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WOV, 2, I i 1 ~,L I I I own,-* ti~ 111Z 4 7 40w 14- 17. 71 am,: BarLb*d WorklM Tim ftr Pa6v Do amo I"gt, Vol LIXP OTA V9404113 1 -T l ot alo Red tit Vol 84,j 2808,789 IL af rivatlag With cirD by 0. 1. Paslevskly" 0 - 210-k Stints Vol xm, ito 6t DOIR LW sal 7 Mwww~ oglobib 19clated and Crymt~111-mved c? ApIyalaev by A. Rosiq I -VanaUJL 10 pr r,,Biokhtm$ Vol XXII, No 1,, 21 336-34'$o Owsultwits Bureau 177711"71 f U i~ All li~j ~-11-1`1$il` , ~ i e il~ 420we mi i,.MA, ALMA of Ow 1w 00 "am"Ca oarft" 4w I kb %W. Ilk a stm oil 3A boo" VA Aft low ft gas 0 ra (NOW MIN V* i-O U a aba roi 00 l Pres's On b pi )iqb aci~ntl r1o mostUaLtIon of M4,rh-n-equancy Us- ai2d in a Plaw at Atmwpbaric Ropaikbins I# L. Tsikora, I p. WaxuLl oe;r riz, Vol xlx,, Ir TIZ ciA o 42o53 Cobobin Tech Tr Los Z7 (NY-1528) t~.-* cii-'I'C' tic st4patlon of Rlgh Prequoucy 9 'in Oases and nswes at Atmos- A(I.,i 11 ulml, pop R N u Iltj o Colill :L Zhur Pit XWLa,, Vol XXIXq No 6., pp 1 1086 S: Tile ot the'ParmtIon of Fm Ra.M=3 in y DIsabarge.0 by V. S. On& ~,Wjj, am pis M1114 Vol mup No P-p 19560 Vill Tech and Comm Tz- AV G". withIlUe Ganes$ by B. V;.Roasin, p9 ~r, DerevoobrabetywWwbehaya Prcm.. I~90 19558 py 23-25- SIA JR-19M 7d, oWthe~OeologLcal,Structure of the prcsbion~ * T. 1. P,4,ushnamvaj Ya. D. a I r, Dok Ak Nauk SSMI.. Vol C=II., No 4, 1~6 3-9i6 AM Sul 00'3 lea IT or god ifteces an 01 %w & ou 41 ' 1 gy *1* rai i aso 1%; p MA 59-0573 aw I .0 Phoolilatu, Vus .02p(a @at the bW P, A* lie Nit I Ito a pirp Ak Sauk Ilms Otdol Kblm Romordh IsMn=tlm Service 36o 7ST CbsuftU7 JOU 56 M/M Mimi Nauks Dt L ' , Deriva-tAves T., X :0, As M. p pp = 101 ftw Olh4* VOI M 3?~ i~gl 2ft s No ! . 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O~ftw Per, ftlosivotoffe-, Vol IV No 10, 1956, P01 22149- OIN 17953 CIA 612774' SIA 50-519 Picattrmy Arsenal Tr 19 S4 - Pbye Aug 58': q1j jyd ftahm~a of Vibmtional and Trwslatioval Eaergy ited, Iodine Moloulas and Rare ee~)'Jyxfc. Roesler p 1e PI). p Z PbYsikt Vol XCVIx 1935, pp 251-267. i per STA Tr 2033 Jut 57 Do th i not of tbok AhmptLois CoattLeLesto of soo,.~, rt too ot TairLow tLmn. by F. Roostrz. G it ftlik Val 6g go 3g 19509 pp 145-151. fti- Jae Thu, iicmi Detemimtton ot the True Tmpmtwe of Lumi 6ceA Flows, by F. Itoseler P40, zelt Amen ftat 'Vol 71, No 4, Apr -PP TM300rtB T 4144 rasics /DU' 9 0 61-10940 REPRAC71111: 01-71-ItIVINATION OF' TIM HYI: 1. Tille: cAtmit lamp W117! %,16 COBALT I.A.MP (Div 2. Title: Astiginallsill Refri ktion dt.-s Augc-s mil Ifille klor I Rt)-,.qlt,r. F. K(gu I "Lu I ~61 151 p (12 illus ollimed) Avail lbN.- 6!l(l)wlli) tom SIA (,I - I MAID Tram.. 111 11' 1,111LISC fit (A KIlillischel m1olullshl"iflur qtJr) (Germany) 1929, %-. S4, )an/jt no,' jil I oft~ at 'reclowAcal Swvicvs I'LnUk!Zntious of AdJ abstic C=2;ustion SW i~ I'Propedlents, by Fritz Roatler. Z-M A r 1961 pp., T-1343 Jun 61 R061nalki ritz' I 61-15988 METHODIR F1 ~1`1140 AND r)EsrRCYING I Rossmann. F. W'""'L" AND ORNADOES, tr. by P w 0. It Patent (Germany) 834 296 3 F'b 11. ~~ pt ~ III Patent Office. Order I rain OTS or LA $1. 10 61-1598& Washington, D. C. ~ ~ ~ Trans. of ' M&n :tint $34.296, cl. 45 f, &r. 10, ~W p0t. frten ~ 3'jan $1, J'Vrant announced 14 Feb 52, pub, 17 Mar 524~ DESCRIPTP": *Ta"does, Countermeasures. MeteoroloV, Control- Storms. The Mbod I*:chatxctqrIwd in that technical means *web are Won to 6 0ect, eta ott, dissipate or other- vri :t:,r ~n ~ur cut* ,eht of a few to more than 100 m za in 3 , tet aii IntrC 40ted Into be blo", lose Idnetic " w Ing PD t = ~10119 of the t0rWd0 1`111=1 Or JkP-- I ll'i Prolc e tto ardInade operative. Mw tornado funiol cin be jown t 'i ,itigh by airplanem or influenced 1 ~ DMt* of Toc6ieol Servic*v eby tr '' ' 4;Itte illstance by numns of Ithff om n appt., ,(Borth ology. TT. v. 6. no. 1) (over) W~ li I at mWas witb swaftly Softurift ~ %w hift Iftolers, I us an I tro amu Vail 236 1961~x 1 i i~ i I I 1~ " . - - i . I i aw~~ ~cj 67 i. 326P158 (NY-645o/6) ftl" ftt~n fteds md &wLMJAt Dmlajpmt, by ftas mc~i~Lw 83-pp. 7; uNdwx*p mwibw um, -sauung and mcklim-m- 196DP VP 13-2T., 40 JM 9935 INN* All Acdvity of CNS to Rsqir&dM of Sim, in Idantat ot Vol xvu* 012 141H, JIBE- 6101 111i mod 64 I An JvatV4 ftr t1a ftaV of the Bmahlal Mmau- la a (bw IL mwmtto ]I,& iw"lws 10 pp. OMW PWA~ Arch %1 Typ SIA 31" ita Cor'binvLUE)mji of Recklinghauatn's 8Ystcr.:AJc Ecuro-- fktrQ:miitoui'6 With Multiple bclcrosism by Prof B. Tmlhqn~ L. Xrairicr) R. F8soler) 4 ri.), GIOAIX~ par,~ 11onstsechrift f , Peychictrie wid Vrj. GVv No 1-2.1 1942o PP 116-117. 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PTIx'O,;,CS 31~0 1) d:SSO(.IjIj it'll Willi ft,r_ 'al tjj( 111(cl(H-th-vraw; cot fw.it I diss"K. tltt(i:i i %l0(Ajjlj~Fj(.(j JI()III 111, Vjlj~jl' OW IIlCtIjN-j 7.11* C I ~ I IIt I' I'kI 11, 11 11 111 I'll lat loll t i1 Ilit'l hv 1 L Illollk r~ lli,.- clivil ~isln o1 1 11011% call 11C (Authm) 61-10533 I 2. ZirCOMUIT) C11101111','N- Oluillical 3. ZI rcormiril compoiln't, (Olgalllk)- 4~ Tjilv: Ad,blion I RoN.'Illy. G. 11 Offic. of Pretent Oosition and the Puture Proapfcto in the, Deve'lopment of the Techniques of Electr ic Met34068 lot Dimnsional Working (Machining), bi A. ls.~iLivshite,, V. Ya Rossokbin. MISIANOi~ Wj Stanki i InatrumentA Vol XXV, N6 i95h p py 12-16. Coo Trans Bch 148 (log. Cd ) 80" S6 i Ho Ineering 9 i MI Nkt*d for the DiswlviDg at 41=Jinium ~4icaU~, by IS. Rmot X4004*r, Owale analitymao vol in, ma, Beit - own 60 ACSI B-6055 P-,o 'A d&7 C/ on '~,I:ln~ '51-1-1; ~-,