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Approved For Release 2001//1E~E.P91-00682R000300160004-1 91 ICY INF' ;4 A 7,,7d Earricon Staff Director of the Joint Congressional C. ttee 1s prepared the attached errand for Senator Carl H.yd , Chairman, on the subject of the CIA printing program* Set qio ton r(s is the Harrison rorandu w. CIA been added after each item. ence A M-WY, for several yea ice Offloe cif onsideble quantities of highly 'sifi 25X1A n operat r co e t trams taci L3t3os as l as the need for certain c at rich tip hesriwately brfefe tan the necessity for d t o . Ce for }~a erl was i ref c of this action on 29 ha :dh facilities kid : beon S=ated ou" O l morths a p CIA established another printer plant from CIA ! - qter eh servod 4 With the co; or ay'den and the Bureau of the Ha .ggetp C' np' et o ih rd ate: CIA described need for luction requixnts, C C - my need for uri ? was endangered under unfit conditions, "'~'"i pprove or Release 200 007/2 being. done in different locations of these locations into l a single i iP91-00682R000300160004-1 . Approved For Release 2001/0 P91-00682R000300160004-4 SECURITY INFORMATION certain rch is have taken tours t ro T Uoa w 1 at the C con actin , for equIpm1w. Such non-c and contUic, o control the ,,ecurltV of its plant Day-to-day control is exercised by the Q P0. CIA 49ge coq h p t does operate weer security sell atiow prey that plant.." appears to reflect s doubt CIA does not cac.pie{mealy control the security of for CIA, with ? ice; 202 it among the other a cies, tangy that appro to?34Y O of the work do-* by the This is oorr ct iz tsr as rofere,:c CIA is concerned, We cannot ; nt as to the r son other a zcies, llr s ever,, it is of under- . T OPO-W)SC plant s unt-5xpped production facilities co equentl?y, GPO }.sae a vied >IA that this plant can ndle a ar cr quantity of their wor: , A rel, by r securit -cleared reservoir of skilled craft e i t Ili*e*lbDb3 erV *0 ,, is 7iP 2 a cess :ry'r 11 Mcm Approved For Release 2001/07/27SH091-00682R000300160004-1 SECURITY INFORMATION e'c-r'. r, a,.a t6 3or M printing Protmn involves the has n e of untapped production facilities At thO ability produce, 'rre are other timo,. ho v When t km C7 program s;.e is s . ficicnt utili the entire pros uctio f ci 'tie 7 n us to available. .p, tela o sear a o 11111~DDa recognized a n them are undoubtedly Aen CIA dew is 1053 than A p armed requirements for the i x iate future* 1U be on duty within 0 d . This is ocewsa. y zo e a)., .o k of ca act' , and seared for larger faei tiea. iA1 r a y ' have been recruited. As stated t l , such ra onnnel iaant zaso has con id r 4utte eap* i y handle d i '3, ari .e u s. a i ` k ' p the. of val.': ' ? ;" g t rec c o g t ho has ? e ra '-itiE ,s a: zd -,urj. ,, ? 'to ; r ct 7 o ar squire... hid he p 'get, to obt d .i 1 r"U110d .ca klw a 1Vis d th. t y y ost, ents in GEs ho f ~, Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : -00682R000300160004-1 C s ,rt$ se tou to n a Vi h t ha ,,o purchw c-Ti1prwin-t for CIV. s needl zriy dupli Approved For Release 2001/07emIt91-00682R000300160004-1 SECURITY INFORMATIPI tion in force. Therefore, CIA has not cought eri)lo; es fro: the P -Ds3O plant despite the fact that subject e randun states "a relatively large security cleared reservoir of skilled craftsmen exists at the GPO central employee presents a written release from his agency or a, notice of operate reproduction facilities. It has an estaLl hed policy will not discuss employment, with any Gov ern ont employee unless been aware of the scarcity of highly skilled personnel recess plant. 0 t% e, plant wa ; established and ecraipped at a cost conservative estimated at no lees than a half million dollars and we are a? ise that for several months now., from any practical production standpoint, it has bey a standing idle because of the lack of corpetent, qualified personnel to operate unsafe and unsatisfactory locations. Personnel to operate 1.-dmt unwed equipment exists will l on duty within 30 des. CIA Comment: The cost of the CL% plant and its equipment was appro :- te3 4 3OO,{ J.. The majority of the equipment s transferred from old, s adopted the only obvious ly, proselti enp.oy: ice Office. practice were successfully cones... (plant es operational difficulties would the solution also would involve a broad, serious disruption, with regard to the hi hly classified pro- dt do n requirements of such vital Goverment activities at Atomic Energy Commissions, 3Late Department, National 13'ecurity Resources Board.,, and Office of Defense Management." CI. co=entz CI W not pro>se:Eyted ployoes f rom the OPO-DSSO plant. Appro 20 of these aloyo :a, however, have come CIA without written have cone to CIA with appropriate written, fused to discuss the possibilities of employment Approved For Release 2001/07/ CIA- 91-00682R000300160004-1', Approved For Release 2001/07/27 C?IA F 91-00682R000300160004-1, ITIf 25X1A A s indUated to sez*t ti= f the CI PIM _ ..~ , 4Wtj f ac in and not 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A t* tba, C ski the rx the off Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : C pf 1-00682R000300160004-1 Approved For Release 2001/07/27SENU9l-00682R000300160004-1', SECURITY INFORMATION he present uncontrolled procurement ,..,..... printin equipment is highly discriminatory against other agencies with e),wa;.17 strin ent security requirements, at the same t settir a very example for those same agencies o? which are required by law to see approval of the Joint Co ittee on Print .ng either to purchase printing equip nt or to establish printing plants a*n- " equipment was transferred from then p rt has been acquired w th the approval ontrolled pr uremont of CIA printing equ pr nt t the JCP program 1s helpful boss agencies have specifically a tiental and h,4s iosed no. difficulties heir highly c..essified printin activities i the CIA program is threatening to under- oli y control. over the overment's Printing :~, as a r ult of Public Law 110, has not been specifically involved A. in the J P program b rL hao procceaca a z?.1 cvnt u o proc appears most sounds practical a ____^ _ `best interests of the United States Oavernment to initiate steps wt ieht "(a) till bring, C1,1: printing equip procure sent under the policy control of the Joint Ccrtttce on Pri ti and., (b) will preservq the effectiveness of the GPO-Departnent of State Ser rie Office." C" Comets Tho decision of Congress authorize CIA to expend funds for repro- duction arty printing eqrient was made on the basis of facts herein presented. iportant anong these is the security of a highly sensitive operat . on which involves training of covert personnel. The judgment of Congress in its decision appears sound, practical,s an in the best interests Of tWWm e oh a %&e 2001/07/27 S I 91-00682R000300160004-1'. s of full dis closur+ s to the Con 3 t fee' e c