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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/13: CIA-RDP91-00587R000201160001-3 ON Ar% TTICLC AP ON PAG AGE NEW YORK TIMES ' 14 February 1986 C.I.A. Accused of Tolerating Killings in How By JAMES LeMOYN1? Special to The New York 73ma knew were responsible for having killed a number of people they detained for political reasons between 1981 and 1984, according to two American offi- cials and a Honduran military officer. The C.I.A. agents did not directly take part in actions by the Honduran Government units, the two American officials said. The help, they provided included training and advice in intelli- gence collection as part of a program to cut off arms shipments from Nicara- gua to leftist rebels in Honduras and El Salvador. "The C.I.A. had nothing to do with picking people up," said one of the American officials, who has intimate knowledge of American policy in Hon- duras. "But they knew about it and when some people disappeared, they looked the other way." Abuses Appear to Stop An American official said the politi- cal killings troubled some members of the American Embassy and the C.I.A. Although embassy human rights re- ports at the time mentioned abuses, they minimized the extent and seeming systematic nature of the killings, offi- cials said. As many as 200 people, almost all of them suspected leftists, may have been killed or made to disappear for politi- cal reasons in Honduras between,1981 and 1984. It is not clear how many were killed by the units in question. Since a new Honduran military com- mander ordered an end to the practice a year and a half ago, the abuses ap- pear to have virtually stopped. According to the two American offi- cials and to Congressional sources, the C.I.A. used intelligence collected by Honduran security forces to cut the flow of arms sharply. The officials, both of whom served in the American Embassy at the time, said the pro- gram, strongly backed by the Reagan Administration, was considered a major success. The officials asked that they not be identified in order to protect their careers. Honduran and Salvadoran leftists conceded in recent interviews that most of the victims were involved in arms trafficking. Two Honduran sources and an Amer- ican official said Argentine military advisers, as well as Nicaraguan anti- Government guerrillas, were also re- sponsible for a number of the killings and disappearances of leftists. Asked to comment on reports of kill- ings by Honduran units that were aided by the C.I.A., Michael O'Brien, a spokesman for the United States Em- bassy in Honduras, issued a prepared statement drafted with the aid of State Department officials in Washington. The statement said: "There is no connection between spe- cific professional training which may have been provided by the United' States Government to Honduran se-11 curity forces and charges that Hondu- ran security personnel subsequently may have engaged in improper activi- ty. At no time has there been any United States Government involve- ment in supposed death squad activi- ties." Silent on Inquiry Asked to comment on a report that there may have been a secret United States Government investigation of abuses by the Honduran security forces, Mr. O'Brien declined to do so. "This is an intelligence issue on which, as a matter of policy we do not com- ment," he said. A spokesman for the Central Intelli- ence Agency in Washington, Patti Vol;, denied any C.I.A. involvement wt any group that may have killed or caused the disappearance of people it detained. The Honduran Army issued a report last year absolving itself of blame for most of the reported abuses. The United States Ambassador in Honduras at the time of the killings, John D. Negroponte, declined to com- ment on the embassy's knowledge or concern about such abuses. A Honduran military officer who is now dead reportedly told Congres- sional staff members in 1984 of C.I.A. involvement with a Honduran Army unit that the officer charged was guilty of abuses. Accounts of the meeting were given by Dick McCall, a foreign policy aide to Senator John F. Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Bruce Cameron, former legislative director of Amer- icans for Democratic Action. They said in telephone interviews from Washing- ton that the officer, Maj. Ricardo Zuni- ga, had charged that the C.I.A. helped set up a secret Honduran intelligence unit known as the 316 Battalion. Major Zuhiga contended the unit was guilty of killings and disappearances, they said. The accounts of Major Zilniga's statements could not be further con- firmed because he was killed last year by a business associate who owed him money. Killings Are Selective Unlike the mass slayings carried out by the Guatemalan and Salvadoran armies in recent years, the political killings in Honduras appear to have been highly selective. A number of Honduran political analysts view this as further evidence that the killings in- volved trained units under tight super- vision. When asked recently what had be- come of suspected leftists in Honduras, an officer in the Honduran Public Se- curity Forces said they might be qui- etly regrouping for new attacks. Or maybe we already cut all their heads off," he said, drawing a finger across his throat. The killings began, according to American and Honduran sources, when it was discovered that safehouses in Honduras were being used to supply leftist rebels there and in El Salvador with arms from Nicaragua and after a number of guerrilla bombings and kid- nappings between 1980 and 1982. The Reagan Administration and the head of the Honduran Army, Gen. Gus- tavo Alvarez Martinez, declared at the time that they were determined to cut these supplies and, according to sev- eral American officials, the Adminis- tration began an arms interdiction pro- gram. More Active C.I.A. Role General Alvarez, who was ousted in 1984 and went into into exile in the United States, worked closely with the C.I.A., several American and Hondu- ran sources said. A graduate of the Ar- gentine military academy, the general was strongly anti-Communist. He brought Argentine experts in counterterrorim to Honduras in 1980 to train Honduran security forces and Nicaraguan anti-Government guerril- las, according to rebel, American and i Honduran sources. The Argentines said they had previously helped run govern- ment death squads in Argentina that eliminated thousands of leftists there. according to a Honduran military ofti- cer who met them. According to one American official. the C.I.A. may have helped finance some of the Argentine training. The C.I.A. later took a more active role, di- rectly helping Honduran intelligence I units, he said. According to both an American and a Honduran official, the C.I.A. also had contacts with a Nicaraguan guerrilla counterintelligence unit. Senior Hondu- ran Army officers charged last years that the Nicaraguan rebels were re- sponsible for a number of the killings and disappearances of leftists. The killings eventually became a political issue in Honduras. Such kill- ings had been commonplace in neigh- boring El Salvador for years but had never been the custom in Honduras. After General Alvarez was deposed, the army conducted an internal investi- gation in which it acknowledged that abuses had occurred, but blamed Nica- raguan rebels for almost all of them. STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/13: CIA-RDP91-00587R000201160001-3