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Contributione to the Microstrwture of the Bacterial Flagella, by H, Braun, lit pp. GERW~ perp Arch fuer Mikrobiologie) Vol xxiv~. 1956: pp "- --:- - -, 1. Na Tr 8-1 Set - Biology, bacteria -67 4z 4- Y Aug 57 Inwatigations on the Dying of leasts and Mar Micro-organims In *dIa of High H&C1- or Sugar Cottent, by M. Y. Sebelhorn. GAM, per, Arch NUEO-blol, Vol W, 1956, 39-57. SIA RRO 02281 act Jul TT-63-20682 Henssen, A. CONOIBUrIONS TO THE MORPHOLOGY AND I. Hengsen, A. SYSTEMATICS OF THE THERMOPHILIC ACTINO- MYCETAE. [19631 84p (ftga ornitted) 40refs Order from SLA $8. 10 Tr-63-20682 Trans. of &KChLt.~JkrobiqWe (West Germany) 1957, v. 26, p. 373-414. 1ASiEr-act avallable) DESCRUTORS: 'Morphology, Taxonomy, 'Heat prodmion (Biology), *Actinomycetales, Streptomyces, Eleven different thermophilic ray Nnigi (Actiromycetae) were Isolated from stable-manure of different etiology and composition, and their morphological and physia- logical properties were Investigated. All of them belong to the family, Streptomycetacea . They are described in detail. On the basis of the observations on these types, the Actinomycetse were reclassified systemati- cally, and 3 new genera (IMftermomonosporaTherm0- afte al Tethrksl Sefykes (Biological Sciences- -Microbiology, TT, v. FI,-no-. 3) (over) I IT-64-10704 Hen9sen, Aino. -ME SIGNIFICANCE OF THERMCPHILIC MICRO. 11. k ORCANISMS FOR T14E DECOMPOSITION OF STABLE i MANURE. [19631 52p (figs ornitted) 21refs Order from SLA $5.60 17-64-10704 j Trans. of Archiv ftir N11kroblologie (West Germany) 1957, v. 27 Ino. I I p. 63-81. (Biological Sciences- -Microbiology, TT, v. 11, no. 12)1Offi- 0 T.chni-I S-1- Welhe, K. van CONTRIBLMONS ON TIM" FFT-Ml- OF rXOGE- ~.,oLjs MACELOMOI,rCULAR GROWIII SIIMUIA-. TORS. 1. THE EFFECr OF AGAR AND AGAR HY, DROLYSATES peltrige zur Wirkurl Etmener MaknmlebAsrorWzchstrumi-Sdmullitoren- I. Die Wid= voo Apr uW Apr-HydrolysItea) Cr. by D. A. Sl ncUl r. 1961, 24p - 22 rdl - NRCC TOfttcW Trans. 926. Order from HROC $1. 50 NRWC-&W Trans. 19M. v. 3D. no. 1. P. 30-44. 61-12878 1. Fune-Growth 2. 0 rowth tube maces - - Identification S. Title- Apr I. Welho. K. van 11. 71de: Rffect... m . Nitoc Tr-936 IV. NROC C-3380 V.HmksMPAftrcbCmmcfi C( OR" 6 . ~ v 9A-4ulj A17-C ARCHIV FUER MIKHOBIOLOGIL , 19b8 V29 Paba-393 . 70-209Y4 (*> Mcrobidlogy Reswroh on the Westion of Self-Huting Orgarde Matters by Guenther B10986 S Smb GERKAR. per, Archiv fur MikroMggie No A 1959o pp 285-318. *CFSTI TT 68-56003 Scilm Nov 68 63-tD.SOO Carlson, Sven. INFLUENCE OF LOW ALTERNATING CURRPTI'S 1. Title: Gluconic acid ON BIOSYNTHESIS OF GLUCONIC ACID BY 1. Carlson, S. ASPERGILLU,I; SLM, IN SUBMERSr CULTURF (Die Linfluss von Niuderen Wechsolstr8inen auf die Biosvnthese der GluconsNure durch Aspcrp:illu t!j&,E in Submerser KUltUr). 11962112p. (tables Omitted). Order from SLA $1.00 63-10506 Trans. of Archliv) f1dr] Mikrobiologie (Germany) 1960. v. 37, p,.-"- 7. DIISCRII'MRS: *Aternating Currents, *Bloqynthesis, *Glycolic acids, *Phycomycetes, Culture media, Molds (Organisms), Bioelectronics. Biophysics. Under the influence of weak alternating currents, bio- synthctic formation of gluconic acid by Aspergillus pjg~Lr in SUh1DCrSC aTId aerated cultures showed aug- mented gluconic acid output. The acceleration of CIMM 01 7CCWC3i SMIM (Biological Sciences--Microbiology, TT, v. 10, no. 6) (over) 63-10947 Ramseter, H. R. ACUON OF NISN ON CLOSTIUDLUM IUTYRIaJM 1. Title: Nisin PRAZM. [1963][491P. 124 refs. 1. Raniscier, If. R. Order from SLA $4.60 63-10947 Trans. of Archik, [Ur Nkro[biologic (Gerrmny 1960, v. 37-,-p7Sr-941-.- DWRIPTORS: Antibiobcs, Drugs. *Pepddes, *Clostri(hum, *Germicides, Streptococcus. (Biaiogical Sciences-Marmacology TF, v. 10, no. 6) al Teckkal Servicts Micon Metabolism in Hicrow-ganism Part I* Silicon Absorption Thraugb Bacterlap by Wafgang Heimus GEMp W# AjMh-N&()biolp Vol M'VIIj 1960p pp 199"210%, M Tr P-10,1878 GOVEMM USE O= Sei-B&M Jun 67 327p294 A Subzersim Wthod tx tbo'Culture ot Oydropn-OxidizW Bacteria: Growth- ftsiologica Investigstimlso bly H. G. Soblegelv et alo DMM,v pers, AE~h Mikroblolo Val Xn=,p 1961s 17p 209-222. M TT F-10:310 U. a. GOVERNMOT USE au sei-Em Dec 66 3i6jp486 10-t-ical and Electwon-Microscople lavestiptiorto of the Polystictua Verisico-Lor. 2. The Flue Stmeture of Basic Plama and VAtoohondria, by M. Girbardt. GERM, pary Arobiv fuer Mikrobioioglej Vol. M=, 1961) pp C=0/584i Feb 63 (t'ly-7043) THE DESTRUCT I ON OF HYDROCARBON'S BY M I CROBES, BY G. WOLFGANG FUHS,63 PP. GERMAN, PER, &RCHIV FUER MlKROBIOLQaj-E, VOL XXXIA', L~'61, PP 374-~kX-X-22. JPRS A362 SCI - CHEN JUL 62 202)2('14 Researches on the Chitinase Effect of the Insect-Destroying Fungus Beauveria Bassiana BalsTVuill, by L. Claus. ORRMAN, per, Arch Mikrobiol, No 40, 1961, PP 17-46 KRC/Hef C-3987 Sol - Aug 67 335.o62 Silicon Metabolim In Hicroorpnisma. Part II. Relationship Between the Silicate and Phosphate Metabolisms In Be4teriap by Wolfgang Heinen. GMM.j par., Arch Wkroblolp Vol XU.. 1962# yp M-246. NASA TT F-10#879 GOVEROM USE OZY sci-n-m Jun T 327v296 Investigations of the Growth and Storage Substance Synthesis, ''by E. Wilde. GERM, per, Archiv fuer Miltrobiologie, Vol 43, 1962, PP 109-107. NTC-71-12537-06M I '!-T j~ j',, -,12 11 Nov ?I Influence of .15oil 1-fLcro-*Cvgard=s cn Dry-IlAtter Forration and Ash Content of P3=t Growth in Mrient Solutiona. by B. lfvlto and G. Trollcilmdor, 19 pp. GERM, per, Areh fur ldkrobicloLd . i4o 43, 1962. .pp 138-147. i~IfVKZ~ AW.M"0-2579 N L t. XAt; -y;, ~, ~ f-- ( /a 5, 1 ~) Sci-B and ii Rtr 68 349.32-( influence of Soil Plero-Grganims on Rubidium and Calcium Upta-ke in Mants GrMTIng in Nutrjent Solutions, by G. Trolldader, U. 1--brekwordt. GFOM, per,, Areh fur, LikrobioloEftq~,- lio 43, 1962, p,,-, 151. P9110396" Sci-B and I'll rAr 68 349.328 Silicon Metaboli= In ldcroorgmism Part. in* IMflUence of Various Anions on Bacterial SI-Vatabolismp by WolfesAg Heinen. G&RWj per* Arab WjEaigl Va XLVS 1963a PP 145-161. MBA TT F-10jOW GOVOUO= USE ONLY Bel-B&M Jua 67 327.-2965 8131con Metabolism In Microoroadom. Part H. The Effect of Orgudc Compomb,* goecial1y Glucose# on the Sillcoa Metabollm of Bacterlajt by Wolfgug Heiuan. GEW-Op per., lwch Klkxablol. Yol XLVj, 1963P pp 162-171. Um TT F-Iopffii GOVEMOM USE MY Sci-ma Jun 677- 3271297 on MetabolUm :Lu Nici~orgwdws Part V. Bqer1mAte, on the Mobility of Incorporated Ulicle Acidp by Wolfgang Heinen, GM=j, Per# I=b- HU=bd2j Vol XLV.- 1963P PP 179-178- X4SA'TP F-10.,882 GOVEPam USH ONLY Sci-B&M Jun 67 327#298 The Effect of the Partial Pressure of CO2 and of Glucose Concentration on the Grovith Ans Nitro,en U a-xation of Azotobacter chroococc= Beij, 'by D. Hermann. GEMAIT, per, Archiv fuer Mikrobiolopie, Vol It.5, 1963, PP 373-397. !TTC-71-11433-061,1 CsT"fc 6m 11ov ?I CO -Fixation by Knaligas Bacteria. Part III. Autotrophic and Organotrophic CO -Fixation, by P. Hirsch. GEPMAN, per, Archiv fuer Rtkrobiologie, Vol 46, 1963, pp 79-95. NTC-71-12560-06M cc F &' '5L4 I Nov 71 Effects of Microfloras of Different Soils and of Bacteria Pare Cultures on Plant Growth, by E. Welte, G. Trolldenier. GERMAN, per, Arch. Mikrobiol. Vol 47, 110 1, 1963, pp 42-56. (NRC/Ref: C-505) Sci - Aug 67 339,898 BiosyntheoU ct Poly- Wdroxybutyric Acid by maliw Bwteru. n: Assimiution of OrgmAc Acidop by 0, WttechaU. M&M, per,, Arch NMwobiol Vol MET. 19640 pp RM TT F-IOP315 U. S. GOVERMM USE CW sci-M Dee 66 316.,435 Micro-morphologioal Changes in the Cell Wall Structures of Beech and Spruce Broken Down by Polyporus versicolor (L) Fr., by R. Schmid, W. Liese. OERMAN, per, Arch, fur Hikrobiol, Vol 47, 1964, Pp 260-276. (CSIRO/110. 7130) Sci - Aug 67 3 3 9 , 6' 8,*, Utilization of Fructose by Hydrogenomonas H 166 Part I, by G. Gottschalk. GMLUTS per, Archiv fuer Mikrobiologie, Vol 48, 1964, pp 95-108, ITTC-71-12536-06M kcz,uc- ;-i_ i-ld 3o~' I Nov 71 A New Representative of the Myxobac'L*Ierium Genus Archangium Jahn, by H. Kuhlwein. GMMN, per, Archiv fuer Milcrobiologie, Vol 48, 1964, PP 179-184. liTC-71-11903-0611 Nov 71 Synthesis of Poly -B-Hydroxybutyric Acid by Hydrogenomonas H 16: Reaction Steps Leading to the B-Hydroxybutyryl Coenzyme A, by J. Schindler. GERMAN, joer, Archiv fuer Ukrobiologie, Vol 49, 1964s pp 236-255. NTC-?1-12559-06M Ct t~ /o', 31,1 Nov 71 .t_,o -C, t. I/ / J7 e lll~ AHr.HIV IUER MIKHOSKOPIbCHE ANATUNIE UNO ENTWICR- LOOMCHANIK " 1, .~ ldbb VI P3b4-37b . 70-21379 ~*> . --i 17 Contributions to the Theory of the MLcroscope and lbzroscoplc Observatj-cns, by Dr. E. Abbe. GNK4N. per, Ardiiv fiL.,, Mikroskopische Amtoide ;-I- V-1- -0, 42.2-1, , 1-177 - ~ -1 -- - NA5A TT 3 a4c) Mar 72 Contributions on the Development Mechanics of Embryos, by Wilhelm Roux. GERMAN, per, Arkhiv fuer Ilikroskopische Anatomie, Vol 29, 19 7, pp 157-212. NASA TT F-12,068 Sci-B&M June 69 383,211 The Extent of the ftemol Organ nIA Its I*Prtance tar Tooth Foraotlom). by,Dr. A. Von Rman, 27 'GEWAR, per., Arab Mikrook And, Vol MXp -1887, PP R 367--31F3.-- - RD 2-24 Bei - IA.*d Yhr 59 Blastophore and Spina Wida. A Cmparative Itrphologicals Teratologiml StuV on MilformDd 5~rogfs Bgp, by 0. lfs~. GERD11,10 per., Arddv fur lh~oskmischfte knatomie. Vol 399 1692P PP 353-503. NASA TT-F-ns,6B8 sci Doe 68 3712070 English Title Unknwon, by Oskar Schiatze. GFRIM, per, Archiv fur Milaoskopische Anatomie, Vol 55) 1899,-pp -202-230- *WASA TT F-12)585 Sept 69 Coacenung the 14aoassity of the rvae Davelcprimt of the Enbryop by Wax Sdiultm. 37 pp. MR,M; ix-x,, Arch. I.tlkrqLT. Anat. Vol 55 r 1899, PP 20~- =0. HASA TT r .12,585 * a F.5 -1-r T-1- 7e) - ~�-S'do -21 sci/ b and m n-ay 70 4G6,920 an the Iriportarim of the r-brce of Gmavity for the W, velammit of the Aninal &ibryo,, by 031= Schultze. 31 pp. (EMIR-31j, part Ardto IkkOLT-- Anat? Vol 56t 1900, p-p 309-T34= NWA 'N F-12p584 7-7,2,0-s-Pal sci/b and ra vay 70 406,916 Involution of ftryonic 41 Ben, by M. Fassbam, 18 pp. GW.P.Xp per) Arch fUer 1AAkr Anatj 161 LVIL 1901 ~ pp 676-'70z.--------' M 3-46-69 / ~? o;,, 712, 6 Sol - Mod ju.n 6e The Influence of Gravity on the Development and the Maintenance of Bilateral Symmetry in the Frog Egg, by M. Moszkowski. 40 pp. GERMAN, per, Arch Microskop Anat und Entwick, Vol 60, 19020 pp 17-65. NASA 77 F-12,514 Sci-BhH Dec 69 397,345 on the Qawti= of BUstopore Closure In Hwa Amca., by M. Moszkonki. GWWN., per, Arch che Anatamie, Vol 602 1902y pp 413. NASA TZ F-12,508 Sci-BW NOV 69 395,,TTI The DavelagMt of the Dentine Ground Substeme of UmmUs by K. von Korff j 28 pp. GEMN, per$ Anh Mikrosk Anat, Vol. LXV44".~- 1905, PP 1-r-; - -- FM Tr 7-5 -s- ~ 9-,0 -z/ sal - biol , 4~1 Aug 57 Fbglisli Title Ur~molnri, by E. ~-Iitscllil. por, Archiv J'tYr I-lik-roskopische r linatcmio und ',,'o1 102, 1924~ in I 6-1d3- :1 *1 TIA S~'. F -11, 7~5'7 Sci Oct- 68 English Title Unknown, by 0. Eertwig. CIOVEI'~ILIIMIEU USE 07.1,1Y GBY~Ijjj~'*T ,,, per, Archiv i%r milcrosIrco-oischo Anatomic, Vo -9-) 1962y nP 353-503. TT F.11,,68 S 3 ci oct 68 Rmbedding Documents in OlAvalm sW CeMloee Acota:ta. Now FIMIsp sad Comiulosp by Jobwwo Papritet 13 PP- G3MOO rptp Arabiv MitellUmpap iro 46 KwbW& Dept or Conw,48 Dr RaDry BinbaLum Zatl Bur of atandwas Sal - Whom vzr 60 Stability of the Stream in a canal, by Gunter Hammerlin. ITALIAN, par, Arch National Mcch Anal Vol 1, 1958, pp 213-224. *NASA TT F-10,705 sci Jan 67 PRIOR TO PHONE CALL FROM NASA MR. WHINTING. Fish Parasites from TL-,,-kestnnv by K~, Skrjabin, QMV.Mp per,. Arch l7sturgeschi,ch-tc, Vol ",ixp 1913P PP 1-101) IH8DOC-Tlj*5 Sci Aug 56 ~7/) ]9z On the Purification of Imaulin, by E. Dirgemance., 3 P- DM, per, Partial Trana) Archives Neerlandaises e ~-U de . 1"-9%= t as Vol XII., pp 259-264. SLA 60-10M Sci may 60 Vol 3, rio 4 Function of the Soft Palate ancl Passavant's Pad in Speech, by Branco van Dan-tzig., i4pp DUTCHj perp Archives Neerlanclaises de Phonetique Experimentale; Vol 61 1931) PP 105-114 SIA TT-97102-95 Sci - B-401 june 67 323,813 Il_-/W ') " ARCHIVES NELRLANq"SES M SCIENCES EXACTES ET NATURELLES, SELE SA. SCUNCES EXACTES 1923 V& P2?7-gas . ?D-21021 (*) - ---- -- -I - ~ Mode of Life of MormonieUa, Vitripennis, by E--P. Jacobi,~, 13 pp. GERMAN, peri Archives Neerlandaises de,ZQologle, X Vol IU 1939, pp 253-262,1 277-279. 9226137 AEC-6RNL-Tr-2A284 ScImBiol dt Med Dee 64 270,136 Behaviour Patterns of the Central European Cormorant(Phalacrocorax Carbo Sinensis [Shav and Noacll), their Panction) Ontoogenetic Dcvc1opment and Phylo.-entic OriGin, by A Kortlandt. DUTCH, per, Alchivcs Neerlandaises de Zoologie, Vol 194o) pp 4oi-442. CSIRO/No- 0701- Sci JulY 19,67 333,S),87 The Hypoglycemic Action of Certain Sulfanamide Derivatives, by Jean La Barre, Jean Rouse, 6 pp. MUCH, per, Archives N~erlqy4-~kjl&-wL4g- M. dq_1,1)19=e et des Animaux, Vol XXVIII, No E�47, sLA W-10471 Sci M I Vol III) No 6 Q'L"'r 5ef 6 6 017 The OxygerAtion of ,vammoadbin of Worml and Reduced Mo1mular Wei*rt - ii~ Dilute Solutionsp 8 Y. D=H, -Verp Arch Wearlan io de 109azaa. et des 4i%Ws 1 71 n_ MA 60-10455 Sol so Research on Opto-kinetic I~ystagmus, by J. 71-1. G. T~-r Braak. DUTCH, per, Archives Neerlandaises, de Physiologic de I'Tiomme et des Animaux, Vol XXI, 19631 pp 309-375. *JPRSC/F.AA Sci-Biol & Med jaig 64 Vapor Tensions of Rydrogen and New Therm=etric Determinations in the LiqiAd Rydrogen Region, by J. FalAcLos MartAuez; H. Z=erlingh Cones, 9 PP. FMICH, per., Arcblves fterlandaises des Sciences ftactes et '31-59. 9M5105.. DDe Rsic-26 Sei - fts Aug 63 of ImotbScm of 4&oem UIA HOUIM at Cwrled 04 Vila a Viev to &=InIvS gwtbw Me Oaq""LblUty of me" own in 2092AMW br Quaftj by J. PaUmd*xAkvtIsfts IL Nmwlln& Om"o 23 pp. Immi, ywo 4es ad4m" toot*$# Val nim! 991%62 M# v9 Sol - FMO J~s j Isotherms of Hydrogen Between -lo4oc and 2440c, by H. Kamerlingh Onnes) F. M. Penning, 9 ~;p. FMICD) per, Archives Neerlandaises des Sciences &,actes et Haturell es,IVol VII, Series UIA~ 1924, pp4Oo4- ~,65'172 DDC RSIC-23 Sci - Phys Aug 63 R-1259-N Specifications to be Met as Follows; a. One Master Reproducible on Bond. b. Text to Fit 811 x 1011 Paper Therefore Suggest Typed Text ) '~Keerlandaises Sciences Exa DUTCH, per, Arch Letes Vol VIIA -165 1929, pp 157 *JPRS for US Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Alabama On 'llidn Mct-"a Vcanuiaals. Pi), Ilatu-0-3110'P., V03. XIV, 1933, AEC WEL Tr-728(LI 2 A Case of TMA ~ri Paraplegia, by- M. Charcot, 30 pp. FRENCH, per, Arch Neurol, Vol XD~j No 57j 1890s pp 305-330.. NaVY TT 3906/NMS 398 Sci - Biol & Med Oct 64 An apparatus for Photographing the Tympanic Membrane; by S. T. Stein; 2 pp. GMM, per; Arch. Obrenheilks Vol 1, 1873,, Pp 56. SIA TH 57-1643 Sci 6,~- 7~z on the Localization of Glucose-6-Phospliate and Cluconate-6-Phosphate-Deliydrogenose in the Cochlea of the Guinea Pig, by 11. J. Gerhaidt. 6 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. FOR INTERNAL USE WIT'Iffli TIIE DEPARTMENT OF DEFFINSE UN'LY GET.,Wq, per, Archiv Ohren-, Nasen- u. Khelko- pfaeilk, No 184, 1964, pp 52-56. P100321667 FTD-HT-66-590 Sci/B&H Dec 67 345,865 ------------- U3 Proble.-I c)--,,, Puloes in Induoturial LY H.G. DiLro2f. oia,-~rl us-'; pf, S ci 62-17547 Nevellig, iR, and K rusc~ K. E. ON NICOTINr NYSTAGME. [1%2]9p. Neveling, R, Order from K -11 $11. 25 K-11 11363' d H. Krusn, K. - HL K-I[-1 1363 d Tranu. of article from Archiv Mr Chren-, ',%sen- und IV. K rL,49C-1IE1o1w1rSCL1'C'C Kehlk-opfficil kmd,~ Library Assoclates, D-nrojf, WOL DESCRIFITURS: ONIcodiw, *Nptsginuo IT, V. to, no. 3) TT-61-14884 Urbantachimch, Victor. CONCERNING DISTURBANCES OF E(PLIBRIUM 1. Urbantschitack V. AND APPARENT MOVEMENT (Uber Stdrungen des Glelchgewichtes und Scheinbewepingen). 119611 88p. Order from SLA $830 TT-61-14884 Trans. of [Archiv fUr Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehikopf- heitkunde (Germany) 1897, v.* 311 p. 234- 294. DEW,RIPTORS: $Otorbinolaryngology. $Seasory mechanisms, *Proprioception. *Ear, *Vertigo, $Vlmion (Biological Sciences- -Physiology. TT, v. 11, no. 8) Office .1 Tech.ical Se-l-. 77-61-14865 Alexander, 0. and Barany, R. PSYCHOP"SIOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING 1. Title: StatolitM THE IMPORTANCE OF TIIE APPARATUS OF THE 1. Alexander, G. STAIGLITHS FOR ORIENTATION IN SPACE ON 11. Barany, R. NORMALS AND DEAF MUMS (P8y6ophysiclogiticbe UnterBucbungen Ilber dle Bedeutung des Statolithen- apparates f(Ir the Orlentlerung Lm Raume an Nomalen und Taubstummen). 119611 7p tref Order from SLA $1. 10 Tr-61-14965 Trans. of [Archiv-ftir Ohren-, Nasen- und rh llkurdeTTGe-r-m-a-n~)-1903,-V.--M, p. 187-192. DESCRUTORS: 'SpaceWception, Ear, ODeafness, Reaction (Psychology), *Eadorgans, Auditory perception, *Psychoacoustics. OtorldnolaMgology. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. it, no. 4) IMIC'. at 7,'ImICA narany, Robert. CONCERNING THE COUNTER-ROLLING OF THE EYES IN SUBJECTS WITH NORNIAL HEARING, IN PATPENTS WITH DISEASES OF THE FAR RE- LEASIlD FROM THE,,LABYRINTH OF THE EAR AND DEAF-MUTES (Uber die vom Ohrlabyrinth Ausgel6ste Gegenrollting der Augen bet Normal- hbrendcn, Ohrenkranken und TubstUnImen), [19611 [4411). 10 refs. Order from SLA $4.60 61-147' M Trans. of Archfiv] f[dr] Ohren-, [Nasen- und Kehl- kopffiefikunde) (Gerniany) 1906, v. 68. p. 1-30. imscRip,roRs: Eye, Vision, Rotation, IlearIng, Far, Discasei, Deaftichs, Nystagmas, Head 61-14710 1. Barany, A, (Unannounced) OFA f T-61-1 ZwOc.. Gj'-de. W. CO'qC'P:-NING TI-JE MOVEMUNT OF A FLUID IN A ROTATM HOLLOW RING, IUM SPECIAL CONSIDERATION OF THE PROCESSM IN THE SENII - CIRCULAR CANAUS OF THE EAR (Uber the Bewegmg der Flusslgkeit in einem Roderenden Hohlring unter besonderer BerlicksicMgung der Vorelnge in den I)Dgenglngen des Ohres). 119611 115p] tref. Order f rom SLA $1. 60 rr-6:-1464S Trans. of Archfiv] f [Or] Ohren~, Naeen- tjfndj- KehIkopfh[efIkundej (Germ-any) 1922.--v. 110, 1). 6-14. 717-61 - i4645 1. Gaede, W. (Biological Sciences --Phystology, 17, v. 12, no. 3) offict .1 U~hnm'l S",..,- Leisse, 0. SOUND LOCALIZATION AND VESTIBULAR APPA- RATUS (Schallokalisation und Vest ibularzpparat). (1961114p. 14 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14717 Trans. of Arch(iv fdr] Olirtenj-Nae[etil- und Kehl- k[opfjheiJk[urLdej(Gerrnany) 192,5/1926, V. 114, P. 116-126. DESCAIM'08S: *Ear, Sound, *,Saulitj .licaring, *Audlt(;ryNrcepiloik, PoNitioning react jons. 61-14717 1. Leisso, 0. (Umannuumed) V If! c, of T-W-1 S-~I- TT-61-14653 Steinhausen, Wilhelm. CONCERNING WM-MAACK'S TURGOR AND 1. Title: Cupuldcochleae PRESSURE THEORY AND MACH-BREUER'S THEORY Z Titfe: Macb-Breaer's OF THE DISPLACEMENT OF THE CUPU`LA tbeary TERMINALIS IWO THE SEMICIRCMAR CANALS 3. Tide: Wittinaack's OF THE VESTMJLAR APPARATUS (OWrdle targor pressue theory Wittmeaksche Turgor- und Druckftorie und the 1. steinblugen, W. Mach-Breuersche Theorie der Verlagerung der Cupula Terminalls In den IlDgenghgen des Vestibularapparates). (19611 (53p] 75refs Order from SLA $& 60 Tr-61-14653 Trans. of Archlivi flUrl Ohren-, Nam- ultill KehIk( T( rmany ISO,= VKU5~12 -- P. TM DESCRIPTORS; *Ear, Anatorny, Hearin& *Body fluids, Pressure. (Blological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. 11, no. 4) Office of T"Meal 61-14656 Wittmaack, K. COMMENTs ON STEINHAUSEN'S PRECEDING PAPER: 1. Witimaack, K. CONCERNING WIMIAACK'S TURGOR AND It. Steinhausen PRESSURE THEORY AND THE MACII-BREUER 111. Tille: CA)l1cerning ITIEORY OF THE DISPLACEMENT OF THE CUPULA TERMINALIS INTO THE SEMICIRCULAR CANAL OF THE VMIBULAR APPARATUS (Bemerkungen 2u der Vorstchenden ArMt Yon Sreinhausen: Ober die Wittmaacl;schc Turgor- und Drucktheoric und die Mach-Breuersche Theoric der Verlagei ung der Cupula Terminalis in den Bogenggagen des Vestibularapparaics). 1196111401p. 18 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 61-14650 Trans. of Archlivi ft~r I Ohren-. .1jasen- u1nd] K,~n1kopfheilklundel (Germany) t932, v. 131/02. p. 167-193. (Unannounccd) (oycr) Methods to Measure the Resistance in the Ear to Prove the Patency. A New Method and 'nie Results on Normals and People With Ear Diseases, by F. Zollner. GERMAN, pe-;. Arch 91ir Nas Kehlkopfheilk., Vol 139, 1935/1936, pp 137-154. HEW NIII 10-52-66 (On Loan) Sci/B41.1 Dec 66 61-14324 Go'llas, Edgar, INVESTIGATION OF THE TORSION OF TliE EYES 1. Gollus, E. IN A UNILATERAL ABSENCE OF THE LABYRIvni (Untersuchung der Raddrehung der Augen bei Einscirigem Labyrinthausfall). [19611[291p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $2. 60 61-14324 Trans. of Archliv] flu"r] Chren-, Nasen- u[ndj Kehl- kopfheilklunde) (Germany) 1936, v. 140, p. 3.10-354. DESCRIPTORS: Eye, Ear, Pathology, Motion. (Unannounced) ORA- .1 T-W-1 S-1- Sefferth, L. L I TT-61-14328 MIE IMPORTANCE OF POSMONAL NYSTAGMUS 1. Seiferth, L. L FOR OTOLOGIC AND NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOST1CS (Die Bedeutung des Lagerptaginus fUr the Otologische tmd Neurologishce Diapost1k). 119611139p) 24refs Order from SLA $3.60 Tr-61-14328 Tma. oU.ZWj_v) A .,Nmakn: uir Al usidel (Carm2ny) 1937, i. 143. p. 52-74. DMRIPTORS- *Nystagmu , $Mgnwtic agents. Neur01W, Otorhindarmology, FAr, Eye, DiaPOSIL (Biologlcal Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 11, no, 4) CONCI"MNC, THE ANA10MIC .404D FU*,';C-jT)N,,i- 1! P.u BETWE E-N 11-11; ~,WIVLLA %N, ClkNAL~ dw ArLa,.,,- M1,ICtl~'li UIIJ VU31hionLilen Bezichutiger. AllItMIL LHI'd I~Jgeligatig). 119611(241p. 7 rdq. Onier from SLA S-1.60 b I - I T,ans. of Arch[ivj ffurl Chren-, Nasen- Llin-Al Kch~- 19371, v, 143, p. 257-2-10. DY'SCRIFIFORS: Lar, Physioiagy, Analumv, Lvmp~h, R,,)tzt,;,Dp- (.! 11111111.."MILCO i Oil- .1 I'JST-RQTATClRY SYSTAGMU~ 11 A' NITIN'u!) 101; INV FiGATION OX, Po~tncmorw, 11 Ai,; Uw-s~!~- ~19(,i I ['211p. IIJ Ordvi troir, SLA (10 Tran- of Archlivi fit)rl Ohron-, Nasen- uji~J) Kuii; - i(~M. ~. p. Nv,aollw~, Lange, Carl. INYMIGATIONS CONCERNING THE COURSE OF THE IL POST-ROTATORY REAMONS (Untersu- chungen Uber den AWauf der IL Postrotatraischen Reaktionen). 119611 49p 37rds Order from SLA $4.60 TT-61-14316 Trans. of-Archliv) f1lirl Ohren-. Nan=- uind) 19*-jf~lf 415~5 DESCRIPTORS: Rotatlain, Reaction (Psycholoo, *Acceleratimtolerancee, *Ear, ONypetmus, Rhythm (BlologyL Body. Stability, *Eye, Opbthalmolop W-61-1430 1. Lange, C. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, 'IT, v. 11, no. 4) Gin- o 'r-ww sarv~cp% 61-14204 GtIttich, A. ON THE ANTAGONISM OF THE REFLEXES OF THE I. Title: Reflexes CERVIX ANU THE SENII-CiRCULAR CANAL IN '111E 1. GUItich, A~ MOVEMENT OF THE HUMAN EYE (Ubr d,!n Antagoni,qmus der Hals- und ItNengangareflexe W, der 8~m,:gung des Menschlichen Auges). [196116p. (2 figs. omitted) 4 refs. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 OL -14' 04 Trans. oLALcA[iv_L(jUrlChren-, Nasen-_u[nd) Kehlk[optVeilkundel(-d,7r-ma-n-yT-r9lT,-Y-T4-7,-p. 1-4. DESCRIFrORS: 'Eye, 'Neck, 'Ear, Motion, Neuromuscular transmission. (151ological Sciences- -Neurology, Tr, v. ~, no. 2) 61-14306 Ma,jar, E. H. CONCERNING T14E DURATION OP THE POST- 1, Title; Nystagmus ROTATORY SPNSATION (Uber die Drehnachemp- 1. Majer, E. H. findungsdauer). (1961113p. 17 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-143% T 'v ri r 0' ra's 0 ' *E Lghr ~n, Nasen- (und] K ~[~.2VfhedwPe ~ehl an YT94T,-T7TW, m y , P. DESCRIPMRS: *Rotation, Physiology, *Vertigo, *Motiott sickness. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, Y. 6, no. 9) office M Tecialtel SwwCas 7r-61-14723 DohIman, GUsta. THE ROLE OF MiE PERILYMN IN TUE M*nBU- L rchiman. G. LAR REACTIONS (Die RoUe der Pertlymphe bel dem Vestibilkm Reaektiorm). [1961] [10p]. Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-61-14723 Traw. of Archfiv fttl 0 . -asen- u[ndl- . KeElf I (Germany) 1941, v. 150, p. 25-30 PIZ (TDBDR-3.) BT67-10-555T Request tra"sIntion check Distribiztiori of DFN and TPR Diaphorase J J Gerhardt per: Pxch. Ohr. Ms. _V9. .1~ -Nefl-k- ~ - . _ )q~b _1 - - ----- I--- I. airen-usv. Heilk. u. Z. Hals-usw. Heilk. 181, 1962, 16-31 On PfithOlOSICIa Pitch Perception, by K. Schubert, 12 pp. 09=j, perp Kehitp yMe!jjkp Vol CLVIIP 1951.- pp 474-4&. RA Tr 57-231 Sai - Mad ~ /Ilsl" lyul 57 Tiltra Somica and Ea Ba&icmt by BmW*inz Emm=l 67 P.P - ,M-SaMp per., Rqkly fbor 'Ka A.LUIMU& 1,01-al-AgO." NXR 1-S-61 i-sax 61 ~ 6 ~Zg, Bev Results of the Use of Ultrasonics on the Labyrinth; a Contribution to the Treatment of Labyrinthosis, by M. Arslan, GEMM, perj Arebiv fuer Ohma-lissen-und N3ihkOP2heilk~i" %jvinigt mit Z fudr,-Mo-, Vol CLXVII) - 1955, PD'559-574. CSIRO zi s- S C 1. - Y,-- d jun 6o Otitis and Pwwimmitis gerosa in a Now Unit Concept) by M. Dwsaigs 4 pi?. MM, per) AreUv faw Mm-ftseu und :Lik-- .. V367---M- milk.. Va--MV=--j- ~eblkopf pp Sci - I*d F eb 62 6L-10587 Welho, H. THE INFLUENCE OF CONTIGUOUS KLN-ETIC 1. Title- Esophapal voice (ManLE) SYSrEMS UPON THE PRODUCTION OF 1. Weths, H E.SOrfiAGEAL SPEECII (Der Binfluss Benachbarter 134--wegungasysterne auf die Herworbringung der Occophaguesprache). (196014p. (3 figs. ornitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 61-10587 Tra of j~ ~[Ivjjjy ~Ohrevn.-'Ns~ve~Kehlk!f- r , n. V 33 no. DESCRIPTORS: *Larynx, 'Stirgery, Tsophagm $Speech, Physiology, Muscles. Posture. offee *I T-cWW twit" (Biological Sciences- -Surgery. Tr. v. 6. no. 2) Discri-i-Angation protoctors, by C. sch-l'OLLA'. lxch.i-v- 'L,ul. Gllxall--~I~as-cn- -I'll,! 1-minL!, Vol 1'(o, ITO 12, ~bu, Electrical Experiments on the Lateral Ampullary Nerve in Rabbital by K. Owada. GERMAN, per, Agehiv fuer Ohrgn Ngsen-uad Kehlkopfheikunde, Vol 177p 1960j PP 31-38 NTC 72-60185-06P June 72 Nevehn& R. and Kmoe, IL F- 77-64-14549 ON NICaME NYSrAGMUS. [19621 9p 14refs 1. Nevellng, R. Order fmm SLA $1. 10 Tr-64-14549 11. Kruse~ K. E. Trams. Nasen- una Kehlkop(- Hdlkmxk-oest '0AV-431. Anotbor tmn& is avallable from K-H $11. 25 as K-H-11363-d [19621 9p. (Biological Sciences --ToxicolM, 17, T. 11, n(x 11) Offict t Tech.lcml 5I,Qs 63-20017 Vosteen, K. Ii. NEW ASPECTS IN THE BIOLOCY AND PATIlOLOGY 1. Vameen, K. 11. OF THE INNER EAR. [196311107p) refs Order from SLA $9. 10 63-2DO17 Free copies available from Circulation Manager, Translations of the Beltone Institute of Hearing Research, 4201 West Victoria St., Chicago 46, Ili. Trans. of Archliv f0r) Ohren-, Nasen- Und Keh1kopf1Tfflru-n-UF(We"sr-GW ny 1961, v. 178, 04- DESCRIPTORS: *Ear, Auditory nerve, *11caring, End organs, Anatomy, Physiology, Electric potential, Electrolytes, Acetylcholine, Metabolism. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, T`T, v. 10, no. It) Mice of Techrkal Stmicts The Use of Plastics in Bone Surgerj, by M. E. Mueller GMWI, per, Archiv fuer Orthopaeclische und Unfallchlrurgie, Vol 34, 1962, pp 513-522 ITTC 71-19720-06E Feb 72 Investiqations on the Effect of Synthetic Resins (Palacos and Ostamr) on Tissue Cultures (Supported by a Grant by the Swiss National Fund), by L. Hulliger GERMAN, per, Archiv fuer Orthopaedische und Unfallchirurgie, Vol 54, 1962, PP 581-588 NTC 71-16721-06E Feb 72 Air Pollu. R-7453-D 6 sept. 1966 PMIANM MOXIC 00 EFFLMS ON TBB MORPIG PND EQUILI- BRIM4 PPm-RkTUS IN QfS Pv--Nr WORM, Author: StrzolmAj, P. and Zm*q, H, Source: Arch. Ohr. Nav. Keh1kopfhaUk M: 81-929 I-lay 299 1964 12 pp) Langmgel Garmn Eat for wds: Translate and type 1 original and I carbon capy. DocVmmt am be cut. (Wping instructlons attached) On the Influence of Synthetic Monomero) Primary and Secondary Polvwrs on the Sedimentation late of Blood Corpuclea,, by R. Werner. GEWM., per Archiv fher Ohren. Nasen und M~Lkafbellkund ) Vol 104p 1964.9 pp IE9-1320 M 69-15531-06H Sei-B&M Dee 69 398) 411 English Title Unknown, by Dr. Aubert. GERMAN, per, Archiv fur Ophthalmologie, Vol 3j, 1857, pp 1-37. *NASA TT F-12,074 Dec 68 Complication of Optic Neuritis With Cerebral Dis- oazoaj '5y At V. Grafe, 2-1 pp. GMWI., per., Avehiv fusr Opthalmologle, Vol VII) ebt 2s IMOs 11 84 A. Tr 871/1956 rr-61-14348 N910). A. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF TRUE TORSIONS OF 1. Nagel. A. THE EYE ABOUT THE VISUAL LINE (Uber das Vorkommen Yon Wahren RoDungen des Auges um die Gesichtslinie). [19611[20pl arefm Order frogn SLA $1.60 TT-61-14US -a-Archliv fUr Ophtfi.0 Trans. of (Albrecht von] Qmeja~ r ojqpej(G=m3&uy)l868,_v7n,"nT2, p~ 228-246. a~_ ~ (BioiVc2l Sciences- -Physiology, TT, Y. 12, no- 2) English Title Unknonw, by Theodor Wertheim. GEMAN, per, Archiv fur Ophthalmologie, Vol 33, 1887, pp 13 -146. *NASA TT F-12,104 Jan 69