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IMuzichenk". U. h .11 t" I I THE STAB11371Y OF tILASTIC WM'4fl* PLAM ~Stiikist'Pr;~zfi'nikh Va'~,omikb Plxvtlt~ok). )an 60 1131p. 106101 L.LUJ M1540; -233 323. T. I L 11 4 i,4, AD rder fro, , -S C, -11\ ~ I S., -, 1. 61-13584 Trans. of IMS1 Iahinooli oyeniys~ 2401MI(LU A) DESCRIPT6&S: 'MW'j1T]J'eS- Buckling, *Elaatjcit),. LADaddlstr!ibdtlO'i, MithematicalaWyals. Stabilky, USSR. (EngineeTijg--Ci 'l, TT, Y. 7, no. 3) 61-13584 1. Muzichenko, Yu. M. 11. 711./T-4BS5 Ill. MIR LLU K 1540 - of Aviation IV. Ministr) (Gt. Brit.) V. AD-233 323 Office of T"Ittl Somices j, e i Wrved 7hin-Walled Beam by vas :y, Yu. P. Grigor"yov. 51 pp. A. A. RUSSIAN'~~ Nuwhstroiizdat 1950, pp 175-218. ip P5662121567-~ 774"77.4 &-j'v 7 a~l Dept o i'l N CNI tr 2312 SciAtechanital Eng-r Sep ~T: 339t57O i-19V,64 S(,,Iioolr, of -(mamial for Engineer i ~,Cd by Ir. V. BobroVv WO l,'S$'Uj4,i;~bk, 'Masldrovka, I'loscowi 1940, pp lillit. ~ft 1 1114 Moscow, 1962, 270$765 Ma Tojochkov~ 5 P-P- 1958, pp 3.) 33, 38, Ill~~10 b~. AcSl 31-6514 TD 2144663 tLug 60 The ing of SoWev$ Vearona unrl F-.tr,,WA-nr, Me bk;l &an rM-6T, WgR AUS ;- ; I L" imlift . , ~ 1' AP'W R&M"*""'0*P'iF?C'tTjrSE &'Ly _,j. FOR! , ivol- - stmaww. 49 m - f pp 279v649 0 j ~qe ilh War, by M. 1. Tolochkov. c~ bk i1 ~~ 14askirovka na voyne, 1958, 4292~! ,23--008-68 ne 6;9' 3830436 Liubri~atin~ Oils for Aviation Gas Turbines, by V'.' IP'ancy*'', Yu. S. Sobolev, 8.2 pp. MpE;lg h;Lunuykb, . Gazoturbinnykh Moscow, 1958, pp 1-82. Oils ~,atl~ AVIAI YU S!j R US S III k ll'~rLe''-K)acow) 4 L So. 4~ Feb 60' Turbine: Engines Oxbricants fcor ~,rbinm ll,'nalnes)., t~y v. 7. F-Pnov) 46 pp. Ma a 1q, Dlyv~-Aviach ionayki i 'Ge. z o ti ub i r, - 1956.9 )?p 44-82. yp ATIC 14CL-185/V Ilicon~~(rigan ,rease S. ivehov~113- USSJAN~ 957P nly: c Liquids; Lubricating Oil OKB-122 and ;jM~~2238-50 Used for Instrumental by M. Pridman, 4 pp. UNCL MOSCOW) AF L256o18 i - C~~m; Fuels t 59 bk.: Distribut4ou of Oleq;lnoaa Crops by ~A. )Unkevltb, V. It. Borkovskly, It 'a', moscow'O 109, C!TA/FW/V-5117 reparati n of! (;oss)q)ol Ilexapalinitatc, by E. Gi 1~ lb u 9~ ,USS I AN er, .1-laslabiona Zhirovoc Dclo, No 12, 936, pj) 546-5'47. (Chem Abs 31:5194S 1937) *PL-480 USDA ci - un 63 rj, ipo~r -,I 5ilo by 1. Gavrilcnkox,10 ni). i4nqIObOIpq-Zhirov(> .1. e-10 Vol *71gra, Sc I Tr Ct!nt,-,r PT-111) aul Cottc- E%!ednp by S. 111'rio. RIXPXAJI~ Vero lftuloboino-Mxcvoc~. Dclc),- Vol $c-IL 'A* Center m4o64 S*t - D103.0a pr i . tion of he, Peroxides DurLuG the Oxidation of T oilelf by I* 0c Dum. 2~mo-zbi' Vol XIV.. to pq 29r3u. gel; Chendstry 1 Ana I$% Assoc Teeb Sv pj-W $4.80 r I orliVocryl AJAebydie 03.A?00, by oat 1). PIM, 1935P par Vol Xx 3 slA 59.2o632 oat Fob 60, Vol 2 $o 12!1 RUWUlf NO 1.0, Aa,goersach New Jerseg 66 F?jR / C', 011j by Ae~A. Letsluis,, Ifteldboino-Zhircra" Prom.,, Vol XVI, ~~j!pp 12-13. 61 -1 SD05 *HENIC'XCIDS AND WFIR SDAPS. [196114p. 1. Parkhomenko, V. frodi OVq or SL*$1. 10 61-18ODS densed trins. of W61oboino-Zhirovays Promyshlerr :'(USSR) [940 [v. 161 nu. 5/6, p. 30-32. CRWMR$: No enic acids, Separation, De- ~ents, Soaps ODIsin,'fectants, Materials, Prepars- SpecificAtims. meral revic of Isolation of naphthenic acids and r ulifizan ;:m for pre.paration of detergents and tifeciants'Is gwen atid the specifications for these Jucts In form in tabulated. (Auftr) mimry- -~Ovgamc. :IT. V. 7, 110. 10) 1 i, i OHIC9 of Tockskol S~Icts 61-16891 Varlamov V 4Body jzhins, Z., and TikhorrArova, N. REPARAT6 OF RiPOWENATE SICCATIVES. 1. Varlamov, V. 1961]6p4 6rcifti. 1 'A~ $1 10 61-16891 f OTS Sl W If. Bodyazhina, Z. Tikh i N 111 er or . rom ~ om rova, . . rrans. of Man obolno-i~hlrovaya Promyshlennost' 1 161 n~i 5/6, p. 42-45. ;,JSSR~ 194o IV, '6N;iph~.~imic acids, Acids, --- M P C Zi I l l it a nc, ron, Ants, c um, anganeae, wation, )istillatioti 6f ~t-.Idol [~Irude naptithenic acids, In kilxturd.- *Itl! 4phtheri ~tds) under a residual pressure 50- IF) nini. mercur i wasi found in pilot plan-, ex- ' rinicritio xo give tip t,',i 88. ~% light-color 'd naptilhe"Icl L ~ '.4"c U14. A hi I?, octlvlt~,pl the Combined mang , "_ I i tlc I urn -.'rofi 9~4-catWti'6*as establi stied. e ceed1n, ~ calcium 't I c c ca :tat of r~ t! aian,Oard n4nganese I Filginct'. rlrljj~- -Qhe irilbil i '17, Y. 7, no. 10) (over) ' 0(fi(, 0 T,4,q, I 59tvc,% ' US; III Tatep by -AU A HO' B. 0~3 -Condermer Desip., by Vol XVM,, I... Ybolob Ebir Prom ML N.Im?59 )"?:D 9.2,5- J --7.j~ lb f #!Ai ,)-rL' Tolle,, !I,.' th Bol3od's Metbod soap; e,.,, lby S. P. Outijrl. piers MaslobynO--Zbi7.-ovaya Proms Vol, X-Tryl) No i-195%] Assoc Tecb Sv )97 Sci !,~Chem;~~atry 000 AXIS -1-956 va): a o Fatc.and Olles by A. G. mAi2 IoLil uslift-os, I bm T.635 mutry = a4jam 55 Center., Nat P.*m Lab Delhim, 32 21)ozT (Fm) z% Vacam. - The Un" ~f Oc 3 intious Operatioa MKIDMI FI.Iterp in the ms%ln. I"* Ck:t~pmtsj by F. A. Artamonov,, N. S. e; 6 laub ~c iltlaPiu, 13 :PP- nErs,sm-, Idaslobo no-Valrovaya Pr=',, Fo 9j, c P.P 5-8* CINAVD/U-60W USER i 1~ Ecolaoml T(jahniques alvhph~w Oporatiou AZarstus for Processing of it~4s for Resential Oil# by N. P. 0 10 ppo Weloboyno-thlrovaya Prmp No 9j. 113-20. IV C*.EA/FW/U-6018 Techniques "1"077, Ift"1460 by P., V, NOMMkOl solos 16 co or, r Ti Rapu"d OU,# bW A. IL Zbarsk*, Xudift Ut Sol DOC omaw 30 VVpSm& 1Ab of Ufts 211U$&, Una# Xmw DeW 22., India -7- Theory, C4culntion and Siziiig of Appvrctus for~tile Deadorizetion of Futs), by E.N. Gelperim, N. t.1 Gel~ierin. Bier, Maslob -Zhirov Prom, Vol lc,), No MISSIMI # 19 53i1 12-15 I,,, I GB/, 43 Sci Jul 0 334)481 garine With W.Ited, Butterp by PCMV Vol xix &me Tech 8v R&W- 117 of EuUy Refimble Colftou~ oodi !0a fCkr bftaaU=., br 1. V. 4=100*00 at &Is ~Rwslmj pvp nuaAbim 22drovaya ii -------------- q Ti ReftnUg of TAPS43W 011p by rekly. per %jUbI=--Wrw&p Prm l u !!log vp ==-JM23. AU& 58 ride 3ntit6t lletermimtion Of the Glyce by V4. X. 31SA ux lob zurov 'Vol x1a; 1-0156; -op 17 wool so Garlinakeri. M-1. RMVJ~i ~pekpl~ *slob-=rCW PrOM,, VOI XXIp No it W# 1 0 -1 Co-op Tr Sabow Jul 59'~ ib of Powdored Fats (Margarine anti q~ll. 1. Kozino U. 1. latolautovo 17 P. Maslbboino-Zhirma Promyslilennost 0597 Fm ITS p 21-24, C64wrce S'ci-~l Allir. Feb 66 a Oil ~ho Consmption of lWected Steam I I i , I I 06g lUtim of GIrearins, by E. Z. 110 619 r., Vol xM 19561 18s , %,10t AV 7&M W-1527 59, elit6trI.I.11 ?,Letliod for the ManufactL-re of ~S~id6l, by L. A. Khcyfita~ Yc,. A. I'll,manov- 5 yy. PPuip iqcr, Nzal Prom 35-.38. ATS-13*2R 11-T 701 TV; NO 7 1 p t,,hv-!r - u ].xre~cli 0:,Adation of Pariffirm.. by RUS 11T f HO "'STRO !'Io6Wation of Opthetic Alliphatic Aleacifi,, bv. S.' Varmlov.. at al. RM;STMr, per, t%%aldboiw-Zh-l"cwaya Vol Xm COLRO 62 Solubilh ot *,drogen in Fatsp by' B. N. Tyutyunnikovp ~t ai.' lbkIA SIFIED UbblAN.9 6er, !~aslobMo Zhirovaya Prom., No B. 1957P P *DSIR/TCL (no number given) IL Sci 6em l~ ~ov 58 onp by Z. X. Protcotono~ Fsts and Oils ftmi Oxidsti Lewov~,, al. =cLABS3733LD Uirovlqa Prom, Vol )Dmlp no 9.0 SOL Mem co-op Tr schow 578 Nov Y-a I8INU%Itwwous hvftctAgn of Highar Aliphat-I'Le ~Ioo6alij and Acids During the Conti=ous OxidAtIon of Liquid Nama P"m-?fnw,., Ter**"Myy X. U. NOW'Ov"- parj, MMIdboino.-Zhiroveya Prea :j. NO'9j, 951.9 30- 33-- com Chem CU1110o'no on now of the checdatry of Oil mnd 040; log- DL- MA Trigiplarldes'o saturated ov sta by Ms go UWicv- =M DSIR LW (loan) M-2ft Of NLxtuns OU ftRMWtU DOWAGNUt ASMU,, by at AL =DL mp prcm~s NO 1* T-65-14194, 11 Field X Tyut)-unnikitv. ill. N.; N. K. BOUT A NEWINIETIR"111) 1*01: THE PhODUCTION Or com- IERCIAL FLACITIONS OF SYNTHETIC FATTY ACIDS. 2refs. rder from $LA: $1.16 is 'TT-66-14194 i i rans. of Nia.0061no-VIArovaya Promyshleanost N n3 p22-6 39H'. I NIP 67t; life an 4palogm of Cocoa Putter'. by H. K. Wit 59 loboym-alrov"a, J?Tq~, Vol mw., DSIR LW IM 1077 109. 01, of be ~Hautdactum of Dotargento t ~tto ?at SubstIltutWev by F. V. Rusk, . %Ap ~ V611!%, ivolo 1-90 so i; cht"i Doe DM LW MTS 1150 DmiO~Llvv~!:ror .9cloutifla ftemarch in tho Oi.Ls rn I j ~U-j I-a 1%. ow. wou rcz~y-,,r- WIL u *Q*G=AhlmmmmJ DSM LUI RM 2037 :at No To 26 at "*. FOAAY uta ooqpmluou CC clu Fm vo X4111W am WA lowto O':by V! t bi Vol alys . 61-15371 6,trov, A Njklohj G and others. E DEPENIJE~'CE OFI !T4E YJRFACE-ACTIVE 1. Sultonates - - Sur face OPERTIES ~A~[) TAIW ING CAPACITY OF SOLU- properties )NS OF A~KYL BEN tIENE SULPHONATES ON 2. Detergents --Sur face E LENGT~ IND ST u UCTURE OF THEIR ALKYL. properties AIN (Zaviollmost' P terithnosino-Akilynylth Svoystv 3. Sullonates- -Molecular loyushchcyi. ponobnoal .1 Restyurov Alkllbenzol, structure ,fonatov ot Veikthln~ t ~Struktury ikh Alkit'noy I . Petrov, A. D. epi). May 1p. 5 in. C.T S. no. 633. 11. Nibahins. G. I. der from Lt s $1.80, ph$1.80 61-15371 Ill. CTS-633 11F. Department of Scientific one. of 5SR) 1958 v. 4, no. bamwilikPaw, p, ff., 29. and Industrial Re"Arch (0t. Wt.) Ste show that, the vi ed 'shing capacity of solutions of ,/I benzene*ulphonaie 'i depends on the length of the oin and its ~ ,rakhes: ~bi longer and the less inched, thelgrester th i Washing capacity. Cam- a kraight inds having! ' l'or only slightly branched ' kin conto n 2 car I 1n;6 ~ ; ' "4tome are effecuve at , t a M6 ;her tein, compounds having a aterials, Ift, Lv. 5. n ~.:S) (over) 1k.-tormIning the Consiatemay of j;um Butter., by A. D. Remko at al. "Lob pt From,, Vol XUV., co-op Ir sahems 636 59 2s* 9d. in U.Xo, 3s. (A,. ivIsovbn4i# 7~" Ich Kupchiriskiy, p -I . i ~iaslo.-Zhir. Prom.) No ii, ll)~7311 t~,Iqwx~ oupokmULYS 4 UNCL pro No gigs 17 190 DM LW (I(ma) N.Bb "A " Iwo= Man'bmka~.I. N. and Olelnikova. Z. V. ~'FACTORS INFLUENtING THE SEWLING OP UN- SAPONIFU61-1ES IN 'ME MANUFACTURE OF ~SYNTI-lh-rW FATT~,Y!!ACI(Xi. 106317p. ~Order froni',M Wi~ ATS-05WR I*rans. of MaWobloinb LZhir ova a I P!2mjyshIenno%CL ~1 ' 0 a Pr" I2.'jppv3N 9 (USSR) 1 4, Ao. 12, I tu 16: *Fatrlir acids. Synthesis. Saponiflatiorl. PT s; Imen ation', 63-17150 1. Man'kovskaya, N. K. If. Oleinikova. Z. V. 111. ATS-05QMR IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. raiatorange. N. P3 ifitr --Organlc,~ '171", v. 10, no. 1) Y Dffkt of Uckkal Strvkti DC - 3 69 6) V. li-odov" 1 1). iss LIM ~j c r,, Prora., tic 2, is 3sr. 0 V. rmakkovsb-liy, 1 I'asio SIADT tier, -Z hir. Prom, N-) p '!2 -pp Yalntboo. 1. K, REESTERI ICAT PROCES$ OF HY (I'creyettimlilkatai Gidropnizioll Z RTS 1579. 1 Order frtxnl LC a Trans. 0i Wob (USSR) lixivrim rd a Indi t1o" of late there nickel and coppez no effect'ci'the r 4 OF GLYCERIDES IN IM OGENATION OF FATS Glitserldov v Praiscow QT), NQY W [Pip. 12 refs. LA miS 1. 90. ph$ 1. 80 61-13491 that in the I-rocess of hydrogen tually no reesterification. The el bydropnation catalysts have rlfic&Uon Im a. The slight 141ned by a high hytIropnittlon 61-13491 1. Fats- -Hydrogenation 1. Yakubov. M. K. 11. RTS-1579 IU. Departnvent of Scientific and Industrial Research (at. Rrit.) (Cherldmiry-Or rAc, TT, Y. 5, no. S) P A Devtl~.C! f or lithe Recovery of Resichml. 011-Solvent; b),;I. 1. Serdyuk. RUSSIAN; pcrj~: M=Iabolno-72hirovaya -Prom., Vol XXV, No 5) .149 ~39j1 41-- DSI- JR LLU Rr,,a 1580 Sai - ltn6r Oct 60 o ishin, E.Gj ntr.. mxPaii.. bit 120 , RITNTION PAR rX- I-r-62-28024 1. Grishin, E.G. I i A p C N C r i kcrim, mi's iiun-m kl( liATILE :.S (Nash ()pyt milaktov%' 1,, r~ n)-kh hinseUI-xtractinn cbeniya 131~,, r Essential Oils). Ql). ~..'brelgn text includ IS -VI 504. dcr from rYrS, I-ETC ol~ (,".NRS $0. FA) T-17-62-28024 11. CNIIS-Vl 504 M. Centre Natiomil de la Ikedier- che Scientifique, Park I I ;ins. !a-ftudof Nins olp A-iZhirmaya Promysh- n 1 40 Pr ,~CRIFTORSj 0, IntnieniA "Vegetable oils. *Ethers, q vent extrict m, Office of T.Chalcal sok.6 -PbyaiIc-zl, 'r i, 1', Y. It, Tv). 7) F.MPOS. 7-0.1'"1 C.m'. 61-15391 -7 G,TH- 0PICIENCY OP WASHING L Detergents- -Test methods SUBSTANCES! H~ coixUDAL-CHENICAL MM- 1. Demchenko, P. A. ODS (OpredeXen~iye Effeitivnoati Mayishchikh Vesb- 11. RTS-1645 qhestv Kollo1jr4-K1dmJ6eskim1 Metolaml). )an At 10. Department of Sclen1fic 161p. 17 refs;, M 164:~ and Industrial Reeearch Order from LC'or SLA!ml$l. 8(k p4l. 60 61-15391 (Gt. Brit.) Trans. of '' '~ 36 L 0 ! 2 3 - v. 9. JSSR) 195 5. no, 7. p. . ( Typical soap" *~W ayntbetic detergents have the abIlity to form, micella ! solutions, at ratiow %Wthln the llitiltiO. 3 toj6 9A4nd are capable of &a- iolving eolloldilly a misidayable quitUty of bydw- ~arbons and ~oiar aubstinces. The effidewy of "ps and dete~Zents cj6 be quantitatively cheruwr- ised by an unbiased nu-5surument tif their colloWd ' - l- a bill l al ll l f i 4 d 01 c oncentr on o rin e o ti t t ce ty an ~ ormation (CCM)Optlrqbmt,lt-aiisingictitmisaclitt-vcd y aqueous aroltitions o(deergents at coneetaratkom iChemistry-4firical. ITT. V. S. no. 7) (over) 17 I penden6cll Of ~Vhe Quality of Washed Unun on the -11;:Jm~j ,-npos nl! b y J~. -VC, V, J~C .14 n. ctni. is 1.3 IAN J~r blaslaoino-zlilrovari From, Vol XXV, 91 lq~ )i ~P-7~:3u. Milit LLU RT,,'-' 16 46 u j;SIR 6 an ~ ct 61 d 61-15920 Cki u n, ~ fOD Oft WATFR TRHATMFNT A MAGNETIC MV 1. Watersofteners - - (Mignitn'' 5 .. posob admbrabotki). Feb 61141p. Yy Deycloptnent I ref. R'I"S 1,647. 2. Wgnetic fields-- Order friitm LC or. m1$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15920 Apolcations 3. Pats- -Processing Trans. slobb t. 4. Peed water- -Purification . I fio. 9. p. 41-43. ? 3. d ~Plj 9. ~p4l-~4 -44 (USSR) 1~51 S. Heat exchangers --Scale I . Godun. A. S. A ma device 6rproduction of rengentless ic 1g: 11 . RTS-1647 ` ers aM steam turbines used in the fats water ment III Deport of Scicarinc . Industrylis Idescribeldi The carbonate and permanent and Industrial Research hardness salts dii6lved In the water for am or two 40t. Brit.) days losi their alid o form deposits after the water ha, I Pa. through a magnetic field. In- stesdW.. C~lc. an rph-a sludge to formed In the j t nt: this slud1ge is cosily re- heat l l miaved in 'dry lees. ellsm of TeAged bwNG"It (E,W,TM3qr,I .-Chemical. IT, V. 5, no. 10) I I I thod,ltar the Vwwfacture of Umteronel, W SWItep To. A. Ilimmmakens 4 pp, p mtvO lmi--U* bet *Oi IT 30 u Ab 62 ATS-07" /5?9 Mnuhctttr4, of MarSafte Hquivaloat, to Butter in StnWikoo iWA Tast*a by X. 1, Kodab Vol r we No 0/163 My ~6$' gj WT CHINE FOR CUTTING AND STAMPING HOUS LD BY YU. P. KLYUSHNIKOV., ORLENKO. Sx RUSSIA Pp,) MASLOBOINO-ZHIROVAYA PROM., VOL XWil'ib i) ig6is PF 36-38.. NLL RTS 2139 SCI -~IENGR OCT 62 214,799 L A.. aW MadWik V. I L ~ NEW 6D Pq~j offumm cumALDmmm mmm 40D A D OD POR OBTAMM p- comkft DpItorm MALDMIYDL 119611 ,kr f. 0. M-UN= VMS. Of SSR) 196i JF.* 21 p. 33-35. SCRVTMS- OAI&ho". &Ixthwis. I ~ 1~ 61-23M L Lae~. L K m coem. L A. M Mocbdtt6 V. L W. AT&-SINS3R Y. AmmcluW Techdall sn.k=, hm., But Ommo. K r I .0'2 0 00&v of TweWcol Sorvices (NY-6501 '1!6(` 1960" VroduCtiou of the Oil find FW.-~ !hduntry i, -the ,WSRo 17 PP - 11~0~51M~ pe Mulob 4) JPEW~ 9851 A-4 6x:1 I' NY~6501-,P" Ce .13:1 Mosulto Achieved by t-be Oil- auu F&T, ~Ldustl*~,~ I ,I of 0 Uk~*~aa SSR in 1960.. 8 pp, NW10boyno-&irmaw-,J~r~ Nc, pp tdji im 4,151 uss,R 16 Aug fa 71 F ~6i At Pv - ,j; J"ro 51 -4-7emQTt!J Of O:t Ach Uh by oyno-21drOva)'a FrOm, w JPTI6 3.0272 =11 tjj-~ by 1. M, Tmbln.j 3-0 PD. BIAN.~- jper., Himloboyno-Mirovaya From) Vol. XYVII, 5o 196Lj U-3-7. JPRS 10272 / 7 ~/, ~, e-,, -112- 2)1 QI 11( IN.1~~, (tit .11 OE M."'11 A.Al ft 1. R~.lkw, A,M. 1) 1 11. CNI(S-VI t""s 6~ is Ill:y'l (lit! It I In l-&- I Ht4't i'lladi oil , f I mtv Ac ids). I I I . 'ciii rk- N ii It I i I-Opi loa 1111clutfud) CNIIS-VI 9:4.5. '11C 01. fl.-nn 1: w tit J-1 -,0I ill FI-C-1101 'I (lilt 101 lik'Olo H W~,4 I~Mt-v 1clids, Dist Him it'll, 1'1:1~411vs. 041-0 sj LIQUID SHAMPOO BASED ON IPURIFI ED ALKYL SULPHATES OF SEW ARYII~SYNTHETIC ALCOHOLS, BY 1. K. ~S~ 1~ G EW ly I ET AL. RUSSIAN.' IRM MASLOBOINO-ZHIROVA'(A PROM., VOL XXVII, 1 61 p No 9,, ; 9 .pp 17., 18. NLL RTS 21115 scl - CHEM OCT ~2 214,8uo lue Fil ctl of SyntAotic Fat Substitutes and 6 as, 1w P. V. Im 6 pp. IR tums po~jp Nwloboyno ZhirowWa Prem, No lo.. 31-961 JPRO 11966 WSW Feb RwIll of Fatty: VOI UV141 soi;~ Chu, 63 N;i f014 Determiolng the Iodine Numbers of a imd Fatty Acids, by v. i. Babaev, Maslo MPL-iram-a PrM., No 19 , PP 30-1-31, NLL HTS 213T CDC-4700) ResUts from theAdoption Workday In the Oil wA by N. A. Galusbklml am%.* 13 v * Vm*kz_)l~glcbQP*-2birov&ya , - pp 11-140 , jpRs 1:3136 /Ye *169 r WN&US Orpoetyp by B. A. BUzkov,, suvi Prms Val nv 63 3, 4 Si birtseva, %I i~ , K! ova, S. D. and others. N INDUSTRIAL, 1) POR 111C PRODUCTION F AMBRIAI,,1 1062) C rder from A!-.s 1$4. 00 ATS-65P60R I r1ns. or Maq,101 lno-Zl"Arovaya Prom lyshlvnnopt') On) 1961. v. 7. no. ~12, p. 31-32. I I ~HkRIPTOR.S: -indwri,il production, Fats. OiIR. 62-17749 1. Title: Ambrtitl 1. Sibirtseva, V. E. [I. Kuntova, S. t). ATS-65116011 IV. Assrxiated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 7S .-organic. '111r. v. 6, no. 7) omce of Technical sa~icqs N4an'k!ki4"'kI Y~a,IN. and Getmanskaya, Z. 1. M ACIDq S co PbNENTS OF COMNIEMAL SYNTHE'11C 1 --AT'? iACIDS. f 1,9631 8p. Order irohi; O'S $ 30 ATS- 70Q69R ~~ ~ A"6116- . 5LA ~3-02-5.1 41NI11,410 Trans. (USSR) 1%2' v 2 DESICRIPIr Acids, Milk War (Ili,: 1.) 1, If acids, Industrial production, erism. III, ;it). 7)' 63-17469 6 ~ - I ~ -7~ r, 7 I. Title: Iso acids I .Man'k-ovskaya, N. K. H. Gotmanskaya, Z. 1. 1II.ATS-70Q69R IN'. Associated Technical &-,rvices, Inc., East Orange, N. J. AT5 Canqj~ itiort of "terone and the Struct- vact of Jt`ts lixUvidual Compments) by L. A. 1091~10 ~Perp ~Mlobpiact:!41rovaya Prom - to I pp , ATs RjAo26 '63 Irfect Of Phosphate and Iblyphosphates sa'm rl= 012 imation of Homawbous In us amp mint. by Pe A. Dnahadco. 20 23-X* (on I"a or Purchame) 0 rs 37? 7,;,- Aug 65, 288o791 - ----------- JIFESULTS OF WORK OF THE USSR FATS AND OILS I N 1961 , 9 PP. I,OSSI~,Np PER MASLOPBM-ZW ~OVAYA P ROWSHLENNOST NO 4.. 19 2., PP 5-9. jpRs i5go6 SSR ECON NOv 612 215,226 RESULTS O~,,,THE WORK OF THE RSFSR FATS AND OILSIINDO~iRY IN 1961, 9 PP. RUSSIAN) PER MASLOBOYNq,-.MJBQytXA2!QK- 11. I 9M, PP 10.1 SHL(q-~O !j: NO Bmlvittpi i 11 Or, IOL*, " I 1962s IML IIWS, 21 Avg 65 fj the Ifreativemas of Ektraption 0 by V., It. ftchambboo" fit bo Am a 3", , 3 pp U430 a 0 (OA Toon or Pwrehase) 6 q 19~6-1 288p792 ieb 64: Propertiet? awd. DeterCent Cepricity of Lutims of Nozml aud Dranuh-~,d-Chmin r F. V. Newlin. o-Zhimma P-roa, Vol 'Will, m 2289 of F4*-~ I'll ;Go Vol: VWI oc~ TypC~a of QtlantitatiVe YICjatjCkn8kI-_ w in vegetable rata, by 0 .., Musloboino-Zhimmyu rim"myrh. No a, 1962, i)P 10-15- GB/221 RAIS!jNG THE LEVEL OF ECONOMIC WORK IN THE OIL AND F,AT INDUSTRY, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, FIASLOBOYNO-ZHIRDVAYA PROMYSHLENNOST11 NO.9~ 196?t PP 1.4-. JPRS 16A49 UFZR ECON DEc 62 9217,197 jt04'Alt.,atllt.'i 'for a I'llidd :ivterdruttloa uj~ Jy A. 1. Gall, "l.. -as lob UilIL-.,'.*-. ii rukfi~ 2,61 .,;o b 7-5 Ol L: 1114 S~ Nol 1 I it'll Fl 341 I INIDUST~ RYj, .9 PP. MASLOBOYNO ZIA I ROVAYA PRCMYSHLENNOST j0 PP JPRS 186 )73 228.,208 Nev Techniqne of Fi-tty Acid SerA.rvtion by Memis of !a Centrifuge, by J. List. Rvoswj iper Mrlslubujno 2aiirovf-jv, Pro7,-:yshlcnus'U-' Do I~ )-(*('- ) ,i3; Sci Jul 67 3341236 The ~aivre.of ne Substances Determining the tiier,Number of Oxidized Paraffin by 1. 1 SlolAuskii. R;SsiA r, Haslobbino-Zhirovaya PrO4,t6len, ost, Vol 28 No T-,-rg--a, pp - 22-2&. 1 NTC 69~1-40798-07C sci-chpM July .69 386,710 4 )RUS N6 R lo~ipp. 0 Rp MASLOBOYNO-ZHIROVA-YA PROMY 196'' pp'~~2-70, 13 2U;32 JPM AUG16 1 Al 238,673 i " ithntic Detergents foi- ME;hwashing, by 4l, l V. Y. Chiikcv. RUSSIAIII~I per) Masloboina-Wr-Erm, Vol XKIX, No 19,63, pp NLL RTS 2445 (loan copy) ja AW 31 DF THE, AW) OlilS.INDUSTRY IN THE By Fo. M.. MINE,iV(CH$ G. 1. YELINIKOV., MASL6F3~0YNOmZFlIR PROMp NO 5p 1963) JPRS w6ig 2380674 WORK I 110T~! 111,14 ll~ u F'~''~THE,FATS AND 01 LS INDUSTRY FOR 1962 F k, 5 R BY V. 1. POPOV., 7 PP. INIAN F ASLOBOYNO-ZH I R,PROMo 9630 R.9 NO 5., 1 JPRS 20652 238.p675 'WOR OFrTHE,rATS AN) OILS INDUSTRY rOR 1962 IN -1; ju NJ'AN SSRO BY V. 1. POPOV., 7 PP. ku, 'IN MASLOBOYNO-ZHIR PROM., NO 5: 1963, ppi JPRS 2o632 itto 238.,675 ~Siorage and Processing of Fats In an ert Gas Atmosphere, by B. N. Phub4ddze* RUSSIAN per, Masloboino-Zhirovaya Prom~shfennostl 1963, Vol 29, Vol 5, pp 35;131. NLL TS 2548 (On Loan or Ptirchase) Aug 65 286,459 DEV'.'EL'OI F I N ITHE limas A I pp USSR1 64 Ocl PEF D ACCELERATION OF TECHNI CAL PROGRESS X) TRY 5~ PP- VkSL0RYNO-ZH I ROVAYA PR%i t'O 7., JPRS 21371 3115,090 1 -!'11 yk 1 1 1 ntji~ p1, I 1: I ,II H I .: i, I ! - !I -L ~ 1 248*DDI