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'eubtar on the laprovumut of Cco,,graphy Tbtacitingo 7 1. OJUES17, per, Ti-11. Jo 4, 29 Jul 64, pl) INIII-11 ~87n S Oc 65 276,162 77 leveill"a the Secrets of Mount Cosainthan, iby nz Pon-haing (6774 2609 5281)10 10 pp. ,CHMSE, per, 11-o11 No 3, 29 Sept 19649 pp I ~1930196, JPRS119013 Asia ~Chlna Geog 2769680 ~chjxv~os Heat So=es aW Their Utilizatlont by W Chi-ko (4151 0366 6030)t 10 pp. CHIN0,SE9 per$ TI-11 14o 50 29 Sept 1964# pp i9g; ~030 JPR '129013 Asla~`Ichlnn Goog~~i 2769681 4W iwwlysis of Relationship Between Transpor. 'tatl*l'n and Organization of Extractive Indus- triait by Chlen Hanahsin (7115 3252 2946)t ~21 VIIMSE, per, TI-11 No 3,, 29 Sept 1964, pp 207-i10. 1. DRS119013 Asia4thlna Econ Mar 6:5 2760682 ~CWilation of AgropqMsphical Maps of 11 irth' Indicating Conditlims for Stable- Harv~'st 111sh-Y191d Farm ',UuWq by Chw% L1-kuo (172$ 0500 2654)t 16 pp. ::CHINMSEp parg TWI Ho 16 29 sept 19649 pp JPRS''IM13 Asia4~'Chtna Har 65 2769683 Aluel orgotics, by 11su rcilig-111ju, IS ly. por, Ti I I twu lolouml Kuo shon ;i~u - ~a Usuch li"Smu-M T170,77i NO T I --- - 7 76;; 8-4 .. --.JL 4 962. pp L001315tj() 4 mod sci ar, 317g652 c"ZI4 Sc"ili Comervation of tli-~ yun~;-ci!'!~/ 56 pp. p3-r, 1-37- J?R S --l. 09*7 - D r1;: chim C,(,og Jail 60 (LC-3506/4). Driftlaig Swd Dunn Along the &eat Wall in NortWi~% Monal., by OMmS Ifel.. 67 pp. CRIB" per) T1--ill (Rd-1?4mj, No lp Oat 1957., JM-U.67-D 60 A Study 6.f the PjWsjogmphical Formation of Western Szechuan and Western Yunnan,, by Lo Lai- haing and Yang 1-chlout 86 pp. C j, per,, Ti-li Chi-Van, 110- 5, SePt 1963, pp-, 1-57- JPRS 38942 Mftina S~i-ss/d Dec 66 316 j, oe 4 I A Preliminary Study of the Problems of theDynamic lProcess of Swd Danes under Lic Presence 0 by Chu Chen-ta) 39'PP- CHI' per, Ti-li Chl-ktan,, No. 5s SerPt IS63j, PP., ~ 58-70 - JPFS 38942 FE-Chiw Dee 66 316.,0e5 W~ The Pasic Maracteristics of Ku-erh-pan-tlung- ku'Ale D~sert of Dzungaria, loy Chlen Chili-pling 21 CHINME, per, Ti-li Chi-klan, No- 5. Sept 1963, PP. 79-90. JPFS 38942 n-China SOL-ES/0 Dec 66 316,,o26 . i . I S6na TopIOgraphy of K'a-shih Wand Delta of Tarim Bs6in, by Li Chu-CAM9, 14 pp- CHUM., per., Ti-li Chi-Iclant No, 5.. SePt 1963., ppi.91-99t JPRS 3894P. FE4hinm sci.#Es/o Dec!66 316..027 I-Nisic Cl1kracteristics, Formation., anti Wavelop- m~nt of t1he lake Basin Topogmpky of Tsinghai t ~., by F 1Yung,, 36 pp. I u hng CgIMI.,!per., Ti-11 Chi-klan, No- 5L, Sept 1963, ! -LOO PP. . -IP-0. JFRS 38942 Fg-Ollima Sci-ES/0 Dec 66 316 . oe,,3 rh~ jlegio~ Typos of the Alaslian Desert in ln~al- by Van Chien-an (622,3/(615! 1344) 1 gi ~,l J)Pq ClltNf',SF., oar, T1.3A Chi-ktan. .,o % Aug, 64, pIp: 1-27. JPR.q 379133 c) et 66 313,529 A- 13391 g!3 Aug 66 The IWedtki Typw oi the AUstlior, .:,~surt in Lrvwi* H0q;0do kgr T~m Glden-anp pp 627, a4l , hp~ksanv ao.80peipina't ~~Oc 1964 Cu, woo cf;-."'Ai4o indl4i~rapiv uVesebartest4b]. asvo-tc but no ploto,-mlAw. 14D 4 Ab,%-6tnjA for tKo artatele a~qumrs In J PM: ~96 i ai; 3 .1) 4 oo 65) Distribution of Several Major Minority iattomlit *a in Yunnan. ~W# TL-li Ch -shib" Peiping.. sop 1954. CIA/PW/Sllm 453 Wk Info f~?t on Com China TS China WIR Ge6;! Boo PON"",! atuma oeow"hy or Win Ung ft4p.. by ShM Tu- CNU=p TI-11 Mth-sh1h, Pelpiqg.. Doe 54,9 pp 347-349. FE - Cblft leca 080 33095 St Tau" 74vor am 6=1 d ~i 11-u Mb-d"o Cat 19559 3000M. CIA/M Sm 062 iAmk--- Vatural Geography of Inner Mongolia, 5 1/2 p.. :confid'. .Chinese mo-period., Ti-li Chih-shih., Peiping, Oct 55zi PP 308-310 ~c IA/MM sum 833 FE-Chih E(~on- Oeography Goop~VW of Nal=~-bAli MW Obno to, JA ?IqVrn wt iio~q TI-U chlb-shibs 1101PIM, Now 1"59 pp CU.AW Sm 862 IM chi 900*140 -4.- bmNX3= I CIdnik".*1 byJWang ribution of Industrial Plants Proposed,, he article "Gradually relocate the located iMustries left over from old Wei-pling MMMEp p6rp PP ~6-1-3631~ n China! Ecoftooftic 1 wkv info4t TI-1i Chih-shiho Pelpingr Dec 1955, ciA/rm sm go2 3 (96) New~dAies ~:f It t , : Ife d, of, CHMESS.. per, pp 3~41-366.1!' FE -~Zhina, nc=6~ic Wkly.: TInfo. ~pt China, condensed from the article f ChJml$p by Kao Yung-yunn Ti-li Chih-shiht Peiping, Dec 1955, CIA/FDD Sum 902 33 (96) ftta"a 0605n4ft "a LOA animation in selbing- i kIN141 Pred2no 'by MO 90"kl*600 0 TI-11 subs pelvinsp DW 550 VP CA/M SM 912 ra Chi" saw 0" 3e.834 I , 01161 mm&willa or To"Oft mo% t7 157ft"7"%w '' 10 . em"o ftdal - PW*Iftv M 56# pp 4&51- ......... 7 N, CIA/M On 9W !" quuw a": fto PAD (AX) lirr" Tom-PIA6% v*"m mom CbVA by No Chl lh. exMi6to TP-11 CUb-oMhp Polpi%.s M %0 Vp 56s 5T. CUIFOD Sum 926 ikou 33r5O . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wen-tu-erh-miao and Er-lien, Two New Cities in Inner I Mongolia, CHIKEZ'B., per, Ti-li Chib-shih, Peiping, Sep 1956., pp 403) I.L101. FE Obina Econ Ch'in'-nanlIPu-i and Miao Nationality Autonomous Chou CHII SE per., Ti-li Chih-shih,, Peiping., Oct 1956) p 447 FE China Ecob W&U Yatp Slwwirw, Uiliza's A7pAAUGa 9) 3 P-P- (rrMVMp pur !Pl-wll Chih-shiht Ili) Ili Feipingj :L9%0 !Pr) AM Llb Tr va F- (%I=,% Geo IM: Wps Oct 58 cb=.Oiw8 City m4 Chaia-Oiaw, Port.* by P'u 14 an 2 pp.' #!-11 Ck4hrsh%hp 16 12# ftiplmgj 1956,p ~~,PP 550-554- "U No Glr'155i 19560 No 12 Us Tr. AM Ub Tr USS r~ ow Tm"uuw~~Vwoujp the southessitern Psft Of Ymm. (lWk Uto A~t an Cm Odbap 170). mo "r, U-11 MlhoULb yet 1957P 65~61. GOO Yang.tte RiVer Hydroloocal DoLtAte Extract tranalatiLn. MIMM, per, Ti-lL-Qlh-M3ih? Mar 1957., PP 99-118- 6002D AIM Tr 8-3B-159 'r1 7B . CUT" )eogmphic kus 51 !Pvwotlol~ Of tcoogmPIV Imatzmactlaa in China, (wk xrwo I ~Rpt on Cm Obinat 180). CWh-ahiho Paipjugt May 19-7.. cif"17W, cm! 1578 Yr-, CILIna, Goo Dii;-tw1bution -uJ"6 Cottoa F&AdU6 1" siukli.wl3b O-blk Wo Rpt on com mliw )iv) emWbf, ma rr, Pcipins'p 9%.y 10115Y., 207- CM/FDD Sm 1546 ;7 7-0 Geo - rov 57 GDaG4~qly o9 Ama -qong the rro~)Orx!d -Itulx~ Railuray in Sinkii.,M. IM20 Rpt aa Com Ch:Umo Zo M2) it-CS'S, = Par~, 'i-A-li Chih-oh:Ws Pei-Pingv MaY 1957.s V-TA/-PrDD Sum, Ir,4,6 -5 5~ 2 63 57 XAM-obou'sliftet Futuros by Mmg-vu Fmc. emu=.,, per., U9~7,p PP 243-247. ANS Ub Tr UMt 0009 ft: 58 svfflcji=ury Wormuou to the 1956 state Wbiatkal Coutruction Dintribution Wp,- ( Wk XAft I* on Com China 172) js MO perjo U:14 ohn;A" F-olping, Jun 057s .1~ 26o. CLk/FM Sum 1533 Im - Chi= New Oct 51 Viaual AarlQl Survoy, 12 pp,, tLVCLj)ss2M per, -li-chih-shth ? 6 Ser 1957. 6oo4ti-i Pms Tr S-:3B 299 St I Ga opbys FE China Geog 58 PatVDIMM bdustry in Soviet RaBala. 15 pp. Uncul"IT-I'm ~-- I " t CHME, per, Ti-li-chlb-abih.. -"p 1957. 6004th AUS Tr 3-3B 013 usalt - 4~7 scom Mar 58 t I ~0 41haph of Are* am ft"Utics cw am" W pwrift" *A son Iralso 21-11 PRAS no 9,p IWO ADO w S~pw sw4m It an Om" ft"14P Nuwow an Awft .JLA rule (jeogm,ii1cal Ristributloa of CbJXA'El Lkloar ludaniX.Y. (wk DWo npt on 0m Chin p 184).. cmawip w IMP Ti-li CbIh-ah-V , PeiPUSP ft -l;57; pp 392-396. momponow-M - cxA/PDD s= 1613 Fs- - CUM 0 0 1 PAM Dac ~ 57 Gacomphic Di6tribution of Patralelm RoGerves or Chiua. , (Wk 1,131"o Rpt on C= Md=,,# 18.1.). cFaREEM w per., Ti-li. Chth-shihs Peiping., Oct 1957S rp 11 C-10OWD 1588 FE - Chi= Goo r1ov 57 Illy-Pem of Distributioa of Vegetntlca of Ecoacmic 131'.Iff.- 41.11 Ykamati. twk lafo FIA ell ccm It , Ciltnr~s 193 CHMM) mo per, Ti-li Chih-i3hib) llelpingp Pp 536- 53)4 V-iA/yw air, 1695 China 7,/ V .Iwn Feb 1958 (Waowaphic-O. Distribution of ChJzm Is CoVinn and CO,-t-ton 3hduotry. (Wk Dltb lipt on Coza Chiua,~ 183). Cflnt-M.V, mi. parp Ti-li ChIlh-cM., %bing) PP 543-547, Oft IM CIA/FM Sm 1603 F2 - Cal iml Gco Nov 57 awl CCZ.3. C!IIL-zp 185 1,9117, 5W- In .53 Wormation. on China I o Forel~p Trade., by Rwng a-- owen~'llmlAg.9 - ~ Baum p I JLng. (Wk Info IRpt on Cm China* 213) 0 CHMM., rao perp Ti-li ChJLh-W*.. Vol IX.. lio 1,1 Pelpiag, Jon 195 pp 21-1. CLOW Sm 1840 FS - China Boon , jka 58 (NY-3095). .H~~ogr~ipby of tba Rivera lzi CommUt, China; by ICU* chlill 8-hal.. 39 pp. CIIIINIM par., TI-11 Cblb-*hJb.. Vol IAp So 2, 3p 0 Nipingo Feb/ -I956o-pp-kSr-53: 109-1.14. JFRS--2027-P Milas Dect 59 67 (NY--v95). OmtloW. for Wator Cons*rvuicy Devalopwat In North ILUnpu, by Rau Chih-ch'sal, 16 pp. CH19MA, por, Ti-11 Mlb aiih, Paipini;, 14 Feb 1958v 53-57. jm..2026-Y Ulm 0/ 1-3- 0~0 59 .10 .:Cho inner %Daplia. -cnfo cu cam 9) ("RUM, pert TI-11 Cblb;*ohib., 53 2y FeipL-4g, ftb 195B, pp 58-:51. WTA/PW Sam M67 PA*3 Aug 59 -3 LY) 5 L iza b,,, C ha T i nr, - C' I c n 11jj.]L Cl t, of ChujW V; pp - CIIINESEp pcrp TI-11 Chih-sbill, Fc-fpfna, pp 102 jp :FE - ("I'll-lina GL.og 11,12 inn 6n ftobleim and Chameteristict of the Ved tu JkLa In. (Wk Wo Rpt an COM ChirA& S. 272) CMUESZ,, per, Ti-li Chih-AWJa, rjo 4, 1958, PP 157-160- FDD Sum 23U chim Geog m aep 59 ,q :~i C~q Tnc S~~r I 2U,:3:c Basjll, 'by 71".." I.Ifilmr-tc, IA, pp~ Cq T IF, us S'PRS/m, P-23 ina 2*mstwAmtim at the *Wiob&md Is Tt=Uin SpoaW Dfs+WA~ (Chlft)t by Ll Lo-wimp Tme :us-4bu,, pp. ?141 6j, P*Ipuvs, 98 JM)bC46-4OQ9 p$ - Cblm seven), questims an the Cftditiftu and Mili2fitleft of.aiver flov FlydrWaphy isk UnklaM (CbIM)p by Li Voiiov 12 pp. C~~ per, Ti-u Mdb-qhM,No 6, ftiplxo~ US :M/12 4- -4030 n - Chi= Soo 7j- S"9041 Nationaity LopAtloW MA PopAstiou. (Vk Info ftt on owilchimll 221). Iff, MIZ lp~ peri TI-11 ChO-ehlbp vp 60 paipingp 14 Jun 1958jp Vp 2!i8~,25q*.-' CTA/FW &= 1904 YE - thim soc ftp 58 Aet:LMIUUI&l PU=du$- (Vk WO FVt Ou Cam ah'=$ 2es). A ~Pws TWA Mdb-WMI,, ND 7p PeiPUWP 4,3A ala - , CIA/M Sm 1959 n - chum~k Oct ~ 58 7400 0 ? 6 W-Ins Today's "A-Men Garpo by Wang Jk-Wwnj 8 pp. cmnum~ per* ofl-li Chlh-Ghj#2 no 7p polpi"o, A All 3~4W 0 9,p-WM 6- .- 06 Mmdbc-L-m8 FS to 00 D" 0 7v-A, 16 4F ~w DC-2182 Itzrormtiou cm XWLI Region,, IDY Yu Tm-h*l=8* 12 pj~ - CRIJMo W; fl!tU Chlb-shlbp No, 7m POSPinge Ili jw. WAS, i~- J640-, , , US JPFIB/bC-TP-IM 1% - Chl= 066 /74, VWr Res'ahes of Us Irtyah River, by TeIrd chllog-ch'wo 7 PP- CHMM, ver, Woll CM-abltip So 79 ft1pingp 1958, VP 3"s 3"o W VMft-Ir"'1230 Is Chu* fto D" ~58 7d pcw, Aug vp FE Oct 159 I'lo F DO= 2351 (NY-3095)'. FIwA for the Control of the Chleo, ablu cat, Itugm Egiling A 11 pps I I OHM 0 per., Ti-11 Wh-sb1hp Peipimg)~ W Bt P~ 342-344- 'i JM 2234 .- chilm .4 Ile 3P367 v 60 7 (NY-W75). Floods =44lood Control., by Idu Kuaag-wen) 18 pp. COMP,, Or TI-11 OU-4h '1'l pe'ping' W73-475- is chum "b j 0 !f6 L4torltio IjolU in Kiangalp 22 ipp. CHU.tggoo Vnirt Ti-11 Chih-3bib, Ytipi:43ip Ycl 11, N,"~ JPFZ 2319 wzr 6o Plooda end P-lood Cont=ol, by Llu p per -=-~Ohihj Fel., ~nz, Aug) Pat 19540'9.~? 364-366..-,IM;4?5t,, leb, 6b T,,opl.cal ru,,d CF::rii;, ;D.,l, -:'lub-Wx'opicc.1 Colcure-,cun Chang Chuzi-rdri, 12 pj). FE Chlrw. Cu, Jewl UO ,V. IN,entsin; *oy ohi MIMB~ pery TI-11 Chib-shiho 1;o I'L, 0,:ip.I!-, .1955) PI) 494 -496 JRPRS-21)Q,), -I'T JtL:l W jAprovIAS the Decert Area of ttub IDner Wmgolia Amtonomoug Aegicm. (Vk Wo Ryt on Cbm Was., 269) md~ms per.* TL-l' ChalpswLb.. ]so 120 peipings p ........ ... M/PM &= 2287 Ama 5 .9 1g3 /?0 Tiv-%. -i1 arim Ri ve r. CEM=., per., Ti-li Chih-sMh,,, Peiping, No 12, 14 000 1958P l'..'---- '. c 0. 2355 -'w.-TA 59 /erq 7 00 Vao Ho 'Project, by Li Vei-fu., 12 pp. CIMIME.4 perp Tinli-Chih-~-ph.Lh, - Vol IX, No -L2, 1958, M) 547-549. MRS -2075 -N F11-3, - Chinn 000:9 Da 1 -?P c 59 ~m I i j~ Distri,biktioh, I of Dmrt Flora in Odm. d 1 11 cHmi ~ Pori I~n4-004bfts ND 19* A D" 19%p vp 556-554. 1 ~ - iI Im am 290 i Irs a ablas sm ~ ADS 59 Q Y 73 9/ Fonw Data 10 seutbvwt aid 11 CZtMXjpft'"o ft-u Mh-Afts go 120 On p ,p p MV Om 2303 m Avg p3AAt Omoo*oy of yt%,,,.ung Scov lOmtainp by cbl14 utolm-eblins, Chin *=-*boils 13 pv- cMkmo ''POO Tioli Obib-ObUis PelplUg) 130 11 pp 3s MUM e7c;? Ap~ (NY-30") W i" Pearl M*ver W$A) byIITAU Ch'408-afts Sma Ll-kuAs,, -20 VD. 21AU Wb4bq ~ psipt"j, 3b lip gM8 Obloh 4K~ ~O (Iwy -5696) Convacle Chu Wo-ebangle Addreas at the coufmMme on (leov,&Dby, 17 PP. PQT# TI-11 CUb-shila, Vol X.. No 1) 6 4TAU IM JTM 7679 X/J/ 0 c2 (NY- -5696) StlqvO fOr thO VUUillmnt cd' the 1959 Taskn ir cleo4vaphical Work, by Plai LJ.-sheDgp 10 pp. CMUME& par.. Ti-li CUb-shilks Val X~ No 1) I -a 19919'. 6 JM 7679 Ps chil"la Get* Mar 61 5 Speech by ftofessor Latenov at the Geographical Spodialization Confereme, 14 ipps CumsR, jpo-, Ti-li Chih-shihj Vol X~ No 1p Jaz 1959t PP -.6r JM 7679 O'hina. Geas Mr ft / of f A.*,,, -,~' 6 ~ 6 Struatle fdr the Tranisformmt-'--m of thf.' Petit)IM3 of G9o6ruqbyj bj Li KUS-ishuy 14#.6 pp. CWHIM., pnirj TI-11 C=-iAbUv Vol X~ Rc 6 aii, 1959j, .11-FL9 76,,r9 mar 63. (BY-5696) Party Leadership and the Mae Line Are the Fundap~utal Problem in the Refam of Geograft, by Lin Chleug-kluus 23 PP. cHnm,, per, n-ii wh-skup voi x, No 1., 6 im 19~9,, pp Geog ffav 61 Y ISX*uslon of the orwA Cuts~Lo by Kno Yuaas 15 PP- li Chih-shih) 6 Yeb iq5u., 48 Pp. UBAMWAC PD APO 323 PS C h I 000 - Oa- t 5 9 par, Nb: 1959 Alft, 59 (Vk Uft APt 00 0m Pori VP ow 9 Haonpaic Schew and Teeftleal Economic Ruota of the ople $a Co==, by Bj chao-lian, 6 pp. CHnM, per TI-Li Chihw6hiho, Vol Xx No 5, 6 Kai 1959P 48,-j*o (DO -368o) Clen,,-mplKf of 'the Chu-Clliar- L"nsil'i, 8 pp. Ohih-a.b,ih,., Ito G, Nay 1959,. pp G en. A u 0 (DC-3680) Nstuilal Goography Characteristics of the Chu Qlang Ri4er Basin, by Hsu Chim-ming, 9 pp. CSIME, per, Ti-li Chih-shih,t Ilo 5.. 6 My 1959, PP 220-223. Me 3717 FE - Chirmt Aug 6o (DC - 3680) Problems Relating to Location of Industries in Regiowl Piannings by Wu Lo-sban, 4 pp. CHINESE, per, Ti-li Chih-shiho No 71 6 jui 1959) pp Pq'21.1 29i-. MRS 3717 FE - ('01hiva. Oeog Aug~60 J M T-L-li Chlh-iiud), 'Ioli. 'A. Ecull - le~-Jxll'pportatioin, 60 AuU (DC -36,80) Deveiopaeat~l of Induptries in Sliangbal., by Van Hqueh-mei, pp. CEMNESM) perk Ti-li Chih-shih., lio 7, 6 Jul 19599 pp 3C!2-305., JPM 3717 clana Geog Aug 60 bY YCII per., Vol. X. I,,(, !~Iievement, s of Oar Country's Water Transporwtion .Xing, Past Ton Yeaxs, by Chwqj Wen-ang, lo pp. axtM) per., Ti-li Chih-ohib., Vol X, No t3, u Aug A 1959., 4B PP-*---=--65Mi UMCIWAC j FD Periodic Doc Digest, No XL 196o China ,)t 6o -17 nrclopmCnt TI -11 Tl,,3po-emtion