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Casting1by I~tliod of Vacuum Suction, by B. M. ks'~noffpntov., 205 PP- 11 RUSS I I k i~ M IM) ~ b , t1ye Metodom ValLuwmogo Vlosccr~ jq&.>i~ pp 1-168. 96915066 GM I T i USE ONLY sci War 6 5 Vsasyvaiiiya., 275,622 Defecio ~ of Oress Castinp mid Aithods for Theii!Oreva~tivn (Chaptor VXII),, by H. Sa'~tebsiov,, V. Ya. Taru-tins 26 pp. RMI.M~ W6 Utle Vyxhiwmiyw -darstv- darcr-Tila"I't- a. 1$m& 3, eye 1962 pp 96--l 10. 10 PTO-TT-63-713 Sci-Enir I I j L*et .1111, 1. ShkJLwmikt 9 IV Ya. w .~= Ag A. vti 0 i ~ , I 41tI RMUt bk bLtlp.,Po om Maw# ~t* 0 3629953 B-1031 Featur6s in-li'lelting Alloys for Permanent Magnets, by M*aennik, V. A. Ozeroir. (Dc-loo46) RUSSIAN 01, bko lit I ye po Vypleivlypkyemym Modelyam) 1961, P6, 333 336. 3-105:1/63 Melting' thei'Mectrical. Engineering 'E' Grade Steel, by Yi.~I. Sildennik., V. A. Ozerove (Dc-loo46) RUSSM) bl~) Litlye po Vyplavlyaye;nym Modelyam, S-1031/463 Meltin iTitaftium in Vacuum Furnaces, by Ya. I. g, Sliklenhik, Vol,~ A. Ozerov. (DC-10(M RUSSIA~ol bk,,ilitlye po Vypl&vlya,(emym Modelyam, 1961, pp 337'*~ *JPRS sci Oct 6j 131/63 .ting Al~mimim Alloys I. G~kiennik, V. A. ;SIAN,~~k, Litlye po 337-348. in Electric FuxmaceB) by Ozerov. (DC-10046) Vyplavlyayemym Modelyarn, 1961., *JPRS -~ r- I : Itwe#bnft Castiqg,, by Ya. L. c and Ve As Ozerov per* 0 1 I-vomo aAWjjM!M JAI .". OPW- vn Oft. v 1963.,p pp 369-370. JW (12w) 360j,W Tape-Wound et,84 AMY# ;F* Go' OVS PO Iz. i:,Qf;; C'T W, :Lya~a Of the Phoacmu OncvA) 0 i 1~11, p6r. bk, Logicheskiye IssbAowkni pp 1,6 JPRS-1.La2-D An Alvie I)f Potenttel Realizability., by A. 84, dllni4.401 'pin, issimlov=4m, .1959# pp mor IML FCS 2241? Bel - ~I c 1 reb 64 by N. Povwov, 16 pp. ~111 ~tivm,~he S*l ~Otb 10Z7 r4?// (NY-3257). cons t6u ItI06 of a omral Tboory of Logima Beta lit, by NS: ob My# B. A. Tr*Xhteabrot,, 29 pp. Ru6sV4 1; bko t4d"Mp 140104 lye) *SCOW, 1 JM 2219 93 u or Blectmic Covul&ug and omits.. by 0. H. Povamv, 9 pp. Is,02datulm. Koacow.- math 7 (NY-3257). wr in at now amults &-4wh4mm Cmtaatep by B. Ks ftkcwo 16 we Math Ir.-i V. -tire sorims I ID 201.710L)) 955P 2 CIA D 5"8721, T7 -6 1,17mampor-thtin, a-A. Kard,11P. 7"Bok~ OF wmkc a By 6 refs. I I* Order trol'n~ OTS or Trans. d Loodus:j i P. 67-95., 1 A71ON OF UGHT TRANS- SURFACES. [19621 l5p.- SU $1. 60 62-10972 Matemadb (USSR) 1959, no. 1, DESCR RS: Ugh4 IbUght transtInIssion, 7%aary, *Opticiv~ rfac"~ Coatings. Metal coatings, Re- floctiod, 41(racdoe LadmL (Phys lc~s - optics,i~ JT, v. a. no. 6) 62-10972 1. K" P. 3M,. of T..61-1 I Vatqr Tutbivass by 1. R. Xryanin, We, VP ~~ i Sol ~- I now 160 1, 1 mtst ftwatutwwo 1958, MAP 10 * 97-99,p *-Iwp 208. DBIN UIJ M 1330 (5024.) ~r // A ~,z~ ;01 IIYbRAUjjC-*Ij~Rj;INI: at-ADRS. C-AVITA-110N 1. Tarlibir Madr-; - -kLiterink STRU(:110N. s1:11 t-'.CIION AND INVES11GAIION OF I KTyanin. 1. R. MAIIIAIM.S: C041'ENTS. CIIAP. I AND CIIAPS. I IRTS - 1330 - 2-4 (Excl-'Itri-syl (X-t (K) ((13]p. RTS 13,A). III Depirtnictil lit Scientific nnd Ordvr l1rojil I.CouSLA inl$3.190. 1010.f1t) fit -'3905 llubmilAl Rencirch I i (Ct'. Brit Tyans C oli Mona _,idroturbin. Kayltalsionny)-t- - ' ' " - - " * lTiiF~onv lus ions in ) w. 1 5 8 . A/I *Mee d Te"ta swv4g" (machinety-PnOnes. IT, v. 5. no. 1 (1 -:,-t r TLLiiAn-- Ll-u-dcr,. Cavitation Failtu-e. D:-vel- InvestiGation ol' L;aterialu, by 1. R. Ex L n 1,:aVi,- UJo 0 LIUZ~ LoKar.Li Gid--oturblu. u n133 L.,yahanie I Icaledovanie 1.2atcrialov, ll;ash~;iiat 1958,, 205 nn. St;3,3ested for Tr by Uaited Kir~,-dom per w. mo from r:3F O.Loobald) 13 Jan 1959 V4 ty for Promotto Air Force ana ;Le u of the Am RUSS 111 "up bko 'Utimle wo 7MR' 1950-1952P A? 569831 USSR Xili*,,'y Armyp air forces navy Sep 5.3CTS CZA IT13UT5 J Geneml Orpointion and. Reonoeda Efficiency of SLWCJ~n Ivii risharier; tor Clupem. ella., by I I EM10i, bk" Uff xm_iumz xU114 gazou p Dept at fttarlw! Diol lob of the Bureau or 1: C=mrcial PJ rrLeis (IMM) Sol U01 Al.-7 9~?7 Apr iii-aal te -ar tVc le ioion '2,,eceivcr. b-.- 1. A.Izulildch,.~v. F -2 592' WSW) 'b1:) I~ubitellsldy Iblevizor., 1-:oscow, .962) :)p 1-56 lci - Elc6troriics ,pr 63 Redifition Birimato ftevoctlon Iry thdicinea and M&Wi449,~ 1F~ 2 R. 3. Pabodinak:Lyv 2 pp. ]~!dw!r Dolm ', 1937,, pp 53-55. AM" Wr 3573 Bel I~d 97 e of Contents of the Book, bl Pad T 14nt Energy of the Sw2, by K. Ya. tv 10 pp. lbkv LuchIsIM enerijiya sontsa, 7- CrA/FDD/X-.1973 so USSA I 3Y7 Seii- Phy:51060 geophysics WLSO MA Ono@ lawskim of Metalbod Te. G. orlWlyw,. 247 pp. ~~qp I - vim I-WOM" , fo pp I.-M30 i i j I ,W-M Nov 6� i 396,,724 Rfidl ,~ t Ak lNuries and PasUirative Processes dentral Wn-wous SystAim., by A. A. Manim., Il bk, Um#wvyje Po ghmiya - i Vosetano- IV y 60 td. Braa0i F-.'Ora Lfl)ro~ry, OB 521 EI Cmp. 2 ' 62-32503-1 Kondrat'ey ! ~4 Ya. !i RADIANT HEAT EX NCE IN THE ATMOSPHERE: 1. Kondrat'ev. K. Ya. 0 L. 1. tr.~Y~,Charl H. Davenport. 119621 ~ 11. USASIA Trans-1380, pt. I 4 621p.. USASIA Tra Log no. 1380, pt. 1. 111. Army Signal Intelligence Order from OTS or S ~$23.50 62-32503-1 Agency, Arlington, Va. IV. Systems Engineering Trans. of nfto, [Luchietyl Reploobmen Y Atmosferej Facility. RCA Service ~,ealngrad, 19.16. cha 1 -5, foreword and table of Co., Alexandria. Va. contents. VESCRIPTOAS *Atmc~pbere, *Heat transfer, . ~Thermal rddi ition, easurement, Absorption, N . Blackbody eleorology, Geophysics, r!4timerical rbethode an procedures. 6ontents: thermal radial ton, balitc definitions and concepts I~rlnclples or de theory or actinometric measurements of thermal! radlation (Itixes Earth Scienic'es-Mmebiology. TT, v. 8, no. 8) Offic* of T&chnical Se-Ices i(over) 62-32503-2 Kondrat,W,: K. Ylil RADIAN~~ HUT EkCHANGH IN THE Xrmospnn: 1. Kondrat'ev. K. Ya. VOL. ti lir.1 by C6 kes 2. Davenport]. [19621 11. USASIA Trani-1380, pt. 2 [4211p. 387 refs. UWIA Trans. Log no. 1380, pt. 2. Ill. Army Signal Intelligence Order fr6t~ jOTS orliSt-h $22. 25 62-32503--2 Agency, Arlington, Va. ! i i, Trans. or mono. [Luchletyl Reploobmen v Atnweterel IV. Systems Engineering Facility, RCA Service Leningrad, 11956, c1haps. 6-8 and bibliography. Co., Alexandria, Va. DBSCRIPTORS: *Atmosphere, *Heat transfer, *Thermal ridlation; Meteorology, Temperature, Mothematics'l analoils. Contents, Counter-r~illatloii the Atmosphere and effective radlati~n and coukeir- radiation Radiatic ' 'a ba la I ar I o~ o~ ature In the atmosphere due to V radjane I I ~ar exchAnge. (See a Wo 62 -32503 - 1) Office o(Techolcol $m1ces (Earth Scitiaces-Aeteorology, TT. v. B. no. 8) Beam S 114o Space, by V. A. Fabrikant RUSK bl,t) Luck Idet v Kosmos, Izdatelstvo Znaniya im moscow 'ge'ries Vo 8, 1961 Fiz Ch 31 PP. *FTD-TT-6-c-i-867 Sci bpace Res 15 J4n 62 ....................... Blow Larin, LJ~V; PASTURE Deft NO?Wj~ AND MEADOW CULTIVATION. I Cr,)p tr. by A. Ia~ld. 19 2, 641p. 2111 reff,. PL-480 Agr. 'Firk: H')x 61- 31195 Lilm, 1, Order froin C, s $6. O'D q 1; ~ jj 1'ranfi. of 1114 o. L u ~o~-odstvo i Pastbitihchnoe IN. Nxionil Kliozval� ~' . d! 1 , 4-4 p-- 6!U, 1oqi:o,,7-'tr'-et'Tn-grax,7mm DESCIMI'~)16-. *Ag,~jidulturc, *Soils, Economlen, *Plants. *Grlasses, 141tood *Cattle, Biology, Fcologv, ation, Geograp~hii,t.lasslt , Water supplies, 'Fertility. Gro,A-0i, Puilustry 61,wampg. CAmeral 111if I marl(111:11; iv-n in this textbook on the T' 1 6 1 f. rage plants (Chaixer 1), which biology a' I J~Y~ is essent ILIA"for t1 i6ndi!rstanding of thc rither chapwrii of this C6111. er crops, po(sonoub, and noxious plants arti -.scrk t'1 (Chapter 11). A clear ptcture of loddt-r c1iiir icterki Ics; in the different natural zones (AgTicult, Q no. (ovel Mime G! TOC16MCI! StrVI-es is of umineacence Almlr :ut Used in t1 ad iyev:o 9 PP Bit$! lutod ONO, kpb$ W b'', llt~j~s 19530 ova geftBly CUD A AF 692351 m-4ineeringi The biD~O., N. P. Barabashovs-V. A. Bronahten~ et. p 505 Ive HDMIMp b4~ ~MM60p 3% Pi?,- 9670773-V .882/1 Sol a Aug 61 PI klua#4~i PT=j the Beregav Dlotrict In tho Trans, lun Heglouq by G. L. Plotro-mkdy. RUSS tvo~; JuAft-41-09-Fixicbeshly qbornik., Obshche6 .2 f0 I Iwo I Dept of' Interior QU r.51' No 69 AV livalta in I L. No' i9M 1) No .1ol 199 JC1 Apr ywtaUlc skarm D3posits,, by Khetchikov. r., L I vov aeol Obah v we :r eO*W Dept of 3htorlor 43 E57 M IN Val( Ont of Padioactive Halos in I 041t I, by (kmther floppes it ssii 1 por,, L voy, Geol Obshch 0 Sbo 19638, j7p 378-333. 9 9 30, 0 65 The OT 6b I e i4l of Forinulating a Theory of Timer-Cutting by Hdallis of~ Vibaration, by V. S~-airnov, I I i RUSSIM', pL~iper L'Vovskii Le5utekliniclieskii Inst, No 3 195) 7, )ix I)p C-SIRO/No 5756 Dec 62' ,,,ural Analysis of High Berylliwn X-rq~ Struct Cont6nio AlioYs or Cr-Be, by P. I. Kryp'yakevych, Ye. fJGla6shevs'8YdY) 5 PP- RUSSIAN, p~r, Lvov U. Dopovidi ta Povidomlennya, Vol Vli.1 SLA 59-10891 sci OTS, Vol 111, No 6 S OfTmnsition Metals and Beryllium, MPOUM .on,' Silic Gerianium and Tin, by Ye. Ye. T Cher ~5 n,, le. 1. OlAdyshevs')Wy. P. 1. kk hy vyc~~, 4 pp. KM RUSSIAN , per,) Lynv,.PQ M.1", ta Povld~ en.~ Vol VII) Part 3.. 1957) pp 180-188. Sci (ns r Vol MA. No 6 5er.~6 0 SLA 59-10890 jeopj~ou~~ of T~eansition Metals With Beryllium., Silic,6~,~Ge=~,niumj and Tin, by Ye. Ye. Cherkashin, ~1. Ya.IaiadYp-'kevsIdy, P. I. KJripyakevich. MJSSIAK,~ perk; Lvov Universitet Dopovidi ta Povidoi~llnn 1', No 7., pt 3) 1957.,ilp 180-183. YU *ATIC Sci - nerala/metals 25/11 5 f,~ Babush'kl~~', IA. A., ~,!Uvarov. A. V., and 62-12567 lgn~t'ii-v4 1,. A. III INVESTIGA77ON 0 . DSORPTION AND SURFACE 1. Babushkin. A. A. REAC'nO S OF E'T JANOL AND mE*nIANOL ON 11. Uvarov. A. V. ALUMINA! B MEA S OF INFRARED SPECTROS- ' 111. Ignat'eva. L. A. C COPY. [I.) 6 7p. IV. ATS-971457H Order friAl 'IS $12i 50 Al'S-97N5'7R V . Associated Technical I , J4 Trans. of!~Jov U. 62,1cheskil) Sbornik (USSR) 1957. Services, Inc. , Fast Orange, N. J. 61 no. .118) 6 4S: -IIIAd6cirption. *Surface properties. DESCRIPI I *Ezhanols, *%Iethan~~b,4, *Aluminum compounds, Oxides, Infr6red opkiroscopy. Y-11-11hysiclal, rl', v. 7. no, 9) (Chemistr ffico of Toc6ical Sorwilces 'b.yll!Wnli",ojf AbsorptUm--*~ ctrup by K. 1~ Z:616a 4. G. sirYuk, 3 PP- SOUN, !!;per.. ~vqv_UO.-Fie ft)mlk, No 3 Sal 4r ~'61 03-6 16 5 The Radj,6'scmAtivity of Birds, by V. A. jaishniruhl. (DC 10626) RUSSTAN) ipcl'yl~ L'VOvSkiy Ordena Lcnina Gosudarstvenm~-y ~ I- 1., Univ Iiit-ili :k Fmnko; Probleia Labor Radio, Biol jDcyr;tvi:y6 No 1., 1962, pp Sci 13.1cil Med Sci Jan (DC-3766). Ideals of Socialist FAueation, by N. K. krqpska~&., 6 ppo bko 1LLIQM"O Stroyke Politekhnicheakoy .11-1.1111. --O~ ............. ... ISWI~dxA.l 1934.0 pp 64-73. ims 3767 USOR Soo 6ep 60 2 URI tLEVISIOURtCEIVER.,BY 1. T. AKULINICHEV., A% r"MPH LYUBITEL"SKIY TELEVIZORp p JPRS g4og -SC ~C,~ ~UL I '~3 Atiod F4pweg, m Url%.j~ pp. 265t728 FOSI 'On0*1 WACSI J-6: ID 244 s cijn4f ~j Aug ,of Rm Earth Ims in Czystals of ~ "0 by AL, H. Morazov, et al. PP IUA-JLU-/w ici 3319394 Fb I' I ~ P , l~ ii Fluorl~etricl,,Aaalpisj by H . A. Konstairtinova-Shle- zinki r il~ 1-392 16. no,, iw=iuastsentn-vi manz 1961. Ile , I 1: i I OW 3 76) wMILE i6ent Microscopy, by V. H. Bergollts, 199 pp. ROSE t ngte!BLUS llftkroah~Miyap CIA/FDD/U-7103 0 Biology LU CE ~ NT~MICROSCOPYI BY IVAN FEDOROVICH MIL LOVI~;57 PP. RUSSi:AW BKJV LYUMINESTSqLIMK~ MIKROSKOPIYA., MOSCOWP 19~1, 223 PP. JPRS 15320 scl ~-RHYSI MED OCT '62 212,151 a Ions in Crystals of o f arth t4o' S"160 Type.'by A. M. Morogovo 0t al, bk !gAgLoostsentsw Rodkozemellnykh ibn tMIGM a _W Us pp 102-1070 ov _yq; ID 12 ~rth Jill 331s,342 Magadahdkiy P/--onomic Region, by A. Malagin, 3 PP. RUSSIANJ,~ bk,~I,aga.danskiy Economicheskiy Rayon, 1957., (Wl No HM~' i~ Army Map Service USSR Econ 3 Dee 62 i 1 G. X. GUIS Coo y elf icoi; 0 trallnij* Poebtavay, 16" 4 0 JFRS 23W M 251o766 ................................ (SF-2197) W~Plt~igorsk 14et&Uurgical Combine, by V.11 I. Kazarinova, V. I. ft-rlichenkov) :aOss*~p but, whsattogordk, 1961, JPRS 13535 ;:L1= sci ftar Ic kusl~IANI:' ScIl --I ACHE 'JUN 62 (NY-6502) 338 PP - I MAGNITNYYE ELDIENITY, L9 01, 3L3 PP. JPRs 14224 201,261 (Dc-6878) STATICjAND PULSE PROPERTIES OF FERRITE CORES WITWRECTA~WLAR HYSTERESIS LOOPS ANDMETHODS OF MitAs,UREj,kNTj BY V. V. BARDIN., 66 PP. RUSSIANJP BKJ* MAGNITNYYE ELEMENTY USTROYSTV VYCH:IS(LITELIIWY TEKHMM-p-MUR5~1K -3= Wrc6U-- 19 PP 3-30. JPRS A902 LECTRON Scl ~'E Ics AUP1. --- 2o8_9874 (Dc-6878) STATI,CIAND PULSE PROPERTIES OF KKRRXU MICRON CORES WITHIPECTANGULZAR HYSTERESIS LOOPS BY i V. V.: B!ERDI:ZHp YE. F. BEREZHNOYj ETC-t 5 PP. RUSSIANx BK..-VAGNITRYYE ELEMENTY USTROYSTV VYCHI'SkITELIN6Y TEKHNI~l SBOR~Fl K'.p COW; 11 P 31-550 JPRS 14go2 Sc I ELECTRON I CXS '6 A UG 208)875 (Dc..6878) HYSTERtSISILOWS OF UNIAXIAL FERROMAGNETIC FILMS, BY V*~ V. KdOELEV, 65 PP. RUSS IAN., BK,., -b~~LNYY~E ~LBLENT. S ROYSTV I I I Y-Y--L- VYCHISLITELINOY TEKHN K I K mlil Moscow, p JPRS, 149o2 scl ELECfRONICS AUG 62 208,876 i; (Dc-6878) DOM! ;NII BY Vol ~ I RUSSIM., VYCHI,sLi 19611 IP scl 'E AUG 624 l; 1 OF UNIAXIAL FERROMAGNETIC FILSM, A. A. KORSUNSKIY, zfixmu 16 pp. 4 BK, NkGNITNWE ELEMENTY USTROYSTV wy-TI'Mix- ,~iascowl poRgy -96. JPRS i 49(re Ics 208o877 INST GNE P Pi, RUSSi'A'' i 1961; scl t j ~; ~ AUG ~i i 11j; (Dc-6878) OR STUPYING THE IMPULSE PROPIE]RIES CORES (MODEL S-2)., BY YU. 1. VIZUN) _ENTY USTROYSTV K) jj~~E OY TEKHNIKIL_SBORNIK; MOSCOW, 30- I CS jpRs 149o2 (DC-6876) A UNMFOR'OSCILLOGWHING THE HYSTERESIS LOOP OF FLAT FERROMAWGNETIC FILMS, BY V. V. KOBELEV 36 pp. RUSSIAN, 8K2 MAGNITNYYE ELEMENTY USTROYST~L VYCHISLITELINOY TEKHNIKI, SBOR6KlKp MOSCOW) 131 JPRS 14go2 1 ELECTRON I CS Kullkovskii, A. 0. ;~d LyuMrwv. 0. A. 63-226" MACNMDWDRODY'i4AMCS- 1963. 2W 1. Kullkovskil, A. 0. 03-der:from' pta I%cbuka, Inc., IOOD Vermont n. Lyultimy, CL A. Ave., N wasmaiton. S. 0. C. M. Script, Techdca' lac.. Wasbh4Ctm. D. C. Trame. of mobo. 1962, 246p . DESCRUTO NN intAlpirolynmics, Equations. OPIASIM pbYalce. (Physics- vl~ltrclol ~k, TT, V. 10, DD. 12) Nlkal'sld~ 14~ P. oN ri ';~*IBU MAOk ~~ DiM1 24 H6tJRS)'M'tflC1 wick. [i961 I 101p. ( JDSIR! t1k) ~t 194S order from'~ OTS Cii Trano. or Magwmw (USSR) 19% 1 jjo-7-- mmurribig: *To regi(xw. 4'M Petit In the ot ths cow 2* a) th dayy (of opmding ~o U ity ot the 6CI n of I DN OF ACnVB MODS OF WCE DURING MM DAY (or "TMIDES, tr. by T. C. Mar- tio. oudttod)6reft. Tram-22 Aslao 61-13167 ~od nyo Voxmuabdowya *arisi magwtism. Arctic CWme. Oloompbarle disturbanom *swat dimatanom dwrJAg arm i actuilly ar* iuuwvab cam- amer zones, ubm the probatAl- ive pwto& (Irreplar mmypedi: i. 7r., T. 6. 61-13167 1. taw-Sul, A. P. a. Trmw-22 U. DSM LIM M.1843 r t: 76 O#Rc* of Toc6leal $evvice$ I p1milubvii7 ses4to Fm asta* or the Nlem. . 41t the Wat Zxtamt Mewtle Sto=s bor Mwt-Pu4odlc ftrUtiow, bV a N MITI" ,iii* 6e ON vin ~qt wsnot4 oi. NiE-ruws op commmc; hIA(;NPI-iC,11:)I.Mlli:nAI4(;FIS IN 11111. ARCTIC AND Tilli AWAlkCTIC. lir. Ivy T. C. Marwick. JJ96111$)p. 4 refs. 14i-nno-23: [bq1t LLUJ M 1844. Order ircim 4rs or~MA $ I. i0 61-13168 Trang. of nittia lot onfernye Vomushcheni yx (USSR) 10, no. Dr-SCHIPT S: "Torrestrial mapetiorn, "'Magnetic storms, 4r Ic reoconn. Antarctic regions. If we start trom thd charts of tha Isochrones for the Arctic "d the AmAl~ctlc, the m agnetographs of the Mirny stiti6n, q4v ~rently, are.the most suitable for comparl6cvn~with thii magnetrographe of the stations situated 6n ihe northern and south consts of Iceland or on the eik 6a9t of4reenland Wween 650 and 750 north ge,~Vkphlcalilatltude. For a comparison between other stiticIna we should starl from the situation of (PhYQjC9'-Magnet14i71, TT, v. 6, no. 4) (mvr) 61-13168 1. Nikol'skil, A. P. 11. Trons-23 Ill. DSIR LLU M 1844 61 J.0 0141ce *I Tvochaltel S~Ic.% i i I UbO I C=Ootd= Betft= 3.0=pberio and Ymgwtlc. Diqbots~aos In the MO latitAes, by Pi A. r6i~, .12 pp. m i MT-412,66W 3 7 _~;--2 -2- lqq I )UPItm-14-VAaft- p pp -- tb~ I A. of 8bMtm-PeA*I VarISUM Or R )bgwtic F162A Dmdag the Suddem it ct HavetLe Stmov by Mablnv 32 v2s gan N jW *96601C Trap With Rotating Plugs.. oy hu j, 12 pp. bko *gUltUBY& 10vushka a Vrashch- MIC Tr-428o !Sol sagr Jul /2 Mpp~etic ftiesion of B. A. Wubnlkov~ 158 R'4841-jflpl~ ok. Higb Temperature Plasma, by pp. ?A%~itnoc Iz;A,,, I - q;Waia Vyaokotemperatw Pla iV, I 95B. YO 7/ ;2-,57-il AEC Tr4073 Aug 6o (Dc.-66B5) lwtlq~ e~irm An space, by 11. V. PusbkoV~ 63 IMSIP Itewtim v Koomooe) 1 41) ~l --- I~o 15,~ 1963-,~ pp 1-48. i RIC 13-505 ;;Ci:li :&,Twlbd lies Soh. Ywfiietic Materials in PoWer Hetalbirgy,, I--,; CZ6,Mova, 55 PP- RUSSWpl~btl HapitaWyaki )fttalorkorawlchni Kai*" Wo 1~0.0 1959.p 32 PY,, ATIC ML-633/1. Doe: 6o ~F7 . ...... Btection inonftstrue - n" D j, by its J, p I Imkoldi lb SLO IMP 3)0 PPO vwou7w AMC W-4%,01 400ep 4.1 gnet; ~ Reld of the Ararat Basin of llk~: "nian SSR by Yerevan, ap 111 l8zll I bkm A A C. lt~-( o 18 S6i/l...vilk"th Sci 0 V110 Vp 72-128, t5 283v742 62-23257 Alekoffill'i F. THE MAGMMC. IfIELD OF A UNEAR CURRENT WITMN A~,IDHALIIIUY CONDUCTING CYUNDER I . A Main. V. F. U. NSP-62-&5(3) WMi A LONGITUPINAL CUT. (19611 1111p. I ref. Ill. JFRS-R-1880 NSF-62-W); P j~ R-111110. FV. )cdnr Publications Research j ordeT fri,V~, OTS IN, 1 SLA $1.60 62-23257 Say1co, Washington, D. C. Trans. or rneno.. agnitooe Pole Uneinogo Toku Vntgri ld!wl'no Pr shchego, ToUndra a od" Prodot'nym, Razr Khar'kov. 1960 1p. 381-390]. DE$CRII~T( US: ON amit physics. 6magnetic fields, pipes. ctivitt, OCotdortral mapping. In this miork we abiiin an expression for the Intensity of the miig~etic fl~jd of an Infinite rectangular cur- rerit-cari-ying con, ' or located in an Ideally con- ducting ~yjjWrIcaj1pjpe which has a kingitoklm.i I ctv. The locitidn of tjkd~ conductor and the dimensions of the cut irej arbltra.~y. We study the problem of the ' Me. of T~6*1..l S.-i,- . -Theoretical. TT. v. B. no. 11) (over) (Physics ~NSF-62. -i Uncl. ~THE MAGNETIC FIELD OF A LINEAR CURRENT WITHIN !AN IDEALLY dONDUCTING CYLINDER WITH A LONG- lITUDINAL CUT. A translation 1:)f ~Pole Lkildin~go Toka Vnutri Idea no rovody~shclj T-- rn~Tn- ego--T-s=n rA-s-72 I=ynL- ,-Rii-zerezom.",~ V. 11. -Aleksin (Akademiya Nauk ~Vk-r.S.�-.R.~ Fiz iko-Tekhnicheskii Institut). ig6c). Iilp.~ T69~n`ucle'ar; Translations MC-20 C-20 P N SA Dep. (mc) -L . 60 f s)% (m f SLA or OTS c" NY 2't 0) ?Ield by N Ye Kalini nu pp. Magnitnoya Poic 2"emle., 19 JM 5435 i GSR P.,p il.i:urtil i-la~)JIotic Field, by L. :',alillilla. '-'~agnjtno ze I:,.l i us cow, D.; pp 8~4 ACI C, Beloy, P. MAGNET16~TW~il"ONS,. NI approx. 25.0p.. order fi;'6n~ CB $11'. ~O Trans. mono. a Kow. DFISCRIPTI)RS: ot~ petism. 11wrtnodynamics, "Phase transitl its~~ OMa tic materials, "Transition temiser- ature. e ro I Ie'dc materials. Computers. Control system lid ste'~ Ohysice, Antiterromagnetism. (Phyvics~-Mggnetiam TT, v. 7, no. 6) 61-25739 1. Belov, K. P. It. Consultants Bureau Enter- prises, Inc., New York Office of Technical Services -77 7 MM~n~~ No Mator~sl~,lby-' Book rpyiev. RUSS:L~l N~ bk e of Three,Fhase Sq;rirrel Cage L2duction B. Voronjetskiy, :3. R. Kucher,, 4 pp. ZX_�AVg_tj zn h a�inkhromnykh etrodvigateley., Moscow, 1957 Air Info Div Head, Lib Sv Div gtx LC 1049M bk~i evoutva L StroWe j47 O!W-Lme 354 71 qgf;-V- AM Tr-4507 Bel We 19, r, IJ Inatodms'o .3 TA P 694-w7'.i ATS PJ-1737 ATS-97KAR !tic Amplifiers as;Rejaya and M, A. 11ozenblat. A Me Usilileti. 11, 1956: aLt ~ 1 1, 1 11 1 Two4cyou NIMUG AW9UUMj. by M. A* lbsoubletp 4+n-. USJU%mU,, ft"tSkoe R"lo, Mbe IRO PP CIA 9035285 Bel m*wttmics Fob ,59 Anplif-lers., by Voisey Aronovich Rozenblat., RUSISIATI~, ok Vag nitnyye )135 P Sci Enigr !Kectron 7 Apr (0. C-65". Usiliteld Wo~., vc,2. !1.? 19,0.7 *ATIC PCL-2101? I1 T- ilAg ic!:,1:icordlng In Autmatim, by Vitally N I k, ety. .ch Shadrin, 152 pp. kl)sl I N9, maguftya impW v avtomtlkc 196 !pp! 120. JPIR~~ 87014 ~,,anlcs rot) f$ 275,12~i