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63-16589 RroscI4 Anbx4 THBORMCAL AND EVERIMENTAL INVESTIGA- 1. Brosch, A. TIONS ON THE PATHOGENESIS AND HISTOGENESIS OP MALICNANT TUMORS. IlL 11963]6tp 52 refs. Order from SLA $66 60 63-16589 Trans. of Virclww's ad-D~~ Ana w1m Medi7lnl 190D, Y. 162, p. 32-84. Another trans. Is anUable ftm K-H $75,0D as K-H 9249-d [19621 ft, DESCRETORS: PaWoV, Etiology, OCancer, Matology, Tunors, Canwr reseamb. (BiolVcal Scionme-PatholM, IT, v. 10. ro. 8) Gm. .1 T.Cwa km.. On COngeniMl Wd ACqWred IdioplUe SHn Atrophy. by B. Tendau# 28 pp. GERMAN# pf, Arch PWhAnmy Vol CLXV14 1902# pp 465-01, NAVY scl - Blol Jul 65 202#307 The Normal ~,.Hiatological Structure and Sclerosis of tb* Aortic Valves by J. 0. Houckeberg, 30 i?p. kskiv fuel _g;,,AWwk , pat 11014p I MA1.111) pp 472-514. 0 19 1 RIK Tr 9-28 Sci - Medicine p Oct 57 Tr-63-2OB97 ApItz, Kurt. 1HE FORMATION OF RUSSELUBODISS IN PLASMA- 1. 71tIc: Russell's bodies CELLS OF MULTIPLE MYELOMAS. [196318p (figs 2. Tftle: Plasma cells omitt4 1. Apitz, K. order froin SLA $1, 10 IT-63-20897 7tans. of VirdioV6 Arcldvj~~r Pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic und KIMIGZU&Ifirn (G&mhW1937, DESCRIPTORS: "ncer, Tm-nors, *Cells (Biology), Histology, Morphol%,y, 'IT, It. 5) offla 04 Itchnico stmcel AbOA Watmft of tho lAverp by K. D. ftebmmp T ppe am"t vat ARAZOdw 1%-.Lhale Wads bati5m; WSJ f pp lcm 8-1"3 (&a=) OU - ma alm 3M .: sci-BU4 Oct 66 Ustodmdcal stadles on Blisdwtian of Uad Bata at RtbylMt2M=fi= Tort= Adetle by Mt F.Idnqoj by Fe ZLMS No AXUQZds 12 pps per* ArOlit t=r Zattologe ma Eli Vol ME OMMM moo pp Mvy Tr 33Ce/MZ 747 Iftb 63 Calssification of a Series of Serotonin Antagonists) and analysis of Their Peripheral Vascular Po;Wto of Attack) by,R. bleier, J. Tripod., Eo Wirz., 15pp GEWIM) pery Arch -lut -Pharmcoayn, Vol log: 1957) No 1/2) PP 55-77 sTA TT-64-i6o93. Sci - Bio may 67 326)636 clinical Value of the Ibwuremnt of the Phase of the Cardiac Revolution Ac~zrding-to the Polygraphic Method, by S. Mnzi, et al. SHUNISH, per,, Ardi'Patol e Clin Med, Vol XXXIX,, 1962; I)p 3-M. NASA TT F-9706 U. S. WV1011"u. IT USE (VIM Apr 66 299,56S ColoparatIve Fimliop vith the Hoyt-&rdson Test and'With Obber Tests for Chanps in Serum: Value of the Test In Viral Hepatitiog by Ro mwmw FFEW, per, Arch Pat Olin Ned, Vol 4op 19&1 PP 384-393t NZ-How 7-14-63 Sci-BOI sept 68 365..953 clinic of infantile ftralysiG) by Dr F CoromitAs., 35 Pp. sPAMR, per) Archivos de Pedintrim, Vol Ily No 9. 1951,P ;P'T5-rZ'M15- ~' - NM Scientific - NediClUe CM/DB% / 31. 96?3 A Case -of Histoplamosis., by L C VAwJq G. A. Riart.. 24 pp. SPAWH., per.,,Arch Ide Pedist V01 XXV# NO 10 193Vp_W'__5-21. Scientific - Medicine CTS 70AU 55 CA/10" 61-12648 Obes Pollarl, J. INFEGnON AND USH OF ARMIOTICS 01 PREDAA- 1. Infections- -Therapy 711RE INFANTS. 119601 Sp. 2. AntibioticA--Therspetitic Order from ATS 55 - 50 ATS-09N48SP effects 3, Infants- -Pathology Trans. of Archlvom de Pediatria del Urupuy. 1960, 1. Obes Pollerl. v. 31. no. '9,~iK"49V'49V-' It. ATS-091448SP 111. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. 5 J. 5,06, (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, Tr, v. S. am I)' I Chenistry and Pharnacology Of Vitandn B12, by F. Reimers - GERFAN, per, Archiv For Pharraci Og Chemi, Vol XXVIII, 1951, pp 659-676. COM oct. 62 On the Stabi34ty of Antiblotlas In U Odutiom Gmtsiulm Diodow as %at of Vhrlm Amimap by C. Tr*Ue-lmamj 0. Weis~,p !g pp, DANIM; pa# Arobly for PbUWAI og Qh~mds _ Vol Lmo So 13-0-41 jai Ms pp WT-,KO3. . Mat Office sai - Cbm Dea 62 .1) 9" M PC lio" 'ald'as Tj SAr-SIK/'Ref, 2.5*7 dum 206rimeMPI AttwPt to DiffereatApte BeWom p seriep or Control Xezwmo Aystam J. "I., z*b1tore, by od; V IL ft&r, R. Yeter, 2T p ~ , ORMP pas Arch Id Phpnme*4%1 VdI!0Mj I NOV IM., Su %-T5 Sol Jul 59 er'-2 7 ^/ A/ 9-Ir Provocation of a Local Loukoayte Reattion by Bacteria and Bszterial Prcducts and the DXluejace on It of Upopolysaacharidos., by B. E&JIn., 18 pp. GIMAI, per, Anh Int. va =n., 196o, pp 2,80-M --- NIS 5-38-U Sci - YN -Tui 61 /Jj, r~l Bun-ichi Hasama PhamacotogicaL and physiologicaL study of sweat. GERMAN, Archiv Lur pharmkologie und experimentelle pathologie, VoL 153, 1930, pp 291- TT F 1405 5 COPYRIGHT NOTICE sept 72 A. Pentschew Comparative Investigations on the Effect of Various Metallic Salts on lbb,~,Gentral Nervous System of Rabbits. GERMN, per, Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv fuer D_iarmakolotrie und h'22r.4,mentelle-Pathologie, Vol 163, 1932,, pp 667-6% NTC 72-12845-06T sept 72 fter, C. mWDlefteff, TAR OIL-SOAP SOUMONS, WPECIAMY L AND THEIR USE AS DISWWrANM 119631 19p. Order fivM ATS $2& 3D ATS-8lQ7W Tram-of f-'Oj (Germany) 1892, v. 230, p. 561-599. DHSCRWrORS-. *Soaps, 0" Tar, *Gumwid" 1. Tift Lyld- 1. Elgw" C. M. Dbdkxd. IL M. ATS-81Q= tV. AwxcidgTo"cal swdcw bm, sw ctaxg% (BlologlW Sclowes-Phumlodba, Tl~ v. 10, no. 104 W. i T.WW Saw w outaln Udomm, by *Wt &,Wdtp 7 pp. 138mg DWS AXVUI ow irassmiss ~~ 18M, 0 4354%rl-~ = srA 6e-Aw cr T-'- c-/ - / sol g;-i 1% - AV 63 -1914 v2b2 0449-11ba. 1920.42bS PI S-33- i. -16-213sti < W4 V262 1 ~ IV 5 8 0520- -A$ "i-egogn. 1~~ it dTC Tobacco as a Vehicle for Yedicines and Fbisons, by Fr, Lickint - GWW, per, ARCHIV der Pharmazie, 1925, vol. 263., pp. 181-186. K-11- 1180 d PIN Aug 66 3o6,604 Dawlnvor,*4 P. W. aid Pgms, E. CONTRIBUTIONS 70 IHE TOMCOLOGY OF LEAD 1. Dmcworm, P. -W. AND ITS COINOUNDS. VI. DISTRMMON OF U. Itirgm, E. LEAD IN 7M ORGANUM, PAR71CULARLY IN ME M. Utle: Dbtribution... BONES, AND TIM TOMITY OF LEADSOWTIONS FOR FM. [1963113p. 9 refs. Order fmm SU $1.60 63-18442 Trans. of ~4[srjlb~ __(Germany) 1928, Y. 266, no; 7, p. 492-501. DESCRIPTORS: LAW, :Lxdd poisoning. Twdclry, 45one, *Fiahes, Tissue (Biolomtl (Biological Sciencez-TWcology, TT, v. 10, no. 12) gift Cd 79dhdc3i Soft" 12hrenateln. Maximilhan. ON nlP, ALKALOIDS OF TOBACCO. 1962, 57p. Order from K- H $71. 25 K-H 5027-a Trans. of Archfiv der] Pharmaz[fel (Germany) 1931 p Y~ 269, p. 627-659, DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, *Alkaloids 62- U739 1. Ehrenotein, M. II. K-H-5027-a 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit,. Mich. (Unannounced) Sate AdM damUm of Load ~ SpWa C=Sddgr&ttm of OaLdal Drops by Pq VW=*kp C.- MSOWS 9 V2. WM* pas ArftV W AMMOO Vol 9701 1932j, PP l*-M- MA if-~WkM 324P 384 Sa Nw 6T Me Metnoes Contalmd In Orthosipbon Stamineus Beath$ by R. Diet"J,, E. Sahmidt, U ppi MUMo part Arch Phw=tUs NO *A 1936f .7 pp lo-16. NIH 10-15 Soi - Hadiainp Oct 59 ~Y. s f 42/ I'll Tr-64-10027 Kofler, L. THE MICROMELTING POINT DETERMINATION AS 1, Title: Micromelting A PHARMACOPOEIAL METHOD (Die SchmelxpuDkt- point dmarmInation Mikrobestimmung als Arznelbuchmethode). 11963). 1. Kofter, L. JIBpj 12refs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-IOD27 Trans. of ArchivkL&RrpazIe.LGermany) 1940. - v. 778, p. 3W- 36d. DESCRlPTORS: $Drugs, Chemicals, Melting, *Microanalyals, (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. 11, am 5) 0M. .1 I.Ikj &.'k. 63-2026-4 Schenck, G. and Brieskom. C. H. STUDIES ABOLTT THE CONTENTS OF MPLISSA 1. 71EIe: Melissa (Untersuchungen fiber die inbaltsstoffe der Melisse). 1. Schenck, G. [19631114p] 22refe 11. Brieskorn, C. H. Order from SLA $1.60 63-20264 Trans. of Archliv der] Pharm[aziel (Germany) 1944, v. 282, DESCRIPTORS: Chemical analysis, Plants (Botany) 07fannicacide, *Succinicacide, Biological assay, Drugs. It %as confirmed that melissa contains ethertc oil, taunin and bitter-principle. Glycoeldes and saponin could not be found. Frorn the bitter twing extracts a crystalline bitter principle was isolated for the first time. Also, succinJc acid was isolated ior the first time. From the petroleumether a wax, and from the ether. extract a white substance which needs further OW DI 7"WW Wm (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT. v. 10, rko, Ill tover) TIT ftwmp, c4mt=i~ Ot ftaomal vwwaijt glmtreatp, by &ieh - lulegaers 22 XV. ( 01MMA, -i%lqlll;l Amu-vdg phinozziet Vol cm=il~ TO Is 19500 pp 127-139;- BTA 60-10-99 - salm / / 9,) d /P,/ J= 60 Vol luo 3D 5 .CA latwodo owne " I ~ 4 flol~Qj - R* vd L-N-4 *Atc *k-I'llum .out C4 RohrUcb, 11vt THE PREPARATION OF NICOTINIC ACID. [19621 Sp. Order from K-14 $6.25 K-1-1 3902-c Trans. of Archiv der Pharmazie (West Germany) 1951, v. 284, p. 6-7. - - DESCRIFFORS: Preparation, $Nicotinic acid. 62-17568 1. Rohrlich, hL It. K-H-3902-c M. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- - Pharnmcology, TT, v, 9, no. 2) 1 Me M Teddul Servites 63-20283 Her' numn, K. THE TANNIN OF MELISSA LEAVES ([&-r den 1. Title: Melissa Gerbstoff der MellsseblUtter). [19631 [10pj Urefs 1. Herrmann, K. Order trom SLA $1. 10 63-20283 Trans. of Archiv der Pharmazte (West Germany 1954, v. Sr._vT42q;T_ DESCRIffORS: OTannic adds, Planto (Botany), Biological assay. Drugs. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 10, no. 11) OMCS Of TECUCII SMIC93 'rT-64-10346 Bdbme, HarstandSchnildt, Wilhelm. Akvr CONDENSArION PRODUCTS OF AL J4YDES 1. Title: 'MiosahcylamidL 13F AYD KETONES WITH THIOSALICYLIC ACID AMIDE 1. Bdhme, H. (Ober Kondensationg-produkte von Aldehyden und 11. Schmidt, W. KetonenmitTneir,alizylr,gure-amid). [l%3j[l6p]l3refs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-10346 Trans. of Archiv der rmazie West Germany) 1953, v. 286. nd.-7, p. 330-337. (Abstract available) DESCRIFrORS: OAmides, *Salicylic ac[dB, 'IMole, Aldehydes, Ketones, Condensation reactions, *Thla- zines, Synthesis (Chemistry). 17he following compounds were prepared: 4-keto-2-phanyl-dthydro-S 6-b-enzo-k, 3-thiazine; 4- keto- 2- L2-chloro-pbenyl I -dihydro-S, 6-benzo-1, 3- thiazine; 4-keEo-2-methyl dlhydro-5,6-bcnzo-l, 3-thiazine; 4-keto- 2-ethyl-dihydro-.9, 6-benzo- 1, 3- thiazine; 4-keto-2,2-dimethyl-dihydro-5,6-benzo- Olfto of TP.Chrilcal Smices (Chem I stry- - Organic, TT, v. 11, no. 11) (over) 63-16278 Jager, Herbem QUANTITATIVE DEFERMINATION OF ALLICIN IN 1. Title: Allicin FRESH GARLIC. [196316p. (ffgs. ornitted) 10 refs. 2. Title: Garlic Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16278 1. Jager, tL Trans. of a7ip (West Germany) 1955, Y. 288, no. 3P p. 145-148. DESCRIPTORS: *Quantitative analysis, Plants (Wwy), Colorimetricanalysis, Drugs, *Biological products. In order to determine the total sulfur content In fresh garlic, the fresh drug must be treated with concentra nitric arid, in order to avoid losses of volatile sulfur compounds. Only then is the previously oyddized drug decomposed with sodium nitrate. Furthermore, a determination of the Allicin or ARUn In fresh garlic is i given, in which the pyroracerdc acid formed in stoichlometric amounts during the enzymatic decompos (Biological Science s- -Pha rmacology, TT, v. 10, no. 9) Me 41 78**W %"VkW 61-18641 Darnow, A. and Ncuse, E. REACnON OF GYANOACETIC ESER WMI L PDrnow, A. ACETOACE'171C ESMR AND AMMONIA (thnsetzungen IL Neuse, E. van Cyanessigester mit Acetessigester und Ammonfak). [19621 3p. (foreign text includedi Order from SLA $1. 10 61-18641 Partial trans. (description of experiments) d Archiv der ft rTnazle (West Germany) 1955, v. 288, no. P. DESCRIMRS: *Ethyl ethers, *Armnonta, Chemical 4 6 reactions, Tyano radicals. (Chem Istry- -Organic, 77, Y. 6, no. OMc* of To"tel UMcwa The Dephosphorylation of Coenzyms by *tal Ions, by E. Bamann, R. Trapmana, 10 pp. GERMI. per,, Arch f Fbarmaz, Vol XXV10 1956, pp 33843. NIH Tr io.6 Sci - 1hemistry Oct 57 Synthesis of Nuclear Halogenated Hippuric Acids and Pyridones and Examination of Their X-Ray Absorption, by H. Pfanz, H. Dorn. GERMAN, per, Archiv der Pharmazie, No.1, 11, Vol CCLXXXIX, 19561 pp 651-663. TC-223 Sci Jan 67 317,90S 62-22556 Meyer, F. and Meyer, E 1 DETEMON OF EUGENOL, ISOEUCENOL AND Tlde: VanlIlln VANILLIN. [1962] 13p. F. Order from K-H $16.25 K-H 9817-a . ~'% Trans. front Archiv der Pharmazle (West Germany) IV. mesge-flooker Science 1957. Y. 290, no. A. Library Assr.-ciates, Detroit, Mic[L DESCRMRS: Detection, *Eugenol, *Beazaldehydes, Detection (Chernical), Drugs. Sciences- - Phar=cology, Tr, v. 9. no. 2) Me of Tefttll sonlCal -Studies-on the Suitability of Antioxidente for Stabiltzation of.Basic Pharmaceutical Substances. First-Report: Adeps Suilluoj, by H. Jmockc,, 30 PP. GERM, per,, Arch Pharmo Vol XXVIIp A.Dr 1957t PP 178-194. SLA 3W Sci V~ Aug 62-34417 Schr9ter, llans-IlAo and Engelbracht, Lisabeth. DETECTION OF NORNICOTINE IN LOCAL17ED 1. Schro"ter, 11. -11, TOBACCO ROOTS. [19621 Sp. 11. Engelbracht. L. Order from K-H $6.25 K-H 12159-b 1U. K-H-12159-b IV, Kresge-Hooker Science Tran of Archiv der Pharmule (Went Gerrnany) 1957 Library Associates, fv. 290] na.- -4, P.- - 204- 206. Detroit. Mich. D95GRIPTORS: Wection (Cheinical), $Alkalolds, *Tobacco, *Nicotine. (Chemistry- Analytical, 17, v. 9. no, 2) Wce a) 7ethkil Smkes Studies on the Suitability of Antioxidants for Sta'613-ization of Basic Pharmaceutical Substancea Second Report: Vegetable Ollop by H. Janeche, 8 Me GUMI, per, Arch Phamnia, Vol XMI# MOY 1957 pp 210-214* STA 3317 Sci Aua 58 ~-, eideally Incomptible &W Mixtims, 11 -q S, dwwr) et al. ~*-'RMIMS par I I 1.;. 01 cloxcl 19w, pp 43-276. . CSIRO . ~f,d - Chem ,, o -/, 14~ Z~Yul 62 Zymalkowski, Felix and Trenktrog. Bodo. A NEW NICOTINE SYNTIMM Aug 60, 10p. Order from K- H $12. 50 K-H 10265-f Trans. of Archiv der Pharmazie ("'eat Germany) 1959 Iv. 2921 no. 1, p. 9~[41. Another trans. Is available from SLA mi$l. 80, ph$l. 90 as 61-10904 [19611 10p. DESCRIPTORS: Alkaloids, *Nicotine, Synthesis. For abstract see Technical Translations 5: 597, 1961. 62-17679 1. Zymalkowski, F. 11. Tranktrog. B. Ul. K-H-2256 IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Pharimcology, TT, v. 9. no. 2) Office al Teftkal SarvIcti 61 - 1001)A. Zy,malk.owski, Felix and Trenkmcy, Wo. A NEW NICOTINE M-MESIS, [19611 10p. 8 refs. 1. Alkaloids - -Syntlies is Order from SLA MI$1.80, ph$1.60 61-10904 2. Nicuthic-Spithesis I. Zymalkowski, P. Trans. of Archly der Flartnazie (West Germany) It. ITezvktrog, B. 1959, V. no. Tim preparadc-ii Is described of ni=lne by working through norr' 1-c. similar to the Craig synthesis, 'which make-, ~ccend main alUlold of tobacco avall- able In a =-e I more favorable manix Q DIN. f T.A.2-1 ~-l... (IL'alo,4ical Sctences-Phirmacologgy, TT, v. 5, no. 11) Separation of Amino Acids. GMUM, per, Axchiv Phaxm, Vol EM CCXCII, 1959, pp 119. ~~- /UKAEA-Springfields- Tr-158 Sci - Phys jui 63 Dann, 0. and Hauck, 0. DESULFURIZATION OF 3,4-DIPHENYLTMOPHENE COMPOUNDS WITH RANEY NICKEL. [196119p. Order from ATS $13. 00 ATS-66N55G Trans, of-Arclily der] Pharm[azlej (West Germany) o6o, ". 293. no-717-~rrz;7-Tn- DESCRIPTORS: *Desulfurization, Sulfur, Separation, *Phenyl radicals, *Thiophenes, $Nickel. 61-2564 1. Dann, 0, 11. Hauck, G. Ill. ATS-66N55G IV, Associated Technlcal ServIces, Inc., East Orange, N. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7. no. 1) Offic& of T*6nlcol Servicei Erbe, S. CENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON SUPPOSITORY BARS AND Tlft-:[R INFLUENCE ON MiE RECTAL : . ABSORMON OF MEDICINAL SUBSTANCES. 119601 4p, oppoillcip, Drder frcxn SLA m3l. 80, ph$1. BO 61-10244 Trans. of'A hiv der Pharmaxle (West Germany) 1960, v. 293, no. 7. p. 117-W- /10 1, Volm I" ,Ix- I ( ", 21; Dw,,, -Ah,,w ' ~ -Ptle: Suppositories Erbe, S. (Biological .5clencei-Pharmacolvity, TT, v. 5, no. 3) 63-2V218 Heimann, W. and Heinrict4 B. BEHAVIQR OF FLAVANOIDS IN OXIDATION SYS- 1. Hdmanr- W. TEMS (Uber das Verhalten yon Flavonolden in 11. Heinrich, 1& Oxydationasystemen). [19631 113p] (figs refs omitted) Order from SLA $1. 60 63-20218 Trans, of Arch!v (West Gai-,.~iany) 1960, - ~9v_ V. %Q`.. P 669. DESCRIPTORS: *Oxidation, Feimentation, Catalysts, *Oxidases, Catalysts, OAscorbicacid, Enzymes, Phenols, *V1tam1nP, $Quercatin, ITyrosinase, *Organic pigments, Condensation reactions, OAnthounthin pigments. The following biological pigments were added to the qatem ascorbic acid-polyphenol-polyphanol oxydase .~n oder to ob6erve their effect as polyphenollc redc% ~,'ivilybw: quorcetin, dthydroquercetin, catechin, (:'41ological Sciences - -Biochemistry, TT, v. 10, no. 12) Difla 0 Tedo"Mil Scrtirti (over) 63-10930 Vargas Q, Luis and bsqderdo &, Arwm MVESTIGATIONS OF REMAL ABSORMON OF 1. 11tIm Rectal suppositories PHIMILLIN AND MEMMIN FROM VARIOUS 1. Vargas, C. L. SUPPMMRY BASES. 11963116p. 11. lzquievjr" IL A. Order from SLA $1. 60 63-10930 Trans. I A e (West Gernmy) 1961, Y. [m 9 P. 153- DESCRWMRS. OAbsorption (Blologlcal~ ONfAcillina, OStreptomycins, Andblodca, Drugs, Fats, Cocoa. Oualqgk2l Sdences-Phamiacology, Tr, v. 10. - 2)1 Ofte of TKbzkal Sentu TT-65-12110 Field 6A Gstirner, F.: Syring, H. CONTRIBUTION TO THE DETEMUNATION OF THE Gstirner, F, GLYCOSIDES D! DIGITALIS LEAVES (Beitrag zur Bestim- I H: Syring, ]i. mung der Glykoside In Folia Digitalis). 21p, 22refs. Order from SLA: $2.60 as TT-65-12110 Trans. of Archiv der Pharmaxle (Wert Germany) v294 n12 p783-9TTUT1-. MR 629 Possibilities of Transformation of 2-Phenyl Indandione-(1,3)., by J, Klosa. GERMI, per, Arch. Phaxm, Vol 287/59, No 6, 1954, PP 323-326. NZDIA Sci - jul 67 333)692 Merz, K~ W. ON CHICHORUN AND THE CONSTITIJTION OF ESCULIN AND SCOPOLIN. 11962133P. Order from K-H $41.25 K-H 11455 e Trans, of Archiv [111r) Pharm[aziel u1nd] Iterlichte der] D[eultsch[enj Pharm[azeuischenj Gealell8chaft) (Germany) 1932, v. 270, p 476-493. DESCRIPTORS: *Drugs, Pharmacology. 62-17521 1. Title: Facultn 2. Title: Chichorlin 3. Title. Scopolin 1. Merz, K. W. 11. K-H-11455-e 111. Kreage-Hooker Science Library Associates,' Detroit, Mich. (Blological Sciences-Pharmacology, TT, v. 9, no. 5) (Illice 01 TecW31 81TVICri The Decomposition of Procaine and Clorc~rocaino in Aqueous Solutiozm$ by W. Oelssner, 21 pp. GESMAN, per., Arch-fuer-Pharmazie - uad Berichto de ft 11 2, ha SIA 59-15429 Sci Dee 59 Vol 2., No 5 (roaD.tative and Quantitative ftjor-Cbromtog- gralby of Aliphatic aldebyftfs and Ketons., by P. Twmann. jy dor Rmuda-mmUmIckto GZOWN, yer, Arab der Dautedbon Phormasoutischon Goor4agichaft., CSIRO 3637 sai - MGM Air 62 PbarmaceuUcal Mffpmd* -of Begy1ma"boll by Es pa lielsoul 7 9p. MM, peri, Arch Pbam Chap Vol M'Mp 3D NOV 1940P iv 753-755. GIA 3151 ita 58 910, 6(46- Detection of Chlorinated Bicycloheptanes and their Transformation ProductsOriginating in Metabolic Processes, by H. Mul. FRELICH, per, Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, Vol. 1b)',, No.1/2 1963, pp 126-143 CSIROINO- 6854 Sci - Aug 67 335-980 Optic Menomena in Electrical StLmuLntion of the Viewl Apparatus, by L. Finkelstein, 37 PP - GMM, per, Archiv. fur PWhiatrie, Vol 26, 18941 pp 867-885. P9nO4WW AM UClUTram-10150 Sci-Mectronice mar 68 35o,699 Shell in Heat Interaction Between Core and managements by J.~ Aschoffs, GE RHM . per, . Arcuv: fig MUikalische MW!2io Vol WHO No 3.. 1956* pp 113-133, NASA TT F-10s9S6 GOVERNMENT USE CKLY Sci-Phys Aug 67 33B0691 62-17944 Broltinger, Helmut. THE INFLUENCE OF NICOME ON THE RALLIS- 1. AreltinOw. H. TOCARDIOGRAM OF HEAL7HY PERSONS AND 11. K-H-5892 PATIENTS WIM CIRCULATORY DISTURBANCES. III - Kresp-Hooker Science (19621 Op. LIbrary Associates, Order tr(xn K-H $10. 00 K-H 5892 Detroit, Mich. Trans. of Archiv f(ir Phys[ikalischo] Thenple [Balneo- 14c und Klimatologia) (East Gownimy) 1956, v. S. p. 262-272. DESCRIPTORS: Mcotine, OBallistocardiogrsoy, Mouses, Circulaorymystm Fhyoiol6gy. (Biological Sciences --Psthology, 7r, Y. 8, no, 5) office of Tochmical Smkss Z10i HeIMUL THE PERMiERAL PULSE WAVE RATE AS AN 1. ZIPP. H. EXPRESSION I OF CIRCULATION IN 711E LRYOS AS 11. K-H-%Bl-c A FUNC-nQN OF SMOMC., [1"2] 5p, 10. Kresge-Hooku Scle=e Order from K-H $6.25 K-H 9631-c 11brary Aosoclates, Detroit. Mich, Trann. of Arch[ivj 40r] Fbysjk[il1sche]Ther.V1e fBa!neologle und JilmsEclogle] (Eut GerwAny) 1958, v. 10, no. 4, p. 2-%Os-252. DaSCRH`TORS; *Blood circulation, Arms, Lego, 00prettes, "'robawo, Smokes, Blood vessels. (Diologial Sciencelp~-Paftlogy, Tr, V. 8, no, 11) Offic. af T-64cal S"W-x Chemical Method of Meesuring Untraviolet Rsdiation W-Chemometerj by M, Frank. GEB~%N., per., Arch Physik Therepie, No 13, 1961, pp 21-119 CSIRO/NO 7477 Sci - jul 67 334,169 On the Latent Poriod, ot the Mm2s Blimat and lot the Whole Mumus by JO OLVA, Ommowp pp 250 of 902bowm Sol ay 60 Fluctuationsin Human Body Temperature with Particular Cmsideration, of the Efint of Rever3al.of Daily,AttiVity Pattem, by Fo Go Benedide J-i Snell, GEWN, per,, Arch.,EbLsiol, Vol 90,, pp 33-72. NASA 7T F-9796 Ua So GOVERMNT USE ONLY Apr 66 2980768 Observatims of a Bubjective Light 8.~Watjon In Utimble MWtlC liddlo by B, DwilevsAy, 8 pp, ORWA,, Vqr... Ara fuer PbY9101, 0 18. lrg 513-5 ATIC F-TO.9642/nT act - Oct flarco.daAwoXygeo-ocaclonc, bye,bumool4o m I - yo GERMAR We AE(Ad' f yer PkgLioslej Vol CX)dXo 1909t ppvol. gum NSTIC Tr No IM sel. - phys Jun 05 279,625 61-20567 Leersum, E. C. van. A METHOD FOR FACILITATWG MEASURING THE 1. Leersum, Z 0. van BLOOD PRESSURE OF ANIMALS. (t9611 15p. (9 figs. omitted) 9 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-20567 Trans. of Archiv Wr Physiologie (Austria) 1911, v. 142, p. 377-395. DESCRIPTORS: Bloodpressure, Measurement, Animals. (Unannotinced) of Ta.61c*1 S~tc.s Pb= YWVW" =d YOCUM of the ftmo by rim hLy for Alm" No 79s (ft -an 9 Scd jbds9dw 59 Jan Carotid Sinus Reflex and Famoral Circulations by R. Cbarlier,, H. Vandersmissen, 3 pp, and. 4 Atch. p FRMCH, peri Arab Lit Physiol,j Vol LWI, iio 4., 1958, pp 6o4:;f ~.~ - Nm n-lo-61 Sci - Med p7 q, ~ If ,Ten 62 -11, DiseociatIon of the Two Pactors, Restitution and rof,eritia+ioa, in the MUM of InterVftl UPOn Amplitude ia Myocardial ContraCtionj by P. Bravenyp V. Kruta, 11 pp) aad 9 Atch. FMCH, per, Arch Int Phyaiolt Vol LMI no 4, 1958; pp 633z652- 7 q', 2 Bel - Meed ,Taa 62 TF-61-1465S 11AMralli, Cesare ajW Wyes, Oscar A. M. CINEMATOGRAPWC ANALYSIS OF 'ME LABYRIN- 1. Plartorelli, C. THAL POST-ROTATORY REACTIONS OF MiE BODY 11. Wyss. 0. A. M_ (Kbv=atWaphteche Analyse der LabyrfutWen Fbstrotatorischen Kfterdrehmktiown). 119611 (25p] 14refs Order from SLA $2.60 Tr-61-14655 1 110 Tram. :of ~W~Wger's A-, W].ftU! PeP siol(poe dea y p. 511-523. DEXRIPTORS: Motion picumes, Ofttograpw analysis, $Acceleration, *gar, Adaptation (Physiology), Reflexes. (Biological Scienceb--PhyBlology, Tr, v. 11, W. 5) oyiinarona. r-t.2:- pnevicuo ljorkn, by L. pp, Vol 1, 18837 111 .2c0-23.2'. patholo 5r S-A - 60-18943 Ranvier, Louis -Antokorz:. ELEIDIN AND THE DISTRIBLMON OF TTIIS SrJB_ 1. Mucous membmnes-- STANCE IN THE SKIN, TIM BUCCAL MUODUS Chemical analysis MEMBRANE AND 7HE ESOPHAGEAL MUCOUS MEM- 2. Skin--Chemical analysis BRANI: OF VERITBRATES (Do I'Moldine et de In 3. *ntle: Eleldin 114wirtition de Cette Substance dans Is Peau, Is 1. Ranvier, L. A. Muqueuse Iluccale et Is Muqmse 0aeophagionne des VertibreA). 11960112p. (B [Hue. omitted~ Order f i - I SLA in 1 $2. 40, ph 30 60-18943 0 Trans. of Arcb 19 tr4l 3 - . Pethlo no. . p. omn ol yotwW Saving (Biological Scierwes--igbysiology. 7T. w 5. rxL 3) Does the Sence of Taste Have a Temperature Coefficient by K. Komuro, 9 P. FRENCH, per, Archives de Physiologie Normale ot Pethologigue, Vol V, 1896p pp 572-579, SLA TT 66-10232 Sci-B&M Jun 66 303,701 Does the Sence of Taste Have a Temperature Coefficient by K. Koinuro, 9 p. FRENGi, per, Archives de Physiologie NOTmale et Pethologi~e, Vol V, 1896, pp, 572-579. SLA TT 66-10232 sci-R&M Jun 66 303,701 77-61-16135 Charoot, J. M. and Bwchard. Cb. FURTHEL MUMES ON THE PATROGENEM OF 1. Chacot, J. M. CEi,EB&,AL HEMOhi4UGE (Nouvelles hecheLches our J.1. rouchard, Ch. I& Pathninde de Memorrhagie Oerebrale). 11961169p 20refe - 1 -61-16,35, order from SLA $6.6o 7 Trans. of Archives de Ph3TLqjgaVj=m& - L%JN;bQ Vwel 725-734. DESCRUTORS: OHemozrhoge. *Braln, Etidogy (Biological Sciences-Podiology, IT, V. 11, m 3) Office of services Thc ~Ircblcm of Vioval Comparison In Delyt1h (Ca~,,a-vazcy In Size) =a -tie t---~,qtematia i'--rilor eL the Refcrence Ob~ect, by .Tesm Plpget, Fnic 1=;borcier.. Renee jturbldo~ 18 pp. Ty-mm, P-wro do jo). im 5-34 Sell -, Y4"d 59 Research In Fercoptwa Dmlopwate V11. Configurstloa in Depth in the Constancy of Sizes, by H. L=bercier) 12 pp, FM=s per., Arch.ivw do Psy~oologie, Waevao Vol =I, Sci - Wsd Sep 59 influe-ace of Blood Distributioa,on the Circulation During'Exereisep by Srltng ham mven H. Robw ftl-stensea, 9 pp, (OWM, per, Archiv..f~qq;~-ftsjoloaie_ Sk-pudiravizehesi Vol LMU) No 3', 4) .1939p PIP--i-65--Iqp.. NM-8-20 sci - V= Me 0~ Sep 59 119~ ,e ~17f Wan Capacity el. the -Lunp With Inorr9sed .0~. RegiAmment, b:j Erling Am=sea, - IC. Rohya ChrlBtensen., 12 pps OEM., per, Archiv v-1 L=M, 1939, P.-P 201-=. Qcl .4 - STP 59 0, ln'mkc~ of Rea4,*oJzg and Working Skeletal u2 M,iuralop,~, by Enling t-,ar-Jus NTIeleen) 13 OMAN,, per, Arcbiv tuer 'IDbysiologio Q,'mndinavizchen, Vol T=,XIII, No--Iv- 4'~- on Mthods For the Detwrdmtim 02, the Respintory woux it wring ReA and Works by E. owistensens 0. Hansens fur GERMT., per& 6cav. - MaWa-Up Vol Up 3,v3ys pp IX-J-1yo IaSA TT Fa-L1 A Sd Doe 68 368jBW Respiratoz7 Qaottat =d QWpn Upt4m, by B. ft-btw=p 0. lknm.. GERM# perj, SMMI~cbw 6MLy, far I-OW93to Vol 04 1939s PP RO-109- IaSA TT F-2188M sai Doe 68 368001 Engush ntie Unknmm,, by, J* Aschoff.. GERUM, pari, Arch.. ftsik.TherspAs Vol VIII,, 19560 pp 113"13ri.. *NASA TT F-90 9SS GOVERMENT USE ONLY Sci- Jul 67 Regulatim of-the Cardiac-Output Undor 7her=1 Stress in t1ko Climatic Mobber, by F., Kmdrwn,, et al. GMW,, por., Arch Phys Therap., Vol XII, No 30 1960$ pp 175-184. NASA TT F-9717 U. S. Governwnt use only sei-Pilys Mar 66 293v563 M Journal for Agricultural Research. SKRBO-CROATIAN) per., AK4Lv-za-RoLLoRriM4nq Napke4L 5 times a year est 600 pp. *pL-k8O oTs 63-11453 Sci jan 63 'Journal for Agricultural Research, by Dranko Pesic. t, IICROATIAN, per, A&iv za Poijoprivredno Nauke, .-5 times a year, est 600 pp. *OTs 64-ii453 PL-48o Sci jan 64