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I i Table J' Coritents I i i RUSSIVI, per, Met i Gid, Nc. 11/12) 1959. i 'juer MetQcrol 5oc i ir, Canibridge Evs, D~nter r ,c,-69/6o I~tMo3pbew,ric Vlow in ;pp - (NY-3562). the Ostratispiiare, by V. R. .r;.*t i Gid, No 11, 1959) PP 3-15- JIM13 2470 ~ci - Cooyhral Meteorology ~pr 60 .69/60 (HY-35602) inf luan~,,c. of lihe Central A3i3tic Mowit-vins- oa the Tj-jo jt-,t Stream, by P. P080s.YRII) \ Oormtioi.i of K. F. B"'a I Oy a~ :.16 p-P per) 14-~- t 1, Gid., i(o J-1., 1959., pp 16 - Iluss 2 2471 scl - Apr 60 .-qm-e- Wasur=ont Results ot the : i i RadlAtIon Of ithe Atmosphere In JK. Ya. Kbndr~tlevj T. S. Gollm, RUSSIANp per.1114at i Gid Amer I*teorol So AP Owbridge Ron Air Cooling' and Coadecaution Duriza Hci,-t Convoctlomi,1 by A ~ F - Hertsalovo 5 rP - Teipjp MmO I Old) go It.. 19591i PP 58-60 A03r Notem-rol 30c AF CamtArulge Rcs Cant,-.- jua 6*1 OH-35162). fo t 01,010(giCal SerViCa r 195", 'be C:ne, Lr e 3SIM, per, 1959, pp 62-6,6. MRS 21,72 i - G~oobys P: Keteorology ir Ali~tl*,~rjpt~ nl; rrod'ictlon of Cold by I. Blodolalp PI), L li .,!J, 1 6 L,,, U.Lkl,~ t% Q LC- ft1w 7CC lo'( 6o 67/6o 56 OqY-35 1) - ward 4L Theon~ of tbe Temperatare Regim of e Upper Atmo6phere, by K. Ya. Kondratyev, p. rui~ovldl, 15 pp. SSYAN, Dbr,_J.0-t i Gid) No 12, 1959) pp 41,48. ~M 2662 I - rxc:qpIIYUj Meteorology 60 67/60 terature on eanoum-PhY SSIAN', Per, Geop~~, n 6o DlY,-356i). ieteorologyj, HydroloeZr and 19501 7 PP- Met_i_Gid, No 12., 1959., pp 55-53. JPRS 2659 Meteorology //7 Trans ac Mlorrm of flydrometewological IIJ 3,b(,-r w Educational InGtitution in 1958, 5 PP. Russuqj~ par i Met i Gid, No 12, 1.959~, Pq 58, 59. JTP R 3 26 6 3 Sci - Gr.-i9phyiii., I.Aelteorology ifhy 6o 7 I sa r: I' thil~ J.3amal 'Tlcteo-.olo&~ and -9, 64-6n G"Id, No 3.20 191) JPR-S P-774 4".tcorology ?.y 6o 7.1 Table of Cuntents RUSSIA~, Pe4 Met i Gid, No 112, 1960. -Lmer MAeoro-' Soc ikF Cambridge R-2s Center fC- J.,n- 4,11e Trop^, Dusbkin., Yelo 0. Lomonosov, 14 RMSIAN., perp Met ~i id, No 1, 1960t PP 3-9. JPR3 5373 Sci ("Go, ~01;L-tecivolo&V Aug 60 S-310/66 Oly--'~351 Accurate L;.nd Uze ol, Number ident4fication of 2"orics, of Turoul'i'm'- 1.1", M. V. 1"'ZLvaritia, M. 1. yLl,.-Il, NO -149C0, P~;) 3-iG, JPRS 2557 ,-j~t Sci - Clcoph,~.~:,,- Mcl teorology Aor 60 s ---111/60 (NY-3851). Firat Rer-ults of Working in a Neu, Manner> by L. P. ~0'~~Ovj 5 pp. RUSSIALj$; pex-!, met i Gid~ No 2j. lc,60, PP 32-34. JPRS 2767 Sci - Geophyaj meteorology jun 60 S-316/60 (NY-3851). .be Besul ts of Tenting the Gwma Moisture Gauge 9 DIP-64, i~y Yu. S. Mel Inik, 10 pp. RUSSIAN.,:per, Met.i-q~d, No 2., 1960. PP 35-38- JPRq 21'6 5 sci Ge6physp meteorolo&( JUI.6o Thi-41Y of' ~AR&"tlic,30ndes) by V. S. A. 14-o'bizalik-ho, 5 PP. Met Gid? No 2~ lc-'~), 1,~, lGC 115 ~ci coanho;6 may (HY-3851) Tramacti,lons of the Scientifia Refsearch Institution-,,; of the Hydrai~fteorological Servico in 1959,~ 11 pp. Gid, No 2., 1960P PP ~3-57- JPRS 2766 6 I'V Sai - Gcophy~icta, meteorology jun 6o y 11 bi~ Ccaf"crence on Atzooph~,,rie (.)zone, 3 P-l)- i Gidj 140 21 -1'06~0; IGC 115 Gurdoreace on G. out'rn. m".11 1. V. GIL, N -V-SO~ i Cl j 2L I 117,o*j.c.,~o of Fast Aztarctica vind by V. A. BuFayev, f, pin, ,:;IAI,I, peril Met i Gid, ZT 0, pp ",-lcl~ No 3, IGOV 117 severa cuitactoristics of Tuxtwlenw and the Teapv~rntum~Vield Over Mountaino) by S. M. 9 WL i ad) No 3s 3-960~ DP U-17- Amer Mama Soo AF Ca*,rtdp fte C-entar Sol 00003isIcs C G id) Au S-325/6~o! Therml 73o-,mdarieo of the Initial Crysta-11i -.mit ion Of Claildt., b~, A. P. Chuvayev, 7 pp. RUSSIAN) peis,,,: Het i Gid, No 3o 1960, pp 26-28,, JFRB 3592 Sci - Geophya, Meteorology Aug 6o 2 J1 20 ( I %-1 --3947 ) The lnifl.,aenci~ or the Density of Water on Deviations of the Sea Le'vel From the Surface of the Geoid, by N. X4 Khanaychenko, 8 -o-D,, RUSSIAN~ per;o Met i Gid, No 3) PP 35-37. Sci - Geophy,;sj Oceanography Aug 60 S -325/(k) (P-C-3754) The Cavlexi Automatization of Ikrdraneteorological MeasurnmentilIj by A. A. Syy)to., A. I. Danilin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, perv Met i Gid, No 31 196o) pp 44, 115. JPRS 3593 Sci - O'eopl),~Yoj lile-6eol~ology Aug (~O S-325/6() 1 X - -27 5); The c,,uAlit- ior i y -lieteorological Instruments and InstallAtions by A. S. Stepanov, 2 pp. RUSSIANS, pei, Met i Gid, No 1.960 pp JpRss -15?4 Sci - Geophilit', Meteorolo&( Aug The Boviot cioud Atim ana a 1-Amloincation of Maud Yt*w, A. Me luir/M) RUSSIWv 1mrp. Met I NO 3v 1960., PP 53-56. Awr mytoorol am JW Cmbrl4ip Res Cen6er S -326/w (DC-3754) Transactimmli of the Scientific Research ;Cnatitutions of the Hydi-~,"Im,~tcorological Service of the USSR 19591 15 rip. RUSSIAN, par, Met i Gidp No pp 57-61. ............ j, 1960, JPRS 35515 Pleteorology U-11A PTCZ3 w ol- L cat S. 17 pp, LI -C, OF-IRS 2743 &.1-ri 60 -k 16 p b.,i G Me t i Gid, 110 JPRS 2749 eorology J4-.i C';O ~7 NIf T" F CLO Vcr~ [41p, Ordie sur 11960 ~OUpper atmosphere, HelghL finding, Ocl s~ FreqJay. Thickness. Meteorological <L 1111 ;. H i A. v~H-ncA~ Ex-rENT OF UPPER-LAYER 1XII 4c, VL,-i Nal'noy PrrAyttzheanosti Oblakov nc~,o Yara a~ tr. by RielliI'd M. Holden. S Fep 60 3 613. A meism-r-R-322j.; AD-253 48D. ltrn ant or SLA $1. 10 61-19524 I ~ I 0 C"T Iro y& i Giciroinlya (U-II;R) 4. p. N-1 It!* RlFrrORS- Datailskiven khe vertical extent of upper-layer clc )11h'd and the German Democratic Republic' (GDR) I I obtained by the generalization of Qcc06tv' of SQ66C crews who new over this territor front!l"3-l9$6.'; 0( these accounis, only those were ack~ift.iinwbic upper- layer clouds are recorded in thc(Or o(svep'$rm%cl&ycr. TIttrewercl9lotthcee .1 rfS Occountz'(50 dueittS the winter, 68 durl the spritS, (Earih, fences -1 -Meteorology. TT. v. no. 2, (,wei 61-19524 L Baranov, A. M. IL AmhIct&x--*r-R-.l22 Ill. Anve-ricen Meteorological Fvlety, Boston. Mass, W. Contract AF 19(604)6113 V. AD-2S3 480 33 over r the du mMer and 40 In the (41). 71te mean te the too. and bottom o( upper-layer clouds Pblund andihe GDR. as well an clouds of this over the!E~r~ian U5FR, has a well expressod A viLo4tionjivith a miL%imum In summer and a ~um In winter". During the year, the ever*Se leai of the Wouds; changes little and Is. on the je.12.2-2.3km. (Author) pa- 6t-L9524 110 al On th,*~~Cqusqd of Squiill Orlgin, IF. T. Dorosh,41)ko., 1,0 pp, ~pcr Met I Gidp No 4 )u pp JPRS 2750 al,-, L 6 o -397/6o ight Aoalrist o l i I 1~ 1 lkandxorv*~ ~USSIANO perp bci - ep,,.6phym 60 0 (NY-4(Y(4). I)nmge in Italy, by V- Ya.. I Gid.. NO 4, 1960) PP 51, 52. JPRS 2753 w,%teorology 71 ,397160 terst*6 on )NteorojW, Wdlrol.Ca and pp. WO) 'far) 4, 1960# pp 56-60* JM 2M jjeteoj-oj~jC.4 (Aba,tract-Indicative),) by R. per Met i Gid., No Russihii 5, 1960.. PP 3-10- OTS PB 131632-125 sci - Gaqph3r6,j Space Res jun 6o; taoroll 6, 1lUSSlMf)i:: Par., om Cleq~pbya'~ Space Res Jun 6o No 5) 1960) PP 23-26- FB 131632.,-125 /17033 teorol~ 3 bract -Indicative), ~~t I Gid, no 5., 1960, pp 4.6-53- IGC om PB 13:L632-125 i - G40tibys.11 Space Res 60 11 7j 0 3~' (Ny-4663). Transactioas of the SC Lori 41f le -Researcb Imtitutlono 0:f the Hy&omteorological Service buring .459 pp. RU8SLAff,;per,;Met i Gld,, So 5, 1960, Pp 58, 59. JM 7047 isci - SOV 125 tiov 66 J (NY-4493). I Sesston Orl,the Scientific Council of the ,.te Hydrological Institate of the Results of .entif ic' lRes6arch Works in 1959 p by K. P. .bashe V~j, 7 I)P''O SIAN, p6r) Met I GIdp No 5, 1960) pp 65) 66* ims 70h6 Nov 60 53 (sr. -1028) Agroineteorological ForecaBtB: A Most Important Way of ServIng Agriculture.. by M. S. Kulik, 10 pp. RUSBIAN~p pe,~? Met i Gids No 6., 1960. aw 4025 USSR Econ Agri,:oulture )wwx)40 for coupitation of Total 16dIVA100, by To 0. Owirmia. Imaxw" pw, Not I "do 110 6,s 1960., Pp 9-12. Ibrth low 6~ zu it 50T0 aft & Astran 1, SY F Oom Ourfaft In the YonnUan A4WFWPAI~ of the of Auticyclou", by V. G. Sunowv,, 7 pp. RMIAM pe pAt I no 6p 1960, PP 17-M. Amer Hateordl Sm AF Cwb*U~e No Caftr SO /S-0 Z-jd- YAW 61 R=Bthm Bals~cs Vitbdz a MoA,4 try V. S. Mnbarinp We Md por.- Mot i No 6.s 196ov Amu Matowsl Sm AV Cm*rldgp fts Cuter fkl ~Nw 61, so Vekrtia~l &Wnt of toper-UVar Cloift) by M. 3 PP- ul., por:, met I oid., No 6., 1960., pp 25, 26. JWw UsUorol Sac AV CaOridge F4o Center S-542/60 USSR LIfterature on Meteorology, Oceanograpb~ Published in 1959) RUSSIA11ij per), Ket i (lid, No 6. JPRB 4o2i Sci - Geop4s (SP'-IU?-8) Uydrology and 12 PP- 1.960, pp 44-49. Sep 60! (NY-5013) On the a in the Sun- Foolsible Cause of Change Atm~a~hez~.Relationohip,. by L. A. Vitells, 13 RUSSIAN, Vo--r,. Met i. Gid, No 7., 1960~ of 9-13. sci - Geofts Oct: w JM 5913 A5 (ri; -5013) M!.~fihca pj~ Caic.-alating the T,,.mpc-ct-vr- of the M'at"'Ur 5.11:L ho Uprpr Layer of the the llarzn f Part o:r'jl the Year, by W. A. le-linijkly, I.I. G. 0:14,01o Vap 13 Pp. wisi" per,, bwt i Qid~ No 7p IC60., pp 14-21. JPRS T343 Atin 61 I-rlz (HY-5013) Literature,ou meteoroIcsys Borolo&y., and ooesbo~rapby in 19590 1e pp. RUSS so 7., 1960j. pp 51-55~, JPRS 7256 sci Oeopbys 61 (NY -5157) Meteorological and Wrojogical w for Inienic Purieses,, by Ya. m. M=rASp jor, mrt I Oidp NO 8). 1960s PP'37P 38e RU 7223 II)aa 60 (NY-5157) Liters U" on XstearolqW., Rydrology and i i 0aeallowaft, 11 pp. RMSXA*, p~lr, Met I GlAt go 81, 1960, pp 56-59. JPM 7535 Fab 6i (NT-5157) saiet~tlfip Conferenoe on the Heaulte of Research in ~tlilq F10A of Meteorology During the International Gecohysical Yew., by G. P,' Fleareva.. j 1, HUSSIANj per, Wt L Gid; vo 8., 196o., pp 6o-62. JPW 7222 IS 01 Gtio`pbys Ded. '60 (DC-11,622) met.hods ~~of Long-Range Precipitation Forecasts nch Ap~,Il to June, by D. A. Dropytoev, 10 pp. TWSIM! per., Not i GidO So 91 1960., PP 3-10- JM 635" alai - 000phys De~ 6o J. J-7 Calc~ul'attort of Evapmation and Beat Exchnnge With ~ 1, 1 ; Mov,duce for the Stratif icatian of Air ~bnj;,- by i 06 Or pp i6-2o. jwt ~Ioidp & go, 1960 On 61-2264! set Vol V~l Ways of , lmp~,ovitig the Methods of Proccou"O.ng nals, From. tl;e A-222-111 Raiioaonde; by R. 0. SW,, pe-.r;, '14et i _qia., wo 9., i.96o) pp 35-36~ JPRS 4363 i - Geopbvr,- b 61 U W 61-28644 Aev. B. li A. T. UZ LUENCE lop : ATER LEVEL IN AN EVAP- l ~ 1. Ognev, B. 1. MON TA !ON 8 RATE OF EVAPORATION ON I 11. Uzun, A. T. yanle Poiciih td U ye Zhidkostl v Isparitel'noi ya rM Ill. CSIRO Trans-5280 irovke na!Sk )root' 16parenlya) tr. by M. Slade. IV. Commonwealth Scientific a I 18)p. (ior -Ign t Included) I ref. jcsl lio and Industrial Research no. no. 528C .: Organization (Australia) er from OT, or SLA' $1. 10 61-28644 nB. of MeFt!e~c Lrologlyo I Gudrologiya (USSR) 1960, .4 11 9. p. 41 4, ---- ~MIPTOR&- 'Wate~ tanks. *Depth indicators. aporation; W Ind. V~Ioclty. Hydrology. Moisture, 'ace temorti turve, i Gas flow lysis of ex o rlmeat,61 data indicates tMt as the !r level in th e tank ': nks the rate of evaporation reases. 11*1' higher ffie wind velocity the greater is nWstry--Th ~Blcal, v. 7, no. 5) (over) rr! OT). 41 IT B;111) 635'. CLA)f-aT%Al('!2 '111 pooov )~2r, Mct 3 ~7- C' (Nr-5471) rMlecaut of the HDOWLY x"s He4tht on for 500~wb Charta., by 0. 1. mmkoys 7 pp. 110i Vero Nmt_~..gol No 10o 2960,v PP 9-13- 00 61 I'NY-5471) pp. 61 iinwbion or, Analogy Between t1m) Fields of lolve~oal t1mmuts by Wane of the Blectrania mr,"Oogod~", by N. 1. Z"rev., D. A. Pod', mp psrj u6teoroloniYa L 0141,010glyat no 10., pp Ma 7469 (NY-5471) Pte4aeopas of tba calculation of Winter the ~Oipitfiuoa th the Arctic Regicu, by R. V. 61 pp,, lot i Gi6p No JM 10, 1.9600 pp 42-45. 7470 (NY-5471) !raturel on 113teoraloap 4drolqjv) and awaphy 14-1959, ll pp. I",, pelr., Id'et i Gidp No 10., 3.966; PP 55-58.., ..... .... . JPR8 7471 61 Ighc ~,7-,,tvtt '.P~,rbulcacu 1-0' t.;ImAa ii% hr.-~~.ha-ctic, by A. 1. 5%, pp, t 6 a Gid. FVSSM~ per) blot i_ 28 Nov Si 1-.,..)6o, pp 3.4 No ii FTD ell Pocrim MavesUgatUm of the MZmical ProperUec; of sea laej, IV 3ru. V. lotoshin" 6 pp. perk Ybt I Olds No Us j,96o, pp 46-48. Amr MateaMl ft.- T-R-3W set Gchc~ ys 14V 62 Ulu icallcmecao"UuG of Cloj~.dinc E f3 anal.recip:ltatlev by Means of a Cotuipittax,. f by P lql X. ~Wshkivt S. 0. LOWImeovp Yu, H. Ltizint 12 ~*r, Mat'.1. Gid, No 1:21 1960j, -PP 3-10. Amar Xeteorol Soc AF set Ge(,vh,.V'D 61 CRITERIA FOR THE TURBULENCE OF -JET STREAMS, BY D. Lo LAIKHTMAN) V. A. SNAIMAN. RUSSIAN', PEiRp MET I GID) HO 12) i,-1~6o., PP 11-13- i i 14LL M. 1 scl GEOPHYS NOV 62 217)670" in yir An :)od s bit G Fl( 4r 9131 Cly! the Surface AtmOspheric Lar-'!' Mailts, bY F. Ya. KliDc)v" 22 1?p. d IR11613*11"Al.1i Par 6ei aooj~wm No 12,) 1960., pp JM8 9132 '711-576-b on Meteorology, Hydrology aud 'Ic % ~ mf!iaiogrb,pby in 1959 fconaiuaion'~,., 6 I)p. UWANI~]::per,, Met i Gia~ Iqo 32, 196o, pp 46-48. JM 91.3 3 ip (NY -5766', Ilactibas Of, the Higher Mucational Instituti-orls in 195%, 5 PP, I T'rer, 'Met, Gld~ 11c, 12~ 196o, pp 481, 49. 9).34 (NY-5786) the ityarmateorological Serricep UM.. ,ke 4 19 TA),,~ vor~ Met i No 12 j, 1960; pp 49s 50. MIS 9135 91 (NY-5786) ontents !of the Periodical Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya ip 1960, 20 pp. RUSKAV per,A4et w may .61 i Gid No 12, 1(60, pp 53-58. 9 JFRS 9136 ~DUST STORMS! IN THE ALTAI TERRITORY KUK I Sv. LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR METEDROL. GIF)ROL., MOSCOW, 1.960, Nfl. 12 PP 74-79 FSTC-HT-23 11132- 73 ,iv_- Effe'c of Antar tica of the Climate of the ;Outher6 Hemid,phere, by B. A. Bugayev, 9 pp. IUSSIAKj~ p~er,,I~%J_J-Gid-r-No 1P 1961P pp 3-9. GO 'Ci ()PhYS rul 6:L 54' , oil ar LCW-Lavel Cyclon(30 -thE- ilVOIUt- by B. D- UVRellukiy) 7 PP. e., md I,; jap wo i~ 1961~ pp 3.1-15. JMS 914~05 Lo The Role ofjVartical 1 1Gradient V ~mpavtbuva by T, P. Pppovap 6 (NY-5945) Moticas in P.Itering the and in Pradming Cloudc, pp. I u W 1; pp 26 vg~lx~ lut L Gidj NO 11 :L96 Sci JIJRB 923:06 On tho Ob s e the, Apd RUSSI ANO NO It 119 NhL Aot; fl of the Frecluoniq of on:"Ol"Ithe Maractarls-tics of d, by Go K, Sadykaw, Sp Ve ~ietoqrologiya i GidrologiXa. Is I I pp 31-34. 902205n 1966 (F 154) Sci-Atibosl4tibric -Sci Aug 6~ 309001781 Ily - 5 S? 55 DIagvaz for Forecastlug Daily Thunderstorm: by i i~ M. V. Iyegoirovs, 5 pp. RUSSIAV~ r,, Met J~fiid.O-No 1~, 1961P PP It7p 48. pa, JPRS 9545 Jul 61 h Litera'(,U~-,e on~ *.;.ete-orology, jfych-oloR~ and Oceanograp y Publis] e~ ir, 196C RUSS"Imt.1 por 1, Ilet iGid) NO I io6i., pp 6-1 -64. -X-JPRS On P6aibility of the IlAcin".l.ty of Tatar Mto.Uyeir,, 15 pp, Chansing, the Strait-, by lic P; sci Gerjlvb~ys IWO Z -6031; ~ar .-S a1v tion of -Hydrociater-c' ogical V* C, Aut uEd I eratibas ard the Formation of an Automade ,?alemot~ic Elotat ion Netvork r t by V. 1. Yorzun, V. V. ~'Adell~ikovli' I.I. S. Sternzat,, 17 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, .1,5.-t i Gid. No 2, 3.961, pp 13-19. JPRS 9214 Jun 61 MmAtried, 3,112hrxJ for the- of Heat or thcN SG,74 Sarface, by Ya. P.. I~Ptbnev. MIMT-Rip peir, Mat i Old; No 2.0 196).., pp 36-4o. Sci Earth sai AfitidN mra. (NY -603 1) zxperie4ce oX Long-Rauge ploodi doing Atmoupberla G. F. PiistulWhm, 6 pp. MY68IANp VOV; Hot L Gidl RM SaL - *Oph~g Jun 61, Forecasting of Spring Circulation Indices,, by No 20 3.961p PP 429 43. 9214 Observationo Aboard Shlps~ by I i i RUSS I !, Not i Oid, No 2, 1961, vp 47, 48. Im por i~ im 92A i Be i - 0000*8 i $ft U 15"3 7 67 i i 71 171/ On 'he flclssil,,Uity o' Climatic Chavze L r 1. - -- a 1, L, -e "f ball Str, by N. M. Dudtola~ 19"ll -be v! c,' int pp )!0-';2. per :Pet I Gid,, No 2 *JPRS Sci cecq,113's 22 !. 1! zolmturc~ i0 i 1. , I - - v e - . 1~ r mr ~ 1. 1 i i I j, 1,1,:z ,E -,:Ajli - re.4r i . I i Iletcovology'. 3.960; 19 pp. -~ " 1 P, 13--~ /*450' 17;~-eanoj,,aphllf odl Willd qpt~, IAI' 63 Flow Deplet-pion Curves, ~r, Met i Gid) No 3,, 1961., I 1,.TRC/C-3r(,o6 I I I i (IDC-5894) On 0* Proj, oct for Lgroving the Climate of Priw~r~,kty kray, by D. U. V&MyaLr, V. V. Pokudov, 7 pp RM:04f, pq~tr, Vat i Gid No 3v 1961, pp 4245. JM 8622 Sci a eOT4%-f s 'T AU9 folk of Scientifia Research lhztitutions of the methorolegical Service Jx i56o,, 8 pp. JPRB 81322 Sol GOphyu Aug~ ~ 63. 9a mimcww lbig "M lw~ I tbe~j momr sxmml~ D we 14 bw 4. V. mablAsIdW. 11 u b A 11 &5 haambMIA" m 4 i 1 IV 1 102~1-----, I ,Ilow"N *,j,.bjj;w7i ~1,01. $502 Im" (DC-6097) 'l,on4-RoAge Fortawting Xethcdice of the Autum T~-,~ Ruwi6um on the Rivers of Zaba*iml'ye, by T Novoselov) 5 pp. Ht- SIAWI~, per, mat aid, ma 41 1961., PP 35-36. JPFS IM4 Ault 61 a A 081*ar MKrimm d Bmtwgy In the speartan I" by G. V. Mamdwvddy. RAII~ pext urm W- I bko 40 19610 pp 43-47. of IN~~,Illvy Tr 4296/APL-T,,;145S' I SdA 4. ES Nf~%45 i~ 294738 ii, -77- ~ 7-7 S -326/6-l Radiotrapsmit"ter get gl b. r,jr'j~OV ~;) by I. Russimf~~ P;2!rpl;' Met i Oci - Ge6phys' 4 Jun 6~:L for Autonomous Buoy Stations, , Gid, No 4, 196.1, pp 47, 4'L3). */Jp,-is Of 19,50,9 MBS,Wp per, Sol Gewvla"T Aug 61 (DC-6097) of the Scientific-iteaearch lwtitutions eteorologIcal Service of the LIM in Met I Gld No 4, 1.961) pp 51-54. JPW 871.4 Z