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71 j7~, TT 4. i till ~pr ~ha Torm Aud!, of,~,r %m,7 X~ 34~ F i ITC V 3 -~ .176? ',fll Ltlnt 1) TO W G'!NT W'*nZCTB!V-;~~ A 11 U 1~ 0_,rlna~titis of the 'axillary and genito- an ~'igi 'i with polyarthritis and temporary M; Is R I rl,~,~~ FUER HAUT-1114D ZJ~ I 'I. -loot) " 11)6,3. T Alil diseases of the genitalia; Lichen s4 !,et atrophicus 01.raurorpis) vulvae. CHlXCHTSKRMK- ar.un), ppqb:bj5-b42, I ;Trans 1647 14 1 '1 t dimethyl sulfoxide~on experimental I i ~~ "sensitization with normally sub- Z ii 4;cb coticentration. UOR HAUT- LQSQIUj0jSkRANK- RENZGEBIXTE., 1968, pp 673-~ ls~o !.V 43. 73-12444-060. c 7'77771-1~1,7111, on 12tizO of W Water sVttabitity of tha o to skin. MR IIA07-UND MSCHIS A7161M UND 37.0 No 11, 19728 401-500 .to ther* a conrattIMA link Utwton the Wo Bolaina GP**i*%I (ow " vwrbu~pwlilodtr twisoven "don beldez Dow*JrA- 3pt,2108" I I Tn 0*rA&n. TmrAl. by Traml. IwAr., Fxn. lAns. Div., DePt. Of 8*q- of SU,to of ftnaft, ter Dept. of Fmliian., NM Oreat IAkes 91clitencloa tab.. BurIlWan, Ont. . 19T1. ez Traral. 3orlat No. 2648. ZIP., tymerlpt. AVSIL. on i,4wn - IMPS, Wash., D.C. LO OrIgInol Article checkedi"N hasation frm, Aut-.Wlav,Sowltlz#tlou, vith 0 hb(D) AiAtibodies fi-Omi-be mftoovtia Inc Oelerich, S. Isolhtion of strain- partial antigens brucei-group. ZEITSCHRIFT HER 9 R P f 9 1 Ft E 97YEII-T I'M NTC ~3-10919-06M and group-specific from trypanosomes of thE IMMUNITAETSFORSCHUNG AND IK= IIv. 143, V. 304-31 ~Ltxj, oil -'c .'t oyn lb-Sep-73 :Jmcl (UCAL-Trans--149')) Atomic ebsorption Ipectromotpic dateraination of ca,Jm1urn In serum !ind Irifte. LtH4ERT, G.: SCHkLLERs F,.H.: HAAS, 7. lrooslalpd from Z. Kiln. Chem. 131n. Biochem.; 5: No. !, 174-1716(1968). 5p. Pop. NIIS 06 blowed; 07 chemistry (analytical); tron-olations MN-4 P 4SA AftkL of ndence. Inhibition and React- 2 and Axiglotensin 2 Amiae Cleaving a IW~43, pp. Od, Of Nfl, eK PP )re vc,ccia: :~,s:ii,ct,; '~-Itil ii rc'~40;irC I. f,ffect of Izinin. iT, "C'I' I 'G j; Vcd. 1471, n. 164-1.74, Tables, rc,!ff;. ot-nitted. Gillk)-Trn ns -11184 W01 Ue 4, re t~ Of bormonas'6n 1"els. ATP 01haft (ATPue) and the ondoplavnic ?t , the rat braln TIJM KLMSCTX cl UVISCIr-111, min ",ML I TV V. In MON" W441 Pdo"tYS" WiA Via *room, A i6i*lh*AlK4m. No' the ~ "0*4 and ooohtsm4# and 8 A% ra vrsam~j a U P. vot ass zes?m M go, 1-088 CIN WAN SSRVICN CRARGH "IWO, Lk", On the Physiological Behavior or tae Pulse with Change of Air Pressure, by Rich. Heller, 41 pp. ZEIT KLINISCAM MEDICIN, Vol,33, Nos 3/4,, 1897, ~P'3-41-394* NAVSHIPS-Tr-1349 May 7.3 77' 7 VI 74 16 t bi aodus tow 01014go, fag i.13 s. --~Ofrg uncl (OPHL-tr--2659) Influen:e of phonobarbital and haloponat*d hWdrocarbons on nitrossolne carcinageniesis. Kunst W.; Sthoudst Go; Thomas, C. Tranalstad for Oak Ridge Notional Lsb6j TN, from 2. lKrebeforsch.; 72: 291-304(1969). 17P. Dep. NTIS.'' 06 bloood. trmnslatio MN-4$ P NSA VonDiringshofen, 11 The effects of the hydrostatic pressure of the water bath on the caeillary blood pressure and on the dehydration of the connective tissue 1S Z. KREISLAUFFORSCH, Vol 37, 1948, pp 382-390 NWWII F .14894 - , , .1, '' ; ~', I- I ('-1 11 ntal and clinical studies in the of,~ arrhythmlas'due' to digitalis by trate,. iwm"Ix. hU,ISLAQEEQR5QjMGv 19660 v '3-It387-06E W 72~121045 at Z") by Mme Pt *on' oi~MO6601944 RWR gVEMM-0.0 1.7p. 'Vot oss Ions' OIT LOAN SSR17CS CNAM H. Schisnann Roaults of a now therapy for reduoing early mortality in myocardial infarction. ZE-MCHRI,FT FURR KREISLAUFFORSCRUNG Vol 590 No 9,, 2970 PP RMYR MM ATS 64A229G may 73 Ik V ai blood f lobo in noitpulsatile Oerfusion. perfusion on o constant:pr6tisure 160 r al air6ulation volume 'and cerebral oxy- Oln~~ ~ns, mption with, variable perfusion times. Zlit Oj~T`T, rULR XHLISLAUFTORS61UNG Vol. 60 PMT6-3461 1970. i , 11 NM 1 116612 f ttie ci roulatory I'do, ru'~aniaos APO.Af r,,1&-r3LAMfr0fZ CIMG. 61, 77" Vblum6s and Ozygen. tiportam' Trajued fc; ibdumn6e and of am duriuS Imormlon, in Water IMEMBLUMIUMG, Y. 61,9 19720 .i -ti Ut CA6 LL XVII ARTISTIC PREPARATION OF LARGE FLAWLESS C RYSTALS G,-t~- el co,~0 STOEBER F LANGUAGE-GE COUNTRY-GW ZEITSCHRIFT FUER KRISTALLOGRAPHIE 61 1299) 19 24 PP 299-314 ISTC-HT-23-0526-74 SAC'muMTER, W. !/-V-MCFMM nM XRMeFORSCIWNG (M Mails= cRIKOLOGIEW /---/1965xV0067~N----, P 0112-0a26 Effect of ozone on mouse aucites tumor celIr anti on cni-:!k fibroblasts in tissue Cultw* WTC 74-112005-06M iSaa ia.-i OV032,11 'era and WaU Priatipn,p vo .9 rq ar WD ff ti~eneis of elect64,6therapy in diseas- ITI th Lalrynx using stooboscopy. S CO FT FUER LARYMOLOGTE RHINOLOGIE, 111RE*-"ENZGEIMTE# (STUTTGART). 4!1:498, WITT #16 '.4 ~86rojj ah oze a an iv. 2 Ir I' I x rT 7~99 tArayno-Is"OL INOLOGIV E IH at p.790- 1 -uIfD p 113 01674, I M TA 7 11 Imetional, and 3sioteriological lavesti- ICO to M TAMMOLORIS, RIMTOLOGrA, rA MIME NOW, E v. 4% 19 0 1764M MIT Chondrosarcoma~~ ajid ..ts prognosis,,~ M11401. OTOL ~toj. SO., pp.126-133, TAI~RS 6 1664 Griebol. C. Confusion of Tabacco Seed with Poppy 21 LF.BENS~ILITEL-UNTL-RSU(3i.-.FORSCii, Vol 90s 1950 pp 109-112 . ~i *NTIS-TT-74-53174 177-144' in dotand"attow of in MAW SM p Pmeho W., IP, Somor, " X. Motor 1971 thmanoo or horrUW-alarzorganiam on the axia&vton or MO r. D*,*cMpft1%L*n or limalia-atid hydroperoxidet (Rinflums v" mur lieriMan woohownd-m KikroorawUsman our die PO14tor'V(5 Ion 1. Obau von LjkrANtVu"1vdroPar9x7d9n) zaitsethrift Ar L*b*amr1ttml-(1nt*raikabmS Und P*reoh=g, Mt 140-144. in (1*mm. Tmnsl. by Tmral. 1W. Pga. LanS. 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VTT~I' v MW, VII 'T' t7 4ani, e Rjea 0t low 0 i4s .4 10 -n lot id Uld Vol. so quid 7?,13 dos.11/10. pp 17- rd,AI tid and Mechanical, Polishing of Iron-~ da IL~~n loy's -ITAL K.9 19615 Vol.52, No-61 pp-410-413. 18-Stp-73 Ur%c I (AEC-tr--7450) Probleer of stress corrosion of homagensomso molld solutions. Vlll* Problems of strvss corrosion OusceptIbIllty In the copper--nickel system. GRAF, L.: LACOUR, Mt.: RICHTER, W.; WITTIV, W. trot%elsted fromi Z. Motallh.: 54: 4o. 7, 406-415krigo). 14p4 DOP4 NTIS $3.25. 1IF corrosion; 11F metallurgy; trionslations ?N-25 P 454 I f -.;tic -73 U n,- I 04IJL-t r--2r~~,3 i'quilibritin pressure of carbon U. Trft"ll5trO by 4,. Gregg Mansfitifi ('~mh Pi4jill Nit I ora I Lm~, Tenn f ?-n" I I K 58 L 1 4,:1 cv - 'It 'I S 7 I)ev. ~J!'; t3.00. vie a tj r v a n 9 at I o n n 5 1; A 24-Aug-73 Uncl CDR14L-tr--Z654) EquiIII)rfur, Pressure of carbon WOROAld* ow*r nloblus-oxygen-Ilarbon solid solutionst rRomm, F,.: SP4ETH, G. Translated by R.G. 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IJTIS $3.Dr. llf' corr,-plion. llr uetallurgy; trenslatlon3 18-Mor-74 r--7!) I 4-P2 Inve!stiqatI,3n of stress In alloys of atuminum--zinc--magnesium, ,iluminum-rinc, aluninum-Mver, and aluminum--c-opper-- wagnesluo. Part II. Aluminum-zinc, aluminum--silver, nn:1 niuminum--copper-magnesium alloys. GRAF, L.; NETH, W. Tranulated from _Z. 'Irtallk.; 60: 860-864(1969). :53 p Pop. NTIS 13.7~7~~ IIF retallurgy; translations MN- 2 5 F. NS A 0 'tiction and wear daracteristics of qld~i 0 crystals subjected'to mall s res per unit-ar". FT FM NgTALUWNDE, Vol 61, pp 394- 0 72-15143-11F mr 73 "to. ix fetum 4'"4vou Gunther, Baro The Superp lamist i city of 4k-tlb Brass 19 pp Z, METALLKUNDEl__ ol 63, No 7, 1972, pp 385-392 FSTC-lfr- 25- 64 5- 73 DISTRIBMION LIMITED TO US GOVT AGENCIES th "i IOno" -350-4. pp D. FISCOR Investigation of Friction Proctuses Using gioel~ctron Emission. PITSgMIFT FUER WTALLKUNDE, Vol 62, pp 543-548, 1971. RTC 73-10082-11F Mar 73 e4 . ,)o , I I 10-Jan-74 uncl. 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Z. 24 pp. Z. AmTsawr., (BERLM), Vol 19,, No 111120 19674 57 jy5_380 NASA TT P 140664 L,)r 73 -01, aii~ Aqvilubaso up to 1w fiNi iieluon~o ~"'diffiiof" I of smoke ~uv Mig' to ivgisi~moloh Of -atr toweratum a* be t Aor Mew stil.4, two Oonra Vo t 20,j 1988,0 pp 310-317 NMI 23009 040-- Schroeder, W. Aspects of t1le international exploration Of noctilucent clouds 10 p Z. NIETEOROL. 1971 V. 22, ~o.'6-7 P 229-232 NASA TT F 14950 0"d4s Of the tohWiOP of Lowins-Amino- S*244iOM AW0144 a~d in t1m Uver aftor NTIC pl~ Schumacher, Ur. K. Developrx.nt Tendencies of Chemical Combat Agents (ChKS) - Under Special Consideration of Skin Damaging and Skin Penetrating War Chemicals 7 pp Z. HER MILITAERMEDIZIN, No 2, 1969, pp 74-16 FSTC-HT-23-10-73 DIISTRIBUITON LIMITED TO W GO'a AGENCIES