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OiseMograDhe of Currents in IneitUtIng materialat by A. Gwmntm 12 p. GLIM, pox-, Arch fur EleLtrot"h) 1930f Vol WIlp wo 6p py 6834940"', SLA 59-4453 Sol Mar 60 Vol 20 No 12 /a ? /0/ 1Y B. van der Polls "Taking Along" Theory, by A. Andronow, A. Witt, 24 pp. GERHOp per, Arcb Haektrotech, V91 XXIV, No 1, 28 Jun 1930, SIA Tr 57-1192 Sci - Mathematfca Aug 57 t xnvcgtiga~iona of Condenser Transfoxvvier~ by A. Gemant, 13 PP- G MMT j rer Are .A~v fur Mektrotecbnik. 1930, Vol )Will I vo 6, SLA 59-15639 Sci Nov 59 Vol 2; No 3 Gas Concentration of Electron Bews, by IL4 Rogowski and 11. Graupner CEMAN, per, Archiv. fur Elektroteclinik, Vol. 26, pp. 807-810 (1932) 0,A,/Trans.-1044 FEB 71 The Calculatioa of Electrical Conditions in Single-Pbase: Self-Ewited Iwmrters (Series and ParaUel laverters),p by W, Schilling. - GMM.. per.. Archiv Ilektrotechs-40 27P 1931, pp 22 -34. Rm 96d bpa" 19 z I Sel - Blectro Feb 62 Materials, by T. Abhimp A. Gwout, GMW,, per.. Arob T4;~4 Vol M=i 1933P 1 r 9,~,!] f2 pp M-Ar. ,I o , - , 0 s ~ . - ~ 0., AW SCL-TJM 3ci - medrIcIt7 JIM 62 / -7 7, P.2 ~/ List 69 On the Distortion of the Voltage Curve Due to Electric Stress of Cable Paper and Its Importance in Long Telephone Cableso by R. Bauer; 28 pp. GERM,, pero Arch Elektrot9ch, Vol XXV111, No 5, 1934 , PP 274 Nr-,, ,, ~ SLA Tr 57.6--**- Sci - Electricity 3-;~ pj-~ Aug 57 k Ca t1w'SP4 Lag ID Oil With aW I Electrode Sp=ImG: DY He s XIrI934P Nat'l Res Ca=11 Camda = 173 -TUI CTS/m P4ca 0450 Inveat1gations of the Physical Froceseas In BlectrofilterIng, by G. Mierdel, 24 pp. UNCLMSIF=D GMW,, perj, Archly :GMaktrotaebuik.. Vol XXIX,, No 3o 1935o 9 pavy Tr ir.,74 /mL 4 94 / ~, 6 e1 0 UOVJA - 001 Scientific - physicat Electricity A Study of the Frequency States In Anto-ControUed and Auto-Driven'ftrallel Invertm in Sbdl-far States of Resolmee) by H. U. Neidbardt. t G=Wp per, Archiv ZlekftVt&ch., No &,$ 3.935,, P.9 241-2"j8. - L '' - - L : ' ' IRAN 969 1'f ?, , 4 :& a' Sci - Ucctro reb 62 calculation of the Leakage 0 Field of a Condenzer Whose FiAld Is Idmitad by a Dlaphragm~ by Ro 11pr- Bog. GWYAN., perg Arch Slektrotechp Vol =p 1935P pp 790-802 - ASLIB-0-43 Sai -7/,O.Z 1e,74 Aug 58 'I Jyh Out-vay, cij-,CnIZA-blva fl -e I)y E. P. A.9 NO 2, pp OLA set Mar 60 Vol 3 p T Iho Almr-natiag Field in Sammed Massive Iront by G. HabarlaA F. Mberland. GERMAN, per, Ita. W Eld=Mchnik. Vol 30, pp 126-133,1936 92296,52 AEC AI-Tr-85 sd-Elec Nov 65 291,94a O~ a CoutroUaae Cold Cathode oselUograph opera- ted ulth an, Awdliary Diachugay by P. A. Beaker., 25 pp. GM=j perp Arab Pm".944' Vol XXX,# 21, Doe 1936p pp 791_rM.~- Sol . Blec SW SIA Tr 57-2158 iia 58 mmuring -Divuwro -for gap (Paue) 2ft VOlt4gw o PILrt r[- 2M CoiftitaRm DIVI&W.. by Vnbelm Rote# 25 pp. ONSUAC n", Arab nokUrUch, va =a, 1937, PP ~ F32-7W- - '_ --- AM SM-T-341 got - Ilectrw /,0j I ~3 - MY 61 Tbeoratical luvestiptim of ibs DiTeat-voltap Oorm Lu a Cm=lol CullaUr Fleldy by He Prim. GUM; pmp Archiv far HlektxvUcbnL&p Vol =,q 1937p yp R I I I 756,01M0 ------ Dayb of interior T" M7 so 6w Od - meetronias An 63 01 ) q, c~ -? ~ On the Heating of Punctiform Contacts at Couetaut Lh=out Load.. by A. Ammscut 24 pp. . h,,Vol XXXIIIs No )I; GMM., per., 4=hJUzktroftc 1939,, pp 2614%8. SIA Tr 57-6h7 Sci - Electricity W~-ilj Co W,-, Aug 57 mjfhakM PIEWO D11rind PwiOn ana Vaporizaiion of Wires at Ver'y ligh. Current Densities, by Joachim G=Wj. pez; Arch. Matrotech., Vol xMan, go lo', 1939s pp Assoc Teab 3v -7- 3MG Sci - Pbysical Cbanistry,Ejec'tptiti~ 33, to4lb 7 High-Power Oscillographs With Sealed-Off Braun Tube, by B. Borries, E. Ruska, 25 PP. GERMAN, per, Arch Blektrotech. Vol XXXIV~ No 2~ 10 Feb 194o, SLA TT 57-314. q/ Sci - Electronics Sep 57 An Investigation of the Condenuer-Welding Pro- cess for the Purpose of Obtaining HiSb Temalle Strength.of the Welded Joint in Eard-Drm Alumin= Virea, by 0. Hohmet 50 pp. G&RM, per# Arch Blektrotachp Vol XXXV, So 8p 19410o PP 425-445~.U_~~-~74Y onlY) SIA 57-2772 Bei Aug 58 Latest Remats in the Theory of Unear Notworkap by w. Cauer,' 25 pp - ==, per, Arch Blektrotach, Vol WXf, No 12, IM7.""' 1940p pp 689- -4%~ EA Tr 57-974 Sci - Electronics ';~ - Z Jan 58 J TT-63-2M Zi*^ Oft FUNDAMENTALS OP THE DETRIMITION OF 1. zinke~ 0. cunwr AND VOLTAGE ON AxrmNA& IIMI 141p) 9r~b Order from SLA $4.6D TF-63-2D3% Trans. of AUMV Air Md=Whrlk (Germany) 1941, T. 35, P6 W;;K_ DESCRIMRS; "Antema radiation pauum, Antems, Samic curem, Mwtdc potmtlaL Distrihalon, Partial diffiLratial equatim, Vemr awlyWo, mectrica impedance, mectromapedc wain. After radudvg the field variables T- amid $ to the vecwr potmial W and a scalar potential f , the tratiambsion sqxdons at the radiating antma are derived in O:mct form aW conVared to the usual dmry of two-wire trammission 11ries. Based oa do ratio of the vector (Evneertar-Electrowc, TT, v. 11, no. 1) (over) 01ke Techkal 62-16610 Ruble, F. BREAKDOWN STREWM OF MI=RES OF DIELEC- I Ruble, F. TRIC LIQUIDS. 18 Mar 49, 12p. (figs. tables ornined) 7 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-18610 Trans. of Arcbiy_fm Eleldrotechnlk (Germany) 1941 fv. 35, no-T-85. 4YU-Wi. DESCRIPTORS: OLiquids, Dielectric iffoperti-, Mixtures, Electrochemistry. 'Dielectrics. Measurements of breakdown strength of mixtures of dielectric liquids are reported. Studies were cooducted on some saturated hydtocarbons, arorriatic hydrocar- bm and their halogen derivatives as well as %mlous ralaeral oils. lle tests were pedomed with 50 cycle, a.c. (Author) Me ef 7Kk*A Wm (Chernistry--ftsical, 17, v. 9, no. 7) The Uish-Voltage Potential Dividor for Cathode Ray Oscillograpbsp by H. Uoblp 20 pp. OMOU411, per., AArch Blektrotech, Vol MV,, No .11,, 1941,, pp SIA 57-2326 MY 58 on D-C Polarized A-C Cholm CoUs and Their Reaction, by T. Bucbholdp 47 pp. GERWWj per Arch fEkej;twtechp Vol xKMO No 4p 30 Apr 1942: pp SU Tr 57-2264 Sai Aug 58 .-L ; GERMN,, per,, A:Lch;L VOL ,'G'TVIj NO 8. 1942, jau 62 Vol ill.~ 1170 10 TT-64-14623 jaue, Erich. THE FLYWHEEL BRAKE PROCESS THROUGH 1. josve, E. VORTEX CURRENT. 119631 30p order from SIA $2.60 TT-64-14623 Trave, of Archiv fUr Elektrotecimik (West Germany) 1949, v. 39, no. 7, p. 472-499, DESCRIPTORS: *Flywheels, Nagnetic brakes, Brakes, Heat transfer, Design, Effectlyeness, (Machinery- -Machine PanB. 7T, V. 11, no. 10) 0 T.Chnkal 1-1-S Synthesis of Artificial Long Line and Amplifier With Negative Impendance by Means of Pad's Approximation Method, 21 pp. GERMAN) pery Archive of Blectrotechnics, Vol VIII, No 4, 19 59, pp 59 5 - *NASA TT-F-134 PL-480 Sci Feb 63 Fischer. PERMANENT MAGNET& THEIR PROPERTIES, DIMENSIONS AND STRUCTURAL ELE.MENTS.119621 15p. (I table 10 figs. formulae omitted). Order from SLA $1. 60 62-18166 Trans, of Archiv f6r E:-,,zzrotechnlV. (Germany) 019, v, 39, no. 5, p. 3:1-7-340. DESCRIP`rORS-. *Electronic equipment, *Magnets, Magnetic materials, Magnetic properties, Structures, circuits. 62-18166 1. Fi9cher, J, -Magnetism. '7r, v. a, no. 9) 061-f T-640 S-i- ReallsFitlon cf Llwpr Teo-Taidml Circuits- I and n, by ibi-tq ino a pp.. MOMp pterp himb Ueetwte&p Vol v No 6p 19491 pp 30-373. ' - MA 51-SM set Jul 59 Rep1IzntIon*of Idnear Pbur-TermimlCircuith of Given Frequency Marectertsties Waving fwEqaal CoU lo~sses end, Equal Con-defter I"M. IIY, by NAI-tp Ming) 22 py. GERMAN, per, Arch Ble,ktratecht, VolI Ito 7., P 459 - MA 57-3%0 sei Jul 59 'r39' 62-16722 Breftl[ng, W. A GRAPHIC METHOD FOR TRE DETER14HAIlON OF 1. Breltling, W. THE MOST FAVORABLE OPERATING POW OF PERMANENT MAGNeT SYSTEMS. 119621 Sp. (refs. tip. ondued). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16722 Trans. of Arch[iv] f[Url Elektrotlechnlkl (Germany) 1952, Y. 40, no. 6, p. 366-369. DESCRIPTORS: *Magnets, Magnetic fields, Statistical analysis. (Phyalca-MagnetIsm, TT, v. 9. no. 1) Ciro d Tedgkil Stivku 62- 2) 1 -16 salka. CALCULAI IGN OF IMPULSE-CIRCUI FS. fl 96-21 1 1 P. 1. Salka, C,,. (figh. formulae tables refs. otnitted). AVatiable on loan front SLA 'rrans. of Archiv fUr fl-lektrotechnik (GerManv) 11)~I, v. 4 [ [no.' I I p. 11- 27. DE~CRWTOR,S: *Gi;cuils, *Wiringdiagrams, .Maflii~rnatical analysis, Voltage. 'HIL-1-0 is fil]OW11 a Cly f01- IIIE! jOiflI CnIC1111ition ()' a P"' Wiva[ impulf?,c Aaves which are produced by a CLK circuit or a combined CR circuit (without Q. The clarity there is achieved by the introduction of a new coefficient of the aperiWicity. For those analytical functions whose numerical evaluation can only becarri out in a time-consuming manner or not directly, theree'l (Engineering--Electrical, have been constructed auxiliary curves. Finally, the 17, v. 9, no. 3) calculating procedure is illustrated with the help of Offict of TedhaLsf Services some practical examples. %Author) The Performance of Co-AxUl CaKee With Disc Spacers at Fmqmucieo Above 1000 W/o, bY G. Gunther., 7 pp. GMM, per,, ArcMv fur Rlektrotechnikp Vol XLI3 NO ij pp RAE Farnaborough Tr 538 Sci - Electronics., cable4radar equipwnt wave guides 3/j 36 7 The Porfon=e of Rellcal *sbrout Co-Axial Cable In the Nequenq Range Abm 1000 mc/s. OY I Thdout 33 YP- OMMO pal ArcIdy fur MektriAcchulk, Vol XL1,j No 1., 1953,, pp -454---m-1- RO I?mborou& Tr 528 Sci - Electnuicol radar equiymntj wave guides, S/ 36 r The Bobw1or of Cables vith Vu7lm Cbme- terutl= lqmdem for TolovIvion and M - IF Rasess by IL Kaden., WMM,t pwj, Archiv dw M&NARkbt Vol 'To No 4p 19531, PP 191-10- CM/D.A. Tram 518 SOL-Elec Seyt 69 391P593 The Underwater Spark as an Acou-;- Impulse Source, 'tic by He Drubb4., He He Rust, 18 0.. GERMAN, per, Archlyfuer Eliktrotechnfl~, Vol VII, 1953, pp 429-440. 9220859 A.C,SJ.L. Ti 1440 Sci - Electron. May 64 258.,996 6 The Equations of 01cination of an Idealized R. Vo fft=former, by J. Vitins. OMAN,, per., Arch Mkkt-otechp Volgolm, wo 6j 19540 jj7#~~-3ie.' ASLIB-0195 Sci . v Aug 58 7/ Concentric P/4 aonfttors as a boba for VAwuring Mobmdml Vibmtion., by E. Carlembe. GO".. IW.,,*c4v * MmktrcUObwxs VOI nn.9 NO ljo .1955., ppr >"A4* calao lki - mw 1/ 71 J" Oct 61 f Contributloia to the Enct Ybesurcont of Alteruating CurrentsO by G. Trautner. OMM, perp lk- - ~-WIIA- Vol XLIIJ No 2j, 19350 S9 99 T.I.L. T.4674 act - mactriew 36.4 M Aug 19% A Coutributtou to the Theoretical RepreseutatIon of the Babavl= In Operation of Thermal Relaaaes, by J. Wchdorfer, C-MPAN, per, Arch Elektrotach, Vol XLII, No 20 1955, P I ASLIB 013 Sci Jul 58 ~ 9~ 7-~ 7 The Doppler Effect jr, jonospLTria P-10PagatiOny by 5,, Baeouskif S. JaGiur, 1;12 MOL Ejej- 01. %,?: 7,!o 21 .O,tj,,3tov 1956, pp 3i~3'- PAS 793 13C.i - aeophya J= 5 9 T`m., nd Iii 1 1. u,,,ur,,wut L to I .,~ . l4etworko by gQans WE Seewundiwtono, lvi 'Struatt; S. F. Sjuat Il pp. Ulk,"U'L f,32MMAII., Par, Archiv fucz, l,- 1956, fjp-155'.-'fW.'-djb~-co3- -Li , X ACGIL 1027" scl - Blectronica 59 IFb te Air-Gap Therml Resistance of an Electrical Machine, by J. Bak. GEMN$ per, Arch Blektrotech, Vol X111t No 5j 1956., p-1) 25r-2~72.-- '- R.A4E, Farnsbarough 569 scl - DO I Ing '0 f-6 Mar gggeer J 57 /dex The Ratural Pield Extror iu tim Ybaourimaut of the Taugential Fiold Stnaugth in Ivou by Mamr, of the FAll Effects by F. Kuhrtj W. Eartel, UNCLISSIFMI; 053RHM Per. Arrb fuer Zlekt'potechnlk, Vol XLTT,, r1c 7p - - rtav Tr 1658/bu4hiv; 646 Sci - Physics Par 58 I 62-1828t Eldinger, Adolf aiYJ Rieder, Werner. '111E BEHAVIOR OF THE ELECTRIC ARC IN A 1. Eldinger, A. TRANSVERSE IMAGNIMIC FIELD (.MAcNETic U. Rieder, W. BLOWING), [19621 67p. 109 refs. Order fron. SI-A %. 60 62-18281 '[Ck -1 Tr,ui-,. N!" ArChdV fUl- f frOWC1131A, (GLrn" y) 1957. v. 43, no. 2, p. 94- 114. DE'SCRIPTORS: "ElectrIe arcs, *Magnetlc (NdB, *Phimiia,phytAcs, Svitclics, lltctiiiez-~, A, rumani'~!,, Cathodes, Hall effect, Statias, Dynainics, Bibliograiihy. 'llic belinvior of die electric arc In a transvert~e maneuk field ia described In thu liglo of previnut; publications and, above all, on t1w basis of comprehensive Ix.-raonal investigaLiuns. Not only are the physical data to be coverLM as accurately as possible, but algo all essential information on the naagnetic blowing which is frequently used in the construictLon of switch gear is to be given to 0111ce 0 TtchaluJ Senim (P'.iysics-- Electricity, '17, v. 9, no. 5) (over) I The Hall Generator as a Four Pole, by F. Kuhrt, If. Hartel GERMAN, per, Archiv fuer Elektrotechnik, Vo. 43, No 1, 1957, pp. 1-15. NTC 69-10616-09C (',c c ~ Sci-tha July 69 386,736 - i'~~ IN -4 r I ~ t=. - BlUt-ibUtIl-ii ia COZAR~tOrrl With In'tari" coollago GEM2 perp Arch lifttratach, Vol xLlns la 5911 pp Th Sci Vqa; Mt 58 On Electric Current6.Induced by the Geomgnetic Field in ~Ioviag River Water) by H. Buchholz, 45 pp. GU=I per; Vcbiv fur Elaktroteckinik, Vol XLIVp No 1, 1958: pp 12-~I- siA 6o.lo996 sci OTS' Vol III; No 7 Nov 60 61-18368 M51tgen, Goitfrjeti. THE REACTIVE POWER OF THREE-PHASECURREN't 1. Wltgca, G. 0ONVERTERS WFM UNSYMMETRICAL CONTROL. 1,958 [281p. (5 refs. omitted). Order from SLA $2.60 61-18368 Trans, of Archiv Mr Elektrotechnik (Germany) 1959, v. 42, no. 5, p. 272-285. DESCRIPTORS: *Current regulators, Phase Irans- farmers, Voltage, Electric currents, Direct current, Control. A short explanation of the principle of unsymmerric con- trol is followed, first, by the calculation of the re- active control power, and then by the derivation of the suni of control and colliffititatifig MICtiVe IX)Wvr for 111C unsymmetricai control range, ( Author) (Engincering--lAcTirical, TT, v. 7, no, 10) .ific Dra-;,illfzll c "a Field Distribution md SPcc Eddy current BI'akcs) by A;..Iur Gi~an, 34 -PP- GUMM,I, pej,, Arch ZIektrotecllj pp 13i-!45. AEC Tr-41011~ sci jun 6o 'I'- ,.,-,oory of an AG Circuit ConUdaing an kc., ):!, by 0. Loh. :'t'rK'C,f-M, per.. Archiv bwr Mektrotmchdk Vol 'a---Xv, No 5, 1955~�, P. 318-329. OBIRO Sci - Electron Jun 62 ~, 2, 0 J, 3, 3 -J HIM AS-101 ~'64KO R-%3~-D 1 18 NDv 6r, Obaream Manw ties Laafwbiemf"s aut dio kusbild=g mi Bm&gW vm M&tbvOmft2Ounktw By.- D1* Hem, Duftstaft hm AW11V FM S=1VTWME V. 45 03(1959)1 18E6207 (20 PP) Owmn - eat for wds-. Type I o2,44nal wd I curb= copy* OD n*t iralude arar ftrts, givoe, dxowbgs or pletum Pdt captions aLt the md. Ekt do Include all fomulas ar4d tablon. An Attempt at a Mm Aomrate WIculation of the Graph of Taiaparattwe-Mse Against Tim in 'Aactric Vhi:bines With the Pid of 33at-Soxwce ConfUgurations.. by A. Ressler. MMIN, pers Archiv fur Mektratechnik, ,101 ",T-7, No is 3-960, pp 59-76. CSIRO 3ci - Nngrs Electron 2, 0 .9, juu 6- -2 The Developmaut of CowLeftut Approximate Relation- ships for Unsymtrical Mort Urcuits of the SyuWnvwu I &Ueut Pole Mcablue; by L. Fannalram. =0j per; kcbiv fuer ZUktroted~uUj Vol XLY, 190 2, 1.96o, "' '- "' RM Tr 'No 10a Sci - M.Ce SO 63 -fvj,,6 /Y Hm As-M 66-IL5(a) A.62%.D 28 lbv 65 Ditwalmmon of the 4twum moor Tm"lutig M" By; M* How% DWAStadt Fm-. ARKIV FM V. 45), 10:46,6-478(13pp) auww - ad fbr uds: Type I angtol aid I Mat= oW. Do Mt IMIUde mW dmU, gisoag ftimbp or plebwas. PUt captims at ths wd. Do bdW~ &U ft=Ws W Ublo& Rvt vor W* He"* Dowtaft i6w mm m rImmfmgMl 0, 46, #11961tafi'149-171 ri3 PP ) Gmw - C-A for Vag: W" I *mwa-o~ wW md I calrbm oopy. Voewmmt mV be wA fw pmte-up. Calmilation of the Beating of Elootwic CoAductors With UmUlm Cwsa-&ftction and Mterlelf by J. ldrabdorfert 7xulrvzwmm et al, 43 pp. OMMI, par., Ar&iv-fuoz-MmXtm-toclmihj Vol XLVIP No 4., 3L96lt pp 22-2W.--9 M(*l M= Bao Lib Sci - Bleotrm Jun 62 THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF ARCS IN AN ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUIT, BY H. KOPPLIN. GERMAN: PER, ARCHIV FUER ELEKTROTECHNIK: VOL XLVIII NO 1: 1962, Pp 47-6o. BISI 2900 SCI - ELECTRICITY OCT 62 LIST 154 z14,81o A %v Principle in Generating High Voltages ~y Rolf Wideroee . 24 pp. - A, ~~1, -461-&l yer Arch. Elektrotech., Ib a, PP 387-U, AEC-tr-5878 C-4~'Z- C Sci - 41hyd' Oct 63 Air Content and Distribution of Air Spaces in Laminated Dielectrics. 1. Investigations of Discharges in Individual Air Gaps With External Alternating Field, by W. Boeaing. GEMM, pert Arch. Blektrotech, Vol 48, No It 1963l pp 8w!U; 16-- =.�227063 AEC SC-T-64-2004 Sci/Electronics May 66 300,485 Mean Value Generating Systems in Auto- matic Control, by A. Weinmann. GERMAN, per, Archiv fuer Blektroteclinik, Vol 49, No 6, tP65~9pp40598-406 NIC 69-10633-12B Sci-Math 386,823 T.. Is .. 01 A Yne "I$-2 A Gemmium Double Base Photodiode and Its Applications,, by,A. Ambroziak, 45 pp. POUM. per, Archiwum Elektrotechniki A No 110 1962j, pp 11518. ACS1 1-9245 A ID 2204009366 Sci-Elect May 66 299s671 Equivalent Circuits and Properties of Transistors With Current Carriers Multiplication, 45 pp. POLISH, per, Arddwum Elektrotechniki, No 11, 1962, Fp' 229-245: ACSI 1-9245 B 10 2204009366 sci-Ekoct Hay 66 2990672 synthesis and Zoue Melting of Gallium Arsenide, by A, Gajda,, 45 ppo POLISH, per$ Archiyum Elaktroteftikio No 11, 1962* Fp- ACSI 1-9245 C ID 2204009366 Sci-Elect May 66 299,673 Properties of Natrices of Transistors With Current Carriers ~Iultiplication by A, Filiftowski, 45 pp, POLISH, per, Archiwum Elektrotechniki No 11, 19620 pp 75r- Z ACSI 1-9245 D ID 2204009366 Sci-Elect May 6,6 2990674 Automatic Frequency Correstion Cirmdt for a KlystTm at 3 Gi Band, by J, Twarowski, 4S pp, POUSHs perg Archivum Claktrotechniki, No 1l,, 1962j, 5 80-822,~ ACSI 1-9245 E ID 2204009366 sci?.Elect May 66 2990675 The Effect of the Time of Allpying, on Some Properties of Germanium Tunnel Diodesi by B. Mroziewiczv 45 pp. POLISH, per Archiwux Blektrotechnikif No 11, 1962: op829-831. ACSI 1-924S F ID 2204009366 Sci-Blect bilay 66 299P676 On the Corrolation Between Crystal Orientatim and Some Properties of Tunnel Diodes, bo B, Mroziewicz. 4S ppo POLISH,, per, Archiwum Elektrotechiiki.- No 11, 1962j, pp 832-834. ACS1 1 9245 G 1D 2204009366 Sci-Elect May 66 29902677 TT-65-12235 Field 9C Bader, W. TOPOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF MINTED CIRCUITS AND 1. Bader, W. ITS SOLUTION. 29p, grels. Order from SLA: $2.60 as TT-6S-12235 I Trans. of Archl"pr Elektrotechnik ffest Germany) v49 n1 p2-12 1964. MR 626 A)mn a CerWn NonWametric Dbdce for dhe Demedon of Birawy (Radar) SIgnals, Py Js Le KWliwwsldp 13 ppe POUS%per, -Arch Elektrowdirdld, Vol 130 14 - - p pp 1%5-24* YD97873 FTD TT-65-Wo sci 2U1527 MW Some Problems of ftthdcal Hodmates of ReM=E% * SL Firkwkz. 16 pp. FOR OF MCIAL USE ONLY POLM, per, Archiv= Mgaeta% Vol Xul, NO 1, 1904. VOVW74 FSTC 381-T65463 ACM 1-7871 ID 220403%65 Sci - Math ion 06 294,451 A New Infrared to Visible Radiation Converter With a Photronic Cell and. a Germanium, Photodiode, 32 pp. POLISH, per, Arebiwam Elektroj�chnikL Vol XM, No 2, 1964s, pp N7;27r. -9T9-55-73 FSTC 381-T.64-8 Sci - Elec Jan 65 270,928 Prelidnary Mousuroment of, Paranctors of, 11iorwistor Infrared Dotectorso, by Ep KuZMa* POLIS14, pors Arcjjjwui3 Ejoktrotechniki. Vol X111, 140 Ts' 119-4 7p 725-"7'21'# *FTD-17-65-1725 ~ici - Elec NOV 65 Geometric Fourpole Representation of a Double Transformer, by Johann de Buhr, 13 pp.- GEM,IAN,, I)er,, Arch Elek Uebertrag Vol 10, 1956, I)p 45-49. Ar-.C/SLAC-T-r-91-69 Sci/E-lec May 69 377,476 Problems of Aftereffect Phenomena in Vidicon Tubest by Walter Heimann. 11 pp. GEMM, perp Arch der Blek Uber. Vol 10, No 2, 1956, pp 73-76. NASA TT F-139069 Sci-Slec Oct 70 Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a Parallel Plate Medium With Arbitarily Thick wrid Lossy Plates. by P . Thust. GERM, per Arch.Elect. Ubertr. Vol. 16, No. 1.1962 pp 42-50 h4GIRNG Sci - Aug 67 337-236 t-) P-- Co- 4 (LB/Cr-3055) 5TYPES OF WAVES IN MAGNETICALLY FOCUSSED ELECTRON BEAMS. GPoetzl, Hans. 10Translated bN W. G. Stripp (Atomic Energy Research Establishm.ent, flaivell, Eng.), from IsArch. Ele Uebertrag.; 19: 367-83 (19 65). 2VI 6p. 4 Dep. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). 26particle accelerators; translations 2T20G 28,11N-28 2~NP NSA is English Title Unlawon, by W. ROIL