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TZIMP tl~ns Daring the fleating of Quenched borl, I*dU P. K. Tkschenko & V, F. ZuLww. RUSSUJI per YletaUgvedenie 01:wabotka 14ataUovg 110 9 ~Zipt pp 24-260 EIB 3581p2.,5 teiti,,of D!,C ~o Rtwto.. Py easure of Inert 09c Atmosphere 1zi see on fto Content of Metals by takava. P#'rp Metal I Obre Noteillovo ND qp 1958) Henry DrUtcb4w 14353 $2.65 0 Sai Choul Apr 77 operti6s of Surface Zone of Pierced Holes lia*ving xious Carbide Contents, by 1. L. Mirkin, ii 1: A. S:Lrenko4 USSIAN:,Iper,lbletallovedenie i Ob:rabotka Metallov, o 9, 19580 po 29-33. liB 4354 ci-M/M ar 63 lnflu6n6ii ot, boat Tmtment CorectItiom Upmi the Anisot-ro'' mpwU*s of Tool Auel sheet X I pU~ the r by E RLUS N pari j2!LAIlqvmidw4s i (bmbatka I i ~ xo go pp 33-38. Apr 68 3520210 on the~l*slbility of Falsing tho Pack Caiburlziup; Temper4t6rcltor Auto Partc; of Sicell to 9800(" (1795"J~)~,~ by IA. M. Terasov, M. R. S=c=hcnko. RUBS ra I xml.'~ Per,~ Metal i Ob ..,Me -P.ov) 110 9~ 1958.- p1) 39.A~42 .... , 11- . Ae HB 4356 Y-V 60 C~~ir Platiag or Artleloo With a Ftobun?, Youi Uld IMtbal, by V. P. Pm1autwup & t al. AM= W-* Nnal I ft.& metmml wo 90' , rb 4357 fti Aw ect of; strain Harder-d3og on Cmvp Cbarac- 1: lotia~alof hjutganUe Steeley by N. D. sum Obtall 1. 9~ .9,,Pr,,, RB 5358 .62 swmiskiM of metaist by U ~,Per, NoUl I Obn WUUOv.. No 10 9" M80, 4359 $3,75 Bel xWot my 159 liva Me mith of Low-Mor U"cWnl SWol MK~ti at swo Dmparftum Ax%-&r Vmrious Tioat atj~oatup by L. A. Galwronskiy.. et al. HUMU'a Ad i am matILUT 1958 rp wt No 9 p J, pp Eaury amteher 4360 0.00 Apr: 50 Plit6es sent in Chrotdm4lakel Austonltic S tiet 'nine -tly To 1, Phwvirin. , As flUatal pw,. Metal i Obra NbUUovv No 10j Now gratebar 4387 $2.75 Wit W~ *t a for Spbaroldol-4raphite Cast Irm,, fts TO !per,, moul I ftG,,wqauovq so 100 HaMY Brataher JOB EFFECT, OF TRANSFORMATIONS ON STRESS RELAXATION DURING THETEMPERING OF STEEL --jOKHGSNA AND AGING OF ALUMINUM ALLOY B951 BY A. A. GOLIDENBERG. RUSSIAN, PER., METALLOVED L-QEWB--mETAUQV,, NO 10, 1958! Op HB 4389 SC I M I AUG 621 206~995 oZ Reat ~.Iraatl-rw, on Tairporatuxe vs. Impawi, 3~0,i-en.gth Curve~ by V. X. TacliRov. IIWO:tals ~er.. W%tal i Obra Hatmllovt C~ct,, 1953, 8X6 1.6; TV 17:2E 13xutcher 4390 Bei Nil/met Juji 5)9 AuOyq S. ~,~fhml md Stv"s CyullnU~ t~f X G T. M X=J, '0.*:.,j r? a 4391 Sol 0 MnImet 0, 5) iAply u~. White Layers under Conditiorw of elir Ea%%Ains Desti-t=tive 1?itting, by ?. Ya. 1~ Wq~., por, Mete.U i 4 1958, PPI~8-13- Obra Metallovi No 10, finifther 4392 Jiz 59:, mtr:~ Study of Physicul of Ising,irmoso., by T. P. GUIT&n. PRIi., MUIL I Obramo*lpzvq TO 103, Rem aniwwr Sol dhen ApIr ItaUft kad Wwj-, Treating Condi.. %ire or Steel ET 428, by E - Yu act Apr *tal I Obra VAU110Yv 110 10p Remy Dmtchar 11394 Hostin Favar of Iritnto Bathoo by P. YA. I.. J, I Cbm yAtQUCVo FvD 109 4396 FhM 4,3 Apr 419 ImbiNwm iub of Nechoideal Straugth of Steel c I by TwMoml 6traJW1M,, by P63W PAp 'per# ftt&31 MWIW& 4 %E!L*tka Pmi No 10p Wt 1Mp pp 50-560 UL'Iekl'L, A47an itig Of OW010 by A. X. Bookror,~d. MaL% Vaft). i Obra VAtCUAV; NO 109 19561 IT 564 wry Bm4cher 4398 oo M Sol 00 Apr 51) Baimm*n So6s Sulfidising Snita and xro~ "'eel, by A. - V. MM lkiulln. ~ ~t l~ , I Cbra VAta;lw, No 10p ,pp Hem7 Bmtaher 4399 $3-80 Apr150 8t uror 1propertiesp so 2"t Tftataolxt us 48"I4 stoselop bv Yll. A. 00 V~ "oboaaw. UVOL NO 11j. Rms lrlrp Ot I Obrat " iwo Sol iwuk Wy 6~ The Stru6ture'of the Grain BoundarAes and t.he Heat I Resist~nce oiAuatenitic Steel, byjE. N. Sokolkov. RUs$L4JV,i'p&r,,I~ Metallov L Obra Metallov,, No 11., i 1956., 019-i DSER M 2947 Sci Aug 61 Lre =d Preftm* But Trfttm"--,t i of an A4-calt MA Wought. bY At A- WWWWP Ot al- EU"IM,t Mtal I ftib *t(&Uovp 110 Up 1958,- pp Ffib JAN Effect;1of Soulie Technological the Mechanica'11 Properties of 9MILILConstructional Steels, RUSSIAN,~per,I~Metallovedenie No 11, 1958, p-p Sl-56. and Design Factors on Welds in High-Strength by 0. L. Bendryshev. i Obrabotka Metallov, HB 4433 Sci-M/M Mar 63 C-0 ti "'t plk*r,%o of medtm-cal~xxn- VIM SP 1=13 ul obre NMULIOVP 11o)-, j 1". pp 039 set mu*alot aw: $9 The lw~lla 14~ kllwita "Fl odo:t 'hImtopalit 09 Ma4moiACCOLly 8ol*~ v~ by 0. 171. gn )4.435 Allpirind !:Ptrriter A. i Clbr& ffetallo-,l, D,,n,- .50 pip i i Xftbarox~a P~qptftev of TWI SUelep by Tat. D. V. 11 . Kwaylako. )Wtalov Cbria ;WUQI No 12$ 1953t Bel fal ;7,~23 or dnterlva 2*Wrilture an Myertles of 4auwum ftv&W AIIMVo by AD be No 12 op act sky 43*75 Set UP in Sw.-f ace Hardening, Y40ALUM i Ubm Ifet&Ucm.. p - . .... .. - ng .Kith Water/Air Mixtures, by N. X, al. awwo v"O'l AMA *taUovs So 120 Renry Smaber h446 tir~-4 ~H&wil~L.tngt by Yxi, M. Bogp~;ymv, V. 35- Brotchor 444'1 sci ~alltlllul,&t j.1. 59 Om M omi ckis of Brass Is Ammla,, by A. N. iRUBBW,,,o I Va.,' Metal i oY4 No 12 o 1958., RB 4449 c1 cb~m ~yr 61 .C Electroplating Condi't-dons on Strtm- Woar Resistance of Iron Depwita, Petrov. CAN per,, Ustall i Obra Metallow,, NO 12) PP 53 59 Brut4her W~50 Of Resistamce of Steel to Wear by I n: (Nylon] Thread, by J?. T. Basko. per, UvtAU i Obilt Watallov., No 3.2, pp Drutcher 4451 KinAlet, JUn 59' Boron-Alloyed Rigb Chr=ium-Mclcel tectoid] Cast Iron, by 0, S. tachaWc n. per, 4atall i qbm Mtalla-,y Now 12 I I in 36,61 0 Drutcher 4452 Sal - Jun 59 Kaznnchel 11.~ yo. nl~q 7,hogina. V. M. ONDMONS CF GALVANIC DEPOSITION VS MAG- ETIC CHAkA=Rl-~iICS OF NICKEL COBALT LLOYS. 1196 123p. 10refs. Tder from OT 9 or SIA $2. 60 61-18920 rans. of mono.. Uetal ov n I Obrabotks Tsvetnyl 1. 57_.p_.77--9U-.-' ir.scRivroits-,~!Nicke",l. *Cobalt, *Alloys, *Electro- L 'Position. 6,Cciatingu, Magnetic properties, Thicknei hloridm kfitcq. 01551ectrolytes, Temperature, 6nalty. Contai6inatlo6. Additives. obtain an ejactro d.1 lied nickel-cobalt alloy with coercive fcawc~- of 200,300 o~rsted and residual Induc- M 5000-600 0 j;auss. 4 was necessary that the nickel nent In the 1alloy de~691ted by 15-34y, To obtain an loy with a nickel content d 15-34% from sulphate ectrolyte, a ratio of Jlckel and cotmit salt concentra- :hemlstry-~" sical, IT, Y. 6. no. 10) (over) 61-18920 1. Kazmchel, 0. Ys. 1l. Zbogina. V. M. 0MC9 of U441cel 1"Ces al Proportics of the i~eriotlic 't bass ~I)y 1. 1, Kornilov, Sy I tallokidni cites' ie Svoistva ~A-,, IlL k -Scl*~;P,*~ an Dec, C 6 4*rA EMIR I TERNrCHESKAYA MMLLOV - monthly (metal Sclonds and Heat Treatment) rd A Aation begIns w1th 1959 tims: ft. 12 months or from, Plenum PublIshing Corporation 227 West 17th Street J! Now York, N.Y. 1=1 115.00/year 30-00 :Inglo 13sues 15.00 Inals articliv reprInts Odd 5.00 on ovarsea suUarlptlon; sIngle articlits for 1959-64 not availa'ble I I I Borlde DI ' Ion Iayem on Meta3Amv by A.N.Minkevich. .11 1 Teruich Crbreb Metan no - 9., I , per, metan ) 1 11 - DO. ~ ;1961j: pp. 9-15. pI mi INFMTXC IM39-1V i= Ti i~ !t~ by M. Ae~ Kri~h'tali OSSI ~per~ No 8 1 .57, j~ *CF 70;'-'59104 Tr Sci- June E Pe and Fe-alloys by C Diffusions metalloved i Tom Obrab Metall, 20-21. Parfew". V. SIIECW~ 61-227E7 OF THE MECHANISM OF 1. Parfenov, V. A. FATIGU8~ FAILI,'RH IN ALLOYS AT HIGH TEMPERA II. hiT Tran-1-33 TLIMS. ~j'.ln (4). Ill. Toilernache, hi. de 0 hl-T MT Tranm-31 orlit, (Gt. lifit.) Trawl. of (156, no, 2. P749--42'.7 *Faugue(hicchanics). *Fail- (Mouillu~i4ju-St'ruciural, T-I', v, t. no. 7) rittlsmentl~of 2C$ Cr, 14$ Ni,, 2.5$ Bi Steel I ling Ajing ~t 500-6500C., by A. 1r. Tikbomirov., -Arm SIAN, !per. 110tal iAObra Metallows, No 8., 1958j hU6 SOL ftp 61: etrov, Yu. N. TECT OV PLATINO. CONDITIONS ON WE RUCTURE'iAND WE~-R RESIISTANCE OF IRON XCTRODIJP~srrs triyanic Uslovil Elektroliza na -ukturt, I Wnosoatolk at' Elektroliticheskikh elenykh Pok,r~dl 1. J" 60 [ 3]p. I ref. I DSIR NLLJ 1807. der from Mt or SLA $1. 10 61-M35 ans. of.M~stallove(:W~ie,,I.[Tprrr4cl)~ok~y~10brabotka .ta11.o.Y(US,R1J195S. tio. 12. p. 53-56. oE,her tran~. is avitil4ble from HB $3. 25 as HB-4450, LY 59, 1500 words. .SCRIPMRS--i0l3lecti~oplating. Coatings, Iron. lorine, Eli-vrolytes. ~ i I i r abstracusee Techiilcal Translations 2: 351, 1959. achinery-Manufactoring, TT, v. 7, no. 7) 61-13135 1. Petrov. Yu. N. 11. DSIR NLL M. 1807 offi- of T.ch.ic.l 11 ; 1! .i :i i ~ i i METAL 1TEPXlbl3RA METALLOV, NOS. I THROUGH 12, 1959 i i i COVER -COVFIk,: HENRY BUTCHER i i I AVA 11, LY SERIALS i I IMETAL I NO. 120 COVER i i THM bBRA i ii i 1962~', i i COVER: NIETALLOV~ NOS. 19 1961 111ROUGH ACTA MIETALLURGICA i I METALL I Tl-'.RM~lCl-fF:SKAYA OBRABOTKA METALLOV, j NOS. 1. 1963 ', nlROUGH NO 2, 1964. i I ! i COVER - COVER: CONSULTANTS BUREAU i i AVAIL LY SERIALS -ation ofl Cobaltu wid AUoys Based on (;ubalt,, by L Shur, 3.1 1 PP. etc. li-ve 1. Turijachewl-a'Va Ulbralbutka. 4, pp 2'('2 0 2 01509 Field 13H In. Y. skil. Samenov. R. A. . . III X IN GLOW DISCHARGE. ITRIDING ~OF S. 120 (for~~16 t laciuded) firefe. INC-Trans-65/119; 1 11 i 1.5696. 11 d 1! from NLLI as bt.5696 1 i of Metall~ve Unte I 6-irdohe~4ya Obraboft W (USM)-63- R8742- 146t.- - 10 'Translited or Abstiricted Publications.' in 1. 14, No. I Nickel Co. International, (Niond) Ltd.. London (England) C11W.-lislit for tIhe Fonvation a-lid I-i-cpcrties of a ,-.cr in ixon axid loichel Alloy, lu'* Yl I r at e (I A-~Xad -.,:Lia, 3 2 Ti 6 k "lip-tallovederdyc i TonAc"icskaya Ubrabotkgo JPIL6 65 272., olil Study of the Propertics of 1~1'51 al-ld Steel at .gli Tojalparatmiieso -i)y A. G. V. A. ~~Jollts, 17 ?O~j t &LLov-c deraye eniagll~L~a (-Urabu'Ul':,-a, L6 2 27 2; Ui .5, kialy-sis for ~AudyinL the Defurma- on ~ruo'cb~'s cd ~aUadiwi-~ Durinj,! licati-liL; WiLl ""-Tanwoll i I a Vacullm 1. G. LDzinski~r, Z. Pert3ovsIdy, -103 11:1., 1,964., )l i Pis 2.17 Li i n 65 2721 U16 of,1ecryotallization of Baked Alu'lli'llrLi Pourder bI~ is. 34 CoreUkp It, I. Litrhltsevy etc... PP- ~IX -~otaUovederdye i Tcndcllesk~a CbrabOtIca,, JPIL5 27511 n 65 272,017 M, lap' Wd T- 13-4-1 TM ot ale L. A* hudravdmM by m Obrsbs pp i tl~ ~ /M i Irlay 279,558 iw. stallisittion of Austmite in a ~d Steel After Hot Plastic 11,6 17 ; MI, by K, A. 'Nalinina. I!LIB~15110~9 per., Metalloved. i toru. durab. pl) 15-17. 4.~ ~!;04 65 stro4ob of Beat-Treated Titmium Allapq by (1,0 (;J~j~jp A* It MWTW.p =4 V- Nt Jbisems ION L Tend 6,v 2-50 um Apr 279#M8 ffect,s (-.,f Ircin Conten.-L on the Foii-i,,,-.tion of oc.,rse-grAned. Rim in lil-Lriiniir,-.. 13-loys, S. S. orelik, ]COZ1nVskz~yC.. LESSIAN er, l4etc.1loved. Tem. Obmb. Met, 0 6) 11?64, inll 5-8. B 16o ci 67 3355624 oor i , lad ftrWtm of TLI=Iuin ALUT LWts in hiel ! .CW1tV ZMS by Loo Ae Yelaglnap 8 ppe .--! A , - PP 23-w- confonll~ies 'of the Tendency of Steel to Brittle Fractur'e~ at High and Low Temperatures,, by A. V. Stanyul ,Oiricill,!~ 10 pp. ltussi)v,~.,~l)ei-,!'I,IetallovedeiiiN,c i,junal.ches1caya Obr4,botka vactaflov, No 7, 1964, pp 2-7. P, I) S 27#PUS J Sci-Mat ti Mci Feb 65 272J,939 CH-200 595!! 1 Burkalov, S." ~ F.. f Korolt EAT TREAtW16T OP p (forelp 16t included rder fr*m ~iLtj its M.5 rans. of Mettdlbv~edent4 Field IIF 3t. 1. A'Alt, GROLIPALLMS. Oct 64, !refB. NLL-M.5612. 2 1. InteMU011AI Nickel Co. (Mond) Ltd., London (England) Ina of Carbm Steel Acceikerated by c VIbr by V. G. Luu"k, et at. WA Au per,, Qbrabo" NO 00 Oct 1964p pp 57-58. 279,W - - - - - - - - - - - ~Vhe *~stmsite Tzensformation in Maraging by A. P. Culayev and R. .1. Karcliev- 6 pp per., NotaUavedardw i Termicho- ~,~,:~61bprebotks metanov; NO 3-1.0 Nov 1 4 Ho ib054 -7-r. 276.,366 I= 6&1 Properties of Maraging Alloys., :b~ M 0. Parkas., 0 pp SO per, n1ye i rmiche- I 19LAf) nbot-ka NOW207., No U, Nov 5.10 Mar 6~ 276,367 v arbon Aoe-llardendble Structural C b I ~!by D. A, LAvenanko and Yu. I* v~ i, Id7j, 7 pp ~v Be B 88 per, Me amdeniye i Termiche- ays -abo Llov NO 11 oiq tim met& Norv 196 A RS 116654 2-16., 36 3 7 --171- Ct Microscope Study of tAte Aging Pw .,NI-Al Alloyp by V. 14. Kardonskiy 10d 14 ID. Perim 6 Pp in per., WWI vedenja i Tendche- No 11., Now 1964 gn~bqt~ka I*tauov.. Own 276,P 36) rqp!~IW Chmpe Darirk; lkwaging of Cr-Ri Oteeli., by V., D. Spiridonov,, Yu. A. Skaltov., WA! N Iordwakiy., 7 im per.. MetsUovedbaiye i Illarmichesica HeUalov NO ll., ROV 1964., pp ObraiOt6 JPFS~129054 IUSSR, 1 scij~m Mar 276 .370 S-15 6 I af I I wice Of Jlijlh-Tewpcratu,-z~ Iliermoinechanical Treat- ment on tlio~ Biaxil Terlsilf- . -rcn~-tli of Alloy vris, by S~q('. GI Inulov and A. I. k0i--'rev. RLISSIN" l')Oi'p Metallovedeniye ~, Tellaiclieskaya Obrabot Metal lov, i!qo. 8p Aug 64, pp 37-38 *j 1) 1151, DC- 1119 Rus s Sci Mar 65 ngivoring in Iforking With 11cryllima, by ~ukh . in 6 pp. 4.9-41. 1964v i-k-jt4lovo Ili, Ya4' hov No Obrdu6tka pp 4PL4s i7i)sO 'o USSR sci-'Ailt! is! 110t Fob 6'e, 274 #294 jj4asojl(Ijoiq>Dsiticm of the ibronizc6 okse i ~i ricAts (Carbon and OULy) by "$4A, MIter, 1"s. 1~tflarevich, ct al.' Illissix,11, per, 1,btallovedenic I Ter.-A. 1~0:lrafi;j A.'te, No 12, Dec 1904, 282s567 Ph~sic$l Metallurgy sAd Host IM Trastment of Staial (Peloctied Parts), by N. L. Bernshteyn, A. i G. ItInkhahtadt, 138 pp. m~SSI bk, Metall I Term Obra Staii, FEN- - -----m so 'ra ik a SCOWO Z17. FMTT-6:2-1762 A3111 ,yim 63: IMI __ . by EQUIPM6T FOR DETERMINING THE K114ETICS OF VAPORIiATIOWAND THE VAPOR TENSION OF METAL POWDERS., BY 1. M. FEDORCHENKO., YIJ. B. ERMOLOVICH, 5 PP. RUSSIANpl PERp METALLOKERAMICHESKIYE MATERIALY I MET`61)~ I Kk: I"S-S-L*EDO-VAN'fYA----TWOWTSIOMWE 4fERI'ALY KIEV jpRs 17887 Sc I mjk~ MARi,63 224..186 ballurligy'', 3SIAN;~ bkj ~z 19.5.~' oZ ion of Articles, - pr 302 Sci 1.0 May 68) 'fl"~. VATIC MCL-I006-101."')" C-897 Metalluigy bf the USSA, by I. P. Bardon, RUSSiAN bk~ Metallurgiya SSSR, YOr-71., 1917-1957~ *ACSI H-6,526 Sci Kn/Y4t notified of MRS DC-3464 pp 399- 15 JumI60 413, 456-465, 491-495, 508-526) 583-623. SLA 59-16385 pp 633-639. Ou istoration Period SSW 399-41~T7 (DC-3464) During the Soviet Regime, The r-V"-A'2ftKyushin) 33 PP. f rlys SBSRY 1917-1957,11958t JMEI 3390 119513 J6at4UurjWp by D. M. Cblzhikov., 59 pp. VMIM; bk offtiLu (1517-1937)o Vol Is -aA 2j 10 -0 (4 8 - Jo6i .BT No R (Vf-30 Scieri'd J.'ic- 1:. CI J ~~hi 1:0 v li-SISM Fet 0 b c- lie Dr, KOV 1, 1, 0 t - aj. j er.. D. 1~1. pp Eilaorl Fell c: and Technical f1rol le,,".s o:.' Son'.L,j 1,,'. Clii~*",ij llov SOO- pp _kIPPS Feb ~pas=ag~ (CalcUmuan) or Sulftda Concentrates of 1 Tom lq&iermi~is Wbao) by 0. R. ]PrMU.- 17 PP. QIPAW. -$k~j )b'tauurmlvlL OM (1917-1957)o Val Is (art 2) Ole 6D-%Iw xm lean Wp 61 IST No 130 ~.900 (DC-3464) !he Me ,of the Heavy Nonferrous Meteas, i y ~kyucv: 21 pp. USSM.* bk, j4ptsUurgLy& SSSRj* 1917-1957) '958: pp JPRS 3390 Tl~ r b f8sR lobnoi ,con e, Ogical run 6o b1f AlumIumm., by A. L Bamov, 30 m IIAN,p BOOR (15TT-1957), Vol Ip 9p MOUJ-I~UW Pf UMPeOlUms by B. 15. Gulyanitikiy, T-195T)s Vo.-L 11 wt 2j, 60-511M 61 lb 119 of ~PeCL02010e:y fOr lr .1 Are R . ita V, Polin., vlo 2; 3-2L. yp FTLD lrL-lC)O'Z")/.L An t J.u -the Develow-aa-'k? of un '.'or SLI,,inlells Ww.-mmi Arc- slbvnllh~ SUltey; No P,,j~lq'if',. 22-.32. 9 ,!ad tJic., Accuracy 2; lcl~ 671 ;'(1 Sl Nov CA Us! .:)l. (;In- Lo EXtrildcd id Briquetted 1731cctvodc-~ Titi~m-lttni Al.loyn, In L V of re t 01: :L by V~, the Arc Fu!IIIIC IL urtlycv,~ RUMUM; 9b7 NO 12P 19:: Sci ?q 19c(V 61.~ FTD Method Df Malting A.Uoying Elements for Ti-taiditin A3.3 qyS., by V. P. IJit'y-iv,, B. X., vw-w:u4Ovp 36 pp- IRUSSLLN, bk tLetaUurgiya., Sbondk S-W-tay,, Ila 21 .1'959p ~~Pp 2~1-268. 9671638 MCL-1012/1 Sci In b.tal 7 PossiblUtiab i'or Utilization of &.,cond-Gra0.,:! Titmukum Spap.90 j, by T, E , litafrin, S. M, TM Rul bk *--tAUU.7 )OVaik Sta-tey, giya) 9 9 ~9,4-36p. 96,(:L699 No 2) 1 59j, Sci - Him/m,"Ital 29 Nov 61 tllL- question of 41"he I.,nelaal-lick?. Stil~-eagth of Fo:Ll, by A~ Partnlf.Mila; ',Il~ -rn, Sl -'I';ey' I, `Pl 3., 1-959j, yp 1114-22.,.~,. 9671L573 PrD MCL-1-017/1 .!1 11,41 1, iL aL llov ("'I The Pmpert'.1cs of Single-Phase ,~~ Alj~uy~ Weld-able by S. M. Slyal',ldm! Titan,b). A. M. Yamskvilhilma, 20 pp. RUSSIA',114 bkj'i Mx- tallovedeniye., 191,>oraDi F Atf gm 1959; J?P ~ 9671.63,1 -rim ma'.1016/i 29 Hov 151 jil"duct". Idn l4ethods fuT Shaped Foaved C'.I.Lss- tice sis "i" pducts ftoom Blast Furn i Fafer. xl.Am~ ~kMallurkidleskie Shlak-i i Ili-119 no do lkl~ -VStxvitcllsl:ve, Noscm 60 2,) 449