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7m F0441 ~of lac Sulam la tAoi Northi-3aiteila by L. D. Andryev*kW,, U. pp. IRUS3 kv WLA J~"krl;4 vo -1-4.91001 - *Wskm Sal NOV Dept of laterlor Conaft 11"orlee Res IDd qMus, C-43o No IU STA 59-1-5"3 tile 'P. nkt n of the Northweate.rn Part of thc- Uid' Occan' by B. M. Mednl.kov, 13 PP- SIAI monu~~ph,, 441y po Biologii MDrskova Iod 2"Idut Dalnevootochrqkh I~wsuvoyj, Moscou,. 8- 6 E35., pp sci Dec 59 Vol2 5 SIA 59-15964 1a3 Altillbr.f 1145tOriftlo Aw=ltl4xi and lostrumuts, by D voil'', vskiyo 17 ?W pp. (31) 209M8) bk -Awls -EI-2951 well rob pq Long f~uiw R~Ckets, uy D. D. Vorono"kiyj iiaiZ:1 zw-; PP RUSSIA'R.~ bJK,lj%tqrial'naya iihmt,l lptillerii,, boyepri 19%) p AIP 1255764 Ps~tarisl,, by D. D. Vormovokly., 2.0 pp. 10 IA' 'mm bkr Umter"Itnava qw.0-',ArtJll*rUp.. PP 157-466i-A80-18-3; JM -10k2 -D Dao Sul! pp. UN=SIP= Iss bk !Ma Ulm tre ovovo IAMW Frm the Splanebuic 3ern on the Ytwatims of Adrenal Glamls in ifev- ils, by 0. A. Xlkbaaeva., 7 pp. *"tlaly p0 ~~5qxut Y F'Lz, . -, , - 4 ~Oanb. Flo ;I ic 0I. ) 711 Va6mx)tor Mafluencee from the CopW,.'&c Portion . ~ha~ yWtbatic Tradt Severed W iu%c or Ne6k :Rogi In Nevbora AnJW o (Puppies)., by 70, nV 0. A mik avap 19 pp. U0 -9-20 yutsioanoy Piz) pp 919-230- it - Wd 59 ing labl-bitoxw Influences on the Otivity In AnImle -(ftppiei)) *iatle De"lopwntt by 0. A. r..4ay~ Do 2volwtOgni~OY FIZ., -.2152. -L -982 - if 917 713 (NY-2849). ROlt of tftb~l the Developmat of the Funotto kal les in Clatogeneals, by A. T. lo~ld~z~he" M%Url.4y 90 Rvayutsjo=oy Vim, No 1. IRUSSIAO .1956, us3R Sc I gpd 1 716, Sep S-5301D (HY-2650). S=e M nio!w Of ftqioIo8ico-*:,rpho1owc&)- ~9"Iut~ =11=r Divi8ions of the Coatral brateis by A I. 9MVIV& EM 22 1"01 bk.,,j rialy.,go OY JPiz, No 2p 1957.1 mom -L Sal 59 Ma No 2> 3057 34-1 -.: k~fbd oa t onps iu the Reflex Beeulation of K. A. Nikal(?&,O~ 15 p_tl. 1.4y-pO 9VOIYlrt.aiOOAOY JM-L-990-3 ~Imter Memo and Watgor Rome in tb 'Postnatal Nriod by 20 Def iciancy iii V. 1. Incimi, qtoi =oy rit RUSSUS, bk 457,1$0 160-171 No P. Effed Of I -AWOtics iU by 0, A. JJM , 14 ppo NJS$Z bk~ Mterialy No 57., ~OP IIR- tb) Eal-4 Fwtuatta 1%~riod, po Lilyol~jitsioWaoy riziologii, oot S,5. Mlatho6dof riting Speech Rabita 9--veloped "Ln Dear4blte miurM Pr8,etje&U',r Deprived of Hearingy by B. Sho~Zbwas YI Pps ,=.%A bk ~~Waterialy DO Irs"lYtrtSiOnuOY Fit, NO 2., r 1957, Scl )16d Oct by saly ox, nt '101 Pro, OeogmptW of the Soit.1hern Far Rm ql*f~ bkp'. go Fiziclxiskoy Goo-jr&Xii tign Im 1 11 11 rSx Dua vooWmj~ 195UP 25Y) IAL4CReAC PD PJ?O 323 KM' Goo Oct TH I KAYSKAYA PLAIN AIV 'THE ADJOINING REGIONS :Ri SMY KRAYo BY B. P. KOLESNIKOVI G. D. OF P, RI .0 ve V. NIKOLISKAYAp 105 PP. KOT RUs6I Aw, 14ATER I ALY PO F I Z MOM GO K4:39%-.--pviCT-9 68, CALL NO. GB239 99 7, ARW MAP SERV I CE USSR GEO~ 13 A:W 62 2o6,255 awls% by DIP ve all ni 345* =a I I I ~: I Ii !77, i I i I I IL - k 11 4n at Agftrdtwml I "80M , svolwas 9 1w. --- . # ftwLwl as To v so Be it *-a. ftl A4 ~ 6* 336#248 in "Distributioift of Mineral I ''a& .1. 11 a Orl the Territory id u 00 iAM4rInq4*:20 op. 7-- 7 -1 ?i /64 g~aphi6al Distribution of 14agma Deposits ' l~ gho (DC-10514.5) 'PIX at Mongolia,, RUSSIAN, ~bkp Haterialy po Geologii Mongolskoy Naxo~nqyiRepubliki, 1963, PP 3-4., 149-17o., & *JPRS sci~- ESL~th Sci i May 64 Smolyani~mwa, BAVEINIT11 I NE julliva ratkIsi 18)p, 10 rifs" Ordl, frovii C')IN Tralls. of III AN ~SSSR, V *F,Colloltli~l propertioti. 1). 275-277-- lhliiierals. Orvs (Non-metallic), 1gy'll,hysical proix-l-fics, clivillical (Faz-W !,t it -Vilfit! rali)~n. 'M'. -,. 10, no. k) N. arA Moluva, V. A. ~ '111E ql(ARNS C)11' 'I'l IF BATYS-rAl 1.11WkiIkivvnita v SK-arnakh hiestorwh- ,Litt) ir. li~w W. John Cieslewicz. Nov M w- VILA $1. W 62-15741 62-15741 I N. 11. Nlolvva, V. A. 111. Geological Survu%. CAA). alft:l of 11cwts! smi-ti sercbrelll~nl V.: 4~ SEASONAL' C~Y'A-NCE~S IN THS URANIUM cowaw IN umm~RbUND' WATERS. 119611 Sp. (3 Illus. 2 tables onilttid). Order frorn, OiS or S~A $1. 10 61-23961 Trans. from i~nono. Waterikly po Geologil Rudnykh (Materials on:the Gedlogy t)f Orv Mix,9414, Petrograptry) Mlneralagy~&~d Geoc&ernlatry) [Mbmcow, 1959. 424p. DESCRIffom-, Climatic factors, Vrecipitation, *Hydrology. Water. thermical analysis, Ores, *Ura- Mum, Source~, Rock, Mountains, Mining enginwrinS, Geochernisim' Mineisks. 61-23961 1. Serebreanikov. V. S. R. Title: Materials... Ill. Gookhocal Survey ofCawkft 21114 F fjorthscienC60--cocology, TT' V. 7. no. 8) offtc. A 7"6" some*% YU. U Bugalsk THE USE OF HYQR( (2 tables:onil I Order:fromi( Trans. i~orn: 4X0 1 S LA $1. 10 kol Db1ffj&1x"-Q osy a a CAINDchemistry) AL ME71HODS IN [19611 6p. 61-23%9 Petrogris- W. 195% S: 06#,ryllium, Geophysical prospectlc& P, MWals, Ores, DWwlts, FIwrspxr,j Hydrology Beciuiel~i e clo4'~xrAx"*0Is of the LwylUum mineraNt ,w i1i fluo6t~- minerals It can 1w assumcd mat (Earth SiiiePces-OWIM, rr. v. 7. no. 7) (ovar) 61-23960 1. Bug*lskil, Yu. 11-Titla; Materials . . . 111. Geological Survey of Canada Office A Tecimical Services 61-23970 lita, E. D. ~ PROBLW'IOF TKI11DISPURSION-AUREOLES 1. Kalits, E. D. Ulm , LFBIDIdM AND BERYLUUM. [19611 11 - Iltle: Materials . . . (3 figs. J!ta,le on 111. Geological Survey of rr fr 61-23970 Cansd& $1. 10 OT orS ris. from Itiono. [Wierialy po GW109U RtgnYa- trozbdenit, I&Sr#- mrtdrm,',M Irem4yaorevalrit's. ~Mwrogra- Mineral' and Gckhemistry) [mmicaw, 1959, CWTO": Whi *Rubldium. 084rylllum M k, Rare e clot' 3, GODOysical prospecting, 11 1 chemistr Ores, :;tIM51top b0nerals, Pegmatites r dw lilhi Ili !cesium atite the host rocks are ched wit:;ithlurn "drubldium by the formation ,-th Sclenc' sGeology, TT, v. 7. no. 7) (over) Offi-I T-h.ic.l S-ic.. virlogra'40 1i V. 1.'i 61-23971 PMROOLL." 'lS OF Ili ~ HYDROCHEMSTRY OF 1. Vinogradov. V. 1. MWOLYB t4N. (I ~ 611 26p. (2 illus. 3 tables 11. 'Iltle: Materials. I omfited).! I I I Ill. Geological Survey ol I order fr6m 0 U $2. 60 61-2397), Canada S Trans filoi I Inomo it trial po Cleologii-RWnykb, o Ctlr~,1:201rllogy, It s. rogrs- olog If du G emistry) (N"Coy.'. 1959, soch 424p. -' DESCRIJ 'S. ) :, 11 ybdmum, Precipitation, r Minern . 1 ~ ~ , 1endc*1 analysis, Sulfides, OZWAUCX~ OIKYSCIII, fienstratim Deposits, Or*%, Wneral~, (~Iwh&ii lttry. Geophysical prospecting. Hydrology. I III Olt: 7. 7) Bogdanovi V I CUROW FROM N1 41 AN S TANTALUM AND THEIR DMSION.;[l 1] 1.21~: (3 Illus. 1, table3 01111tred). Order froni C is or 8LA si. 6o 6 1 - 2,197) I I Trans. fromimono. CeolMifflj (IjimteflM b-WUW-GWjt*y ot Ore Deposits, Petrogra;giy. MinerAcgy and Geochemittry) (Mo3coA, 1959, 4241j~ DESCRIPTORS: 011tinium, ONLoblum, "Jantahun, Chwnlcsl~v6pertift'i Separation, *Mrometographic awysis. CAUtilosik!'OrgmAtc solvents. (Chemist Analytical. 7"L v. 7, no. 7) 61-23972 11 Iltle: hi&rfms'. Ill. Geological Survey of Canada offic. d Yu. ii OP. 6RE-COMPONENTS IN IMF. i WA-rkAS OF THE COMPOUND 9iTs w P. EASTERN TRANS- jN. 11 1) Up. (2 figs. 2 tables or SLA $1. 60 61-23963 GeoldZy o( Ore D"its, Petrogra- and d ,ii;diemistry) [Moscow, 1959, ,'Ores,', *Hydrology, Water, Metals, pitxti.a~., Permafrost, Geochemlstry, :rspectifig, Minerals, Rock, Mining iernic&l, analys is. 61-23963 1. BuSelskii, Yu. Yu. 11. Title: Materials ... 111. Geological Survey o( Canada Ecience ii~ - - GeoXiNgy. 71, v. 7, no. 7) Ukanov. ~Nq. SEVERAL!?9CULIAlM1ES THE PAIMAO)' ALAOLES OF ORE DEOOSIM'~!'! OrdtT frorpi CM or Trans. tr6mimono. 1959, 424r; DESCRIPT Rock, G06 fornution I elenbem, (Earth Scli IN THE FORMAMON a. OF THE DISPERSION '11%1] lip. (I table omitted). A $1.60 61-23962 rbkteri&l)-poCeoI ~Ilw nleiq 5'wrm-G~05" vibliellr=ults, ;61c~'Y and Coochendstry) thloscow, i KXr*s. Deposits, GeocImmistry, icsipiosp=ing, Minerals, Went- My 01,effnents, SwWati%4 Rare earth )sity.~~*Dlllus Ion, M-11sity. s-Goology, rr, Y. 7, no. 7) 61-23%2 I - Ukanov. K. Ni. H. 71rle: MaterlAs . . . 111. Geological Survey of Canada Offics of TocNCest Swk- ,betverl va ~N. to. ig OR IOAN A ESTBRN RT M wdmikaUt i I SJIurlh watrid'noo ~mz&kh Goolqlc*I~Survt: .-derfrom, ~or$l rans. of k~w4ll A makhmrsm, (t 1,01 I O&rik ?SCRIPTO ' tertninati m, I Sedl th 4 ' leontol CWI tru Ir.41ct I SILJJRIAN DEMISMS OF TH RWRAL KAZAIISTAN, FT. 1 it Otlo-zhenlyn 7&padnol Chastl ~nm) tr. by Ivan Mittin. 1962. * 97 (1-2). .$4.60 63-19586 f4l. Y. 1. p. 9-26. gl-a phy, Geological age ~rary rock, Igneous rock. ~l gmk"gy. Geology. listory of the Audy c4l'the lower paleozolc deposits rier InfortMilan on tile loolofficall stnictuTe and SErlifig AIN, ~)I' mt? 1)~iv -ordoviclail rocks. Fardl 63-19586 1. 1. 11. Ill. "x# d Inkk3j SeMrs of sees mr,4 Itivers of tbO MOW asodetic materi6i Ou Ol -I-. Revicv! Of Astro., of the V Soviet A 4 A&aInastraticm 0:1 tba Operat RwAe tar 2.9351, by so Ilain lRek ji Wre L - Sai 'Tie'n 62 nz' llhir*%.'wt~, Complex of tha inplmid Rc!m- -,rr~ a 7 110 19-1;~~' 203- 2. NLL/M 1811 T 31 01 R-7194-D 27 june 666 ~VerieO6 in ~be pla=Avap emstracUon., and use of at Am"In"Sk, G. A ~Ov and G. IA- Sbmihum ~Or r: ~G ~Ved 1 1 1 r =&Saot Crj)ed PO 41) emilli., by P:a just i'dil I Wzi Akmd- lbuk SSSR Moscow., 1969 i; pp 110-o"Lig l~~ ( 10 pp) egrb Or vds: l'an(L Itpe 1 come= ready copy. 1 copy may be I copy to jpfts. "6/c R-7195-D 27 abne 66 lil~lolmmwws Wrwlic lofturbava vith tr: V tvii: po Inaboummi awslatmedenuu., by ztwt~ milop dcad. =it IMs awwv 1959 9 pp Jjm)Aj&";#"~jj4" 1 rtowLv CKW. I OWY aw e dA.1 Met* 1 Mdalml ow tm JM. i ! lk ~i i I I I 11ME 61 oi IbWerlments on the Study of Product rom TlCj by B. I. Oresbkin., 9 pp. CO Buds I ter Al 40 Toll^ 4% Xgj2x;tvennYkh all No 56.. 19-06p pp i4-eo. Oct Tr Cantor RT-12% 3 7~ Aug CM 117 'Itanim tamiasion on the Rasultc cr i~iMfuturo Of TiClh., by X. r. 'w- jAl Isucbf, jin Esteatvennyhl! I SS.M No 56., 20-23- IFK pAch SL Cl Sc I Tr Contar RT-1289 220 it, ti. tf J ~c0 chemintry Aug 54 CT 6 j port c~ the' P 12manill, al S IAR.,I -k LO-X Ltuulum Comittee on the Racults ),rlnatioxim, by Yu. l?. Krigcrp 10 pp. I 1926p PP 23--33- i AEC Tr 7d, M- also Scl Tram Cauter RTL-1293 ientif It ChOmistry on Uperimat4a Chlorinationn of CU6 ~al 1100 lit&PIna O#bide$ by H. XaUiumlto, A. Ell-sem, i 7:3 t kh 2 OPM., HI-terialy dlia Isucbeilla Rates, vanny sm No 56j, 1926) pp 43W17. Sci Tr @enter RT-L*29r; le'#401c 1! Chemintry Aug 54 CTS Edv-1ari oX. the Vbtbods of TIC3jj Productiun, by i I 3 pp. i9w"lia Izuebookia Xs+.estvennykh I'lukh III -W--SR-s go 56, 10,26.0 p 47W9. Sci Tr Center P.T-3-297 37.3 Be 'atif iz~~ 4- Chemintry Aug 54 CT13 717---T n~ Ira and Vegetation of Ifigh Mountain Studies; o F j Areas, v. Sukachev. Ilosti P, UQ, S I NN blaterialy po lz I-lor:f i Rastitel, ~j I Vysokov,fii V,~Os Botan Obshchesvo Probl Butin, No 1960P 2T pp *PL-480 USCA 0 1 Sci - Jun 63 i on', 40r,, StUdy'j, of Flota! and Yeptation of t PS t u Uu~teniyu Flora i Op 1-0130. 9692305 -:B & Med PCI 1y" 257#652 tho atw~r of the Bff"t or a t"- tie M' an Cir Promsses,, by *0 Do ~Usslov bkv NWt*dMX-KJW3Qb"-IP i9s, 03,0 As, 117-29. 3 k3j, ins 19910 / op 71 f, f7 ~eats-ia Forest Grovith an P"t-Bog iils; the USSR Forest Z4xw and Tundras ~S Pllyav~bmko 1 N,4' a Ila It IH Leso 100=01 ZAMY I v Inladve mmewo 'tl 7 1 I Agri 3028330 02- 2NIN ornyakov,; P., 1. aryll hipitsyn, N. V. 101, THE OKIRTTSK -KOLYNIA 1. 'iitlo~ ouioi,k -C7 -wg .A, JYT. I ISE1.1- ED PARTS1 (Cievilliorfoh 'ichuskii dFC.1 er til k OkhoOkii-Nolvilikogo Kraya) tr. by Lawrence -nyakov. 11, 1. iker. 18 Feb 45 10~h)21 (figs. omitted). 11. Tupitsyll, N. V -,Ider from 01'Sior 62-25061 I i i~ lytial trans. 12LIChelivu Okhotsko- i ya I ([,IS$ Rj 193.6, no. 10. ........... iNCRIM-ORS: "Tcrna~n, Niapi, Mounwins, Illydiol- *Communiclatioll Apacills, -1_'rosion, 'lleriml- -~vtzt, *Glacier.~ Dk,-vxv.Au~, Minerals, Geography ology, Transrfirtatiok office of Ircbrkai senkel v. 10, no. 1) via& 6j7- larvouS as of ori~orlyevo by TU In we .413 1 callS CN5 01 Aii- ull(I thcL DIAic IT I.- .~aj- v S'b C) 1, 1'.. Nov I ,:MIMI -viol p AugA U=Ilds Of tl,"* IL S,Fo"m ftcA~m cow Ban In j, by R. A. pors Aterialy Kloomma ftlemtologiij .2 2~ 34 Dept or interior 03 1157 Xo 83 T-7 ~~l7 The Fo. r Qop, voyk~r,., Gybja,~ Ek 801 ,ftb lo ;ona the Upper Renahea cK thc, Lyapim Riven., by B. 11, dfj~,-'Ak Na-uk SS:-.--.n.,, ACIC oc"/-k-,5 by A. X. Aleebk-Ova r ia In bk 4ate RUSS ~ ACIC F b ,xialei moxogy ana nonary oi rjue uu-i, vi. Oila~u fle~'~Iring, by A. A. Mikbailovokays. %IVOTAW91 rpt~ Materialy po lzuvaea.-'Lyu Be go.j!~prya lp 195T~ pp 74-89. IUZ M .5911 & W 63 Andrii*8 gome 11p on the ~!p vertebra materldl 117-125 Tranal.- t."'Pe9clU mluseuv~,' Avall. 1957 ',or amphlboreal distributions with remarks ~orirgins of navaga (JUsKinus) and the smAll- Ing (glupolk bAttnxo gallasl) ~mpleksnomy lzuohaniu belogo Morla, MI u~alari. ev, ob la poib d M po In ~ b. psmy for Systematics Wb., Bc?, i~tkfl. 8yaterantics Gat,, U.S. Natl. h. ~!. t.). C. 20560. Lcikn~- PCIP, Wash., D.C. Inal Mllc~le Chso Mk ~avaga of thle White Sea, by K.A. Altukhov ~O PP * j I RUSSIA14 pei. Materialy po K(:)mT)letksnomu izucbe Iyu Belogo Morya, Vol l-, 1957, Op 126-139.:4 NOO Trails 14~7-72 Apr 7 21 avaga of On ezhskiy Zaliv of the White Sea, y A. P. Niki6layev, 22 pp. 1, ~USSIAN,~per. I'laterialy po Kompleksnomu Izuch- niyu BeloEo,,Morya, Vol 1, 1957, pp 140-154. '00 Trans 43.B-72 ,pr 72 eeding and I-ood Relationship Between Navaga and melt in.0neihskiy Zaliv of the White Sea, y M.N. Timakov, 50 pp. .USSINI, perk. Materialy po Kompleksnomu Izuch- niyu Belog6llarya, Vol 1, 1957, pp 185-221. '00 Trans 43q-72 r 72 99S and Yoting Fishes of One,,,.hskiy Zaliv of the hite Se,a, Py V.A. Mukhachev, 14 pp. USSIAIq,1 per,~. Materialy po Kompleksnomu Izuch- niyu Bqlogo Morya, Vol 1, 1957, pp 222-229. 00 Trans 4110-72 72 te Sea Cod, by M.A. Sonin, 20 pp. SIAN, Der'., Materialy po Kompleksnoinu I:,ucii- yu Belogoil-lorya, Vol 1, 1957, pp 230-242. Trans 4L~1-72 72 (DO-6755) recasum 4'be Oeopobentia M-ld In the lamr b7 A. S, Dibwo X-1 pp, ~ i I ssl~i~ rni~,P. materiviv xWerentaii Kaorlinat- VP im mv~ sa -~ ow;*8 1~lkl bsw 62 (DC-(~t-55) lhmri=l M* Fomwt lu the rme Atmoophere by *iw Ot Ueot=lo DWtal Ooq~utexlsjp by A. AM04 25 pp. YMPPU.o AWL) YP 71-W- JP16 13134 ~;W,7 dta lftev4o in Modern Fnysioloa, by A. P6, 9 pp. WWp jbkj NOw MMLi.20 fatodum SOL - v1#11 at ~I*di jan 64 of Ir Sq:6 The of Flmle Oscillation Li-L-Tts vs. : i- i Teml~Lnm,tu.n.l.,, 'Z-1,y D. S. KaZriLmova., RUSSIMIT) 'bitl V c;b. * tleteriz.,-1~7 Konfr-n-onts:~--i It"ii,iichn. Pabotn. F-1:-, Tcl--Il. -*r-TD iT 62-(,~'~l sci hy s 21.) Jut 0,2' An Aftempt to Typify the Baric Fields Over the,,~orth!~Atiantic in Order to Calculate Currents and Ice'drifts, by M. A. Valerianov. RUSSIAN bk,,Materialy Konferentsii po Probleme I I I L~ .'. I.., " Vzaimnode~4 le Atmo5phery i Gidrosfery v Servernoi 'ChAii' lk0anticheskogg Okcana,, Leningrad 1958. Navy/H0 Tr 42 Sci Ear th Sci & Astron Mar 64 Gdophyblical Field Sttidies in the I-lapping ,of t eHM khilovskii District, the Mrsk *gnetic Anomaly, by M. 1. Borodulin, -)PP RUSS ,) per., Materialy p Geologii i ~P6ieznym IskopaeW Tsentral'nykh ftionoV'Evropeiskoi Chastip Vol 51 1Q 1) p~ 323),-,45 S6i -Earth Sciences .A~r 6'r, jZ - '4 3,2 -7 1 ey I ,Pm-, lowo trarrail.,'O.-a -c co- inill I" Iq 3 7 -:Llvnyu ocn, 4,141 rci~t-rlrv v-, i. 07, C C I Ott ;ixxingj:the Cohesive Forces Within Frozen k ~d 14. A. Tsytovich. j~Aw, !!~erialy po Laboratornym Issledovaniy Vol 11) 19541) pp' 162. 75. *Army Coal Regions Research & Engineering Lab Hanover, New Hampshire oct 62 Geophysi(~ Savel'yev PROCEDUI CONTENT PHASES* l4p. 9 rdi Services. ' Order Inm TrUL Of 8~1 A. ~N ON DMRMINA71ON OF LIQUID AND GASSOUS M ir. by g. R. Hope. Sep M o of Scientific Infomation ~ 34 ph$3.00 NROC C-3476 m--Pkim. TT, v. 5, no. 6) (Earth 1. lC9--PhA*0 BMW*& L Ice--Physical prWortlem t. Saimol'yov. L A. Il. D61S-T-344-K Ill. NROC C-3476 IV. Directorate of Scientific Inform4doc Services 72-F R-14233- 21 ee 71 Co. tk >0 coly -77 q3 To-,f m c. r!.,,,? PP. "ift fil -ty of Ymen Bandt bF V. D. Komxmt MWImaytjo Labwaftmv Iasi maaiym W-R. Val =1 3.95To psi 142448. vos. Anw eam ue wA Pumboat BOOM"& xxtabLubmant ME- Dorps or mw ju"Waimu.cm 66 F RUSS Leni Oxid) Afi~j~ bki~ Mterial grad, p 2. )o Mashinnomu Perevodu, Vol I, ri,PRS - a ~igaililcmao of Maabice- th-WmIation to by K. I. StabIjUx-mmmkiy? 4 pp. vod obterisly v0 wwwuwaw Pam VP im Z ffd;Z (NY-3108). Llni~l a ti( Proble= In the Crvatlon of a Wahim btanatica )bah' by V. V. JM4250-N /0 7 (NY-3108). of Nwb4nob Trawastlon and Ito by i4j, am 40-400 pp Feb (0 (NY-3108)- on I: two of a DictlaWnr wd the Coding of J* *ddlw Immulluap bay I. L. *No@" 0. Be T"yUnj 20 pp. b* ftravodus T. 140 W got Aib, jte7f77 h; i (Nmuos)- P"Vft fOr an MM"UM Algorithm at; by Xe 11, AndkeMp Ve P. 1. 2"Wafto A. X#, Ogloblin pp. '05, ,t~ pa IbwWWn=u ftravodul job z (BY-31.08). Work: co 14 Nbl sift-Amelm Alearltba of Ybobine "mo*, #0a0 ~r I. Po Buimwp IL P, Cbu-k"ova.9 Parevedu bk ~01tl veil VP jPM4a,40-N sal a 7..f7f' (NY-3108) - il s of Wwk oim an Arabia-Rualm 2mm, stiols by 0. B. ~ ~ipsvo- V. StIvIbms 32 pps fte tali b)t wteru RD -ftr"aft, Sol 0/0 7. (NY-3108)- Carta low In tAw Constnustion of a Bamme- R Um m~thp at Amealm tnmlatlm, by ~A41 itj to. As Updm.. 0. A. Timfoyerap ii 4MA Ap-*"~Mm Porevodu, JE I* M64", 1901 107 e7? ftb:~ (Nr-3106). A 't Propm ftw a *Mbological Aul..wls ollho ulso lompop In MaWas Trawlatlcmp Iftj N. 2, tarm9was S. N. Mod'vedevap ri ~-,, *044 Perevodu p PP 13b-I /6P 7, 7-Y 1 ;01 Fob 00 (SY-33-00- ifork j:nt a u4-AndOtSAWlindi) RwisleA Aleorltbm Of, leiz~Alza lj~muslatloup by T. Yo. Katenina, 5 pp- bk- -pa-bbnbJ,um= !?ar(.-voda., VOL pp Wise 1,9 Y 7 Feb 6G' (NY-3108). Up*ndsat AuLlyals In the Vietumse - tbA or NUMM JIMMIatiCa.. by p ID. A. atmp T. so ftuftlovp Iwo VIA :1 Feb vo MMUNI PW*VWU) 7. 97t4 (NY-3103). Sol drwla-Licn Itrom ;apmome Tato Funnirxip by t~,,rv, zA. 1~- stmwaislhchelr~ -t&4,po HaWrAumm (NY-3103). or on 213-- "t AWUjv lm..Qf the the v 490 MOAMot In &**Ub b. Felt: 10 (NY-3108)- 7-awm mmatric Heading Devi 3 xle RUW lw-ibwmmmu P*revodap I I ru Vol imS4e6$ SCIL !1140 7g7l ftb ticla borminon and 2660738 I Lexical. Incongruence in Constructing the an Intermediate Language, by G. A. Pak, it., Materialy po b%tft. Ungvj~s:b._ i -Mach. 151031 PP May 66 of a Russian L 266o742 i I I I ~ ''A ;''.1 ~ 11., 1 1 limil uprithm for lhe wumpa m u Pe NWIAUchemkv revodk-voilm !0l *DP L. tl~ - 266,p744 J' J1 I L 6~61 ~ : r