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it tornal 16ral. Situation and Viet Nam, 11 pp. Bo am bul L in 16 22 Jul 1956 19 2 CU/MD X-aSO MaulRtioiks on liouse Renting at Cities 6 VIL-MiMWASE-1, ups Thu Do Ila Noi,, 18 Sel) 649, p 3, MRS 27255 Asia-Victnum 6 5 1 271OSS7 1,d4U,r lirrjuacast Sciiedule c)il.-' Voick) of Victnai-to VIETIJUIS140 ap-p Thu do U.-mv i4sot l,';!y7# 150 I.U ki-jet 1964, i) 4. J11IRS 2d682 E%ineering., C111099, per Ti-chen Kum-chleng Yen-chiu Pao- 1962, pp i-iii, v and 1-2. 1 11 ch,14211en Ow Pyrlto " Copier or*. i am"t pert Tl-g%M Chlh-shll~, No 6.. 1955,, )p 9-12 CIA/ITD Sum 894 Scon WklY Info IPt 00 CON Ch"m No 95 ACTA METE611OL0171CA SINICA. 1958. VOL. 29. NO-1: TARL2 OF CONTENIS (AND ABMACTS1 N. H. NS. tr. ~1114n 64 [9p) Emmanuel Coll. E-TC-Ch-64-6. Contract AP19(628)3869 Ordeir from M. St.A. or ETC $1. 10 17-64-13642 Trens. ~ of Ch'i Hvisag HeUeh Poo (Chinese People * a Republic) :95k v. 29, no. 2. table o(conteras and abstracts. (Earth Sciences- -Meteorology. 1T, Y. 11, no. .12) rr-64-13642 1. FTCCh-64-17 It. Emmanuel CoH. Reseat Language Center. Boston, Mass. Ill. ConVact AF19(628)3869 Otfice ~f T"hnical Ur,f-% gi6ftl 4eaq0AMI OhM&Aftsties of China, by Muai* GWohlings 37 pp. "Mum No vwp To*-ohllh ftlob-pso., Vol =11vw .- I A *us an k�54, pp 2XI-244". w 573 Geoftwicoj UUmIlaneois.. earth strwtum 9t. 6 w.), 4 Vo~rtex1Structure and Other Problems Relating to the Development of Geotectonic Systems or North- western China, PT. Z.9 by Sze-kuang Li, 26pp C___ per, Ti Chih Hsueh Pao, Vol -4) 1954) Nolt) PP 339";365 AGI Sci - Ex June 6~ 329., 436' ISO fi 60-22387-10 INTHWTMAL GEOL4GY REVIEW, VOL 2, 1. American Geological ~'No., 10. Oct 60, ly. 126 rds. tnaL Washinston, D. C Ordow from AGI $5.00. $M W/ year Of dLftwjChInese People's Re- publlc~ I . v. 36, no, 4. p. 535-543; Sovetskaya '114 ya (USSR) IM. no. 7. p. 138-147; 19.44. m S. i, - 136; PrAladmays Gedlizft (USSR) 1958, no. 19 j 30;. p. 2 1244; 1959, = 23. p. 193-201; 226-23i1; Na Lealedovatel'skil Inatim Goologg Arittiki. *Aik- hdd ilitaloonyl ByWeten' (USSR) 1,959, = 16. p. 36; &W mono. We* PublIcation in the Com- me ration at Professor j= !-;oAd, K I A. !Sixtieth StrWay, Hokicaldo U. . 1958, p. 1- 16 and 287- 299. Dsgcmmi~.- *Gwim, Periodicals, aina, manga- ne*e, ~DMwfts, Ores. Petroletim, Gemma ray spec- tra. Rock. Gamms rays, boreboles, Neutrons, Scletwee-Goology, Tr, v. 7. no. 11 (over) offic. f T"N.Icef S.-tc.s (Dc-68og) TIlE 1-10~,-LAN-SHAN COAL-BEARI",.G DISTRICT,, BY TING NEWIM, 49 pp.. CHINESL PER TI-CHIH HSUEH-PAOj VOL XL; NO 11 FEB I ~l U., PP --44 JPRS 142vgl FE - CHI NA "A"EOGIZAPH I C. GEOPHYS ;)UL 62. 202)02X0 (Dc-68o~) 6EOLOG(CAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE "LU-HSI" (WESTEkN SHANTUNG) COAL F I ELDS., BY -CHUNG' - SHIH-VSING, 48 PP. CHINEc'E., PER., Tl--CHIH_ti5UE JL-I~&Qj, VOL XL, 140 L., FEB 1~~60.1 PP TaZ-7T-- FE-CHINA GEOGRAPHIC GEOPHYS Joel 62. JPRS 142)1 'D 202,015 (oc-68xo(-,) STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UPPER PERMIAN x "TO-LING" COAL-BEAR114G SERIES IN HUNAN PROVINCE, BY WANG CHAI-HSIA, 25 PP. CHINESE, PER, TI-CHIH HSUEH-PAO, VOL XLY 110 10 FES 19050, PP -lT0;-lTG-.- JPRS '142~1 FE - CHINA GEOGRAPH I C I 'UECIPHY~, 202)021 LO, OF!CHI:NA, BY LIU 1.'UNG-SHENGv CHANG 28 ~ pp. L C1,114ESE! PER4 TI-CHIH HSUEH-PAOj VOL XLII., NO 1) ~iqN pp i-A. JPRS 2OWL SCI/ASTRON 235.,264 Hydrological Factors in the Formation of Underground Water in Piecbmt-Plain Arid Areas, by, Fan Hot-pleng., 18 pp. CHINME., per,, Ti-chih 11supp-h-2ao ~hr 1962,, pp! 15-24. JPHS 110094 FS-ChIna Sci-M&rth Sci mar 67 317.,44o X I s LL W AL MINES lWSOUTH CIjINAj, BY MIAO FU"EN)) T 'l! op ;c ESt 'PER TI-CHIH HSUEHitPAO, VOL XLIIq NO 1., m PP 93-0 01 - JPRS 20001 !F CH NA ~L .63~ 235.,265 AL Mft MINEPALS.. BY CHAW PIEI-SHhN.. 16 pp. p I PERp TI-CHIH HSUEH-PhO. VOL Wily NO Ip 6. ~I p 90-9 JPRS 215 -7 U I -##AT MET 241,249 L41-W Vkl:por~ 0'a, cmrca-itatoo Hold the ehm)i PrOV13200 in 19(Al 5 py. U--aOSICa porjo Ti--chlh Mieb- .j?e.oj Vol nJlp No 1~ hij-ch am 3.15094 ISM. - N:Llc nov 62 =44 -1 1 70~ sbelvui Ali ACTA GE:OLCK2C-AiSlMCA, 1963. %'0L- 43, IWOS~. ~-tZ AI)-f4D: Ot TAM-F- OF COME!~-M [AND SELEMD AWMACIT) K H. 14p' m. Nov 63 (32p] E-TC-Ch-63-!4. AD-601 436. AD-WI 4Y Comma AP19 628 RE himman-jel CoU., ortar tx~w ~ an s to-; TT-N-117" rk"ton. fus. I. TIU& I Pao cunege People's RepcUic) Center I W% V. 4f 11346 fof contems. Selectcd rV. Contract A F19 1 4"6 1869 abstra,--s. V. I-r-6.4-19042 canceled A , - r plete tin". 90-96) Ls avillable from. OT!: S2- 25 In TT43-3 t 9%. JM - 21587 (p. 29 -44). (Earth Sdeacm Tr. Y. 12, no. 4) ...... 7-1 .71 STU (N', THE CLASSIFICATION OF G.ROUl,,lD WATER I fll I Pi V, I NCES bP CH I NA, BY AKCH EN MEI,G-HS I LINC,', 12 CH I E E: ~F T I -CH I H LUN-P I MG) VOL XV I I w IEI_, 195 PP. 0"1137% JPRS 1';~13 SCI I EARTH SCI ASTRON M~y i 228j 0-40 ------------------- ------- Opwas on "a& the Pn-Calbrion Stj*tlpepby th*JkM4RM Amp Romns, and tho Prdbl~ Its Conelatice 4md "Cbwwt*Asrtles of the Raid aeologic structure Of Wu-Ttal. I% by lb Isixg-Tumn (7456 2(e2 ~!bY WNW CAN* 7 PP- PWp flam limaum Vol 17.0 so 40 .0 PP, 437-W o.pO32 Geologietal. Characteristics ot Wanshan Mercury .ore Deposit., Kvelchow., by Chou Te chung and Li Wen'! yen.. 24 pp. C111,11 i:: per.* Ti-chih Lun-Pling, Vol 13., ~No 1, 1*1 ~pp. 11-24. JPfS 35643 FIE-China Sci-ES/A jun 66 301,924 Upirto~s on "Geological CluLracteristics of ~i~twhan Mercury Ore Deposit., Kweichow" by Chou .Te-Chu~g % LI Wen-Yenj- 5 A?- imIINr.FIp:.* per,, Ti-chih Lun-ip'12& Vol 182 ]NO 1. JanII1958, iP-- 75-77- JPM 3~643 FE-China Sci-88/A Jun 66 304923 ~Sply to Vien's Opinions, by Chou Te-chung,, 10 pp.,. IIRT I ~ J. per, TI-chih Lun-P I im Vol 13, PO ls PP- 77-Wt JPBS 043 ft-cum :80i.99/A :J~n 66 301:925 OpWopo on the Fieview of Sun Hails "Genex~l Geoloan by Li Chiang, 8 pp. :CI , per, Ti-eldh Lun-PIAm Vol 18., ft 1j, Jan 1907 ~PP- ~51 JPRS 3043 FS-China jfti-W/A Jun 66 301#926 The Eruptive Rock in Chen-Chiang., Kiangsu PrDvinde, and Its Contact lletamoiphista.. by Wang, Te-tsuj 32 ppi MIMS.. per.. Ti.-ch:Vi Lun-Wing Vjl 13~ No 2) Yar 1953, ppT 87-98. JPRS 3632o M.-China Sdi-ES/A iia 66 306,973 Bev3.ral Understandings of Anlivei Tlung-Slm'Ll t-;Wcft-*,Tyx)e Copper Mine,, bir Li Msi-chihy 10 PP - MINWHI per, TI-ch- th -L=- )I imt Vol 13j. HO 2) Mar 1953, pp! 99-103, ORS 3632o l3con ;,.a 66 306j, 979 Tli,~% Law of Change in 11tui-T.u3g Coal Quality and the Effect of Metamorphism on It bY Wu Kuark;,- 1 P j=g., 30 I)p - CHIME, per, Ti-chih Lun--p I imi, Vol 18, No 2, t ir 104-1-13. &~ 19513Y PP. an-~s 3632o nit-CLuna D~~ri Jul 66 306P03 "I .(:,vt Vievs on A Coal System, U. per, Mar IhM, pp. JPBS 36320 FE-chilul Et L) n Jill U-I T'Ai-Yuan Hsi-Shan Yueh-Men-Kou by Ta Kluan-pling,, 25 PP- Ti-chih Lun-211R& Vol 130 No 21 119-128. 3X.- 931 A Viev on the Geological Period of G-Stratun B4LLxIte in North CUna., by Kan Te-chllng,, ,L5--l)p. 11 , Per, Ti-chih Lun-P'IrAg Vol 13, No 21 mw. 1030 PPO 138-144. j,pRs 3632o FE-China Sci-ES/A jitl 66 306062 A Rep4 to Wang Chih1s "On 'The Pre-Cambi1an Stratum of the Ronan Sung-ea-lan Area and the ProbleE of Its Comparison' and fSome Views on the Babic Architectonic Chulacteristics of the Wu-tfal-shan Area"., by Ma Hsing-yaan., 14 pp! ji-chQ L Vol 13, No 2., pe - = Pli&q Nkr c pp! 145-149- JPRS 36320 FE-China &on 4vi ck 306d33 Views :)n Shen Yung-ho's Article A ~!!.:;vr Specimen of Aqueaus ling, l1 PP! C111 I "Ri per, Ti-chih L=-' p I ipg~ ow IC,4~00 PP! 1479--153! OPBS 36~90 n-China S I ai-M/A jul a-)' "On Kaolinite-- by Liu Clmng- Vol 131 No 2 p P61934 A R--jkV to Liu Chang-Lii-~gl s Articlo "Views on 'On Kholinit-e-A New SpecJmn of Aqueous R>ck'" by Sh6n Yung-ho.. 11 pp., CHIWCb~, per., Ti--chili Lun-.Pliw,-,., VA 1,31 Tic 2,. Mhr 1958, pp. 153-1556------ JPIC, 3b32.0 FS -China Ell I ci_:m/IL L 306 1 )05 A Review an Chang Yuan-lung's Two Articles- IlThe gew Study of the Heating Pr%cies Inversl-m 1, c,if Gibbsite" and "A Study on the Nature ani OlontiN.'A of Kholinite Exothermic Reaction"., b.y Liu Chang-3-ing., 26 pp. MnMdrs.. per) '21-chih Im-12'Im VA 13o I(-,, P., )hr 195% PP! 157-162 AIRS 36320 n-Cl-Lina Ucon r-,Li 66) 3061 qkM- 11 kltahe View on "Chim's Regional Strata Chart (Dkmft)",, by Tu Po-hui and Wang Chinc,-, 7 o- CHMEI.. per, Ti-chiIi Lun-pling... Vol 13, Nc 21 Mar 1!Yjl3., pp - 7-5-165 - JPRB 3632o F9-ChIna Sci-&-%/A .Tia 66 306., ~~37 :Several Vievs on Plan Kjang-rd-ng's Translation 'af S~n Geoloa., by,"hang Chlien-shen., .Letumi 5 P~? ~, ciz -.11 , , perp Ti-chih Lun--D I ip& V,)I 13) No 2) Air 190, ot 25 - - JFRS 3632a liu, -chbla Jul 66' 306.,933' First Fivew-Year Plan and Gwlogical Science# ~Y~Uu Owig (0491/2300)t 8 jV. Commo per, TI-oh1h Lan-p-lum, Vol 189 No 30 KV 19530 Ppe %3:0 JPRS 37982. MChina Sai-ES/1L o6t 66 312-.069 The Relationship Between Qdn HaLen Asbantos Deposit. and Disbase wid Their Fomation, by Pling ft'nan (1756/70?9/0.59)), 28 pp. PMESSI, per, TI-ohlb MftP-!Lm* vol 18 NO 3, 1,14 19~S,.Pp. 1697135. ims, "82 Oct 66 312,070 Nota, Knotmledge on Regional Structure of tho TaOOT'Un~~ Coal Fields by Plaii Kuang (3332/1684). 20 PP CKIM-SX. per. TI.Ohih Lun-RLiM. Vol 18, No 3. May 19,91, pp. 181~189. j ms YM2 FEWChina ac~n Oot 66 312o071 Acoolo Minerals in Igneous Ro y1m, (271/2019/6663)9 9 pp. CELEME,# per., lUchih Lunplling. N6 I Pilo 195C 'PP- 201.2064. JkS- Y19132 On Genesis of Arb-Shan Iron Ore, by U Tmi.. tilai Q621/4371/2624)q 9 pp. CIMMESHOIper. TScb1h ja!q~gtjm* Vol 180, no 30 ma~r 19~67 'pp, 207-210. JPRS 37982 FF-ClAna Sei-itaterials oet 66 3129073 lba Origin of ChOing-Shan-Chlung Iron Doposit 'rl lklnans bY Chlan Ml-u--Yu (7115/2021/ 3731), pp. catu,;ss per, Ti-chih Luri..PUM, Vol 1,9, No 3, 'lay 1951. pp. ly 13. JPR5 37982 FF.,~China sei.ss/a oct 66 3129074 Discussion on Glacial Eroded Topography of Lu-shan" by CUM fislal-jtd (251976299/3843)0 21 pp* CHINESE. per. Ti.-chin Ums-01M, Vol 18, No 3. MAY 19584. pp. 21C 3. JPRS 3n82 Fri-China, SOJ..[.;S/o Oct 66 312,075 Discussdon of RQles Governing Distribution of 'V&Koua Coal Bede in Coal-Bearing Systems, by I~m T'i (0061/2748)g 17 pp. CMEM, per. TI-chih Lun-PUMO Vol is, No 3, A&Y 1951to PP* =237. JPRS 3r,,982 M.-China i0t):'.3/o 00 66 3121.070 on Girsoldgy of Kurning Depression. by Telao Jan.. Kuan (Zq3O/OOW/7WO)9 8 PPO C1133ql*-;SE, per, Tiwobih ~~pl-km, Vol 18. I-lo 3. 1-1-Sly 1958, pp 2=W. JPRS 3M2 FE.ClAna 301.1;-5/0 oet 66 312o077 Book Reviewt "A Course in Paleontology" by fitg Tsu64 and Associates (:Pmb]Ashed by GeiologieiLl Press. 1957). by Xuo YurW,-Iing (6?5*o5t6/t545). 6 ppe CIMM,5E. per, Tichih Lwio-pllmv Vol 1.8. TIO 3v I%y 195B* pp. M-25U. JVR6 37982 MaLina Sai-ES/0 Dat 66 312,078 MWieralogical Study of the Clarboniferous Bauxite from Tza-Po Basin, Shantung, by Liu Clilang-lirig,, 2 31 m) - CHIME) per, Ti-chlh Lun-pling Jul 1958, PP. 251-260 11 JPRS 36151 FE-China SCI-FZ/A Jul 66 304;,696 Poniation of the Tlao-Lin Lead-Zinc Deposit afTissure Filling Type., by Ulang Yu-min,, 18 pp. CHIMSE, per, Ti-chih Lun-p'incs, J-al 1953., pp - 261~-268. JPRS 36151 Fr.4!hinu Sc.L-r!.c>'/A JU 66 304.,6)r1 Oa U-~ Geological CharacterLatics of the Fulden-Cheldang Area,, by C11-mg Liaxir,-shI7u,. 11 lip. CIMM., per,, Ti-chih Lim-pliry, Jul 1958~ ppt 290-~-294t JPR8 36151 FE?.ChimA Sai-ES/A. Jul 66 3o4.,6sy3 slow wPw4wwjFwwWw--- 640~ww Ch,I-Lien Shan Copper DL-posit of tdic Copper Bearirug ).yrite Type and Its Exploration., by Au HuJL- n Ii lai , Wang Wen-kuang and Sun How, - dh,lun, 12 ppj MIMS,, per., Ti-cUh Lun-pliw,, Vol 13., No 4., Jal 195B.P pp. 295-301, JPRS 36151 FE-ClAna jui 66 3o4.,699 wr Opinion.6 on the Origin and -the Age of Shansi Type Iron Ore Deposit and Bmuxite "Bed G" in Nox-L,i China,, by Chao I-yong, 0 pp. CHITME per., Ti-cliih Lun:2!1% .0 ~~ V31 181 No It., 4ul 1958) PP- W-309- JPRS 36151 FE-Chim. Sci-M/M Jul G6 3o4?701 Hey Ideas abaut the Problen, an the 4e of Bauxite "Bed G" in North China Platforni, by Chang Wen-po., 9 pp, CHMM per) Ti-ckih Lun!-j4!jr 4A 195~., pp, 310-313v Vol 13, No 4) ins 36151 FErChina ScL-YV]4 Jul 66 304..702 i On, tlic! Age of Bauxite "Bed G" in North Maim., ~y Chang Chlimg-kan., 6 pp. CHMEM, per, Ti-chih Lun-~Iing, Vol 1-31 No 4~ J-,zl 191-)3.1 pp. -371-316. JPBS 36151 FE-china Sci-m/m jul 66 3,34..703 Riscovety of the Rare FAement Mtieruls in PDst- Cwbria~ Ginnitic Pegmtitc in Yenshan Ama, by MangliTuna-hung., 5 pp. CnnMB$ per., Ti-chih Lun-pLLn Ja 190., PP- 317-319- Vol 13, No 4., J11-ItS 36-151 PIS-China sIci-14/m Jul 66 3,34,7o4 Opinions :)n "Preliminary Study of Alteratioa and Mineral Foruxttion Hoien Granite Intrusion in Iturian", Ckda-ch4en, 5 PP, CHn=Ej, per,, Ti-chih Iam-j~jaaj N6 4., Jul 19W,-PP- 321-323-- JM 36151 FE-,Chi ru sci-M/14 Jul 66 the Genesis,, of Yao-Kang- by Ian Vol 13,, 304.,705 Opinions on "Problem on the f3rigin of the Maiigandsle Ore Lenses" by Lin Asin-ying, 5 PPi CRUME.,, per., Ti- Ii Lun-pLia& Vol 18., No 4. Jui 195Bs ppv 325-327. j,pw> 36151 VE-4hina 6ci-m/m JIk1 66 304i,7o6 D.iscuesion about the Term "Perma-Carboniferous". byi Cbao~ I-yang, 8 pp. dilrimg per. Ti-chih lam-PjLn 01 13, No 4y - W-331, ~Ui 1958, PPi 36151 bei-ES/A Jul. 66 3o4)70'1 ! i , i i I I igneous Rock in Eastern ct , by Hu Hui-min, 36 pp. CffnM., per., Ti-chih Lun-pi=p Vol 19j, No 11 ja6 19500 pp. 1-12. JPW 3452 FE-ClUma jul 66 3o4.,639 Geological Characteristics and Rules of Miner- alizati 6n of Lead-Zinc Bede on Hunan-Hupeh border,.. by Ch en Ylbu-yu., 19- pp. CHXMMI per,, Ti-chih Vol 19., 113 1., Jan 1959, pp, 13-0i JPR33 36152 I's-Chiba u Jul 66 3-04.,'93 Sed.Uwntary Conditions of Alm-Lim Bedu in li~eatern':i Honan, by Shu Won-pc,, 3 pp, =MMO per., Ti--qJUh Lun-pLW, Vol 19j, Ho 11 Jan 1959j, ppt 19-21 and 32, a,qw 36152 FE--China sc14vm Jua (Z IA., 691 Geological Characteristics and Sedimentation Enviroa~ants of Upper Pexmimi Coal Fields In r-Asteru and N3rtheasterm Yunnanj, by Ting Hsun- fan and Chia Shih-cheng, 16 pp. per, Ti-chi1i Lun-j~~ Vol 19) 1) 4an 19~9, pp. 22-27. ins 3f,)152 FS-China sci-m/m j,.Li 66 3,01, ~ 692 Diviaian and Comparison of Pre-Cambrian Strata or Chifia., by Sun Yun-chu, e~O pp. CI T.r ;.,, per., Ti-chih Vol 19, No 1., ilun 1q)r9, pp. 2T-33. JPAS 36152 VU-China IBA-M/m, Jul 66 304.,6)3 ftotox7 of Development of Central Sector of the liester~ Perimeter of Ordos Platfom and Mwiron- VX!Mt of Sedimantation of Upper Permian Yen- Chlang,~System., by Chang Wen-chao, 11 Dpq CEMM9., per,* TI-chih Lun-j?_!jpO, Vol 19., No 1, ,,Tan 1 959., PP , 37- JPW 36152 F S -CI-Lina sti-M/14 Jul (5;,- 304.,694 The Geotectonic Outline of SiWdang,, by 41siang Ting-plu, 27 pp. CHIM9SE,, per, Ti-chih Lum-pling Vol. 19,, No. 2, Feb 1~57971P-P- 17090 ms~33369 Frs-c,hina sci4M/O Nov 66 312P793 Anal,j~sis of the Minor F,~Ads in Ito-11si ~Curridor, by Wang Chien-chang, 23 pp, C1111TWE, per., Ti-chih Lxui-plipg Vol 19j, 000 P, Feb 1959, PPO M-090 JPRS 33369 FE-China sci NOV ck") 312,,7SP) The A=hitectonic History of Eastern 'Pien Shan., by Kao Chun-chich, 5 Pp* OIV ME. per, Ti-chih Lwi-plinL! Vol. 19,, Roo ;~, Feb 1959, ppe 99-'rl. 0 im 3339 IT.-Claina lllci-ES/O n6v 66 3 1-) Y 3 00 Preliminax-j Obeervation of the New Struc- ~turai Movement in the Ticial Water Basin, by H~tang Ti-ftn.. 14 ppo CHIME., per., Ti-chih Luji-]21inr. Vole 19P No, ~j Feb 19592 PP9 71-iso JPW 38369 n-China sci-is/o Nov 66 312j,801 On the MWesium Carbonate Control of the Pom,'kion of %dogenic BDron Beds., by flung ChIii%-yU.' 9 pp. CHI#-SE, per, Ti-chih Lun-pling Vol, 19, No. 2, Feb 1959Y PP? 90--)3- JPiz 33369 FE-CIdna Nov 312P302 Mucassions on the Dividin,, Zmes of C.Unn's Various Palaeozoic FormtIons fmn We View- pAnt Of Fossil Composition, by San Tin-alia, pp CHME, per,, Ti-chih Lzan..P, in,. NO 3, Mar 1959., pp- 9)-101?. JPRS 37356 IT-China Sept 66 3 9 J') Certain Problems in OxViling Ranling Regiin bUneralization. Pattern Maps for C-)lorcd and Rare Metals., by Kuo Wen-luici., 17 pp. CRINME, per, Ti-chih D'M.-plintj Vol 11.), &~ 3. Mar 1959, PP- 103-1(~)- JPRS 3"13056 FE-China Sci-ES/A 3pt jl,)) 910 Gealogy., Structure, and Genesis Pr.)blems for a C jvqII'lex Metal Dep:)sit in the Eastern ParL of Cl-Iii-lien-shan, by Ching Wan-lin, -.04 pp. ciaffm*, per., Ti-chih Lun-Pling Vil 1), N:) 3. liar 1959, ppe 110-12D. MRS Y1356 M- -China Bci-EB/A Go-pt 66 310"911 Disc,.)ir.ory of Nickel Deposit in S)uthern Ifumn, b-Y Ch6u MAO-Yu. 5 Pp- Ckufsq~, per., Ti-chili Llm-211_M; Va 19, 3. M,ar 1959, PP- 121-12,2. JPRS 37356 FIC-Cum Sept 66 310.012 m Dqvelaj,vent of Topograpily and Classificatiun 'bY Ge-om'rpliology for the 8,zechaan Basin and D,rder Areas 6) , by Liu Cheng.-ciilicn,, 10 pp. CHINESE, per., Ti-chih Lun-pling VA 19, Uj 3,, Ma-r 1959., PP- 129-132- JPRS 37356 M-China Scl-ES/A Sept 66 -J100913 IISF-1128) A Pro 11Wzary Sumuwy of ftdrolLogleal Survey Ifork of a Certain Lead Mine iu Yuman Province., 13 PP. MnMt perp Tt::!~bih yu Klan-lilauj No 7,, V 8 Apr 196o~ vp 11.1 :tym 4318 Fri, - China Xclon F Jan 4 IW-1102 q~U*&Um of the PrAmy lkilo IgUnttim Motbod to i Lm*A4fto Dopoidts 1n Mwol" Proviwe and the 1w pp. 11-ddh 104mi-Vans go 10p 1960,t (gm-x) Vwk~~SuWMW end WO Foommailitses- of tax or asikuw, by 1b ChIlms4ma 59 ". CNOMMV two, 21-db6lb SW%-&Nws go 3p P*Lpbwp tW JM MR-8 57A ~Title) I>Paface, IntrotAction, and TcO)le of Contents of IA Chineze Coammist Bojkvu Geochf,--,-dstrj. CIMINEEl'blk) Ti-chliu Bm-haich (acocheaistry), Peiping, 1961t iRis/ TAL/,,- r' -3116 0 Dee A The 111iresent Statas of Ocochemirtrys Its Cul'i-6nt TaWw and Future Developmnt., by pp. pers Ti-ch lu R~ z -hsueh, pp 325-333- -ClAnn IL-.1-1-Am :Peb 135 2',,~) 2"I'l RolAtion of the AOMMV or sla-tdty, ToVoratinie wA Depth Mmummorits of the ShaUov Sea to t3w i of Sea Water by ChIM Cbm-hup 8 pp. =,Yet per# Tl-chllu t Lv--u lioushmot '? Vca No ' i. skAM t 4t Is, Jm 1955,. PP 25-31. JFRS 5M12 S*i-ear $a & oommwg I'llwl.,m 4o2,,3W Chu*" sc art ar TMA at C=ftoft at voue ^01 a RIP VW63 11 1 & Dip vatos 11 1 a 20 cno~ci- Abush sa vnm&, 402 amile Q*np- pw 1b0, 6u" is-olvia 4ru 19"PlIMA =am (1pp)- do "t A aa 69 w am memot at set Muft am pa"tial4as ftptj4 am ow siho CC J-Lft NNW=Sd GOWSIW- V&Uw IbW U TOAM Ipp 35-36v a#sol-vwAl& in 2mma, on, son toil* exil swomms -MUD t=4- =and rw mat mfti WA 00 am o- ~ mat ms &UVWW boe k malafta mm Fdmdm* 7 7 hkf i~ancc of Solar I.ntatiw ou the Gc=~Petic Field (1) 0 4y Hu Ywh-Jen, i OIINIiL'jE' ier Ti-Chliu lki-Li lisueJi-ilao Vol VIII: NO it Mat Ill., 103:107. 9700211 AWCUL Luva-65-6 Jyr 6 Z...)71722 - - - - - - - - - - - Chinese (Ma':inland) Science and Technology Journals TranslatedIable of Contents, 19 pp. CHINESE, pe Y, Ti-chliu Wu-Ii i1such-pao, Vol VIII, No 1 1959. 961141&- AFCRL Res Lib Sci Geophys 9 oct 62 ACTA GEOPHYSICkSINICA, 1959. VOL. 9, NO& 1-2 [AND) 060, VOL. 19, NOS. 1-2: TABLE OF CON- TENTS ANT) SP3.1=-ED ABSTRACTS, tr, by N. 11. Ng. Chinese (Mainland) Science and Technology journalw TransImed Table of Contents, Geophysicii I , on Owiract AF 19(W4)8505. July 62 121 1p. Emman 3el Coll. Re~evirch Umiguage Center rept. no. Ceophys. I Order from OTS o ri, SLA $2.60 62-33215, Trans. of table of dontents and selected abstracts of TI Ch'iu Wti Ll llal)oh -PAg..(Chinese People's Republix) r, K; 142 and 1960, v. 9, nm. I -I DFSCRMORS: *Geophysics, *Ctdna, Indexes, 'Abstracts.' "Selstfiographs, Design, Construction, Terrestrial inngnetism, Surface properties, ti Amplimers, (Geolon). 62-33219 1. Title: Chinese.. 11. ETR Geophys-1 Ill. Emmanuel Coll. Research Language Center. Boston. Mass. IV. Contract AF 19(604)R505 l7nults Geo- Eva porn mi, chemistiy, Solar flares, Ningnetic sOrms, (Fardh SAvixcs, I-T. v. M. Spectrc);6phic analyiiis. X11crophotmeters. '~t- c,; ~:: il 'G A, i1 TF-63-20721 Ept"t,eVa. A. M. IM MWENT STATUS OP TIM DAPV. (1%31 139p) 1. Eplast'eva. A. M. (fdrdp!teil inchKIOM 22rds Order ftow OTS, StA. or ETC $3.60 Tr-63-2(r72l IpIto Pao (Chinese "te's Trans. bf Ti Chlu ~Vu U t Republic) (Abstract available) DESCRnTMS: Ooeophyalcal proppecting, Oselsmic waves. hVsptlci~, Structural geology. Sefamop-sphs. Geoftsics, Retraction. Correlation techniques. In the paper is pre6entod the owe cc the caiiiisdon ivm~ cc reftvMW waves (KMrfl) and the! wenif 4 devek~menit it dwws. The ibmteticall cal- cubtion~$ and expetimental data aboutArhich this re a repoite; liftate the Possibility and the necessity at the solving d vologirAil problev. to employ a wide nmV of (Earth Sciences -, -0eciWp. Tr. v. 11. no. 4) (over) 0"ko f Tackafeal SerAces InAmrice of Solar Imation on tho .vonapetic Field (&at by ilu Yuch-Jen, is ILI A, 1110-i-Sliq pers, Ti-Giliu Wu-Li 11sueh-Pao, I;,) ~20 Vol W118, 19590 J."j) 123-131. -)70d.Zf)9 ,U.C4 L-m-65-7 A f-tatistical Study of tho :-%lationship Be Solar F ans and Hapet 14% Storms* IMINOO per* Ti-Q9iq Wit-Li fisuch-Paz, 1 9!! No 1, 1930, rp =19: NLL f(Oft 7773,n3 1965 (DiN 65-9) :Jul 66 303t916 Sballom6'3ea Seiwdc Investigation, by Pao (7637 0342 1347) 1 6 pp. CHINESE., per, Tiohtiu M1.1i Rsueh-imo, Vol 9. % I., Feb 196do pp* 95Z99." i ms 4o689 R-China sci.TL%O Jun 67 325,713 Study of Models of the Upper Atmosphere, by Chten Yao-su, 1? pp. CHINESEp per, Ti-chliu 1Wvt-li Hsueh-pao, Peking, Vol 12, No 1., 79)3p PP 1-11. JPRS 52613 Sci/Atmos Apr 71