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Document Release Date:
February 24, 2012
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Publication Date:
February 1, 1976
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/24: CIA-RDP91-00561 R000100090048-0
1rm L+V1,VUf UDOL.Ilvr IA
nd rt' iuf the .free
hi, fu
ing London to discuss the
l:ritisit approach to intcili-
I he . NSA !, not so
e genre.
notch a rogue elephant, as a
I 1 1 td 1
from ANTHONY SAMPSON in :Washington
rill a%V.V%
technology can alwa}'s be
turned against people at
home. The problem of over-
sight is that the enemy wants
to Lin'w, not so much what
has been found out, as hots
it's been found out: so that
the danger in disclosure is
much greater.'
i`A DEMOCRACY.' wrote the turuiii'-point evi- : 11'it-the political dilcnnli.i It is the NSA. much more
dc Tocqueville, `has little. deril;; came with the murder caased by the CIA is nut than the CIA, which rcl>rc-
caparity for COntbinitt, of the CIA agent Mr Richard simply about disclosure; it is setts the ui0htntare vision of
titeasues in secret and Welch in Greece a tuonth 1w the vectoring prohle+n of the future: a form of intelli-
naitin1 patiently for the al:o, after his noose had licctr control. And tits complaint Bence f:J' removed from the
esult., publicised in an : Ataens is nut really that the CIA has , traditional spy-thriller of
has .-Of m+t of conrol but that it
lacer. his u;tnt;a?, S falsc..bct:r'ds or dirty tricks,
The bitter American dc- nheat,+?pslin,: to do with the Con- has been too easily controlled with c+,fvputers and electreit'
bate about the CIA, which +'ess conur.iltees? but his --by the President (ti- by lithe
came to a new climax last " its a:kipg over the roles of
week. has resurrected the old warty'-doot was blade awcli Secvelar~' of , fate- its ugliest boors ts..
oF by file C.U. 1"it5 au clabor Atteraticats, most notably in At present, the NSA is part
dilemma, and found no solu- ate .fltneral in \1'ashiagtttn.: Chile, have beS'n at the insist- of the Department of
lion- "q'.i1e ,irbiic lass renrndctl that cncc of the \Yilite? House. Defence, but the House Intel-
The two Congressional the CIA s-as part of patriot- _- the most serious lesson of ligence Committee has now
eomtu ttecs which baye bccn ism, and Senator Church's N atergate was that the agen- recommended that it should
investigating the CIA are in c
1,>lit head,
confusion. Tile liou.e Cunt- s!'plpo+'tt:rc deterred a set- c,.=% could so easily become have an indcpen
back in -his campai a for the the personal weapons of the and the Senate Committee is
nt under Mr Otis Pike,
Illitee has pre tared a detailed re. ( Presidem_v. President : and liberal Sell!'- likely to reach the same coil-
der of \Ir Welch tuts objected to the no!uiua- elusion.
port which reveals antony ?ilso provided atnir i ti:inn Lion of Ili- 141,41 oat the ground But the impartial wise
gcother tir
gs- services that cost. the '+J0,ttu1 10li )' fur s that,liowcycrhonestandwell- nt:ut, inunune to Itressurc yet
rce e omL lintit:itiott of tit
Press, and srnpe ppliticia+ps`.;: ineanirg, he remained apoll- sensitive to personal liberties,
million a Fear-three times ticiatt,sttlncrable to pressure. is not it marked featnc of
bare Glen bccun to argue rite
the olticiat figure- nid Itte oref case: for on ollicial scci r Act :. tray !,bovt_ But what kind of the current Washington
beyond the scrutiny talatt can he found who will
; scene, Alit! there is a recur-
Congress. Much of the report ? on ae 1,1itist .t pa!tcrtt pshicb he ahlc to stand a to the 'ring dancer that the sun tsti-
'was promptly leaked to the' would Punlsa) tlx*>t respon- p
siltle f0. disc csures. It is tins President and to be account- cote( 'technolo--y will run
Press, whereupon the Conr- incur. that gees to the real able to Congress, while nt. in- away not only ivitit the
mince ' solemnly voted tut tairi+t^ determined policies cnenr;'s secrets, but with
ucl"illc policies
le (
Axel) it secret until4ttc l'rcSi-: petit of t
. r ! ` tctititL~ patiently for the
dent. appt?oycc1 it. dilenu,ia-the cot:l.lct be ant.
? res;!lt.??
in the meantime, Senator tnccn t-re.cfon of specclt as The Problem is more acute
Church, the Chairman of the embodied in tae First Amcnd t,ith the arm of intelligence
STAT'ate. Conu:tittce. on iute)li- meat, and the continuing i,?hich has received touch less
tee, has now proposed that need for secrecy. publicity, but spends much
ill intelligence plaits