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Kryzh.&novvk:i3~, G. N. Some Ganeml Probleas of Thoory of Neural Trophies and Ntural Dystropby, 17 PP YESTNII AKLDMI VhMSTNJM~ LX.AUK -S - --- Ev MOSCOW9 KO 9P 19739 PP 67-76. ins 60367 Upovotskly, G. S, Heterot,)pic Heart Tran3pl&ntatiOn irl Wtil. 6 pp ISS1114 ml =.411� hi EABLWR6 M0300WO No 9p IW3, pp 7841. JM 60)-67 Lysenko, A. 1. aoctron Mcroacopic lnvoutigation of Intmmural Voisels in Smll Intestine Zanotransplanta*m, 9 pp ' L Y VESTNIK "EMU a Oblig MAMLMSR, mascowl No 9v 1973, pp 61-M. jM 60367 Vog-r&Uk, V. G. 'fetching on DyBregulatory Visce.,OpathieB. 6 pp 2L= 4 Dal zSIN2mK3- Yl OSR) I'loscow, A* 9# 1973v pp 84-87. JM 6036? Popov&, Lo A* Etiopathogenesin and Symprtomstology of Serious Car4iovascular Lesions in Children AasociatM 1.8 Acute Respiratory Viral #vid Diteroviral Infections. 5 PP mai RMTSM3XII: UK SSSR9 Moscow, MIK JWL- JH Nk No 0, 19?3, pp 87-90. im 0367 Dobrovollekiy, Ylu. A. liew Book Deala With Demographin ProcasseB and HmIth Fbmeaste. 5 pp VESINIK amsaiju UZ M�R, Moscow, I No 191 19739 pp 91-93, ims 6o367 mink:b 0 A* A. qyglenic PhIterns of PlWsioochevdcal Ch-araoterlirtics of Cond5tioned Air. 9. VP *WUTv A -- NM�UAXI a HA OU.5-2.4 Moma ow , 1OF 0 :Lo~ t pp 3-10. J* 60736 Dantsig, N. M. Hnionic wW PVchophysiological Aspects of Lighting of bhdarground Urban Struotures. 11 PP MTKI "am milapglux -.SELL M!O~scvwl No 10. 1973, PP 10-18. ans 0756 Tikhoadrov, I. I. Hwwn AcelimUsation to Central Ant-irctica. 9 pp XMIE III 10MRSIgAR NAUK X45h, Moicow, So 109 19?3, pp 18-23. Jfts 607~6 Sakbarovv Tu. I. HyglIen.1-c Aspects of Investigation of Potential Carclnog4mic and Sensitizing PropertieB of House- hold ChekLcalst 8 pp =E&1 INEXEM 2NA, MOISCOW, NO lot l?73v pp 26-30- im 6o756 SbAkhboxyan. G. Kh. Some Problems of PV~Iology smd InduBtriAl Rygione Referable to Older Age Croups (Paper Delivered at the Nixith International Congress of Gorontologi atop ). 7 pip K MAMI MMSMUKH NAUK , Hoscows No 10, 19739 pp 43-46. MRS 60756 Tarsw*o , N. Tu. Hyglvdc Problem Involved in Using Cadmium. 10 pp - 1 Jal =�MJM MV MDODOW9 to , pp 37-43. M$ 6" Umponsidyt Yus No Tho MoobAnism of Therapeutic Effecti of Proteolytic Ensymes Adidniatered Nr 06 on Development &:w1 Course of Experinental Silico,sia. 3 pp 9 -111 9 - AMMI SjogiNaliKia 1%UX SSSA, MOSCOVI 0 9 973l pp 46-49. JM-60756 Novikov, Tu. V. Ro*ntitenological Phase .'-71yisim of Induotil%l Dut, 8 pp - w -, marri SMAINSIMEE USK gm, Moscow, No 01" 9n0 pp 49-54. ins 6o7$6 Yudinas T. V.- Effocte of rAtrbon Tetraohlorice on PernealdUty of Histobwatic Barrierv With Chronic Enteral Intake in tho Anijrsl Organism. 8 pp I "MOUL ITUNME :0 HAW Mal, A080ows pp 34-39. 1;0 M6 Zhirnov, V. D. Mthijolne as a Disoipline in javtor7 of Mulicine. 9 P!p jwMainjigg am �M, N"Oow, Y=Aa - No lot 19 0 pp 59-V6 im ON Tr.4 -_W, To. E. Formulation &W Mothod of Solving the Problem of DatorKining Optimm Forawtars of Irrz&aticn, Using Conputers, For Programm*d Contr*2 of Gam's ThersPy. 6 p p VMNIK nw#jj ONSILMLiMLSM, k�DSCM. N6 10, 1973, PP 67-7Z- JPRS 607~% ~MunogliAlbulina in the Nsonat,ni Period. 0 pp Sm" AMMIMMOU&I lWgMA*. 4onont ;4o 10. 1M. pp ?2-7,9. JM 60756 Vinogradov, N. A. Now INmk I*als With Med)cal Syetwu i4ineering. ? pp JEST.91K."o WSKIAR MX MG80OVI, = KE No 10. 1973g pp 76-79. JFJO 60756 ChekMdn, V. P. This Searah for Now Forms of IdeologJ,!al Work With Salwitific Porsonntl. a I* Y&I rnK Am INS i AV." -M a= --, SSM. &gem. No 100 IW39 pp 82-86o JM 60756 Pybakove# M, N. QrFi4rdrAtlon and Performance of scientific Methodological Work in the InsUtuten of the Dopke-Ownt of Medioobiological Socienoem of the W)$R Ac&dwV of Medioal Sclenclsq, 14, pp '91211K &QMI =SINgIgn kiz-SMSIMSA, lk*cow, No 10 1973 # j)p 86-93. ins ~070 Timkov , V. D. 39me lqvrtant Ilrections of KecUcal MicroUology. 3 pp jpk$jj" AUDDal Hoscows lio n. 1973. pp 3-6. JM 60%4 Petrovskays 0 V. G. Genotic Bases of Virulence of Shigalla Flwmeri. 13 PP VRSI~Ix M MIT&MI&K 19AME MR. MOSCOW, No 110 ,Lwojpp 6-150 JRS 60864 Maslava, T. X. Bohavior of S. Flwmeri Strains Differing in C~rtotcxiclty, bi a Cylture of Gtdnea Pig Fsritonasl Mi.::rophages. 10 pp VE�TWIK AKADZIII =- ITSINSK AM =B- Moscow. No 11, IM, pp 13-2)o iM 60%4 Bondarenko , 't. M. InVOstigo Lion of Inv&sIve Properties and Cyto- taxicty of i0brids of Different Genetic Classes of ShigeUA ;Iwmeri Ubyained From Crooscs With Rfr $train* of E, C*31 K12,, I'#, P.P , ,K A " - MWITSTIMIkal ?AUK SSSP,, Moscow, jw-n. .1973. :?p 2.3-31. ins W(A Nevskaya, N. A. A Virulent Donor Strain of ShIgalla FIwmeri 3c. 6 pp Tr IIWATNTA N ~ I MMARRAIgi Mpg ss�A, Moscovs No 110 1973, pp 31-33. ins 0864 Belay&, Yu. ~. SurUce K-Antigens of Shigells. and Their Role in Urulonce. 14 pp 4PRICK I&URMZ M=�INSUK LIIAM SSSP., Moscow. 110 11. 1m, pp 35-d*. jpRs 6W4 Blinova, N. I. Tho Proteotive Role of b-pe-:3pmifio Antigen of ShigeUa Flwmerl 2A In Intemation With ILmune 3om,, In 3"rimsnts on '.Rasslme Prol.,pention UrIng a "TAing" Model.. 5 P:p Y16%KA'kWmmj ?a=lMSKI M NAM SM, Moscow, No Uj 1973 0 pp 44-1,,7. ims 0864 WkIctsovs, Yu. 1. Roalpient Proyartiss of Shieolla Newcastle in Civoses With Eicherichla CoLIL K-12 and SMgella ~3wmerl 2c IWR Strainog and Antigenic Structure of the Wbrids. 3 P,p v STNIX AMUMII MITMSKIIIH MUK SSSR, Mosecv, of-i-10-1973. pp 47-50. JPRS 60864 Tatolyar. A. A. L3r-,,,,cjgeny and Toxigenie F~mation of Hemolytic straptwoeci. 10 pp INIA A I IMMU LiAUK SSSR. MOB'Dowl T. t9 mi M So 110 197 0 pp 51-5?. ins AoR64 Yeuepchuk, Ya. V. Factors Of dLeterial Pathogenicity and th-s Problem of Proteativq Antigens. 13 PP I&ITV:EK "Dal LW=P�gjjd NAUK S5R, Moscow, No 11, 1973V pp 58-%. ins 0864 lVanav. Ke N* Ow-Somatic anj Surfa,~a Antigisno of SalsonellAo. 15 pp TV ~ 5R, Moscow, I . AV& I JUNS41W jQ ��~ NO 11, 1 ) pp 64-71, Ms 60864 lovert * 1. H. Vimlence Factors and Protectivo Antigens of Group A StraFtococcus, 10 PP TV A An; Djjjj ssga, mcscow, I pan A Ix LM No 119 1 1 3 - PP 76-83. JMS 6 IspAstovskayA. M. V. ;Armoturo arA mme4on ef a. Perfringens Toodn. 9 pp VMT114 AMM91 NUTAINSUKM HAME-S52A. Moscow, No llip 1973, pp ts3-JJ9- JM 6086h Dali-Alf lie ve (~wrent Concept of Diphtheria lhotoxin and Moobanism of Synthesis Thereof,, 9 PP - RAW MASIN-u"H s�SR, Moscow, 0 E.-Ims Pp 9D-lyt., im, 60864 SmwvSw V. 1. //YXMIX J&~iZA AIMMUSZ-110 NAW1 V-1 tools, C""nWM boftWX the UWR md tho USA in eta4f Cf OurdloomaxUr digs=". Pp S-10.0are Bvimkavskiy, V. 1. Collaboration Between the USSR And USA in ReseArch on Cardiovascular ftthology: Joint Symposium on tho Problea of 'Congenital Heart Dofects' (April, 19?'), Betheadat MatuIxW) 9 PI) VMINIK WOO k=SR�gKR HAUK SSSR' Fbacov, No 3.2, 1973, PP 3-10- MU; 61U9 Ovoyannikov, V, I. Effect of Catocholamines on Coronary Veissels Resi8- tance and Cay4city. 6 pp VMNIK 116 SIM.Ug NAUK-�SSR, Mb3cow, No `Lk 0 IM, pp 10-1 0 'I ims) 6U19 Himayono R. 5. Thin Hole of kirenergic Mechanisms in Pharmaco- logical J~Cfsctis on C3rebral Cirml&tion. 6 pp MWIM, " Q MTYSIN-Xsxn~g~sw., Moscaw, No 1210 1973, ,)p 14-17. .TPRS 6M9, Yefremova. %. K, 1AStinctions of Develojeent of r-itperimenal *"rtension %nd Pat homorpholc% i caLl Changes in Monkoys i-OM it Chronic -pable r,&It IA&d. 8 pp MUM AMU MMINSKIKH ii 35.0, , Moscow, MU No 12, 1973, Y-P 18-21* JM 6M9 Zatevakhbla, 11. V. Inventiption of Pulmcnary Circulation by the Radio- lactope Nothod in Infants Vd.th Heart Lealone 5 pp VISTE11K III 1=3 sum ELUK- W. Moscow$ No 12, 1 pp 21-24. im 6M9 Tararsk. E'. M. Changes in Activitj of Some Mnymtic Systems in the FAbbit Aorta With Developmant Df Ibcper;Aental Atherosclerosis. 7 pp Mult MMU No 120 1 0 pp 33-35. JIIRS 51U9 Gsdzhiyev, A. A. Func-tiorml and Morphological Aspects of Protecting the PZVocardiva With 3tabilized Autoperfusion in an Isolated He4r,,-Lxmg Proparatico. 3 pp 'IWTXIK ^MNIal AMITSMS It N sssa, Moscow, NO -12 -1971,-- YP 35-3B. JM. 311119~ , , sarroylenko, 110 ve Feflex Chang(is in snous Blool Return to thco W. Heart. 3 ;,p !110 KII NW-S Ow. No '. 11 Flo L, 19 r, pp 110-45. T,*UXW AM ~gd, 1108C jlrVj 61119 Kli.ruiva, T. L. A Soarch for Active Hypolipemle Preparations Foaml on Ilevilonic Acid Dori-i-atives. 5 pp 'jssTl,a&,A & SINSW M4 ss , MOSCOW, - upwl E.~ - H. NA NO 12, 1973, pp 45-48. JMs 611.06 I~Yasina, T. V. lb.stoinctions of Morphological Changes in the Brain With ExNrimental Impairmant of Arterial and Veno-.xs Cimmlation An Subcortical SMructuron of the 8ml.n. -( pp 'IESTax I& Ml,-d=h"6~X SMER-141AUK SSU, MoBcow, No 12. 1973, pp 48-52. Rits 61119 Shevchuk, Vs Go Effect of Ac3tyleholine and CatecholatrAnes on Hemodyn.a.",der, at Different Stsigos of Ontogenesis. 6 pp -W L - ~=TS 8 g VMUK &a INJ R'.H NAUX SSSR, moscawr No 12, 1973s pp 52-55. JMs 61119 Vortiysvo Tu. V. Eactorial Neu)-aminidases: Some Physicochemical and Uologica'L Properties an3 Their RoUtion t.o bacteriAO Patliogenicity. 32 pp SQUL W.K.33 19 60 YMITS;W Of Moccowt NO ;pp %-61. ,( PAS 61n,9 Fluytr. F. 0- &terotqxIns ltoduc&i by Stap)Vlococcus and Pacillum CereuB. 10 PI) HILAWTTSINSKE i N&Iff- SSS V.- - 1. Moscow, iml*l M19 Xirrntovskly, '~. D. Transplantetion Antigens, 12 pp Ulplak I MEDITS111 - ~~ - -4"Ilka __ 6 , Fjoscowt - gUU-j!AUK AU Mw r-P 68-74. im, 61U"7 Popov , it 0 5 0 Maf ahJ ng of C om'p&tible Donor -- Recipiqnt Pairs for Trtnap1mitstion Surgoi-j. 8 pp V W." NI K I RnT i I SSR. moscCATO SXIKJ No lRs 19M Pp 7 78. j M, 61u,9 F(y"3a,kov&, Y. N. Jobilee Confirance of Young J)cientlstis tit the Inatitutas or the USSR Acadero of Redical Sciences Com*moratim, the 50th Anmi.vorsary of the USSP. 13 pp V "'M " MIMI Nbux S$ , moucow, No 12, 1 M pp 79-859 JMS 61119 Index of Articles Published in 1973 i1, Vestnik of tho USSR Aaademv of Sciences. 1 11; pp 19ji-M 'A tr1i MEDIr,-XN-5KIKH I&uk SSsR, Moscow, 0 T9111 pp 56-91. Jim graq Zhdanov, V. It. Biological Properties of B-Type OncorritViruses II-1010ted 'From Transfemble Gc~Ll linegs of Hwan c1rainOVA, 13 PY vi�INIK-- u innin MWINI ES.4al, NAM 20, R t Moscow, NO .3v 1974, PP 3-13- JPW$ 6zw V. D. COMParstive Study of LeukovAru3 in j-96 cens. 5 lip " v UWN Qf NAME '"o �Q 9 k~oecow, Tk- ~ 0 9-e- 4 # )P 13-1 . JFRS 62406 EAmixiskaya, A, G. Possible RogWatory holo of Viral Nualeocapai in Reproduction of 3omo FWA,-~;Ontm.ining Viruses. 6 pp I&jlll4 Alt ill KQIT� MU ... ig vlosemy, 110 ~, 1974~,-'Iplll 16-20, JPRS 62466 Yerabov, F. I. 6ynthesis of Viral Macromolectacs in Isolatod RitDehored.riao 9 pp V" K i"'Ou b=�IM~ MOSCOW, no , 0 19. , il 21-27. JAS 624% ShWiladse, A, X. lsoleLtian of Virus in humn lAiuk-ortLa. 6 pp ygulK 40 NIL! h=jg Mul MU.&SOR, Mosaowv. Im 3 t 1974. po 27-31# j ms 62486 win, K. v. oncornavirur, From Transfernble Celli of Hiumn tary-igoal Carcinom. 5 i)p "nSTNIK AUDFX.T 'MYS= EAZ 9911" Moscow, PI) )1-35- J.M 6V486 Lopuk' hin, lu. 14. A lit -w Classification of Pzdmr.1 Immologieg-I In.w.4',ficlency. 9 pp VISTNU AgQrA'r.Il M=SINSKTIG---_ N UK ps- I-JOSCOW, NO 30 19740 pp 3,1"-42. MUS 62486 llokrovsUy, A. V. Tact Syndrome )I' Stenosis of the Aortic Bifurcation in the Presvtr~-.e of Nonspecift(i Aortitis. E pp VaTNIX P - 91 splISM-) I EAMN SM, Y-*OCowq ~$ pl) 43-48. im 62486 Hm'sidkovq Do I;,. Ultrastructurg of Rovertmats Obtainer, From L Foms of ttycobacterim b~rculoais. 8 pp U'Anlill I i ~ N ~ killilh to= Man i =fit YOSCOW, No 3. 19?41. pp 496-33., J PW 62486 Korulkarian, 0. S. aInicomorphological. faraUels in 110.tiple, Sclerosis. 8 pp V19446 INAMU M01100w, No ), 19?4t pp 33-39. JPR$ 62486 K(lamur5hkaya, Ye. N. The Wf acts ol' Asphyxia or. the I)evello ng brain. A , 14 pp )=IN a! 11 Moscow, No 3, 1974, pp 39-69. JPRS 62486 piragint Be V1, invwtigation of Diatinctions of in Vitro Secomlary I=Unol%ical ResponBe. 7 pp U,~Wa =1 Moscow. N* 3 o 1974, p~ 69-74. JM 62486 .. .I;ve+-Iov p Po G P 11he ~~ignlfic.%;we or j~xogcnous i-,actors in Wset of hereditar.7 idscase and Develo n-3ntal Dofects in the I I Courso of Ontoganesic. pp Wetrillrv kb'At)r.Arr aa 'Hos=.r, =0134,11, AMMARM 110 3, 1974. pp 74-80. im 624% Charnokhvostova, Ye. V. The System of Secretary Immunolglobulins. 25 PP MIM A lijLaTs WELHAMUMP Moscow, No 3v 19740 Fd jmq 62486 Ponomar, To. K. Tn thfi Prmsidlum of thb USSR ArjtdenV of Medica), Sciences. 4 pp INKIK P-11 MITSUI=; hAZ ASA, Moscow, No ) * 1974, pp 92-93. J;?Rs 62W Abstracts of Articles PablAshe * in This Issue. 3 pp IMCPHTV ASMATMAWft mml wyagaph- mwmam 1=12M.AWK MB. HOSCOW, So 3. 3.9?4. pp 95-96. iffis 6V486 Tanregorodtoov, G. 1. Gertaln Mathodologi-ml Problem oL' the Applied $,~-ionoes. 9 PP vkMAW - WOL; WOLS a Moscow, No 5, ? , .. 10-17- JPPS 6262~ ~ Vid.avich, Ye. The InterralatIon betwonn Realtla Seevices and MwAcal Knowledge (The b.-stem A;pproach). 10 pp Qoi%]Tu* A IMMAn =TSINSIQU ft AUX -mg-amp - - �20, Moscow, No 5 -22. pp f7 im 6262) ChAkin, S. Yv. lAn as a Bios-xial whole. 10 pp . , Nig iLvAnrai arl"ArwIft& hmXui~g I;Az ML. 1403c". YQT No 3t 19~4. pi, 22-29. JM 62623 Tuo-flundred Fifty Years of the IJSSR AcadwW of SOUXIC03. 10 pp HOSCOW, VA�TNI6 vo 5, 1974v pp 3-10. JPIM 62623 I kkrmsyevsk" , T. V, I M&n ond N4tu2" , 1 9 pp V-41q,rvlT v AI WIVIIIII %--f -- QV�a.QJAUK 'Oscow, - T, --o i $*--- 0--m-4 pT 29-33. JAS U623 KUP3,4"Ov $ V. vo Towuod a MAlen-tical kAlysis of the Coneept of Growthe 11 pp -USTNI6 AME-1 WMSIN5!gQ NA "Tma, Moscow 0 No 5s 1974# pp 34-41, ims 6462PA .A Vakilo-vt G. hethodoloSical Appraoches to the h-obl,wu of the Y,ktwr(: of the Epidemic Process. 7 PP II ~~- IilwAl a ALZITOMU, AAA-IsAli& hoscow, No 50 41-46, ins U623 Bronzov , 1. A. Ccrt&4.n kapects of A. A. Lkhtojasklyls DoctrLne of I tho Dominant. 10 pp MAU916 WAt'VMjj MEjAT~RLSQ6j.UM SS.0,Jj, MOSCOW, lio 5, 1974, pp 46-54, jn~, 62623 Shinj~trov , G. Kh. The ConcLitionod Reflex and Nclurop4vsiological Aispcats of tho Unity of ~Mtal and ftsiological Proco.-%ses. 9 Pp Y-EST-NIK dww4ll Hoscow, No 30 19741 PF 34-61. JPRS 6264-1.1 ShmLkov, k, V. FAth~x1ologic&I Analysis of the Problem of AU I in hychiatry. i 10 pp i .~ , YESTNI4 a [a IEDIA195am A $S~W~A, kJol9cowt ~q 61-670 No 3* 1974, pp I im 626z3 Ivallyuawn, A. A - 'rhe FrobInm of the jocial in k)Fychiatr-3, at the junotion of thq 18th wid 19th (knturiez, (Metho- dcOLk,.,gl,cal Analvais of Pinellis Ileraspeutic Mothod). 11 pp Pagn "&Pl q WmaluaULUZ $.SSF61 MOSCOW, 30 3o 1974o .pp 68-73- JFRJ, 62623 Goor-jiyovskly, A. S. hed!oal Astorlography and Itts Place in the Body of Modiml Sciences. II pp AL ITT - --- VA* & "MaMh Mx- S- I , Hoscowt -- --- Ul No -5 1974, rv 73--80. JPRS 6262.3 &njr0St&tjonj; or scientifin I-,yatification and AmOoscionce in the Aeld of the Doctrine of the Isosorology of the Human Organism. 9 pp ; I W.1111%.w MOSCOW, YWW I mffj'~"U- T IL40 , 3.974,, pp 80-86. Moineyeva, Ii. I. The Problsm o:' Time in Physics and Biology. 1 ',7 pp V&STHIj &UWjI moscowe No 5# 1974, pp 86-94. IJPRS 62623 Derbli*-an * T. M. Investigation of' Neurophy6lological MeChanisms of I GMOM1 kleSt~csia Using Ket=ln~,. 2,3 pp, MOSCOWO lio TO 19740 pp )-20. 111 15,S 6.3485 KbArkav-kch, D. A. afact I)f blxjium Oxybutyratij on Interneuron Trans- mi-ssioa of' I~xcltat.Lon of Ufferont, lfuvels of the Central Nervous System. 10 pp Vh~INI~ AUDLIKU :-"ED TSIESK14A -Ulz---;~~. . Moscawo No 7, 1974, PP 20-27. :P- aits 63148.,~, Orlov, lo V. of' Neurochemical Ilecla),jams of Pro- c0tildng. oociceptive Stilnulatjo;j of ?'~Teu:-Cns Of Ld-r fordint Structurev of tho Rabbit Brain. 7 pp .luatlK AI~Q-Alj =17~JPOIKILN4TA SSSII. Roscow, --V-- - - N C) 7 v - 914o pp 27-31 JIRS 63485 belayartsfiv , F. F. 1~ffect of Anesthetics or, Transnission of ack'"tion From Nervo to husele. 8 pp v ~j W "* B$216 ALUR" "T;SjNWQM-NAy& No 7t lr#4* pp 31-37. ,Jpas A"V45 Lunyat-yark f A. A 0 An Aral og-Ldgital Computer Co-mr1ex for the Audy of Ciredation ancl Use Theroof in Anesthesiology. 10 PP ctTMTw AV I* QT -4ow-"!AP~ zMaN MWI.-.4 h0'5 c ow , so Mam No 7v 1974P PP 38-450 JERS 63485 6NqMLTl, Y.U. ii. Capabllitiohs of Automatic Identi III cation of Fun- ctja~jaj ~tater of the Organism in Resuscitology. 9 pp MEDITSIIQU -,Li~SRP , UOU AMM141- Kli fij& klot;cow, Vascowt No 7, 1974, pp 46-52. NRS 63405 Mikhollson, V. A. Clinicoenc.iph"ographic CI-Aract,aritstivs of Nn- thrane Anaithesia in Children a;s Related -' . Con- centration of Anesthetic in Central Venous alood. 6 p .P vM416 hoscow, No 7. 1971PO pp 52-56. T. ; 6 vi"is )W3 Vaneviskiyo Y's L* jl,~Vect- of' Wonbarbiturate AnesUctics on Gas SA.Kcharge Under Normal Ventilation and P-N:perimental IVpoxia Corditiona. 7 pp vB51U44 hm&jgl MPIT51h24&-IINAIF6 S.-isdo I.."Ose-awo No 7, 19740 pp 56-f,2. JM 63485 Kamyshovo Ia. 1", Com1mrative Characteris ties cf -he 4-,ccovery Period in AmbulatAory Patients Following Various 'Iypes of Ditmvenous General Anesthosim. 5 pp ViJaRIN A~AW= HOSCOW, No 7j 1974p pp 61-65. J13Rjc 6~465 I I UlLlyvev, G. V. ~~ffects of jroperi6ol, Atropbie and Prowedol Promedicatior. on Principal Circulatory Indices of khtients WLth Head and Ne,:b: T=ors. Pp 1i,6S;jjjK Sill .10SCOW, ho 7, 1974, pp 65-68. JM 63Y~85 Klunalovskiy, Ya. E, Tho Wuestion of Recurarization FoUowing Adminis- tration of SuccirvlchoDns (4pthenon~. 14 pp JJQJ6 AKA 2114 nQW,;3lN4QjLWh Uzg, MOSCOW, lio ?, 1974. pp 69-79. JFRS 634$5 Khvielevskiy, Ya. El. The Question of RecurarIzatlort FollowIng Admlids- tration of' buccinylcholine (1#-sthenon), 6 pp 11w; -ItAl)WJ 11 T-51& -ftl moscowl 1146 OMM X-h~ ELK 5~$5 ho 7. 19 4, pp 69-79. MU) 63465 Mlber, !~. Po Y:~Koratory Alrwry Vosuxo (Investigatiun I-Ilethods MI. Clildco-Physiological SI&Wicance). 10 yp r. I V. I'll XMISK "Wall m M05cOv, No ?p 19?4s pp 79-85. .TPUS 634%95 Vaymberg, L. L. The New 'A"eichnique for Vontilatlon of tho Lungs Ath Leakage in the Respiratory Systom, 6 pp I . 61K AXjWUUl HQUINSKIKIi 11AULA-5s (, NOSC-Ow, 11 r0- ,. 1974s pp 65-89. u tIM W. 5 i aniro D k1remition of ?ostoperativo '?uppurative ~omplica- tioriv Inditecd by Staphyloccccu5, in lntotisivo Care of k~itientit With Brain Tumorse 9 pp =TUMWILLOU5_05A, J'~05ccw, No 7. 1974, PP 89-95. HRS 1904435 U.N MAN /#'VXSTNIK AWHaI M=TS33IS11KH NAUX SSSRI/ -/-/19A,,v-,Nooog. pp 00Q-0096 VosUlk ot the MSH A*%dwW of Modical $010=08 151 pp im 638a TSARLORM'A'shv, G. 1. lTiTsim Aman ==SINS-UXH NAUK,--SSRI/ e*-/-/1974,V---vNDOD9. pp 003~.,OM4 ftlopopbleal and Sooial ProVLmv cf hedicine Im the Airks of A. A. Swashko (On the Caatentisl of His BlAbday) 14 pp iM 638M