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Rapid Ref"ractometric Scinimicro Method of Detern, nil-Ig the Stability of a-lible Fats, by I u RUSSW, Der) Maslob. Zhirov. Prom. Vol. "0., No. 6, ~19~4,, pp 13-15 C 2 i4 NLL/11/0'~SJ 196L (5599) o7 Pol,anorp'l-i-ic Chaia[,cs in COMPOSil Of 16,rgar-ine, by N.I. Ko 2. 4 11Y 1,** Manrlu we riko, pcr, I.hslob--,-.hi2-o-v- Pro:n- 'Vol. No 19' pp 17 - 19 1,-LL/, ;R- 2 (570"') i.965 sci Auf,?' 67 3,7 Work Results of the RSF-SR Butterfat IndustrN for 1963 and four montlis of 1964, by F. NO MilliOvich, 10 pp. AUSSIAN, ~)cr, 1,.Iaslobo),no-ZliirDva),a Promy, No 8 196,410 pp 1-5. MRS IRRil 27196 usS it E. call Jan 6b 271,256 ProduIction In'dustrielle de Colophane ffydrogen~e stir Catalyoeur au Palladi=j by I. T.!Masl~ kin. 5p. RUSSW..Iperl,~Masloboino-Zhirovaya Prony shlennost,, V~l 30, No 9, 1964, pp 36-38-. ETC TT-~65,200,75 Sci-Chem Aug 66: 3c)B., 461 '~vc Sur roperties and the Washing 60 U-C - At J~ of Solutions of Various TAV 4n ic W hing Materials and of thei 6 Detei I tw "Pared From them, by 14 i LI P F. Wilsvol st 6 pp. ! IP RUSS 0 Pero Ras lovoyno-Zhiravaya 10 1~ I P 0 11, 1904g 26-29. TOW* ID 220 OIL2866 Sci-Id M Jun 461 3009AX919 TT-65-13727 Field 7B Pedayas. II.; Lyub irsk3ya, 1. 1.; hilroshnichenko, V. A. PREPARATI OF DO ilC ACH) FOR TIM PROCESS OF CONTINUOXIS 'KIDAT16N OF LIQUID PARAMNS. 5p (some figs t ) 31-tts, Order fro 1:S Isi.10as,i-r-65-1.1727 n Trans. of as-)ortno-2filrovaya Promyshlena-ost TSS11) V3~.1111,112-"] N. NI It 644 lbes Vo~k jj Un Orpuization of ths Voluntary Sao M, Id mgMtiou With the ArmWj All' Force) L. CUsty 0 F. Ymlakon- D. 0. (ID sapy 3a Rat*La v OrganizatliiYakhj x Acjj,, 1. (1-7144 LA, by Ya. A. Fedot0v, I"- T of C. i S Nraya Radiobibliote1m; Vol CCXVI, S ]jU'~ IIIIIXG0 U s Jzd;~t~ Mor~ww~ Y1515. -io I.Iorri:; D. 6i C,--Iamlstry, i i1 1! 1 1 1 Radio Engin~ering and Space Flights, by A. I. iin'k6vskiy, 8 pp. i, RUSS~AN,s bki~_J~~kqy"A_ Radiobib lioteka, No 388; 196,00 pp 38-45. 06,ffidi - - ---- - - I I le&a~ no, layl~~ddyv et a4 F aplaffibbiblioteka, Moscow,, 266*=2 DC-2700/57 The llim~ej, Indi,istry -- AVigorous Rise) RUSSWTI~ ),~er, Master Lesa., No 12, p *JPRS USSR Econ - TiAnber J-6 Feb TIME AND LEAVE REGULATIONS FOR W)RKERS TDi- PORARIL~ TR~NSFERRED TO LOWER-PAID WORK., PP. RUSSIAN., PER NO 10,~ OCT 1962, P 31. JPRS 1641g USSR ECON DEC 62 217~21u ~Sci gar Ecui pri,ent "'or the T~rdxrmlic Extmetion of Coal, 1 A. Domcliuk.il 3SIAN, lll,-.ster Uglya, Illo L', 1g,--7, 14-16. NO A. 1591 tt 62 Ca iining~lljuchlumryi a. xov Hquipment for waraiviLe Lulas of coal (MUL tw Aq Demah"t 7 ppi 1 b6 I*vel"Mat of VMWrgroud TmnwPcft C04 was Dwing 40 Iftre of lawilt POW00 ty 9 pp. mmov VAIM No Igo JNMCV# Dea No Ma"wo, Doe 107 7f1 OTY-30w) The Coal of kbaria and the Far SlWt, by XX M. 7.ayUe.vji RUSSIANO per4 *mter Ugly&, No 9. 1959,, pp 3., USSR lWon Technological USSR Industry Jul (NY-2000/2). a New Sh&llov-Reach Complex) by S. Yarovoy,,;~ 'SIAN, per, ~~aster_y yaL.NO 3, Mar,59) pp 19- 4FR3 - 7 May 59i ftm 63-11092 1960 IT. 9) go. 9. P. 9. UWITIM'Yd~ no. 7. p. 43-33; 19610 v. 36. I rlaa;i, ainy (USSR) 1961, v. 5, m 4, p. 1344~ Typsh" 16 0 16, 4vokmi OjiiTl I QJWR) 1961, w 1, p. S- 12; "Izbwrw"ftj~lqs9. no. 9. P. #444-47. OA 6 U'm . Ai r-0m*i6'*"lUblO bm UM or SIA 1. 10 " 6Z-33M -ft-RISM. U Mar 62 f9lp. irm V em wvrft, ecola, Raft 3 . ~,- 3"aca). TI I , lams uHc "ems. owmy*ri; main Womcbhtry, -Tralopwt, TT, v. 10, no. 7) (over) 63-11092 1. PL-430 Int (63-11092) a - Natic"i sci POUO&- u0s, washtercm, D.C. of Itch6aj senicts OM solutioll 017 it for tiio fqjproxil ,~o~Ls ; ~ L-quatiolls 0. by jlu 49 jCjjoSlL:L lulLiliz 3r ~,106ouwp lumLl (JILY 2J4v726 : ! i , i I Mathenia~ ti cal !Analysis.. by It. V. Gainkrelidze, I RUSSIM,l bk, ~Matejiiaticheskiy Analiz, Vol 1, 1964. if, *CB I i i i Mar 67 :~ -40iv K. FAC4 uArA At-wp :F-1141"', of Semibouu&d Qpcratars An S;ectml Analysio of Operatorep tv L14 fimt Vol COINS 1)3V I PI) -7 -7 7-- Aathepst4cal Apparatus of BioloGical uyber- neucso "Apalkov, ~y V.I~ 1. Chernyvh and A* VO pr)* j. RM$l a b~ wtiqh"kiy Ap -a rdt i --- T cllesk2~! ltlibax~letildt 1964, pp 1-3-~40 ;;Ay 66 356,29-~ el %I tical Appwatus of Biological eme CS# by N. A. Bernsteinp 289 pp. ,'bk,v M&temtiCheghU- Apparat Bio Kibernet1kip 19E4., pp- 1-374 USSR Sci-B/~ ,Tm~ 66 301.,739 iFT- i~latilc-,:i ati ca 1!~ kiyaratus oi.-' The Tli-~,ory U." lryl, A'. P. Yutsis, 1. 1-1. Lovillsoll, i~UISSIAN~ bkol "Litupaticaeskii ioiiaraL V' 19601 iWlicliQStva J) NASA TT F-9u" PL-480 Sci, Pillps) octh Jan 63 111SIF D.C. Heat, Do 1, tot-, 11 A.Iii-XI Hmv:ii: MIX --- I! F.kf~ !If 611~ Sorptica Of PhYSIW Properties of Use J, Viscakasj k Hadaisiss, 12 pp. uti AN ~ !per, Hatewtike FUILka No 9 ill =8 v Vol wol, 1960j, 191-199. tmi Sti.ph I . may 661, 30009067 or sue C~ Derwjt~r pp UY *AIPCR sci/m, *~s nov 681 sUnctur no With Allowanoo For the ?inite IhIo3s" MA a StQcV of this 5r "T. v. Klirco. b , ro 8, 1958# is-ilm ~-6361-64 Miatll,Nacbines for SolviiX.; Tralisporta-tioli Problems of Umax Progreamdiag. (Dc-11433) R NUS0701, brochure) Matemetticheshaya Mashii-ai ;dlyai:~reshaniya Trannportuykh Zadach Lincynogo kroO~amnirovaniya) Kiev, 1964. *JTRS Sci Elac Jim '65 continiious-k;tlon Mathemitical Machines,, by I. I. rsteriian,(~2 .3.3 PP RUSSIAN, k, k4leiiaticheskie yqp4~.ny, _n-e pre r)rvnogo deiAvi a "41ashgiz, 1957 N-Pergamon Inst Ma y 5 B. G.;Gilcrk~bfs Method in CalcuLus Variations and iiil~.~he T~iory of Elasticity, by M. Ya. ?4, Ya~,' ?crePum. RUSSIM~ pe~i Hat i Vol V, No 3. 1941, pp NASA F-10,48S4 Sci ;!AateARIS Jun 3260093 latheinatic6l, I~dustryj~ by I~SSIAN, 1)jk, Iazmc.schs-~nl~iya ~ci ,an 65 Meithods and Problems of Ye. I'lints. MdIt.cmaticheskiye Metody 1,~:roizvodstva, Moscow, *SFCSI FY-1965 i, the Distribution of i Problemy 1963, 347 pp. die of lavestlastIng Autamtic p bY V, It Z%Lb4n'p 336 pp. %p4 a Newt 1481667"Aiya am AIC Tr Sol - wt 0:77 ~-Atillmmtical ~Jodsls for Calculatian of ,lectri-, Cal mw OLP6,4C Fields j by Q. V. Tozoni, 2.99 pp. U !,!.I 0~ .0scheta ,-a-G)Et-Td,clwsPdj'jdi I Jagnitnvkh '204 TIN i TD.' a6 501 ul 6,r:y, 35, 9,0 CireUtitl3o 254#433 14~t"m~4eal Mo&ling of Production Procesms o~ bigl~61 CoVuters. by A. A. Starosol*skiy,, 3 101 v RAND sc $44 3OOpS60 tr 97- Vo semi-sbvle aUstires, 143 PP lauk, RMIM per,, PP 59 Scl Museum Llb Do 52/09a6 Eling Of Obr-,ervatloLlF;. by B Schisolov) 19 pp Obrabot, (tide 1966, pp 3'~--3~0 96'-71r)O-S"' FRD KCL 1351/1 0d. ;";o s "Ii ILL), by V. V. Ivellonko, ii , hTi 'RUSSIAN bk, Eatematicheskie osnoyy optimizatsli planiroban* a v Ubnoi promysh liostd, 190, 5? pp *CBTI Til" 68-7~5o460 Sci/'E,,Ir: 3 c Ji Ocoanojr i~iay 0!1 of Teachers of' Mthemftticf; ,Cmgical Xngtititteep by V. T. lRvin, ISIAlt Pero bbtmmt Proalreahs Ito 3F 1958t ULU Tr jitil Jun 2.95 9 ~*t ibbth Oc -~Zduoatlon Un 59 e7 I' 1112 Twtttlath School Hathazatical Olympird 1~ xas4av, by 0. A. Oleimiko A. A. Kirillov.. pp. 10sw$, per, Matemat Pray-MA, No 3.p 19A 60 1 wath LLU Tr BUI Jun 1959 mithe~uktica Theory of Stationiury Queues, by Aw I Lin. RUSSIANS' pe'' Matetuaticheskii Sbornik, Vol 1932, Fp 73:830 RAIND 67'."14 Sci-~~th May 60 324p991 A Moth'Od Us Intogna Nquations In the Theory Of Dir'6m=O'jgas by V. D. M*ralza, 22 pp. ,WSSIA19#27.0"-p~~ Vol Yllp 1934t PP 561 ~5-(4, AW lQAL-T/lR-l06 sel " MYS Apr 61" 033 0 M DOMMInOnriS CommCed v4th e, 'iI a ('OW'd KerW&* by F. R, Gantmacher, Kt ~rk. A 1q, *Cro MatMat SbOrni)6 WA XLM* NO 4, 19&9g kw 414, 7. 903316 Ila f St -3 4 3 ~04 - ~oqj~ N(Aif 65 291g373 1"s of Dewrmim. on! a 4ed c W.s Gwrymed With K p KarneU4 by F. X. G cmacher, ilk Q., Kr N' MateamSbornik, Vcil ,kjX, 1,jo 4,43W% DOG, LISIGA-43 I J~ 'I -1 1, 1 JI.Ordb~,ftw In the %oory of Unlwaont XWLW.Ullfp or NWemt Sbmmlk,Vol I.. no 43.- i936, Awr Math We Zan sp T)anie'l ewsk~r '-I T aton-n-at Sbornik) 'i"o* TI Cl 3 - -37, pi) for Picatuinny .',xseni. 0-5 Oc t problemi for On a Valuc b7 Sob6levp IW Py RUSSIAll per Matamt fp=_-Djk5 77u -za, rQ 1193T; A=r Wth 19M 61;1- (IFDD Thoor f Fu r Diffe tial Fun trtL~si& sciont tions Which Satisfy a Linear Partial qmtionp by St&Tan BerRann, 40 pp. ~I bi Sbor, Va 11 (44), to 6p mov VP IIW3.198. M#M/U-5965 AuthemMes, linwr partial, dift eqs Finit6 ~,Icast~*es Invariant Under Flows, by S. Fozin pov,, Mat, S~ornik, Vol X11(54). 1943a PP fum Maili soc Vol I.Xv I Jail 3160784 IL4 of matim In ttmi some of Llapuncy. On tballA 1~ M U4 . rO Il kk ftS.I.L, 108'vol 30 ~'Oom m4ammuchat Sel Maeum Llb fib 52/1o86 ji:I 11)1 11 : ~ii,, . I" i; 11 1 ~ ~ I ; ,i , IV,i ~ II i: I f ; 11; i~ I, ,'' ;I:Ii ,i 11~, f :. I I I iI i I I br, Fanet"il6wt I-Ifeigular In a Half -PUMlep by I Kiwi -Us 'Ally iparl, ~~Igatm V02L vi.. No ~ .T i9 ig Amer Mth Soo tift of AbSUM groups Into direct_ I 6"q"s 56 pr k. 0 19 4 a * 1: r - ` " b"i Iis- Ifol 8 No 50 DSO =tr~ Bel Maeum Ub No 52/0997 on the F~ithful Represention, of Infinite Groups ) I 1*, if~trice s., by A. I. Mal I mr, 18 p RussIMP, 1perj Womat gbornik, Vol viii(50)., I 3.946, pp 405-4w.- Am Hath Soo Vol XLV., Ser 2 J~h 66i 302.,647 tat istjoil of the Xrowaker-44%pelli Theorem on r4 ~;Ot~ III( Equttoq by 13. N. Chernikov., Mitewt SboraU;, (N. S. )., Vol XV., A". Sai Tr Center RT-737 -Scientific -116hthamatico f on Bas.eit in iihe Space of Analytic Ftmetions by A. I RWSIM Petv Hatemat Sbo=ikg Vol XVII(59)1, 194SO 21 ~w`~,, Amer Math Soc sci-maih Sop 63i U,y closed setsO 31? pp MjSborm.1kv 1946 Vol 18, MD1 Scl *meum Llb No 52/1095 rhik 19 t (61) t 1946 pp 85-154 Ox, direa decompositions of topological groups ;N. 4ilank,in Done bvil'A'm, Math. Soc. T-6 t6~o'. n from List of Trans. 76 -77 c4a group A PP Ak 1946.. VO:L 19 jfw 1 7 1~ Bel Sweva 11b No, 52/1091 YOV Vii, irect tions of topological groups. 1,, iis 109 ~10 *9,t. Storalk, 106 Vol 19, So lo PP311-340 Sci Musoun Lib No 52/1013 G lizad 6,6f Schtirts"Theorem Concerning a es"; 4AJ&Ak Fun6tions, byl. A. Kurbatov. a' R ~' 7 nalt; Alathemat SObornik, Navaya Sertya 190,- pp.l3jkl4O. 264407 at Cbam6tirlstic cycles on differentiable manifolds, 72 'pp Rves. ~gbaakU- bqjMtka. 1947, Vol 21 PI?2D i Scl NU*eua Ub Igo 52/1099 T "S, 0-/31;~O/ JL Air t'4 The L86~a ~~blex of the tbm" or quesi-contorma look a regioms w 53 tomt pp IdMkil Bbwmik. 1947,, Vol 21 SeA NkAsem IAb 1k) 52/1083 of 86WAIAIVAM Ue Groups* ma; via X110 no iaky, fi AM Tim U51 Qi the tprSentation of the Nub&ers 4 14 by Mems of Differencas. and A, Renyig, 8 p, IdKISIAN per, MatemaichesUly .1a"bOraik,, 6 v 0 i I Y3CIV# 19491 pp OW87~ 1 MICUL (;4T-R-6S-7 d-flao~lMsta Pro 297v691 ~66:.~ nism tbol :Lre:: Lou of the roots of L-trawforms of Intel functions. !A pp 1948 Vol 22 No 3 Sc-t "Owl Ub No 52/1012 J 00,6 Not Cbsoging the Integral xquation or the pint oborniks Vol Mallp Sal No Ub no )2/1069 U7 An Hath Soc Tr T-22 Inc J It iA kAT 8166T Vol xxii (64), No 3, 2 3/4 pp, Mv/jun 48 ~gs of ~U61 tients of Commitative Rings" A. I. Uzkov .lable iniBrod~haven RSPL V6.12, ~o 11, 1949, P 381 by Amlbr) Yllate'm 600. T-34 7/4n67 IM rJAgo ot!quotients I. Uzkp7. Vol 22, No 649 page 439-4.1 (1948) of commitative rings, by AEC IT (avail Brooklumen) A. on ILI of stlum-Lionville tne 79 W -A _,_u4w AbblEnUs 19W PjL# VP 3-7& scl Lib lb 52/loo6 )VI o' 7v, " derlormtIon of surfaces containing GmeMm curvaturiep 68 pp maticbeski, Sbo Lk 1948., Vol 23., No65 V- Scl Vocum IAb So 52/0989 Dalccrzdr,~--io)4 of the TM or Cml;ain elcarm; of SiAgy MMonnected Fdamm Surfacem, by Nkt-WAAWPAP Vol Iml, no Amr lkth Swi malt` ~b~r~nik~j! 23(65), 1948 -p 279-296 On ihe,~Exibtence of Automorphisms of the second Orddiriforl6ertain Ternary Quadratic Indefinite I f orra,a!,~ I iSominskii Don6 by i Math. Soo. T-14 Inf 0,.!: talcen from List of Tranij. Mat 44-5 on Ste,bil-itylAL-ider conGtwitly acting disturbinces I. G. iu` Trans at Brooldiaven Nai,11 ~;(J%wces or Itiamn autzi by L DMIX101 perk - Yatemmt pb UK Vol xxiii'v 19118 3611~. Amer Muth Soc lath J" -j B. 311~, ast 0 Var c the topological structure of level Sborniltr 1Wp Vol. 23 ScL *jaeum Lib. So 52/1075 A da jl~opo tic koV. rim U* ]Atf7iiM 1 p1 l~ ~9=9%p ~6r3j.~"&. l~ of Llnmr CoWlsms,, by A. A. Vol UV(66)o U=v ABC Tr IA92 ,Ice, 21=6r Jan 53 CMInM A. Kh ~Skdti on ~thi~ tbw*-Ia in sitructures,, 15 VP WA*r JRJM" lb Bbwmft 1949.oVol 24 r umuemoxis 1089; Scl bwatm Llb No 52/1, h Jli uch~ ProbIm for Linw! Squationo of the s tic 0 i With luitUa, Oondittono on s Parabolic S. Beresin. UNUMM Fail trau4sttouo A h 1949s. pp 301-320. XANx.,:O.~T,V,:,wRtemt nors No =j, Am:r Math= Soc Tr No 67 Sci Mu Ub No 52/0A A11C. Tr 3.144 MKP Sci Tr Center RT- 558 Aluo Avail at Brookbaven Ut Lab. Scisiatif lc~ Math Gene'ra 1~ .1 nt-,e r,-,, 4, ViLt4a 11 t SSIM 321-34C~ t~lor Almost Perlodic Fmatione, by Or 'hfatemt 6bor., Vol XXIV (66), ig4g, Tr 1172 met Apr 52 CTS Difflerie"Itial~Differende Zqwtiormi,, by-A. P. 11 1 11 Leout'e l~ P~al tirduslailon. RUSS~%perol' Umtemt (ma.), voi xxv(66),, us= 91 7 A= Tr MOO 8clebtit'ic -!)~A&thelwtlcv# equatilms Jon 53 CTSADML The Prpj6cti*v' Differential ocomtry of *the Family of Pairi Irl Pn 111-1 in Pug by B. A. Bamenfel'd. Fun t~stlsln~;, OU. RUSSIM, jjerjI &1M& OM (I-SJ Vol XM(66). 1909m, pp 4 05., Age Tr A 86 scientific ~Rtbow Icso seowtry Jan 53 C.M;/DEX TILrUk Th6 In p" theoryl 62 pp OqtM!AStMMj--SbOm:Lk. 1949 Vol 25 Sch *Aseum Lib No 52/1011 3 Algebraic Function,, 6i 46 r Ipp U rb~exnat Sboridk,, Vol XXV, No 67, 40, 'Ile by V. A. 3-dow of Weautwe Theory i ~S!A'U, 1.0pr IU,te=t Sbor Vol 25~ no 67s AEC Tr 13 59 Aug 52 CPS IDEX V. *Skly tam asm motb9d lop the sclutwu ge ion tbo ia I n-r,-gwgm for cert"n typo of vmps,, 32 pp lawk IVstmwt4cbwkU Sbcmlmlk. 1949 Vol 25a 202 per 1~110 pp Dc4 &w9= Llb lb 52/1009 J'O Y, Lines on a Convex Surface... by A. V. Ion. no psio btemt, agr _fw,,3-R7o 25(67)x 1949o j 4 ABC Tra 1428 leutlflcl Wtbemtlcs* Sec4esic 0. M.461us~a va i 10 pp 2 ki 0 1949v Vol 25P iner SboxmU 5fto ('21 307~114 8cI MOAseum Llb No 52/0993 OP Finite Group, by 3, A~, Chunikh,4n. Mntemt Sb r J~SSR7, 25(67), No 3s AEC Tr 1418 Mztbo finite groupe NOV 52 l,,Ts/DEX PP I ic~a~ ~i kf tb e J I ':-'A. TIhr ull trv4nplati~;Om. UaSM ~iw 949, A) 351-3746, ci - ftt6 ),i- he i8fteIv'e' M!ethod tb. the Solution PrIoblem for Certain Types of-Groups, A i3~dy. j*r, Matemt E~bor Vol XXV, USSR) AEC Tr 1161 Mar 52 CTS A. D. concept of bair 47P4",Fp 38 pp th Pero, Ifttefttich"Idy Sbornikv 1949 l 2~ pp 387-Uk Bel Mkweum Llb No 52/1096 ;T i~erl) ho i- I , I k"4 OU 11 2490549 U! ro~ll R6ti~ke Ithe ftr~erof Singaiar Points of a na~ib~fxi 6"~6 Difived Oq a Manitold;, by L. E. ;SIAN ~erp *temat Bbor) USSR 1101 XXVIP 1950) 23.5-M ;3 AM Tr 12715 Le lithematics Jun 52 CTS DEX