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1 81 Rizaev, N.U., et al. Estraction of phytin from CDttonseed Meal. in an Extractor and by Ion Exciange. UZBEKSKIT XHIMICHESKII ZHURIAL, Vol. 2, pp.85- 99, 1177. *NTIS TT 73-58041 may 73 Timber Ties, .parmt:l,ve-S,tre,.,-n Test on Glued Ln; by T,rui:,:].Li !Angyel. LrWa FtASZNAIkMMI LEVO RAGASZTCTV AWAX 03qZEFASCULITO S11 p -70. GMI,LlaF~i=,AL~Uv 1964 Available At NTIS TT 73-55107. ,k1)!- '(3 Air Force/Aerospace Research Labc. q(VVI;-'~ 6 ;r KUM: M, 89947500066 (all Itr Irf 75 - 04 1 ~ CY-~ - 7Y Title: Or. the limit jPint distribition of central. range and ric4lan of a variational series. P, Author; GART66M, B.N. RT S N - T-tF-Y ff Sourcei UZGOROD. GOS. UNIV. NAWN. ZAP. HIM FIZ, MAT. 12, 11-1-127, 1955. Special Instructions., Translate and type one copy RUSSIMI - ENGLISH V D 9 WSROM DWSCS. FMAILFACH UfD THCHNU BRAND.`$ CHUTZ !~ Ft TT r-IOPOOOIJI. 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NTIS S$.25- 11F corrosion; 13 engineerino: 111' not2illjr9g; trdn%lAt 101htt ""-a$ P NIA 15-Apr-74 AD.",- t r - -75Z5 Spfbciil ch,irActeristics of ion exchOADOPO (jr nuc'*Ar technology. KUEIINE, G. (U:-.AEC TECHAMAL INFORMATION CENTER, OAr NUCE, TENII.). 1972. Tronslati*n of pp 21-30 from the V4;B Feedwaler Confer#nr*. Emvqn, Germany, 1972. 37p. Dep. NTIS wjcl**r power p!ants; 181 ree,.-lop coolina! 181 r*ao!or engineering; translations MN-30 P NSA ~I~ikj at on Pnd 'the noise p "~Yenticyik .In power stations 6500 2~-20 rot) 1973#0 Leo. T. Contributioo to the =asuretont of the acid dew point in issue zoutaining sulphuric scid. V%7B !M&FIV94KSTECHNIK,, v. 52, n. 1, p. 44-48, 1972 NRC C-11932 ofterge 'Boiler X Ant iltlx Wi-rofluoric m 4 ~-351~TC 711-10376-13AM Heitmann, H.G. Tho Pro4uction of Uspotitt Coktiligs in Fes&ater iestors YGH KRAMEWHONIKo Vol 33, No 1, 1973 PF Nip .1-9 4 AftA;-"" f"m ~gzo C.S. 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Groeneveld and R. Spohr. Sourcei Vakuum-tcchnik, 23, heft 8, Dez. 1974. p,125-229. 5pecial instructions; Tramzletv and type one copy. GE*VN-ENA:,LISII. C ON 8019/1T40 S I 14"vh 1974 Tho %ir& World Facing the OV. Wols) by Rrra7 1"t6t Phrls, ".IwCLews hatuaUms) 28 ~ranuary 1974., pp 11 OPOCIal B % ki-A PAU& Camra raikty pkun one Aspectso Disaussod, HUN-I)ARIAN", 21-26. 73P pp JPRS 8877 Ut* -lization of by Sola Cailcos.-:iagy, par., valosqZ, S,31ecti've ": )3,idapestp Price Policy pp. No 3, Mar N IA" 73 Y 1 Kemeny, Istvan Status of Gypsy Population Analyzed, 15 PP VALOSAG, Sudapestq No 1, Jan 74P pp 64-72. 7 M ff"77 2 8 1, ~ me r AL :3 .9 n Hicham, Alfonso Ippez -Apss Mchalson Addressips Ubuml Nrty Convention., 11 pp VANOWM4& IJUM16, BACMUS114ft, 1 -t,,v 1973. P 10 im 59a5 iron or tf* the Thwktt Hano IL s pp ]Lt. 3 Apr ~ ~ . . 1 ~' ,t", - - ~ 1, .! ~ - ", x lik ''y'j PO to ,I q " ~ !~~- V""!!; ~!~-i1, '."',, " tin , , 1" ~ 1 4i sf' a ~ , , I Ell v6 "Dons '110iV64.)i4 uts( psri Ranoi 71 0 UP PP -9o 30.;~ 73 ,lays to "*,:'xT)ankd Club Movement Discussed, by VU Dinh laloa 1 5 PP - VUEVA~tESE,, perp Van Hoa ~~ThD T1111OLt, Hanoi, No .7-51 v J3 n 7 3 P P P7 o --7W- JPRS 58603 Apr 11,~ Chung,, Nguyen fto quality and Beer 3alss Require Much improve. men"". 6 p k0 p. VA N L-OA NOIFS, THUAT., HaAlkoit 110 30, Jun 73, PP ZZ-2.5. JPR3 597,59 Sep 73 Donp,-, PhMan Van $I pliam Varl Dorig to Writers, Jxtists: Condition the 'Soulv TemPer Re&li'jYo 6 PP. VAN fth RGHE THUAT, Harolp No 31, J'll 73, PP ::,r. J?R3 60261 Oct 73 Call, CU HI.Y importanoo of Cultural Worl.: for Wounded Vatorans 3tressod, 5 Pp. Wi JIM TIGHE THUAT, H!,noi,, No 31P Jul 73t pp 5-7. JPR3 60261 Oct '73 Quang, Hong I- Public Security Forces Callod Primo Tool in Making of fNew Man,, 6 pp VAR rtOA WHE TMIAT9 Hanoi; '40 3~9 Oct 73, pp 4-7. jpRa 60842 jo n 'fl I ~ Minh, Tran ~Jore Realis',Ac, Factu&l. Spy and Vigilance Stories WmLnted, 5 pp. 0 L VAIT HOA WGIIE TIMAT, Hanoi Yo 3L[., Oct 73s ')P 45-4-(. 'TPRS 60%P Jan 74 --'ari, Tran Tli.m Vietntlme.nm Surg-jon Observofl Mothodically Plannod 1,1orl,," Proceduros, 5 -P. r- *IATI 1.10A NGIM- TRUAT, T~anoi, Vo 38, Peb 74, pn MIR.-) 64mc')"Ir Au;r, 7h, Tum, 1".,,an Ilum Tran Doi Niirhia Interviowad :).i I-.eiq Man Campaign, 5 pp. VAL' 110A N'GIEB THITAT, Itanoi, PP 10 4, jplis .1996 No 39, Mar 71~, ji 11 7 1 ~,, t 0 Poe lj~ T7~ 14 tath-lampon, S. Fulmrs (hamaris Glacialts) In evedish vaters, a b Low t ric-mrphological s*udy li order to establiRb thc:Lv poSraphic origin. .pR TAGIL 22, V. 271-2-19, 1963. y VAR-Ia. v - W9 r-11935 .W VUTOO~ G, //var gods// -/-/1067#V-lWW9p Lsvils of or4ftechlorino peut;.cides, =d polychlorumt4d blpbny]A In Aeb caqtbt In vve. "- water areas or kelpi: for &&U is OW&ift ITC 75-301941-W # A. Aid Vi HUNICARIAN: !LSU.ZI. #70 1972. !)p it. D14 LN 12- 74 (16pp) Nemetkuri-Xiss, Geza Kect)nsturtictlon of the ~bra Bridge at Murakerowur Commences, VASLM, No 7, 1972 pp 25-26 TF40 V34, No 2 (D.M.Topog-raphic Center) varsanyi, Laszlo Tito construction of Statiov, 31tildings on the Main Railwa,v frem Ilatvan to 14-skolc VASUT, No 10, 1972 pp 9-10 T114 4 V 3.1, No 10 (DM-Topographic Center) Ritook, Pal The 1972 Frogram of Railroad i:onstruction and M2in tenp ace VASUTI, Nol 22~ No 4, 1972 pp 20-22 TFII, Vol 34, Vol 27, No 4. 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I.rp "Irl, "r," 18 IM .1)"'n '7i!;. fit I mama$ vas mot r,2 ONO" single splj~b,, all POSWUPP I MON. OR ON mmoll W Domom. 10 PIP "a 3 Lindberg, A. DtZerranation of lipin &md liposulfonic acid. TTs I A-Imcl_l. n. 4. 0. 1P6-1110 1963. Y NTC ~3-10825-07C FM39RC, C. ,Nb6~irraxtce rn Nature of Orgaitic Subarances havin8 the Ability to Form Cmiplexes(Chelatins Agents) vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 2"-?l, 1971 Nt,C 73-3-0207 -06F harch 73 77-4 - '79, 771 jo F'.1h1sti-im, P. I.I. of sulfide ore on'riv-,nmentat viewpctrt. .4 , Vol. ?7, V r k.'4* 77 - I 1A 7 5 - I "1 1; iri~,,e wotc~r from an n,, 1~ -, 1971, 'n. ??-5-13-1 Ou-401KY4 ot Sulfide Ore Hiam Wate-L From An Inviro- Aotital swosmt. INK), Vol 27, Yo 3, pp 325-3339 1171. t" A M---- st, Her 73 ~.:o r t~-#rs ,isiarat avoi t,.r Andnrssor-, r it c Ta t 9 a % ~ no - ) , I it 1'2 p . A- 5 5 - 4 6 1 . 140vuCtions 111save trolfilata Omly %beive p,%r*j;gmp14,% aud tigmeas mairleid It great poscil. Tylpoi sl%jj~J* apoce. S to,' OC~4 It RalohodiiLf H. 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T i "I*, I "'. - ~ "). . ; - I ~ " '. , - ~ ~, Tm f ot!iDlv1nq-.i. 16* R M. tk !A PIZ ZT~ Imy Tri r 4~~ r inerWr ts; :,y T~-anqpcr Wilt '1-~ " I II'L -%Iae of O~af! ma Installat-io-,