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11to the CalcuUtIon cd Turbulent Boundary ftu W i OmMi! 11,by Mkx PUwk Imt. fUr StropmSefovichung I -/J! AW Tr 2263 nlAiohal W" Obroill, Behavlow of Texille by X. Rattebbscher. IVALMi per, Revista heellc.. No 2, 1959.1 pp 145-149., No 3, pp AT-252, No 4, yp 371-380. CaUto h681 Aui 62 391~ Th6 IMetabolium of Cholic and Desoxycholic 11 Acid inlithe Rat, by S. Bergstrom, Rx M'j, pberg.9 J. ajovauo, 32 pp. ot~ GHMOp por, Ztochr fuer Msiol Chomp voi =vV., 1953s pp 278-285 sol'antirle - chmistry cl.W 70/.tul 55 Tho 410 10joil AtAums and i*M. itattom In Aeft " x1clal v b7 lelm him.0 I* Poualre 10 FPO R p ,u 1!112rlfivi~,43.=,3.obl AD 679 814 431 Of ItLve qt-~,Mt ions on the ' ti" jutma Ov of X-Ral spactographic A. Aqpti.L )L b Klapwh. 3EMM) Ikue Hutt*'p Vol VI; po t'08-59". BISI 2709 8ci - ftpi 62 PossibilitiSs Of Analyaiss by Bep 1961., lie, NIm? 11~:)evalopoL:- lit O;C tlie Opel) -Iiea I-til fit witkw by, Aif A41 Rotter'.-39 pp. p*r, Stakil und Eisen, Vol IaI; 9 Oct iq4l~ I;t'29-937~ 1.6 G.%t 1941: pp 949-,,456. S.L.A. Tr )09,, ~,.,v Mar 195T CIS/clex ( n-64h, 0 Application of Price Policy in Imal Cwmnilip, by R=t,Aptter, JP pp. GH~Ws,:Yer, Deutsche Finam-wirtuchaft, Vol Up ~ WO 16, Aug 1961, pp 4cq-hW. JPHS 13313 Emir - dermmy /7 i r4 Ca A:pxl 62 EE D The of ralwma vlth -an S~ - wd -ftffsr- Ing of Uwegd OrtAmov, 1w 4-,. Ratter. Yir~ am", NMI"& lexuawo as,19%, vp AOLD4039 set AY49 St&W Pt*ve-Tbm&hDld blUtes I of by A. 14 Boyarklna., 6 ppo Is Ak NaW-, SM. Ber Flz, va*417% Tp 1963,p 907-9-13. sci 2CA 01) - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do 'lolpment of the First Automatic X-Ray ,P V Spectrograph in Czeeboslovakla., by R. Rotwj- M. S3 spleb, 4 pp. 1W., pwp Iz Ak Nauk SSM,, Flz., .oo, XM~p so 4,9 1960., IrP 371-375 57 ;), ~z Duratl6n~ Of t,6,P. ISMCIeUCY of Dispersive fWr llublr~eati6g Oils lWar the Conditions by G 17 pp. Additives of we,, p0r, lRiv Combustiblo, voi, m., wo, 6,, 1958 47~~-". CIA#DD IX-64.9 Wovi FSMSASIX TO FMIGH ILMOMIS 9t Bel. . Poole Sep ;g Uan MMAI. UM OW 951 69a mmwme to Isprric the ftliability of a. J. Patt4prdt OMKO; per., Waah-ftch Z, Vol XIlip no 11., 1960., T.Ut T 5m Sai - Mectrou JUU 62 ~"'A Lou by, lilty liottiolut, I . ,,- -, ,I -m- , KNEMMIL, L,IL NiffMOWAS Wd 6vm (NY-4o43). 3OD-Wovalt Systam Planned for Bast Germany, .b Aq~~ Ro 11 pp. RUMX~U., per, Raergetical Vol VIII) No 3, 1960, pp 132-136. nw 5645 Mtur Runania ;scion Yuels, pover c2 ;7 ?jy OA 661 ii 1 11 6t-2086i di-MMNA710N OF COKE, BURNER GASES AND 1. RottrnayT, F. CIR kCkEb GAS9S ~BY SECONDARY PROCESSES IN '1111 :E P.UI IFICATION OF 'MESL GASES. 11961113p. 16 Ov er frx nn SLA 1. 60 61- 20M I Tu ns' o ll-injej~BL;rlchtc aus Technik und Wissen- act Mil q6O. no,. 0. p. 17-22. DI: -CKIP WRSA~ke, *Games. Hydrocarbons, '(:oal ga;.TaxiiiuninAtloo, Nitrogen compounds. Oxidesi. Pul:fi6auoll. Waj~er. Microorganisme, Bacteria, Arv er6bl6logy, Anaerobic spores. JEfg1~4-vdng--Chcrrdcal, 17, v, 7, no. B) omet of T*A.lcol S-ic.% 61-20890 Rom as Pritz 7ffl%65SES*F,0R REMOVAL OP SMALL QUAN- 1. Rottmayr, F. I OF! THIES ACEWLENE FROM ETHYLENE- ETllAQ;MIXTWUltl ~IN THE PURE-FREPARATION OF E ~IiiLENE BYI~ IZW TEMPERATURE REC-nFl- CATION (1961) 110)p. 8 refs. Order fr`orntLA $1['6() 61-20890 ~ 1 1~ Trans. ot jUnde Urichte aus Technik und WisBen- schatill iii6ll. no. [I. p. 32-39. Dl:.SC klp'~115: *Et4lencm, *Ethane@, Mixtures, *Acet lledcs~,, Sepor4tion. Purification. Hydrogenation. Press lre~, Temperiiiure. costs, Waste poes. GoseD. i (Engi, tee Nag- - Choe-61cal, 7T. Y. 7. no. 8) Pr*,-tical Methods froha Low-Pressure lRotiner, 8 pp. OEF$M, for Proceefing Prodticti; Polyethylene, by E. perp Kune-toffe, Vol XLVIT, No 4., 1957p ]pp 227-231. Assoc Tech Serv-32J18G Bel, Aug, 58 Apl;txitl4r, ;Niv FrzmmiAr, Prepand' Sonni ITLri:~ads so at; to I, I ~t Iacmuse xtir I-Irtigue Stxongtlij. by licrbort Lindner, 11 -)p (TlW4cntors,. Brieb fbtroll., Hil Imi".- Cartaor) pai-xiat, No 75 .103. US D-"Vt or co=erce Patent CITice Sci Llb Sci -'sbalmo'lorina sov 58 ( V- J-357) Mia, Parolilmd lfficm~alimatrlc Ceatr&l Station, by C. ?044,-.oJu,, F. limadedW. 3.6 pp. lwa-, rurtergatica, Vol. Vff-l, No 12, 196b, 556-564. JPM~ wila 6111 I.. Of amwsft Tjpm of laums Aeum CK st on a Am. kw J. Romamt. oft j..-D~ # [~\ i~ L 4 A; 9v. I OptICELI COnstZts and Utructu= Of 'Itlin Films,, FMM, !per, 10 JOU=Ca de Mpique et le Rim)-lum) 1403L XXIt 20 12o 1*1., PP 873-892. EMLP Ft Belvoir :$m opftv*lm Of b(V Jo IL bumit, r"M== -- Nclf-!Ol ~64j Field 13B ii ~ ~ BWI"~Orvi)l. gerounalw. It. BAW SANITARY RVIVIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS WITH NO W-NIXIA'S Olt ':KVLIGIITq (Zakladni Hyhlenicke Poza- d&vk), tin Jlu&~7 IKz Oloen a tiez Svetliku). Tr. by It. MtetbAivski. I,%pr 64,'tp. Brefe, LC-1264. Order fron, KI.I. Trani; of 01shosloveliska liniena JC'2echoslovalds) YB ng p0l-96 063. 1. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research IGI. Britain) (DC-4623) deraral Bygiedo, Pbpiologioal and Payebological ftincl a mid Dlmtlves for the lutroduction * zollation &w Automkion, by ib-n lttbal~l~: i4 pp. Pm wicrAL uss ow CZM,# per., CeskoalmnsUlygiona, Volv, Ho6, i960s, 321-3304 JM AAk jmvr -- 'iDimebmlvftk La so~ OOPYRUM Jima 61 J =11 lacttwe of Srath~~tic Chloroprem loibbers Fr= t b Vievv,,-in'j hi . by J:~!hP.Oub 4j, 24 pp. ka tram:sIntion, C'MIUM~ p0x, Sbora Idel=al:~rj Ifol rMW,, Eo Ail, pp 63-33. Scl(intif' e. Hodicine 7o2 im, PENNON* - 7T- 77- 7-, Pre, L' bi"~s 01 '-~IlterPriscs DIA Superior by,_r,,IirUu~la,i Roubal, 1.2 p2. I Or, Floance a Uver, pr 7t. "Pr HovIto Create and Use Reserves in the Plan, by I~bdislavll Houbalq 26 p;. CZEM or Finaroo a Uver, Ilo 4, 1960., P~ aa - 2,~5,0 7453 4:.'Sk.u~ - C z1achoo lovakia tho ~16cal *owzyp by Ladials-st Boubal., 13 Q ZfIC pw~~ 04unce a ~mr,, 170 9, PrOLOW,, 1.9531 PI) 5C 6 'Wed .59 A I Cop. IOIA~41-01,' I lei 2- 117 ~,tlt.l Ij (1 litnition o401 (70/10) iarE ~;a Omm E. i Bio'.oj~li~al.l Investigations on the Yellow Fever Miusquite. Aed,us~~I, geri-~eus Poiret. Factora of Inertia, unc. Reacti- vat. - ~Inflki';--'nces of Development. Durable E66s ari(I 11 The-..r~l tportunze in the RestoraLion u.-C the Evolutivc- C,y C. i I I ..e ~b [;[I~. FREIICI?l ;Uin.~% Past. Inst. 43:1'93-12,,;g, 1929. X-599 Nationa. Iris:titutes of Health Betl,esdap Nb*land PO Itauticomp, stmit cr uumt, u Ithe saw or &4e$ or Loomm" ona 09~ as Ivity a at US, gone 1w mroex is" reseal *m^WW--W-jrw4mwv oomptes man A" Selembeep - -'LLL~-.~A.- - ais an mww"VEM7 , prec"199 90"o 011111104" lift& ftle~,q P Ib so wo IMP yms loot I:by uraul ~Iits of Fkawe and of the French overseas FF=,'Bo PBP*i P/328.* Pvmwdinge of Intemationma cwaen~e on Fameful Ums of Aimmic Aurgy BOA at Qwi* 8-00 Aug 1955, Vol VIP set .. Nablear, Physics Apr J7 ~ UU=OU Couf UN -P4."O 7--r' mA 1-669.9.162 Obx"f4ou 0' a "ftont* of Reg:bDml Metamorphion, by Hanel Roo*Ut DURP', ~sw 00 Vol ZIO 1%3~j pp M-193. SOL.A. Tr 5W56 Sol Aug riomt~ C.,luom-tiona of D=. csttc Tr--rLMr,-Ty)rt-,ti(-,n, t b5r 5 PP- Itler, Latecky Obzor, Do 6? 1,.-6!., pp jpRs u564 TO& - CzeohoGlovakis Robn (Dc-6o65/ a) Report on MtIvitles U of the Czechoolovak Psy(.I&at'rlc,~6wictyp by J. lbubleek~ 11 pp. FOR O"I= UBE OHM CM210 ~er, ODaklm2amnaktt Prycthiatrie, vol Lyn, ii6 2, Apr 1961, vp 33.3-139. JPRS 8769 omyffam AK 7, 9W Scl. aid sep 61 Coins wid med'als., by jean -15159., Dept of Interior m63o6 R598 min/met 60 (NY-551-8) ,urrent 34etal; of 'Czechoslovak C"twaphlc MvelopWntj kiy Ondrej Roubik, 9 -pp. 1.9 IC IAL ME .ZWII,t :par, Sburnik Cemkoslov*nske Spolecuosti Va LtV, No 1, Feb 1960,o pp 15-20. JPRS 76ol COPTRYMBT e 61 (ar 61-20347 lCo ne*, THE FFVE(rl' 01' 4rrRoGEN oN sxomec- 1. Roubinek. F. TRON1. im.,issim bF GERMANIUM (tIber den HnIfItu a 004tickst Of auf die Exoelektronenern issicti von Germiml.m). 1196117p. 5 refs. Order froin ~LA $1.1 to 61- 205,17 Trans. ot, Fiticheskit Zhurnall - Q 96 94 0 1 1 1. 1 41 . 5 0, . 11. 1(~: tn. Effectiventes. Moms. 194 citation. "'Germanium, Surfacos. rays 907 *Sixonlar I bombardment, Photo- engravlng~ tlectron~ic#. t.Attices. measurement, 11 Direct cuir-Int, laidischarges. Argon. Binders. The tflect d~ bonibiti*dirient vvith nitrogen tons before excliation'"li" lnv ls~l a td and It Is shown that the ("h sics - - Electronics m t . ii nitrc)gcn &'torins play1h targe part in the genesis of the! . y TT. v. 7. no. 5) ernissim inii~trnurvitlit 1500C. (Author) offic. of 700-1C.1 $-it.% I I Adr)LJ,)T~imt ve ttLviuion ef I'io by 'Unltm-r 3.0 Vol ~.J; 1963,v I*.) 45-M. (ca3a no cv no Ir RZ9 Tr) Amy Win, sot, jem 6110 k-149164 O'ecaIOt of the Activitiou Of tile IFN4 ill 19620 muchy REAM, rpt, Compte-Rundu diActivitics do 1! 'M10 en 1962,, A;pr 1963,, pp 1-8. ejlpl~ws/NY-9151./SPECIAL Afri ~1) r City 6i~o~ric ~ ~Ihysicivm irk u Con:wlickaml i,wspital by 41L..~~J,Wlxhaio I'M CzEi0l ilor.:Coskoslovenske Uravotnictvi 8 4, 1.962 p 102- ,I t~4 JPW, 6.yli VC-0844 C zcc, 11 L;oc.i I6lical""'N5 Ilealth; Med Jau 7: MIM 316,769 Tavrea klo6tiou of Antigen Vi in 0tJ2ar Than Ty-,Zoid cteerii~.' by Rollclxu 8 PRO ff,!pfslr, Rio'; D=awlo Vol vi, 1.939, PP 279-2&k. 67A Tr 9,7-14-)4 ?Gb 5,; 3 ~~~ I on (I ral B-w",.. ~'.. 3 m I i . .0 :~ Sol - M6d Aipr (a ~: : I 0 and Its Ctwability) by J. A. PP. AraUvos aftox"hoo do modecino) %40, pp 265-2820 401-430. EM 2-3741 /Z V/ 00 S~ 4~ ve Device for Nabors Sensitive to the of a Modiums, ty Erloh Roucka., 5 pp. Patent so 3%10819. 0 Dept of C~mmroe Mest Officoo Bei Llb (Oltt) soi dWM% Do~ -UWUNA Cb=lftl MIND"B" tM tbd MA)CIMMUChn I SW spotsoue Text1lo p1bres, by 2. G. l4oftox. ". AM go MR DO lot VM) H I 1~ c C(cl t , Y- 16 - 1 P't o, 3".w ; 1 1 I i i lpwd CM4 NX4 i , j FRIkH) ~r, o6tfoeo .1 ~ 961p Sol - fter AP161 63, mAstu& by Z. R. Pauff. Zinc) Oafti%n et Alliages) PP 34-45- bu Ma 3061 A a 11 Lf 10 ? On a Methoel for Hemuring the Ease Preou. ~Leasurerac: and Vi6l W.Ization on a Cone C~dinder poetically Fit Mo-r'7.6) by Georges Duboin. Marlev FRIVMM~ pmt.s TA Rectierche Aerarmutique,, VrA L)CM!, Sol .. lbya j,m i ft *Rag; Lab, Engr Sci U of ITT T A-stostanhe Propionate, a Nov AdjuvEmt in the Treat- mtsni;' ;f D"botic Rotinopatbyp ''by J. Rougament,, G. ?&-ease, 7 ffIENClUp pory Hgdgg"g 91 rWwalt VD1 X, Jun 1953, pi 206~207'0 S*L*Ao Scientific - Madioine 107/17 Aug 55 OIA/ CSIM/No "0" 6-N ,:Irof ound If ypotliermia in Neuro-Surgery. ,~Jcqr ibllilAea and Perspectives of Fatw-e, by 0 G. Ou'Ot, Rougerle, 0. Arfel, Ch. Dubost, 1:11) BLOndealij 20 pp., and 2 Atch. Mourachirurgle) Vol vi, 196 0 Nul 11 Ja 431 i j0d I f1ma PrAcatim ot Belli lict Missile sites, 33 pp. b~, C n~ pwo RIYUta Aermutims ]b go 1960; 13A.1m. A= 1-0746 ID ON3169 do 7 201 wilsilc )OA*Ile and the Navy; A Treatiev on the .1 1 strategy ot~lltmplcywnt.. by Cau:Ltlo Roupron . 22 pp. UNCL4S61FM FRENC14 rpt~ )kr 1958, Encl to Ser Do 166-58, US UO ParI6. ON Tr 50452~b set -.SORCOASS im I i-I 1 1 11 i i i I i~ loco ,I i ftumma. fts -- r lum --bw -- mm AF MAO J" 19.0 OTS /.) / 1) () -" :,, M I 1 1, 1! vlm~- i I�Mb=183r or the Jbo% bw i-11 I i i - 3!!~, -, A''I atlbdidfti Va. d?v at Mm =d Rms 04 1 1 " 0 J*% ?a m---- - .Mmomrs 1937,ov.2v i i J, ~ . i i c U"k, i ~w i I no i Am" 66 1 i~. 307p T" ll~! i1, an bbO iraecr~ropboresls of Tea"p by IP. Rmberp 8 PP- Flmj=,~ perk, BUU Soe 0 ml Vol 74j, 1961,9 vv 456 1 1# : Fkam W 0.459 , Der', ;i Nav* NIC Tr 3173 Apri I 7be Poll 861~110& Proosse for Mectron and Light Moro~clovyll by B. Nelleaborger,, L. Ruber, Rouiller, 5 iPP GIWM* pei.. Z Visa Mikroakop, Sep 1956v Vp 110-. BIA 57-1730 Kay 58 k31 33t Sttxly~ byi~C. RmIIIWp 16 ppe W, AM Anatmicap 19~6, I~p 94-109'. Niz 3-2!~-61 4C a s Dec 61 of tbO r*4P"C DW-4?, "-X 'hatis or., R. Veymts C. nouilier, 9 pip. *IHO hero ~Tmsse WUWAp Vol, LUI., 1954., pp 6 "570 vm 12-48 .Tm 60 N)r the . and Mmical Ibmainatiou of or Heating, by C., A PPO sclenwtcl~ - Biology A= U9Z* 0 CM/M uitmtructurc of a y(1, Rouiller, et al. ,,Cr, 111trastruct ues, !,c, 10 6i J)Xrgical and Fathologleul !-';(xiifiCAti0n;3 o n mitochandria. Hlectron-Microscape illy Hedi Gamlerip Mtrleq A Pouiller, pp. KPCOP pmrj Schweiz Z Patli Baktj Vol ~9 .pxj lOj56.. pp 217--242. bcm 6-27 81(1.~i -- Xed 'Ali, 59 4 61-20OD2 11TI.T77MITI MT AIN ELECTRON IMCRGSWFR- fi 1. Rouiller. C. tude au STWY (Liis c3naliukilett Bilialres; micros-=,* Plt%rocd~ut). 11961](161p. (7 figs. 0111MIUCE) 55 refs. Order Jcor~ SLA $1.60 61-20002 Traim of Acm Anstariuca (Switzerland) 1956, Y. 26. P. 94-109. DESCR.FTORS: *Uver. *Cells (Biology). wnssues ) 0810oc lo n icr sco (BI o ro m o py. g) 111 1: no Stu a nj c u I i I n I he rat with the electron ,y 01 li, voitled the following. Me canalictill l micro ( ; 1 l t of th;eLr own. but a re delincatcd by IN' do : i l Ceu met ftb~AMJI Of th6!aJJ*CCvX b"UC Cell, Uy have protvb~irmnces c( the hepatic. , C1 VIIII NX, ell membrs ne &rA cropWm. 7%.q are never Imrs- (Blulogi,:&I Sditits- -Gamral, rr. v. 7. w. .1 ~ (over) 00" WN.I.-I.., 40- L k P, ou I U AX, 'Aug In:r**sInS!"rImntsI AnslMisic and Local v tb6t An a ie~AetWties by OeMlionte Mockers,, by 0 ?a J. Wroler,, P. Rtzoinsperger.. D. 4u~m pp. MWWO wk~Verp ComVtef Rendus Soc Riol,, Vol C3MV'UI,, AR I-sep 1954.0 vp 144M450. MA Tr 2134 SC" *dtdime ;4 5~7 ; OXII il;lll 0"7f 1 ococr&p Roul ~]per OTS/I kbictic A Morcuric Acetate) by Ilm ~ut An Plail NO 7p S.L.A. Tr Pool k Ii cwi~: ~ta djais of Copper k1loys by a Solution 0 ~O b1c TecWquej by I!. _V..RoWLIO A. M. pp. V~# BPQQtr~ AcUm IRO 4# 1951P PP 330- R*A,R* Tr s 14 obmdotrlr OT ? .4 Ile Panramtitation of Light Distillute-,:~ of 1-ubrlcv.,tln-q: Oll.ri, 'by iml J. Dc=cester, C. Rctuit, 12 1). Trim ~Ilq, Iiicl:r',I,('. PetrolCLIIII CXK-IFM;3 31 Jurw',' 59~ 17ew York ',Cct 3, ATS -7c," 3 J1 I n L9 lef Y)1~12', 11C. Thymm; ri Cliniml ALatomical L) bY Ch. SoMo J- P-cuJesup 15 pp, l7WMp J~,hrj Jowmal Fmuw" de MedkcZe at Tborecizaeo Vol Xlls 1958.. pp 469.4,84. 111H 12-50 xm~ at *qVbxAoVwwwtric P.Mvessing Appefttum iu~tbe OSM) by Himulav lbales T PY. czr~mp PWI Geod*tlcky Obtoor,, go 9. 19620 1 I.T 3-IT6. 51M ml an ,1-00&; ID 2MJ6546 C"~ fts J rob 3 ether Contributions to the Khawledge of the 4()t al heli Zarcoua of the LNwh Nodes and I' ior Limithold Organs.. by F. Rouletp 32 PP. DIAN,, 1~pro Virchaws Arch, VUMEiaH AXXV41; 1932t PP 7C2-732. ME 7-7 licl i~- Mae i3ep ~58 Cot t, s to the BlWmtion and Animl FathoMnici tile e Okie VlruMs by H. UrM-r, F. Houlets ull noldtion. CM"., ~,~4ris z vaiz tmu Bakt vol Xv., no 4 I ~Yr4 CIA/FDD/X-804 F cle-10a-lc ~Mad ic ine 53 fir 03 mt, on the Coxsackie IfIrw (C-vinis) Infectioi by ;11 le~orj, R. hvudeuberao. F. Roulctv 21 pp. Vol CIXXIXO (."U/FDD/X-7M SoUntifid Wicine Apr 53 M MA tba OBSOnObPal) at the Sam Time t* the Rlstojpn"19 of tba So- I., ~lm DO$ PZUW*MidMflo by L. Dcljauskyj, ft" tm IWM.*WDOC imtltuto or the 5 Jan Mhs 0 "0-267- w rr so 5-6 .8 so CUP set JULY, ~%7 I of Orgade bbtter and CarbokVdmtea in FkAl lbtadal BiftAod by notatice.,q by ldtoebrift fur Ram Vca- 101s NO- 3* 1563* 3V~~56 ii 'I i1. ~11 ~ X-3 2 Uncl. TPJJ~E~MNT~~ DES RiSIDUS RADICIACTIFS PROVENANT D'VNR INSTAMATION DE PROPULSION NUC AIRE NAVAtt (Treatment of Radioactive Wastee from a Favali Nuc''Aear Pro u1sion Plant). Luigi P12zi.~ Trinslated Ynto French by L.-Roulet ~ ~431~48 frcm1p,. 11 of "VI Rassepa Internazi Elettronic .e Nucleare. Atti Del Congresso ScientifiC5, Giugno 1959. Sezione Nucleare. volum!6 11. 23p. Radidac ,tivi? Waste; Translations MC-70 C-yo ~p i4SA Dep.(mc); $2.C,)(fs), $O.C,-j(mf) JCL N-11 ~s~ Sm i 1000 .arisation of Untalump by Itone A,.3dub--rt; L. R*4aup 11 py 0 0 :. ama rbwoo va xmnt pp 101-1098 S.L.A. Tr 952/56 V, Ila, W r/ Evolt lonj~of Hepatic Steatosiii in Kwashlorkor as kftft~ted by a Ryper Protein Met. A Study by Memi of j6 Optio and the Ilisotron Mievoscope, by Cmm~rn, Ch. WnUller, H. Dupin, 20 pp. laiK~O pmr., Any-ales dAnstmLe Pathologlque., Vol Vs, 116Rp 1959.p pp 2204241. scl - Mod -~ Rlectnm cot (52 CISIR Tr No 224 Ct o I I D~atriWtion of 24eutrons :Iua a Nxiferal Cell Of I~ilq) by F. Roullier? 7 FRMCH) rpt CEA-844. in the CeaLral Cell the FontencLy -Aux -Rose PP- AEc rip Tr-413 A~g 60 14ma"<ig th~ 'Moml Eftilizatiedi Factor, by F. P. sewtt, 13 PIP. I ~ i i YRRICH, ).957w AM 3435 act - P*s Zan 59 7f,j-::r,r Sound !of Test Installation-, for Aircraft r: i TmOnical, Financiul san6 PhysioloGical, ~)y P. Ukic Ot, Riehn, G. RoLmiltiac) H. ~;wivnjr,, ic, 0 pp TMIC 11) p6mp~o,,ot, Fmpr;Lnt ckf paper to be read ,~-v tbi- T14~ BOARD C=bastiou and Fropul.-Am anel Coli0quih, Palermo, Sicily, March 17-21, 958, 41 ATic F-Ta.-~56o/v .ici - MrD Jun 59 Ot AkttMM* IJISM Ot IOU AOUM a ft*o IV lie jftmma* Noma. ......... .. bolam 9psk-M,w So J. Rounanet ,Sol Abdonew 6 1 - 20679 '1111JIZAT103 OF EWXY RESINS 1,14 TIIE TEXTILE 1. Roup. !NDUS'tAY. jtii1,1j6;)- OrLk r blom MA $I. I o 61 -20679 Ycda! a %')-zkuin v Pruinyalu Textilnim i lJ;*8. v 4. p~ 7,V11 *kpoxy remns, *Textile Induqtry. Textilea. TT. Y. 7. no. 7) ON- .1 Ot UA4161d ZWU(b bi (A-!i A~LSCT,'ti(r": wi. tu aerryllicts, Attalitta Mid t4~~ Ny Frzstcois ',.,ou4uexvI. lu ill; j!Olpt., CustAbutiai a 0i;tU60. i%a "1!4 t '. % FM 4v F77 --tion a LwAlumino, a Ij A-0A #I I A it ! flormlita i.;Ols et ~Jmj!Lso L'Ir "7 1 7"a Lo-tvP114AS k, L 111:10 olkwo ON In Cam= Lmawmftlml N al PLANNI'NG FOR IWROVING SCI ENTI FIC-TECHNI CAL UORK11BY DR. L..ROUSCIKO 9 PP. GE"j, NP-r XK DIE TECHNIK., NO 1., 1963, PP 1-3- JPRS 17*r36 EEURwSOV BLOC ECOM FEB 63 223.,878 Dwtelo4mu% 7Vsj pp 705 (DC-5193) of bot GervAn jmdcwtry~ by L. RouseDr., Die :ocbunj Vol wt lqo !1.. 1960, JPRB 6843 M, r - Gemny FIC c 4 mar 61,