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Ifte 1H0 Of MetLula Ions cok the fiomalon of Ste 7,,~f ~ja C~mn d M~ Sautt=., by 14. M. I Vok Ak Nauk 801 l~ lip Vol CM"Vjp no CB 0 rro on aud Bleatrodhow1oal Behuvior of Stai"less e1 ~'Under Cathode Polarization in mitrio Aold Communioation 2. Cathode Processes on Olut, Ona ta Oav Stools in Hitrij) Acid Solutions, by E. No Arol ovs M. BL Kurtep-w!-, No Do Towsabovp 7 pp. RUBS 0 perip It Ak Nauk SSSRO Mel Xhim Naukij 4,0 1960, 1178-1184. CB 10. 1, st4 jssj.~-' ri. ~` s 1,1] 1~ fi Iii; c t ~of the C11romium and Nicke-I CcmponentS ess Steele on Their Limita of Stable rp by N. A.. Bozin, M. M. Kurte--,)cv,- 3 PP. per, 7Zur Fiz Mmi, Vol XXXV, No 1, 152-157. Cleaver.-Lkme Press ~77 ~;Ir- Ru. I-rn by TI Tcx,-,ashov; PP Trtu3,y. PP, ABC Tr-50(),, 00 11 !,0:r stainless Steelil in solutions C013 in Rydrofluoric AcId,, by X. X. lutepov, A. Q Viva, 7 r., Trudy Zmdasu 18orlbe a Korroziel Metal., Ak RO Otdel Ihim Naxik,, go 2, 1956,, pp i AMC Tr 3199 ON 5& An qFatAntiostat and It-s Applicat4ori rrs, 0 r fb:r osi Structural Corrvsi on of St-ed nles.5 st-60 Itv N. ~ Fak-In, M. M. Kuirtepov;, V.K. Zhu WAX ?avod Lab,, Vol )QLTT No 2., 0 11 *3 Cho tits.'' Pstainless- a lilt 6394 Bill bw M. X"o Norterwo 0. iWilmh to-= per$ Dok Ak Nauk SM# Vol 1952o 93-V;. Dratcher Tr Intl Price $2.50 ii Vanadate on the Corrosion of fW i ll Ill -4 Stssl In IIN()3 Solutions , by ku Ag: malle, icorroz Zashch Konstr Vp -~-L ~9022.4 (68/191) 376,9Q1 ~cn Of Stmirlvc S ccL- in A-ilic Cycid-izin- + lvf~ 6nap , A New T"a of C~arrczj'or~t Failure ~ed Joints. by M. jU. Kurtei,)ov- -mo per, Dok Ak Nauk &SSR, thri.ce Vol XCIXI No 2, 1954, PP 305, 306. Astioc Tccb Sv RJ 316 PO Box 2-11., M 0-ralige', ni 1~ci~ tific Chemistv, 1?&b 56 ti d~'corrosion of Wignesium-Lead System 14. Xur Al~ tepov, 6 pp. (ATIC 79062-D). jusledovanilru pu V-orro~-,Ii Vet 'a I lov by USSR Akad Hauk, Hoacov', 1951. Mc F-TI5-8030-A Minerals/Mttain CIA IeO3554 5 3 /DVX 7i ci v ATIC )Y1 o CIA !'~03554 IIr4 vvid Bleotrwharloal Behavior of StLinlese lj~ der Cathode Polarl"tiou In Nitria Acid cii ~Uti~ mmmication 11. Effect of steel cam- C 00 ~; `~u PO itl So H" miralyuloy,, M. M. xurtepov,, ID. 1c~wihovs 5 pp. $31' per# Is Ak Nauk S13SRs, Otdol Ahim Hauk-,, 701~ ~606,~Pp lies-1190, CB 5-P JS P I i . I ""I"! 77 41i A)44W~~Ic Aeld and Its is.rivatiVes. Cam=lcatAon 2j, by ov~ B. 1. MirWv,, 7 PP- 0 rw,. 3:z Ak Sauk WMv, Otdel Khim Nauk, Commatants Bureau Cbemistry Nw- 54 cTspEx /o/ u lu I A Characterization of iWaft Acid and of Certain of lis Iou 1. by V. H. Itodimcre) lark rz Ak Nauk FAISR,, Otdel Khim nauft., b 1952v pp WJP*k-- Cowultants B=au a Logor"bmic AqattWe-to Tlw ia 0 Leswithdc PaUo Motor,, by Do vp. b p Toro lImerits! Tbwl., No 19-62.. The ilUl es of the Producing Carbonate 1 ' f8 I .Propert Form. imb ~f Northl?~estern Bullpria, by P. 1. Kuk 1~ 4:f:: 1~ RUSS, P. -r, Geol Nef~ti i Gazll~ Val ].IT:' No 2-B, 195 TP 6 J Rev of' Geology Sci Oct. )i .1' tie I I St I 1-c Cannecti,ons of uIe Buii;aria.r, ..Al iary Oedical Service with Rua5lan !"I i 1 4r"~ 111pledIcine, b~-Anxitas Khr, 1(had. i 'F' h i PAkol., Iro Vyleho Iv, Xurtev 'a Ilso per Voyenno Red Nlo in s W It 1960t pp 13mly US jPR-Q, 7961 (EIF-UOO) and Methods CKr the HI I I tary Om bY A12, RafthInIkOlAW, 7 pp. per,, ft It 19Q.- PP 7-14 JPRS 1313P,3 2r m1pria 0 621, 4, arA mmit by 0. 1. tax;;, 1. 3. Mg 6 Tp. , -- = iaw Prft Iblap VOI M=* 8o AM" K lEcnVE NUMBS WrrH SrOP- L BA .1 (196411 Op kion A". $13.75 ATS-39R740 i ' I Trub, Ffiq~ (West GermW) 1963, Y. 17, ,' 113422. -~iocv=ic, Tr, Y. 11, so. 12) rr-64-126M 1. Kurth, C. 11. ATS-39R740 M. AssocimedTachWeal Services, Inc., Best Ors4p, N. CrTvE FILTERS WMI STIOP- 1.73 A71-40740 (W&K Oww"y) IMS. v. 17. Tr-64-12671 1. Kurth, C. 11. ATS-40RUG M. Associated Techalcm] SaMODS, 131C. I East Orange, W. 4 4 77, we 11, w 12) loop 9 P* va 16j, 9;o 304OW 63-27767 Kurth. I SUPPORTI M A-1: tiAl- POR SOILLESS PLANT 1. Title: Hydroponics CULTUR ep 6.11i 1. Kurth. H. Order ir I ris $4 so TTIS NS 135 11. Patent (East Germany) 24 726 Trans. W r- It Gerr an patent 24.726. appl. Ill. TMNS-135 28 Apr'60 6. lg~ e6 63. IV. Translation and Technical Information Services DEXRI 0 S: OR Its (Botany), Growth. (Gt. Brit.) (Agricult r'e[Lpial't Lj~ljlxivation, 17. v. 10. no. 12) Office Cd Itcleekal smicts 3.,! UMM StatuB and Prospect3 ia the Field of ~emlmd Weed-Killing, by P--) r Die Deutsche Umdvirtschaf'-t: Vol XII,. 06 3p 141!96piep pp il*-144. j a 9!j40 n Oenany if ~Con: r4 6 171 amt.A Paper Pscmr~ro by Xltras Rl-rtlh, 12 xy AUpm ftyis%s,jkmft.* Vol VI.. LTC 12., Paz, ca 131 674-678; '10 14~- T-620; NO MA 59-10799 soriuR Sul a on) e Cate Iyets for AvmonU Syntbenim. ivoted Adsorption of Nitrogen., Hydrogen R h Ift de on CoUlymm vith Added Aic3, VI f an& KpO ) and vIth Added AIpO3f Fer-ts Gov W Rissonrob Inst Tokyo, 0 v 1 :1956., pp 39T-4o5. Am jj-1697 iL Sol 'h &4 Jul ti on of Ynat lordwation Procesmz in the h4ljia a Shook Wave, by A. A. Brandt,, lid &UMP 3 PP rt Wbory I %%bb Mgmr, lio 6. 1958p Tutru Soc of Amer i um (A' Plum fkadve f,7 ? ? QdM $19Kk by r. , onolllp =wtm VA- ----4 - .4- I , ~ 11 ~ ih!,i~ , PLY$ :~ (is I ; I : i e, /,) & /;~'l Z-4 / j .-/ c ) t'. t / p i~4 Ru ~FU 'No ON MAANIAN MILRD"s, 13Y 191MINIFT DER ORGANISATION C IT Wt EUKMAMMs llg~ "19 pp lo'' 10019. jpRs 16799 T~ 0t of Ro Of Secretion of tbt Cutaneous alaud on Certain Immunological Woperties by Vo Ie Ukha"vp No Vo Kolpikov, 4 pp. B~rul Eksper Biol i Mad, Vol XMS, pp 85-89. 6ci 6o OB TI 3FosseBs Powerful Technical Equipment, 'by RUIS'dft!~N r, Jan I.C,), J,),i.o Red Sta FMD Daily 11-~vi2w Mar, c (4 ba Under of Silicate z'r -Their Geologic Signif icance. by RUS~~AL p prv Iz Ak Nauk SSSRp Ser Geolog,, No Amer Geolog lns~ Sai Aj*ei~i6wuon of Relaxation FoUrization and ft~~e Oamposition of Edelwtrics in tha. -T BrUO &-u 0 -dTiC12(nm293) bF A. Me 3 up No N, rui~mts, Gel* Skanavi.9 8 pp parp In Ak Nauk SISR# Ser Fizo Vol -323 2t 190s PP Uh CTT ow ar in thc Lu, a, IIQ '11' 01.1 Irticov, th C r sv poIa Vysshey 1;01-; ,us ZI, v6I io i-o(.;o, pl) 35 sc~ may nd !")I j~,Ilnq 6-11 al- i o na scil 1~2 aw viwmlw cmpoomt or Fmare" by Dip Biel Sao 9fto A-17 - 63-22635 Trans. I I Ono. PlBhCW -W'e. DESCFJ MIMS- -6,; sc,isti4htl NG RADIATION ON THE 1963, 332p Msevier PiMshing Co., Im. Ne-w; York, 17, N. Y. , $1 & CC' -uyushchaya RadlaLsiya i md, 1961, 297p). -on effeas, Rafttion injuries, n, 71wrapy. 1. Kurtnin, L T. ti. Arnerlcan Flnevier Puffishing Co., Inc., New Yorik Ill. ScripLa TechnicA, tnc., i 'Aaettingion, D. C, pol4cld, S~iewi -Rediobdology, W, v. 10, nD. t2) Offixt of Ttekkil Serv*cs 0_-V-SQ91'I tu on Physiology and Patholop.- c.-f icaulta of the Cotference at ivanovo) I S. Poltyrev.. I.C." pp. per, Vest Ak tied Uuk SSUt rio !2,. 3.960. '-IKS 9219 L; 5 .tyro PIP r. zz: z d(tri-I 4j; ic 10 pp AV-tGMEIt t5? ale Vinftry gifferesitial Equations ftisse ins isc6atinuous Solutiom, by Ya I~dr Prik Hatemt i WIth, Vol XXII,, No 1. 195~',Jl 27~ ~5- Pergawn Ust sov D on the Slag Pyrocenes of the Series 8101 (-WI03# by N. 1. Kurtseva., 8 pp. tbrlae-mo per#Dok, Ak NaukBW,, Vol XCII., 3~ vp 153-1550 ~11905 MA R-MO 'J I (DC--4504) ult 60 g Couraca few the Developmat cvr ma:0009hYstas in the Soviet Union.. by adlevo Z. 0. 14T�,kws'ka., 9 pp. ptr,, DopcwlAl Ak Plaul: Ukralm Ran, No 387-3910 JM 6.314 63-10992 ~Ku an RbnaWr, F. D III jj"M~AL-n,MDH pLAGHT WMI I - Kurtz. 0. 11. Schmidt. P. Dig S AND.EXHAUSr GAS TURBO-- CHO S deafernfl ndt Dieselmotor und Abps Ord i.W! 63-10992 Tr paper Mm adon lAbDratOrY. lit ers 30 ir D RS' now, jigh aidtode. *Diesel eo&es, FM PO Cho 5, F ~r4l Canstructilon. Theory. Experi- meints I La. Mom. For e, J~tert-A tion 61 the nxst suitable specifica- he 46nwabn of a mobile research 1-lxhsust .tur,b b&ret"l and experiment I Investiga tions wtre cined. (Am or) eplonsulical, IT. v. 10, no. 3) d TKhdw Unkes Env*& fpti"'~ IPO%U*ion IntriUs L by R11*1 "r 1951P Vol mA 60.Ua36 AVr Vol 13 1 IV. nill PORMAT10N OF 3 ATS-29M47(; igs] Ann[& Ion der Cbwdol Y. 631, 1/3. p. 21-!~6- 61-12783 1. Cyanides- -Synthesis 1. Kunz, P. H. ATS-29M47G M. AsscKimed I'Minical ice,,, Inc., J:'-lSl 01 allgc' N. J. IV. 'ntle: Formst1cm A7 TT' V. 5, no. 8) leorBlati-On 0, IV Ir 1951. EMA 60-:LQM -,P2 q0 itka Phewwwa for A ttemation of Sound U4 by G. Kurt=. AN' per,, ~A Vol Ms 19610 pp 112-117. I?F-9277 in! G fd NA ONLY Tft I tioli or Himan Carcl,nom,, by Rare Ktxrt7,ahn, io 0. Vol X):Xp i926p pp 116&1168. NM Scleri~ifi Medicine OM/DWI I'd 11, -Fat Macao, b:j b pp. nt 949,61." 30 Au.,3, -"')56 SLA O*o -j. 4,--)i NO K Ef" 1~ B. 10 Sil ln~strument 0 Vol* 17P Noe 0.0 fl '3~ tableep 2600 words; 1946. 61p 131 C*RnIdIng of Mitting Toole. 3.9141, $4-55 [itch~rTrans,, Order 3o. lstramlWilu 39rftmU sod 73 cau"o Juk Forile "W". =,0f a py"Oftic &*&use* 00 #Aim coamt of tm lira" ir It 4-20-" M I KvlruS, 19;7, art Tech $110.00 Soiv~~ t IProblem of a Safe Automatic Reel t w , I 1 1, itb4,11 al F d 6troke, by I. I.. Kurus. 0 Eli RUSS Khoz, Vol XMI,, No 12., ~f p s Deft 9- Tech and Comercial Tr 2135 SPme Btreet,, Ibiladelphia 3., Penn. 8c, Vt ifJ.~(# Sagimering 11 1~ I rue" 155 ~tic Absorption in llamtllel ip'ld-ti e.~, b SUloe 'M Gh I I~aqueaciesj, by A, 1, Inero Iz AIE lVank Vol. ITJ IN HO: 195,J pp 1232-1235. Coh=bia Toch muting YLreral. a Discmsiull~ 'u-v Gaodar, I Kartog,, NO 10) 1959., AM uwtlm Ge t" uspatuft a" cm- 1331 ot tU :Sbwt-r~ ardw by Wil rs Mr FLa 2be Vol at 19630 pp lys- TT M a'-igx: -UfGv~~; Ca t k kram~ ~,rtih ip by an Optical 166thod. by D,~ B, 34~~Jbi irid z D. Kurit-allose. I L2 6 Set Rab Lib 5-,/4287 by- rtt, E ~i o~'L. 3) Der, Zhur ObShCh IRIJM~ VOI XXV111i NO 12028) P-099 I ,A CB INNIMENNIMMMMMMOMEM~ Ingiof Sound at a Rough Surface With f Implarity) by B. F-. Kur',vanov.. 6 i J! pp ip Akust Zhur, Val Vnl, Ito 3, 1962, AIP Sov Vhys - Acoustim Vol VIlk, No 3 eA.io4 t (DC-2800/21) nizations Aboard Submwiness by 4 ppe op. Sovetskiy Flut., 10 Mw 1960P P 3, im 6076 60 1-2 9~ VI Russ VP 41 ice, Of Alwo of t1w sea swro"o mft;~ttyw.'L. A. IDIrysvUem. I otas so So N~7-o*m M5~'p e0 Ord 4'e V i'll trdi4~1. Supply, by M.. Klyuyev, V, ur ye o I'M Jin' 10 pp. encyclopedia, Ballsbay5 Maditoinzkaya OPeftYmi iOl XYTT,, ~~?60, PP &~0-655, JVRS 9). 94 f ~i ifed imm"" in the wvsw Px*WMLO at #U"dftj, bjr A, A*.n!gMft 6M A* IN VP Vol 3mvis no 192 OLOIR &W1 mwm___ 7 Beely Ive tb ~y No Sci A A&ptottionol RewAicavi cs. th,t Aniu,,,I 'aiection of ftoll Doncen of -!~orelgm V., Mirn-an, 4 Pp. Zftap--r biol I Med. Vol )IVI, rp 42-" Commiltnats Burc-u IIGN BUREAU FOR KKDMXA CHF141CAL BY STEFAN KURYLAS: 7 PP. PER, PRZEGLAD MECHANICZ1,11Y) VOL XXII 62 p PP 3o4-36' 9 JPRS OW151XNX 1511) 212 ~ I-Iu3 of ana rai==Uan of Uv=ua 3. a4 Autimen MmUl cod Phyalcal Work., by A. IT PD. U1 va, per, Kmmmist,. flo M�rsecv., April 1959,, qq.~' JPHS-. 749-D CSO: 164-5-D/22 IL "71 Ali. C016 :R C OT "I ~ 11, 1 Ju'6' L b 2 Dwelopment* of the Individual Under by- A. K. Kurylev,, 15 PP. ~wnphlet, Problem o1' Communist on, Soviet Land Bo(')I,,Iets, I;e,,., Delhi, CIA Use ."Ooklet Obtainable Accuisi't-,lon Branch Lit-, -Tj RUL, i A'f 1~ljm CONDUCT EXERCISES., BY N. KURYLEV., VOYENV'YY VESTNIK., NO 1. 962. PER ACS1 i.o424-A ID 2194530 203:655 Nov thod of Pormind a Platula of the bild Dwt Jn Do~~, by B. Ya. Krelmr, 3 pp. par# SyU Skaper Blol i Mod# Vol XLVIm 1147 Ommultants B=-eau NOW ve 6 ji4 J, AAtt4'm 'ts:lld DifferenLiate BOG Strains of DilTerent or Irl a~d iWophilized Vaccines Prepared Ag* Tlhes~, St YxHws of Radioacti-ve Carbonp C-III, by W~ Zutylol iczx A. Mnnyecow, V. F. Pasquier, K. Si, -4 T' V, 4p 4"~ MS$ kirj Zhw Mikrobiol 16Videmiol i T=unabiol,, Voi, Ix 1~ 11; 1958o PP 52 -41 - PerGamon Ust scil 1*0 ..'e" , Z. dA 101 1 Z)r;;~oy -,'2xql, -%;'cl -VJ4,- -IMIL Id Med Set 71 Differm* OrigLn..-Xs, by WO &Lq- orp Miur NikroblOJL lpideMlOl i f VOM -V=f NO 1010 IL958.. pp 109- Pero= Irst On RUS ~uc~a About the Onracalug ar th-~ Aa erk p Utmn Tom and C=tryside, by A. X. Togmy F114wofiij, "No. 4. 1959j. vp cao: i645/23-D The s I hibit 1.957.111 scl Apr 6C 5 7 -k!" i~ B=eo - An Effc:ctive Gorroaioa in- el in Acid. Solutions; by K. S. i Tolffinol Topliva 1 No 3), ATS RJ-1170 (DC-2631 I tilon of the AT-1-Astrostomical sc4 3 U-Sed in Determining Borizontal Co - orlrtificUa garth Satellites (ASS)# Wj k, ByuUoten' 8temitely Opt4chookw YU& ym IAku"tvenoykh Sputnikov Zeml:[,, W JPREI-773-D 159!, ms Anum and jagitoeh. Roben A isw Traw. K 2742 3'oc~ s 17 N" MMING 7M OiWCAL S AR'nCLM (Vvdahrn zw ft,Wlderuan&Mftblt von 631114p) (forelp to= imlodal) j at RM $1.60 rr-64-14051 0l Auakpochdft 1. M I", UW 24 NOT 55, Issad no& A ode 34 Wv 54 &W ~11:" waft"W, "ad alum". 7T. v. It, =6 7) Tr-64-14061 1. Kuns P. W. A. n. josimcb, it. K. M. ftftw (Off=") I oto 198 fbLUY of &utna '%dtverlaud, by Ituatechaujo No 14.v inai ito i to A%.74.6i. Amn 1.0846 ID 218U89 e gaii: i-'wiss s War Technical Service, 1-16.6 Role and talon, by H. R. Kurz, 9 pp. pt. Ar 1464389 Siritzerlmd 6 Pg' 7