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R*5792-D 7 Sept 65 Study ~Oj:thiO~IV'Irulemm md Other Properties of Umobluind M091;~OGIYA 0 SAMTOV9 1%4 PP 18-19 2 PP) I:an 4.10at ~or MCIR z ond': r'' ready copy* Koko fxwer T-456-2. as M I DWHOMITA 05000 OPMNYKII T "T R"5793-D 7 Sept 65 an I Inodattgations In Plague M. AM AGIYA I 11KYNOLOGIVA OSOBO OAASMMYKII 0. 9 SARATOV9 1964 pp 123-125 3 pp) Cost for Uft I W~~ ~*Vmi4 ~Mdy oopy, H&O (Xmr T-456.3, as 6~ Schooo Docummt cm be (hit for pato-up, R-5794-D 7 SePt 65 Stuoy itw *'npletenese of the Phasocytic Reaction I I "tuo th6:: 6'f Anti-Plague Thmmitation. )OM? IA.)GIYA I DWHOMOVA OSMO OPASHWI T4, 9 SARATOV9 1964 pp 144-154 Upp) iMP ~ lost:Ir Wdst PC one'i o~4'wwr# ~resdy oopy, Doctmmt can be cut for Ste-up.,j M04 *Mr. T-356-4. ~st! tor wds i I "Jr~' ready oopy. Docuntnt can be cut for i Mak*, 0DVQr T-356-5* 7 7- -71- R-5795-0 7 Sept 65 iii Ant, Neutralization Test Orr the ltie Caresms of Rodentts Succumbed 10 IYA I DOMOLOGNA OSADO UAW= Sxy~';SARATOVP 1964* pp 226-230 (5 PP) T-5796-T) 7 Sept 65 StU4 Cbnditions of Cultivation the Vaminal In ~ E, ii% lt~e Aid of the SubumMsd Method =OIXIIYA I DOMIOLOGIVA OSABO OFASNYKII V* SARATOvg 1964 pp 260-265-277 13 pp) tan i act or We: oni i0omr.' ready copy. Documant ban be cut for 1 -O-U6 m cover T-356-6. R-5797-D 7 Sept 65 fusnog.j tt~~Mklia Used for DryIng on the Viability the in the fty lAve Axitl*Plasue Vaccine ft bw VT". 11 TO WA I DMOLOGrYlk 0S0#30 0PASHYM DO. S~, SARATIOVII t9649 pp 283-2287 9 5 pp ralan 68t Por wft I pe L ..V"dy copy, Make cover T-356-7. Docum R-5798-D 7 Sept 65 w 'tionlof the vactors of the Patho- vILL Wl tk*ltPt iOLOkYA I DMIOLOGM OSOBO OPASNM tri, SIT WaM, 1%4 pp 330-344 15 PP) Uin Pne all"adly oopyo Make onmr T-356-8* Docu- til folr Paste-up* 2 Anpit YWA Drafj~ pl..us I ble of Con-t crobJklogy ukov-~e rezi: SSMI~ ibk., skvai, lizd-i shchesl-IJ,vo ept Do 7, ~nd Noblems of Heredity, by III. N iikov, N. V. Lysogorc)v. [A4Ml4pLkqg~yA..A, yol)q,osy Masleds Lvennosti, "&ianie". 196o, 47 PP. (V,,-,esoiuznoe Rasprostraneniyu Politicheskish i di. Ser. Biol i Med, No 3). *USDA 0 f Me U40 0 atobacterIn in the GrowlM of To.- 11 mtoes famksllg by Mu Go Zinavwx SM t F, x 0 qlil zhv2mlo Val 196 B60 ;o pp 62-63. NLL.RiS~ NOV 67 ajid R ~L 1 rZ.DI,I. ju` 'Themostabile Ccmponents of Cmpler.--~eut ,(C3 ~,A c4) in Dittereat ppecieis of Animair, ftraw, 7 ir. per, Mj=bioIcAcbm4j-A-,bA=aI.Ak Vol IXj, So 2/3., 1948: pp 71-79. fiIH 120--M2 ft:L Biol keb 63 Tbo Quostl= or in Invertebmtes, L. 0. Moreno 6 ppo A*.!4*,qW,p tU=- Vol la, mo 4,. 1949.. Nmi-12-3.1-62 63 06' Itation Ruction in Uperimantal i at by V. P. Tullchimalkep 0, N. ka # 12 pp no per, smial zhur-, Vol z1vo P*b M2# pp 40-41,)* CIA/FM/U-6389 labomtory (Fou a0w: A Ccipq~'Ii and IV ace! I ~ I AntXxin V.: :i~- 1 *01 USSR :~ 1 ~ Scil of Various Metho6s ef Purification tion of Dightberim 2~xbm Toxin wA A. R. BobalWo 13. M. Terekhov, Iva, 13 PP so imr, ENWw"Amm, Vol XXVII, 1"2p pp 47-54. CIA/PM/U-6390 In. Am labomtory WE rilt by~~j 7- forms of Str, Lactis (Report 1),, *dvinsfkas 14 pp. so per, XikxjWxtal bur Vol xxvO Vo Wr 1952,, Vp 5t$.d CU/FDD/U-6392 laboratory (PI gLC Fiit~rat by A. No 3JI KI USSR xj * Florms of the RkkkWs Diphtheria Microbe,$ hnar I ovO 8 pp, W) pers XikrdbIoL 21hur., Vol XIV,, ftg war P laboratory., CIA/FDD/U -6391 (FDD On t6~ M Problem of Cultiv8ting Filtemble Fomc of Gi.! ;ce~~butylicum of Nutrient Media. by G M. Fren~e UXRAU~Os Rico per U03 t!!e=LOj XIV, wo 4, Kiev ~pr i9 p p pp USSR. Ukniin. sci ., ~Med,'I~:Aab,, proc. ciA/PDD/u-6210 Mandl.) ANTHOdYA'NiC Pl~;MENTS AND THEIR ANTISEM.71C Acmrrh, liN nui: ninimi ORDER PLANTS (Antatsia- novi Pigliv: U %li"tx4hikh Roslin ta Ikh Antibakterial'tia .. J) Di.ya ti. 1) J. P. )j'61xin. 11962)112)p. (foreign text In- cluded) ~~'r is. (CM(01 Trans. no. 57:11. Order fr(.)n UI'S o~ SLA $1. 60 62-32)70 Tran~. of,~likrolli logichnNi Zhurnal (USSR) 1953. v. 15, no. 1, _69. DF'SC.RjIyIX)R,.,: *P)ant pigments, Glucc.),sides, Flavmes, *Cyanui.16acid, lithibition, *Disea.ws, Plants. 62-32970 1. hiandryk, T. 11. CSIRO Ti ans-5731 111. Coin nionwealth Scientific and Industrial Rescarcli Organization(Australia) (Blologlciil Sck-n, cs-Bolany, 17, %,. 9, no. 4) Offite at lecWtal Services Lit orl G by H. 1. Gomolyalwp U;Acu~:&SIFITI C. r C:H; Vol 195' 3 N)p USDII ionL A atud~:or the Respiration of Obligate Auserubes, G. Frenkel, M. K, Karpeako, 23 VP. Nauk Ukr BWSW, perj, Mikrobiol Zbur Ak V61 xv'li 1953., AN Tr 3035 i - 11olodip bacteria 57 ~mierwrganime in loss Sirdlation of Y crab% 1~cte-Repart 1. Gemiral Bifthemical S e r 6 1! cA Obaracteristic of Variants.. by "i. 1- -4. obur-Shul'tts, A. 14. Fae;chnik, 44"". Vol XV,, No 3f pp 15-16 1953, ldikrobiol. LII-t WD!, cr~ of Vol plur 'If izrc7oio:L z"lux MW 'ior the thb 'Precipitation R13so-t-im I Dlat~c~ls Ot Bmtrme Dn.,cellovie,) ~ by V, P. TIA 1. 14. "taUkqm, A. No iizwits. Vol XVT-, No-:L,, UKRAINIAN,, ~per, Mur, 19541 ~p 66-69. MA ."rid usD& ;vd, Bel Jun 56 t1le of sttld~y Of cl Cj,.emcYthern.-)V't, n a (1135R) by P, V. Aplyak;, 12 PP- ~LINV Pe-r.~ 7,blir- vol XVT) 1,'%i t4L ev1.9 5PPI 90 - 9 5 zr~ Au--256 ep 55 Varia,~Wty~Iof Microorganism Undar the the AOimlUtion of Microbial Products; by P~. Ye- Vizil Pashchn:tk,, V. N. Shur-Shul't-'I.P., 111 Tpp, UDA33114.. ftno perp Mikrobiol Mur a, Nauk URSR,, Kiev, V552 I~vp 5-10. USSR Sci M-WY 56 CIA/FDD IJ-8241 olojWj, microbiology ex of I~h,* Fmiati= of Toxin In, Chat-woo of 0.1. welai, ft eadealzgm)j. by Vo Ac Yaroshenko$ 10 ppa ~~w Pat 2kor Vol rr# 110 5, PP 01 Kievi, V5 us= May microbiology CIA/FM U-8242 Ril~#e tk's Work or the Soviet Miembiologist to tibe M. Level of the TwIm of tho Sizztla qtk Pftt YA* 19 ~6 fti ft&~clwp idaroblology 061. ~nmonloe oil lftmmlemnts on Soil Bmaterim ,3onmixfoatl4a I. Use of MbIA&=zn to a oillpim by 0. 1. jVAnMWp 44 PW4, xuavbla shur Vol Vill$ so Ip ism Get iw7l) 1~6~ltllo of ekiu Allwa Test for the is VY"OftrYp Put Uo p by L, K. Id D, A, Tairmrk2locyp K. I. V# 10 W4 =-.I _MkFr""'hW,,L_Vol Xv ZIT 414 5 34 -3Wttalmp dia&mtlce oco X~tm of Ratemooomip by 7, 1. sto%tmo qp PWO Meta am Vol xv Vp U-0. owm V-am sq'i KoLialao, miembiolov IL 2") A Nov Antibiotic (W Plw.4. origin., by" teatanahn., 5 pup. mWmmk#,~ ru Pori, lm4jnLL,-j:.Cl Vol rraal. Nal) movi 19.%) pp aatJLblotlQs by B. "Cc, K!r-,'jx- Vol T, I.Te'l PM. x c 14 14 ua r,. F44p 13' 37 CIA 9t*. Fai, 159 1 1747-9 Wrect of Parifted Ulcro~:Lde an Pixed "Um ad BmLIW Urmses, by T. IPO 10 ppe Our Ak Nuk Ukraylial Ift-ke vwl M6m, VP 3843- am Tr L-617-N 7f, ya 62-15119 NMk L. I V=k GES F SPLWMG OF DtSACCIIARXDF L a ik 1 S 1 N - By 113 R [19611 29p. 60 refs. INIHI cm~ ov . . ov . , Il. NIH-113 nwso. 11 3 ~l l 1 6 5 i o M. Natloral Institutes of ld- d H B h W 2-1 1 9 bn SLA $2.60 Order Ts ot . et es ea a, 4 -ALWSSR) 1956, Tram bf iikroH41 ch-3d) Zhqp V. 18, no. P.! DESCRIPTORS: *Saccharides, ON11croorganisms, physiol Car"ydrates, Hydrolysis C~Yli (Biologin Sciew4ell-NUcrobiology, 17, v. 7. no. 12) 04- 1 T.cWc.l S-1c.. 1747-N rw Ntntus st Note" in !,.t'y A. go Tat' Wkwo, too$ am It DA&I .77 o1. th-- nrenrF,* O"ll the probler. lirl.- on-ration Proca6s'!G) VY Yu, blolo M.edviv 1.0 0,"r, thicrob4ol C) pp Bact-s:71r; on. hm. $cn ri,,rcd of GrgmAc. c, ~xj loy V. I i p bA.141*44iol ZIAU'p Vol jrEX,- No 2.- 1957.~ r,jp *U,-13 um fti Feb 7 Con~efitradon of Active Substance Act. Globleporuo A~ . I i Z. A. Sots I )a pp. UNCLASSVnD UKRi 0 qu pero Nlkrobiol Zhur, Val XIX.. ND 3, IV 1195 us JPRS/" BY-L-197 act, - Jbd 1 Jun, Effects !or! loqUIng Bodlatlova an Acroorge Sum, by 15 pp. UNCLM37MCD I uimmil qu "ro Mkroblol Zhur, Vol XIXp No 3, 1~'5d' . pp US ipfts/gy-L-198 58 tructiou D*UU9 of D'Yakoumlo its interceptive Ckmltiyo by A- ri, Woobiol Our, Tol XXV so ij 1958; ........ . . sell Apr -7 9 O=Itlon of,I Phosphoric Esters by *Wao Pmcess of srowth,of Sitr. Lactia, by S. I. Novikova. IT "XISIAN; per) AMilzrobiol Zhur; Vol XXp No 3~ 1958, rIA'-9Z)71676'-- 31-.35. UISrDt. 07 -7 Of- "Ns .5 Hug. !J!~ Microbiblogy 4M the Prospeate f OX its Do-vel-opw-nit in 1959-1965 in the UkraJnian SSR, by V. 0. Drobot JWJ 6 pps WAKO pairp XjXrobiol Muir, Vol XXI) No 1.~ 9 5-13'. 0 BE I 59 3x S-5201 The Tadliz, Qf p%Crjcujt=a-' 14iombiology Daring -1959-1~6~) 41L. I. Ruucuchik~ 6 pp. UMINIMO wt~,,Nikrobiol Zhurp Vol XXI, 1-to 1; 1 9) PP q4t~.' JPRS-L-1809-D Sci - . Aug 99 0 or iffutritiVa and llarm.-ktat:L,~-Q O&Y 114 th'* I*MgdUte ftiAlre by 0. rrerdtol UKRAMIA Mikrobiol zhur., -iev, JMS-L-.1809-D Aug -Prcspects for the HicroorSaulaus, by 0. Yes. Raz,-.-4bts, J>Ikrl tUkrobIO1ejiUa=A-,,f Zhur, Vol )Uuj~ no 1~ Oev ~959 P B;Oloa Aug 59~ tivity at 7=0 and the T"ke of 6t Lizi iftm 1n the NatImal HconouW., by V. Y. 6 ula~~, per., Nlkrob Zhur,, vol ma) n .1959 o P pp Sol CbWatry, Biology Aug~ Lrvival 'of Typ6,0id Fever and Dysenteric Bacteria Sea Wgt6.1r, by B.M. ftskin. RALUM per Mkrobiol Zbur Vol KXI, No 1., 1959, 46. 9660~42 ATIc mm 654 - med, 61 .V4 .to ExP ~riment&l Invest'gat'ng SPwadic Cases ;h Typhus in the city ar Kiev, by t in&.]! per~Mikrobiol Zhur, Vol XXI., No 1, 1959p ta.O~L-tlh ~ W -, '' , I - arac 'ist id of the SUpbyloeoccw and Intestiml I in ~Process ot AdaptAtion to Streptomycin., v# V. C~Whi66.kiy, 55. - Ned 61 5 Zbur,, Vol. M., Nol., 1959 ATIC MM 654 57-1, V-2 '7 feet ot tA~myeia on Dybentery Toxins and per r~~enterial Intoxication, by 00 RAVIM, per Mikrobiol Zburp Vol XXI, No 1., 1959) 60. CrA ATIC MCL 654 I - l4ed 61 i 64" ~007, Med Sci entRI Conditions on me iij~ in Pliytopathogenic Bacteria, upps Aohichnyl Zhur Ak Nauk 5. 1959A ~pp 58-15. 274049 The ~fect of Gamma -Radiat Ion on Sou-- Biol: ~iical!,Obaracteristlco of B. Breslau py , by K. 1,, Andriyuk., 11 pp. RUISSVIN ;Wwobiolod Vol X-11~ NO 3; JPFw 7122 lie, s,2 i Nov 6o (BY-4764) Wtability of )U.croorgantimm Uudor the affect of IZUS Wiation, by A. 141. Ausichnuk, 18 pp. j ftwslo,, per,, x Vol XXII., No 3) 1460o 69-74. JM 7123 T/ Dec charge in the content ana ampouition crf l!i",Ifz!-"-- jjCj4,jj M*gjQtj Undgr tL111 EffeCt l7f Rai 11JOAmi., by T. D. DekhtyaraWto, 7 PP, Hlkmbiol Zhur;l Vol )Mll> I-Ijo 1960p JM 7239 So -i (Xf -5 198) A stud of:'ths Activity aC Aerctic Varlimts of Bac rfljupaS " 11 ObULTX4 Under tho If fect of X;-VVj 4nd According to Mmmtsev's *thads by A. Hip Tam"hWk, JL D. lkt"im, 12 pp. HUSSIANJI abiol Zbors Vol M=8 so 4.. 196o0 pp 4540s im 700 SOL -W NM i QX=titavei! Cmtent of bicrocirgmijars in Jd(jh Atrr6g ieri~ I.Wers, by Yao Cv, )Usl*c6 8 pp, lwciit, p~r, MlkxckA g= Zhumal, Vol 22, 2122i c No 6., ~11%010 W7pm 4. Disciussims In Cmmection with Liberman' Ast,140 Oalled "ecological cmations fvr the Dc&0!Iopmt!it of Str. Lactis Izi Uhpastouri-.,.od Frel'A P-diks by U, L, Nepom'sahchs. R(J~SIXA,144 perj..MLkrd~Lol Zhur4, Vol YMI 0 No 60 194011i pp A2-87s NRC/Rof C-4344 SCA av~tl Agri Dell'; 163 (iff-6909/1) NX IiAhodoloeW of Determining the Viability Of MicrdOrgai~~- iu an Eqnrlwatal Aexwol, 1 ' by Ye., P. Si6ellnikova, 6 pp. MmImi r XikrObiolOg M=) 'Vol X=., No 2) 1.961.,: JPW 3=3 7 Sci 'Bia Sep (NY-6509/2) Effecti of Air Imlzation on Weiv-0mrMlism Suspep4ed Therelu,, by V. A. lanwhenko., 10 pp. R=Wp petp.Wlkrlab4mFR zhurs Vol xxilio No 2.. 3L961 53-.;30-. ipm locM sci say (M-6533) a I 'For tko Coutiomw con=* Of HIM stawa%mmma-,v ConditJonso by Vo A 6 pp. lmslw~ pu lobso3amebol- Immulm" I Vol xxixlp JM 12547 /JI., 9 v Biol mar IV BacteriaUy Pare CtUture kif Chiolmlla A ng S;P-te" 1,1US5ZA14~p per, Kilmobiol Zbtxrs Vol Y211"I', 110 UsDk IR Tr A-133*3 DIX01 lRariciamen-16" Scurct.--) Ov of Soil with D-a-yines an". Tlv~,~- N.V. Peterson. per, Ri-krobiol. Kh. Vol. 2-,~, No. 1061. pp 14 -11 I'MSEV'Ref. No. 3.101 ALLPWION COWDIDU ON WW=l rAW ANINU, fff Q* 0. NIMUIKAg I put 19ka6lo S-234'(`211 L) -L. joill'; -:010 i ic L)y z)oc u 17 fi)r LYSA RID& D POLYS CtHA B. BRES U A LA NERATHO PRO? TIVB DETE M11 POLYSA6~ ARI 6311 10p) die. F Jer from ADS. of ~m ~bfol 24, no. 2 ii, 18, SCRIPr 'ORBS- ~*FN lbodles, 0Monow 1ysls. pDlysacchaiides THE COMPLETE ANTIGEN ~,CONTAINING FRACTIONS P SBCONIARY CULTURBS FILTRATES. 111. QUANrI- )N OF IAONOSACCHARIDES BY CHRomArocRAPHY. 11anuocript no. S362-2. or STC $1. 10 TT-63-238" 3a1 (USSR) 1962. available) xharldes. *Antigens and Idea, Chromatographic e ccintalned In the complete antigen In the "1060ell, hoU4, band "strongly bound" fractlow B. Brealau!aM of th~jaeeoadsry cultures No. 36 and ological S~ie~ces--Tirjcroblology, TT. v. It. no. 5) (over) rr-63-238" 1. Title: Bacillus Breslaw 1. Zakhazov , 1. Y. 11. FASEB S-362-2 III. Title: Quantitative... IV. FASEB S-362-2 V. Federation of American Societies for Experi - mental Biology. Washington. D. C. VI. Script& Technics, Inc. , Washington, D. C. Rashba. V. a. and INTostovova. G. 0. kNTIBAC-rtRIAI. ACtivrry OF ARENARIN IN Rr- 1. Title: Arenarin .ATION J6 W Tli'It IMMORTFLI-F US GATI]FRI-D 2. Title: flelichrvsia MID opirO, Iit ONDI- ibNS. 119631113p) 5rets FASF9 3. Title: Immortelle nanuwript:nO. S 36 3 1~ 2, 1. Rashba. 0. Ya. 1 Wer rromb SLA, or FTC $1.60 Tr-63-21511 11. \10,zlovova, G. 0. ' rrans. of lolo tchnyt 7hurnal (USSR) 1962. v. 24. ' IV. Federation of -kniorican io. 2. p. In 4. (A t ci Svallable) ra cocleties for Fxperi- mental 111ology, )ESCRipr6ft': *Anti slotics, Plants (Botany). *Biologi- Washington, n. C. ,al ass4. 01r 88, sti ~hylococcus. V. ccrljxa Technica. Inc., Washln~rton, ~renarln p re (rbm Immortelle lleliq hrysum _ T-C am! alned from different, not necessarily .emote, ar iad a, the 16me Htage or Its growth Is dif- crent In an.01bacteria(activity. Arenarin is most ictive whenioloWned 6om Immortelle found in sumiy ireas. 'M~ njost act~'vt: Arenarin Is obtained from Biological Sciences-4, rmacology, TT. v. 11. no. 1) r1a 01fi- M T-h,,1-1 r- (over) A %*V24 for OMMAS the mia- 1 1; ac cultam CC IbloollislAr Alaw "a! Swtula *2tWwp bV V. A. T m3l~ XMI.0 V& vatiNq 4 # alp ale =SIAN va =V.% IMM lIr A-1367 M Rowmboiiaj,~ir. Ya BGREE IRREDITARY CONSOLIDATION OF 1. Romantsova, V. Ya. RAW S 00 AGGLUMABLE PROPERTIES 11. FASEB-S-688-3 ON CQMEDI' ASSUMATION OF ft?TEROGENOUS Ill. Federation of American NK(Stupiri'S dkovajo Zaltripletviya u Transform ant iv Societies for Experl- ~i ftm 51yutlya 0 v0Gte1,,N.,buttkh I mental Biology, e4~ -3-A1- , 1,,4rr wb~ayc~ lu 112pl Washington, R C. orelp taxi I ude4l Irete PASEB Me no: S688-3. IV. Scripta Tt-chnica, Inc., f O`rS, S" .'or M $L60 TT-64-15410 Washington, D. C. raw. Cd MKIftil4ogbayi Zhurnal (USSR) 1962, 24. no. 5. p. 2D-2.S. Office of Tothnical 14rvicts ocal Sdvmm--Sli~ robiolcgy. 77. v. 12, no. 3) On thq Bemizi4tlon of Air In Biotrm Wards and Cwta-A hsewlses With Hamolytic Oocol and the ,I 1e ~ Bidlogl~a,l Pkopwties of 2hese, Ooccl,, by L. V. arigoe V. A. ramsbenbo. RUSS Rp Vol XXEVI No 5) lw2p 14 M A~O-wq--Ab yp 3 92WM um It V-1w Sci 61 Md Sol JUL THE ECT OF TIOCENSIS OF INTESTINAL FLORA,O?,' TH-L DEVELOPMENIT OF RADIATION SICKNESS, .1 G. BY G MILENK0, 6 pp. RUSSIA14 PERr Al QBIOLOGJ.CdiNYY ZHUMNIAL, VOL XXIVI NO 1 1) 2~ PP 35--"1 JPRS 17170 SCI IIIED JAN Romamac~lt~ ~V. Y, FORMATI(M OF D( BAcrHRIA ;6RING GENIC DN-l 1. ~[1963) 6o. S 231-3~ 1 Orderfrom~'Cr St. I irans, of NUJ~*cA~ 24, w. 6, 1). 52. JBLE TRANSFORmAtus IN OSSURLATION OF tMERO- 10p] l1rels PASEBmamuscript , or UM $1. 10 Tr-64-13517 ;~~rwl (USM 1962, L sctzr~es--Mlcroblology, TT, v. 11, no. 11) 7T-64-13517 1. Romant"Mm. V. Ya. 13. PASEM-S-231-3 In. Federsdon of Ammican Socledet for Rqwri- menw Biolo", Washington, D. a IV, Scripts Techdca, bw-, Washlogtoa. D. C. Offlc~ 0 T-hiOcsl S-1,*. X:Lttc I*ontations by Phytopatilye enic by Il- S, 'latisl,CV:;kap 17 per. Mikrobiolahichn mr, j,"Vol Y-XIV .4 0 Ot '162 ~i. 969, 944 294,71,13 Dat -!.an th6 Sutyd of Bacbmial -Ccntaminaticn of I Atnp~p~eriq Air of the CLty of Ociessa, by p ~ I - . 1: 0# Xtu. cql�oxashchenkol, IA, 14. Xharmats. 9 pp. pier, Mikubi212A Zhumal, Vol 25t ciin__w No 1 1%-3 ~p-3=5- All fT Q3-35-70 sci/b and 7i1 MY 70 all T. P. iii A WLUM im WA V p4mrl v Maw FASU I& w --'~ A oi,ow &M 97* .4 , IsLA, 1* sulkat *a Im 35, 36 9MA41 Vs'0LATW IN OF 1960-1961 VWUomtkb D~ I * a= $2.6o -64-15693 &mDTS Zburml (USM) 1963, -b�,CnU*bW, Tl*$ T- 4) 7T-64-15693 L Yat"'. T. P. IL PASWS-822-3 ILL palwadm of Amwkan SorAmUes ew RKPWJ CNN" I sology, w"hLovwc6 D. C. IV. Tsdmka, IDC.. W-Abumm D. C~ Off%* of Tockpical So"Icos Bel'ty ukawa, K, G. atid Mattsheys'ka. Ni. S. YPECT OP diBBERCLLIN ON PLANT RESISTANCE 0 DISEAS~ IYPITV Giverellau n-A Stj *vikist, Ro"hil o '&khvorMaP').'jIWlj11 Jk8p) $refs PASEB Me no. 826-3, )rder from )T~, SLA~ or ETC $1.60 Tr-64-15451 .rans. of Mjkr jAdQj%k;kR)j 7hurnal (USSR) 1963, 25. no. 3, p. 64-70. Biological W6ces-microlAclogy, TT. v. 12, no. 3) TT-64-15431 1. Bel*tyukova. K. G 11 MatlehevB'ka, Ni S, IV Federation of %merican Societies for Expert- mental Biology, Walhington, D C. V. Scripts Technics, Inc.. Vashington, D. C. OffiCe 0 T-h.-I a Crthor Bil o n an t') vc 11,11.) VC- -~;,i ct il ur n th r- in Ji-S, IS T"-lb c r1 C r ~,ctor!7 in th,- )f Certa:Lll zhur; 196 1, y7 5,0,--57, 3ci Pic]. 1,110~1 i,'; t- i -,:, 6 1! Tl,-l RS/2a-77 C'l D--111- A TT-63- 24496 ashba, 0. Yo.! and Z chenko, 0. M. I YESTIGAnoNI OF AMYLASE AND SUCRASE 1. Rashba. 0. Ys. ICTIVITY OF' I'VOYCE1,144 WASTES FROM THE PRO- 11. Zaich--nko, C). hl. I 6-CTION OF!P9NICILON AND STREPTOMYCIN. 111. 1 ASEB-S-22-9-3 -901 110p] 4refd IN'. 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Ali iunc!41. Plantfillk)w1j). 17, Y, 11, no. 9) TT-64-13465 1. Title: hfo-3alc virus I . Zlcrrbchuk, L. K. 11. FAS[-.5 -5-444-3 Ill. Federation ofAmerican Societies I 1r Expert - rn--nul R!Ciogy, D. C. IV. Scripts Trhnicq, W., D. C. Bacter al FlIbra of Shrimp, by K. 1. Surlyaninova. 10 PP.' RUSSWO perk., Mikrobiologichnyi Zhunial, Vol 25, No 1, 11963, pp 41-43. SLA 1-111-64-19i283 Sci/BIJNI Jul 66 305,905 11 T. P, DWLLOWA VU ;W= 1 DnTAWW lannyn %virniv V vi T NW6~~ ~iw MAINS L90LATED IN C MRIM OF 196D-1961 IF T#-m Vwumikh Wig& [424)p Itrats 60 I-r-64-1.9693 Aw emm SLA. p smUsbis ca kam b= OTS y ilvinw (Ula) 194 3S. Tr-64-15693 L Y"', T. P. EL PASES-SgZ2-3 ILL p Ww"Im of Aumwicau Scr.Wsm for a4mimawl Blokw- W"hlovm- D. C. IV. S"um Todmics, b3c.. D. C. Tr, IX 4) Effeci~of Prolonged Preservation of Tumor in For#linj'and its Antigenic P:roperties, S. P. Lisova. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Mik-robiologichnyi Zhurnal, No 3, 1965,11pp 24-27. CFSTI '17-66-16057 Sci/B&M Apr 6T Tissue by Vol 27, 322,401 vn from Ms. d 3. p. Sh law. &C 0.. mamk* T. P..j yj 0. A. cExTArN MMODS FOR DMUL iF IAN I , OR jXSrAW_ES IN VITRO ' akyldi!M~todlv PsrvyarAbo Vidbaru WR"o~p iy Vitro). (18p) trardg:. Srids PA!M Ms no.: S824-3. rs~ sLA. !~r ETc si. 6o W-64-157M 1963. v. 251 Sc1mr.es-4hunwicology. TT. v. 12, no. 4) IT-64-15703 L AWAM&D, IL Yu. 11. Stivalger, K 0. JIL Mandryk. T. P. IV. brodiblua A. K V. Kipryawva, 0. A. VI, PASEB-S-824-3 V11. FeJeration of American Societies for Exp=imental Biology, Washington, D. C. VIU. -Scripta Technica, 111C., Washington. 1). C. Offic. of T-hM..f S-i-. MAWT--Irb~mm &Wnam OF nm C;Ewus L Nammkp, 0. 0. *A M Utt.A uyucW IL FASWS-M-3 PSUMM _OUmmWwmT Wkwly, z Mq ftwo.0-n-WAS . 116p) Cbmetsu UL Fe4watim of 4a br.10VArats. RU~U- no. ' SM-3. Arnwu= Socied" trom; s, su~! or= st. 66 rr-6-t-15692 for Experimmital = on IOA~tfram OTS Biology, Wasliffigton. D6 C, Tram d zbwrnkl (U&%) 1%31 IV. Scrips Tachnick br-, via. bCJ4wM-1hUCxGbk4W, TT, v. no. 41) Antigenic Pro erties and Antigenic Structure of .i I li p Complexes Ccititaining Polysaccharide of Riteropat and N6n-Typable Strains of Esch. Coli,, by S.V. Dr6botkb-Af6nskaya and I. Ya. Zekharova, 9pp f L I UKMIIIW,, Per.. MikrobiologiLhRy Zhurnal, Kiev., vol )bm' , NO! 4, 1964, pp >-d JpRS 27471 Sci-Biol Med Jan 65 271,896 I F 5-1074/64 On the~Fossibility of Detecting *Botulism Bacillus ;~ 9 WIter by the Toxin:i a Method of Determining the Pbah'socytlic Index, by S. M. Minervin, A. F..Stoyanovskiy, et al. I ff(NY-9416) UKRAITIT~Ci, per, Mikrobiol Zhur, Vol )OCII, No 4, 1964, Pp' 1346. 7 L17 Sci B & MiSci 15 Oct (,4 ~ S-10741 i% On the Microflora PlasticiSurglel.-y o. Effect of Im~anine P. S. V81osdv~ets. of a Free Skin Graft ii, Case of Clear Operative Wounds and the on It, by 0. V. Dollnitskiy, J /y (iiy-94i6) UKRXIMP1. 'per, I-Mcrobiol Zhur, Vol U11I. No 4, ,p.; 46JO. 1964) P 7 L( W Sci - 13 & 14 isci 15 Oct 64 l~