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the artj?j.. 0.1d; NO I'li [,:L i~ a 60 b-' Caubrid;a: C>--:: 0 7 'by 11 of Xce and U3,dexice Elludgelp 2 ppe =400P r., Xmt i Gid., No 11, 1958,, pp 30., 31. Auer Metcorol Soc AV Cabridge Rea Cantor Fab 66 le 7 Combatitig Bo'-tom Icc! and "Audge by Formation tla--- of, Ica Covc~r, by I uliov IDTp. V. Gort RU~STAN., pcr~ Mr:~tu i Gid~ No 11, 11)56; 1) -11. Amer YwA~2orol ~.')cc for Geophys Re-,. Dir Juri 59 WhximL6 Coefficiento of Moodvd-ter Rwoff li~um AmU Gutchwnt Aream ond Parcwterv cri Migidx Variability in Un Coudidtiona of tI* &asnodar M?ay,, by A. D. Obukhov.. PP" pw., Met I Oido 11o U., 1958, 6~ OM 60-21903 FL-1180 ode by X. Of X*ug-rAI84P Wasther Forecantlogjs pp 10810d), Per Not, 104 No U,.1?4vj5up-yp Apr 59 (2350-10 ". I 59 a 2nmsfer of AnguLeLr Momatum two# br I" Ito ftMp"ao 25 pp. not I ad, X0 11044unmmA 56-61. 7P.-Vpp am, zwtce.4i i 1" 0 mateoro3qw i I -0 5), , W -71-1 I ,.I 0~ (970-11-D) i r* on NrWmlogy aWl Rpdmloay for.1957,r 9~ P ii ii per.. not I aid., no I]... laulagr"'s 19900 P am L-IWI( -D 0-;"/ 0(0"7116 (2358-Y) CA CA Mtwraa*m votwa =d by A. No as 'UNO per# U040 wo pp 680 69. L-703-8 041*0vaice'v OW1.0or 59 S-5o26 At thelCommiasion on Physics of the Atmosphere Under the Acadelmy of Sciences USSR. RUSSIAN,,per,~ Met i Gid, No 11, 1958, p 69 ~GY, No 56, 6 MaY 59 The Cal"I FOMC RWMO~ pc sci -~OOOA m of Saturation With Regard to Ice When icUsUon Fogs and Caeudinees., by P. F. I*t,,i.-Gidl- X0 12, 1958., PP 30-32. Amer Metsoml Sm A? (Iftabridse Res Center ce 16F 7ol" I/ 4,UL4 Va:elw~ioll !a- we rruqueucy m.- Wind ~Aons oil ~xctic Islands., by V. W. Shapayev,, 3 pp,, ~USSTANO perj4lct Gidp No UP 1558t PP 32s 33- Amer Metemil goo for Geo"s Res Dir ASM 59 tlbe~ 41'ffect of' L,7 lZIt) -F I ri T) Arer tlateorol ,,lo- AS iOf Co ?ob 6q vibe Gr d Mathod of volvasItIng Fog (Bhor-,- ~0 -A I T133% i by T. UgrmAnov) 2 IV,. per., nt i (lid, No 12, 1958, pp 1,41 45. Awr kbttorol Soo AV CmbrJ,dM Res Center Pabw /tv 7, tie A.I." W't LtAUMI gxd=p of Wuu azd " tM Strst4Vbare .1ta WJzUrp ~Ii2 pp* -14d, So Is, 1939P vp 3-12P AWr USUOMI We AlF Okskid4p ROM 0OUttr 60 00, T)i!:,tAbiation Concen, j,t cr- Flunt-,ar-Khayata SSSR N, 1"'.. K1 i I' Rljs:~31 VI, pe"'! i\'c.,t i Mi, No - -------------- lo~. ical of Metcoro llangc-]~.nstern Yakutsl~aya -C)p 1, lc,','9,. Bu:-~-au Or; tbo SpIkUml ftloblella of tba Mange in the clao'bi*nti, With Time, in VU,:h tho Substitution of -' I ~ - rini ~* Dif ~irauces for the WL*cian is Me& Hom kccl~,r~ta) *VRE-IMMM~) 6 ipp- lml&ij p~rj Met i OldoNo 1, 1959.- PP 31-33- Amer Metmorol Soc AF CawbrLdp fts Center Sal ftopbysics P. Obabotemv, 7 pp. RUIASY-All.-i rAr Mat I Clid, No 1., 1959.. P,7-, PL 450 rir mn Relmttarns and Inturme)dipta Infloul b,.; 7 1 zh!2:0. L,,ov) AS - S - G, 01-,,.Nblco~ 7, 1)4-). 17. cipp 21 HA I C-id? 1959,, No 1) pp OTS 6o--51008 7 1.7,0 Sai Relationship netween the Perennial. Fluctuations of' t,he Wat6r,` Lev6l of the Black Sea and the River Runoff, ~y D. G. !Berei~beimo 5 PP- RUSSUA) ~perjMet i Gid, No 1, lg!ig) pp 44-46. 1 i ____ !go67310 oTs 62-11020 PL-48o ~Sci - GeophyE~ ~oct 62 2_14) 314 PST 482 ,a. S. 61 an ENCE Ik t OY4 Tolmt niya zwienoonyKn ~r. i from OT~ $0.51) 61-ov. t, tiROMETEOROLOGICAL RIVERS AND '17HEIlk Jidrometeorologicheskogc ~wlnov). 196.1. 4p. FL- 60-51024 of Metedii:4cgiya. I Gidrologiva (USSR) 1959, p. 47-49. IFTORS: 1aland wAterways. "Hydrology. 'rology. brokmage, Metcorol*cal data, Pre- on, Fluid flow. waier waves 60-51024 I Vlasova. S. A~ 11. Tertimy, i- A. M. PL-48OAgr(60-51024) 11f. National Science Foundation, WasWngton. D. C Sclences-fjicteoru~~y, Tr. v. 7, no. 8) i 1110 by L U. :;p 54' 60-51029 P.L-480 Tba W xenco,6f Condeneation Beat Influx on SUZ 11%v a With Tlme., by R. L. Kam, 32 pp. EMS PeZ.11~ Jftt I Gid, No 2, 1959, PP 7-14- Amar ibteozvl Soc A? Cmbri4p Res Ce~ter Scl - Gappby4ice le z rob 6o (RY-c.- 2967). J*t Str In Uw Cold Wil Ot tM. ym:i'. yp. -21 Auql 18 ~LQf Het t Oi~t, 10 2; 1959, 15 sot - Nov 59 r2he ~'Mifadnui TMeknmoq nf Seet w3d TAn4 lee by 11. 17. l V. 7 Art M.Tkg.. Met i Gid; 90 2., 1959, 22-270 Amr Hvtooml Soc jaa~ AT Cowl zidge Rea Center IFI -,96 7 Forty '~Oiim et' Lw it Belor 3 w Oklo bv A. A. Glawzdal I Gid 0 NO 2*., 1-9159 jpm-L-io6li-n 59 MW MWIC"'t,= 09 Diftw-aat layl-xa of the 1 Atmapki-are (m, taIR Dbvwmnt of fr~~t. cyalmatc, =d A::t.lcY6lElm=l by K. 1. Kmabin. R. V. (171tru~nVo .AF LO 2) 13590 pp Bel Ocaphyti Nov 59 DetuWAsUda of Blu4s lee Dualty., by I A. I X6 3 pps RUSS3~%, poll') I" i.Gidt No 2,t .1959) PP 56-57- Amr lUtearol Soc A? Cembridas Res Cantor SO. GOOP Jim 60 V. ~hiam~6 nPrablem Book on Dynnaic MiteoroloCZ,-: r 1 '1 "-Itor).. by B. Yr-. glcbevr, 7,-:,.. Rua-cjjlkl#)~ per Met I Oid., Mo 2.1 19,59; pp 62p 63, 59 for 3-9~8, LL Mbt 1 Gid, Ito 2, 2.959, pp 63-66. Sci oph!vs Nov 59 A-) a '67) ~Jydras)~~a 3 FMSIAX~, W.,~eJ Met I Gid, 10 21 1959., pip 70, 71. 30V 13 - 5 = t 00" cre6t~ vapor Trailu Une-,r-,r the )h*?-m-,,;z:nm! by M. l4atvay...w, 9 pp, KI m o I p per, Ptt yo 59 J.. Gidr "20 31 1959, 3-9- JPRS-I,-3.052-N 1:a uZ t~11,2 P.P. RMSIUR. par Net I Gid 3 1959, Dn, 27 -29. nov.: Mum,jp6 in ~,tho Vertieva TwVerr.,ture Gradients nuctu6tlmo in the lioight of the j".Irrjpop&uqc) by B. Y~-l Slo .~Aov 7 py, -Aid-, So 3,, 1959.- h-I RMSUR,, ppr, VAt Sol Peopl~ po la 0 A!5r,~l (If Y --')0,,6 6 8-53'53' A. M. Olm~sl Is "Nev Tolewtorins r" Ey. -Off by V. B1. Oolousilklin) 3 DISSIM, Per, Xet I Old.# NO 3j, 1959, pp 5T, 258- rov 140, e I~v 19 utei~tura~~om Notaorology, Hyd),xolrjf,-,v aM Occanograpby for IWOXOo p~rs Yat I Olds-Ito 3,, 1959) pp 58-62. JPBS-L-11,756-N Bel Ge 48 donferenaa on tba Onory of Pressure Vari~t~=s i~~ the Proemm of, cyci= and Anti- ftlemlm,. by So A, Mwhlkovlch~ 3 rp. Ild. wo 6", 64. ~43) ri,.r,# Met I Sal qocQtlp I(Ov. 59 V06rocastingo by Ya. M. Dobr"tma'. n U MI Vm. J.1 h*r: Not, I Gldp go 3) 19593 PLJ 6".1 sci Nov ae:7 3 55; Tasks of t~4ia Hydromteorolc-131ccl ServiT!t- in t.Nie Liabt 'Of the aot scogi= of the Co=uaA';;"; Party, A. "A, 7,03.0tuAinp PJ 'V)I". ~.'11~11161AiIN, per., ",t I aid, F.Io 41 19159p p'9 .1.25, irp a -i ~lj -1080, --n Sol - 00~ya e tion QW4 ver ii I ~bk ~by df the Intexcoumotion Setmen Wind I . and Bf0 Preseure p I W of Vortiolty. A. M. Wrtmaov) 6 PPO ~64M torologlyaj 'I so 4,p 4,"vlpo~j Awr witacrol sm AV Outwldp fts Oeoftr itIrt-ter ~ ~Sa& 6:c Ckhotak Cyclone a SeasomC Contor of Atmosooric i'ActivitY) bY V- L- JU*hsnP1'WdY)- 7 PP- RUSSb~o p* io Met i Oid) No4) :L959) pp 21-25,, Amwr Matsorol Soc AV Ombridge Ran Gemter Sci GeopbYsics Feb ,!,0 L Of h6 lock S'ea, by A, K. Kropache~v, 1,"2 pp, RUSS G ;Ld~ HO I)P 3, Amer Matcorol Soc AF Cambridge Res Center S c Aug 6o The Dove~omw'lat of Marine Hydroebemical Investi- oaticali in thej System of the Hydrometeorological Service p!f the USSR, by L. K. BlInov, 5 pp- Rjj_q8IMJ.,l pw~ Mp~qorplogiyu iGid,., xo 4~ 1959, pl) 34) 31~ - 311PS-192.0-N A Vleq:ftji, ok-.t 59 to Cmlcullato I IntenBification of WJadj, by N. V. VA 3 P.P S. Per, Met i Old) No It, 195(1%-.. Pnk 35-3 )9. Sai ~Ckoobhyu U41C /0 Diurnal, I 'Tampt . rature Variations AccordIng to Aerol~gical Ob5ervaticna ftta, by Yu. A. Belogmv, 5 RUSSIA% pev, Ket i =2 So 4) 459., PP 39-42- Amer Meteorol Boo AP Cambridge Res Center and l7oraoxating by wap of the IR!rrvwwst cu cz AT-3,00 Itaoi 1).Y T".. i Oid., zo 4v l9rdi9p 5i. -t 4OR-2 -1 67, *7 59 P'' ---------- - 7 6h1 ~~hei Ie a 90" em eh t of Dewj BY 1. F. Skachkova, M. V. Shvarts,, R Uum ~! Met,i G14 No 4,1959, j)p 55-58.' OTS 63-.UO21 PL-486 S~I~- ~th S~ & Astron Mar 64 1 2500897 .............. ------- S-53,56 'Alel W110bleAll of Onme, by G. 1. Kwzsieti~ov; lir get 1. 111%AJ v 41 to/ -535!') (Con0d), 111 or 191A TIM I A I c Goei cc 59 J. Old; go 1959, 70-73'. 5 55). Geae~ol cUcu.Lation Index as mi Indicator for Zonal ead Synaptle Prociasoms, by A. L. 9 Dee Oid... No 5 1959: Pp 3-8. 377 13 the De,wMinstim of 1.0cr-I I'v~n3un: I Frcx-,% ~iladl Worxmtion~ by 1. P. RUMIATS ~Wrj Not i Gid)"No 5;, 1959, 9-17- scl, Geoj,,~Vn De 9 ic U~turbonaes in a Wind Mldp by S. Ds 9 py. ima A~ml naL 4 fig No Awr Notam AS Combri4j;1984`16=~ C3 PA c0 60, WInd 1~1, iml ),ni Engineering Conist:cuctiann~ b,7 Go A. savitsI Y.- I - P.P IMUS710, Wt- klidp So 5) 1959: PP 30-32- Awr Hatearol Soo AF Cumbr.U~p Res Cantor scl Oeqp4walcs Feb 60 Tcmnik&a, 1N. S. MET140 ' ~ 06 0-- ~ lNVit�ncAT1NG MICROCLIMATI-3- (0 Metodakh Lucheniya MikrokLirnata). [Nov 61) 7p. 7 refs. I'L ~4ib A,,~r. ~ Order frond! 0'TS -$0. 56 60-51018 Trans. of MaleorWoloya i Gidrologlya (USSR) 1959, no. 5, p. 45-ili. 1 DESCRIMRS: Apidulture, Climadc factors, Mete- orology. *Miciomete~rology, Corrections, *Climate, USSR. (Earth Sciences- -Climatology. TT, v. 7. no. 2) 60-51018 1. Title: Microclimate 1. Temaikova. N. S. 11. PL-480 Agr (60-51018) 111. National Scictce Foundation, Wasitington. D. C. Office of Technical S"cet 61-23340 A. A MARINi! IIYDR~)-MLTHOROLOGICAL AND PRO- 1. Lebedev, A. A. IYJCTIO~ BULL[`* tr. by'r. C. Marwick. 1960 11. Trans-41 1141). Trads'. no- 41t IDSIR LWIM.272.5. Ill. DSIII 1.1,11 K4.272S Order friml! 01") ln!~Sl.-A $1. 10 61- 2:1340 Trans. cif Mmjcx)r(ilL%iya i I Gidrjolog (1-1-57SR) 1959, no. p. 1)0~('RIIIIIX RS: *%Y Natlwr fc)recasting, Oceanography, M:*Wler 11.10 OMarinemeteorology, a-can 1)1%-d g.~, Ships, Prmiuction. In mder to ~jve till, C y and rqvular notification to the Captains 6f shilm iI6i the fishing industry aWut chango-, in div hv':1l-(ilr.)gical Irelgirms and in the cluiracter i)f Oe dCv(+)pi' en~ x'f syns~ptic procesges, and also atuut current ; %~ anticil-iited conditionN in the industry, the Murmam k jfydrow-ii~ctmrological Orfice, together with (Ei rth S ~' I '. -17. v. 7. no. 6)(over) Offi.. A S-4 A Wt~od et lnstn~tal "rial, Oboorvations on Land laet tba~!!Sm, by V.V. Betin, S.V. Zhe,&,inzkii, HU13S p~ro MeteMologila i Gidj, No 5t 195%, PP 51 aq Tr #2805/H0 122 JU12 �L (NY-2965). On thii~ -?ro~vess -Report Smsion of the 3-cie~at~ co=c.Ll. elil the lhin Geophysiml Olbsarvztcr~ A. I. VOyaA,,o*7j by T. As, Ognvtaj 4 P]PI, tu 1A r; Meet I Gidp No 5., 1959~ rp 6o., 6-,. 1 3,9 N 44077 -3 JPRS - Dac 59 Y-;Z~;S 5 :-TO t Segoion oe On Scleati*.50-lc Lnztl.tuw of Forficaritu., 'Lly H. I. 3 9p RUSS If Hot i Gla, No !i, 1959, pp 61, 62. JlW -L -1-078 -Z Dee (ITY-2965). confer!n ii e oit, the RientIfla Cow-ell of 'rbe StAte I ~ 1.41 ' lb'drol lcal~!Imtltaxtc or tha Pro, coo Of 8vientific ~4 Wojj :In Rascal 1958, by K. P. KlDbashov, )I PP. RMSUU' per~~ Mat Old., No 5~ 195% pp 62, 63- JPRS-L-1079-N Sci -~Gtoph~v Doe /0 -2 rordc"tix~g Cyclo- and haticycloganssis Uoing a r,owp~ U~or, ~-j P. L Dushkin, S. G. Lmonoaov,, S., 9 pp- RtEdIZU., per, Not I Gid., ro 6, i959, pp 11-16. Amer Hatoorol Soc A? Cembridge Reis Center Sci GOO&Ysioll reb 0 60-21891 Klyueva. K. A~' -f-tiE , EFOE-C-- 011 ~IARSH DRAINAGE ON 1. Klyueva, K. A. R1]VER DISCH'AIWE. (9 !:Vo;lx osu a Vliyanii 0sushenlya 11. PLASIC)Agr(60-21891) i~401 na RechfioliStok). J'Nov (I I 5p. Pl- -480 Agr. III National Science Foundation, CO-21891 '-Varihington. 1), C. b~,der f rum LYI',Sl $0. SO ans. of hle~Wrologiva I Gidrologiya (USSR) 1959, o" (~' P, 17 - 20. C 1-/ Jlt.'~ii- Kit'i k) K' ,: IIIDralnage, Water, *Evaporization. 'Soils, "I'Swamps. Estuaries, Precipitation, Snow ~.cini an unalysiHof tbe,discharge data of the Oressa lifer at the Andivevka ~auglng Station. the general ~o clusion is ilniwn thst~~the drainage of marshes has a 1~ ieficial effect On rivorl' ieeding. Redistribution of -ar in the direction of Its th dI&charge.wih1ntbej~,e Icling -D!f tal.:eii place In the drained catchment areas. I Zring ow of d6knage. independently of the F~ii inecrIng- --C Oil, M', v, 7, no 2) (over) offic. .1 ItO~mc', -~he Role or Alpostrppl-de Wind D.-Y.Jol~-don in the Pomation of' Fielft of the Absol 1] 1 1 : 101! n by It 1. Peshkms, 5 pp. RUS87ANj pier.. Hat i Gid,, No 6~ 1959, pp 39-41. Amer *rt*oml Boa AF Cuairidge It&s Center Th.~- 4'1:vi'cct iff Prxj3flura Topoazapby on Sm 3.2v*1 ezil ~01~11:0!0"'C-~LNICU Men=ana) by 11. 11. Z-ubr--v, 5 Pi), vo 6) 3.959) pp 5P.-54. AP Cambridge Mvi Center /a 7, e!~ -Z X A R~-;-Ld-cnj Of the Poor quality of Reaco-rch istul "PrIt"Ang krlh:tcli Occur ia, FourteentI4 lesuem, 1958) of Trudy rYz-.rriigmi, (woriw of i? UlaalknIrm, FwL-awteorc2oele--:~". Scientific R~jjo4rab J-a3titutoo I by N. V, y 1 9 Ir2. liot i Gid, 1959 no 6, 55-55. Jlllas-L-15tOC, -:D on , Mateorol uq-y On the (~i,estian cyclones, RUSSIAIYI~ of the Displacements of Anti- by,11. P. lnznays. per,., Met I Gid, No 7, ig5g.. pp 1.4-2o. oct 6r) MIR LLU N;.193~ (low) ;1 i 11 .i i j i The Pr6bjeml of the Convection Devel, i i ~f RMSTM) yerp Hot 1,,Gid,, No 7,, .1959, 1 ~,; , " i by Yu, SWy--ul, PP 26-29. Chad &Abar as a FuwUon of Altitude, by ve 3 YP* Rm6vji ~tro Not I =3 So 71 1959; PP 29P 30,, Amor Notoorol Soc AP Caidbridgm Ras Center set (304byacls poll le 7zx io Detcr~i4tio~ of the Amount of Rmporr.,tion, by pp, =5*0; per". ~bt i Oi4j. NO 7.1 1959) pp 48., 49. Amer Usteorol Sw AF Cambrido Ras Center 107, X-tra Y Datemirikipa of SaWration by the Feum= Ybthodp by X. X. Bud~iw, 4 pp. RMSIAlf 'Ver!: Wt i (lid, No 7, 19,59, pp 4% 50. AwZ6t4OrDl 800 PY Cmb4doi Pleis Couter Feb W on t o -roio"ry, 1!'?(*~rO'I--- (COL kj.L I., U.L iA IaJL011111113"s 01% Atmospheae. R&Uution The 1, 1 def 1 b7 M. Operino 1, S. RhebunOVIL., 10 vp, Be I pp 19-P-40 aid, No 8) 1959) r Met i