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1 0 Mechald~s (ollection of Articles), 4 pp. RUSSIANi,,W-11,00r-, Mekhanika. Skornik Statey, No 92' 1 pp 2-Z,71 -0" C7 959 r-TD-TT-62-847 Sci -'~E~gr 6 Sepr6~ gle *Chanj;zAtion of Assembly ~brk in Instrment ~h ring., by V. I, Shermn and G. V., I sets&! Sborochngkh Rabot v,' 1~ inle 1963 43T -pp. Aug 6 5 287.,212 (Dc-6045) war HUSSTA 61 USSR Agdmltwe From 1" to ArutywWmjs 62 pp,, not so v S 4.)9 Mechanim 1 AndroOv. RUSSIA bk? louo) 1-2 Sci - 6 ma -,v 1) -y by P. I 3ture in 'Vascular Surger khanicheskiy ShovX hhirur[-:ii Sosudovy *JPRS I i 1 1! 1 1 . 11 Isi ci~~ f Intemifying labor, by V. 14. I i ~ 6wxto 15 pp, ~tlN' Np perg 3*khoAljgt*&va sillsokozo 0 ~Sgm~~! tvas lb 10l Got 19649 pp 17-18, i;lk 2.5 .;Cis A--chanl.cli by L. 11.4,~ndau, P, 05 w ASSIADI..~.bk., ~Mekhanika,Seloahnlkb Sred, -uo-~i CIA/ FLID U-(9165 JSSR 41 1 -1 4.., 4F7A" 'cl Jphyricc,~,), acoustics Ljl-s~,jiltb) thloscow, :-)v 1956leTs 7 (FDD ~6~,97 Applitd!Thedry of Gyroacopes, b; Y~. N. Roytenberg/ 31 PP4 RUSS bk khanika v. SSSR s& Tridtsat' Let, 1917-1 47m .-P~P 115-129. US$a Sci - Skxgiri~;ering, Feb 1956 M91 CIA/FM/U-(866 gyroscopes t t H. B. a RUCISIAIii, Sci.. Is of a Circulsx-B&Be Excavator, wy 14 pp. ;Gtroi Vol 7,~ (1-4); H I Muacm Lib ]NO 51/0569 London sign -oi, J.."atimfor the Mechanization at House I I ild ine, y P. S. Ghriinkevich. ISSIAN$ Tpr) ~b StrojIgIl, Vol V11s, No 3.4 1950s, Bel fteum Ub Ito 52/eo7 ific E4tneftM ic:-! howe buUdIng X~tiu a ~of Samaine Surfmo for the Dry "i OW'd hVe Oftvel Xiztw"j, by VC9. 70 No lap 19.53a IV 12-1~ sci *mm so wiftak of M~aavsttamj, X. R. Peterig, 13 1110CIALveto Igo ?n ~the question of rucreasing the Efficiency ",f ix6dv~~-Ohovelz With Single-Motor Drivej 0 Rebrov and Y. L. Berkmn, 22 pp. Mekh Strai 1950 Vol 7,, sci *iZaLma E40 51A633 Ssthoft Vo6d In the Orawdwti*n of mmum: by A. 16. vow mvkyio 13 va To w 9., Mr PP 9-12. set RUN= No 51,190ft L. Kovalov in Otbod..6f am I* Oblet" I. A. %&;M Stroit*l',Dtv%~ 1951) 50 3) pp Bei No*= Lib No 52/0470 mill i~l ~.Ckt Trench Digfejr ZT-IM, by 0 1. B. Shotlor, pp- #A.kfooi, Vol V:EII,, go 2. Iscieptii1c Sci *A Mb Tr 55/0535 Engineering I& Jun 55 CTS IF-IT I-Alitj o' B t klm V. n"'n -,01 st VITT titzib., 33 t"I crppf-.-S ~fje-ra- 4ASIM for the lWat Dec%n a at Few Stwaylls UtUtO for Technical foqulpwn~ no pk2itel Vol .. .. ........ aci *MM Lib 56 *25-c~ *gin"riae Aludiump Crouse dr SUIIA14 Plmts %ly P. 1. BVMml 1,0 va irms, so 6j, 451 s. Sci Amin Lib No. 52/?.597 -I.IiNI Gboapfoot Roller D-2,20., by Pc t d V, Mg. Rotmn a6l E A. Gl-~-,Vv~u i3m J~ rlus~*V'Ns,I kbaa4zatzlya Stroitcllrtval Na pp I-ku,- Lib M !i2/2719 Sciebtffl,"d Etkasirwering 06tol~jr 1952 Ai 1. Y T~E SrABIU'fY OF TO Ustoichilvosti liashennul Aug 521121p. ~2 Me. ' 465; U 2010. n o * Order from LC ~r SLA: ER CRANESjOb Krancvv) tr. by K. Simon. !Library Communication r~'112.410, phS3.30 61-13372 lyn Stro -I-tel-'stva (USSR) 1951. -Trans port. v. S. no. 12) 2' 61-1337 I., Holm --Stability I Kogan, 1. Y. 11 LC-465 111 . DSIR LW M.2010 IV. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) OM- of UcWtl Sw~l". 0~:l i6b 0; iftoletau" to the pipes at !~ li 'S, Is AMiMPTp Ih pp. Soft 1# 1952v Bel Mmust Lib So 54/0880 va May 54 CTI; YPI ord r, bir xxi:ole c oau)I M7. 777 Ay 1,7 i lo D.952. -n-P. S'el ;ip.*Il ell) ommmma t] Britil is sin 9-14 lent and Unloading of, Tunnel Drier Care re by As B. Yut4gbmaistorp 12 pp. Stroltol, Vol T-lo No 6, 1952P Sci Ws Lib So 5h/1379 spolneoring Aug 54 CM 70 5 pp Po Z9, ~Lo USSR scleAl Ling 6f Crane and Erection of Spire on a In N ild v by V. M. Tupit#u. m. )Azenbergo A j MD per, *kb Stroi, VOIL No 8,p 1952p Sci MuBsum Lib Ilo 53/2406 Enaimering Mar 54 CTB 4i tj* Stability of TWor Cmnes by V. PP* 111so 0 M6 Mvkb Strols VOIL IXO No 8v 19520 Scl Museum Lib No W2403 ftifterina Mar 54 CTS Consumption 21 Vol. op ro 2j. Sci l,kuj Lib No Sciel"With-, I'Mair-oisri-og Jun 54 On the In~llnstion of Mobile Tower Craneu by 1.~ y8. Kog an, 1. H. Gtmo:.,uv) 8 pp. )IU:~SiAK, ir, Mekb Strultel's-tva., Vol X, I Pe No 7, 1953F pp scl Hus Lib 55/2154 Scl Enj Irear i rig lao"Ll-Ifig WAb Dense awl Quick- ?. R. NWrik,, 6 I?pp ~b otrolo Vol so Scl Ma Lib Tv go 55/0W (FDD 2131.5,95) The lqoo~t IM ant Tasks In the liechanization of Conatr6clti rk,,in 1954, 14 pp. RUSSIAN,i,mo r.. Mekh Stroi, No I., Moscov, Jan 1954., pp CXA/'~FDD/U-6207 USSR Econ ~Ccb tomantic ~ Coz umm'.. t. P Sa 10 Iper Inww We I&iug Dev',Lce j by , V. A. Petrunkin.. 10 r2itel Vol X1., Vo 2j, 1954., SCI Mw Lib %/ii4q 394475 7 r" - --iliomau for Twor Cramaj, bW pp. P, V02 .1 Sel Mks Llb 56/IXM set 1240*W 33f 77 Mw L"6 8460 Research Worit on Jaw ambers A. n, 20 Jkkh Strols V01 ZIP No 7j, o, v ftl Nu Mb W3667 55 ON ReciAinco Pover consumption in the Operation of AA~19-161* Miurep by X., P. Savrov. .MiA~A "ro Yekh Stroltels No 8s 1954a yp 26-29. Sci Has Lib Tr '57/0128 co-op TMOS acb, Tr 118 17Z ~', TY-tl) VO~tor~ for Soil Compectiorip by A. T. RU$S~AN,, ~per). Mekh Stroitel.. Vol XI;, No 10., 19%ii pp I Coop Trans SO 163 L2. (5s.0d.) Sc Engineering Nei 6u k Cranala.'Antod oa ZW-150 by ,..IV. xOndrat I fav. 'RMiAkf Makh Strolp Nov 3,954., pp 9-12. t,%-xA1rDDAi= No 44o mm . . I F On tl)6 Fora of Vae Crush iiig ' 1 f Jav Crushb':rs, by P. S. Yermobi-yev. RUSSIAN Pei, Meklian Stroi) No 3, 1"55, pp Co-op Tr Sch Tr 144 L.2. (5s.0d) Scientific Engineering CTS SeP 55 17 .II ; . I ! I ft I i IA~, O*M* to, r4ndering, by A. a., Mom# I. X. *T110T, 0 mm J~ 10UP "rip $010-Omte2t Ira X14 so 61, ;$#~! ~ pp 90-250, , 0?bDIR64o6) qu~s-idona~!of Mechanization at the All Union Coff~renc'b un Heinforce'd Concrete and Concrete, by B. ~N ,~ sb.~~,iranskiy. RUPSIO, Per, Mckhanizatsiya Stroitellstva, Jul 1955, CIA/FDD/Sum 739 USSR Ec6n~ Vcbnological, machine. building QD6 EquipmentIcz Production of Reinforced Concrete BtriAcIture~ by V. K. Hostotski3r. RUBSTAN, per, Nekho.nizatelys fitroitel'stva, Jul 1955 pp A -13. CIA/FM Sum 739 USSR 806w~ Technological, IM machine building FDD 264:00 ~~Ot~.v MiOrs ji;for Asbestos SheetirZ.. by M. S. ShapJru. ~I~er,,4'MoW=izatelya Stroitelletva, Jul P-8p 29 CIA/FDD Swa 7-39 1955, V, 'ISSR ~ricrjrl Te~chnallogical, machine building Vibralltpr G, fmUng MiUa and Their Testing., by X. Si" lb:yv.. R. Y. xugfflo 16 pv i6m-4 wm&n Russu$:j per imp 8"Ateletva.9 19$50 7 No 8.*' py 3-8. STA 59-171,96 Sel Doe Vol 2 o 6 J~p 61 bly A. ;~OLvdt"j Vol X3:llt U.S, AmW Dow lot and P won, r at -awwavb *tmbUI*WKkt ON" or agimml - 2ma"lon 65 vo rt in aftlaoutsAa blilam In CxedxwlvmkU, by X. Xbid abilov; ft~~Iovtgd.* Vol Emo No 40 Sai I&w Lib 58/1190 StAnk 0~010~00 Slaatic layvrs,, by X. A. TAX* r )~kb stralto Vol XIII;p NO DSIR/3149B/CT bu i3AIng M~ (DC-1871.) Experien~e 4 Introducing Automatic Production Linen for th6 ~anufj~,cture of Reinforcenent Ribs for Rein- forced:C6ncrcte Plate-Forms, by B. V. Iven'ov, 7 pp. . I UICLAS83YIED IMSIAN,!mo ~,br, Hekh Stroi,. No 1, MoBcov,, Jan 1957, . i I PP 17-,01, W JPBS/DC-L-352 USSR Eco CohstrLktion (DC-18-(2) Cbaniz,6d!Pivc,ess of Concreting the Plute Foms the yuhav Rydroelectric Station Conatructit.",=.. 'tej by ~Bq~ V. ivanov, pp. Wlmv: W- per., I-lekh Stroi, Ilo 4., Moucow, Apr 4.957, 16-19. US JPRS/I)C-L-363 FA cbni~truction -51 Iinattji`,sm Comitructio-Y 1'~;u-lii6 cn.-Istruction machinery 9r lEqulpra~a~ Zar, 'Pensioning Pre-Stresaing Cables. Experickl6m clk,,, 'the Operation of Equipmnt for 1 1 Concrete Structural Elemnutii With jPre-Stressirig, !Wire Cablo Rainforreemntep by Yu. V. Chinctov, IV. V. Aoihdes ~vellakly, RUSS10 per,:14okb Stroitel, Vol XIV~, No 5; 1957., D .p 6-8. RL M. 2944 Sai - Rw jan 6P- Putyakov, j P. K EXPERIE NC 8IN IT" BIG SLARS W I (0p) lz DITIONS '' I Zbelez I ! obe onoW tr. by G. K t; s( cation no. 078: Order fra~ CC or s I i Trans. of v. 14, (Materials, 12- 61-15290 I PRODUCMN OF FLOOR VOIDS UNDUR SITE COW r1lenlya vol,mopustob kila v Poliltomlylth Uskmyam) My 60161p. Library Ornnentmi- k'mI$l. 80. phSl. 80 1. Flom - - materials I Reinforced comrete-- Processing 1. R"akvv. K. P. 11. LC-978 ~j M. Deprtment of Scientific and Industrial Research q0t. NIL AL L 5194*1 V. 9) as" 40 T~"W 110POW" Kantorer', 8. ye. ASSESWENT OF It! ECONOMIC EFFICICNCY OF NEW MACIJINES P(h USE IN 11MI-DING (Otnenks Ekoflomic~ Iei&oy Eft,60nostl Novykh n Strottel'nykh Mashin) G G1 boon.. May 60 113)p. 4 refs. IDSIR Ll or comm~tmicatlon no. 979. Order froin LC or SLA m1$2.40, ph$3.30 61-15291 Trans. of Methanl7jitstya Stroltel*stva (USSR) 1957, j ...... .... 8'.. Y. 14, noi 5j p. I This report'", Is wiih tower crones. excavators, and other msthj~ery usea in road building. Estimates of comparative," costs at staon~dep ,,~Twly developed M~Chlner~ ire pren~rttda ol 1". (Machinery," Fabri tions and Accessory Equipmm, 'IT, v. so 60. 9) 61-15291 1. Road building equlpnent-- Costs 1. Kantorer, S. Ye. It. LC-979 Ill. Deparmtent of Scientific and Industrial Rescarch Brit.) Ono @A Teamw some" Equipm~zrk; for Tensioning Pro-Strasaing Cables. Nev Wrauli* Jack for Stressing Wire.. by V. 0. lonov.,.M. I.Aonkin. RUBSIMj~ per! Nbkh Stroltelp ipp 29-30-- --------- Vol XITP No 5) 1957: mi M. 2 cd Sci - ftpr jan 62 Ili Earth VibVinC Jit-aptarl.-I, ~Ixaw ot, Via C=tl"y., by H,, Ve VW' ilie*,.,:p P.P, .1-95"(s pp 3- .. 7. .- Ira APE Lro 'IT isep f'.0chanitiLtIoll1of Road-Building Opcrations, Yevstafi**~V) pp* ~RUSSJAM, ~mo pt~r,, Mekh Stroi,, No 2., Monecrd, pp 8-14, US JMS/DC-L-925 USSR ? R I 1,401dino, Machinex-j kan cad ~ 9 by S. V. Feb 1958, fx t-r", il L 17 Golovac A. S. i BRATIONMEWOE FOUNDATICM FOR TRANSMISS109: LINE RazrabotM 501i,oraw by G. L. Citrus. Aps CmMunicatI06 M Ir Order from ,LC *r SL Tue. at (11*0M. 197 id Chernyor". V. I. OF EXCAVATING 7WE XMIRTS OF OVERHBAD III (Vibratsionuly MKW 10W Oporl Kontaktooy SKI). tr. " 171p. I rd. DBIR Library C' il WSI - 84 p4l. 10 61-13203 19 3'2P IT. v. S. m 9) 61-131M I. Transmission lines - - Inwallation I -Goluvachm A. S. It. Chernyvycv, V. 1. Ill. LC-974 IV. D"Ilffwnt of Scientific and lndustriui Research Wt. Brit.) A/Z 001" of Tedw6w il-flwti on KnWuary ;ror by 3 ve per, ~P. kban Stroit 1, 140 1., 1959) pp 5-12. iazahiacry ~9 oebanization 16f :Lrwtallation and :~'pecja). Work or 1!~59-31XS5., by A. I. Sbabeixtt-Yov. 5 mz~- )~--r 114e)-Ji Stroitel,, No 1, 1959, m_ 12-18. C2 ,at 59 R PC t 59 vojl~~pwpnat of, Overau nechauirAtiov -xa A. t#106 in Construction for 19,9,~-la,65, by V. A. 6 pp. 1,,, No 1., 1959.~ pp VI-k-^4. Vakh Stroite i~kOlt-L,io I.W the Atrtber and filataxatien in Cowtrw.-~.Io RuSkAlf.,'! ipars Nekh Strol) So 8., 1959., 1-3. U86 i I cacti - Tecimological jbChl=wy Ditc~ 99 ~i: P4i4j,weii,t In Factories Manw?aeturing Componanto for Lurge-Pmel Platep by V. A. Gir&k:Ly. M18SLIMO perj Makh Stroital, Vol XVI, 11o ].~)591 6. Nn 1.1 3814 $61 - ri~ngr Mai- 6- (PiY-:2900/7). (ObasOotion wA Road MWdnory at the ,`~WQ4 of tha AcUwvm=mUs of tba NIFtlonal O~ the MR, bY N- A- PodoPts, 3 P.P. No im 2258 TOobnological - Nwhitkary and Imtrumats gechani~ Tr6sPcyrt of Bricks in Stacks Without, ;~acltirlgj, by k. Kotov. -RUSSIAlf) perq~, Meekh Stroitel., Vol XV113 NO % 1959., DSIR IJU M. 19W i (NY-2900/8). DeveloAafi.nt ot, the go-chanization of Con8truction iq6osi~5 pp. RUSSIM., per MLb Stroitel,, No 12, 1959, pp 1 JPR3 2727 USSR Ecoll - Tbohno.108106a J= 60 (NY-2900/9) ,k~ethods fdr the CoMletion of Over-All Mechanization in Ilighway Con~rtruction, by S. V. 'revatafeyev, 6 pp. RUSS IMI ex, Mckh Stroitel, No Ij 1960., pp 9-15. JPF