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Dohlus, Horst Greater Volunteer Activity, More Effective SED Ideological Work C&U,.d For. 7 pp IMNEUT j Ust Berlin 9 Vol 28 9 ND 10 9 Oct 1973 0 1Ipp 117-22-.1181. im 60678 Waldo# Womer Increase of Labor Productivity insufficient Despite Party Efforts. 9 pp KNELT. Elfft Berlin, No 10, Oat 1973. pp 3.VJ2- W---- 3 -1 JM 60630 Boyer, J-J* SaieAlflo-Technioal Progress Requires Effici*nt PAnpmsr MarAgement. 8 pp QWT 9 East BerUnt Oot 1973t pp 3.191-3-197. JM 66636 Doehring. Rolf Youths lack Adequate Knowledge of GDR's Sooi&Ust Himtory. 8 pp EWWaT, East Berlin, Oct 1M, pp 1209-1217. JMS 60740 Facts, Figiares on Development of Agriculture Comoiled, 7 pp. EINHEIT, East Berlin, Oct 73, pp 1238-1251. JPRS M908 Jan 74 Rninhold, Otto 3ET) Official Kxnlatns Plast-West. Trade, 7 pp. RINHEIT, East Berlinp JPRS 923 Political 1jeasons ror Nov 73,, PP 1308-1316. i Ja n 711 Ebert, Georg Priority of Capital Goods Over Consumer Goods Justified, 11 pp. EINHEIT, East Berlin., Nov 73; Pp 1326-1333. PRs '09r)8 Jan 74 Schulze, Hans-Guenther Concentrationg Specialization Termed Basis of Agricultural Developnent, 11) pp. EINHEIT9 East Berlin, Nov 7.3, PP 1334-1341. JPRS TIo82 Fab 74 PrIedrich, Werner Doubts About GDR-ITSSR Technical Cooperation Criticized, 9 pn. EINHEIT, East Berlin, Nov 7-3, PP 1361-1366. JPRS M959 ,Ta n 74 Witmer, Otto FornIn Minister Dismisses International Position, 12 ,BINVEIT, East Berlin, Vol nn ,JPRS 61061 GDR Foreign Policy, np. 28, No 12, 1973, peb 74 Pedoseyev, Petr Nikolayevich Soviet-GDR Ideologiies Emphasize United Communist-Socialist Action, 15 pp. EINHEIT9 East Bnrlin, Vol 28, No 12-73, pp 'M-1372. JPR3 61011 Feb 74 Dubrowsky, flans-Joachim Policy on Participating in CEMA Projects Explained, 6 pp. EI~HEIT, East Berlin, Dee 73, pp IJj6-1469. JPRS 013 Poeb 74 Weiss, Gerhard CDR CEMA Ronresuntative Stresses Commitment to Tntev,ration$ 12 pip. EIMIETTI Rast Berlin, Jan 74, pp 24-33. 7M U-67 P 9 6 Me P 74 'Thieme, Bernhard Work of C04A Agriculture-1 Combine Described, 7 pps IEINHEIT, Eant Berlin, Jan TpM-n2 98 Machinery Coordinazor 74, PP 34-39- r1s) 1- 711 Gruener, Gerhard Efforts Toward Coordinated MiIIA Planning Explained, 9 pp. EINHEIT, East Berlin, Jan l,b.,, pp 95-100. JPRS 298 Mar 74 Kosing, Alfred SED Again Rejects Possibility cf Lbified GermarW. 6 pp EINBUT, Eatit fierlin. Feb 1974, PP 179-186. JPRS 61737 Doebler, Martin Development of Socialist Consumer Demand Discus.sed., 11 ipp. RINHEITp East Berlin# Vol 290 No 3-74, PP 3211.- 33P-- JPII.S 61910 Ail 711 Raupachp Rudi IMP10MOTItat;10rl Dismissed, 10 BINTISITO E'ast 1 pp 333"310. JPns 618AB of 3ocialist Cultural I)olicy pp. Berlin, Vol 29, No 3, 1974) 'TI 11. '711- Ebert. Fidedrich local Represer&ation lAsousned an Bude of Socialist Domoorsay. 3.1 pp 0 ,,qe4OE&mt Berling Vol 29, No 4s 19749 Z pp 3 3* JPRS 62159 WeichibIts Volfgang Quality. of Workers I Minction in SULU Management Discussed. 10 pp 0 akot Berlins vol 29, No 4t 19741 pp 404- JFRS 62159 voc-lisp 4 Joint rlnnninr I)s).qrribod, -,:ast lint-11n, 7 or J,octtl AuhhovilAos, () -,n* Anr 7)1, w) )1,12-)1.17. GDR Leader Emphasizes Need for International Communist Conference, 14 Ppo HINHEIT, East Berling Vol 29, No 6p Jun 74, pp 649-o659- JPRS 62474 Artist's Personality to Be Developed Individually, 12 pp. EINHEIT. East Berlin.. Vol 29,, No 6,, Jun 74., pp 727--732. JPRS 62521 Oct 74 Development of Now State Enterprises Revie-jedl 5 PP. EINHEIT East Berlin, 7PRS A15 Jul 74, Pp 871-875. NOV 74 /0 pp' 0 f)270 ri,monomic Growth-P Acouraulation Fon6.4t '0' D'i s pp . Flein, ')ietnisr I ";Ast Germs n A n, lys is of Chins I s Development T,Toward MRoiam, 12 pp. FITTITIT, 'Rast Berlin, Vol 29p 'Nfo 8, Aug 74, iTP 1647-992. . TP T?S () 13) ~ 8 r)(,c 74 HOTIOV"'ro-11, CDT? Leaders Roview Progreso on Evo of IDR Anniversary, 43 m). FUTIHNIT, East Borlin, Vol 2% I-To 9/10-74, Sep- U6~, V"'. PP 1027-1037, '9'25P J PRS I "r -ov 711, F, o 2*, L, u ra-l"'y Cull.'.".'e (00"4-arY ROviews 25 Years of Progress, 9 pp. PIPMBIT, 'E'a3t Be,-ling Vol 29, ITO 9/10-74P 3OP-OC7 74, IT 1070-1077. XPTRS (13359 Dor *01 T l7y"T 1 1 Reinhold, Otto Dlaturimg SociRlist Society Makes fligh Manago- ment Domanos, I? pp. EMMETT.. Rast Berlin, Vol 29, No V10-74, Sep- Oct 71.1-9 pp 1116-112.c% TPIM 632519 17 "0v ),I. Devolopment of ('~DR Class Structure Discussed, op. Y',Ij ~!TIFIT 3t t3orlin SeP-Oct 74, PP 1145-1153- 7M-77262 Lornnz, I 77DJ Growth, Influence Described, 5 pp. ; RIMUT, Emst Rerlin, Ser-Oct; 74, pp 1154-1161. JPT3 77348 p P 0 c, '~7 11, TI T .11 `71 7;17!ri~ Detedl "d apacdIN5, Undiriq~s' -,111d,46 MM NO M Bj.WAC EMU] j*W,=' DU WUM P-43. 1973., PP. 32 TTi *-NASA F 1~W( SZABrZk=a VMrD 111INZO UVWX ZRGrBNXSM ZUR WFORM TUMULWIR SrRa=M WV GASM 57AFS Y&RUMUCHIR XCIS, ABRADMOR MR MISCED AUXXT MR WISSUSMAPM ZY DIRUNO XLASSF FVR M12MMA7XX* PBZSXX IND MaWAY11 -/-/10630 V-0100078 SOMW MW "Outts in the tuory of tw*uunt fuO of gots with striongty vowing &*Wil*. pp l-2dOJdmVmg 2902x*NASA 2T F 3595300 AU)b DUnKSCIRLIFFENIt-l" 7 it IV0144 10001 A montlel, ~cairl',,6 for A* doterminaton of them &6tribution of clantle sedibeln'te thin sections pp 24 49 U.9. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRAKf ON LOAN NATIONAL TRANSLATION CENTEM 57=,980 IIRZNS"Z ZZMFACUR YMBAVDGVRAIrM ZUR SWLVRJWC DXGZrA&6r8ZSMWR AIFAZAMTSZGFA.'Z'll Use of siVIs t4W~ mombre for stopLV of aYgitaUsed ~ 4mtof *ipatf# 17'pp., ~i Borgobt No* 7/7J0 INAVA IT F 1606700 BuSLwAr&, Ismiko at al. 1968 nwto-deccapomItIon of aldrin (Arudorin no koburdml) .gAse-iJWk%. (jour. or nyll. own.). .1,~R). kvP- in Japuwso- V.iad1tvd transI. by TMrwI. ftr., ftn. UmS. MY., Dept. of M. of 3tate of Varaft, for Dept. of Enviran. Ouna6a Centre for inland Voters, box 5050, Hurlinstim, Ont., 1973. as TraMl. No. 141343, 100., typosaript. I 9 K A Pojkta, Hasshika. Akio Ishii, and log ~onvjl SakRpml Thoto-d 0.91tion of 9ndrin (rndo3,in no kobuniml) Elsel Kc.5:,;7jo-ar. of Hys. chem. ). 4P. In Japenede. Unedit0d trawl. by Traml. Dur., I?Sn. 14M. DIV.. Dept. of Sao.0r &tat* ,f 09"Ada, for Dept. of Hnv1pan. Camda Centre for rnla-md Watem, Box 5050, furUnSton, Ont-, 19M as TMMI. wo. 141)44, 11P., typescript. T-17- 17' 177 IWO. "I"aim bc- do AL WIWV wr 0 14. 14 erird.4at 0 iiean A+o ' DOt n of the irAc Nuinberf I ~ In;. ; H*' "' - e AlloyVi( (juantitative icroprobi-Analys,is LRH !I~EISMJ C 4! Vol. 44, No. 2. Feb., 1973, pp.143- 1147. 7 *BISI' ',1449 . . . . . .. . . . . GERMAN Eisenba"A,in-jahrbuch 1974 Pgs 5, 9-35, 58-77, 85-90, 104-109, 159-167 DIA LN 105-75 German Title: Jahrbuch des Eisenbahnwesens 74 Article: Die Eisenbahnen der Voll:srepublik China - Geschichte ihres Werdens und ihr heutiger Zustand Pgs 168, 170, 175-182 DIA/LN 335-75 Estimated completion date: 26 February 1975 GEHMAN EISENHAIMPHAXIS pps. 116-120: pps. 126-128: Ul'i LN 616-73 East BerlinU 41(jazine. dated April 1973 New Hegulations Affecting rail and road Transport of Dangerous Cargo. Utilization Pian for Self-Propelled RH Caris. (Jul 73) Schouner, Gornot Railroad Grade-Oroasingp Othe'.* Safoty Ilazards Pointed out, 5 pp. EISENBATIN PRAXIS, Bast Berlin, Jan 74, PP 10-11. ,TPITS 6 M5~ Apr 74 Alcohol Abune ill Railway Work .3corocl, FISENIA1.111PRA""TS, 167. 7ft!lt BinT-1111, MY A, JPRS 632911 o pp. 1)-,) .1",)6- Dvc 7!1. GLHMN East !!grlin OIL t:l!iLNkWIKfIXIINlK Ma~jazine. dated April 1973 pps 157-159: Llectric Traction in Container Trans- loading Stations. pps. 160-163: Luropeqn Contai.ner System; P~anned De velopment. in Yugoslavia. DIA LN 615-73 (Jul 73) GLH14AN East German Publication: We Lisenbnhntechnik 1. pps 204 thru 207; Article: Ileak p ,2rfomances of Shuntinu yards. 2. pp 220; Article: Berlin-Moscow Contaiver traffic. oate of Pub: kay 1973 I'lace of Pub; Last Berlin(., WA LN 15-74 (A u9 73) GERMN -. Die lisent May 1973. -2079 220 .Shntachnik pp 204 DIA LN 1,5_74 (Sept 73) Sol i.e. a., The A ~16~ieiitl.an'd, tuirt~drl D6vsilopment of the"*~ uall Bali service Properti ano Jes of Moder Rail Q S' tee 64, :F.TR_E=NB4UiNTECHN. RDSCH) 19711 Nos.1/2, Jan- F. lilwoafacturc of Railo. ., No 1/"~ ll~'~ljjall/Fo E.T.R. ElSr,.ilBAIH FIT, Cl fil ... IMBCIi. .1) )p -, 1" 79 V- i BISI 107-1.11. supt I -) ., of tu M al), '!' ' Ae"ning of: a S1 ai s i EISENN~','IN&6 BIST iOi 767 "FIX ftoporti A~d ~V 4h ro Minimi~m Stftngi, 10 kp/MM2 HNISCHE RUND. 1972 M -176- ay, pp -',olA .(, -ions nf,.Lab. Vt-T-25 922n/1534 11, 9 Apr. 1974 1,1 cuo, C min All.nr der ki I :itralax.,Il, 1070 ilante-up,lcavo ,,,,)ace trx-,sli-t.o C.,~otk.- of -_i IIEZYOGAKU ZASSOT11 720 V0030A N0003A Chsm~mZ somwo of pPotsim in dtoul md food setinoted with Pao Is tabts of axim) aoid oontent of foodi (2070). Awt S. Mendcat siaoms of prottim iV"ted by 7apmmp povp?4),p pp IU-14#,Nre 74-11486-00500 Title!, Eier,cito, No. Articles: Pcis 3-16, "GALIA TV" Primera Recdon 415, August 1974 EJercicios Militares desarrollacion en la Militar Pgs 30-34, Organizaclon La Compania Heittrans portable LTA LN 341-75a & DIA LN 341-75b Ertimated Completion Date: 28 February 1975 SPANISH: Ejercito, Mar '~?4. np 1.9-27 DIA LN 458-74 (aporox. 10 pp) Jun 74 riussiAx, CSO: 8344/0063 1'5 23 July 1974 Echoloclation in Nature, by E. Sh. Ayrapetlyanto and A.11 Konstantinov Leningrad, Ekholokatsiya v Priroda, 1974, pp 1-512 Please Publish and include reproB. They would like a PRIORITY on pp 3371-446 GOLIAND B. B. //EKO/I - /--/i9?4.V---INOO041 slopmnts, Forecasts :L6 pp JFRS .63807 PP Orlo-0084 in Fermur, Metallurv 11 1 ~ I I 1 111 krl :,, 11411* 1 I Io t, e I A%orl IA 1!; 1 1 lc t. r0 ;I I. I -4 A A I : It- IL' rh. jr .;w~ o j, It ~& !u 1, 1'.. 1 303 1 z;.e- wu :Nr3. ;'I voors" ;1 01. FA (22 P r Aleksakhin, R. M. Application of Principles and Methods of Radioecology to Solve Some F'ressing Problems of Man's Influonce on the Environment, 13 np. EKOLOGIYAp Sverdlovskp No 4, 1973P PP 51-56. NO '0"0 [ Tan 74 RUS13UN coot 8844/2008 7 May 74 Socialist world - search and decision. Prague, EkologLya i ]2olitikap 1972p PP 113-61 Please pubHah. Kielczewski A Problem of Predation of Barkbeetle Eggs by Mites. Ekologia Polska, Seria B, pp.161-163, 1966. �"p-p-- *NTIS-TT-73-54044 may 73 Hillbright-11koinks, Aim, and rAsIxi4irs Males 1967 Hotbeds of ss~iustlng proftotion and blowws, and am* problem o? qantitstive caloulation vistbrAs of sooplankton (Motody oasny produkeJA I blowasy orait niektor* probloaW mto4ki lloxclowoj !~rjjlw*torru) ~XkologLa Polska, Berle D", 1(2), 159-ITI. In Pol!sh. Tsiml. by Trwal. LUP., ftn. Lar4. DiLv.,, Dept. or sov. or State of cam6x, tar Dept. of Inviron... MM (Aada Centre for Inland VsOrs, Barlington, Ont., 1973, as Tranal. Berles No. 2751, 119p., tyMeript. Avall. on Leon - 1IMP1, Wash., D.C. -j A -it A 011wics, Z.M. 1969 Utillution or piriumv production by plankton commers dependIng on the IwWth of the food atsin (Wrkmrastanie produkoji pi*rVbtr*J Ppass konsumtov plaMorxwch w maleanmoi od d1vosal Isnauehl pokarcOnao) 12(1): 63-70. rn Foxish. Tmrw 1. by Trons 1. Pur. , Fgn. Lang. Div. , rlspt. of Sea. of MU of Canada, f sr Dept, of ftvIrm., IMW 0*,4e&t Lakes Mel. Lab.. Ihmkiratton. Ont.. 19T3, so. TMMI. 597106 No. 2660, 150.. tYVw"crIPt- Avail. on L4*n - )IMM, Wash., D.C. Original AdIde ChockedP9 do Poltoraska, Joseft 2969 FW%*qIw*tVn qwtl*nts " indleate1q) ftP 69termuntion of the txvphlo status or a body of wat4pp (VapolosymikI fitoplaw*tonowe jako mistoft okiroslania stoWda trotlearmal Orodo'.414k wodVWoh) mwloslt Polska, SaPIO B. 11(2)t 119-128. In ftlish. Tmael. by Trwwl. Bur., ftn. state or camad%, ror Dapt. or BlolLmoX0111 JAb., BwWeton, No. 2712, 16p., typescript. Left. Div. , Dept. of Be*. of inviron., PM Orat takes Ont., IM, as Twal. Sories AVILIL aft L*&ft - MMM, Wash., D.C. Article Chetkod.*1 d IODI LCM of' thi Fis 0 in pul TO rap py 'IKTOPMUP11A.POPULIATS11 RYS V 4)~ ~~O~D%JIRANXEISJJCHAKY. 270 pp (pp298-217,4nd 234-259 P9903 W-Udy translated) *NTIS TT-74-52004 011wics, al4uLdrw rakoloj 1969 Me hod amroos of lake sooplankton (FIRBA PaMirnava sooplanktorku josternago) --j(3): 205-2113. Tn P9110h. ;Kp~oI4,~alsks, .11sris B, Ir Trans). by Traral. I'lur., Pgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sao. of state or cangda, for Dept. of Environ., FM aroat Lakes Biol. Lab.. UpIlrWton, (tit., 1972, to Transl. Se:plos No. 2716, 40p., tyj*script. Avail. on L4xkn - NMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Chocked. Py~jhkc~i,. V.A. 15-11 Aye or bacty Ir.-r%gth and vplr~,ht of rur scala of Semi 131mici 1.3cologila. (1~. an.-Fcb.; 1(12-105. In Ifusslan. Transi. by Cormultants Pureau. 19'jR, 3p., pmovast-d. Avail. 30naultarits Bureau for $15.00. Avail. on !,win N14F3, Wash., D.C. '101'LJ*V, V.M. 19'! 1 Pee,wAo of the 1wrbor seal ;,~koiogLjm, (2), mar. -Apr.: (,2-'1o. 1 n Runtian. Irrans 1. oy Consultsuits Bureau, N.Y. , 14 -Y - , 197t, 7P- , processed. Avall. Comultants r"jrpau for 415-00- Avii I I. cal Lodli - HMPS, Wa3h. . D.C. I I , 11''J -.;t- "'. ...ur i t i. A!-*. '' - ' -11% 11 so v . 1111 - A - A - Poir I tj -P .j.rds (ii the lWal 1 'a lal IS (. 11A.A:(ji -:hls li.-linootl I perapektiv:.r rcist:i Bt.,o,,f, ;!-oro,, A-al kodlroli tin ~urltlsiJkh F.V(sloelLs. (41: OTIS --rT- 74 5-00~ EXON and ECON FiZe together by the next word Rugs CSO: 8144/0322 22 August 1974 Economics of Automobile and rractor, by B.V. V.asov et al Moscow, Ekonomika Avtomobillia TK!Lktorno~ '0v i Promysh I ~~nn-o"OTT-,r973 18. Please Publish 'iPlease send advance copy !T/D 20 September 1974 7;T -7 qLbII ot 261, ar EKI*om cc US 0A WT2&MG6T,I: mom.. patim. I:=9- IW2 'I-3'fO L~~-IIMCMT- AIR/FTP -214-~291-73 "quSSI" kp~"b' . "I CSO: 8344/0211 2 August 1974 The Economic Effect of Aerial Applications in AgricuIture, by M.I. Slavkov Moscow, Ekonomicheekaya Effektivnost' Primen- eniya Aviais y v Bel'akom Khozyaystvye, 197U, pp ~-4) 196-IU7 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft only Solnyahkov, Yu. S. Econonic F&ctors and Armawto 28 pp FAffORY I - ",PUWTVV, 140300we anwima-YE 19736 pp It 2, 319, 3-5, 6-20, 95-105. 115-117 jpw 39301 Solnyshkov,, Yu. S. Economic Factors and Armament. 67 pp EKONONICHESKI FAUORY I YMOZIMTEP mosecowt 1973, pp 21-94, 106-3-1k. JPR9 59750 oll"it,h RUSSIAN CSO: 8144/0078 I August 1974 Technical Progress Ik Prices, by Yu. Yakovetz Moscow, Ekonomicheskaya Gazet!.~, No 20, May 1970 Please pubV.sh VD: 8 AuguL'-- 1974 P. Sudi lovipkiy Suoosssa,u and failures Combine. 5 pp. SKONOMMENSKAYA GAUTA, MRS SOM at the Belorussian Potassium No 2,, Jan 2973,, p 6 P. Bagriy Task of Ukrai-nicm inatitute of sconanioe outlined. 6 pp. EXONOMICHMAYA GAZETA,, No 1, Jan 73,, p 14 IIPRS 60392 - UNKNOWN //EKONOMICHESKAYA GAZETA// --/0a/19730 V---- 9 N0002 Ferrous metallurgy 8 pp pp 2 ARM/FSTC/HT-23-1820-73iY# Role of Competition in Plan Fulfillment Aressed, 7 ppa RUSSIAN, per, hkonomicheaksyCL-Gazeta, MoBcow, No 2, Jan 1973, p 2. JPHS 0635 Apr ?3 Conference Reviews ilroblems of New Products, 13 pp. RUSSIAN , per, EkonomicheshMa agqj, Moscow, No 2, Jan 1973, pp 13-14. J M 56535 APr 73 Monomic Achievements of CEMA l4amber Countriet, 13 PP- RUSSIAN, per. Skollo 0 BMyaAaM , Moscow$ 4 12 No 2, Jan 1973, pp 206-21. JM 1;8651 Apr 73 Domestio Goods Trade and Servicea in most Areas of LWRp by A, levckmko , RUMIAN9 perp &2A"gMqkM Mgka,, No 31 5 Jam lq?~p p 19. JFRS 53898 the Northern.. 9 pp. Moscow. MAY 73 N&V &oree an natuml resouretes proteotion and use approved. 6 pp. EXONOWCHESKAYA GAZETA, No 3, Jan 2973, p 2 ,TPRS $44 Nwo procedure for aZZotting profits to bu4et pubZished. 26 pp. SKONWcX.,PVX4YA GAZETA.9 NO 30 Not's No 5, Jan 1973, p 22 jpRs K6796 Petroleum Industry Review, 7 pp. RUSSIANj pers Ekonordcheskaya Gazetap Moscow# No 5. Jan 197.3-s,-p-r.- jpRs .59158 June 73 Research lnto the 6conomics of' the Development of 60cialism, 5 pp, RUSSM, per, EkonorJ.cheLkVa, Ga zeta Moscow, No 6. Feb 1973, p 13. aRs 58362 Apr 73 Ferroua Vietallurgy Accomplishments Reviewed, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Xkqqomich9A!Ma 11as , Hoacow, No 7, 1~,73, P 2. im 93L" J'--tC -- llf -,~.31 06 -?3 j Far 73 AliLmment of Kolkhoz lncome Diticussed$ by D. vanin2 5 pp. PUSSIANp perp EkonomicheakMa Gazeta. Moscow, No 7, r-eb 19737,7197- ............. ~. JPRS -591614 June 73 Oil Industry Official Idsoussegi Counterplan, by L. A. Wchkov, 6 pp RUSSIAV, perv LkononigheisMa ~% 9 Loscow, No 8, 19 Fab 1973, p 4. JM 58655 AP10 73 Deteridning &onomic Effectivc;iw--c of Induatrial Automatic Control Systwo p 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ekon2g ask&-va, Oneta. hoacow. -QL No 8, Fab 1973, p 22. M 58680 Apr 73 Readers' Questions on Mlitary Service and Bene- fits Answered, 5 pp. Ono eqkjvLa Grajql~A, Moscowt RUSSIAN, per, - h No 8, Feb 1973. 1 . . JPRS 58737 Apr 73 Yawmat of Mm%bdan Forrousi )*tanurgy lWrovodg tjy Ta. KuUkavo 6 ppo RUSSIAN, per. EkonomiobuhM am*U, Monam, No 9o Feb 1972o p ?. ins "~q NW 73 Prineiples of Aa&U-sedg 14 Rusn". per$ So go 19730 p JHW 58849 EOMO)w I lkwount of Produoticm pp. Gaffidal P.DSQOWO mm9Awwim-- no 14LY 73 aungary Tries to Mechanize Corn Production. by V. Folyakov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN9 pert gonoidahe5fta Gamitat MOCCOITO no 9. z6 M 1973, p 20. JPRS 5861.6 APr D kAneral Fertilizer Losses High Due to Poor handling, by, Yu. eavlovskiy. 6 ppe RUSSIAN, per, &ohordoheamya cqzq~#- honcow, No 10, kAr 19730 p 7. JPks 58574 Apr 73. Refom Urged in Account Settlawnto Betwom %terprissis. %,w A. Cmidenkop 5 yp. RUMMO Fort &A--Ighmkm CWWA, Moscow, No 10, ftr 1973. p U. JERS 58849 M&Y 73