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4A AP't un 1,1ATUI-i 77 ZAKAMYRDINs I. A. /NUEN., ZAIPIS YAZAN, VETEFIN INSTIT// --/--/1970, V0107, N---- Toxicity of organophosphorow, compounds to warm blooded animals 13 pp pp 166-173 ARM/FSTC/HT-23-331-740# PT rop aO.dj +Te' ~ L4.d j. r.W u 4sf CH AM 19,611 A. T FIIIMOnOV. 1,04L. 19,111 '.be age comi"ition of 2KCIORA Vielma fWalaft in July in the planktui of the Gorki reaervilr (VotractnoJ com,tav somok ('\,jj2gg vikaln" v iyullskom plardctone Iortkovokc,go, v0dokhmni I Ish,ft ) 'Jolueny!! P&plakl koistrowii. gasud. peda&)g. institut, 22: T-n TPansl. toil DT,b, 9%, processed. Ais-.1. ~1111 as !?"o 614. Avail. Uri T'oan - Wasi-3., D.C. V-I( Gandynconico end ~,wat tran.,fer (ooleoted articles) 41 pp UCHENYYE ZAPISXI. No. 357. SERrYA MATEMATIC&SKIM NAM 46. GAZODINAMIKA I %Ovvbvwv A.TRIF.TD-MT.24-1667-72 0- 2"-- I-1710j pp 55.,Blo 114-119 may 73 ku .2 --7 an WW' 14 v0 !29 j"~ MA Ve qty o 15 v ot4tq! Ast~ Aat2 0. )'W Obserftt As 1040'16f. the skol 291, itete" Press, 1973o pp 2. *IfASA 072 IS III tol hit 60. 073 )74 ILL 24-Jul-73 uncl (NRC-TT--1628) Adaptive chiracteristics in the development of the skin and its derivatives in several cetaceans. NARKHOV, A.S. Translitted by Andrew Malysheff (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa) from Uch. Zap., Mo,3k. Gos. Pedagog. :'nst.; 186: 91.1 110(1962). 2 1 p. Dep. NTIS (LI.S. Se les Only) $3.2.1, 06 biomed; trantilations MN-48 NP 4SA .- ~AKMR IA 1h AU tV ~q JI r- -7, pt-gi, ~p P ;m 4p lid The Structure and Chemical Composition of Compounds Formed on the Surface of Metals in the Presence of Complex-Foi,ming Reagents, by N. G. Klyuchnikov, 8 pp. UCH. ZAP MOS,( GUS PEDAGOG INST. 340 (1971)s p p T r3-- 2 =8. GB/DLFDRIC-Tj,-3020-73 May 73 7 J. i (", IN (VIT KAWNA&i4 ~' ~ItbMon 4 pp ZAPrS,Xr AWCOV. SIsU(V#O- XWMDaFAmli 23-1-028-44 17 1 -1 7777p~r~.-, TIM 77 olot ioAdlim ltifi)Alvjm~, tiAbor I W29- 74 r ! I i T A, aL., pp J' k) V rl I 1U 'I C. I I N, U T; T ''R!" ZVI li lif 71"I"Alfr:; 71 ri.. NN4, , Wj~- df wo0ors. uu 03.1', or, re 00. kith stt4dard. I la IV' 7.4 rv.UIL 1w to- 92~519 MATD-W-23-1036-74 UC' INYY I i H I N 0 I T. VT H kif OWN I y A 7j ju uc:ili; p t-OdL. Sb; d S gh Ito, uc. if: 14 otas '*-1972-12 ACS1 X, Oll zi~ , 1. ~l .: -i A 1 i;.. OX Olt Bazzhin, A. P. ,',he effect of real PrOpel-tieS 0-' Ail' of fl-ow near in el-liptic cone. Aoro~jrnamic cliaracteristi,s cf elliptic cones at Of nf,tFICR.. I') PfTS. UCHENYYE ZAPI;IKI TSAGI, Vol. 1, IT(- P, AIR-FTI. -23-70 7::7---- 011 T)a2'nnetE-r,- Iarge rtn~ies in'170~ pp 46-5'). Barinov, V. /,I. Three dimensional boundary layer -An the vicinity of a critical, line of a slipping Ang during nonuniform suction. 10 pp. UCHEM-r-, ZAPISKI TSAGI Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 1972, pp. 23-29 AIR/FTD-HT-23-,511-73 Barinov, V.14 Calculation of the laminar boundari layer on a slipping wing by the method of integral relationships. 9 pp. UCHEME, ZAPI,5'KI 'PSAGI, Vol. 3 No. 5, 1972. pp. 9-15 AIVE-D-HT-23 -612-73 rr AvuSTYKH. A. 1. //UCHENYE ZAPISKI TIAGI/I .972, 70003, nOO06 Amethod of numerical solution of the navier stokes equations for a compressible gas pp 78-87 NASA TT F 159920# GINZBURG. YA. L. //UCHENYE ZAPISKI TSAGI// -4-1 ---- 5 V00049 NOOOS Experimental determination of the pressure recovery coefficients in conical diffusors at !a e subsonic velocities under various in.Iet colnidtions pp 23-31 NA33A TT r isgem POTAPOVA. L. A. //UCHENNYE ZAPISKI TSAGI// --/--11973., V0004s N0003 Interference of a sweptback win and the futelage at transonic speeds pp 101-104 NASA TT F 15993#f 77~ Fodotw, ako Im-14nooltocal 0"hm in the Mtopoietic liji'vo Of. catt'le with is, mW lbeneria Armulata Woctions RDWWi iNsTiWir. vrmw. u=m zApisxi Vol ZZ, p? 07-7ZO 1970 CSIRO-Trmis-10984 NTC-72-14560-02E Jan 73 Concentration and Temperature Stulies of the R-Lines of Ruby, by V. A. Gevorkyan. UCHENYE ZAP VEREVANSKIY GOSUljARSTVENNYI MIIV. I TO 1040 Mgd', pp 113-123. NAVY/CLB-3 T.-656 June 73 Paymnt Syvt.m for Kolkhoz, Sovkhos Construction btplained. 10 pp T)CHEr I EMNISY V ME I.SOVIMUU, Moscow, Kga~ No 10, 1973v pp 38 41, ins 6om RSFSR Hlidater of Education Repurts on PWAic Education. 5 Pp- RUSSIANp upp Wilellakn~Glastil, Moscow, 31 Mar 1W3, pp 1.2. JFP.'*, 389M &Y 73 Dmft Fund&uwntale of Now LegisLation on kWAc Mwation, 22 pp. RUWIAN 9 np 1, khitgl I l2U_qjjL, lioncow, 5 Apr 19739 PP 1-2- JMS 58982 4W 73 Chelpanov, 0. Poor Teaching of Russian in Armonian Schools. 7 pp UCHITEL'SKW.% GAZ I , Moscow, 2E' June 1973, P 3. JFRS 60524 ShortcoxiMs in School Heal Progrius and Cbildrents Clothing Reported. 0 Pp PAJUA, Moscow, 16 Aug 1973. P 1- UCZMAQ JM 6035 Chuprakova, jI., Trade Union kction Urged in Wage Matters. 5 pp WHITE'S L G&JETA, Moscowt 21 Aug 1973,, !) 2. JPRS 60354 14~UMov # I, Evening Schools Go Nor to Genoral Audles. 6 pp UCHITILISKAX& 9RUAt MaIscows 18 SOA 1973v pp 2.'~I, MRS 60336 Prokoflyev, M.. A* USSR FAucation Ydndster Prokof lyin Discussos Rural Schools, 5 pp Tjcgmivs~w GAWA, Moscow, 29 Llept 15173, p 2. JFRS 60474 YArirkich, A. mo Ubminian Bducation XLnister Discusses Rm%I schools I .) pp !SIMT&O GA2CA, Moscow. 3 Nov 1973, PP 1-2. JPRS 60615 Study of Brechnew Speech at WoiU Peace Congress. 5 pp UCHIT&ISKQ'Q&=&' Moscow, 1,1 Nov 19731 P 3- JMS 60765 Kondskov, Me L Imperative NW for Improvement of Rural Iowa.. tion Stressed. 7 pp, UCHIMS19A GAZZA, Moscow, 29 Nov 19739 P 3. JPRS 60999 Conference of Teaching Russian in National Sohoolt; Hold. .5 pp W&FLISKAYA G.U.ETA, Moscow, 8 lec' 1973, P I. URPRS 61218 Shustovo A. Problems in hoviding Teachers for Raral Schools. 3 pp UCHITELISKAXA gg);,TA, Moscow, 12 liar 1974, P 3. JPRS 61692 Danilov, A. Conference on Conversion to *dversal Secondary Mucation Held, 11 pp UChITELISKA'Ll GAZ&A, Moscow, 21 har 1974, pp 1. 2. JFRS 61793 Panchin, F. All-Urdon Certification of Teachcrs. 8 pp UCBITAISKQI-iA=, hoscowt 25 June 74, pp 2-3. jpRs 62528 Kochemasov, V. I. Kochemasov Report on Universal Secondary 1Mucatioj,,j in RSFSR. y pp UCHIT-ELISU.YA GAZETA, Moscowt 3 Aig 74p p la JM 62895 I-'ore on ljNoirdnj*, Tearher Certi.fi2ation. ~ pp UCtiITEL'6KAYA "JAZETA, kioscaw, 22 Oct 74, P 3- jpRs 63474 --- :DAN= U Sm?tuba 19T3 N&Iwk of 19T3 0800 Dmmlojamt Pla (Mi"d) Tvkpi Uchu Whatsu lalkakuw Ittombil, 19T3 woommomomm-f SPIN t7" I DD wt pwailb Tranoutor I s draft plus one *W.V Dedic, Miroslav Difficulties in Education of 3ypsies Explained, 6 pp4 UCITHISKE NOITIITY, JPW� ?-:9W2 Prague.. No 21, 24 May 73P p 8~, Jul 73 14echtova , Ilurie Modifications in 9 ry). ITITUSKE NVINY, DD 1p ~* JPRS 61454 Education 3ystem Discu.,3sed, Prague, No 1, 3 Jan 74, Apr 74 1 o it bed 7 7-1 Wernher Von Braun uiams ... concepte project outgrowth. UFO NACHRICH No 200, 30 MT85 AIRIFTD-HC-23-287-74 cmd advanced propuZoian 6 pp. Apr 2973, p I DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES ONLY COPYRIGHT INFORMATIM OTHER REQUES7 MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. moray.lHenry Short review of "Radiation energy". 8 pp UFO - NACHRICHTES No 00 % 2 , Apr 197'~,, pp 1-2 LP ATRIFTD-W-23-290-74 DISTP,TBUTION LIALrTED TO U.S. GOV'T A(ZENCIES ONLY. COPYRTGHT INFORMITION. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. REQ TR CHECK 17 -08 -71--~ '2289 UNKNOWN HALIK, ERICH GY: UFO - NACHRICHTEN, NO. 200, 1973~ APRIL pp. 134-139 Ic A.T Dist' Utsd bar jot.- mu ftaid to PTJ)O Thmr--*. do allftft Ooaterift of 8 tect:lon,'O-re u0sated to be Subjeic bto O*Yr4;bt -.-I A j~L 1; Dadaq Idi Imizip Amin Tells Kampala Press Conference of flis Mediation Efforts, 12 pp. UGANDA RADIO, 21 Jun., 1730 GMT, IM 5941US9 Jul 73 Treaummt I'am -vith an pyridl* I GrAAR 318A wrot (0419mi -a 4 V* 3.9% i96TJ~ PP- &74-876 ETC 734,2659-ak gl.~4 Wh An It U.: WA perl ollot 0 ce I:n 'Dermar~ ft;741p' bit *C 74-.10664-06pM~ iw 'Wol ; ll~ ~7: ;'R1 FOMPF ~~!, .: . . . ~ : ~l .., - ~.7 . , j., - . I- , I .. , - ~ 7 ~ ''I . i. ~ - r .7 , -W 14. ~. 1, W7~;,- 1 '. Y Mi OLL MIK UUMM// Moto 13 ~/jiq0l~M) Not6i ~on ki~)hylactia Whooping-i'locugh Vaoodnation and 4 New thildron's Vaccination Program. Report from -.Statens Serininstitut,, PP 755"758,NTC 71-10665-o6m~ i'z 4-.1, q~, 1,4 Tor, ht' 1 1 Relia,011 y 0 1 ~Reftectai 6e pp 66 !J3 lood Sugar Keasuresfint. i 6?r, 4..ri.c)6o-o6w,, , L ,IlKi 100*5410 lbolvwm 9 ft%14 ItUm N*ad*U &p&kwmko eftm ReAsSAme of Impameaft #a"" Awbm J&bwme i4doo Ime bmk sswm volftift go. 94"m 13% 0* it" w butab pp "I"'No Ty"I stmw "amp 41 peomqqh plobas H. 14. Nielsen Seed Production and Seed Production Research With Lucerne. Part 11. EUROPEAN., per., U~eskrift for Lambiaena, Vol 107) 1962~ pp 656-6-69. NTC 72-13963-02D Nov 72 T7vT:' ~ "I, Al YqvSqyevq V. S. Coal Combine Significantly Improv4a Production. 8 pp ZIMI, Moscow, No 3, May 1973p pp 3.7 JPRS 59428 Krashkin, I. S. Now Mine Developed for Moscow Basin, 6 pp. UGOLIP Moscow., No 5. MaY 73P pp 18-21. "JPW-59462 Jul 73 Trukhint P. M. Boost in labor Productivity in O)iL Industv, Planned. 8 pp UGQI, MOSCOW9 No 69 June 1973, i)p 2-5. JPRS 59772 Gridin, G. Be Ndbastuz Olxm Strip MIning. 15 Pp UG(V, moscow-, No 6, 19739 PP 5-9. 59698 Kinlybayeva, t 2h. 14, The solution of T(whnical Problems at the Karaganda Basin. 7 pp U&I, Wscaw, No 6, June 1973, -,Pp 10-11, im 39698 First Quarter 19?3 Totals Of C(MLI Industry PublAshed. 16 pp WOL' . Moscow, No 7, July 1973, pr 65-69. JPRS 59914 Coal Industry ~Zoning Conforenceis Bild. 7 pp UGOLI t Moscow I No 8 1 1973 v PP 7(~*74* JFRS 60158 Coal Indlistry Performnee in First Half of 1973 Outlined. 12 pp UGOLI, Moacow, No 10, Oct 1973, PP 68-73- JM 60728 Grafov, L. Ye. Op-zations of Coal Industry in 1573, Tasks in 19?4. 13 pp LUOLI. Moscow, No 1, Jan 1974, pp'7-14. JM 61-057 Coal Industi7v January -- SepteDber 1973. 10 pp UGOLI , Mosccw, Ao 1, 19749 pp ?C-73. JPRS ~1657 Report on All-Ud(m Conference 01' *w96wt Personnel of the (;oal Industry MOR. 10 pp W.h tj Mascowt No 3, Mar 74, pp .3-8. JPRS 62317 Restatment Of COAl Industry Rasults for 19113, 12 pp UG911, Moscow, No 4, Apr 74, prlp 71.?5. JFRS 62368 Belink.n, A. k. Assess ng Effect of Mining on Ag-ricultural Unds. .) pp !gm' , hcLeov, No 3, Yhr 74, pp 45-46. JPRS 62453 The Soviet C3dl Industry in the Arst, Quarter c-f 1974. 12 pp UGOLI Moscow, No 7, Jul 74, pp 67-71. ~O MRS 62859 Kolesov, 0. A.. The Ukrainian Coul 1ndustry in 2.9?4. 6 pp UGOLI, hoscow, No 8. Aug 74, PP l)-13. jpRs 63181