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YAUUfgWiurjh~ Automobile Cyli0d~'V BIOCka FrOR Ce4t Aliadum AlUqj, by T. 1. Orlovaj IRUSSWio, parp Lit Proisp no 6* 1957P 7# 8. 966070~ ATIC F-TS-9w Sat - ww 61 /97 Surfs6e A3,'Ioyiqg K.'I. RMIAWj, r.. I r 9(60706 of FrOflied CamtiW, by A. m. Serabryakor, 14 pp. Lit Proisp No 6) 1957P 18--22o AMC F-TS-98W wendung vv n Zirkonsand im Giessereiwesen) by L. M Marienj)~'Ich~ o. sokolovskiy. (unpubl tr) RUSSW ~-o r" ZRW, per, Lit Proiii, No 7, 1957, pp 28- Apr 6o im 694 Institut fuer Dokumentation Ubersetzungunachweis Berlin, W.6 Unter den Liziden 8 7717 On theTheor,'and Practice of Centrifugal Casting, per, Lit Proi No 8, 1957, ID-U 710 Institut fuer Dokumentation- Ubersetsung-aachweis Berlin, W 8 Unter den Linden 8 of Oupola Obwging and Stockline Con- M* Use of PAdlisot(waso by G. K. inko 3.4; 315. Oct. Lit Froft No 8,, Aug 1957p -pp Sa lub 11. 1J,: yf. magnsuitm In Cast 1--on, by A. r. Landa. NO ALIA 19577~ Alf2 T,-l*k"..ilrcz Pro imrodzt-vo Brutcher ~lb- 4070 $4.90 SO, Mln/'Ayj~ APr 58 I w by!1701,-Io- i I ~ pmj 14t 1 q ; i, i Rwwy Hmtchor 4.303 49-45 7 .9" of Lov-sapbw, B&BIC-cuJola In. Prolzv., Voi % rx, Igo 9., 1957.. 61-19911 Mallnochka.,lYn. N.14 PHASH TR SP R TIONS AND INTRACRY.STAL- 1 1. Title: Cementite structures LINE IJQ1U ON 1 1 IRON CARDON SILICON 1, Mallnochics. Y&. N. ALLOYS i(~ a z",C "I dolya I Vnutr1kristallichcakaya ~ 1.11tvatelya v I !t - Splavakh). 119611(131p. I (forclgn wit Inclu ld~ 6 reffi. '~ rs or M $1. 60 Order from "-18911 Trann' of 1,114.1noc Ivoizvodstvo (II&SH) 1957, no. 10, p. 19-22. -7 M)1(8: 'froti, *Carl)on, *Silicon. $Alloys, DESCRI -91%ase tra~alilons. Microstrunure, Iron castings, Cant Iron, ! l3liect ica;' Ferrites, Austcnite, GrarAdte, Cooling, Iliiaillte. Crystal atructure. A Faudy of1micro nnd~macroatructur.c of a large number of iron can~ingn tndf~atcd that the dintritpution ot the erritic mairix in noul uniform In eutectic and hyper- 4 eutectic gicyl east 16n8. Areas rich in fcrrite arc Q,n- (Mctallurj~-,'Struct~iil, TT, v. 6, no. 10) (over) /for i6litas Ross=), vp lei, don in Napeolum-Treated Iron Rolls/. by A. B. KrivasheM, Uteinoe Proinwodetwo,, No 11, 1957, Brutabsir Tr 4094 thodo W~ Pre,,uhicing Intermi ;btl.vn iu f9tinp Tho-Ir SoliditicAtion, by -9, 'R, RosesTal. 14,, '.0alt "For". 195 BSTA17 ~tt Prols 24 --06 Z-catcbay Tr 4170 ~5* f5 A - ppluril lvl ffets Ou mouvement de la phase liquide sur la olid if idatio~ des pieces moulees., by S. E. osenfell,d., S~, B. Yudin, M. M. Levin. USSIAN to FRENCH, per, Lit Proiz, Nov 5 PP CDS I.T.34215 Sci Nov 61 ewtjnsp by A. N. WWWO&W- MM ii ! I i ARUN ! lAt P&vssp No A, 195Tv YP 1.4. VWP -7-0 i g, aj j 9 9~r, i 1 , On thei Lfft Lou of Mg in Fag by 1. L. Hirkin. RUSSI , 'Pori Lim"m Pro dmol No 12, 19S7, i,; it pp I ! I* it Ml- 9085 1 I'S Sci- J ll~,,~- .7une 70 It I (:,d' Illn"Util ancl Boron I'le ill--anc-i"iling Cycle of Tron '7,J t arov RUSSVM~ bbcbml2ati caa=Lvj~ by RUSS in of Production Lim," for SbeU F. I. 5miMOVs 1-1- M- BudAin- Lit PrOiz, no lj 3.958p PP ~k-7- 3 LBB-104 ,16 47, J,-~rr nbratim DwInS Solid if Icatlaq for mttm of Ot Stri a crwka, L VarLtm, 0. A. Kmktkcw, A. It. Gemnov. X.~! oerv Lit "A-Alo 11, 'MR pp 7i-8. I"# M4 a ts php 9 74f 1) Iiia Pf 44t U= Parts Wer the Action of A Let ~! by 1, Fs, NikoWebiks Ye. N. 00. 1! RUWW~ pev,', Ult.pralv.p No 20 1958, p 25. OM Tr 32 Bel 116 r,-~ GeV 59 -ow cc of' D1.0 Aagill it., pr PrOtr,; ITO I;., schenko, K. I ~ and Oplovan, N. A. - CK)MMSItION AND STRUMURE OP DHCAR- igBD AND! TMNS[T9ON ZONES IN ANNEALED NS. )an 60. 1 1, er from MTJ~4 I(w MT Trans -30 IyopSSR) 1958, no. 3. n6. of UtelpoeXrgL" CRIMRM *iron S~ 1, Mcrostnicture. 012 tallurly-For, I Ml w11. IT. v. 6, no. 6) 61-22703 1. Veschw*o. K. I It. Goloven, N. A. 111. Mr Trans-30 IV. Tollemache, M. de 0. (Gt. Brit.) lififecting the liot Tooring of Stec! -7, j'Y- Absorj)Ljoi~ of ContracTimi arid c," by b-,r Proft, NO 4. 1958., pT) ).9-24 HD 41365 C, by ii. V. 1. Kboeiii'm -riu-switit-IJ ivr~ Lit Proiz, No 41 1,356: RT) 214-25, ---------------- LBB-107 Sci Sep 61 Modl-J%C~UO~ of Heat-Stable jUI(iW& With an Al-61ilikeej 11by T. I. Orlovs 11 p. V9 P=I'&vodstvOt 1958, No 4o pp 3TW~ MA 159-17623 s0i Feb 60 Vol ZO 0 91 . I I .7, d?f by !Yc V!15 Dila 59 -37 in 'figh Tcn~,il f", Iron Jun I NW!of steel compositiou on not Teariog in, Cao,ilnasj. by N. A. TrubAtayu., P. N. il~SSIO.j perp Lit Prolt, It!) 6s 1958., -AA (L,91 15*.Od.) 41 - !Win/lotj soar 60' ~Of Caut Steel to Kat Te=iria mA Wa7z Ot 'rg Its, by YJ. B. Kmih*haao=hiy,, W. P. L.0 T "0 T, IM h-633 'Production c" JUJOys. by C. V. ZZOboleyi~,v-Zotcr Lit Flo pp '25, ~.j%IrJC 1,:CT 60 A F C- sUlastoo b$ A. A. VIM tit not 1b 91P 108s P 320 ma US WN 1472 oat cw~ Apt' ociat'ing Moldso by N. N. Soonenko, pp. MIAlt,jop Lit Pmizj, No 10j. 1958P pp 6j 7- (nu Tr 34 so, 1. Jan 6 (2M[-N) Certain 'L.Mb. cast Mg~-Al. RUSSTA~?4~ per ME 3-956,~ ~PP Scon rob 59 4CM B on the Theory of Alloyin- Special ~cnra; by Yu, A. llfekhomdzio 1~- pp. lAtcynoye Fmizvcdotvo, No 10, .,j:cl3cO"7j US JM L-(;35-N 4~ 1A.14ORNA.Uk UENTE ~C~ioti, khte V&MTM 8 1 ton of U61t~ ~for ,vn SmiWii)~ i5p. ftr from OTS S. ma. In Inim lo, P. SCRIPTO~si etalfurgy. TT. :IA~~DBL COK13 POR uGNrro ~RJJUN CUBILOTE DB SOPLADO ha~a; Zan*m Koksa Buryin Ug)em ir 01 vom Dut'ya) (Partial Subsd- coit 1%, the Furnace ChArge of Hot qb, 62-268. "C'or CID $0. 80 62-29268 at Utelow PmzvodKw (LISSR) 1958, Fuelsil COL-e, -UpIte. V. to, no. 8) 62-29268 1. IAnda, 1. 11. CID-62-268 M. Centro de Informci6n Y Docutnentacl6n, Wdrid (Spain) oftim of TeCk*11 servkes F)C -24 5-2 The (fOq*mtIve Hoonwics QT 15wlting Open-Ecartli and Ifteatka-Fumace Steel In rQkmdry Production,, by sacilkop 9 pp. RUSSIUs ~ar,, Lit Proizvodztvo, Fio 11 US JMIM-1-1333 1,7j JUA ~q H Noskov.A~ A.. K nberl [Yul. 0. and others. COKE-GASOM71PURNACE [Kokso mra a 60-ISM9 cm-De 1 Cu ola fur l p y . na e p p vagrankal. 119W1 ji2jp. (forelp leid Included). 1. Moskov, B. A. Order trcwn Lr- or SLA mIS2.40. 043.30 60-183#,? 13. Rommilierg, Yu. G. Trans. 61eY004 Proltwodgm (USSR) 19". no. 11. 1*3 0*7 p. A cupola: scrlb~d In which norma) condiflonsJor reJuced coke expenses we. obtained gas burW ns" d I by reducl ns the of tuyem trm 6 to 4. onke *f Team" SNV4" (Metallurj~--Perr6um Metals. 7T, v. 3, fjo. 3) j fl~~-Im-tion of Liqidd Cupola Iron by n by B. S. Xjl~anl et al. *~G*' per, Lit Proiz, Vol ix, No 11, 1955, 15 3f'1* 4518 601 - Min Jun &4 on j) ua 4,OLU -TIT. set Cb inIftarization of Livid Lm With lAkawkly, %At Arai!, Tc4L Iv ro Uv 1958., So-nry t4her 4519 is W."50 gpwl,, I Pura"ali( st"i ~ ~ Pam mm*l D 8. ~ lleat)40 Decaddizinal Prwtice ror bv w. w. Dobrd&otm. ~0.4 pnizo, VU lXj, No 12; 1958,. Mt "- HB 1*5 e,~73 MOMMA in CMUMMs-Clast SUelp by T" A. Lolus. osiglos, Lit- Vol IX0 so 120 19580 so Brutcher 4554 59 A* ttoir CromlimtIon In Scientific rtesmic, M structural Doolp V67k.4 4 pvt Em TAt pr"xs Am 19-0000 p 1 - A=$ 3-6*4 801 1 so Ile N AAoi-. Dete=ln:tngt tbO A"Mt of MMId TMVS oa p0torm; C. Now Teolmological ftudArAs the pluidliw ax Izd n= 10 SM" ftWLttag, 28 pp. Russlb~, I mlo lAt PrOiS, ftn 5!),v pp 277 48). Am ii-6vA 4" IZ7 -shkov. A. A.~i B. 1. amd others. )RA DR i LA CAU ID9 ARMUS D9 UOLDHO AMON winDADES DR SALM 0 a, im9bede 'K wym swmd him 10, r" led !sc&l) jimpmromew in Ing da Thnwo do Additka ci Cb*iibcwrkw= I Amow" 6t siho 270. 6 refiL M62-267. ir frollk crC &c IdD sim 62-29267 or ii 1. 1 . UPTORS: cluctivem"s. Owmagg nowuls. no, Sabi; Tund. IT. IV. 10.00. 8) 62-29267 1. Gorablow. A. A. U. bluth"ev, D. I. m. aD-u-267 FY. Camtro, do bdormad6n y Domummel6c. Wbadrid (SMIQ am" d Tbchmkd 30 v G 1,~d of il3plidifying Katal Reflne-I by TPurationj b,lj 1. ovikay. .Rtss~AWI 1.1por., Lit PMiZ, No 2:1 191;9,. 1!2. Brutcher 45&3 Set xj),#V,!met JWI ~59 . .; 1 i Ii j II !1 , 8 vv. UNCL armitim cit cwtftpp !I ii Xx ATIllp! 1 . i am jkm mw a i 0Ut was veartmo ft 3v M9. .-- A= I-JIM14 Im 2261" / X/ 31 flr i I 62-12149 urbovskil, "I M. IDIFICAMbil OF CAST IRON BY ADNTIONS OP 1. Turbovskil, M. M. ' ILTEN STFE 11'6p. 11. ATS-07N-56R C 1196 ler f rom AIS j$8. 40 1! Al"S-07N56R 111. Associated Technical Scrylccv, Inc., East l, ins. of Llti6in 0e Proiz vofttva (USSR) 1959, no. 3, Orange. N. J. 4-7. SCPIPTOP-q: Cast lf~bn. Processing. *Steel, Melt- Additivesi'. nallurgy-~'Ft~rrautj Metals. T7. V. 7. no. 4) Office of Tockmical Sorvic9s of AUor Al for C"Ung PIS wit P. wo 30 ILMv AM NS.-*f/M i-,.L 66 Doo Use of st~oa molds (iQ Ckmjuav:tion With Saad coiii) f6~ Large Steel Clist1up, by S. I. IRMSims Per,, Sol H.Wmst Ireb Lit ftOlso go 3-1 19591 YP 23-26- n W49 144 I I CAUSES OF SATURATION OF METAL-MOLEI SURFACES WITH SULFUR,-BY YU." L. LITVAKOVSKAYAJ yu. P. BARDACHEVI~ RUSSIAN) PRE LIT PROIZ., NO 3., 15,59., PP 29, 30. H B 5 6 8'0 SCI - MIN/MET! OCT 62 212) 0199 at BerjeUmt IDQ=el Coating Stabbi to the tion oi~4,61teu'~ Aluminium, by G. V. Kukolevy TaLiasenkol- N. SST"., Pe'r, I4t Proizp i Chem, No 3o 1959P PP 45, 46. 10 DBIR LUI M (loan) f Morozov, V N. ar~'J YarorKilov. 1. N. CUPOLA F0lkElll--A~,,Tll HEATED SY GASES DI. vrnmm 1:10M TUYURE ZONE. Sep 61. Order iroin 1111 $2. 25 IIH-4,524 i Traim. of Lifemoe 1)1'01zvkkjstvo (Ussit) 1959, no. 3, P. 40. MSCRIPTOILS. LISS14 "Cuvola furnaccH. rk-aign. C,okc, Ileii productlik, Coal gat;. 61-25594 1. Morozov. V. N. 11. Yaropolov. 1. N. Ill. IIB-4624 TV. Brutcher, Henry. Altadena, Calif. (Metallurtty, W, v. k',, no. 11) Office of T9664cel $",Ago* Cti]po.l,,i' Fo:~,bhearth Heated by Gases DivertcC, I caqIZor~ej by V. N. MorWOV) I. 11~1. i YOr6 DIC)II. R u SSIt; I I jper) Lit Proiz, l'-,-)50,, 1,10 31, P Oc V~V of Reducing labour CooBumption in the I pmmd~v Trades RMSWJ,, per.. Lit Proft, bkw 1959.. p 1, ~48, Onea spot*) Is apealto-Trested. Cot Xi= Ii a pboophoria-mrMle ACIA %loolprayto., by L. Z"CM. 5,r 3.959o sov 17,,-18- M) h651 Bel drodynbanic State of Metal and Its Effect on the Macrostructure~~of Centrifugal Castings, by N. N. Aeutov.' AUSSIANi~ ber, 11t Proiz, Jun 1959, pp 22-27. *HB 4771 mizi'/met iii, ~an 60 Ikk tbi at Vodlf~big Sona Alumlmm x"Olp br, MobU&*p 96 Us lkl 6 twwo 9 pp. Am jlmaw/m ftl Do* 'barsaa Metbad In ft)ftclUmg Zirconium Haster AUayol tw M. Yet Ll~ 11 ~t# 12 mom; pwl'~ Ut Pro"A a 50 IL!"91 IV 30-32. AM NM,&S/M Salo, 17 D" CO UBe of: ~,orinoi Chloride in ODzttmjs Fagneviwa AlIOYS, A. Kugmetrv, A. I. Malakhov., .5 pp. IIARP perj Lit, Proiz., - Chem No 5) 1959., PP 32. ATIC mm-246/Ill a, I -- ,,,) ') J- bing m Btructure aud EllminsUne CraWw tble Doha Simi AUoyp by V. Be Animuloy, D. vp A~l S. AotwAova, castings zw~ "rp IA% lpr No 5) 1959,, VP ?3-34. AT= M.946/11X 60 .2 4Z f Gru mt,~Pa o phite Inclusions in Cast Iron ft, t6d [in Solid State] With Magnesium, by F...m Tz~~,-dzop M, A. Bom. RUBS4N~ paa~~p Lit Proizj, Vol X, 1959, mo 6, 1;9 RB 4713 sci - min/blo Apr 6;) i i pm". 70"dng ot DAWg Steelp by No 19 a ~ Pubtiow., at a, i i I I HMZw X Utasnoe NO 7s 1959: A 10i .0 -... ~ I VYL-1 I I UB 5363 ,;~ -~ (I e / I 61-14975 Fornichey A., V. TAMMG F111.1 ID: METAL IN A ONE-PtECE t. Title: stamptng qE. [1961 17pq! (5 flgs~ omittex!) 3 refs. 3. Title: One-piece die Irder from 0 or SL St. tO 61-14975 A. Fondcbev. A. V. 'rans, of.ptcylnoye Pr~12v*Nnyo, (USSR) 1959. no. a. 13-14. =ther translation in Available from LC or SLA ,ii$l. 80,'ph$1.190 Ag 6jLj02lj 11960](6kL 0ESCRjMkc:j Liquid,nictals, Catiting, 6Dies.*Mctal wming presksc,74, Alui inum alloys. omee of Teewea sm-Aces M&cW nery Manufac t tiring, TT. v. 6. no. z) t Maw, Dil P, and K I PRODLCI* OF M CASTINCIS BY 60. er from bfr~A I 10s na. ol uiel M~ ho 23. N. V~ ~COMPUCATRD AU WNW Ill((--SqlRr IXF CAN!'., MT Trams-01 no. 1. me, Veldcles, *Alwni"m Dlas, Metal fanning 61-22784 L Totaww. D. P If. Kurawv , N V. 111. MT Trans-" IV. Tollef"Chol M. do 0. (Gt. Brit.) omm of TT. v. 6. oD. 3) 11 221 GE-I KURTOV' 1. F. Production of q1ild steel with additions of bismuth and boron Die Hevsiellunii~' von mit Wismut. and Bor modifiziertem TemperOss e Proiywodstvo, No, 8, 31-34 (19591, C mik, 6, No. 5, 153-154 (1960) German E u r a t o m 1 y~r Sh6ll Moulding for Iron Castings, by A. ftir6ov, i. V. Bobysheva. UNCIL RUSSIAN? peer, Uit Proiz, No 9. 1959., PP 14, 15. 4 f f616ti of '.,Athi= on Form of Graphite in Cact Iron, lla"d%le; D:~ 1). Ebanoidwe UNGL R.13'esiouil, -1. Lit P oiz S r 91 38~ IM 4762 Jan Fr,easur6 Die Casting of Steel, by V. MI. Belov, S. A. KF~~-mennov- I RUSSLAN~! per, Lit Proiz, No 1.01 1959; pp 1.2-17. i 11 i HD 4347 i i Sci - B4gr Oct 60 ~~ i i 11-2 F 1116 .1 7: - 7" -It"impad T~ Or MOLTEN METALS AND ITS FFEC ICAL PRWERTIES Or CASTING, 'It 0. A. FOPOIN, ~ I'E Y3 I EY S. lip RUSSO a NO 109 19590 ,,IJT-?ROIZ PP 0& ALL441 N I L44 LAS SO NQR~ 173090 NOV ~j (1-1547( INTERNATIO At, R NDRY CMCREM (No 2t) 1. Iron castings 11961) Sp. It6lit LLL M. 2340. 2. Conferences order from Le or 91-1 m31. BA ph$l. 80 (1 -1547t 3. Title: Foundry congrems j 1. DSIR (.1.V M 2340 1 ! ~ i Trans. of"Lft~ynoyg Proizvodeavo (V&SR) 19.59, no. 12, 1-2. ......... ... Topics are Oed of p4pers presented at the CoNream held in 19$8 it W614 Spain. (Mschlneo~~-M..d cturing. TT, v. 5, no. 12) fil - 15477 KfAciiin"'my, V.1i M. CAMW IN CERAMIC MMILDS. 119611 (Sip. (DSIR 1. Iron castfrge-Productlan LLUIM.2341. l~ 1. Kolchinskly, V. M. Order:fr6m LC air SLA ml5l. 80. ph$I. 80 61-154T? II. CGIR LLU M. 2341 Trans ct I-Iteyn ~ye ProizvWstvo (USSR) 1959, no. 12, p. 2-3. Instrtictioltis. On** 64 ye"w Some" -W ~dacturlng. TT. Y. S. no. 12) M - 1547R Xur6cbtin, P. D. " CA.51iN(; BLAST! JIURNACC IRON. 11 9hl 1 141p. [IZIR 1. Iron cantings - -Production Ll.U)NI,2342. l~ Order. frinn I.C* olr~ SLA nti$l 110. ph$ 1. 80 IS) - 15473 1. Kurochkin. P. D. 11. DSIR LLU hl. 2342 Tranw C1f:I.l eyn Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1959, no. 12. p. 3-4. 1 In spite of appreOIable differences In silicon conteni and 48 6gh prq~qrtlon of phosphorus, the mechanical propefti~" of thd4un of blast furnace melts treated with 6joestum!~Xceed by % factor of 3 or 4 the mc - cbenical propcrt~lea of the original iron, also the prop- ertleo of sulphur and Irmculated cupola cast irons (GOST 1412-54)1~nd In many canes approach the mv- chank~ai propetillea of magnesium cupola cast Iron (COST 7293-54). Industrial experience has demon.. strated~~he advintagen of magnesium - treated iron from the Want furnace melt for casting machine cnmpoornis. (Machitiery- -Manufacturing, TT, v. S. no. 12) omee of TeAwrel SWIVIC" 61-15480 Shestop'kl'~ V. M41 IN f'WFOUNDIUSS OF CZHCFIO-SLOVAKIA. (19611 1. Iron Industry-- 1911). 1 ivf~ (DSIR UXI M. 2344. Czechoslovakia Order from LCor~L,A mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15490 2. Iron castings- -Production . 1 1. Shestopal. V. M. Trans. of, Ltt~ynp~e! Proizvotistyp (USSR) 1959, no. 12, It - DSIR LLU M. 2344 p. S-7. Procem~sen land epe~lml machines Intraducad in Czecho - slovakii &6 rewleiied. Y--manutal ii0er I, ~i ~j TT. v. 3, no. 12) ctrs r rrt, cantdit, :I:nil*l 1 YOuldst by 0, 'ch-li 12', -1959 Ut proc Z DSIR LL43 14. P-345 firew Trimining and y0i~t3lrP C*'"t:!"~A~ r 1 S. k,,,k7.h=gklY, ot al. b y ~c RudSWIAOT) Ut PF!?~ No 121 1959) pip 8) 9. DBIR LW M,2346 (loan), Bel, MW J" 61 SB BIN [196111 Order Trans. no. 9~ 'the SO birm distilfi C77 fler. noted.. N. P. :11 USRI) FOR LARGE IRON CASTINGS. 1p. (f1h LLUJ M.2347. )m LV SLA ml$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15483 k r Uteynoye Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1959, v. 12, rienceslor the heavy costing shop of the Heavy Machine Constructign Works are re- mcerniAj the une of the quick-hardening .. Thlibinder Is an emulsion of sulfited 3n residues with additions cc Or 5330,40) flaky generator tar as emulsi - tontaps'and shortcomings of thi birK]Lr are 61-15483 1. Iran castings --Binders 1. Frolov, N. P. 11. DSIR LLU M.234? 01111c* *I Te"to Umeel -Manufacturing, TT, v. 5, no. 12) 1 Below, Vi ?c THE OPERA noN c HORIZONTAL PRE$ IDSIN LLU)M2348,, Order froin LC or 51 Trans. at P. 11-12. Awdor tj Man I HB-49", 56''60 10 (mmihriy,l rr, v. Dm-cAmim mAcHims wrrH RE CHAMGERS. (1961113)p. ml1l.80, 011.80 61-13484 6i2v adstwo (USSR) 1"9, to. 12. iullsb)e ft= NO $2. Was no. I o 61-15464 i. ixes--cmaing 2. Steel--CaKing 3. Maddoes- -Operation 1. blow. V. M. 11. ORR LLU M.23411 Doke 24 TeAm" uc ion ~Castlng., by A~, A. IU.dnn,-.. ITUA 61 No 12; -1959, pp 12; DsIrR Lvj M120-9 7T. : , 11 04ovskly, X. A. AN INERTIAL SiAKING-OUT FRAMM [1961112JIi. 1. Inertia devices--Design IDGIA lAg M. 1300. 1. Chaykovskiy, K. A. Order from I.Ct')r SLA mi$l. 80, ph$1.80 61-1548:5 11. DSIR 1.1.0 M. 23,50 Tranl;. A Liteynore PrnlzvcKIstvo* (USSR) 1959, no. 12, ' P. A loto~ r Inerliaj shaking-out frame Is described that was designed and constructed at the Sibtyazhmseh Wor~$. (Malchlrlery-4~irhlne Parts. TT. v. S. no. 12) 11 H -7-TT-- KuA6. K. AP~AR~ivs Wynt ONE ULFCTRONIC VALVE CA~RYING (X TIIE FUNMIONS OF MANY ,nml-, AND PHLAY.S. (19611f6lp. .1 rdsJ [Will 6.111 M. 23.51. Or4rtrorn I.Oor SLA misi. 8n. ph$1.80 61-15496 Trans. of l.iteVnnve Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1959. no. 12 P. 1.4- 15. An electronic mechanism for time control Is described which replaces: any number of successively arranW time relays wl'ih adjustable or Independent timing. 61-15486 1. Control systerns--Design 2. Foundries- -Operation 3. Industrial productlon- Control systems 1. Kushch, K. M. 11. MIR LLU N1.2151 'IT. v. 5, no. 12) 61-15487 Zorin, L MFCIIAN~ZA-no~ OF SWLH AND WALL SCALH 1. Cestings- -Production PRO1=110N Opi COR K_ [W] [S)p, IDSIR LLU] 2. CAstings- -Machining M. 235-2. 1 ~ i 1. Zorln. A. L Order IrO6 LC oi` SLA mi$l. 90, ph$l. 90 61-15487 11. DSIR LLU M. 23,52. Trans' r4 Lite e Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1959. no. 12, 16.1 P. A machirife for densifying by vibration Is described. kchlnclt- y- -Manufacturing. 7T. v. S. no. 12) The Meelvllnisj of Orp Graphite Formation in Ilignesi6m Ironj by R. P. Runev. RUSSTAIT~ perk Lit Proiz., No 12j, 1959z PP 17-19~ .... ........ M! M. 2353 sci MnAle~tqls Dee 6*t Effecticif Inoculation Agento on the Shrinkage of High Alloy Chromium and Chromium.-Nickel Steels. by N. 8.~ KreAchabovakiy, M. P., Demin, RUSSr" perk, Lit Proi;,, No 12.. 1959,, pp 19-21. M M. 2354 Sci Min/mei~tuls V d Dee 01 Huh SLOV", ric-OSI, of Al-LDYG 0 0 i (T'. by NoviRov, No 3-9591 PP 7 J- 5ci iLI113 e Overht~atiag of Iron in the CW)Ias by A. V. ibiche V;~'V. P. chernobtovk1u. 22-24. per, Lit Prols No 12,F 1'Y,59* PP DBIR N.2356 I - CheiA j~ .14 61 J# ~xl 22NOW, A A. A)" MAM)ANESE MaLs. 119611 !l= NII M21 DSM ILLU) M. 2357. Ckdo ar RA WS2.4% 0$3.30 61-ISM &0116 LIc Trio. owtwymww r IISU l"t, 12, (Momthw~wr~-Pftr" Mouls. rr. V. S. 11) 1. steel caodnp-- mlcro*ructw* 2. Nits --masthwocal 1. L&wl. L. 1. n. Zhukw, A. A. M. DSIA LW M.2357 6 0,9 5 6) "M of TOAWWI SwIlm POPOV. A D. CRYSTALLIZATID~ CASTING, 1[19fl 111 Order OTS 0~.` Trans ~lof Littywr Thelprincir logladi cow depth i tw (motallurll 10F IRON IN 0014TINUOUS IDSIR LWIM.2338. LA 11. 10 61-IS490 PaoUv wo (USSR) M9. w. 12. lostiron. OCrystallWdon. *PIpm ra In Momdulng *Mdm tocbno- for the contimms castiM of froo opooms are (1) the crystallintloo WUM C50ting Of Itgo (2) the thick- WE "I In tb* MD" 9W (3) the TT, ~T. 6. am I) luoo A. DL U. DBIR LLU M. 23sl God'dkbi eyn. YA., Ye. and Pystakows. L. L. WE BPV HCr 0 : =ANIUM ON 7118 PROPHRIIES 1. Gol'dehteM Ya. Yo. or BORO N-CO Alma FMLS, 119611 1101P. U. Pystahms. L. L. I ref. JD MR UAJ~ M. 2359. M. DSIR LLU M.2359 01*r fro in OTS 0k SLA $1. 10 61-15491 Trsaf.!~of Lite" ProiryWatyo (USSR) 1"9. m 12. P6 23-31.1,1 0, LMR.43 k and 2'01 KhGNR boron steels were ex- i t was ' luded that titanium added to bora3 000talilri steeJ cierts a strorg InhiNtIrg action an pstn ' th. A I ItW dowidation of bown steel with sitici o-calcluin 10. 2-0.3%) and small &"done of' alutainil"i to. 03%~~ is very effective. The advisability of UtJ&iidui n additibcs deperde upon the Int - 1, 1 use of. the sto' "A ird w6~. the conditions cd Its subsequent bat nwdaitici al and thiermal tresone. a. nie aMdon of Dom of Tod." S-0- dtaidtin J s wides~'riMe for cam"ag-tM steels. me, 1) ~he Effec of Denalfication of the Strength of the nouldini'N'Uture With S.D. Binder,, by N. D. llgorkins.i, I*r, U~~* Prois. No 12, 1-959P pp 31-32- p: DOIR X.236o sci 20 help 61 61-15493 valimovi.ki 1. V. 1~ 0i M&rOING MATERIALS BY THE 1. vativowguy. 1. V. MOLTEK ALLOY.~ (k06l)ll2)p. 12 refs. IDSIR It. DSIR LLU M. 2361 uJil M. 2361. 1: Order from:OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-13493 (UNR) 193V. no. 12. TML P- 32-35~1' 7' *PICO LOOM% Wtttlfg Monte. ~ *Moldt4lm6ierlal, ,Uquid metals. GAIloys, ~ ~ f; 1 A of t enipg of mouldirg nuterials by bowed tba diffe t in an ORWIZIOg poems 1 A f 30L b W b * rinco, ron & car on , y at Is Tof y In a O"fal Sao atnm- Cdcou IiSi, mnw add Qiur, Atefull (mb"res on a r r g qu6Tu " No ch*-Wm from ores) are wetted better by NIL iie4l &W by chranium ri ckel steell. Annoo lk6 OCOV40 am intermediate position. 7be basic m6will giriall (magneofte and clawne- Oft"i ~i 6. m 1) (over) Eff6~t of Sull AdUtims of Zircmdum, TItanium and i6roahoa the Structure and Properties of Silicon lr~n~ ~ by. M. Churain, A. Ya. Zargorednii 11 iqc-r., Ut Proiz, No 12) HUI 5ZIN 1959, PP 35-37, DSIR LLU M. 2362 (ICxw) R r7 OU13, 6.L Autoo,~Ac D seard Control of thei 61wnt Mixture From the Out Frame on to a belt Conveyor, by at al. RUSSIhNI, ps~,, Lit Proft, No 19, 1959.. T? 'rT. DOIR IL2363 act Sep 61 Product on iron Castings of High Qtml:LtY., b.Y RUSS Lit Proiss No 221 2.959$ P 38- DSXR 14.2363 set -~)Mw 1 149~ lop G/V sop Shell C,creo With Witar-Glaso MiXtureep Buro V's RUSSIAN, No 12, 1959, M. '236-j by V, P 38. ja r C iron Crucibles for lkS-altirZ coxtingi asu~~ Alum,U&II-I Aliloijsp by S. P. KuPtGOvI proizy go 12; ig5gs p 39 RUSSMI't palli, 236:1 Sai - Rkq,-e Dec 61. perienb-' With a Moulding Compound on a Lignite Base, 0. vio, la et al. SSIAN 'r, Lit Proiz, No 12, 1959, p 39. DSIR M.2363 p 01 1 7 . - - 1. ~;'..'. I i 7 i ~ A Sectio~`al !i i~ i RUSSIAN.I~per I I sting Box, by B. V. Rabinovich. Lit Proiz, No 12.. 1.959, P 39. DSIR M.2363 Sci Sep 61 lting I- gnes P. Per'qv, I SSIAN,'P~er, m Alloy in Basic Crucibles, by S. Pr5ranishnikov. t Proiz, No 12, iqc~q, p 40. DSIR M.2363 61 ~it~lndui tion Furnacesj by V. V. Panin. perience , ~I~ith ~Illnd i c RIJ 5SIAN, p6t, Lit; Proiz, No 12~ 1951), p 40. 71- DSIR M.2363 p 61 !One Piece Co%!eboxes for Mcing Tall Cylindricni cores,:~by' P. ~W ~ Khaynid ov. IRUSSMR; per It Proiz, No 12p 3.959; P I; a.. M,L 11. 236-1i / ~7 //.. q f' -I--