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th kdidze AUSSIAN per, 381- 64- Nonassociative Rres Sums of Algebra bed Subalgebra, by C. E. :p 1 iiatemat sbornik voi rav.. (96), 1961., Am Math Soc Vol L., Bar 2 302.575 Ariodi6 Linear Locally Nil:potent Groups., by i I i~ ' As uprumanko.. D. 9 6 ]PO RW~IUXJ,;,~ per, YAtemt Sbornl~, Vol LV(97), 196~.v PV3-6. Am Math Soc Vol XLV, Ser 2 &il tbI ima i Ain~66 302y650 t for the Mbdatence in Finite Groups, ihin) 29 p. .1 Natamt Obornik, Vol LV(97).. 196.1, Am YAth Soc Vol Ulf) Ber 2 -1 11 The qj~eiat l~. of Singular Boundary Problems.. by M. S. 1 ilk Bix"'an i! .9 57 p rnik RUSS14. MKIeNSWER M---O 55(97).. 1961., per, i pp 125-174.i Am Math Soc Vol LIII., Ber 2 Sci-Math Jun 66 1 303,732 logiMl Methods in the Theory of MwW-Valued TOPO Fun ow;,. by I. X. Mal I nik 2D p. RUSS J, ~er.. Hatamt Sbornik,-., Vol LV(97).. 1:209-3(6. pp Am Hath Soc Vol XXXIK, Ber 2 iu~ 66 -7 A aass of' Solutions of a System of Differential Jqp"ions~~of ~bisil and Diracj, by M. S. Sneerson, 4 P:* HUSSUN,, per,, Matemat Sbornik Vol LV(9A i961, PP 467-410- Am Ik~th Soc Vol )all,, Ser 2 Jun.66 302 P702 *totic Aproximtion by Ilatire Ametions in finitellDomins, by N. U. Al-akeljaal 26 p. �dIAN~ liper., Hateast SbOrnik., Vol LIII) (95)) pp!13-16. Am luth soc Vol 3LIII., Ser 2 302.,685 Oscillato~' Properties of the Solutions of ( i X7 1~1 P. Canoncal. Equations., by V. A. J*akubovic.9 per, Matwmat Sbornik , Vol LVI(98)) 196~1~ pp 4~ Am MAth Soc Vol XLII, Ber 2 Sci-Nath Jun~66 302)705 Limit Functions of Series in Bases of the Space L i~y A,', A. NJ al Qan., 24 p. i I M per, Mstemat Sbornik,, Voi Lvi(98), 1962, PP 3~3-344. Am Math Soc Vol ll]aII- Ber 2 Sci-Math 302.,678 ro with a Separabbe Spectrum, by L. LIjubic " V. .1. Haciev., 42 p. RUSS Natemst Obornik Vol LVI(98)) 1962) PP Am Math Soc Vol "MVII) Ser 2 iuu'66 302)642 The,~Prinqiple of Limiting Absoprtion., by D. M. 34 P. j,~Iper, Matamt ffbqr=Ct,, Vol LVII(99),, 161.1 13-447.~ Am Mith Soc Vol XLVII., Ser 2 scil" ~66 3m.,&~4 SoibeiQueotions in the Theory of Operators with Rhite Wn-Hermitian Rank) by Ju. L. SmU 'Jan, 36:p. Miku lper., Mateat Sbornik, Vol LVII(99)) ~~ I $i 1962., pp ~105-13r, Am Math Soc Vol XL, Ser 2 Sci-~~ath~ Jun 166 302.,710 on simple'~!Semigroupa., by H. N,. . I I 1~ RUSSIAN., per, Hatomt Bbornik" 196;~,~ -pp 225-232. Lmsaridze., 10 p. Vol LVII(99)., Am Math Soc vol nov, ser 2 sai- iun~66 302-p6% An Abstra6t Integral Investigated by S. Banach., by ~6istov, 4 p. ,r, Hatevat Sbornik, vol Lvii(99), 1962, pp 310-3 Agi Math Boa Vol MM.. Ser 2 Bci.!.*th JUU;6~ 302)671 A Woperty of an Orthonormal System of Functions) by, A. 1: Ziza, 16 p. RtOSIU,, per., Matemat Sbornik., Vol LVIII, (10o)) 19621, PP13-16. Am Mth Soc Vol IILIII, Ser 2 S4,~Mathl~ Jun 3Q2.,684 On the Xquivalence of Two Ideals in an Algebraic Fiekd of Or& 11 It.v by K. K. Billevic, 13 P. RUSSIMAM.,jper..Aatemat Sbornik., VdL Lvin (loo)., 1962-., Am Hath SDC Vol Li, Ser 2 Sci-mathi jun 66. 302.,571 Boliv-man~ Equation in the Kinetic Theiry of I' G" sy * A. Ja. Povzner, 24 pe Wsilyer., Hatemt SborswE., Vol LVIII.,(100)., pp,65-~6~. 19 Am Mrth Soc Vol. MVII., Ser 2 s -Y -t~ a A J10, 66 302.,645 Orkitbgonsl Series in a Complex System., by A. M. 01 V~kii 1 6 , ,Ii 48.,p. RUBS~AN., ~er., Matemat Sbornik-, Vol LVIII(100)., 1962i pp 1107-744-- Am Math Soc Vol XE.III, Ser 2 Juii 66 302,68o wesentations of the Ylodulw! Groups, by Boll ck 8 p. 43XANp per, ~ktqmt ftornik,, Vol LVIII,(100), .14 )2)i:PP 785-791. Am Math Boa Vol )W., Ser 2 1710 I*Owl' 100rems 0 re uas lmsiM. ppr, Matematichaskiy 'Mornik Vol J)'O ;1) 17-280 '0 24 1 v b L t Aug 60 i 3080850 on ib~ TO, cal Structure of Locally Bicompact pplogi Group'aani~heir Quotient Spacesj by E. G. Bkljarenko 26 i RIMSIAN., I*r, XK Haten6t Sbmik., Vol LX)10"2)., pp Am Math Soc Vol 100= . Ser 2 i I ProjectiV6 Spectra Par' 6ta.1 H 1~ ussAi per) PY, U9 8~ sci-muth Jun 66 and Contiumoue Mappings by V. 1. Ponomaiev,, 32 P. Matemat. Sbronik, Vol LX(102)) Am Math Soc Vol MIXIX, Ser 2 of 1963) 302,596 Summtion 6f Mappings and the in Cat6gories, by A. H. Livsic, RUSSI,A~x's per',, Mat. Sbornik, pp Am Math Soc! Vol 58 Ser 2 Feb,67 Concept of Center Vol LX(102).. 1963, 318,247 Division RM p: pp 0 L~ ,T= 66 .on in a Certain CImis of Nomintegrable L4 Its Couwction vitJh the Problem of iV. P. Pulamodov.. 23 p. mtemt sbornik., vol Lx (lm)., 1963., Am YAth Soc Vol XIM:., Ber 2 3021%5 AsymjyWticl~ Behavior of Solutions of Phrabolic Equations and an Egodic Property on Nonhomogeneous 1! DiffIukon Processes) by A. M. Uinj, 27 p. RUEL'i*, *r, Matamt M)ornik Vol LX (102), 1963, pp 366-3924j, Am Math Soc Vol XLIX, Ser 2 jun,66 302,590 I i Regul'ar Imb6ddingd of Categories, by E. G. I suil~e fer,l 4 j RU8SIN~v per, Mat. Sbornik, Vol LXI(103), 1963, pp 467-'503,1 1 i I Am Mdth Soc~ i Vol 5:91 Ser!~2 i i i I Feb 67 3181268 Lattice Isomorphisms of Commutative Aperiodic SemigFpups witn Cancellations, by L. N. Sevrin, RU~SIAN, per, Mat. Sbornik, Vol LXIII(105), 1964., pip 43-.i~8. Am Math Soc' Vol 58, Ser'i'2 i i i Feb 67i 318,250 Varieties in Categories, by M. S,,! C',alen~o, et al, RUSSIAN'i per', Mat, Sbornik., 1964,: i~ 554-581. P i Aq. Math Soci Vol 88, Sex' 2 Feb 67 A. 11. Livsic and Vol LXI11(105), 318D248 Neces ~ 11 --itions for the Optimality of Control in Br6ch 8 a4cap by Ju. V. ZgojN)vp 13 p. ii I I RUMBS PAtomt sbornik., va Luv (1o6)., 1964, ilppVp 7 101 Am Math Boc Ser 2 Vol XLEE SCi-PAth jun 66i 302.,582 7 of the d1mrate sp*ctrm of the i.p by Ift Ae I%kuwvlcp ba,p Vol 64,,(io6),, 1964,, pp i85-mh. On presentations of the Lorentz Group in a Spa V,it~i Indefinite Metric., 12 p. RUSS Natemt Sbornlk., Vol L".. (107), 1964., pe~ pp 19, Am Yath Soc Vol X6U., Ser 2 sci-wt~ Jun 66 302.,584 On Loc l! Lirkft Relations and Asymptotic FoiTmlas q 1 for Potyh,omidla Orthogonal on the Unit CircZe, D B L Go Z so 7 isk i. i R USSIANid per;,~ Matematicheskii SbcLrniK-., Vol. 64 y (108), 1~6. 3.,' pp. 321-356 (1964) CLB-3 645 L1 April 71 c "to ral Inequalitios and tlic s 'vabijity 'of Dogenerrating quasilinear ~B ~Pti;~Systcms of Difformitial Equations, b Yu. ~L Oubiaskiy. 28 pli. ~Ilwq ~ t Sbornik. 1.-x)r, Hat=m Vol LXIVs, 11 1 64s pp"M-480. 9699597 TT- 5-1808 sci - Atcl Sri Tach F 1 66 29b,3556 ~cj I for FunWom UM Utmotcntcdly ordorgd if Succ"dve DalvadvM by A. UCUvin per, KRUM jkvoi L)av, m SELO 8. i94. NaVy ;HU/A PL No JOW C I- IS 3 -r- Wth ug Some Relaltio)~~ Between Eigenvalues mid ilfatz-ix Etements1of Linear Operators., by I.Ts. Gokhbera and A. S. Marhua RUSSIAN, per.,~~Mqtematicheskii Sbornik Vol. 64 (106), No. 4, ~pp. 4811-196 (1964) CLB-3 T-644 April 71 ri,f7. j~: 00 to memento* Se xlya _~rnlk Noznya 261,409 Expai- 1cm I.nto Higenfunctions of Non-Selfadjoint Singplar Differential Operatoru of Second Order. by V~ A. Mllix=uko. RUSSIN-4, p~:V, Hatewt Sbernik, Vol LII(94)v 1960j pp Amr Math Soc SOP: beriam'TboorOnm With PAmala&r TOm,, A. Sibb~akLUI~v* port *t morlaks Vol LTI(co*)s 1960.. Amr a" A Dn- 1w Proe 63 gq, 341 AROW-UMS ~ Of I)OPOndaAeo Botfeeli Varl-ablee mn~! 1:'n Aet-va of Stodmatic Kernels nad gatViC913; Ve Sekifimrv4it V... X. 7-altbarov, 29 pp'. FMISTAN21,03V.Pll Matbo=t Sbomlkj VD). J,,I-)60; lnp'453~-M. 9230W5 Nn 7-21-63 Aug 63 (SF-1T98) on a Method o~ ConAructing Optiml Trajectories., by 'U. W. kr~q~ktyj, 17 Yp- RUSSIA4,, IP'er,,l,:; lktemt Sborna, Vdl LIII (95)., No 2) 1961 JM 4939 Sci - %%~h say 61 I I I I I III CCMqpftr BMndwy P=Uemst by M. S i ft I I I Vol LV(gr7)9 ! 2lA v 74. US Topolol"o-bal nussification 0J the Neighborhoods o'L n Foiri~-- in n-Diniensional Space; by D. M. Grobmall. VT RUSSIAN,! Pe r 1.1.3-1-.emt Sbornik, Vcl L No 1, 1'~~')2j pp 77-931. lavy/APL sci - kn;th 2 0 Ju 1 1 62 Batim~xmlp Equation In the M,etla Meo17 of . I I Gmses~ I A' Ya. Povimaro 27 pp. RUSSWv psa,"s liMawtiahaakiy Mornik, Vol LVIII; M-tr4;004 sai-lru~2. Salk isov 63. Oll tho G"Urevidi 71toorein. by A0 V, RIOSSI i po3r,, hatemat Sb Vol LX(102) 0% 063P pl) 17-27.6 AS A P-421 Aar ocl s.kvo ovs Russi ilp Pit, 196,15i 3! IPP Vol Of CP-Intogrttl,,s, by, V, A, Volt LX9102)v 316,803 woal( mov6hsim of Trmsformations with In- varxiih MeaWrep by Go J8. sinais t W~ANO p0 i Hat, Sbornik, Vol LXIII(105)s, 1064 2~ .42. Vol II Sbjt 2 Jon 67, 3160783 1 ()f C402-taLl I-IjadIM1411tal ~mj.jos: r- Cariplex kiquilibriltw. 6tates iu a 711r0 -Villonsional ;~paco,, by 64 pp ~)ar,, ~l-lateriatichaskiy sbonlij~s 144111, No 2,, 19 pp 109-214. 11 1. -11 '. --". wu~vatft Probiam, for a Clams of by V. P. Immaylov. Otto Vol LXM, No 2o 19640 og~OfNkl Tr4292/APLT-1441 V i I i "s4, Control in reSdrdiv, 33 pp. ~.Vol LMVS NO 1, 2!~* ~64 DP 266,352 n'togral Inuilualiticis wid tic ullvabill~ity of Woncruting, 1,Luasilincar .~l iptk Systans oi Difforentiai 11!4uticlisj, by Yu. A. lAidnskiy. Sbornik pl) k1cl Sci bo(,~ os, Win it Elpowebers and Matrix Eje- UrAmr Opwuws~ by ObUbeM Mubj& WA pwo MU gmrdk- Vol LWV, NO So 19640 p 481. CPO) APWJHU 1386 65 2841,283 A ~M,46WV7 by S. i4i 1 0 MMU14 ~Per; lut HO 4s ~0642 ~p Dept ot Ilair , y !AP . sci D*o 68 arA Some ProlmirUw of U and Parabo3lc Equaticros Vol (15; (107) a TO 2304154.5' 36'13p666 Analytic~ Pro Schrodirigler RUSSIAN,I nor pp Aire,,r ~*-!Atli S o Vol. 61,'i Ser crtics of the Discrete Spectriuli of dic quation, by L. A. Salmovic, 22 pp. Sb. 64C106), 1964, Tr us 2 337,022 S ci - ;Jm th sep 67 Bound forl a Function I-,Iitb Monotonically Dist:rlibuiod Zeros of Successive Derivlati4ws, by A. Yu. Levin. RUSSIANI~per, H&tgmatLqjagXjt Sboraik, Vol 64, 1964j pp 396-409 14TO 72-1~-019-121 Juna~72 Some Inte Inequlaities and the Solvability of Degen6rbite ilinar Mliptic 111~tems of Differential Equationsp Ju. A. Dubinskii., S~ pe 3" perI matemat soborwk, 64(lo6)., 1964., pp 450"] Am Math Boo Vol LITI, Ser 2 sci-Nath Jun 661 303..736 A N ional Prob o I imen lem of Unsteady FI(m of an I I I lp. ompressible Fluid Across a Given Dcimah' 116y Vil 1. Judovico RVS~11 por* Mato Sbornik., Vol LXIV (106)v 19641, pp So Am Nat c Vol LOIII, 1.1' or2 Jan 617 3162789 conw;ljigek~ of Orthogonal Sorins with Respect to 190sequ6ces of Partial Sinn, 1jy ?.-1. 1. W.-SSIAN, kit. Sbornik, Vol. LXV(107). 10649 fill 2i.~t-221~ Ain M~ih 506 Vol I.;V11 Ser 2 JO-11 67 316,787 Sukdirea Sums in C denko; lip* owski MiAllk* NOVAYIL Sexlys4 iu,q L~ IA 2610417 ,fea a' g Mathemtias in Connection With the Pro ation i~tivity of Schoolchildren.$ by I. F. Rusalfaq, pel;#s Matamt T Shkole No 5) 1960. U Iftamtl Arts & Oci Press Soviet ftwation Vol ms no USSR soc Ang 61 Our 2x p,0fqenq6 Witlli iduth Graders Icom eilkr4~~ Assistanto,, lyy S. 1. Shrartzburd., put 6 %a 5, ig6o. laterntl Artu & Scl Preen Soviert Sducation Soo Vol =,, Igo lie, Aug 61 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - '17 thematios: its Content, Methods and Meaning, by ' ii ~ D. AleXsandll!~ov, A. 11. Kolmogoroir, M. A. Lavrentlyev, ditors, I. ISSIAN.Aionogiaph, Matematika, ee Soderzanie) Metody, mahenie, Mosc~ow, 1956, 3 v-, 102!i pp. *Amer Math Soc 1,00 Hope Street Providence 6. R,. I. m a y 6,,)- S, Vol 171 No!15 (NY-3054). ma tic Lo$lc and the Fouadations of t =h, tit by S. A. Yveovokayno 195 PP- ,vim $b !!Mat -BorqX,,,TAt v.0, W_ -120. 1959.. VP 13 Sal *tbk~otios Apr Of 19).7-4 Apr ~essarch Contmted With Operation j acaputers) by A. A. Ivap=ov, 35 PP. bX mftt~*~ 't . - ow"'T" 4=.,X;6 ~ 'La PP M-ars ~NS 9430 (UY-3054). jprosm=~s v U. R. Mmxa-bmp 13 RUNVW ibkjp T 000 us Sorok Let 1917-1957P Vol I.. 60' /02 dl (DC-4502) Diap-aphlim X*,9mUau on Soviet SaLentiata in the Field Or matkomtics.. 1 208 pp. MYSSIAlls.1 bkj Borck U Let pp 27 -W6 - iPPs 68M Biog T-1 Maochar~',' K. , r, nO ~O . ,I MAI CARTAO)GR 11 iY. [1 ,A or ,Order fro M ~Trans of 060. hit Kartografti, ' oscoi DISSCRIPTOR~,. Mar ~tistical analysls', St~ *Sampling,,Mt~asurt ountains, 'Prhin a )graphic ilinpB, tali ve,4wiluatii r solut~oti of pi of variotis phe ,i Scien~eA- -GL J NikoLaev, S. A. -flCAI, STA*nSTICS IN FWA 51,1 [2301p. 121 refs. ACIC C-4. ~A $15. 00 61-28847 ~mai:A-Statjstichcskie Melody v 1,957, 158p. Map rvading 'Mapping. *Sta- stical distributions, Distribution. ient, Roads, Inland waterways, is, Rural areas, Beaches. a kes it possible to reveal m among the phenomena depicted Z11 measure thein. and to provide " thereof. It assisit in the !~;,Ivlris of cartographit: represen - :sinena. TliiH manual presents an ~~sy. Yr. v. 7, no. !) (over) 61-28847 1. Bocharov, M. K. IL Nikolaev, S. A. Ill. ACIC G-4 IV. Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, St. Louis, Mo. Office of Tochoical S~Icos (DC-6879) THE MATHEAf I CAL THEORY OF OPT I MAL PROCESSES, BY L. S. POPITRYAGIN, V. G. BOLTYANSKIY) R. V.,CAMKRELIDZE, 522 PP. RUSSIAN, BK) M.AT.D.IAT.1,CHESKAYA TEORIYA- OPTIMALINYI(J-1 PROTKSESSOV MOSCM i i '391'PPO JPRS 15089 Scl - PHYS SEP 62 209,507 USSIR scj~~. restial lquatiows, by V. V. Smytok:iyj, 133 Ppe as Tr teavdwlo,-v am at Lot a ymp CIA/70/u.4394 ih,,LLimtjca Doc 1954 MS (FDD 25101) Thecity of Probabilityl, by D. V. Ghadonkop :N!, A . Ka~w9l;i0vt V pp. RMW# bkv USM za Tridtaut' Let., mosc~vAAi6ln6mdp l9ws pp WI-M. CIA/FM/'U-rd79 USBR Bel. o Matbemtlca ICT6 72/dep 551 (FM 253.09) mai"tima Statiaticep by If. V* Smirnov,, 19 pp )k t RMOIAN jo Matemt1ka v U311B ze Tridtoat' Le 19WP PP 72U-738- CTA/FM/U-7M usm Sci )64hemtics W- 72160P 551 ~4 BII)UqOSVI~ -- TheCry Of RA-0badUtles, =a Mtlmm- RUBSIM W Mtemat"m v WOR sui tridtoat' Let.p IbGdOQ7L=lv6mA# 3,9310o PY 739-756- ma~ lAiao C"XD/U-7370 N=er PO bl"I Methods# by P. V. Kantorovich., V. L'Krypov,, Rm bk 1, RRUmto Vol V BSBR) Airls"'a Trid,-At iat, 4; 2,548, vp W:i6K Ou Um ScIsai lie wAtheiptUm Doe 190 CM L Mewftyn,' 0.1 A. Im I Im WREMLE LC Mi b6=dca arO it; Ap so Onek froin GB Mn Of aww'.AL~w V~ :~, Wazhiiroo. tiol IWMIRR Wd 63-22255 bDRY OF VLcA=S 1. LmlyAmskaya, 0. A. tr. by Ridwd A. SUvernm 12. Mle, 16tadm=ndca ... Y. 2. Aug 63. 184p. 1Z. Gmdm &W Browh. N&w Yort bC" VgSM Dirawl" 2%lfl'u fFM 961. "Monvre"Ihic &m. "in. vartw differenew Ynarnks. Tedwoks, 7T. Y. 10, m 9) or= w Ilebweal Urfkn -VT ii Math6mt1val Problems of Cybemetics and co4utex- cheering, by Yu. rf. Pecherskiy. RU WIM, bk., Matematicbeskiye Voprosy Kibernetild i Vy,t1-lialitellnoy Tekhniki) "Yereveai, 1963, 86 pp. JPRS 23277 Sci - Mth may 64 vv!:: A IS"4 -S 0 7- Rt, /Y J r J) Tr P r~ /,! ; o- R 14 ~j,, Matl~ tic~l Aspects of the Owee-Body Problem in t61, Qua~ul'tum Scattering Theox7., by L. D. Faddeyev., 110 Ruwxw.. rosy Kvautovoi '00j, Matematichaskie VOD 304,493 Smnl~i Jon-! 'iii. A., rra. vusk�~I' No pp -13 An N'0~11 S" 1101 LIVO Jon ax Problem ififli sellskiy amd V, 0 Mat, Zlmrnal, 2 Vany Solutions, by Ja, StmcnRo,, Vol IV, 19638 3160792 j Gorodkovil DL! N. ORA n' PC~~ VC 1"R THE ~O "SERS JIM)] L.1 16 refs. ACIO, RR Order fr" (51S . *---, 711-am. Of kialdeff, Ekspedift""'" DESCRIVIDRS: A Geography; tSclei Biology, C'"W' Aleahkov, A. N. ALONG ME LIPPER REACHE$ VNYA, AND 711E LYAPINA 4SK11 )MAJ. 11962] [92~i. ~A $8.60 62-15520 ...... 71. regions, F-cploration, Oltivcrs : research, PlantE (Botany). Kwtalns, Polar regions. (F.3rd) 17, V. 9. 1%. 62- 15520 1. 'Iltle: Ural flux"It11115 1. Corcklkov, B. N. 11. Aleshkov. A. N. M. *Iltle: l'yaphiskii ... IN'. ACIC RR-27 V . Aeronautical Cluirt aybcq Information Center, 1". ;~l 11i'voltletic*1 loom or t;-m op" i:g jg* A. rzitrtolyau- P,041111.44 0 jolvol*wv~ lrq"ojf UbanattlAvil L 10 11 tel L~qy Math ~ica~ Aspects of the ftree-Body Problem 11 i ~ irk the Q'uantum Scattering 2hwr),,p by L. D. Faddeyevp .U0 e:Ojgjl~[~U$S`3 Psr-2156 l'! its. 1963. Jul N4, 493 ..'ran IK0 ationebt Int gal Equations ~: I . ~Of i ~'d e ii: ~~ ~ ;6 41 ~ se Equations, ;th on b Irl *' pp. uiat Zhur e Vol =s No 3s 1961m ath lSoc 258,316 son,6! Inli. bar Problesm with Many Solutions, by if, 4 KraIsh6seltskiy and V. Ja. Stecenko. GUS~400 1'1~ro Mat, Zhurnal, VO.1 IV* 19638 pp 12&437~ Am tih~il S64 Vol 1".[V, 2 316p792 ,)an -ij F-j-1 rodkov. 6, 14. ard 1E POLAR ~UkALS P -ME Vd"RA, RIVERS [AND) ~,YAPI 16 refs. ACIC 4F,-27. 10.rder from OTS or 5 Trans. of binlyu-1 p, 1-2s.111d eshkov, A. N. DNG ME UPPER REACHCS WA, AND pE LYAKNA KM KRAL [1962] [921p. $8.60 62-15520 01M Articr'cgtons, Exploradon. $1tiverv i 15~lentlncll'rcwarch, Plants (Botany), edloky, *Nkiiwttdns, Polar rogtons. 62-15520 1. 'iltlc: Ural nwmviins 1. Gorodkov, 11. N. 11, Aleshkov, A. N. M.,ntle: Lynpluskil ... W. ACIC 1111-27, V. Acronautical Chart and Informatimi Center. St. Louis. Mo. 1-P. V. 9, Offi-e of 4CMIC34 Serykfs d with US* Of lb*V&OmSU'o I as "Ming fcw Ikodag in btr A* Ao Degtwwlo ____ _ 19641 ~1%2-19b3o PP ]LOrAws I ~ I I NI.L Reif ~ 90220 15 (1M3) i i I SCKL/Mgt,, 1; 3~90618 F 9b 6~ 1 1 the Calculzit Lug' the Deimnd for Monf-errauts ~~talat by G. 1. GrebtlL,qov,, P. P..,Wpov, 1,~ pp. RUSSW p bk $mteriallr*-ye Balansy v, Narodllcj~4q 1:066 pp Jun 61, :)Me Dallip in tho 1-3111-Ploi tat ion.. Distribution igra titi'm I r,:c SnImn in the C~,---.n -Materialy PC Biolot'ril Morahovu :i n -"nahn ariQdt.3 o~ Ykli Ij~wcrcy, p 8-30~ SLA 59-1'5~59 J, 59 1 2 No a the I the B. D USS 1AR ~~-49P, i and Migration of Kamchatka Salr.,-ton rn Part of the Pacific Oce~m,, pp - rapho Y ~~Cvcstuchllym Lqsosey.; Fiuuvour, SIA 59; ~5~61 ci 1~c 5 9 1405