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62-18718 Kirmse, W. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CARBENES. [1962] 1. KIrm8A W. (121p. 91 refs. Available on loan from SLA 62-18718 Trans. of Angewandte Chan-de (West Germany) 1961, v. 73 [no. 51 p. L61-166. DESCRIPTORS: *Carbenes, Production, Chemical re- actions, Decomposition. Elimination reactions, Addl- tion reactions, Molecular structure, Electron trans Itions. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, Y. 8, no. 9) off'-i 7..h~ic.l S_".. 61-22916 KeM W., Cherdron, H. and others. POLYOXYMEIRYLENE& 11961120P. 1. Kern, W. Order from ATS $34.75 ATS-93MIG 11. Cherdron, 11, 111. ATS-93WIG Trains. Of k 'I&m ~mfte ~Ojjgej (West Gennarry) 1961, MAssociated Technical v. 73, no. 6, p. 177-186. Services, Inc.. East -Dranpe, N. DHXRIFTOR-, Wethanes. SO 745- (Chemistry- -OrganJc, Tn v. 6, rA 5) 61-!9648 Bier, G. 1110.1MOLECULAR OLEFIN-MIXED-POLYMERISATES 1. Title: Ziegler catalysts PRODUCFD WMI rMPLOYMENT OF ZIEGLER- 1. Bier. G. MIXED CATALYSTS. [1961] 36p, 32 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 61-18648 T'rans. of dt_cj_Chcm[1QL(West Germany) 1961, no. , p. 196-197. DESCRIVrORS: *Ethylenes, Vropenes, Polymerization. Catalysts, Volymers, Malmular weight. (Chemistry- -Organic, '17, v. 6, no. 9) offiro of T.dwe.4 Un4r- 61-18"8 Braun, D[Jetrichl. MACROMOLECULAR ORGANOMFTALLIC COM- 1. Braun, D. POUNDS. fl%l] 1461p. 137 rds. Order from SLA $4.60 61-19688 Trans. c( 6pa"Lanjda-Demie (West Germany) M, v. 73, m k p, 197-2D8. MCRIPMRS. *Meta lorganic cmpounds, Synthesis, Pblynwrs, Bibliography. A syste7natic review Is presented which Includes the nurnerous Soviet publications In &is field. (Che-istry--Orpnir, TT. Y. 6. no. 9) TT-64-10717 Vetter, K. J. KINETICS OF ELEC'MOLYMC GENERATION OF L Vemer, )L ~ HYDROGEN AND OMM [1964)[66pj2lOrds Order f rom S.A $6. 60 77-64-11M ~ Trans, of Angewandre Chemle (West Gemany) 1961, v. 73, no. 9, p, Z77-290. (Chem istry- -Physical, TT. v. 11, = 12) 1 Gffl- f T-h.1-4 5-1 ... 61 - K oLwl. 11. . K la m a an, D. , a nd K ur zu-ndor fer, P. 6 -,- CON!;YITLTI'I('jN AND PROPERTIES OF SUR- 1. Kolix!L-11., FACrA\rrs. In. 'ruE INFLULNCE OF S7RUC- II ~K~amann, 1). TURAL ELEMENI'S ON THE PHYSICAL AND Ill. Kurzendorfer, P. INDUSTRIAL 1,PPLICATION PHENOMENA. 119611 1". Tille; Influcnee_ 16 P. V .ATS-95N533 Ordcr from ATS $23.40 ATS-9~5WG VI .A ivoclated Tvchnicul Services. Inc., Trang, (it Ang~2w[anOtej Chem[Iiej-(IV est Germany) East Orange, N. 1961, v. 7J, no. 9, p. ~NC-N& TI DESCRIPTORS; 'Dotergenin, 'WettIngapnts. (Chomintry--PhyAcal, TT, Y. 6, no. 12)'.1 S.w., 63-16222 Goubeau, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FORCE CONSTANTS 1. Goubeau, FOR THE CHEMIST. 119631 t4p, (table ornitted) 21 refs. Order from SLA $1,60 63-16222 Trans. of Aqgewan~,Ilelernle~West Germany) !961, ). _ 5.3071, v. 73, no. 10, p. 5-309. DESCRIPTORS: Molecular structure, *Chemical bonds. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, VibratiM *Infrared spectroscopy, *Raman spectroscopy, OBaron compounds, Fluorides, 01socyanatee, Methyl radicals. (Physics- -MoIecular, 77, v. 10, no. 7) OR* al Trdmkal Smica Supercritical I'later as an Electroi-,tic solvent, by r. U. Franck. GEMRAIT, ppr) Aii~-ewandt Chey-lie VOI 77/1 106 pp 309-32-P IITC-?J-108~3-07D Nov 77 62-12607 Fischer, E. 0. and Fritz, H. -P. R-COMPLEXES OF BENZENOID SYSTEMS WM 1. Fischer, E. 0. TRANSITION METALS. (19611 25p. Il. Fritz, H. -P. Order from ATS $35.75 ATS-90N55G 111. ATS-9,01455G IV. Associated Technical Trans. of Angew[andiel Chem[iej (West Germany) Services, Inc. , 1961, v. 73, no. 11, p. 353-364. East Orange, N. DESCRUIrORS: 'Benzenes, *Transition elements, '7 Metals. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 9) Offic-1 T"W..l S-1c.. OF AUKAL~ 1,.DPIWI~~. 15 iM 14F~jp. 19,6 (!fs' fj r,jii '~L,A react;ons, OAD~alh ruiro. j!' ic CSj, 'f,tnjCp I laililcs, Oqanic comixunds , Valem-e, 'WfQ07 proNtlit's. (Chemistry- -inorganic, Tr, v. 10, no. 1) 63-10603 Sdwneiaser, M. and Mir" K. HALOGEN MMTES AND 'MEIR REAMONS: THE 1. Schmelsser, Nt CHEMISTRY OF TUE POSMVE OXIDATION STATES Il. Br9ndle, K. OF THE RALOGIM. 14 July 61, 21p. 31 refs. M. Title: ChemIstry Order from SLA $2.60 63-10603 Trans. of Angewandte Chemle (West Germany) 1961, v. 73, no. TY;-p-.338--391- DESCRIPTOIRS: *fWogen compounds, *0dorine com- poutids, OBromIne cconpounds, Obline compm4s, *Nitrates, Nitrogen campounde6 Oxycldorlder. Com- plex compounds, PhysIral properties, Chemical prop- erties, Clenilcal rcactlDna (Memistry--inorganic, TT, v. I(% no. 1) 61-20579 Lau, Hans H. PRINCIPLES OF CONFORMATION ANALYSIS. (1961] 1. Lau, H. ji, 25p. J24 figs. omitted) 165 refs, Order from SLA $2.60 61-20579 Trans. of Angew[andrej Chemliel (West Germany) 1,961, Y. 73, no. 12, p. j23-432. DESCRIPTORS- *Organic compounds, Ethanes, 11exanes Cyclohexanes, Cyclohexanones, Viexanones, *Stereo- chemistry, Isomers, Molecular structure, Electron diffraction analysis, Dipole moments, ThermoJv- namics, Spectrographic analysis. (Chemistry- -Organic, 717, v. 7, no. 2) 01fic. of ToA.1col Ss~vl-. Folic Acid in the Metabolism of Ont-Cabon UnItsm, by L. imicke. GMMA perg, Aripwandto ChWa, No 13, 1961g pp 449-480. CSIROM 6051 Sciachem May 63 -? ~, , , , Id ~ Lpft F. ad Tsdt% W&G. - 70 MOCHUWAL FUNDAMENTALS OF WE 1. 7ift ra"Cum rww "MTACSTATR Imx. 1"61) =p. (I ft=& 1. L4wk% P. 2 dftn. U *pW= 4 ub~ 3 Ap. am=" H. Thd& IL "rob. OWW &am RA $L 60 61-MM Tnw. d Ono" twat owwomo 1961, v. 7 % m IM V9lCRUqM OftdamiMy, SACoWN16 Awalic sunwrxm % t, h6 OV-Y &Cldl6 loarombons, a - - 1 --! 0 adk7be scmw, 9mayawl oymm. Moe WokWcal 5c4wAm--X=bwWltry, Tr, V. 7. um 4) T."..l $-I- ProblenlB --'-n the Chemical Synthezio of Polynuc-',r~~--- j Gides , by P. Cn-=,r) 39, Vh(. -V02_ T-T,111.j, 1"'' GERON, per, ~n pp 49-56'~ 9093624 pmc Sci - Chem Doc 61 62-10464 Bayer, Ernst, Hipe, K. H. , and Witsch, H. 0. PREPARATIVE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY. 119611 1. Bayer, E. (151p. 20 refs. II. Hupe, K. H. Order from SLA $L.60 62-10464 fit. Witach, H. G. Trans. of Angewancite Chemle (West Germany) 1961, v. 73. p. 525-530. DESCRIPTORS: 'Gas chromatography, Chromato- graphic analysis. ne applications of preparative gas chromatography are discussed. Examples are presented for separation efficiency, load maxima on columns. Specific exaniolos -with reference to etherified sugars ore described. The described gas chromatographic method ma~ea it poe- sible to rieparate a 50 m 200 gram rnixture of volatile substance within 10 to 60 minutes. (Author) (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, Y. 7, no. 10) Olfr- 0 T-hw"l File Chomical Process at the lUectrodes of gloatroahwdcal Sourcea of Current, by H. Bode. -Chm-l-a Mnn, iio ).6, 1961, WNU, per, jm-a Pi-) 553-,956(y. PM Lib Tm Do 991 Sci - Chm ILug. 62 Six Membered and Eight Membered Ring System In ., by Margot Becke-Gohring, 40 pp. Sulj~wr Chemistry GERMAN, per, Angewandte Chemle, Vol LXXMO 19610 Pp 589-597. SLA 63-18761 Sci-Chem. MarchhU 252,072 (12-109M Schildknecht, 14. and Vetter, H. COLUMN CRYSTALLIZATION. Paper presentedat 1. Schildknocht, If. Gordon Rescarch Conference on Separation and H. Vettur' H. Purification, New London, 28 July 60. [19621 1 Ip. III . Title: Gordon . . . S refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62- 1095S Tran- oc' Ange%%jandtcj Chemijo] (Wesr Cpertnan.v) 1961, v. 73, no. 17,118, p. 02-615. DESCRIPTORS~ *Crystallization, Nlelting, Alcohnis, DNT, *Purification, Fractionation, Separation, Crystals. A method of fractional crystallization and fusion is &scribed which, like column distillation, represents a true countercurrent process. The new separating process may bc, used to purify crystallizable corn- V)unds that melt ~%ifliout dccornposition and tosolvirat. (Chernistry-Physical, TT, v. 8, no. 7) (0 ve r) Office of TOC61C.1 S&rvicgB 62- MI. &T,ber, K and Mrk. H. F. POLYMMS AS ELECnUCAL CONDUCTIORS AND 1. SEMIGoNDU=F,s, (1962"1 11P. U. Mpui., R F. Order from ATS t 13. 45 An-17~58G T=a, of a,.e-m[icj (Viect, Gem jvq) OR , liw- 73, . no. 19, P. (414-46. V DE, I'llef-trical copdoctm." -7C)-(- 7 AT~' -( , 77. V. 7, M. 11) Conversion of Electron Excitation Energy, by H. Lippert, W. Luder, 35 pp. GERMAN per,, Angewandte Chemle, Vol LXXM, No 21, 1961, pp 495-706. NUi 12-vag-63 Sci - Electron Feb 64 250,186 A Layer laclusion Cwpound of W. Kaoliniv- with Uma) Ipj A,) Weifiroa 2 ppo GMIM, p,-r, Anaevmdtc Chelade, Vol Mlllp NO 22; Ilov a-sz6r$-P-Tj6.- Sai - Chem Dept ctf Commerce Natl Bur af Stmxla-,d5 j1pr 63 ."o X N,NI-TrimethylsUyl-Tetrzamethyl-Cyclodisil,azane, by Walter Fb*. GERMAN, per, Angewandte Chemie, Vol LXXM, No 220 1961, pp 736-737. 9694650 DDC RSIC-199 Sci - Chem Oct 64 268,312 Documentation,of Chemical Research Data, by W. Vaupel, Wilhelm Braun, 27 pp. GERMAN, per, Angewandte Chemle, No 23, 1961, pp 745-751. Patent Office Sci - Chem Nov 64 269,461 Is V-BIO-FMIYS, lilt-Bis-Imidazyle and Their DllsaOciatlOu Into Wlcals,* by 3. Zimermamn., ~i. Baumgwtel, F. 1% . FM G"IcIAL Lw oMM RMUP Perp.A%Vftudte Cbemle, Vol LUIXI) 1961, p 808. NaVY Tr 3082/AM T-274 Sat - Chem kpr 62 13pol 3 ~?/ 63-18791 ZubeT, H. mid Jaques, R. LSOLA710N OF SUBSTANCE P FROM CATME DRM 1. TWe, &69MWe P Osollerung von Substanz P aus RbAerhArn). [Nov 621 3p. 1. Zuber, H. 4 refs. U. Jaques, R. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10797 Trans. of Anwwandre Chemic Ovest Germany) 1962, Y. 74 (no. -61 p. ~W-217' DESCRTTOAS; Oftegm-edials, Biological assay., *Msue extracts, Brain, Drugs, CAttle, Fractionation. Subsum P, a smooth muscle stimulant, was Isolated from cattle *avln extract. The procedures used are The isolated fractim Incressad the activity I'll CeCUM. It lncr&vW the blood pressure ~d rabbIts. RWdy purifted fractions were 9s active an the isolated rat uterus and in I no protective action agabist strychnine. 'clences-BlochemisLry, TT, V. 10. no. 12) WD-1 Cd TeCWC*I senLes 7hin-Impr Mrmtogm_mby of Nucleotideo, by K. %nderatho 7 pp. GMM, Vero AM&Mndte Chpamime, Vol !=, No 14, 1962s pp- 4N--'IM-4 - No 12-9-62 Sei - Ned Feb 63 .~2 ";I ~, v 9R i 65,57 .'"d Schmidt, G. F. WNG FH'%~IODS IN S-I'M71CHE-1) (19Q1 (481p, 35refs. order from SLA $4. 60 (33 - [655? Trait&. of Nngewandte Chemie ~West Gernuiny) 1962, v. 74, 110. M,-r91--.562. DESCRLPTORS: $Polyethylene plastics, Deformation, Nlicrostructure, Crystal structure, Single crystals, Crystallization, Polymers, Fibers (Synthetic), Anneoling, DeriBity, Melting, "ExparAed plastics, Stretch forming. The m eridlonal interferences occurring in the small - angle X-ray diagram of stretched polyethylene are I produced by an almost periodic arrangernem of crystalline and disordered regions. The long period deftned by the mean spacing of two successive crys- (Material s - -Plastics. TT, v. 10. no. 5) (Over) alke M Tccknlc~. SvO~e~ 70-134B4-IIB Relchle, A.; Prietzschk, A. SFMNG PROCESS AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OP PERLON YARN. Angewandre Cbernle, Y. 74, p. 563-, 569, 1962. Order from NTC as 70-13484-118: HC $ 7,60, MP$3.80. Zatm, IL, HeldeovM G. and othm. SYNTHZnC FMERS: TRENDS IN PRODUCnON, DEVELLMENT. AND RESHARCH. [1963114P. Order from ATS ATs-a4QM T~~. of Ch iel (West C=many) 1962, v. 7 no. 16, P. 599- . DFSCRIMRS-. *Fibers (SyndLedc), Production, ImtusaUl research. 63-22199 1. 7AU, H. 11. HeWea=4 G. M. 7We: Trends ... TV. ATS-84qj9G V. Associated Technical Services. East Oimnge, N. (Materials-Te)aUes, TT, v. 10, no. 8) WE" W T.Wul Smi,-s Organo-phosphorus Compounds in the Treat-ment of Leukemia b-,,, 11. 'I']derh4, GMIIN, per ",rigew nd+,e Chemie, Ilo 1.41 211- jul 11-60, pp 495-496 3c-i - Chemistry 7 Nov 60 lome Spectroscopic Data Perte-ininx, to Probler;is of ID - Silicon Chemistr-, b- Y y Ti. Kriegsm-1.nn, IP. I-er, Angewandte Cheirie, 14) 2l aa !,-.60, p I~qq ~c,PYR 7~ Sci Chemistry 7 nov 6o Short Hydrogen Bonds [in Crystals]; With tirticular Regard to Perroelectricity, by D. had f, - '7 A,,Ig GERK.-Vrl, per, (uigewandte Chernie, NO 1~~, 530.,-- ~-4PR3' 6 61 Gun, IG14 Sci - Chemistry 7 !,Iov 60 Vae S~YtthaBi8 of the Diamond U., 'bY A. ~40U)IQUS. H. May-ert 30 wo. 4 GERI.'AW, per, Ciiemie, Vol I.I%XX, W.) 17: 119"-: pp.551-'557. Sci Lib 190V 59 TT-65-12442 Field 7E Schenck, G. 0. PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES OF PREPARATIVE RADIA- 1. Schenck, 0, 0, TION' CHEMISTRY. Paper presented at the Plenary Session U. Title. Plenary of the Society of German Chemists, Hamburg, 22 Sep M 48p, 89refs. Order from SLA: $4.60 as TT-65-12442 Trans. of A (West Germany) v69 08/19 p579-99 1957. 3) M11 633 z1ontificatim or us-Qnluu 71601w, Prrsucts Irvarwe'b Paper Chromtagmyhj, by H. Gottot Dorlo Fatze~. 20 DID. GERM Nsr AnVu Chim.. Val IA-U, 1957: pp 6241 Aw Tr 3634 Set - CLM MY 59 ~.// 426,5- 0 W.1 / luranitul Fisair-I., pr"'Cluetci IdentificatiOn 0 patze) 29 Vi" Chromatc8n,:Pb'Y) bY H- GOtteo 1) e r hc,~j i Lay, 9 L AS:C C~!,I Tr Reverae Trails G'rr"In to Frerc! F,~,b 5~ 63-22196 Goodman, L RECENT ADVANCES AN THE CHEMISTRY OF 1. Title: Terylene TERYLENE AND RELATED POLYESTERS. 119631 10p. 1. Goodman, 1. Order from ATS $10.75 ATS-9-,Q70G 11. ATS-95Q70C. 111. Associated Technical Trans. of Angew[andtcl Chemliel (West Germany) SeMces, Inc_ 1962, v. 74 , no. 16, p.- 606-612. East Orange, N. DESCRIP`I'OKS: *Polyester plasdcs, Polymers, Chemistry. (Chemistry, TT, v . 10, no. 10) olike .1 1"j.." &"4- Herrmann, 0. RELATIONS BETWEEN APPLICA'IION-TECHNOLXI- CAL CHARACTERISMS, CHEMICAL CONSTITU- T10N AND DEGREE OF SI'RETCHING OF PLASM FILIMS. (1962118p. Order from K-H $22. 50 K-H 12346 b Trans*ct Angewjg4dtej(~~em[lej (West Germany) 37. 1962, 1. p. 1 7. DESCRtP'rGRS-. Chemical analysis. ORlasticity. *Stresses, *Plastic filmi. 63-12989 1. Herrmann, 0. U. K-H-12346-b W. Kresge~Hocker Science Ubm" Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr, v. 9, no. 10) Me ol Ttth*W Smkn Ange te eme 1963, VoZ 75, No 2, pp 130-136 70-24196 ntc Polynuclear COmPlexes of Ethyl (Epho7y) Aluminum Chloride, by H. Scherer EUROPEAII, per, Arigewandte Cherdo, Vol 7-5,, 196'~>I D-D 246-051 1 ,-TC 11 mar 7Z Functional Silicon Heterocyclics. Report V. 2t 21 6, 6-Tetramethyl-2, G-Disilo-l~-6-11ydro- xyethyl)--l , 4-Oxathianonil.Lm Bromide, by 17. Simmler. '_FUROPEAIJ, per, Angewandte Chemie, Vol 75, 1963, PP 859. ITTC-71-16207-07C Jar 72 TT-65-12125 Field 6A Holzer, H.; Boll, %I.; Ceanamo, C. THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF THREONINE DEANUNASE IN 1: Holzktri~11. YEA-ST (Zur Blochemle der Threonin-Desarninue aus flefe), 11 Boll, N 17p, l7refs. W. cennamo, C, Order from SLA; $1.60 as TT-55-12125 I Trans. of AngMKAUgL p894-900 IV6. q.Chernie (West Germany) V75 D19 NIP 629 I TT-64-22288 Bestian, H. and Claw~, K. OLEFIN REAC11ONS WIM THE TITANIUM-CARBON 1. Bestian, H. BOND. 23p U. Clau3s, K. Order from ATS $19. 85 ATS-32R75G III. ATi-32R75G IV. Associated Technical 'Frans. Angewfandzej Chemlie) (West Germany) 19t3, -'ervices, Inc., v. 75. 227p--M~T-10~.- EastOrange, N. J. i~ TS - (~--J- (Chemistry- - Orpnic, 17, v. 12, no. 5) 1 0111ce of T-Wcal S-1- Preparation of Pure S-odituii . by E. DAL-). GEMvildi, per, Anrc-,.,ai-idtc Clicide, 7~7), jjj~. 1175-1176- I-ITC -7-12~152-0-,B Technetium Chemistry, by K. Schwochau, 27pp OMAN,, per, Angewandte Chemie.? Val 76, 1964, No 1, pp 9-19 SLA TT-64-30065 Sci - Nuc Pay and Nuc Chem June 67 327~553 Fl-,iorodielilorop.ietliylt',,,iio and Their Use in the Protection of Plants, '1)y -:,. Kuehle. GERIIAN, per, Laggewnud-te Ch Vol 76, 1q'64, PP '607-316. 'ITC 72-11225-07A 72 IL-cent D3v--lq%mttj< in bie- plasticzr by ii. IN-atersau cui,01ul, imcni. Qia,6 pp 909-919 9205 au,.,, 6 9 C!"wistry of Vol 76,, I-b 22# LIM.. 339l788 D4r,'N4doGj NY W. amr4l'A"# b , Appy Mm u Mm L2S.-Ttob~ 3a 61,19513 Ut PAN CM&S, (coaft) fm 793 Sol - ohm 4v 60 ell Methods of Dielectric Measurement, uy Friedrich Oehme, 3.2i-l Dp. GJUUQji, bli, Ang',wandto Clemic & Chem-le-, Dept of Comuerce Watior-'al Bureau Dr Sci - Engr Feb '02 s-gli/64 Research and Doctrine in the Fiel-a olf I~Otxology, by Heinrich Tooller/ 5'/ff - GEIIV~11, ri)'U-, Angewandte Foroclllm,~; in der Bundes,re,--ublill:-l- Deutschland, ij-P 7-_1)2. /;llZ/;3PECIAL/DC-1G'T,-'~2) Sci - MAI Sept 64 Tbo Zffect of CoUidm on Tatunuo Toxlut by R. SchW)ert p 16 pp. #0 * wo Vol Lu$ so i6t 25 Aug .tghgs pp 425-426. SIA 3M Jul 58 7 elf 6 6 1 MOM& K 63-17861 NEARTREMM AND CONTRoL oF GLAss FEmEm [19631 DaMA/Tr/63/12; = 56 1: Eklb*. K . Order from DGM OMRA-50 11 DMWMr/63/12 M Duum-50 Tram of Anpwomdra Men- und IV. BrLtIA Class Industry R esearch Aswc&dcgu DLSMMIMRS: *GlAw. CagroL Measurement o&terials-Ceramics, 7T, v. 1% = 8) emu 01 r1cwto Serdeas 6,6tL'll -~k ~. -)~ 7 C, ANGEVANOTE NESS UND REGELT9CHNIK 1964 V4 N9 P83-84 70-10963-13H New ways of polishing optical L;Iasres, by 11. Schroeder. GERIIAN, per Angew Me s a-Regel tech, uo VP, 1964, CSIRO/110 8017 Sci - Sep 67 .~ - 2: 0 , 25 -" (DC-4875) C~* :,-- ~--- -I, la Ci; =- en At Yisld of the Hoot Isportaiat Pland Cropap by Laszlo Finterp 24 pp. C=W-j Vol Ill., NO 3# ma Apr 1958) pp 77-92. im 6521 Mkw - &ramnv /,:~ F 4 ~, j " Ficon sports and Climate, by G. von Hentschal. GEMAN, per, Ang~w Moteople Vol 1110 No 5, 1958. pp 149-157. NASA 7T F-9868 U. S. GOVENRW.NT USH ONLY Sci.. Apr 66 298;647 1;7,alliod for the Determination of ChanL;-~:-, L of thc Wind Vector in the 200 to 300 m Atmosi~hcro i.~~vul jVbova the Ground, by W. Boer, J. Holblg, 11 nT,, GEMPT, per, Angav Meteorol, Vol 111, .1958, pp 161-163. SCL T-274 L I ,Tan 6o "W OT k I c. rkeprescrijxt4 170-1713'. jan The Role of 11ild Birds in the Spreading of Axgas Persicus in Bulga'ria, by P. Pavlov. per, Angew Parasit, Vol 5, No 3, 1964, pp 167-168. 11&~ NIH 2-79-66 (On Loan) EL-Gerinmy Sci/B&',.! Ap r 6 6 298,832 The Batanical Study of Grasslands in the Nether- lanclap by D. M. de Vries. GLUM, Per., Avgov PfloAzmozlojogie Peotschrift AAchinger, Vol IV" 1954,0 pp =-1m. CSIRO-3285 sci Aug 58 7k1 'z P- Y- Sergical *-.mmtmnt. 1. Ristory. Principke of th-I Difterent Methods Umd., by D. tmialopolu, 6 DI). YR=H., mowgmphs Ll Urire at ll'Avgim AM - Lap 1927t PY 332t .334-337? ~54?- 355o 357. SIA 59-15474 80i Do* 59 Vol 20 zo 5 Sjmd-"Mo OC Obliteration off thm ftm 4-Ifte Tradw, sYn&r,-= of Mextuolell-rabrap by -wr=ciow Rom -Rwa, 4 pp. OPAWMIP pwp hwinicam.. Vol X., xv-JUXI 3.958, PP -174. NM 1-25.~. Bel - Mod mw 61 / // /P ~/~ significan of kmisotrop1W and H=ogeneity for the Dete=ination of the Elasticity of Blood Veseles, by Victor Hardung. 17 pp. GMWAN,, perp &MiLlWea, Vol 1,, No 2. 19Q, pp 141-155. xm TT F-12,,6o8 sci-B&M Jan 70 400,30 Significance of Anisotropy aid InlicniogenEd-ty in Deterrdning the ElastIcity of Blood Vessels, by V. Hardung. Paj A //. FRENCH, per, klgiologica; ~01 1, 19643 pp 185-v6. NTO 71-14037-o6p , ~- /'q 'ka--~(~ 7 1 Feb 72 ANGOLA, PY MARGUARDSEN-STAHL, 69 pp. ~~Ul GEWAN~ -f6E*, kWLA 1928~ PP 22-30y 36-47., 52-66, &-101 ., CALL NO G8 333 m 35) ENG TRANS. ARW MAP SERV I CE MICA -~ Angola GEOG 20 AUc 62 207,80B Angola Yearbook, 82 pp. PORTUGUESE, PlamAuaUario, Angola, 1957/8 pp ~_racts 51-770. (Call No DT585.A59 1957/8 Eng Tr) Army Hap Service Africa - Angola Soc Apr 64 AvZola, 20 pp. (Abstracts) ywbk~ Impla - Am=lo,~ -,Lwmdci; ~ 19 23"'IP -3~ ---QM~, 20'6--210. W! No P 5 P 1957-1958. - PortSiern, W Africa Boo - -I- C.-I Activities of the Mationd Liberation Front of Angola, 21 p). FRENCH- mono, Angola Informations, No 8, 3 May I9U,' p p" 1-15. MRS. 252U Africa Pol Jun 64 261,300 Angola, Ports and Transports, by Eduardo Gomes do Albuquerque e Castro,, 62 pp. PORTUGUESE, rpt, AngolaI Portos e- Transportes, 1964. P500017967 Oept of Navy/0,11 Tr No 2228 Sci - Mech,, Industrial, Civil Marine Engineering Feb 67 COPYRIGIT 316,829 DC 191312 13 Mar 69 SP latrigaes in the Kremlin by Ivar Lissuer) Gemn., nspr,, Der Pagriff )22 Jul 1938, 1p Special Type "B":Traulatorl a draft plus one T.D. 20 Mar 69 source- do not mutilate page DC Gnum 19000/mm ~~Plj 17 Nov 63 OF a~ A an DNS aot ftut to DIC.Sp 8 b Yeabov Ejow-As the GFUF P 7 e)TVD the Mop 7 d) Intardim vith GewnI Lyw"wpP I oW,, Der Angdffp Berlin,, 8) 7 Jul 99 juitc)a juis d)22 JUI#1933# Special Twe"B":TISMI. dnft pl= one T'D' 24 blov 69 Wuve(pp)4io not mutilate, Dio Lab. T-6o3..l R-9079-D 18 jan 68 Estudoia Sobre a Imunopatologia da esporotricase BY: A. M. PMEIRA From: Anias Brasilo Dermtol. 39:34.41,, i,9C4 (8 PP ) Portuguese - est fox-4s: Mease taanslate and type I camera rea4 copy. Doewoent can be cut. Make cover as sample attached. T-03-i- Bu. of ReclamtIon 6 sot, IqM 7-D-766(3) PX4 U- r-TWIRTTWIT19 IT IL L-rjLtttUDD 11PIL" M-fim , u , aci Tj DO-i-TS IFOWVTI~ N fCCV-10 IMP IMPIAWI IM-Or I f utmiki A nidd (P Sa"lasione NAzionale lumm. so i~~ttr e Natributrial aft EnaMta fWltrlem) %.Wwt f RIMI, NO 180 vp 1-5og Wig %me )P) Langoges Itallon Fet for wdel. TrmulaW and tne I =mom z"k copy. Wt frm me avy wd the r*m the Oth= COPY lntwt* (WPI% 1"trucume attadVA) Poisow"AnIpBla 9f Porjmpl, by A, F. Bobrep 20 pi). PMMWMI pw,, Animals Venemsoo de FEMML1 Vol I,, 19280 pp 1-10P 39-55,- MU T-r 82-0 Scientitic - Biolow 4(7 1707 55 0191 IvIrl M/DU CqMleted lf380/70 DC German 16 Jan 70 SP InstrucLicos for Supplement and,Correcticn Service at 417a for Electomic Data Prooessing,(EEP .) ipt,, An-LeWingei-lur'.deh Erganzungs-und,Kcrrektur- dienst bei 437a furde EVD (2 pp) 1 - -- Y -Regulator. LastiuaUons for Ai9tallatim =a, 3-aeration, 23 PP. bk) ~s Aulf--itung fuer Mam =d Badienune, 1958. 5015 AM Tr-A ~,A - BMU 62 / / to,/ ,$;I167 Guide to Optical Investigations Using a Polarization Hicroscope, by I-lax Berek. GEMAH, bk, Anleitung zu Optischen UtersuchunCen mit Dern Polarisationmikroskop, 1953. 3066PP *possibly by Engr Res Dev Lab/ Ft. Belvoir. Sci - Phys Not pub. in CTS J un 61 Introduction to the use of Available Coi-Vutur i'3.'UgVIrS fUT S)"dOldiUg by ~. SaSSe. QUil.-AANS, xi-Ap Allicitlaig zur-I Gebraudi dor bei der Arbeitsixuppe 11 ur 9"O'docliUsdion Strt~ilemschutz zur VarfuLwi& SWienden Rcdicnpro,)ra),-iv. 1. saOtzen-Proj,,.rkv,ra Luid Grace I N)r 1964, *J'aic ORA-tT-1515 Sci/~ Ic , ~ Itik Jwi 07 .-ubstitution Froduots of MMM Citrio Acid and an !..ttempt to Synthesize the Latter, by Be Pawalleck~ 3 pp* ~bll trawlation. ,.MW,B, perp &vMI ) Vol C7.1XVIII, 1875, pp 153-155. S~L.A, '_scientific - Chemistry 941 Aug 55 00WArning the a Acid ethyl Mer and the Pareblamceue d Hat'hyl Rtbew, by Vjdk%lz Riebwd Anadbutzo WMin Ofm -hwYj 8 pp. Goal DW) o Vol 2M 20 1893) pp 56-63. BIL.A. Tr 1312/1956 Bel - amdatry -02 Peb 57 CM/dwt I/Y,~ < f Y The First Products of the Action of Alkali Metals on Butadiew, by K. Ziegler, L. Jakob, H. Wolthan2 A. Wenz, 30 pp. Full trawlation. GERX&N, perp Annaleup M Vol DXIp 19342 pp 64-88. SoL*A~ Scientific - Chemistry Aug 55 59 Stareocheridoal Studies: IL cis-1, 2-Dixetbyletbylena from Butadime-(10) (1), by K. Ziegler, F. Haffner, H. Grim, 20 pp. Full translation. GEMWI, per, AmIez, Vol DXXVIIII 1937, pp 101-11). S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry /) rl z -7 411, // 7' OG Aug 55 '--.! 113--awi 33,cll"' C'A' 1 ,~ U'. Cil) tlrznslation, GL-'il'IL'lq Per) Anu~ VOI DYIII, 193% P 283''. IS . i. ~ !. . Scientific - Chemistry ,// CTS 73./Oct 55 .~ a , il? I? I,/ Progressive Deballogenation of Polychlor 'L Compounda (1). On a Red Perchloro C6016 ands other Products of tha Partial hechlarination of Octaehloropropane., by A. Roedigp 19 pp. GEMNt perj !~Jl- Vol DLX3X; 195o, pp 161-23. SLA Tr 2o67 -I- L Sci - Chem J Jul 57 or&iniu cately.5to Nx-t 49. Hydraleve Activi~;.i Of thcl MAGIlic Salts of Orgftnic Acidn, Pgrt 2, 'hip 14, !!?~!vmr:toct, R, - . GIMMUM,, -porp A=,, Vol DCXIj, 1958: 1-7. ATS 233-.GJ S c i Nov 59 / &I a, 7 ~, J~' Tcrtiary Carboxonium Salts, by h. , 11 Mterwein. GERMU, per Armalen, Vol. 0'_" 2; 1960, "8 p ) -55 p GB 28 Sci - A ug U' 7 Coacerning a Sodium Uranim (V) iluoriie~ 1431W&O by Walter Rwdorff,, "wide Lcutmr, 15 pp. GM-Op perj, AnnaUn Chemie Leibiga AnrAler.,, Vol DC)=rr v AM-Tr-5205 Sci - Chm oct 62 AnnaZea de Vabeille 1963 Vol 6. So 1,, pp 35-52 ntc 70-24264