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Currmt IWA During 11,ectrolysin of molten slats,, bi L~,JU&Urqws 6 pp. per.4 zhur Prik WAM Uss 0 Vol xxvit 11() Jos, Odi~ 195ip pp causultants Bureau sdilqatif110 ChWistry An 55 CM/M 4- 3 cpz, ~t Mwtrolyas of As kma I Hatal ~ Go"low 1u CalU vith Mter Iv Av to gotlwkn* perp Zb=al PrMidnoi g4n:LiA vp Sel-Cbeill s ~~ IV o NN 303j,863 LaiwOoveralng the Sitmal an"wi Cathodic Diechsrge of tbe~ Metal Tons &M~ Impurities in tho ntctr6lyt c Production of Melt by A. L. Rotlnyun, V. L. i~hielfttxj, A. M. Yakovlml MMTA~, Pe6r., MW Prik XblA.. Vol XXXo No 7, vy.")70 pp 1007-1069. ConsUtants Bur*au ft. - Chem Oet i I ; Irflonce of chlor-As Ions on -the Kinatics of ;~IathOliO ;Oi9positiGn of jr-on - NICkel AllOY-3 i I I By V . T 9.~MOGV& and A, L, _4g~an ,_pp,- 6 Ftussm, ptori, Zhur PrILk Mix, Vol UV, No 11, 1962o pp'. 2100 ,.~ 2435 CB set ;2 Oct $:I Zhur Prik Khim Vol. '3 :1 1. C11 Z~ ';o1.iLbilT.I!y Prochict o~ Cobalt(III) ilydrn-Kide wid the Standard co3/CO2' OAIdation- ReOiuctioLj, PotentW.. by A. L. Rotiryaz, 'r- L. Hk~lfetox S. A. NikolAeva, 3 _-nP. per, Zhur Neorg= Kbim, Vol V_T' "f0 -1; ,)6LIF pp 21-26. Cleaver-Hume Prczs k;ci Den the Femoiral of O"as From ElactroLytic Nicakel, y A. L. ~ ROtIA'Mjt I - Sh. Yoffes 16 pp. .Russ:,AX,; perp Zhur PrIk Xhim, Vol XXXIII.. go 2, 1960), PP 36240 36T. CB Bel 71 41~4 Apr 51 ildlerization Dvar-Ing Ftmation r,.r !Jl,oit rind. tb~, Crilinos of nnd C~xrr- L. Rotinyan., LP. N. .PP RUW~Atl', ypr,, Zbur Prik KMra$ Vol XXXIT.~ No 1.1,~ 1.959, pp 2,1502-25o6 CB ,-)c t rr laf.".'adn cli'~ Electrolysis Conul-6A*. n 7 z Compos.iLion oti the Porosity of Electrodeposi-cerl Rickel !j",O(IVIPGsp by A. L. Rptinyan, N. --I. Fedotp~vy E. N. 14GLcbcakova, ind-De bv.-kbo, 8 pp, P4 I -a , x RUSBTANO Aawl Khim, Va 11 UT ~E, N o 1957, pp Consultants Bureau Sci - 06e.-, Aug 50 Curreut Maid of Electrolyzing Need Salts, by A. L. lRotiurwo pp. HUSSIO# per.. Zhur Prik Khim,, Val xxi,, 1948,, pp 755-764. CrA) sci*~b.utlfic Chemistry CTS /brx c)rrcct41T'ab1 'A for the Artielep by A. L. yn I zel des? I P. UOSVII)~ Igo pa" , Zbur Prik Xhim, VDI XXTV, No 6, u= 19510 p June 19r Consultants Durimix Vol 24 )j SSR a ient ific - OlmmLatr7 Ulm lFr AL t~,Ift memo wr DIL~dmw Or the WA a aft SM14 lbi 1950870 SS mum of Two Coarsely Dispersed Rimu7 AI-ZmO* by L. A. RytlxWwo 14 pp. I or, Zhw Nem*g XMmx Vol lIx No 4, 1957o I 0 AM-t-rJ*54 PL-48D 1 &I - 63 81 -2a / IL16 .0, -r 4t UlexT of Vie Structwe of Counwly Mopersed Binary ty L. J~- kot~~ mum W* ~mw ftwx mdup Vol- no 190 40 1957P RAW Sol Mw l-'recivion Volumemmeter, 1;,v L~ A. Raw. llqwl~lj. OMAN: Z. fim, FoydW.1-sche Chetatop 11101L xx i.946.~ pp 11049-io5a. CSIRO (ki - aim 4r I lay 62 The Sx-ecilon of Carbon OXYIU*hide With AIJIali X. usess H 8 pp. Sena"- GERWIS r Elektrochemies Vol LVI# No 1j, .1952,. pp 58-4 SIA 59-10149 Bel ~, Chem Jul 59 ~ OTS .. to 3.1 i 04 X'k. by, ;-m lalza 10 ppe viol ,ro Agoe go vp TT-62-"9107 RC1 D'UN MMUR I I 1. Rotkor. L.. L. ASYNCF DE RkWUMON ONE D%NS UN SYMNIF M H. CNHS-N'624 DE I~PAK IMPULSIONS (Energeticheskie [it. Cientre National de In Polrl.zatelfiisinWonnogo Dwilptelys v Slateme Rccherche rLientifique, Impjl'sn4o RegWirovanlya Skorostl) (Induction Motor PariB Pow !r R ities in thi Impulse Speed Control System). 18p (for~!ign text inchi d)7refs. CNRS-X624. Ordi!r ft(*n OTS, ETC or CNIRS St. 60 TT-62-29107 Tra-is. AFrench of *E lektrichestvo (USSR) 1958, no. 11.1 p.~ 38-Zl; Tra:is. Lnipanle 'is availAble from OTS, ETC, cK, its 77-62-29283, CID: 62-283, 18p.. atid CID $0.180 1 in E qjLJ!.q from Pr $14. 00 in Electric Technology. 1 CK~A. T. 4. DE.SOMRTI~:'Rs: 1:11ectric motors, Velocity, m9orrAtIon, "Ind actions motar-q~, Control systems. "'Speed regu;arors 0 Ili I T-h- t 1'. (Eni-lrx!itr-j,ng--l~:it.Ictrical. TT, Y. 11, no. 11) The Anwo ftapartleis of an Aqmdwomm Motor With a sr"St4ii of X i , , q~ Opud Pap2alAmp by L L Botk,*i ill VV. mmia yerl. mmktru*"wov so n., iq5e, pp 3e.42. Pt Sol ft at ia"Oupums otsugumi Bav affect. hAmatow Whu st"butio Distutsuces an p"Nut WWp# 20 yps Mj$"Im porl U Ak Suk 013RO Otd*l TWM fiauk~ T~Idl Klunwtua$ ft 4o 1963P PY 3,07-U4- 631 _IIL O.u DateradhtvLi the Feedback Pamnetzim fo~- a VJ,.b2!aAan 11~gulator of Electric Hotor Spccd. RAIL01)) 9 pp. ....... ...... rIUSSINIp AvtorAt i Telemckh., Vol XXI NO 7., .L!,)551., pp c,IIF3.gp-7. rustru Sce of Amer Apr:c.~ lbp~~i mt; an the Reduction cyr 13 men' to and TJ ia&~m D~cmlft at Naftfled TimVersture in a Otrei~i & *rWn wA Wbou 11mcatidep by B. V. 11 ~ -Z. N'' 1 21 Sa"talmis K9twurgijs.* Vol vin'. no 31~1~ 19~6., Pp U-2D. Sol bans Center HT-1682 sa:'I.ept~fic ahmistry Dein CTBAM rr an Us of TLUMMON N4PftlLtes Based ' ' JoI2 or or" Wltb a, Omem ReduCing 0 t ~i Modmto* Tmom-atunw, by 2. V. I Poo, 50 3p 1936o 4 ~Mft~- wr Tr 90 I Mid the - x&vwmi1*t%u) M/M 94 A mathdid ~ of DetemInIng the Mean Kinetic Enerr,-, r, rslecl r6w, in Lbe Druyvantayn-Davyiov Distributicn, by 0. Rotman)114 pp. RUSBIA, per,'~ Dok Ak Neuk &SM, Vol =, No 1958. i1v 9991". Amer Inat of Pt*rg Sav Thy* - DoXIndy Vol 1.71, no 3 sel Jul 59 Nowledge of Critical Phenomena a lk~urai Procesuess by It. I. Kbitarovo L. A. S. Itotuan, 12 lip. MWIM, per, Sovet Oeol,, Vol IX, No 2. Feb i939o-~!* 96-105- SLk R-1159 w (NY-3341) - -slocim ot t1w Territory of smad"b"s 0. okmmp is pp. *r PrObIfte do O&qP*GftG V01 VI t pp 47-0.0 94" c2 AIX I Taluls OMprocip, PlzaUr D-MO,, by Bft*Y 401-a w9vp V. M. Rotom and 2. A. 0~01 almn irr AMM act No la lk~ W2T* Lj A Pove'rful Striking Force, by Rotmistrov. RU,CSTATIp ap, Izvestiya, 9 s p 1962. FBIS Wil-e 23 Oct:02 d O"hield of the Mlother'-and.. by 4, IzvestiYu, 5 Sep FBIS DAily Review IW 16 IL Is Sol a 30 The nwsuil; O"and in "by Rovaintrov, np.,ll7,vat3tiy&,, 13 SOP 1959. FBP) Nily Report USSR Mil. SOP 17, I/ I DICKORIODIC RERIVATIVES OF SALICYLANILIDE AND Nk'V"LVWU SALICYLANILIDES - NEW SYNTHETIC ANTIMICROBIAL SUBSTANCES.. BY 14. M. MISTROV, G. V. KULIK) 5 PI). jKRAINIAN, PER.. DOPOVIDI AKAE)DIIY NAUK IJKR6N5Ik40Y RSR,, NO 7., 1962, PP 9155-95~- JPRS 16448 DIX 6~ 217,210 14 11 1propol is* 0t the gnm &ad loft of SmlLcylmWi&ip by Via K.Lln*k-9wAv No gm siolp at-at" 70 A Meth(xl of Studying the Hicroflorn in the Rhizosphert of a I drc~fimil Plant* by M. N. Rotidstrov, 5 Pp. RMBWi r MOTObiOlOgiM V61 ZVI, No 5, PP 596-5 Amer InBt of Biol Sci sai - mod May 58 fitteriala with an yutbotic Ant I ttl* SUxamr to the One of Antibiotics I N 0: Roft-diftrov wd G.V.,MaiL-. 'IbiotW,t vca.6j, 1i,,).2,, .66-11632 3090M i le~,'Wlitwy Art in the Battle on the Volga., P. Rotmistrov,, 11 pp. pw 37A# Vqmww-Zv%orI*bwk1y Zhur., No 12., AC81 I-&,?77-A zD 22A769 *Ir 63 Sur?rlmie In I~t Trps P.~ RotOil Rl*tM of Va"j, by NUI&MI Arad ll.* 1955. lon/no &M 8w concor~i~g t~e Role of Surprise in Modern War, by P. Rotiiitroi, 17 PP. UICLAssnpm RUSBIA~,~per,jj Voyerways, *al.. Flo 2j 1955s pp 14-26. ACBI$ H-1195 USEM Nil Jun 58 6 117J 40 c 'S'tive Maboration of Proble= of Itary ScUmes by P. Rotmbtravo 7 PP- MUM Zvez&, No 700 A gar 1955,p Ites 0, ~" 0 ju~j to M-A4-338 AFOXI-M. CU D 241647 AF 6(57375 mat cis ~MAU 10 Atbk*p * bF Po pis 25 pps 30 No 1% :ws p ID CMWL AmdDOP A Tam ~tujwo h" 2m I,jl,l ;.,.l1 1~,port (761 Loal E- -1:pericents or a 'klace for Sonsal ion? I L Chi --f ored 7 j 61 11sr') jirasna __Za ":v(j.,day -csco 2C: -raining Modern' Clombk, P. A. Rotmir,-Yrov, CZECJ~ qb~ P 5. Means and Militai-y Discipline, by pp. Liclu., No 3~T, 21 Dec EEur Lc~,F wrakia mil ' 0 Jill 3 ACSI 1-14:.-:76) ID ~~ftm ~~ano of Combat and Nilltery Diricl, r .4. TiAmistrov 6 RtM ~Wjl ap,, Krusnz~m Z7czda,, 15 Dat 19(k~ p 5. JM 4740 USER )d.14 16(5 0 jw" 61 1 CH v MUM 11,51t 10-1 IUM.1c Reelstance Transmitting Elements ec- "h i* ~ 11 1 0 1 rlstlliTewl3t of AxIal Forcen in -%lt,3, by D. RotnitsPiiya, et &I. Zavod lab.. voi xxil, No 7, 1956, T,p Co-op Tr Scb Tr 432 Scl Euai j MW 18 Hot WE Ordc.~ fl;~ TMS Trom L of Mare i V. 10 [n(~ P. i1 DESCUMIM 4 Prwe W~g. ~ Sorp FOR NIETALLISING 11.00 TnS NS IM I KAtusebuk (Cast Gennany) 1963. OhletalorganIc plajtlcs, 63-2Z762 1. ltotrek-L B. n. TTU M-133 M. Transintloo and Teelvdcal Information SeMcert Wt. Brit.) (Nutertixt'-,lulnlcl~' IT, v. IC~ no. 12) Office of Ticbmif Urvicet 61-1 6VR A IW DCUGII LEAVENING METHOD. (19631 1. llot~ch. A. 8p. 3 1114.1 01-d'L r fniM,kA S 1~1- 10 63-1N78 ,rmv, () li~ ~131 "(tt und (West Germany) 19,54, v. 8, p. DESCF WPDRS: IFW~~cry products, 4FermentaLion. Bread, 110oill iv oxide, F(xxl, ManUfactuting methms. t'~ (Fcxxi, 10. 1111i, LiTic aus, vlbut Nw-iJ Vo x 0 16 70 Im of OxMu Uscalwd by t~.,w A Matleuml Aftauatim ar or Rror.p by Vol Henri Ratachi mi itim of iDiwwlwd Oxygm by hts Is*, "I A Statistical evalwaten of CHO Vol Itio im ~pp 4700479* two 4f N,*VypiRL TV No 1110 8 CP4030" Amil 333o047 IA'TZ Vt me h -- V61"Wo 4v 0t tom 29 jpp. RUSS 1'1 L~. 90" 12M MW 1900 ow~ 69 q Co" PUNks 104 Thek ~tcy;et. V*1 avo NO 7, ION. Mtl~ AN-T64412 oo 3OLDERLESS PRINTED CIRCUITSp BY BEDRICH ROTREKLp ~JWIMIRI~JUNGER, 8 PP. GOVERtIMENT USE ON--LY-----~------ ,,ZECH., P.~,Rp SDELOVACI TECHNIMp VOL X, 140" 9 19~ PP 331-333. JPRS 17434 ,Ci ELE,CTRONICS FEa 63 221.,271 Tht a etbf the Burrowing of Ellobius T&Iplnua U~e evfi~.Iopiaont of Tttkyr Vcj&etaticn, Iop~ 3 pp. by Yp ~6tmhi]L'd RM 8 IAIT 1.1mr, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Vol C.U[,, Tio,4, 19"; 201-. Amer Inst of Biol Sci scl- Diol. JU:. 59 Solut 140 1.; N* K., 1954 Sci -~Ohem jarl 59 SiMPIOSt Oleflua With Aqueous lbrMIdOb7da and Aaetaldahyde 0 by Ovp A. M. Kutin, ~idxa n pp Zhur Obahch XhIm,, Vol XXVIn,, Ho 1()l em. Consultants Bureau 79, (Dc-470o) Th6 M20or Trends of the Fdolas labor i0ro ettivIty in Construaticu, by i, i ft6tqm2p V. stomkhial 19 P-0. FIE?SSv-q,P parp SotsWisticbeskiy Trud, ioo~ lop ~1961p yp 69-T6. JPRS 13136 Apt 6,21 of MOms=lnj3 Labor i-4ivOi &a Um radustry o:f an Econmic Mid Iii rw6lve lReglon, by A. Rotebtein. ' i ii RU . ~ i~- 0 Vestalk statictiki., go per 19 91 v9 -49. usl LR CIA/ Im a= Nag ftow.mt.cll labor pmductivity $um ~H.ii,,tmlts of ib;periwuW Conducted -wicli 14~llucldax Magaetometer, 'by A. Yu. Rotstuii,; S, i - I Vs ZlAcrcl, pp, RdSSIA];j I-er, Iz Ak Nauk. Ser Gcuflz.., 1959 ~ PP "LO'10-j-072- Amer Geopbys Union 6o F:,80 331izlftn~ Uduction Metbod for IA--asuring Weak mttguo~Lit Pi43ilsp by A V. Molnilwv,, A, A. ?loro-:,:,v, A. Tio Hotsfitalnt F. I. Skripov,, S. V. Smirnov,, 3 pp iiusuq, pqj, zhur I*m nz, vo)L xxvrili No 4) 19513s,11 pi~ 9*-912. Amtr Imt of pov Phys - Ncb Phyt Vol trio No Sci -~Pbys,.Sl*r-txou An 59 1 ftsition m4 PNWWW of the Physics Of I~ui'. jandl Cmtribvtion to the Theory of couil ~svd igyst*awv kPy A* Zo CA)IIk# JL A, RctU ~er* A ImakLy Fitychayi Zkkumal, Vol 70 lip Of O~ntr~butlox to the Clinical Syndrome *ad fterapy of Muscular Dystrophy ii Calves# by F9 Rott. *ftO*x* per$ TIMUI$1ifthe Rajah"# *43. 170 1962~ pp 1650,57. OTC 7240088-022 PAy 72 ion MechaniEm in the CritiraJ. Region o into Layers,, by L. A. ilott, it pp, SIAN., per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CMfV, 2."~ .1960, PP 394-396. 'IB The Fiv~ixtio4 for Irsothermg OM'unim in the Cri 1. wil R6(#,'cn, by UM Da Alt 'Naut MR, Vol CXXI, Mo It., R Ulf, ~ p Ccnalt-anltx Duroau set - 111,1r3 Sel? z o( !),Ott, az 5k. ,~be ~fe4'18 of Colchiclue on IrradiaW &dbryon cT AAaguzzas Fuselliap by, g..,Pp Rott" 4 pp. I- UBBrAfiv Oor, Dok Ak Hauk MR, Vol CXXV, I'D 1-05.9 917 Amer Imt of Phy-s Sov Plos - Doklady Vol 11r,, No Ak Sci ec 01 MCI, w 101111116 Man" ff L k. ILINM* 16 PP* "I"m Vk flip to 48 MA* r10 In ckI111:yition of Cell DivL;1un In F.-aly of' th,,~- 11 Lil~~f~ruxuuu fuL~1;11iu 'uy ~tiu Actiull i . (.. f- k Ai of 4 wyeriul Tz-,aperuture) by A. RUSS X? ill) p. PJE H1112i SSSR" Vol. (Y.S'V, llc~ fl, 1959" 111--,t Of Biol Sci The 4 r.. in *ch Radietiw Damgs Appears in the ay I Early veloivent of Fiah,, by A. A. Noyakh., N. N. Rott MSLQI,! perj, Wk Ak Hauk MR, vol Cux" BO 24 1958, pp Awr Inst of Phys 6ov Ptqs - Doklady Vol 111j, Ab 2 Set - 11WO Jul ';9 Yr6 6 it qun~titqLttve Study of Gruvtb in the Chick Embryo at DitTeren't Incubation Temperttures, by N. R. Hott, RUSS ~rice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk 888R,, Vol CXnI ! i~ so 'itA01457tsi, pp 1. 237-24o. Aaer Inst of Biol Sci sc". ... Med I~y i,.* ~~t al. fur w t 'La O-U STUDICS C04'CERNING THE HEMAGGLUTINATIVE tCN-- INFEctiOUSIPARTICLES OF THE IN17LUENZA VIRUSES. 11. J~ ~ .1 COWARATIVE STUDIES OF THE PHYSICO-r EMICAL AND .H BIOLWiCAL CHARACTER11STICS, OF THE PARTICLES, BY Ri, ~KOTT ~~ W. SCHAFER) L8 PP. GERMAN, Pq~, Z FUER NATURXFORS(;H., VOL XVIs, NO 5., Ic ~PP 31~0-321, 1961, NI H 6-22.6,,a SCI -IMED CHEMI AUG 6z 208,76o - ---------- ------- 31 0 OF h~ neild of a Rapiay Kovin Sound Bource) by J.61%16 Rott, 9e, pp. monographp Mittellungen Aus Dem lastitut ;~rodyrwik, NO 90 1:94-5. CIA/FDD/)1.41 IAC, IffT MMAL USE 01-ILY ~ientifio ph"Ica JELn 56 M AM ez C on Vbw V&th an& Witboult BvftpbrAk speafto by Jbb Ob Ackmto ftfbemne R pp* Ift ruer an Od'A I athsattk US& to two vv..32!r. WA rN 1320 80,40% 10 Aeronautics O-L-A- JdW CSVVW lolb. ew"Ps ~the Owwant Wwth Of the cmek's 0 0 mmadmUm at Djnftvut cmet4ot IIC by No No Vtt 4 ppe 19!',', RUNS Bok Ah-, No* a=., vol ,, ii is) IWO, Imt of ma sa ZbklAWW-BlOl SCi 800 'lot" WJJ4- PLAttat in TWO-DIXONdonta CoagnaliblA ! I I ?Otl Inow. TV ~!Ikwmx lRotto 44 raL eb,Uov. I und. A iVbl OMNI"" Uur Gera, - ~W, W"; autimr, fttcntica rim Oot 52 CTS/I= lsw .3t ACE68 ol~i the ciaJ.Pical 'Powl R. Rott. :Lo pp. PropaGatiorl Of the V.-.L,-,Ll Or PleCue, by C. Scholtisse.tj (LIRMAN) perk Zl fuer Naturforsc~h, Vol AVI 11% P. 196l'o PI) 109 -11 HIP 9 -1 - 6.1 ,j r n 6' ~ on the Abmmw Dft &AOUB Amrt4alo~ at the lutUmmm Vjxwmb. First P.Oport: !me PS96"im cc "Mmomloul " iu the vtm or! 0 ChIGIMO PUBM (VCR JbVM P46WWnM)j, hAt,,--Yl BaboXere Z 3ktmft"Obw66 30 Mo PV 691-03, M SI-6-6e Doc Ca I 41. Ro t ta Stc-tio-tioal theory of nonluvwganous turbulanoo. Pt 1, 6V'4V,',, ZeitsaLu~nt jUr 0imed. voz 1719,. 1951.. lip 547-1,5'72'~ VA5A YT F Up.560 I 72ti ststUs ~ of ibe poommue TO*, I)y au;w~r~ 14poi4w Areblv, Vol XVn, 1949a vp D.8*ltR./2Tf26 Bel Apt EMMENTAL C!OWMMLMON -M ME PERPOR* ANM OF IVRBLMtRr FLOW IN A nXE. 119631 149)p. 5 rile. 11 . Ordet fr6m~SLA SC:60 63-14484 Tram . 0d nleu~.4rchlv (West Germany) 1956, v. 24, 00'. Vp. 20-291. DESCR *Tu6ule=v. *Plpes, *Fluid flow. Pftss13v,'~VcIocltY,j Reyncildonwober, boundo7layer tramsfrl*,INist equ~'p'wwt. Tests. 54 3 4 L ~' CN (mectu nic 0-44y&-*U4icw. -rr, v. io, no. 3) 63-14494 1. Ratta, I?inlnc (WINMA 2'1 Stl ty Distribution in 14~urbulent Ylm! in to 11,111C ~ by J. liottti L Ingeri. Arch, Vol XVIII, Hydromacbanico Rcecarch As~,uc T 4o6 Oi~,/1217 0 ., P07r, ';-280. L,:ng I rice r 1.uG v Pre 39u'rv~ DUtrlbutlam on Symmetric-ml Wing SecuQ~nl,O at,~Near Sonic Speeds,, by J. Rotta. GER'"Ol per ft 19.59. W - Aero Jul 6) AVA Berlahte, 110 55)/A/36p 876 e).1 d