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Adminiatm, tion of Furazolldcae F..60 and Furacillin ~-6 ~cc~r rxxp6tment and Prophyuxis of cocadiosic in C Aqik6a's Uh,ldiir Lnborat=7 Conditionr., by R, K., Zarin M, TI, ppr~ latmijas PSR Unatum Akad Diol Tust Bak I ciA/YDD ix-1471 No Forelep Dissem SO Bic4l & Wd Sci Doti! usis Y60 real Use Only Using 'rid of 600dy~Dli ~pcr *Crapil Tit 6'71 Wc 06 tion to Cbtain lWorotic Forms by A. Uzol,, atv. PSR Zinat. Akad. Vestis. PP 878) 3c I ENT11 F I C ii H SESSIONS AND CONFERENCES ELD AT THE 4C41)FJAY~OF SCIENCES LATVIAN SSR DURING i56itl BY J.'iMAGNONE, 5 PP. -UwiE P~R, LATVIaa-E-~R ZmATNU AKAD011JAS l~VES--- 196tj, P 151-154. Tl~) NO 2) JPRS 1471.) scl C;)15 AW 205.1, I W6 OF1 TIHE' OF SCIENCES, 18: P aT ~11 BY; u 1~u '0, 1 it 1:~ t~ Aj~ I ~ZVEST AK NAUK-LATVIYSKOY SSR 1 S" I NO t p ~.j 4,5 JPRS P, A ISC sd f r44, lb -1 Ec 244 -,792 ~J- J W~'l 21 E " AN SSR; AT A NEW iViISCI~ C6 Wli I :, -~, ! -i 6O F A , , ,. SCIENCE) BYU SUNA) 6 MNT P I N, ZA'ST ER A :NAUX LATVIYSKOY SSR T ~ 29. -1-40 Alm's 7 1963, p ~)23 9 PRS J ;, sc I sch 244,794 ---------------- arpin~~! K-etub.. che ~P. TvIwj pex I 33; pp .,0" e and Ecology of' the Hornbeam 9) in IAtvia, by K. Kirstein~ V. v Raksti~ Val NO 2., :251A 57-1 "1 21 i6stions in the Variational Theory of tl~ Equations in Locally Convex Spaces., L. &gel I son, per, LatviJas Valsts Univ. Zinatn. lyiol XXVIII3, 1959, N, 45-65. 60 701 67 3253181 ..... r7' I -iuss Viii, (LkZrMj), encyclopedia, V ol, DI VY 1-11,952, pp 1238-1322. x JPRS/SF-202,~ USSR Pol 141"a Lar 6~e) Latvju Iliciklopedija, INTY-5993) -Panoemger Airplanei by II.A. Roror b4, 14ureaty Leninsloov hemll lQ60, &A - Aerlo 61 may (NY-5993) Gas Fields of Gazli) by A.A. Bakirov 3M 9072 (py A W4ghtt(otza mid 1xvisibl-Cl W:Lrs~ I a g ko V.- r! Z:, J.I Rile zo b1c., Latirl JPAS 9W2 '1r A4 61 (HY-5993) Thira-iWIP.pt-bou of the Wter Raa,,Lation Bait of thp 11A Vernovo bj~~j 'lAureaty LenlnMwy Frordi, 19W. JPM 9072 Play bY SOL (Mr-5993) Al in suglying Radl., +ioll Belt) og Akn agperiment bk twro%tw Lentuokw Premii, 1960- JPRB 9072 (In-5993) tomatic.Systmo; b~r Ya. Z. 'esypidn. Laiuvaty Loninalwy Prmii,, ig6o 41M 9072 (NY-5993) f ~ 11 or tba Mil n tO OTOWOrld. (matt.=ntic, or hiktheld Theory), ~y Yu. V. Novnzbilov. JM !M2 set I"! PI L'At ol.:acos ~hl V. 410i. C".1c rllys~: kill vt Aid j,111 1-104. 11002693507-V 07 on b Grdund, shey,, 14 pp. Arctic RU$51ANj b~ N. N. Zubov. b,.1c; Lay Arktiki, 1945, pp 1-67; 123-198. *Naval Electronics Lab (In San Diago, Cal) Sci - Ceiaphysics Aug 60~ Info fio~ Hol~on 3/8/60 Arctic~~ le N. N. Zubov. RTJSS1AN,1~bk,jjAy Arktiki, 1945, Chap IV, pp 67-123; Chap V.,~~Chap~IVI, 15?-153; Chap VIIJ; JX; X; XI; XII; PP 239'.3150; Chap XIII. GB-2595.,Z93jC2 (In Navy HO) Sci - Qfiophyl,~Pics Aug 601 also P~~O~~198-352 which overlap some of' above, is done as GB-2595A93 of 0.1mic rMjs+,Ixmj, by ;j C,4 p ms~jojp..bl~; TAMY &tUMP -10W Amor HoUlaftl a Ombr.OL(4p set sow j!P 'tiso of Sea Water,, ObVier 1./25 pp. b .~, Lldy AMWds 1*,,! Amer moukoml soc Af CwhVldip Bma Canter ion s A~ ZAA)d~ IqI (Author's by N. N, 9 act C~ im 60 Lidy Arktd&.. 1050, ................. Awr metwoml soc A7 C=bridw Me 6 Wei can i btroducuoub by Elo W. ZhjbOV2 L'4 AVkU%li, 1945,, AIP CorlbrUlp lbs Cercter j7 % hy) by So R* Zuboir) 9 ppe r, IAUI MoccosTy 1945t PP 353-357- Air Res and Dev C,%=md S~Idntdllc - Oeophysics T,163/DEX I Curd~].ev:~'~'~nd Prfftntive Aspects of Public Health ~ic for Rural Population, by 1, 1. Rozenfeild, e, pw selltkop~" ma"I"rye, MOSCOW. l9ss. PL-480 OTS 63-11068 A 3 Alf -7 I I Ttio SUctio4MAMPS, * ~141 ~11` =4*100: , Pi t '-~t,,Mte np - - - I : I I 1, - -7. 11 I . ~ i !~ i I I! i i iej TMO,~s VostOk First I-Immod Space Ships, I-~l i ~~ I 8i ly, I!' Premier 'PIPS THE THIERAPEOTIC PROPERTIES OF IONIZED AIR, BY S. N.i,INOGENOVj 69 pp. RUSSIAhlj BK~ L I ON I,Z I ROVANNOGO VOZE i~A KIIEV!91~9911.-- :83. P JPRS 15955 SCI -;GEOPHYS NOV 6? 2161263 al -A:fru ppa blucip 11951(~ The Itioloa &M IMbogmests of 1. T. Bt&Mttnkoll A. 0. Diarlit"j, 5-98o 1015-U3,, Uk-U5. US M104433 FM pr A citte byi~id. P, jfl Rti3i System atul Methcds of Treatment for Chronic Dysentery ft Adult Patients,# Mb-MI-M Infek1;sI2RUkh Bol'2& crA/YoD Tr 474 A47PI(Olal *,dicine) infectious diseases 72/$eP 55 (Fm 21~58) i Levm~~'etizi~ in the Mreabwnt of Dysentery Patienta, by 04'' lkb~km* A* Is Koldbkomp RUSBA~., bki Lecheniye Infaktai=lykh Bollpykh.4 Moscqw~ 1953j, pp 21-32. crA/mD Tr 474 USOR Sai ).iedi~*ne, infectious diseases m 72/Bep 1,55 Tba of DysentAtry Patients With the SOVP totic Grizeadus by T. F. Palltseva., BUSSX=j, bk,, Lechent" leektai.onnykh BollnYM mosclim 15~3, VP 5;0-()0 - CIA/FM Tr 474 act -J~UedUiue# infectiow dimm-ases 72 ~55 M 'Alelp (FI)D 24858Y The Treiatme~t of Fooa Toxico impect-lons and Botuli=., BO*mukop by V. Russ b !~~he InfektaimpyA Bollnykhg *N 9&U pp CrA/nD Tr 474 MSR Sci kedl~inep infectious diseases Cts 103eP ~~55 etiul,tu the Trewtmeat of Typhoid Fever w 'sp V. I. Bondarenko, m BWOW# b~o: Lec~p~ WektslouUY-.& BoI'MLJLhj9 moscowl 1MO PP 72-90. CXA/FM Tr 474 uss i Sci i4edl~i:nej, lnfwtiou diecaaes Pol/ CTIS ~08ep W? Treatme,. of Ambiasis Patianta omd Ferroua Suffiring Flnn Obber Meatiml Protowic Diaeaseqp by A4~, E~Idbkmjs RUMt# bl Lecl!!!!~= Infekbal Bol nylib) MOSC 1953,. pp 91102. CTA/FM Tr 474 USfm Sai i, iVpdJ,,4nej, infectious diseases CM5 .:72/Bep 55 TredtwW4 of Infectious Diseases in USSR, 98 PP. RUBSIANp~bk# Lecbenlye Infeld*OjQ"~BOl'UYkhj 3# PPT:328 50-1(X 243-278- cTA#m) Tr 474 LEM sc 1*4cine, dysentM,, botulisms, typhoid fever., a0biaelz, other Protosmal diseases, tularem" CTS!72/8~p 55 (FDD Gaa Guigrenpp by Pe G. Tkachev,, -t bk~ Infektsionnykh Bollaykh, RUSSTAIJ Lechenim MCGCOW)" 1953j, PP 15U-1630 cikA?DD Tr 474 Sci -~~cina, infectious dismses (FD14) ~24858,) T136~ ~rent.~ent of Tularemia Patientso by G. P. Rudn~v, RM~Mjj jbkj, Lecheniye Infektsionnykh Bollnykho xo~c~wv ~953,o pp crA/jTD Tr 474 00 k~o S~il- Y16'aicine,, infectiow diswzes i CTS~ 72j~e~ 55 I P (Fm 2-4858) Tbe~ Clinical Mawfestations of Chronic MWJU Tuli%~~' by V. I. Kumetoova., Rtwvjp I)ks Wektisionnykh Bollmllb H046~vs 1?53s, PP cmfinm Tr 474 UBSR sai Hedicims infectiom diseamm CTS 72/* (FDD I M. Vaccine Thempy of Irularemiag by L. C Ago bko Lechenja Infektsionnykh Bol'uns ri, i�53j __PP___ -%be. akfim Tr 474 Scl, Meclicinev infectious disease Ct Y2/9~p 55 The Ibf6l im A# 1~1 KM 71 =e at Vitsmius 0 ajad B1 in Certain Disesseop by So Ya. Bakhmutskaya,, Id Ivfektsl2gykh Bollukho pp 267-278* cu/nD Tr 474 (NY-6503) Trfmitne#~ of Carebro-rascular Diseasea Wit4i 16DIi'tr"t m6oriiexa With the We of a--v lim-ugs, ~ 1 by 7~ M. kmhchilcov, 0. K. Mirasov, pp. Zabi( aounnw~ muse.1 a Pam !'Naraaberdyamd., 1960., pp 3-371, ims i4,.)-o6 I 2~10 :31-10LI Tri sci 2-2 I'Cb Vol Zt,*L1 'Ll ~e Prop~i~-~ie-,,~ Origin and Disappearance of Ice., by P. VC,,1-riberg !,,!(Weinberg), 39 P:[). (Excerp-ts) JSSTM)l k) LA 96,,*65 Uid. Svoiststa Voznilmovenie i l.schczno.vcnie 1.0, !3P Il- 177---915, Ai,.i,!r Metcorol Soc AF Cwnabri(jZe 'Rou Ccntcr T-11-101 L Gc-.-)j-,bys:Lrr- 00 P. at AND Gorlenko. S. M. TS DYNAMMS. (1963) 23p k~ or ETC $2.60TT-63-2D479 Voznikovenie I 1940 Ichap. 141 Sclenteal-F Physical propertles. TT, v. 11, no. 2) TT-63- 20479 1. Veinberg, B. P. 11. Gorlenko. S. M. Ill. Title: lee ... ofte d T-h.;cof gcrvkxt ~ 63-15136 !! mwMenskil. P. L ;ANIZAPC!~ OF, CaREAKER SERVICE IN TIIE 1. Title- Az(,vFk%i :StAS (Orpnizatstya Ledokol'nogo CK ~~, ~~OV I . %fomwsunhi, P. 1. ~ Y Cbevwm I A ,$4kcxn Moryakh) tr. by 11. Title: lcebteA-ei ... lp~ HOTrans. 170. - " 1962(~ M. Title- Trud% J ,r from OTS or SLA $2.60 63-15t36 W. 110 Trans - 170 ~ Le"ol'noe Q u ot m6t~ IoAlcebraaker Service) V. Naval OL-C,inographic Wa Offic hi t . . s - - " e. oll, ng Komlieu ffarC&ig6--- dy Ntiuc*7ft4*~-0 w ilssarfa6 PiAef Soic6shcheimlya no. 5) n. p. , 1925. L 2? P. 27--"51. CWTOM *Ice6r~akera, *BlackSea, Naval ~~ ' 1 41111'( l ke, ~Mrboru. fc-echarts, *vr arizes ~e dates of freereti s and break p p of Ice, 09 ration o( Ice period in ous ihe Bain and Azov Sees, such as , ~ ~'' a -rr 10 h w no 1)(ove b S o . ce . e t , , y, p Offirt o1 TeckkiJ $trvke3 12 59 ~4 Lou at seas by M- B:- vervaLli) Imit Vii TAMV-" BA JdWj-,to 42-12; W- -909 CTAIFM U oat M. 59 ic ~inlng of Aluminum li . the Sptem b i 'k. Mtnikov, g. N. S. Fbrtunato-.- n '5*PPi rrp Lcgkle f-latulp No 7-8ir 3-932s vp 24-27. MA IR -2586' 5- 7e It ircial Produation of' Aluminum- ,oy,s at the Duleper Aluminum , V. N. Verigin, IL2 pp. or,, LegIde Metal.. Vol 111, No 10, -96 -, SEA R-4-53 4~j I., 9^.,f -~-61 Praill !Results of the Opayektion of the Mepr by A. M. rrkzp*., 10 pp. Ruasi.Aii, vjij~, ~q~Q-Matals Vol IVP 1933; PP SIA R-' .11287 AUA:,59 '75. 7/ 02 mpArlooll of ods of 0-4 erixting mn Aluminjum M6tb eetrolA io by J, A. Berrackbaln, G. 1. VII SSW, ITFr, L~glde Mal, Vol M 1935) PP -23., 59 SrA R--O~ e7-7 7 -