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I;o elgi Chemftberapeutlco 4-1~iadiszole aud 2,,aplno-5-tqathYl-- 12 Zt~liad!-azole,, by S - Ban pet, t 6 67t 4hemothempy of Trtcopbyton. Pnrt I. iftftm Cbml"l Otractwes of Raloacyl of ArawtIc PrlmryVminn and I&I It Actlvlty.. by R. Oss", K. ma JAPA*69, pbr, J. ZOT On,.,Vol Mil Vp -W M-'O' A!M-7lPkJ Sol Jul Imm~l LMII, of Cadaverina to Piperidine by Romosenatep by T. Suzuklp 6.0 6 VP - ~11.& 4 4 pv~ Latw~w Zoashi, (Jourml armcoutical Sbdla~jr~t japau), no 5p Aw 1954p Pp 546v 547. Mtiba,*rial E-ffects of Arylthio-1, 4 -tN aph't1hocl uin ones and Related Compounds, by JAPANESE, per, Yakugaku 1055 6.15-6480 NLL Ref: 3544 1963 :kMay 64~ Zasslii, Vul LXXV, iNu 6, (82) (loan) ~Alitiba',,ctcrial Effects of A,Ikyl;irN,l i%mino-1, 4~-Naphthoquinoncs, by N. I kedi. ul),LNE~E, per, YaWgakts Zissid, %o1 I.XXV, No 14LL Ref: 3544 19b3 (82) (loan) Mtibnctcrial Properties Against Mycobacturiwa Ftibercu';Iosis var. IluminisIby K. Miyaki. JAPANESE, per, Yakugaku Zasslli, Vol LXXIV, No 6, i954, pp 65S-657. S'LL Ref: 3544 1963 (,S)1) (loan) May A64 Synthe tes of Pyrimidikie Derivatives. 1. Synthesis 'of OL-A~lkoxymethylene-o-Alkoxypropionitriies, by ilasao T'om:Lta,, Shojiro Uveo, 6 pp. JAPANESE) per, Yakugaku Zasshi, Vol LXXIV) No .1954, p~~p SLA 60-10952 cr LZ 0 -T c Determinatiaii of Insuline Potencyp ~,~Ia 0~~Qou and xv Higaship 5 pp r* jipan,, Vol LXMj- No 7 aul 31.1 P - ------ 94* SIA 57-3041 ~71 P AUP.~O 58 SW&4ea am the Polacn-PnWimIng 9*1& Zoo- ary nat. ro' DIAtk1butionp 04tivatim mid rwwslau of OWntm"t by It. Uomtop 10 -or jAPAAM# 4/a~arm 11~0 J&PaAO Vol ='%wp VP Sas s~(/p ~7 Cc the Fobon-lqvdUOSA-Ithad YWO- lV6d fM Dry ftlt, XL PhOlOlOgical (1)1, by T. YsftWtoi 9 ppe low par# Vol 58 Mat- V,. Tvadattyl by Ppa p ver J Phaxa, i ~w- 34 61 yj~- AW 4.4 V,c C7 on Digitalis. Report No 2. rtition M-omtoonphy of a Purpurea Glycostdesp by 7 PP~ PWO Yalwasku Zemohi. (Journal of accutica-soct"Ir of a3pan)j, No 7p Jul 1954j, PP 721-723- ific - chemutry /Jul 55 High i?ijt%quei~cy Analysis, Part XE. Measurements 0~ bi6;."tAO,-Coastsnt-., Dielacb?Ic Loss., and &W Tbeir'Applicaticep by H. IabidW t41 Kowura 7 JAPAUSE is Vol LXXIVI No By VP Assoc Tech Serv 0OG5J SCL hem Aug 56 S ~po A-~z od' ~Japaneae Dioucareacew. , by T. Toukamoto., T. Kavamkiv Re !No ~OA~gbE Ort yajolvidn.1 Plimahl. Jourml of the Let -,=t), Vol Lmay, ph~ wa Soo "'Of q; *4p vp W-987 ME Sdlo~ufir.!~- Chemistry CT9 tO/Jul of Radiomalve Blemats. I* A of WDLOthyl-Amboothyl 14C] CatWxylac odd*& by it* Nakaig M. Sugli, JIAPANim, per, YokElsku Zasshi vol LXXV,, i�s rm~~ S~~ pp 1014-1016. AEd !WGI 2399 0 Action of 2- Mid Zj 3-,SUI)SlLir-UtC!d 4-iiii),litimlidnones, by N. Ikeda. ,)A~MUS'~, per, Yakuguku Zasshi, Vol LXXV, '~o 9, pj) 1073-1016. 05 r Trans.!, iii F re V. 74, no. i iT, 62-20924 AAM-ION DE LA NWIlYDRIVE. X DE URYDRINDAMINE. etc.... oN DL: i~A NlNliyDpINF. (smlics on V. Role of Flydrindantin, etc,, in 13p. (foreign text included) 8 refs. '7-1'C or COS $0. 80 62-265124 rdo compounds, Amines, *Amino Pyridines, Chemical reactions.. of YgkU&&U.ZUH1d (Japan) 195vi, i. WiOlog'wlv'*l Sclenk!IC's-P11~1nnacology, Tr' V. 10, no. S) 1. Title- Ninhydrin reaction 1. Yarnagishl, N1. 11. CAmtre National tic la Recherche Sclentilique (France) &VA21 ya ma HW M L, 804' [.~ l6fACTION DE LA NINHYDRINE Vie ruD R C., ON PE LA NINHYDRINE AVEC LF-% appo E S-CONIJ 1111:S (Studies on Ninhydrin Reaction. i Im 1. 1.- V1. M~hyilrin R, c1lon of Secordary Amines). 111). (fOreign t6kt inclti~ed) 6 refs. Order 6om OTS, JENC or CNRS $0. 80 62-269,!3 Trams. AnFren:h~k Yaku A hi (japti) 1954,, v. 74, to.'~10, p.11042-10A AA-98 4T.- IMSCRd'11ORS: 4i rganic compounds, *Ainines, 144n~lphrikifj, Bcwi~ll radicals, Mcthyl radicals, Spectrcio,ru'phic da Absorptim (81 oh ?01~ I I I!Sk*' I 11114;- -111,1f1 I I OCOI(T~Y, V. It.). 62-20923 1. Title: Ninhydrin reaction 1. Yamagishi, M. 11. Centre National de la Ret-but-Ow Scientifique (France) CMIxt of IrOmki Imtes I Vito 0~~jtipm-t. E&S Nl~hyl rin Rc~m Mul-itj 7 rd Orde[~I~fr~)m CYI 1rAns', In Fm-1 V. i'l I - 10, RI~ACTION DE LA NINHYDRINIi- AMION DC LA NINIIYDRINt-' A%'I-*c itwIles oil Ninhydrin reaction. VIL. in of Diamines). 10p. (foreign text M'C or CNR5 $0. 80 62-26922 of Yak~aaku 7gsshl Oapan) 19!4, lU75-IU77. D6,W.RII70R&- i~,Orpinic compourils. Amincs, Amim, 4citts,' ysindglo' Spectrographic data, Ab,;orpticn. (Molojoiaiii ScIQ,i~,ii4i.--s--Phaniiacology, rr, v. jo, na. 8) (32- 26`122 1. Tide- Ninhydi-in 1. M. 11. Centriv Nadowd de la Recherche Scientifique (France) I of,Japauese Dioscoreaceae. Report iper Cbromtogmphy, or Dioscin and ated Compo=&O by To Tsuk=to, %kip A* Sarakis To Yhmumhip 8 PP& JAPARMs. pWp ili~ Ffi6iis~ceut X 8 no 100 Oct -~ V $diemtVic - Q ~try 70/Jul 55 MA41p (JO=A, of Of Japan) a j. Pp 1097-= tint Studjes~b.n OManic Reagents of the Azo Dyestuff u no 1. Detection o- Zirconium With 4;(~'-Dini6th3daminophou.ylazo)-Dlphonylarainic Acid, by Xiyo~-oujlj, at all 15 pp. A4., Vol LUIV., No 11, per., -Zas Nov P P S.L.A. Tr-1051/1956 Sy~th4ses 6f Pyridaziue Derivutives (First Report) on I igiw and Its 3 and 3s 6-substitutea Compounds, b lt&ij' H, Iptap 12 PPS ?or Vol LV-V.IV 1954$ S.L.A. Tr W3/1956 N1. sllln~ [~A 8 e Rappo!r4l LA ANTG M4,~ IVNIf SU flam0l'Awl V111. (Nin yorin P pourxjs~l iiti Hoi 5 ref. s. ~ C!q(~~,i. Order itroin U1175. Trans.:M!Hunch ol v. 74, 6o.j 1, 1, p. 1: DMRIIYI! IM 'Or Alkyl r6diplls, ChL. W-11014 DE LA NINIIYDRINP:- ~CYION DE LA NINIIYDRINE iS DLI TYPH III, R2 CII-NI12 H-F 5twfles oti Ninhydrin Reaction. tion of R1112CH-NI12Tylle Coln- :ig4). 1.1p. (Poreign text inclu(W) :J or MIS $0.80 62-26914 1954, compounds, Amino radicals. reactions. 62-20914 1. Ninhydrin I'ViCUM I. Yalilagis'lli, M. It. C-9fi"13 fit. CVntTe Nitiorud de la Rcc~icrche Sclentifique (France) (Rioloocal I'll 11-11111 Cology, n', V. 10, 110. M) Oft$ of TtdwAcid Senka th6 6 Full 1 Plant 'Waxes,, Repor~ No. 6. Lignana Rrm oA-" Coniferaci, by T. Kar!Wne., K. Iooi., 10 PI). per# jEa 80111 (Journal of the Pharm- _.M!!2x Za 6c. of Japan),, Vol MIV., 1b 12., Dee 19541 L DERSIA - 74, rr - 64 -169(r Fanka, (Cbmwdiwt--Orv~~ 7T, Y. 12. ow 0 O"k* ol loch"Icsi be-it*. rje6 -a ion IIE~eh=ism of Sllge-ws VT--!X. l~Cataly~ic Oxidation of L-Fwitol, Ott i R! per., Zasshi.. Vol LTUV,, ~i SIA 59-102TI sdi M61 J~n* 59 1t A" I v Z~. i, 1; - o va I ......... h I F "iL LD lutumm 4 jive Ai vl~ if Chez~ al Methoft for the Determiautiun of ~!intO~uties. Report No. 1. Colorimetric ~eteriftination of Dihydrostreptomycin,, by x ICA i em , T. Arita. 7 pp. 4APAMM,, per, YakugWv4,.A,",qhI (Journal of the ,~harw~ceutical Wo-cle"fj of Japan), Vol LM M 2jil955t pp 192-194. NIH Tr No 112 .Scientific Chemistry Chemical thods for the Deterw4nation of Antibiotics. Re~Pb t N012. ColorluetrIc Determination of Oxytetra- CYC,,ne,. K. Kakeud -04P-W4 13 pe JAPAftSZ 'Per, YakugoJm ZoLeshi (Journal of the Phar- Maceu,fdcao i SOC Of J& Vol LXXV, No 2, 195' iety pan j A pp j04-1~6. NIH Tr No 113 Scilentiflod Chemlatry si~a&66 on 64c, Toxin In Globe ?,Loh, by A. Yokoo) S" %~mamrufi~ Li pp. Ahu-v Pbs I i Do 2s 19551 Pp 235ij 2"6 CIA VIE 3-10 Al .p i;o !Gr=iU 4 i0eld, ots ft isaki, q4PAlqzj, dei dTB or Japanese Dioscoreaceae - Relmrt a,, i Nw DI.Loggeoln From i j,]Ij Miq,,o by T. Taukowtol orde 9 pp U~ I ......t per. xe?L W xmMmutica Society Ot Japan)# xvj, NO 10.4 Oct lq~;# PP im-1129. RM f ic - Cbmdotry /70 Jul 55 adlMsdk THE D1�Dn'f3GRAi113N Pt. I of Studies of. orders frbm1i ATS $ Cz, itk4pl:4 K. TRAR OF TABLIM. blets- 1196219p. 65 ATS-95Mfj Tram. ZRIshl (JAPM) 1953, v. 75, no. 4. p. 359-363.~! DESCRtPTX)RS: ~D~up. Solubility. Time. (Bid1*60 Sele"-Medical Specialties. TT. V. 116- :4 62-17261 1. Title: Tablets 1. HAsepwa. 11, Ikeda, K. Ill. A-M-95P39) IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange. N. J. V. Title: Studies.. Mee of T swvf~* i!,ipiication oK TIT11. kcy:wLtdon of ptlf~-ncl 'Oy Denzoic 10 ry a' u suhio , -.0 ~-O VX 3SE8, r cs L"n" ALA. 5Q'-i5'L.'Z'-"- 5 Vol,: 20 N"j l i~ "IiC COMPOUrAiS. lbxlAea or AromtAc HGtGrOQ Fort N". Ha~#tlous ot DwIvatives oll Pyriftne and Quino. A" The ll~ low vAtb SulftX-Liquid Amoonte Solutton, by ,K* T-d*w" To pp. POW Vol LMS 19550 pp Sol Avg 59'~ H467/N/A Dete~Minatd,on of Sulphur Voiu~metriq Determination Tantika Yeshinasa. JAPArESE, per, Yakugaku 3-655"0 pp 65 in Organic Compoiand6. I. With Bariwn ChromaLe, by !~asshi. Vol LXXV, 1c;551 *JPRS for Army Rocket & Guided Missile Agency t Sci. Chem! 25 ~0 61 ;D, by Shoshichiro Kimoto, 5 PP, JAB~Ald=.pi per., Yehugaku Zansbi,, Vol LM,, No 61 pp TI63-76h- 19 NIH 11-10 act cj*~ Pyridazine Derivetives (Second Report) llt~l SubstAtuted Cmpoumho e 31 6;--- Anzine. Part I., by T. Itai., U. Igeta,, MIA i AwPutl., Vol XXX~,r 1955P S,L.A. Tr Wh/1956 OWPOW& ReUted to thlose- la4sAtAw DWIV&tlvbo by 16 Want*&# 5 pp. 1 JeAkmp pwp -j ftiaw..Sbc jbpnt Val umv* so go ~*55.0 eon set;., ~0, t~ I - 12(A4 lmh~iut'X T !Jt2murs, F.. and (thrra Mlkl-'SIS -1,11RUTKAZINES. IV. SYNTHESIS OF 1, L'han~,IononeA--ChcwIcst: i :t actl ino KFO.M P-ANJINOHIHA~:()I. AND it,", Krol S 11. 75 Al-S-OW45j I ~ Inhigurn. T. T-al'I". 4 Yak.uIiaku Zamphl Ospan) 1955. v. 7-S, 111, Tifiv. '~Nr'nt'vpi4-. p. 21 IV. AT*~~--114NWSI It. 'V, ApmmlstH Technical lervices. Inc.. Usat Ompe. N sclet1kro-non"scology. TT. T. 5, flo, 1) Tabtlgor~, Kiti 1 09"i, 'I. A SYNTHP-qS OF PIPERAZINES. VAP0R-',PIWE SMUESIS j2,Z,2f0CTANE. ~ 11%31 Orde i iroin ATS $9. Ijc~ Trans. ofVs~bj kij~., P. (see Also 1~1 2D8 4) ura, E., Mataurnura, K, Wl FT. 6. CATALYTIC OF 1. 4-DIAZABYCYCIA) Sp ATS-64Q721 (Japan) 1955. v. 75, no. 1 1, as. Synthesis (Chemistry), Tr, v. 11. m 3) 'TT-64-12072 1. Title: 1. 4-rM&zsbycyclo- r (2,2.7)octane 1. Tehiguro, T. 11. Kitamure, F. 111. Matsumura, M. IV. Ogaws, H. V. Title: Catalytic ... V1. ATS-64Q721 . M. Asomtated Technical Services, Inc.. Past Oran%#--, N. 91 1 d &2T*%% I ~f I ~ I 11V :1 Oa tbj6 ~ Identity of Miodataxini had adotoxin,,. and j ~,11 Grsy6otoxl,6~,~'I, b,-v T. ftkamoto, I. NtWduoto, pp. VMI"29"Pairmn mm%4 - Imal JAPAMX# =71 or the Pw,rm,6,it,4x smi of jfpn_ I 'TO, LMP '10 -Up ~ i*. OT N N111 34 sclekikic mwdsta7 t~a LLate CompywAs of S.Wtracyr-I J Daftva- 'art No ColcrUntivic DetandsLaUou of a in Urim by the ljorste emplax p". ilm a Outim b0hesiao ?min., by 2, A, Imairtp .5 pp.- Vol IXMo IS ASSOC T*ch Sv 'IrgED-IJ ate Coq?wmids of I'stracyclim Dari- Mao,i Part V. OU-0twe 41t tbe Aureomwaln- b., It. SWuoOd Ranaki 6 pp. 'g.. i056p 180.- Amoc Tech Ov &dUJ.J 58 8tu I i013 oni C is-Urocenio AcIdp by K. Vgmda) JAPAI Vol LXM, 'R0 195(j., 32-5---238- un 3-2&6o e4 i med!~ St6dy:~f Atropine Metabolism. (1) Pharmaco- io, P ,gicafConspectux of Atzoyanal,, . tL 'ANL99. per. Nihon Yakurizaku Zassbk,, Vol 52o 3 ''OS6p pp 335:36 R*c: 3544 1965 (T 89 J) juke 66i Ili d. 3019503 al Studle an Plant Mwpanentg. Report So 22 ion, DOWOUM Ot MDrIOMAWpe AIMICULD by POX** by T. MWLYMOO 1. zw"j u pp. APANW81 OW per# Yakupku Zasahip Vol 11M. No C. i*., Pj 6e5w&v&.- XrA Tr No 1-13 ~~~Iil.crhx,`Ihnmickl. Studes on Ment ca7m~oucntu. ~X'XIIT.',' Separation of Xanthine Der4,,,-aUc-vou bly FO~4r Chr=atoVaphy, by T - lulncue JOA10ML, per, Yeltugaku ',~muvhi, licil 41o6 ;1956, pp 629-i-631. -ji-.1991 chemie~I-stwiieis- -om -PlacentO Chorionle- Gonadotropin. ROOrtllo li,'~ Mraction and FurIfication of Chorionic oorwdo~~'Opll~ I!Prota Human Placental. Tissue, by. S. S. Namba, 15 JAXAU~W, 0 Par Vol LMM, ifo 6, june 1956, ~p~67841168i-.- MR Tr 5-13 my 58 Lies on Placental Chorionic Gorado- )rt No 2. chromstogmphy or Chorionic Wracted from Hunan TUcental. Tissuep amp 12 pp. JAPAM ~er,. U ku, Usehi (Journal of the j"R-raj~in)., Vol UtXVT, No 6. jun 1�56, p''p 682-686. "Aid"ro clt mimnl Studios on Plimt C=3~onll-nt:~- T~111111. .S OTaratlan of Kanthine Derivatives by Pciper 16k"O~eGiUj by T. Mriyongi, T. Inme. APkII-1310i, per, YakuCalc4 Z=a'h1j, Vol LXM, 'to 6. 106 747,- 748*6---'*' M~3 JJ-1992 No JUI 58 the Rrrors in OrgauLc W=oanalysls ttion and Method of Control of Carbon in Analyses.0 by B. TWIverap U. Kan.6 Phdrm soc ftaup Vol LMM 56m 883-886- Asso Tech Aer IOH-14J stu'Ads th* Rrrars in Org"ic 116"10tal Mlcflb~mlyilv - III - Studies im the Sources of trror ib the Determiustiou of Cuban &W ~ i !I H764en .Part 2. by H. Fujivara., M. Dm,, 9 pp. JAPAX~SR~ 4xwo tMaim soc "^pii, Vol '13=1., No 8, Assoc Tech Serv UR14J Sell MI lea Of the Pyrrolldine Nucleus, So NOMAM, 3 Iq?- .,jA4&n* Vol Co:Mer~e/pa ei Studi O~on De,rivkive s~pe journ~ii of 0 Vol 18~; No 11 japah .6,ft dip- Off ice R-54o8-D ca22Y Active Fhe3IYIPrOPanO1'!I--"- 1 and 2)j by Hideji Takamatsu) Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1956, pp l2l9-i2,,?6 k tt I e4 4L S SA/ i8y"4etic Studies on Olvauronic Acid Derivatives. Tie Syntheale on Aryl- -D-02mopyranosift- ~:rml~ AcIdes by Him TOWWoto., Nuatcmo Hamaw* Keitiro Woo Taeohl Urodaj 3.3 PP- JAPAUMp xmws Yab=kia-Zmamh4aol Lxxvi,, pp Uelf AW c UCRL Tr 301 ~Gpardtlou of IONUIAA frcs Whale Poo- Cbrcmto5rms6yj by Y, Sasano arm pps 'Val IWIP Doe m. 1,969 R-10s U&D Utloli '.,V41evi or. the tluur~xotry o.. trio do"mira -I,jn of 'Aro-;Jm with no Saimp iiw,.,u .:orita ot &I JIJL~ataro 4 in rlwwwa pmfta b" do na S dies'on the Constituents of Rhizoma Pt. VII., Constituents of AWWdronu- ol. Pt. V3:EIj. Exhaustive Metlgrlaticm -f Deespla"~'Imphwidine. IX Constitution of '=6&ph&raaedio1* X Comititiution of L 1 1, ~ 11. I Desoxympbaridine., by Y. Arata., T. Ohashie per.,TWmgWm Zassigi, Vol 77, No 3., pp 225-2370 C-~$30 9ci-B&H .j.h6e 66, 303,84,6 Studiti on ~ RPIti m6452i p9iA ~C Si Ks Kirii.4i MAi2ii r Sci Diol Jan .58 1e Alkaloift of Mon',Lapermceous Planta. kwioido of Stopbwila capitato Spnog. tbesis of di-Stophwias, by N. TamitA, PP* MI. Vol !I, No gas- --P93 to Ufflalt to OMmda Aomn% ftwLtso 4t 140 lb Al IF# Ambe took larv a- fir /o/ cove at lbo Amoo"Womp IW AMD harmacological Effect of Pheno Thiazine Miazine Derivatives., by Kilchi Fujiiy owa) Goro HWewshi) .17pp t6per., YNEgaka Zasshij Vol TTP 1957) dcal Studlea on Placebtal Chorionle )~ 0~ ij nafte. Rot No 1. Extraction,. Purificstion, rn-. i 0k 06 Principle of the Rainini .11caction, Mupatult 15 pp. UMLMSIFIM JAPAMSSE,~!Iper., Yakupku Zs9shi, i~57 310-5F5 min 2-12-0 Oct Nied' Vol LMIT, Fo 4, ON i*t)-,-,*!A, '1'1k- A I N1 NO! I ilp Trrms~ AM ~r' ianrs. %L J-~F TW~ P~%JNCIP.: R~' AC: F Ns' flt~j C. 2 of Clm~Micn'. fl ("hol-follit: (""(- nVitknt-I'llic 11offiv'-w- t.4147(1 villittC(Q 1:1 refs. 1957, v, 77, no. 4. 1tvai table If rnm SLA as SS - 112. protchin, Opinjitary 'lei nw4~'i4;' him inflar structure, Molecular weight, R*xihkov;-~) ti:-m, Membranes (BloloM_ 1.lactm- O-All i1914" Difftn~ci n, Physical properties. ;: I I N":Ij i (Aj'5' I ~4'1 li', on nt , were determined for Ov prlrtcl'~U! of zti~~,~.Wnint reaction (NIC). Isolated from 111.1il),aii plACOnlia4is a roughly homingencous product A&vf LM~g, to iflii.~mphoretlc and ultraccntrifugal exami - 1,3 - 1461 it L A)'(11,1k I. V ii, tit -in I, tit N(H ONC& d 10chokst %murs Aystas, PP- i9% 59 qu 58-:L78 Syntheses of Pyrlmidine Derivutivea. X. Studiei; c~ th~, Syntheses of' 2-Plett&I-14-Amino-5- ~Alkcax:~methylpyTlmld Ina anei Ken,ji.llkawa, Xazucx-Tori, 7 pp~~ ~IAPAIMSE~ per, tio i~IJJ958, pp 6117-651. SLA W-10,)- S-C i 2 Oro.. Vol III, No 6 6ep 60 Cheimital Otudies on Placental Chorionic Gonsdo- I t t*O*. :epart 3. ZoolatIon of Chorionie Obn6dotro'liD From Now Placental Tissue,. by Be NS*$p 13 PIP- JAPANM,,~~Vsr, T, Zasel,, l957 *1 pp A ?iTciq NZ Tr -14 Bel YAdi Vol LXmrv 116 7,,/ Chesioul Sti,#Iies on the PlAkeentAil Morinnic Cyonfidotropic HOMOPO4 Rpt no 3. On thd Amino At.,id Compoaltion I I I ~Ipje of the Iftiniti Remctiwo by M. f tbi~ frimi, PP. Ut(CLABSVM JAPAM., p6r, Yakugaku Z"igbl Vol LUVII., go 7j, Jul ~M) iv' 753- 15,13==41 NIH 2 -22 sci Ned mar (I t4~dstl Otudies an the Patew of Fortwatim Cobra, =0 t4 Convasition of Purified Poimon by ToyosWm.Gcsuki. J&~AftSZ ~~i Vol Ly..Xvrl, 646.8 May 59 C:hemicb.l "hLcuea an the 4`4- Hbxw.Ori~. 86port. no 4. Zfreat, of Oxidiaug, 4izia Reclupibg A6ae,6 on the Frinciple of tb*-- Minini 4 " ~ I Roaati6a adi Detervination cf itri, T~?radrml A-,-i~co by K, kilakt;'alui., :L4 pp. zacialli), Vol ll%ATIIP ND ~1~ Sep 19 5 7 k) 955-959., Uld Tr 3-12 pr chewi6i st~Aies on Placental Chorlonic Gonadotropic Horw~ zia~ H4ort No 5. The Influence of Enzymes on the Activft~ of~the Principle of the MainIni Reaction, by ;I M. Kikutani U PP. JAFAM.Sk, per, Yakugaku Zacwhi, Vol LXXVII, No 10, Oct 1951, rp 10P -1095-,~ NIH Tr 5-12 Sal 1~--d YAY Hwit 7, A SrMiS IN AMINES. IV rvd lnoi~l T. THE SYNINESIS DERIVATi'MS. 111 Order tr(x'n' SLA $1 Trans.:o(!Ygik ki P. OF ARYLALKYL- SIS OF a-ME'niYL-2-ALXU,(Y- ND NUCLEAR SUBMTrUTED 7p (rds onxined) TT-64-14179 ishi (Jap") 1957. Y. 77. no. 10. ca lences,-PbarTnacolop, Tr, Y. (Blolog, I sc~ 12, no, 2) TT-64-14179 I Hart$, Z. 11 IRM. T - HI. Tlilt- SymMals... Otft*o of Tock"1461 servic" fm CLI214niing lopwt lb 1. 2to Ia. "rawtump %w Ir yak, -,,"Llt"VOL LU= :8.*nthi~bes of Pyrimidine Derivatives. YII 14 -Alboxypropionitriles and akoiquethylene-3 Its Xubiners., by Akira ThImmizawal Kenji Ikawaj, *saYL4d ftrisaft, 10 pp. ~AAM=m per,, Yakumdw MUJ- Vol LXMII 6 !! OL" p ~~19580 pp?32137- SLA 60-10980 SOL. 6 OTBO Vol III Ito 60 (S~nthoIses of) Pyrimidine IL-rivatives. VIII. ~~aia of 2-DialkDx~nwthyl-3- jllkox~prapionltriles, by ladra Takamizava, *enjiffllkava, Ikuyu)d Naelsadal U -pp. JAPAIMS, per,, *ra]njMln2_.&wW, Vol LXXVIIII *o 6,1195% PP 637-643. mA 6o-log6g OM vai nx no 6 ~:50 6D !Jrrlth~oseg; Of' Pyriml~ditje Der),vat'i-vei3. X. 6~, thl~- Mutual Conversion of 2--Dlulkoxymethy'L-.~~- i1kou0propionitriles, 2-Dialkoxymethyl- Acryll6nitriles and 2-Alkoxymethylene-3- Autox~proplonitrilesj by Akira Takamizaura, tenju! Ikawa , MasWW Narisada 7 PP ku Z JAPA149SE per,, I ku ti Zasohi Vol LXXVIIT, No 6pi~ 1953, pp 643 U* LA 60-IC97B 7'1 ois :Nloi iTr, No 6 TT-65-134144 Field 6A Nak"lu", r.. utstwomim N.. %sah4 T.; t&oC&wx, V. :rM~IFS ON PV*AMC ACM AND ANALYOGOVS C(-TVI - POIJUDi. VEL 011BACTERM ACTWITY OF SEVC&U. ALLtiLPICOLJMC ACWS IN VM`tO. 5P, 10tv(s. oi,&r fi,(~w m.M sim u rr-gs-iuvi TrUM6 bf y Z"dId k!.*V&W IM PGTI-3 11% 1. Titic: AnUbseterld IAN S" Intei*ction of Steroidal Hordone With Serum ~prcAjin. VII. Tufrared Spectra or Protein- Bound Steroids, by Hiroo Taklkava) 8pp. upAfts. per, Ubsaku-juahl, Vol UM) No 195910 pp 794-799. nA 6o-io972 m5livol U1, No 6 ~Isvntlescs of Pyrimid3ne DerivatAvoki- X! Intemlediatea in the Reactioti oJ' Diaikoxymethyl-3-Alkovvpropioiiiti-ilc-,.i W Acetamidine, by AhAra TaImmiziwa; Sadao WAzttp~ Tori 9 PP - JAMESE, per, Yalwgaku Zaswhl, Vol UX No .10, 19581 PP siA 6o-io98', scv; 0 6 10 *ON 0,'Sltion of FRUWI*rJne &a W Analogs AcUs. IV. Dwooosltlon of ma -2-AUWmdnoetbxwI a by Min- bgr U. ftwam,, port ladmoka Rmahl Vol LXxvni, 1#7 58; 9T4-VITI. (&13M6 3W., 916 47 m . the mtols in wh4le Pau=" wwwitig a pooglyeade aftet? by Y. Ishihamp at &I I 11 TBMLcmku Usatij, Vol LUVM9 1958j. vith so- -rum ~Ootoluj !by TOkUxmo IPP' va uomn, ymammaka Zwkd iou.6o m66 60 with on a, md by Val IAXMI.. ",r. Itn po.~~ Storoiaal lomoria,-:~ avd. nnvine serm JAPMNSE 'per., Yukultaka Zqsvk!4~, Vol lxrm:E, NO 11, pp, 0 Nlff R-:~1-63. DitexaclLion of 3teroldai Hormones witli Seruni Proteia.~ 1Report No 4. Phynicochamical Pro- per-ties bf Protein-Bound Steroidap by Ava 7 PP- JAPANSSroi, Der, Yakusaku zasahi (Journal of the Sdblety of Japan), Vol LXXVIII) ;;11 1,958) pp 1286-129o. NIII 9-64-11 "d' Y4 d Sad 62 Intimwtion of Steroidal Homom With Sarm Pi6win4~ Paport So 5. aplicodmima Pro- iets ~af Proteln Bound StAtr*As. or* (2).0 p by Ell per j YakuSft Zmifti,, Val LUTUI) lip to5bi, Pp 101 xzff e-3i-6e 416 41 Ij INT,6!RACT,ION OF STEROIDAL HOINME WITH SERUM PRO T,jEIN REPORT NO. VI PHYSIOGHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF P R6T '3). 'EM-60UND STEROIDS PART 1, BY HIROO TAKIKAWAs P~ OAOANESE~ PERO YAKUGAKU ZASSIJI, VOL LUVIllt NO 11) 19~8,p PP,11296~1~~. NIH 5.3k..62 561:- mEb 207022 AUGI; 62 ar,& "rc.71-tIc (or Intro compunla) in the ol" N"uMir, by lfa*ruo SaVraahi, Ta%uzo o p ya"..sqhl zovsnhi7 1959. azf~p vul ;Tit No Dfui# 6o Yo ghidbes on CfjLlUcmia. rvaport Ho 2% FU~~hVWOAM Wi-,.b Mxiwlt by Rl=shi Vori5ra, 10 Pp. Z per yalokpku Zushi, Vol I No I 3 .9 9', Pp 9 W 7-14 qu'a,wi On OrP=C MiM-ftMLYS1s (Bighteenth Repft-t). D~slc Actim of allAwan-Oms I Mlordby&6matiz m for Volumetric Analpisp by Keiidxiro 12 pp. Sol - dhm 6]L:' per* UuWku Zwobip Vbl LM=p 19592 AMC Tr-43V StQdl" on oreagdo uJormulysis (Minoteenth at the mlwo- n. U$ Awarato for VwMet"o mayels HOUMO by KoUchiro p 32 pp. w,* Takdom"n 2"6b1), Vol 1,959 135-190"-'' A= Tr-43* sai chm 6tudi6a on Protective CmUng, VIII. Prsctic&l A il6ation to Pharusceutical PrapsimUOUB3, by Ida, 8 pp. per., Yala4plat Zmashis Vol LXXIXjp No 3p 1959tj pp 281-286. SIA 60-10970 sci MIS Y01 111, No 6 4;, 6ep 0 imucal.Studies on Callicrein, Report No 3 ~,~jalc4tioa by ZOM El-satrophoresis, by ~~bl J!'Wiya, IgilebUv Bblimsaws, 9 py. JOAIMS' per YakuSAu Zomshi, Vol It lj=,p C~em &OP 59 )q 2,' 74 5' Kla"t.(' no~-%f: ()tjr.'s. 11 44 1 Cq III O~Jer Ir ira, T. ind Ohashl, S. Il. PHSSUBSTANCES ANTII.410-11- k (" E* (-()I.()IllhlrTRf ',III: DH I A 111i,,:al hicill(KIS for "Ile Dvterrlim- V11t. Colorimerric Dvtcrtnm.~ti~~r f,,ruip tvxt ire', ETC, ,Fr CNM 1~1. U! TV- 1. 1, 11, Aril.l. If I. ' ~~ - IV. ;1,1S,-NNvlI 14 1 1 'eiaction of Steroidal Hormones With Serum it ~rot4ins. VIII. Biological Properties of Protein.. -ioun4 Steroids,, by Hiroo Takikava, 7 PP- JAPIAAMIC, per, Takupku-Z&~, Vol LXXIX, No 1959; pp 799-66~- SIA 6o-10976 SCI A i ors va in$ vo 6 60 Syntheses of Pyrimidine DerLvativcu. M. F~irtber Studies on Alkcll~cypropionatc, by Alcim TnYamdvnm,~ Kunj"'. TohmOamaj Hieetu Satoh, 11 lip. JAPANI-S-E, per, Yaltugalm zunshi, Vol UXzXJ b-6 1.959) pp --YL) 7' SCA cm., vol lil '~10 6 (lithents of P rimidine -Derivatives XV. es6s of J:-Substituted Acetals of ropionitrile rivatives, loy Kanji Tokuyams, iP pp - JAPAM,t,, per, Ya!c ohl.. .!Eku Z". No; 6p iO59$ pp U1416019. SU 60-10974 6et 6i~6, Vea. III, Tio 6 P Vol LMX., syn Itbeads of Pyrimidine Derivatives. XVI. sir~uesi~s of 2-Ethoxymethyle.-ne-3- j h6toxyoropionitrilej by Kauji Tokuyaw, 11 pp. JAPANESP,, per, YAkuggku-Z=Wp Vol LXXT-X, No~-6j 10590 pp 819-824. SLA-60-10973 Sci ms VO i III, No 6 S.ep 6o