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Tt-jcr--4,aticns c.- tho :.-- --tl- -- Sul' Araenic on the Organism, by Th. Gies. p. -W ravhologic Und 78, Vol 7111, Pp 175-'LQ6. Vol 2, 110 9 1-7117 t Terlments of the Relations Betveen He8piration and M E C1rculationo by Mitrophan Homanoff, 35 PP OERW,,_pgr,-ArcbIv faer Experimentelle Pathologgie und Pharmakologie,, Vol UIVO 1910,, PP 183-203o NIH ME b'C14J V, Scientific -L~& Mox 54', cm/=, A~,~If 7 alolaisn- of Acute Weight Lossess, Relatimi Between Water and Salts in the Orgonism, by L. Toblor. CHMIM, per,, Arch Exp Pathol Phaimaol VOI LXII, 19100 pp 431-463, NASA TT F-9740 U, S, GOVEDUUJIS USL- O',ILY sci-GrIll Apr 66 2983,581 he and.T=icology of the Ascarideal by R c4t~y Fcrdina Flurys OMAMM?3XD M -perq Arch f. Barg=, Path& u* Pbaxmr-kolp :;c...ontific - Chemistry 71 J`f 7 JuZius Schuetz Toward knowledge of the effect of magnesium on the body temperature. 7 pp. GERIMN, Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. VoZ 79, 1916, pp 285-290 NASA DLT F 14J550 jan 73 CA av Mmy by V.. swkuwu~ 1922. TT F-9-6A0 3tkn 6S NOther, P. QUANTITATIVE STUDIES ON THE FATE OF NICO- TINE IN THE ORGANISM AFTER TOBACCO SNIOK- ING. [19621 10p. Order from K-H $12.50 K-11 3902 a Trans. of IN= Ex rimentelle Pathol ie und Pharmalk~cl (Ger-m-anyTrT13, v. _98, 1). 370-377. '- - DESCRIPTORS: *Smokes, *Tobacco, *NiCOLine, Ciga- rettes, Quantitative analysis. 62-22612 I. Ndther, P. H. K-11-3902-a [It. Kresge-Hooker Science LibraryAssociates, DLtrov, Mich. (Chernistry- -Analytical, T7, v. 9, no. 1) MCC Cd TtCWZ3J UMCIS Tiscr I;q*",ewm Of biwoks in lix salt cmu-I an'l HydMVII son camwxMdoa ot &rbft~v Z &ox, b,-, E". a'artmetw. cukma", Pat Arch Anael FAtw FlAormaawal Vol civo, 1924* O-Z4 NF 4 4A Ti a Run 65 Chemintry emd Pharmacology of Kava-Kawa,, by K. sftbei, 43 PP- GXWMj* perp Arch. Exptle. ftthol. Pharmakol, Vol CII: 19241 pp 8,,LoAv Tr ~Uqj sci - meacim ~~, ~4/0/ APr 57 63-18452 Bdweas, Betirmd. WVESTIGA71ONS ON TM ABSORMON, EX- 1. Behrens, I CRETION AND DISrRiunioN OF VERY URRM AMOUNTS OF LEAD. [19631[30]p. 15 refs. Orderfrom SIA $2.60 63-18452 Mrang. of [Namp-Scbmiedeberg'al ~ pdIvIlurl MW[edmeweUel iz 01 C JC4 philil., - AO& v. 332-357. DE SCWWRS; Lead, *Mwrption 01DIogIr-4, &redon, IOLesd poismAng, Tolerances Mysiology), (BloWcal Sciences-Tadcology, 77, Y. 10, no, 12) Oifica of TtcbicsJ Unkes Respiratory Tests in Dynwic Hyperthermia Am to Ingestion of Protein., by 4. Rietacbel. 12 pp. GOM, per) Arch !~g Pathol-Pharmlol Vol 3M., 192T, pp 33~-307 UM TT F-12,509 Sci-BW Nov 69 395x77O 62-22737 S~.ul, Hans. PRARMACOLOGICAl, ItNEMGA'nONS OF NA*rURAL 1. Ti!le: bleathol AND SYN'I'HETIC MENTHOL. [1902124P. 1. 9cel, 11. Order frm K-14 qO.00 K-H 9767 b 11. K-11-9767-b Ill. Kresge-flock-er Science Trans. off.Naunp-Schmiedeber 's Arc Library Associates, Exrjerim en tell e Path oie unA Pharm akolozgie I Detroit, Mich. - M---h-ian-yT-027, v. 122. p. 338-353. DESCRIPMES: 011harmacology, Synthesis (Cliernistry). *Drugs. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, '17, v. 9. no. 4) Dftr M Tett;&:~ Strvkri On -the -lbricology of Sme Qxloriae Leri-vaL-496., of Hathmm md rt;iam, by G. A. GUMMI., per; il-xuc~g Z!-2w--A Patholo~OLe Az Zol 'pt sel Ohiaw fteSuxUng t1le Or:LgjtL Through the Ultr86v:Lolet Irradiation of Histidine of a Substance Which Stimulates the Intestine and Causes a Fall in Blood Pressure; by F. Fallinge-r) 62 pp. Vol CXUVI; J, pp 9. 51A Tr 57-424 Sci - Med Jul 57 Investigations on Baninteria C=11PI SPr- (A south American Intoxicart); by L. Lcuin~ th pez, Arch fuer E Pa~ N und P'aaraakol,, Vol C=.. 1928~ r-) 133- 02S 70/JuL 55 Adsorption of the Active Principle-- of the Posterior Lobe of the Hypophysis by Animal Charcoal, by Gimichi Sato) 5 PP. OMM, per., NawVn-Sqhmiedebq -gesArchlv-,~Ur- Experimente:Ll~e--'-U'n--M-lt"'h"'9-1'o""gi'e, und. 1"harmkologle., -vol CM 19 29. PP 323-325. SLA 60-10839 Sci MS, Vol III ~ No 6 '/"a -5 ep 60 717-64-1036 Hesse. Erich, and Taubmann, Gert. INVESTIGATION OF GUANYLMOUREA AND 1. Hesse, E. SEVERAL OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 119641 l8p l2refs 11. Taubmann, G. Order from SLA $1.60 17-64-14836 ~ Trans. of INaunp-Schmiedeberg's) ArchIly fUr' Exp(erU-entellef Pathlologie undl Pha:rhi~B1jo_&j_ (BiOlOgical Sciences- -Pharmacology, Tr v. 11, no. 11) .... .1 Aetion on Mascies of Perchloratesy nu6wrstes) wd Fluorosulfbastes, by Gundo -Polm., 5 PP* amm, per, -Ita-da zdAi fhar S ieund Pbamakologie, 1929o PP 397460 SIA 59-15392 Sol -m Nediclue Oct 59 Vol 119 No 3 63-IM9 Heyesy, G. aW Wagner, 0. H. 711E EUTRURMON OF 7HORIUM IN THE ANIMAL 1. Heyesy. G. ORGANUM. Dec 45, 6p, 14 refs U. Wagner. 0. 11. Order ftom SLA $1. 10 63-18449 Trans. oi [Natmyn-SchmIedd=g's] EKpartmentelle Patholcgie uad.Phav 1930, Y.-T49;'f."336;N2." DESCRMORS, vniorium, Tissues (Biology), Tracer undies, *Absorption (Biological), *Cancer, Toxicity, *Metal poisoning, (Biological Sriences--Mmrmaeology, Tr. v. 10, no. 12)1 TT-64-14835 Thubmann, Gert. 'ME EFFECTS OF ORGANIC IHIOCYANATES. L Taubmann, 0. [1964119p 21refs Order from SLA $1. 60 TT-64-14835 ~ Trans. of [Nounyrn-Schrniedeberg'sTArch[lyfffrI M~pfertmentellej Pathfologie undl ftmakolfogiel (Germany) 1930, v. 150, p. 257-284. (Biological,' clences- -Toxicology, Tr, v. 11,no. 12)1 Office of T-W~M 5-1- Tr-64-14834 Taubman . Gert and HeWbwa~ Rudolf. TEE TOXICOLOGY OF SODIUM 7HIOCYANATE. 34 L Taubmium, G. [19641 Ip 11. Hellborn. R. Order frm SLA $1. 10 TT-64-148 Partial trans. (p. 2Sl-252, 255-256) of [MLmym- Scbmiedeharg'sl Archliv fUrl Explerimentellel Pathfologie und) Pharmakollociel (Germany) 1930, v. 152, p. 250-256. (BtolVcAl Sciences-Tmdoology, M Y. 11, no. 12) Offl- f -A.- CoN THE ITI-ECT OF NICOTINE 1 it L, t t i i i, VERA-TRINE O'N' T11F ISMATED 91,11MAMI I-ARY ~AIJVARY GLAND OF THE DOG. E 14 Or(kn erom K -11 ~ I ~~. 00 K-i; ~,4-0 b IT;. 1,z,-,w:l, Mich, Exporlmlunl~dlvl P'uhlologiel otlid) plu rill tm~l o; (Cwtininy) 10:~), v, IS4, p. 22,03-210. DLN(Ak1V','k)I& 'Nicovitw, 'r11Uzar))w,, 0"m d T~chM,,l ,a6 Ly ,Test Objoctv. ~Othbd_f6r the Quantitative Estimation of Small krotwts of Atropias end of 01ther Nydriatioa, by P. Puletika, 15 pp GERFAV. per, Arch. f. Fxptl. Pathol. u. rha-,vaIM11 vol. SLA 2919 Far 58 63-IMO Behrm, Behrend and Behrena, Hns Omn-. IHE MMMACOLOGY OF LYAD. VL A MMOD 1. Behreng. B. OF DETERLMUNG WALL QUANTMES OF LEAD. It. Ddwaw, I-L 0. [1963] [101p. 10 refs. M. TUIL- maw ... Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18448 Traw. of [Naun -Schadedeberg's] lbq~erimenwllerE %alogle] u[nd] F=tv loiOll . I (Gern-kny) 1932, v. I . P. 501-508. DESCRWMRS: Lead, *Lena polooning, OlYacer studies, Tmicity, Quantitative analyfile, (Biological Sciences-Tcadcology, TT, v. 10, no. 12) Flkuda. T. IHE PHARMAKOLOGICAL ACTION COMPOUNDS. 119641 bp lir.-,fs Order f rain SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14833 OF TIfEFI-AVI-.,NJL 1 L Fikuda, T. 77-64-14833 Trans. of [~kLmym-Schmkdeberg'sj Arch[iv fdrl EV[eritnentelIel Pub[ologle Lmdl Pharrnakol[ogiel (Germany) 1932, v. 164. p. 685-694. (Blolegical Scienow-Pharmscology, 77, vp. 11,4om 12) I.Aubeoder, Walther and Ost, Wilhelm. MAPARATIVE PHARMACOILOGICAL TESTING OF TVO NEW LOCAL ANEMEIICS: PERCAINE AND P&NTOCAINE. 119641 Sp Order fLOtt SLA $L. 10 Tr-6-4-14832 Cow4ensocitrus. &(NAunym-S&zmIsdcbM'sjArch[iv fUrl Eqfertmentellel Pub[ologle undl Pharmatalfogle7 (Germany) 1932, v. 165, p. 520-537. T7-64-14932 L Laubender, W. IL Ogt, W. M Title; Percalve I,'. 'Fide: Nn,.c,~:o,[Tv (SolVeal Sciences-Foarmacoloa. 7T. Y. 11, m 12)1 Offi- f T-W..I 5-1- Disturbance of Osmotic Tissaue In Water Into)dcation, by P. Gomorl, &.Molnar. GERMAN, per, Ai6hiv fuer Experimentelle Pathologfe und Pharmakologie, Vol CLXVH, 1932, pp 459-468. NASA TT.F-91.10 Sci-Biol & Med Nov 64 U-.--. COMNMENT.ONLY 268,812 TT-64-14831 )ahr, L -G. THE PHARMACOLOGY OF INORGANIC 714IOCYA- L )abr, F_ -G. KATES. U. LET74AL DOSES OF NeSCN IN DOGS~ IL Title: Leftl ... CATS, RABBITS. GUINEA PIGS AND MICE, [196414p 3rds Order frcin qA $1. 10 Tr-64-14831 Partial trans. (p. 433ff) of [Naunym-Schinledeberg'sl Arch(tv f0r] Exp[erijnentellej Path[ologie undl Pher- makol [ogiel (Germany) 1932, v. 169, p, 429- 452. (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, Tr, Y. 11, no. 12)1 Office of Teclintud 5-1- The Phpiology and Pbamscology of the EnergetIcs of the mamallan Heart,, by H. GremelB.. 56 pp. T~-) GEWM per, Arch Famer Path u Pharm, Vol CLXIX, 1932, 1933, ffm Tr 6-18 Sci - lied A; 7 Jq~ Jul 57 The, REffecton the Orgardsm oi the Introduetion of Lane Quantities.6f Water, by Dr. Kunstmam. GERMAN, peri Archiv fuer Expeiimentelle Pathologie and Pharmakologies Vol IKCLXX, 1933, pp'W03-718. NASA TT F-9111, Sci-Biol &,Med: Nov 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 2619,322 HMmer, W. and Gribe. F. THE ANTIANFLAWATORY OIL, [1964,y 10p 6refs Order from SLA $1. 10 rr-64-14830 EFFECT OF CAMOMILE L libner, W, M Crabe, F. T7-64-14330 Trans. of [Nlaunym - Scbmiedebe7'sl Ard4tv Wrl i i ftnnakol[Vej (Germany) 1933, v, 171, p. 329-339. (MokgWd Sekom-Phormocology, Tr, Y. 11. = 12)l offi- f T..hhlc.l S-1- Dweetiptions Reprding the Effect of Morbid Processes in the organism upon the structm-a(f the Proteins, Twor aW owhexisp lr=dlaticm With X,Mal by S. 0. Sch=ko 10 pp. GMW.. per# ftthol u Pharmakol, 414 hp Vol MWp 10 -1 pp 401-W5. SIA Tr 57-289 Sci - Hed ;7~ Jul 57 Supplement to the Work. Trae Production of a Reversible Oxidizable Product Through Irradiation of Froteinp by U. la3*ert, P. Wels, 10 pp. MU&N., Pers k_cj-X_uj~_?atho1,,A, Zharmakol.- Vol GLXXV.- 1934) pp 554-55f.' --"' S.L.A.. Tr 57-407 Sci - Chemistry 4 1? 9 a 17 Jw 57 amtribution To the Pbumoolw of Bv-'boa&puiw, by F. Tb. BMCIW. MM, pore Arab fUv talb fttbolo& # NO 1,19., pp .0 193 0 1.- m 9-lo-62 Sd - Had Dee 62 ;L 1?1 13&q- Y,odern Hypnotics Therapy and Bual Ancuthcoiap by ff. Weeseo 23 PP- GWMfAoAreh IN, ot LMIp 9 1 p_.? A~91.fharmakols, Vol C No 1'. i~50- pp 46-61,, SIA 59-10821 Sci - Mad Sep 59 v0 -Th'. loy G Pathol. 7-1051 SLA 57-16r( 6 / 0 6 V, Medicine 58 Caida-t-ion and Reduction Effects In Irradiated "Supr, by Peter Holtz, 16 pp. GMU.MN) Per) jLa~ ~hmlqd~ebe ~6-6~h'Expti Pathol u MTmkolj_ Vol OLWII., 1936) PP 141-159. A.H.R.B. Harwell MM 11/3/5/369 Sz~ieatific - Chemistry MIS/DEX /a, ddof The Effect of X-Rays on Glucoseo by P. goltzp J. P. Decker., 5 pp.. CUM, parp Arch Exp ftW;-4~010 Vol CLM=xo 11936p pp 160-16370 11/3/5/37T Scientific - Recucine Jau 54 CIS/= .011-1 1 719 ~5 Experbental Anemias and Their Suitability as T'ests for Anb34iieule Subutaneeo. II. Tbe Collargol- Sapqnin Anemia of Rate as a Qualitative Te!3t for Inlectable Liver Extracts) by P. Gottlebe~ W. BRibbel 8 P'O. GERM,, per, Naurxym-Scj~d -A=hiv-,h;r.-, E;Wr Path unT-~Q Vol CLXUI SLA 60-10838 Oro , Vol Tell No 6 1 "1, "1, ' %'MA XA --A I ~-I . .. Issekutz, I v., Dirner, A., and Theil, K. 71ME ACTION OF PERPARIN AND PAPAVERINE ON GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY. [19641 6p (tables omitted) 18refs Order f rom SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14029 Trans. of [NaLinym - Schmiedeberg'sl Arcbf tv f Url Exp[erimentellel Pathfologle und] Pharmakol[ogiej (Germany) 1936, v. 182, p. 390-400. TT-64-14829 L Issekutz, R v. IL Dirner. A. III. Thell, K. (Biological Sciences- Pharmacology, Tr, v. 11. no. 12) TT-64-14828 jeney, A. von and Czimmer, AInna G. 1. THE EFFECT OF QUERCITRIN AND QUERCMN 1. jeney. A. von ON THE UNINJURED AND THE POISONED FROG 11. Czimmer, A. C. HEART. [19641 Ilp (figa omitted) 36refs Order from SLA $1. 60 7r-64-14829 Trans. of 1~!-aunyn-khmied6er ~B~U_wl _Exp[e imentel~ e ~Paolog ~eund] Pharmako1[2g!Sj (Germany) 1930, v. u36, p. wi-58b. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, 717, v. 11, no. [I) IOffice of Tecfoiitcal Suvicet T7-64-14827 Czirnmer, Anlia G. ON THE PHARMACOLOGIC ACTION OF FLAVONOL 1. CzImmer, k. G. GLUCOSIDES OF FORSYTHIA TYPE. [19641 12p (figs otnitted) 3refs Order from SU, $1.6() TT-64-14827 Trans o* [Na -;i.14191 Exp[e -,Lej Pa-thip] e V. 183, P. 587-594. (Biological Sclence-o-Pharmacology. Tr, v. 11, no. 11)1 otti-o -f s-i Irradiated Egg Shite as an Oxidtition Catalyst for UnBat=ted Patty Acidup by E, KatIzer, 36 pps GMU, per.. Ar . _ t~j,USA=Wwj) Vol MXMVP 1937) pp 645-658. SoLvA. Tr 57-399 Sci - Cbemistrj (f- 81 906 Jun 57 Inactivation of Insulin Tbrough Irmdiated %g Whitep by B. Nether,, 12 pp. GMM,, per,, Arch.._Ar p Mkol, k Vol a=$ i0' PP- 323-3"- " 280 S.L.A. Tr 57-4oo. Set - Cbemistry PO V J~m 57 Investigations Regarding the Reducing Praperties of UVI-Irradiated Egg Whitep by I. Kamerlingo, 16 Pp. &ATIllathol u Pharmalmly Vol GEF". perp 4Ec 3 S.L.A. Tr 57-398 Sci - Chemistry 49, 90~ Jun 57 Method for Colorimtric Serial Determiaations vith Redoc Indicatorv in the Absence of OVgen) by F wels'p 10 pp. GMIW, per., CLW.n,, 1937., Pp 428-433. s.L.A. 57-2p qg~ 9/7 Sci - Chemistry J~m 57 TT-63-20482 Well. Henric:14 EKPHRIMEIM ON THE QUAM17TATIVE DETER- 1. Well, H. MINATION OF SILICON IN HUMAN BLOOD BY MEANS OF EMISSION SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 119631 7p 8refs Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-63-20482 Trans. of [Naunya-Sctuniedeberg'sl Archliv) f(Url Experf[mentellel Pathiologiel u(ndl Pharmakjologlej (Germany) t937, v. 188, p. 377-13821. DESCRIPTORS: Quantitadve analysis, *Spectrozicopy, *silicon, 'Blood, Man, Diagnostic agents, SilicoMs, Hematulogy. (Riologicuil Sciences- -Pathology, 71*, v. 11, no. 5) 1,11'echanical EEN Oatput,, Size and (LUGen Conamnition of the Bearb of liam-Blooded Animals., by R. 8. Garanp No Kiese, 38 pp. G-ralm, mo per.,, h - ". A'A.DAMP Vol COM110 193 ) jypil~--2 m Tr 1'.,o 1,13 Sci - Medicina ~e i5 (,a Feb 1957 CM/d= 5-blzdles on the . ~ of, Pare on the -Am-ctions and Anatomy of the Liver., by F. Fischla~-, K. W. Roccla, 19 pp. GMQU, per, Ilau _._y -Ar-,hiv ""~c &Perimentc-Ue Pathologie und Phaniakol ' 0i :11:i pp 4-21. co9761p A-vC Tr-46)lo 5ci - Med Xq4l Apr 62 ~outinuous Ix"estigations IntO tll-~ Effecte Of X-RadiatiOll -,n tLr-- Boup-'~arroW; by Hnns 1101fSOng 1-junsche) 24 PP- tolle Patholovie GWml,, per) ArchiV far n 1 71 519- IX, t pD 0 ogle) V und Fbarmako SU 59-10083 59 1, 9 pAa=cOjOW. of 1-ylleuyli-2-tiatlql-,Amir-tipropane (Parvitain). Nauu~n-Sckdedzbargla. By F. Doehild: 15 PP, MM-j perk- R. atbol -u-Mamakoll, Vol 1 465-481, PP Assoc Tech Sv 08FI* Sai Aug 58 Ild TT-65-12384 Field 6P Brock. N.; Druckrey, H.; Harken, V, TISSUE METABOLISIM AFTER DANIAGE AND PHYSIOLOGI- 1. Brock, N. CAL STIMULATION (Der Gewebastoffwechsel nach Schadl- U. Druckrey. fi, gung und PhyslologiBcher Erregung). 18p, 9relB. III. Harken, H. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12384 Trans. of aun - Is Archiv fuer E. ~rt- ~-n ma 10-4e tG~ r..y p687-95 1939. M11 632 TAO n or 'Gae AlRalo. as rom Vie S-61anaceao Pla!-it'l _71%bir U-pflZ%7,f- sweres, a Tilair Cle-aiv-a'ke Produots Cain an Intercomparison of Aotlvltiea. by A. 1 j U004 9 -nar - Area ErR~~ Pathol u., Paarmakol ah vc,i cxcii, i93T,- -PP 405-4b.' :' "' ' ~ $ Sol-Fadicino STI -2,)21 Mar 58 IT-64-14824 Fischer, R. and Toth, D. CONCERNING SYNMET[C SUBSTANCES 'ATrH 1. Fischer, R. SAPONIN-LIKE ACTIMY. [19641 22p 9reft U. Toth, D. Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-t4824 Trans. of [Natinyn- .~OTiqotbeq's]Ar [Ivftlrl Exp[ertmentellel Pethtologle und] Pharmakoqogiel (Germany)-1939.- v.- 192,-jK -472z485-.-- (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, 77, Y. 11, no. 11)1offit. .1 TochMW S.,Ac- 2r.-Derinimtr, irm. Bralunation of cmxv., :L939, IT-6ai4es. FU 58-157, sai Aug 59 On Phc3phine Poisming (tai=l Rapariwnts). Y. Acute and ftbacute Poiaoning# by W. fAdIerp 10 pp,, Q IMM,, per,, Arch Mptl Pathal u Pha=kov, Vol 191408 i84-193-a CxCv, Vorrio H117 I)T'117'-Illvs~w -~ Sci A119 58 1721~ 0 5--Gr Tr-64-14822 ochaumam, 0. A NEW CLAQ-1~ OF COMPOLNEIS HAVM SPASMOLY- I L Schatmiann, 0. %"C AND CENTRAL ANALGESIC ACnON, WIM SPECIAL REFERENCE TO I-MF7HYL-4-PHENYL- PIPERIDINE-4-CARI)OXYLIC ACID ESTER (DOLAN- T1N): EXCERPTS. [19641 3p 2refs Order frum SLA $1. 10 Tr-64-148ZZ Parrima mns. (p, 112-113, 123, 135-136) at [Niiitmyn- Schimledeberg's] Arch[iv f(Irl Exprerimentellej I'llithfologle urd[ Pharmakolfogiel (Gem=y) 1940, v. I p. 109-136. (11ological Sciefams-ftrm"ogy, TT, v. 11, no. 12)1 Offlct of Technical S-1cas AssW of ThMid Pmparationsp by E. Dressler, K - iialing) 7 PP - GM-OMp per) Exper Path und Fharmkologiep Vol Cxcvio 1940 IW-26 -I.- sLA 6o-10~4 Sci map Vol nip go 6 C7 ^ Sep 0 /02 6./ 113%.;r New AdditionD to the Khowlcdaz of the Antibcparin Factor of the Liver (about the role of the Redox System in B2Dod Gos&!Iationj . Uy A. von Jeney p et o- /I 7 pp. GERM, per, Arch. ]~Mtl. path. D=P-1-0 Vol CXCITI-v 19410.- PP 505-3M7.-- -'---z---- ' S.L.A. Tr No 296/1955 Sci - Undicine // 14f, Jan 195-f M,/dex IT-64-12420 Enders. A. TOLERANCE AND EXCRETION S7.UDIES ON DI- 1. Enders, A. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS. (19631 12p 11. ATS-32Q73C Order from ATS $18.65 ATS-32Q= [it. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Trans. of [Naunp-Schmiedeberg'al Archliv fUr I Fast Orange, N, Explerimenteliel Pathol[ogle und] Pharmakol[ogiel (Germany) 1941, v. 197, p. 597-610. DESCRIPTORS: *CarbDxylic acids, Excretion, Tolerances (Physiology). ~Biologlcal Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, Y. 11, no. 10) Offil, M T-v~h.[ 5-k- 7r-64-1 1821 Pommer, Charlotte. ON 11iE EFFECT'S OF SOME AZULENS ON THE 1. Painmer. C. DEVELOPMVIT OF IRRrrkrlON. It. METHOD OF 11. Title: Method PHARMACOLOGICAL TFSrW.G. [19641110pliSrefs Order fr(xn SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14621 Tr&0q. of LNgUayn.L',-hrnf,-,ipbeXgISLArchDyJUr.I_Exp- let[mgmells4-Psthjologle und I Pharmakollogiel (Germa 1942, Y. 199, P. 14-82. - (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, Tr, v. 11. no. 11) Presence of Deby&voxyphsqOO=ine DecarborjImac in ftnereag.. by Ps-Wr Mts,, Karl Crefter, Christal StrWilng, 'T p. GEMM,, per, NownyavachmWeberg.s. Arch Xxpar - MkOl-Mamkolp 1942) Vol CXCIXi PIP 145-152- sLA 6o.io496 sci Apr 60 Vol W; Wo 3 //,/ " W TT-64-14820 Bauereisen, Erich. THE CIRCULATORY ACTION Or BENZYLIMIDAZO- 1. Bauerelsen, F. LINE (PRISCOL). !19641 5p 4refs Order from SL A 3 1. 10 717-61-14820 Trans. of [Naunym-Schmiedeberg's] Archfiv flirl Exp[erimentellel Pachfologic und] Pharmakolfogiel (Gerinany) 1942, v. L99, p. 161-166. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 11, no. 12) 0111- 0 T~00c~l 717-64-14819 Gast. W. THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE 1. Gast, W. ACTION OF STRYCHNINE AND STRYCHNINE OXIDE IN THE FROG. [19641 7p 23refs Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14819 Trans, of (Naunp-Schmiedebeq'sl Archfiv fOrl Exp[erimenteliel Pathlologle und) Pharmakollogiel '~Germany) 1943, v. 201, p, 297-304, (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology, T7, Y. 11, no, 12) -17-64-14318 Riedel, G. and Zipf, K. ANIMAL RESEARCH ON BLOOD SUBSTITtrrES; 1. Riedel, G. WMMARY. [1964] 1p H. ZV, K. Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-11818 Partial trans. (summary, p. 33) of [Naunyn-Schniiede- berg's] Arch[tv fUrl Fxplerimentelle] Path[ologic und] Pharmako)[ogiel (Gerinany) 1944, v. 203, p. 25-33. (Biological Sciences-Pharmacology, 77, v. 11, no. 12)1 M.. .1 Tv..~... .-I ... 'IT-64-14817 Kalow, Werner. CHOLERESIS BY MEANS OF SYNTHEnC ACENTS. 1. Ka)ow, W. [it. ACTION AND CHEMIChL C0143TTrLMON OF If. T111c: Action ... SOME PRENYLCARBINOL-AND FHENYLGLYCOL CGMPOUNDS. (19('415p(forTnulaeomttted)6rets Order from SLA $1. 10 IT-64-14817 Trus. oil JINNaunp-Schnitedeberg's) Archliv Mri ;eL_ athiolVe und) Phi a-;x elmenntaUe P rmakolro-9tel fix ~~ r V, , e st Germany) 049, V. WT. 15.~- (Biological Sciences ---Pharmacology, TT, v. IZ no. 1) 01f1- ~f T-h1.1-1 &-l-, The Antibiotic Effect of Eacherlabia Coli on ltreobacteAum Tuberculosis, by Gertrud ~%issner, Brich Hesse, 211 P. C GEREM, per., Arft 1950p Vol =1 no 415S pp 375-3880 BIA 60-10495 sci my 6o /M Va 3s 110 4 The Fate of Sulphor-=WOS in the Body, by ff. Langeckar. OM=, per, Arch Ep ftth u Pharmi Vol C%CXIp 1950~ pp ---- ABLIB-039 Sci Aug 58 ~'a' 7P/ Conaxniug, a Few New Materials llavlzig Locz~tl Amalr..~el;ic Effect, and, Re-I'mul-m on the 5ficoxy o;7' Local b-,.- K. Soebring~ pp, GERMAN: par Archi4~. 137pev Fathol -und, lllfamak~ ,C-f-, T 17n) Dept of Comerc-.- Patent Cfficz~ Sci Lib (6ift) Sci - Med t A 4 e'l jan 6o Ginzel. K. H. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOME GLYCEROL MERS POSSESSING ANTICONVULSANT ACTIVITY. 119601 Bp- order from ATS $13. 00 ATS-66&145C Trans. of Naunyn -Schmiedeberg's Archliv flirl Exl4erl n)enyleD[le] Pathoqogie und] Pharmakollogle] (Wmt Gennany) 1951, v. 212, no. 3/4, p. 331-33B. 61-12098 1. GlycerolB --Physiological effects 1. Ginzel. K. H. 11. ATS-66M45G 111. Associated Technical Services. Inc%, East Orange, N. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, Tr, v. 5, no. 2) 4 ;14 IJ G)MIUVIo por, Axch -Eqer Path- und Mar=kolp -1951. , Vol cCnllo Wo 3A., pp 207-234, 1939 SLA 59-178).7 Feb 60' X 'fl- f6l 2, no 16 Jung, F. and otherq. S"ETIC AZULENE. U. PHYSIOL001CAL ACTIV- MY. 1196418p (figs omitted) 2refs Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-14815 Tr-64-14815 1. lung, F. i 11. Title-, Physlological - - - Trans. of INlaun .5chmiedeberg's) Archfiv ~flrj ftlerimente] Pachfol2ge undl &Wmikolfve ],(West Germany) 1951. v. , P. Z55 -A4. Tr-64-i4814 Pfeffer, K. H., Ruppel, W., Staudinger, Hj., and Welssbecker, L. 1. Pfeffer, K. it. SEPARATE D13TERMINATION OF 11-HYDROXY- AND 11. Ruppel, W. 11-DESOXYCORTICOIDS (METHODS AND SOME RE- Ill. Staudinger, 11. SULTS) 119641 9p 36refs IV. ftlesbecker, L. Order from SLA $1. 10 Tr-64-14814 Trans. of [Naunp-Schmiedeberg'sl Archliv flirl, Exp[ertmentellel Path[ologie undl Phaftfiial~61[bglej (West Germany) 1952, v. 214, p. 165-173. (Biological Sciences-- Pharmacology, Tr, v. 12, no. 1) 7[17, . .............. ;P." A sinple wthod fbr the Heama-ement of bbt:LlitY In Moe~'by F. 610,Wmd., IL WUt 10 PP- (=4W# pu, IlaunWu SobsdoOAbm*al Ar~h Exptl. 'rjntho3 u WM.* 1952., pp 323- 326- SIA 3172 ju 0 Id. e. %51, Y The Effeft of Cptamf 32 Hamlogs an Blood Clotting, by Up Koll, 12 p. Ommp parp 1. .1 -.- ~ 1, 3.952,t Vol COW, No - PP 374 380- MA 60-3.0494 sci MY, 60 ~7 -7 Vd L No 4 f OPFL 1~ GMAN, p*rp Arcb E*ta Pathol u Phsi-emko"Ll, Vol On mut ~8-2rrB 804. Aug 59 Losscs of Effect of Convulsive Foicons DMI to Feynachlorocyclohexane., by Hana Eerken, L-Lmut N~zitzp I~geborG P-lempau, 25 Pp. rull' tran3lation. GMIMM, N.,r,, Arch eagr Path u FhtLxm Vo)- ccxv~ 1952p pp 2117-230. Bra Scientif Ic - P-ndicina SOP 53 cr, The,Yp.chaul.em of the Strengthening rand lefeakaning of the.Effer ,t of Sympothomimetic Amines by Cocaine and Other Drugs, by A, Flekenstein, ,H. Baaa~ 5 pp. GMUM, pvr, Arch Exper Vol CCXXI 1952, pp-153-0-15~-.' SLA Tr 57-1815 Jun 58 Dicterial Stimu)zmts Part IV, by W. Keiderling, F*. Wohler, 0. Wes-tphalp 34 pp Val ccivib 1.9 GMMAN,, per,, Arch Exptl Fathbl u Pha a, i'953o PP 293-311. SIA 58,180 Sci -Jul 59 Influence of Novocain Ganaionic Blockers on the Reflex Toxic Effoqtp of Digitaliop. by W. Busse, L. Lendle.,14pp. =M" per,, 4Mb Is= Path U Phwmkol Vol. cwm~ 193Y~:.Ipp 139-1w, S. L. A Scientif ic - YAUciae MS 68fifty 55 $X Influence of aangionic~.Biockera,, avwmiotics~ Novocaineo etc, on Pharmcoiggical Vmdting Reactions., by W. Buseas L. Lendiet 12 pp. 6. f. =Rep per.. !E2WAW~Path u Pharmnakols V01 ==o 7Mp PP lb9-17b- Sa Le As scientiric - mcaicine -11 CM 6B/May 55 ON110 W/ iKz The Nervous or Ymcular Point a Attack of Drugs Whi6h Act on the MAstineop by W. Buseep J. Wolfi, L. Lendle; 17 pp. Path u, Pharmikoll amw# per, Arch fog Vol am= M's PP 177-192- 0; L. A. Scientific - Medicine- CTS 68/M7 55 Are the Vasopressin, Antidiuretin and Oxytocin Three Different Substances or Only Action Components of a Single flormone Molecule# by G. Zetler6 GERM.,.per,, Archives for Experimental Pathology and Phormacologyp Vol CCXVIII., Ro 31 pp 239-350. /w/ 40~ ATIC F-Ts-86o2/m Scientif ic tied icine Rov 55 CM Pharmacological Analysis of the Blood Pressure increase Fxought About by Coraminie, Hintaminieo aud Nlcotlue in Anesthetized Catop by H, J, Bein, R. Mezrcr.. 16 pp. GEMW4, per, Arch Exper,, Path u Pharma%ol, Vol CCxrxP 1953-0 PP-2T3~483. SLA Trans 894 Sci - I-ledicine Biology Action of the Alkyl-trimetbylamonlum Salts on the Norml and Ilernervatod Museles of the Cat and Do& i by E, PbUIppotp M. J, D' guempe 1 23 pp. GZWO per Naumm-Schmiedebarg Arobly. fur Exper Path I pm;=-10707-mm Vol ccxx, Nm 9-46 Bdientific - Medicine X/ z Nov 56 ms FLEKENSTEIN, A. and BASS, H. 57-1815, The mec hanism of the strengthening and weakenhig of the effect of sympathonalmedc amInes by cocaine and other drugs. (Zur Mechanisms der Wirkungsverstarkung und Wirkungsabechwachung sympathomimetlscher AmIne darch Cocain und andere Pharmaka.) Arch. exper. Pathol. u. Pharmakol., 220, p,153-154, 1953. (5p.) Cardiac Action of a (~uinoxaline Derivative Com- pared With G-Strophanthin, Griatafolin and Yonoiadoacetic Acia, by J. TrIpoa) W. Schaler., R. Meier; 23PP.. GEM, per, Arch f Exp. Pathol u Phar*ql, Vol CCxx) 19 3P' PP- 9 -2t9v S.L.A. Tr 747/1955 Sci - Medicine April 1957 CTS/dex The Mechanism of the Strengthening and Weakening of the Effect of Sympathomimetic Amines by Cocaine and Other Drugsp by A. Flackenstein, R. Bass,, 5 pp. GMM., per, Arch Exper Path u Pham., Vol CCXXI 1954.. pp 1531711~- mH Tr 6-25. Sci - Medicine - Mrmacology Jul 57 62-17944 Fleckenstein, A., )Anne, J., and Me, M. PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHIC SEPARA71ON OF 1. Flackastein, A. ADENOSINE TRMOSPMTE AND OTHER a - pnke, I. PHOSPHORUS CONIPOUNDS IN THE CAFFEINE CON. M, Elkp, K TRAMON OF THE FROG AND TOAD REMS. IV. K-H-4520 119621 23p. V. Krerge-Booker Science Order hm K-H $28.75 K-H 4520 Library Associates, Detroit, hUch. Trans, of (NAunyn-Sduntedeberg'al Archfiv fdr) Ex- perlimenteiiel PatbloloStel u1jid) rhannakolfogicl (West Germany) 1954, v, 221, p. 401417. DFSCRIPTOFa- *Phosphorus compounds. OAdermine phosphates, Chromatograpbleardly" Separation, Caffebr., *lAuscles, Amphibians, Frogs, *Physiology (Chemistry--Awlydcal, TT, v. 8, no. 6) Offi- a(T"61W S~4,- 62- 22769 Taugner, R. EFFECT OF NICUI'INE UPON SPINAL CORD, a. Taurner, R. ( 19621 6ap. 11, K-H-3199-e Order f rom K -11 $7 S. 75 K -H 3199 -e M. 11resge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Trans. of jNaunyn-Schmledeberg'e ArcWv fUr D-1trott, Mich, Experimentelle Pathologle und Pharmakologle] (West Germany) 19,54, v, 222, no, 1/2, p. 214ff, DESCRIPTORS: *Nicotine, 'Spinal cord (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 8, no, 8) 014-f T.A.k.1 S ... i-, The Influence of the Reduction of Tom- on the Recovering Capacity of the Brain of Warm-Blooded Ani by H. Ganshirtux H. Hirsch, W. Mrankol, 23 PP. - OEM., per) Naunyn-Schmiedebgra Archiv) Val C=1Ix 1954~ pp IIH 5-13-61 sci - moa jul 61 1-3 -,0, J-~ey T'homd, 0. and Wick, H. SOME TETRAHYDRO-1, 4-OXAZINES HAVING Sym- PATHICOMINIETIC PROPERTIES. [1964) 14P (figs omitted) 18refe Order from SLA J1. 60 Tr-64-14811 Trans. of [Naunp-Schmiledeberg'al Arrhli'f fUrl Exp[erimeruellel Pathfoloide- ndl ft-t'Nftll~~ej (West C~rmzmy) 1954, v. 222, p. 540-59i.- -""' - TT-64-14Bll T%ornll' 0. wlck~ 11. Rele"Ing ActiOu Of MetalS on the Hydrazine-labibited 3nZ.WjVIc Oxidation of Cadaverine, by W. 80huler, R. Wier, 17 pp. WSM., per, Arch 2;xpe Paith uiY Fha=akal, Vol CaXIII 19540 Pp 169- 7 4 B.L.A. Tr 52A/56 Sci - Chemistry Aug 106 CortLooLds WLth Prolov4pd AcUoup by K, JuWamu, 7 ipp. G=US, parp Arab lqaT Vol ==p INV, -pj S.L.A. Tr 472/1956 Rew - ocromy 'F~ eo '41 Saientific - UadLeirks 7