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WEILER, H. //DEUTSCIIE FOTS)CHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUPT- UVD RAUMPAHRT INSTITUT FUR CH91ISCHE RaETENANTRIEDE// --/09/1973,V----,N----, About the Uoe of Lithium-Containing Propellants in Rocket Propulsion Units with Flox as Oxidizer, 28 pp Report No DLR-FB 74-07 E-SRO-TT-87 mailable at NTIS PMO MWO rlmwl~1, p 31"tivam into ku pmals a, a ammt for atr M"msad I ;.J it OWWWtuaw symm as a sasuzoi N. //XMr= FOJWCVUAVW- OWD VSWUMAIMALT FVR LUM WD RAIWAURY X#SfZ?V7 FUR DYSANM WN PrIvasystRAVII .10012974,0 V-SN-0 Xmpromunt of ammPpmw in Of aPIKA&W fatOlUt", SO Report Numbolt DZUI-YB ?S-05,1 ORO MPSO VDIR PMW 927801 orb-it detorarinatilon PP, Bsc--DRRJ, 0. 11MYSCEr JPOAVSCNINW- UND FINUMAWSrAW PUR LUPJ6 UND MWAITRr MUM PO DRAW X WR FLUXY82TWO11 lofllov4,pv.*N..s Partodlo osd asoutw porturbatiomp of orbits in tu vioinity of Puwtao 41 pps Report Mu*or DM16" 7&028 zom W?O. oin)? no Navol SRAU.v G. C. 11MOSM PVJWCNUNW- LWD VNNUM-SANSTAW FUR roUF7- LWD RAWAFR7 JIMMY FUR DYNAAffX WR PLUGUYMAIVII 2%o 03ftwxoo of fUght mahmfoat parowtors on the armnt tjWso" of a horlsoostatZy startitV spaw shutsto o9th trafoo" t=d stmino cF*iwtxa*ivxvjbj ppo apeft mudwr DW-Fa ?"#'t ONO M-SPOORDNR mV #.?XSOO W4 J~ t, Imam mom" ~ -- i7 LV no lot Apne Arrsy/Itodstone P-O~ J: HIPP NO. 971-WIOO-00-701.6 Title OpttwsL Staging an6 TraZiectory for Horizon- tally Lawiched Two-'Itage Space Transpwtatton qystgzs. Author, DICKMAW I.D. et al. Source: Deutsebe forsehungs-und 'Versacbeanstalt fur Luft und Raunfebrt e.y. Institut fur DpWk der Plugeyotan,, Oberpad)tenhof~wj GcTmuy- tanpage: German /IV r .2 - 'A -7 Special tnstructimt Plewo forsualate. Idited draft culy. it's O&tv LEGGE 1 11. //DEUTSC11B PORSCHUNGS- UND VEF3UCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAU'MFAH11T INISTIT,~ FUR DYNAMAIK VERDUNNTER GASL.// --/09/197'),V---- IN---- I Drug Kerisurements, on Plates Parallel to the Flow, ~-:Lnd on Discs Perpendicular to the Flow, in Jui)ersonic Highly Rarefied Free Jets, 105 pp Report Noo. DLR-FB 73-17 ESRO-TT-91 available at NTIS JAk -R I D. //JEUTSOHB FORSCHUNGS- UND VER,~UCHSAVSTALT FUH LUFT- UND RAUMPAHHT -N,(")TUT FUR ELEKTRONiZ- UND 1ONE11FORSCHUNG// Influence of Gas Farticles Adsorbed on the Solid Burface and Influence of Structure on the Gas 6olid Inter-action MeasLxed by Nolecular Beam Scatter, 91 Pp Report No DLR-FB 73-14 ESRO-TT-81i available at N111i sammmmuNs L R. 11MYSM POWWOW- LIND WFOUCISAWSYM NVR LUF7- UND RAWANN ZJFS,*Z2V7 FUR IMROZIWAIFDLWG WD HLIATRUCO ANYRMIII -/vl/197dAv-,pm- -a amogrqho for geortatumov opulwt tmwfor by gotta%-Slootrto prc"Won't u Pro pApoft ft*or DAWD ?8.04,0 EBRO M?ls ORWR FROM nzs#o ngs. R, .r 11MOMM IPOMCWW- IND PSWUMAIMAror FUR LVM- Zffb RAWALVr ZNS,'PXWZ FUR SWAOXIVAINWO LID WKWOM AgrMUNII Atmfo 4dnVMs 05 ppo Rowt JIL"bap Dzn6ya m-740 WRO 2T.420ORWR P" Nrzsog 'Itip" ON Our 4 VA wwre sompAmrs'o so pro I~hv fmx MEERTt A. //DEUTSOHL-' FOR'43011UNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUIFAHRT IESTITUT FUR ENERGIEWANDLUNG UND ELEKTRISCHE ANTRIBBE// --/07/l973,V----,V ----I Calculation of Inductive Plasma Accelerators with Sinusoidal, Electromagnptic Standing .4-~ves for Continuous Energy Supply, 42 pp Report No DI-R-PB 7-5-108 BSRO-TT-76 EVailable at NTIS MY.' A ir I t- awh, Al t, t" let oi t;.,: A& 11IMSCS POPJCNUNGS- M YRFMISAMAN PUR LUPT- UND RAMURT X#87XM JFVR IFLUGUMAMil -/V 1/1 a 74,9 7- a if. a DuckliV, ton& of Avot motat ritm with ONVU alpmoformtiat seam - 37 pp, Jb:po, ftoor DW-FA ?$-M0 WRO 27-SSOOJWBR FROM iwxs#o ALROYsIV, IIZWLJTSCM FOZCUUJFCS- On VIRSUCIWAIMAM M UW-' UND R4WAUff IBM= FOR FLUGMUMAU11 lumav* in **rongth of heat~-r"Utwst aXwfr*- bm&d wtat joint* by ovoHning two aA"ives (A&"fvm omWaation joint), 68 pp, BApart murbor DLI%.FB 73-22,p aw rrisjORLWR FM Mfrs## arONAIISOO 0. //XffS= FORSCRUNGS- OD VIRSUOISAWYALT FM LUM- VIP RAWAFIM A-NS2T7LI7 FUR JfLUGJWRLFNG// -108110740 ConVanion systan for pioftm signatap 72 pp. fiqvr~ sumbor DLR-Nt# 7&k,.* WHO IT-friovoRXR FM m2TS00 DrORU,,R. 11MYSM FOJWCNWGS- UND MWOWAAMAWIFUR Off- WD R4WMff USfX27M YORPLUOMRIVOll D10(tal monomyo*mj, So ppj, impo" No* ma-mittom-sis WO MUOO)tDffR FMW MZSOO Bams L 11MMYSINN FORSCRUNGS- UND VINUMMOrAW PUB LUP7- WD RAWARRY ZNsrzw M PLUGARROG// -10#11#7,fSv-sN--s Short holl4ral ostmo with mot otrouz4w pokKxation beham~ow by op Wucting df4k at tu end of tho hougsol Fps Ropw* lu*sr DM6FB Mits JISRO 27-430ORM FROW NVOOO mrams V. IIWVZSM FORSCRU10- Ot VINUCESANSUM FUR LUJT- LWD RAU-VAURr ZNSrZTUr JPVR FL.WFORUNG11 -/03/20 740 V-0 A'--,p 7avNismeapia investigagiam on stoatrado and omventImal apokpit, S#pUW&, 54;pp, Report Number DM?.J7 7&27,0 )WRO MS0,00na mm PUSH BffsR,op. 11DELPISCM MOMMUNGS- LIND VERSUCKSMSMO FUR LUM- UND RAMON A-WS7XTUY FUR JZUGMRUNG// -103120?4a V--Sm--s Aoo"Mn*v of tvoWt dloptqe..SS pps Ripport sm*sr Mq-pa ?wj JWRO M-818 ORIWR FJVM.VfXBO 6TAMMOLMON. Ilararsaw Powcomo. uND virimammorar FuR r,UPY- LWD RAMMYRf INSrZrVY IFVR jvlUGndROGII -/08/10 74 V-*.*7-g Calmtatlm of interfamms of Ow hotiw look-gafn iwstonwjf? pps Roport.Wu*or Dz&.FB 78-0., JWRO 2T-27. ORIWR FROM Eff.100 RMORO Fps RODEWAlD, M. //DEIJTSCI-.'E FOR&':-'~CHUNGS- YUR LUYT- UND RAUMFAHRT FLUGFUHRUNG// --/11/1973vV ---- rN ----I WdOWWW Estimation of the Various Flare Profiles, Report DLR-FB '74-21 LSRO-TT-89 Rvailable at UND VERSUCHSANSTALT INSIVITUT FUR Churac teris tics of 39 PP NTIS -Ji lk! PLAETSMIKEt .0. //DF,UTSCIIL,' FORSCHUNGS- UND VBRSUC116AI4jTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUMMIRT INSTITUT FOR FLUGMILCHATNIE,// --/10/19T--9V---- ~N---- Studie".; on tile Uiiste:.~,dy Approach Metliod of Computing the Prictionlecs Flow Past Blung Bodies nt 3'upersonic Speed, 115 pp Rerort MTR-FB-7-~-10 ESRO-TT-81 available 2t NTIS K=XW,o 5. IIDZMLVN POJtgCRZWW- LIND YSAWVCF$AifSYAKt7 FOR LURF- EWD RALWAHR7 Z#fflMr FUR MOMN LED Aammuzill -/06/20 US V--.p N-40 Ame ahanudarletiat of a ptwnptrm, it pp. P.opwt lu*or ="eo 78-0$,~ IBRO 2T-SdsORXR FWM #AM## IIIN7,PETBRt U. //DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUYIPAHRT INS-TITUT FUR FLUGFUNK U14D MIKHOWELLEN// neal.-Time Measuring Procedure Equipment for Recording of the 2,--itterns of Aircra f+ Antennas Report No DLR-FB 73-97 ---/06/19T-'~?V---- ON---- ESRO-TT-711 available at NTIS and Measuring Radiation in Plight, 55 PP glum.' KOEHLBRo F. //DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS-UND VERN5UCHSANSTALT FUR LUPT- UND RAU`MFAHRT ii~s,rITUT FUR FLU SM ECIIAN II(// --/oi/lg.(.--., V---- 9N----, Optimum Transient Response Characteristic of a VTOL Aircraft with Direct Side Force Control, 83 pp Report DLR-FB 73-72 BSRO.-TT-79 available at NTIS LUDSAWO Ilawsair Posscutwo- UND VEWUMAIRAW FUR ZV77- LWO R49WAfffir X&SfX2W FUR M.GAWOM-111 . -/OC/lo n'0 V-0 IJ6.,p r'b"N'M Md mute Moxic'o so ppj, A"Pt Number brj?-Fs - 7849,9 Isfio rrrsPORJXR Jwom NYZS## SCHMUMBACIaX.P. 11DROSCHN FOROCELWW- UND MRSUCIIJAISMY "R LUM- UND RAUAWRY MUM FOR PIPMRATMIll Iffsot of precedIng sWesum to al',titude tm hios-pmswv &OOVmOsion ips ON) mts 46 PPO Report JR-j*sr DW-PB 78-87,g SSRO ff-.88,90KCR Fm Irran DA-&UCHO u9 //DlrM= rM&WWGS- M VINVOUSAIMAM PYR kM6 WD RAVAIFARfir MM" FUR FLPZff OrMill -10s11v?4j,V-sN-s irffoaft of t-lmw shift on the diou"at oxmwiat Odbm of go pp. Pape" I&O"r Awww n6oss WRO rJ684',O)MR, nm musio vy"Ovo I 11JUMSCAW FOAWCNLW(W- UND WASUMAN57AW FUR SWA- RAWAUff ZfSfZfVr PUP. PLMIDrllg// cumost msoovk om* at tu imtiw of apiwpaw mWdWxo. 270 pp, ibpdrt hw~" pzji6n MIS'o W.RO 'Nffi-UOORXR PWINSOO 16' liv mcm ALam - WO, 11DUMSM FO,,WIXL&ag- LNID YRFASWUMMY JFVP U94106 WP. RAWARAT ZNS7Z2W nM FGUGTJWZB- UND SIMAnwroryz// -1061,9740 Y-ON--a optimdxation of 4Wmonio f&wls b=ed an cr arid 04- Otff" bM OrWaffl9w, 27 PPI MO Mg?g OMR FRON 127SH jbpcot Nwoor Dmi-pa ?S-82 mof im A*M of. mm M, band as of ot ; fivu 4d"ft owcow*,Sa pps &i2 ?"to R IThe iiii ut 10' Flight Uecbwdes PromOnmig (08-1.0) ipd St !DFVLRO-- IT 1972.s.im. 97-117 It'14 TTIY,~-150'197 IIDIMM FMCNUNGS- UND YNASUCISANSfUr FUR LUJT- W.D RAWAURT ZiFSYXrUf FUR LUMMULMMUll A m*Wd of charwtoristios for tiWo-cUmnsionats stoa* aMpamosto flew in ro*Wn? md statimary .amutw oaa*adWpS6 ppv Jbpoft AWbOr D2613 73-14 JWRO M-448O)WR FRON ONSOO LIGHTFUSS 1 11. J. PORSOILIUI~%'13- 111~'D 7B.AbUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUTTFAIIIRT L~STITUT MR LU FTS --/O?/1973PV---- pN---- p Cz-lculatlorl Of the Flrule Suporsollic Flow Through Cascades U-c-Ing the Method of Analytical CHaracteristics, 114 pp Report DLR-PiB 7-3-311 ESRO-TT-79 available at NTIS k,60alb-ile, f low's Ove:11 eta-ite YJJ I - I Distributiori Timited to U. S. G,.)vlt ngencies only; Cop,r,fi,,,bt la~ronoatinn; other request for this docn- -mant mmst bi~- referrecl to FrD, The contents of this doctijoetit nrO -nnispected to be ad-,Jact ot copyright proto c~, I on. J al GRUNRY[ANNo R. //DBUTO)CHE FORSCHUNGS- U14D VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UYD RAUMFAIIRT IN5TITUT FUR LU2T!3TAAHLAWTRII,;13.E// Second Order Boundary Layer Laminars Compressible Flow Surfacest 79 PP Report lLR-FB 73-31 EBRO-TT-85 available at NTIS Theory for 5teady on Curved urA "-Vilil Ok IEU-rocmp FUSCIIUAt-B- IJ14D VXIOUCIISANSTAId FUR LUFT UITD RAIDIFAIR2 c-V.2 DSTMUT FLU! LUMTRAMAYERME. LICHFUSS. H. J. //DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS UND VERSUCHIANSTALT ruER LurT UND RAUmrAHRT INSTITUTE rUER LurTSTRAHLANTRIEBE// ---- 9 V---- I N---- Calculation of the plane supersoric cascade fl using the method of analytical characteristics 106 PP pp 1-114 AIR/FTD/HC-23-C691-74 Number 73-34t,,'" DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ONLY;COPYRIGr[T WORMATION; OTHER REQUEST rOR THIS DOCUMENT MUST REFERRED TO FTD## vid doomj of f~vm motfoos bohind a wNg Oot. 07J., pp., 4U-467 tt 1r&20& MA194CIMR,g H. 11DRUYSM FOWCULANGS- WD VENUMSAINALT YUP ZVF?- UND RAUWAYA? INS71TUY FUR AWMrNULA. 7// -10s1Iqv-djv-xm-,O CaLmUrting tho prasakm profile in oaviAss vith vxmCjq&" at aVarsentiatty-&-cIpping outaide pr"owv,oss pp~, Report Rimftr DMWT ?X-78,0 JTSRO 2T-820 ORIWR FMW NrZS## KALT9 A. //DEUTSCIIL--'Il FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCIISANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAMMIRT INSTITUT FUR RAUMSDIULATION// --/11/19701,V----,N ---- Investig,,ation of the Thermal Load of Rooms as a Result of Solar Raliatbn Through Windows by Laboratory Experiments UsinC Simulated Global Radj LtIODv 77 PP lieporl No DLR-FB 73-7'5 BSHO-TT-9"' available at NTIS dommR. 11MYSCAW FO)WCYiUNW- WD YSJWUCZISAIIS?ALr FUR ZPVAV7- VNP RAWAUff XNS?XWC FUR SArZLU2WZJVMZV1 -101611074,OV-SN-s Me migniftomom of stmMoth for the MUabiuty ~of *pump joint* ia szoaftwnics, 73 pp. jbpaft jUj"rDLfi6F3 ?"is irsRo 22658,9 ORWR rmw NTXB## NOVAKs Fs 11MOSM FOOCN&W(W- UND FS)FUCYSANSUM FVR ZVYY- LUID RdVWARRY XIISYZrVr IFVR SAULUAMMMIDMIKII -/03/19 748 V..* mo"P~o 'Co-board opfutors tmx& ix Wv, Isvolopwnt 10724, So ppt ITSRO Mies ORWR FWM.Nrxsoo MOW b&d Of HARM 9 PH. D//DEUTSC,IiB- FORS01HUDIGS- I FUP LUFT- UND HAUMPARI"IT SATELLITEN-ELECTRONIX// --/06/197;)'oV----,N----, Orbit Determiiv~tion for by Means of Doppler and Report IZo DLR-PB 73-1011 ESRO-TT-80 available at UND VERSUCHSANSTALT INSTITUT FUR Deep Sp,ice 1-.iissi=3 Han,,,;ingj 130 PP NTIS REQ'TR CHECK t-02-74 TH36 UNKNOWN THOMAS., FRED; RUDOLF WAIBEL GY: DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUnj UND RAUNFAHET. TAETIGKETTSBERICHTE 1972., LUFTFAHRTTECHNISCHER BER-EICH.P 1972P pp.* 383;385-386 2f ho own Dsv"fjHg FORSCMGS- IM -V2IwIXRU"TALT'~. FnR Lun-0. MW RAVWAOT.. TAETZGIMX".Mjacm :1q72.v:~LVMAHRTTrkQw.-PJCMR BlFJTQHJ 191%2s- yp REQ'TR CHECK 7-02411f,"i TH39' UMMOWN SCHATT, F; BIWENnRo A ;d GY: DEUTSCHE IFQftSCHUNGS-- UND VERSUCHSANSTAL' FOR LUFr-P- UND RALWAHRT. IAETIGKETTSBERICHTE :1972., LUFTFAHRTTECHNISCHER BEREICHP :19721 PP - 397-401 -7 LARMS R. 11MOSM FJWCVVNGS- UND ITMUCUSANSTALT FUR LUM- WD RAWAURT X#Srl?Uf FUR 7VOUL02FORSCRuifoll .10312974'Ov.'em~'O xmtfnwt~ox bohwx a fUw md a ivIbmtt" b4,0 74 pp, PAPO" tutor DLR-Fh 73426 BOBO ff-SOO ORIWR FM Inspo PWC,Vxo.t P. 11XVYSM PO)ISCIUNW- VND YSMUCNSANSYALT FUR LIVM WD MWARRY INSMW IFVR WAVROSPOWCHIM11 -10812974ay-ON-0 An evoWicn-Ussartming rouNno tv mpmoent nu*rloat data by arUtrwV fwtotl'aw, 64 pp. paport plabor DIJ96" 78-55. JWRO MOVIONAWN FRO orzoof JWXKSR.&T. IlXb?S= WFY- WD PMOV10- UND WNSUCISAWYAW FOR L RAWANRY ZNS22TUr FOJWCIOG// Inftumses of Ow prealpitatim f4tiPM fftOiUM SWTdM Of Mf 70760 Report N"Or AN-PB ?3-100j, XSRO M6140MR FROMONSOO PC IVIRMOM wkil"em on t& GTWfnf%W 4ZIOV T4 'KIWgin atkv i jbpo" V,! DIP.JS ?j6u iJIL' 61 1~ ig,'Ii h3 1 -Ii GALDAr K.H. //DEUTSOH~' FORSCHUEGS- UI\D V12SUCH6ANSTALT FUR LUFT- WID RAUA".',FMIiHT INS'J'ITUT fUli 4EAKSTOFP-FORSOHUiv'G// -97 -'; # V- - - - 9 L - - - - , lnvostl,~atlon,,: on the ln.:'luence of Temperature and Specimen Geometry on the Fiacture Toughx~ess Properties of TIA16V4,114M 124 pp Report No I)Lii-F.B 73-107, BSRO-TT075 available at NTII HIMMEL, 11. //DBUTSC"~ FORSCHUNG3- UND URSUCHSANSTALT FUR LIJFT- UND HAUMFAHRT LEN q..RALABT.EILUNG NIEDERGE.50H'iilNDIGKEITS-WINDKkNkLE// --/12/1972,V----,N---- * Description of the 6poondary Air Supply Plant for the Low Velocity Wind-Tunnel of the DFVLR at Brunswick, 46 pp Report lio. DLR-MITT 73-1h ESRO-TT-63 available at JITIS rY# T6 iv Os 16 Y ~E GEODATISUB KOMISSOM. Series B no tvq,, rans & 4 z) pp -i- io aWC~-TC-11960 DISTRIBUTI',ON LIMITED TO U*S, GOVT AGENCIES wolrrtm~ 0. Iterative Procedures of Adjustment by Indirect Obser- vations and some ExaMles of their use in Geodetic Posi- tion Nets 157 pp DEMSCIM GEODATISCHE -No. lllf~ 1~691,_ 93 pp mmc-,xc_lqo6 ":PERIES C: DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT. AGENCIES ONLY Chi a Theory for the Simultaneous and Terrestrial Gravimetric Data, NI. Miholcic, 128 pp. DEUTSWE GEODATISME KOMISSION, - rtati;n Ro 172, 1972. UM -- T C - 971- GOVERNMENT Wel- ' ' Evaluation of Aerial by Seriei C: April 73 June .19,73 Position-fixing by Hyperbolic Coordinates, by W. Ilelble. 118 pp. DEVk GEODATISCHE KOM BAYRISCUTO AKAD WISSEN. keihe C; DGertRibnon, No 176l M2._' - NAVY/APL/JIIU-T-2724 June 73 BMZXGm WILULN 11XbTSCM OCODAMOR AOAIUSSXONll bvtqawft of attlftter maoummmitv for the modot 'of the siwzo Lver of ths omthlo gravIty JUM in,~atsttite good"yg Sarl" Co IMAM tobJ DNIAAC-TC-1907 ppe SCHE JSSION. SERIES D.- 0 pages DISTRI[BUTION LIMITED TO U.S., G011T. AGENCIES ONLY Tho PP 332-i-139INTO TOIOT kf-~--- bis of Mineral Mal InIerse of lemistry., 74-20071-08M ,, -~, , " 1 . r .1 ~.:~ s; ., I- -*,~~- - '-. . i ~ .- ~V.. r~x Tmo, ON VE limputi, Z-j.Ttc-Protariiirie-Gllicegon., Pp 1-10-I'VOC 7 1 10 0 ji~ SAUERBRUCH,, T. //DEMscHE GESEIJBC&UT FOR INNERE M DIZIN. VERHMLUNGEN// --/--/1972jVWI8jN----j pp 1632..1633 investigations on detecting haa antigen with the la-cex test NTC 74-13888-o6A KNIC-RIKM, 11. J. //DELITSCHO, GESELT2CHOT FAR KBEISLAUFFORSCIMiG Vl,:WL4NDUMGMI// --/--/1972,VO0AN ---- ~ pp 0001-0021 The morphological foundations of cardiac hypertrophy IITC 74--13677-o6L, iiii ki~L~ ,p 4fij 'T F I is I off'. �r 11 7 post k.777 7 1~ ~la " - V", 17 Schweinfurth, R. Report on the dglr symposium flightmechanical simulation - on the ground or in the air. 246 pp. DEUTSCHE-G-ESELLS-CPHAFT FUER LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT 19/1, I-ZbJ pp. AIR/FTD-HC-23-1553-72 Distribution limited to U. S. Gov't agencies only; Copyright Information; Other request Tor this document must be referred to FTD. The contents of this document are suspected to be subject to copyright protection. c r SGRAFTEN. FLUCITE, REII"';' A. GLOWGIE UND r- ALE ','lN'rOLJQ*f El Vol. 1-6-1 p. IT-17 NTRC C-tl,ql)5 Lange , R. ll~ Airports in res onse to changing reqvirements DEUTSCHE GESELIECOHRAFT FUR LUFT .. UND RAUMFAH 0 1972. J-. TT F 141,925 may 73 D~i -2B- A TTIT-I. 4 A DLR 'T A'TT il.-~ lue, dtil'(Vdt I imp -15 3.72 Owl 0l 3.9",2 Bie Ufe Zdta S. A. Stol airaraft with machanioal high lift systems in oonp,wlaon to Stol airmiaft with im:ngs hat~ing blown flq,e. DEUTSCHE OFSEUSCHAFT FVP kUFT-bWD RUMAHAW, 5tP Bar 4,,895 ppe may 73 Of ND: d%d OOT- 1972- 67m70 VASA. TT'T-~Ir~;-173 Rotta., J. C. Computation oC the Sound Energy Radiated from Turbulent Flows. DEUTSCHE GESELLOCHAFT RE LUET-UND-RhUMFAHRT, JAHREo"TA- GLWI 5th, Berlin, West Germanyp Oct.4-6, 1972, Paper 72--O~4, 2Ws Ir A TT r. 14 ~ 946 Boehret, H. Comparison of simulation and fligh~,test for automatic STOL landings DGLR REPORT ON THE 3D -- ME-ETING OF THE DGLR-SYMP. FLIGHT TESTING TECHNOL. 1972 pp. 7-28 NASA TT F 14995 P34 der DLR-~: t"7!48; dtd: Oat. IMP jtii .4i t k llor'thi- DGM, 'Or' Third Miei Fllgbt~I~stlv~ te'chn6ibg~r: Iteli bility, 0z'Results Derived -from IP~Lihilatidft in OoMarison vith Remdtiq of Actual 71%'it. (Meeting held:at Bremen 28 Apr. 11,072) DEUTSCM (MBEI; ZMUT FMR WFT-UND RAUWAMVI..(W. Ger.) DLIR-YEtt 7 ME. 1972) :pp. 93-99 P&A TT F-lqj'M I'' UL Al MY for-owl P.Ps pop per*'! Drjl6xt 0 IO;UwlI OWM ,im-