAL I ST COONTR I ES., 13~ kAW~IERZ ROWNY 24 pp. Pol.~ISH.. HER, HANDEL ZAGRANICZNY) tio 6., 1962Y pp 274-2.79. JPRS 0661 EF, !10 POIAND ECOM 205,661 Thv~at,~O~n of Cable Faults by Means of the Pulse- D~ Bch '~iethO4 by H. Rowschlau, GRIN petv Hlekt*izitatswIrtsch*ft,, No 5, 1961. pp NZDIA At 6& m IRS Tdhtdtiv~6a Boudd~is:],tes 6t Mlycli Reve rse '~Tramit Nov de Pekin pour Discrediter les, Chefs Musulmns., by A. J. Roy) JPRS- fW-2024 molk- (IfY -2,96 4 - IR ..ping Att~~empts to Discredit Buddhist and Moslen, beet,derb, b A. J. Roy) ENCLISH to FRENCH, monograph) 7 pp, Apr 195Q. *JPIIS/SP ECIAL FE - ChIna Soc 27 -lug 159 gy, Her ri r_cl-S$FLJI,l AIMAL BRE-EXING. A QUES-nON OF ALUAT,Nd 'hiE BRItHDING VALIm. AND INPLU- CINIG I III; HNVI 110h'MENT (Erfolgrelche Tierzucht ic Frap! dt~r Zuch[Ix:4rtvi lung und der Unwel(gestal- J,-,r froi I SLA $1.60 of iioi*aJSch%huL,r. Lexikon fUr die Land-Airt- Urr )Ri. 4,Reprodiwilon, *Cwnctics, Fertility. Eco otc.IL, Agricillurt-, *Animals. 1. Ro), ff. I ultwe-~Ajiimal HOPINindry, 11'. v. 7. no. 7) Offic. *1 T.C6.C.1 S.-Ic.5 tboMMOUpka Used in T-herml Pwor ba J. DomVers., J- ft, ,r, IWnw Gen. Thantigm, Vol. 3, e), vp wn*ms -::Y. k o y i 4'u .. ~ 47 liu:l .14 37-1- 1 Factons, Waro ASSOC f6titpi3w. ''Uritii.-101, it i T. -TIV77, r lbos IlAil U4uo6,* Interviev In F&Ungt by Jules I 11JI per 26 Dot, 1 110V 1gr ;1 0, Ir an pp ~ 28-~164 1 i ii 7 1 i 4mia-.3h07/apoaal 64 i Tulidiwa.'at-AG of the jet~-Wing., by M. Rkayo rr neebarchc AQr*=Qt:LquOs Vol L11) PF, MA 57-3031 Theov-Atle Xavestiptions on the Efficiency sa~! ;tie 6aditions for the Realization of Jet M. Royp PPO by YMMI, Pabl Bel et Tech Kinistere., 19N. 16 SIA Tr 2M sw-i Aero4mutice J -3157 o ices wA Trumq*t4RwVW. Vwtex tilt as RcW* 23 P- 0011j, ~pIit Reabordhe Amramutique., 1957,, Mr 1; 56: 3- MA -16TM 6cb 3s No 00' For M-01,040 ftoww" to ts*fms ft pp. P todofto ot &dome -444"S.6 lt$ 6740, flow"" yra, o o Mohii-wi, Operators Demand Inqp-ovement of (~Uiiity~`of Excavators) by N.J!o4p A. 0sokin, lip, Stroitellwa Oazeta, -5 Aug im 16255 IV i Aco ou. *I Ithod for #w K*"Uxqmmt Of Machs2xica pa 0*1 w2uorlto2* by AN eg Jet Propasion Lab s No 2 rm X.3ft NOV Dielel (Tit Sn) Rmluxu~,, Har c d4d Piezoelectric 1, oX' (Ba., Br) T103,q 03~~and Ba (T:L., Zr) qu~;per, Akust Zhuro 62-7L,- Sci - RIVOLCO Feb 57 [[CTS F~Nxpertiee of Solid (Ba,, Pb) TiO3) Ba o3o by N. A. Boy., Vol. II,, No 1., Jan/Feb Amer Inst, of Physics Soviet Physics - Acoustics Vol Ilp No 1. "T.Ir I I. .11 1!1 ..II I I : I I Acid by thall Red: Jvitb Special Referemco to Pyruvic Acid so k Poom,lilt 1recuroor, by ff. C. Ganguli, 8~ C~ Poy VP RMI-1.31A, bimo per MokhIm. Vol XXXI. Po 1. 2. jmr,-Ap~ ig,r,i,7, pp A4-89. Cowultnnts Lor M Wuteatirool~,inp, of Tensometer GuugeG fo- Dc!tu-nnationi, Ui.~d6 r! Jligtj,' Prensures, by E. M. Kwrolel~ , V. 1. Matveycira., 3 PP- RISSLU, pL-r, ~-avcvd Lab, Vol XXV, No 10~ Instru Soc of Amer 3" S ( p (k. CalcUation of a Very Long Cylindrical I'liell by 4ic ii~n'Uiod of SUPCXTOSitiDn, by D. A,-Ua;na:L, 12 1RUSSM per, Inzlictiernyy ZJiur, Vol IV) !;a 11 JFRS 25622 Aur, (514 4 d CC, Li U,~.' P Y",Yl D 13 11:1 idi CC-', a 1) e ITo pp 53-55 Sci ain (50 XL,MdL colerators of Comat BarAening., by Yu. X. Butt* 0.-s RUSS L"#' 3w per, Zhur Prik Khlm., Vol XM.. No 1t 1956, 7-10. OU 0 43M CcosvltavU Bureau try Aug CALCIUM GER14ANATES AND THEIR PROPERTIES, ~--Y S. M.IiROYAK, 1. A. PROMUTILOVA, pp. RUSSIAN,PER., DOK AK HAUK ~SSRY VOL t'--XLI, w' 4, )961, PP 660,-B83. :S6 0T1 I i At M b'* 2: RM Ro fak, S. M.. I -a - U.--7 DETERMINATIQ POR"II.A.M) CFM CPUPgr 11V CHI FaTcyog~o'kistays GlIrm,zemintogoT 1196;-) 9li. 1 OrdcrfivniMi F. L. and Kornicinko. op nw. PtiAsr. compostnus, Rr CLINKFR AND AUIMINOUS ACAL MFANS (Opredelenle lortlandtwmentnogo KlInkera I -menta I(ItImichroklm Metodom). SLA$1.10 62-25558 Tran 4. f I'Gosudis~stvennyll Vaepoyuznyi Nauchm- foolejovi,itt'Vokil Itl'ititut Taemen(noi PromyohIcnnowl, Naocuyv R)obshtflilolys 058. no. 2, p. 34- 37. i Dr, scltlvr(~Rs: 'Coments. Chemical analysis. Phatte qtudft~s, omominurii compounds, *Oxides. Crywalli7ailon. v.19, no. 8) 62-2&W 1. Royak. S. M. 11. Nagerova, E. 1. 111. Kornienko. C. G. elk# A lKbakal %mks$ 62-25.%9 Roy xk. N%~iAoiwova, E. I., and I. -ritie: Clinker 0-11"MIC OF DETERMINM ME 1. Royak, S M. MAS 1 OF CH CLINKER (Khirt Opraleleallys FizovogoSostnva 11. Nagerova, E. L M. Kornienko, G. G. ' Tsew.entt* Kit 161 0). 1962] 30p. 7 refs " ' V 60 6i-25569 Ordei fr6T )TS O I-A r~~S Trus. ol'b>.iWar,~Ivennyl Vsesoyuvnyi W oovaoi% I tiOnstitill -Netueranol Promyshlennosti. TruJI) 1952,'V~ 55, P. 59-81. ooll~news. *('.alcium compounds. *SIIJc kteti', (liemit,411 tinalysis, 11imse studies. industrial jw~uctkk 1he n eth~xliof tre-u6ng finely pulverized cement clinke r U1.0 it 5?, A4io solution of boric acidmak,.-s It p0s;iblo it) detur e the content of tricalclum sil) - IT, v. 9. no. 8) d Tot6wil Sinkm n,. (over) On the Owposition an8 Stability of Calcium gtllimt~: Wdfttos Vader Cooditione of Wrothernal Tioll%tmodt at 700 ATM aro3 2000,, by P. P. Budnikov, s 26y&, et al. Wl~p per, Dok Ak Wauk SBBR,;~ Vol OXXXI No 3, 591-594. KIL M. 32,60 Ot I aft Age 040 by bL Y46 SMdpndClys Imp Ik M Jun (;0!! .260*434 at ~4~9 Psh MaM THE REMBERG STORAGE RESERVOIR; 17 P 1962 EEUR ECON EE AUG (NY-2800) BYN~~N a ROYEp j, PIE% WASSERWIRTSC S HAFT-AIS ERTECHNIK, NO 5.9 P~p 2020*20c). 4 iw GERMANY jpRs 14886 208,09W stigations of Sw-ftas Areas by the Method 1~=uerj Swett and T&Uer. The B-Paint eu a of a Sirgle Holaisule Aboorbed r u Characteristic Caistants, by P. Orth and K. Ruthat., 14 pp. AW~~, perp Z. Anorg Chm, Val CCLXXZI,, Oat 11 21 1-17. .10 ;p WA 57 -3497 58 79 ?,03 I', rost Rot Royen Olt i En ~e of Righly Porous Materials, by N. pp ~Izv heeftrg DT)l E V -och Vattenbygg-nadskonst, Vol AEC Tr 654 Oct 1951 CTS With inemaing. TaMMMtUres jo by F. vah. *4' 3 7 3o I CM 65/Jfeb 55 Jbentgonographle " Mectrortmiscroacopic Invos- +jgat~," of Magmalur Oxides of Different Origin, by No T"r*A. D o FarLghu "LAUA Isabaft Par r Ull" gm goals, Vbl- 67, 1963, pp 908-918 0sm/*,,1662 y ~aj $vP 671~i 3)9-743 ~, I li oe~t~~*ic and remoctrco-wercecope of magoniulm Wd" of OA&IMI, by P.Roon. looro Doutswo vol~xml~ 67# IMP 9D9-9lb- we 70-~~ "964M ge d~a do magmalum de dIfferentea methWe Fewtonagmphique et copiquep by P. ~"I!q 14. rLtmelp FMICH# per,, Der P.Vs Cbmo Val LXVIIj ).963,, I*wroos T~,latlon CFA-A-.*L6z( ~~ I J~ $204'' Li v~Ilt i the Reflection Oroademing of S~o b;%olffforont Nothods. by P. go *n,~~ H. TTomel. GERN 11,19ro gorichts der aunsongesell- Be i It' ,1 0-149 �716, j7qTY--zjW-q2o. VOID I pp ~~829.4F (M.13102) St I -,Cb*a Juria. ~19 394.572 tAei W"luence of Vacuum Canting on Certain ~J.~opeiiles of Steele (Sheet), by L. Colombler, r VI Royt6 r lef6CfI Metallurgie, Jan ig6o, perp Revue de 49-*L-~499- BIBI 18 ~Q~. -kin/mot