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61-12093 _1JUal G., Mazzanti, G. and others. LINEAft ISOTACTIC 1111GH POLYNERS OF ACET- 1. Acetaldehyde-Polymeri- ALDEIIYDE. [19601 9p. zatiorl. Order from ATS $11.00 ATS-30\1451 2, TLd',: tSkl[Alh Tulymers I . Natta, G. Trans. oll Accgernia] Naz[ionall [c deil Lincei. 11. Mazzanti, G Cj~j,sc [dij Fizd-.c, Matematicle cNatfurali]. III . ATS-30.%4451 tL~n4icont .ij (ILaLy)_!960, v. 2B, no. i, p. 8-17. IV . Associated Technical &~rvices, Inc., East Orange, N. Offi- al T.66-1 S-0- (Chernistry-Orp-nic, TT, v. 5, no. 2) 62- t 2966 Natta, Giulio. Mazzand, Glorglo and others. LINEAR ISOTACTIC HIGH POLYMERS DERIVED 1. Title: Stereolpecific PROM ALDEHYDES BEYOND ACETALDEHYDE. pol)7narftatlm f!962)8p. 13refe. 1, Nam, G. Order frrn C T--(C>.mn) $ 8. 00 C. II. Mazzaml, G. e0coqwnt coplets $I.W/ea. [11. urs(chem)-259 IV. C~ernicel Tranaloting Trang, a (Accadernis Nazlonale del Lincei. ' Service, PaloAlto, Callf, dil Sc(ilanza j F ll&fiche I Maifernatichei e Nat[urall 1. Rend [Iconti I y) 1960, ser. 6. v. 28, no. 1, P. I a- 25. D&&CRIPTORS: "Acetalaidshydes. 0AIdehydem. *Polyrnerv, PolyrnerIzation, X-raympectrum. Lattices, Crystallization. (Chrmlatry- -Organic, TT, nr,. 2) omc. of T"Wt.l 5~'l... Segre, Benismino. CONCERNING THE NMIBER OF ZEROS OF A 1. Segra, B. POUNOMIAL IN THE REAL FIELD, 1. (Intarnoal Numero degli Zerl di un Fohnomlo nel Campo Reale. I.). 1196219p. Order from SLA $1, 10 62-14844 Trang. of Accadlemle] Naz Ions le del I Lincel, Classe [dil ScI[enzej FIz[1chej lematiche e] Nat[uralij. Rend[lconrl) (Italy) 1960 leer. 81 v. 29, p. 1551-161. DESCRIPTORS: *Polynomials, Real variables, Determir,ants See aleo 62-14854 62-14844 (Mathematics, TT, Y, 8, no. 6) 62-14B53 Sage, Bealamino. CONCERNING 71iH NUMER OF ZEROS OF A POL- 1. Sagro~ B. YNOMI, IN THE RRAL FIELD~ 11. (Wornual Numero degh Zerl di un Polinomio nel CAmpo Roale. 11.). 119621 8p. I ref. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-14a53 IYani. of Acc4d[ -i-;N I] Liacel. Classe t t w Idi] Scilerizo) Fizlichc e 11 Natjura~ W1 Rend[tcontil ataly) (ser. 81 Y. 29, p, 225 - DESCRIFTORS, *Polyaomials, Real variables, Taylor's series, Series, Determinants. See also 62-14844 (Mathematics, 7r, v. 8, no. 6) T-h.kd S.-I 63-1R921 Nama, C., CorradinL, P,, and BassL 1. IN. CRYSTALLINE STRUCIURE OF ISOTACTIC F~DLY_ 1. Natta, G. ACETALDSHYDES. [1962] (171p. 11 refs. 1. Cormadini, 1~ Order from SLA $1.60 63-10821 111. Musi, 1. 1Y. Trans. Accad(emia] Naz(ionale deil LW4. Classe di _L_ - Scienz&-F en com Immly) 19W60 S~U. V. 28, P. DESCRIPTOM- *Acetal plastics, *Acemldehydes, Polyiners, *Crysud structure, Molecular structure, Molecular properties. X-ray diffractionamlysis (N%terials-Plastics, TT, v. 1(~ no. 1) 62-1 -2409 Natta, GiU110, Forri, Lido and others. IIYDROGLNATION OF ISOTACTIC 1, 2- AND 1. Matta, G. SYNDIOTAC, 11C 1, 2-GRYSTALLINE POLY- Vorvi, 1, BUTADIENL. 11962] l0p. 16 refs. CTS(Chent)-2f):1 Order from CTS(Chunl) $10.40 Cl S(Chunl)-203 Chu'llical TralizLIatill"! subsequent copK:s $I. 75/ea. SI~lcc,klln Uto, CAlt. Trans. of (AcczidL~iiii~t,Na~i,3n-Liet~,dei] Lincui. [Classe di] Sc[ienze] Fis[iclivl -Mat(ulnatichel e Nat[.iralij. Rendlicontij (Italv) 1960, v. 28, ser. 8, p. -1.52-46W DESCRIPTORS: 'Butadicnus, llvdro~,2n-- [ion, Crysial structure, Infrared SpCUt'Ll',Cop~- (Chernistry-Orgonic, 17, v. 8, tio. 4) OM- d T-61-1 S-1-. Segre. Beniamino, CONCERNING THE NUMBER OF ZEROS OF A B, POLYNOMIAL IN THE REAL FIELD, Ill. (Intorp.() al Numero delli Zerl di un Pollnondo nel Campo Reale. 111). U9621 10V. 2 refs. Order from SL~ $1. 10 62-14954 Trans. of Accad[eml Nazilonal e dell Uncei. Cleii#e Idi) Sclienzel Fiz[lCh:1 mat ematiche a] Natfuraill, Rend[iconti] (Italy) 1960 (ser. 81 v. 29, P. 465-471. DESCRWrORS,. *VolynoniAsls, Real varsahlea, Derermiroi,ts, Algebraic topology, Topology, Groups ('Adthematics) See aloo 62-1053 62-14954 6 2- 1 -2907 Natta, Giulio, Pasquon, Italo and offiers. LLNEAR HIGH POLYMERS OF PROPYLENE HAVING 1. Natw, G. A SYNDIOTACTIC STRUCTURE. It962] 5p. 8 refs. 11. Pa';(luoll, 1. Order from CTS (Chem) ", 80 'CTS(Chcm)-Z58 Ill. GT~(Clwml)-25~ subsequent copies $1. 151ca. CheriijcalTrans~~ltwg Sc t S Palo Alio, Calif. Trans. of (Accademia Nazioaale deil Liticei. [Ciassu di I Sclienzel Fis[ichej Mat[cmatichel c Nar[urali 1. Rend(icontil (Italv) 1960, v. 23, ser. 8, p. 539-544. DESCRIPTORS: 'Polyrners. *Propcnes, Fracrionation, Separation, Crystal StfUCEure, Atoms, Molecules. (Chernistry-Organic, '17, v. 8, no. 4) WE- *1 T-~A..I S~I,.t Corradini, Paolo. RECURRING GROUPS IN THE CHAIN OF CRYFfAl,- LINE LINEAR POLYMER& [19621 7p. 18 refs. Order from CTS(Chem) $8, 80 CTS(Clicin)-2S7 oubsequent copies $1. 45/ea. Trans. of [Accadeniia Nazionale deil Lincel. [Classe di) Sc[icnzej Fis[ichel Mat[ematiche] e Natfarah). Rend[Icontij (Italy) 1960, ver. 8, v. 28, p, 632-081, DESCRIPTOR& *Polymers, Crystal structure, culir struc-ure, Atoms, Molecules. 62- 122960 1, Ccrrodini, P. H. CTS(Owrn)-257 iji. t (0heirtiGtry-Orgaii1c, 47, v. 8, no. 3) Natta, G. , Porri, L. and others. ISOTACTIC TRANS-1, 4 POLYMERS OF 1, 3-PEN- TADIENE. 196t, 2250words, 3 refs. Order from CTS(Chem) $9. 00 CTS(Chem)-222 Subsequent copies $ L . 50jea - Trans, of [Accademia Nazionale dell Lincel, [Classe till Sc[lenze) I 71(zichel Mat(ematichel e Natfural(j. Rendliconti] (Italy) 1960 (ser. 81 v. 29, p. 257-264. DESCRIPTORS: *Pentadienes, *Polymeri, Synthesis, Polymerization. 61-25422 1. Natta,IG. 11. Porri, L. Ill. C71NChem)-222 IV. Chemical Translating Service, Palo Alto, Calif. 4 ((;hem Istry- -Organic, TT. v. 6, no. 10) Wto of TocWtvi SoMcoo Pino, Piero, Lorenz[, Gian Paolo, and Previtera, Salvatore. OPTICALLY ACTIVE VINYL POLYMERS. 111. POLY- S-2-METIIYLBUTYL VINYL ETHER, 1961, 1100 words, 5 refs, Order from CTS(Chem) U. 40 CTS(Chem)-220 Subsequent copies $0.75/ca. Trans. of [Accadenila Nazionale dell Lincel. [Classedij Sc[icnzcl FlIzichel Matfematichel c Not[urall]. Rendficantil (Italy) IWI(ser. 8)v. 29, no-5, p. 562-565. DESCRIFTORS: Volymers, *thesis, Wthyl radicals, FAityl radicals, *Vinyl radicals, Ethers,Pulymerizatlow 61-25420 1. Plan, P. ll. Lorenz(. G. P. Ill. Previtera, S. IV, MOwrit)-220 V. Chemical Translating Service, PaloAlto, Calif. (Mern Istry- -Organic, 77. v. 6. no. 10) Office of Te"tj 301498 TT-64-12040 Pino, Piero, Lardloci, Luciano, and Salvadorl, Piero. ON THE ADDITION OF ETHYLENE TO ( XR)-2- 1. Title: (�XR)-2-Methyl- msTiiyLsurYL-I-I_rrH1UM. [Nov 63125M words b~ayl-l-lfthium l3refs I . Pino, P. Order from CTS(Chem) $ W. 00 CTS(Chem)-345 11. Lardlcci, L. subseq-jent copies $1.50 ea, IU. Salvadort, P. IV. CMChem)-345 Trans. of [Accademia Nazionale dei Unpel, [Classe V . Chemical Translating dl j�cbVqz'g IV te urali Netl 1 9 5 p Service, Palo Alto. tivily) 1%2 no. 5. 1(inditconti 11 leer. 81v. 32, 11Y ( _ ' _' Calif. p.-666.47 . 3 DESCRIFrORS: *Ethylenes. Addition reactions, OMeLalorgainc compounds. *Ziegler catalysts, Methyl radicals. Butyl radicals, 01.1thium compounds, *Stereocbemistry, *Molecular rotation, Polyethylene plastics, (Chemistry- -Organic, IT,v. 11, no. 5) 01[ke .1 Ttbkaj ger-d,, Gas L~mamics -- Oac-Dirensional Flovr, Ilmstationary, and not in Equilibrium~ 'Atii a Gas in tt;o PTesence ut a ricu of Imized Radiation, by C. Ferrari, J. fi. Claieke. CZAULk4i, par, Ar-cadenin Nazionale doi hincei, !.'strat-t-o-TaTJItndicmti =ala Classe di SFIenze Fisliche, 1-iatellatiche '.' 'NatuRIMS-OR-0-Tili, Vol xxxv, :41os Ijzj 1963, pp 3-9. #1 1 M, L) Sci-ringr Oct 65 A Now Upper Limit for the Absorption Coefficient of the Gravitation, by Michele Caputo,, 5 pp.~ ITALIAN,, per, Accademia Nationale dei Lincei, Estrit=oe Rendiconti della Classes di Scienze Frilthe. mat';Z' 1: Pr 0 0 Vol XXXII, Set Vill, No 4, 1962, pp S09-513. P,-roe.2 e4 j 4 6 7 Dept of Navy Tr No S144/ONI 2289 Sci - Earth Sci 4 Ocean Plar 67 On the A=ords-PhoopMric Add Byattm., by Role* QMW., 3 PP. ITATJ4Np yers A 41 &lease -r ,j ittme e Art,.( . AtU e j Vol 9 sLA 6o-isrm Set - Vol 17 No u Jun 621, 63-17803 Commxh=i, E. INFLUE14CE OF SILENT ELEMIRICAL DISCHARGES 1. Comanduccl, E. ON SOME MIXTMES OF CASES AND VAPORS. 11. K-H-3438 [196215p. M. KreDge-Hooker Sciewe Order from K-H $7.25 K-H 9.439 UbrmT Amdates, Detroit. ?MdL Tnms. of R. AQ;a~ delle Sclenme P Mumnatche- Naples. Reud=nd (Italy) 190 jaer. 31 Y. 15, p. 15-17. DESCRWMRS: Vapors, Gases, $Minutes. Mectrie discharges. 10TS -O-NO~ (Physics. Tr. v. 10. nD. 8) otow d 7,us" $"Im Parrozzani. A. ON THE PRESENCE OF IN RELATION TO THE 140TE 1. 11962] 32p. Order from K-H $40.00 UPOWS IN NICMIANA STARCH AND-MUMM, K-H 3902 b Trans. of A~cq emia d- - ~44"*=Led ALtL ~ ~i [deglill Zelanti Acireale. ~Ric~OnB-MeaL--_ Rendie ~5~~ita~MT/15, ser. 3, v. 7/8, p. 35-36. DESCRIPTORS: OLApids. *Tobacco.. Starches. Nicotine. 62-22628 1. Parrozzani, A. 11. K-H-3902-b 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Mich (BiologicaI Sciences --Biochemistry Tr, v. 10, no. 8) Me of TICwtw Lrvwg New 4uthesis of Piperazine and Derivatives) by F. Garelli; G. Racciu; 8 pp. ITALIM, per, Accadomia de3le acienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze Reiche) Matematiche e Naturali) Atti 3.934, -v 69) pp 162-165. S[A W 64-16721 jui 66 305,,473 7T-63-20659 Ferrari. CArlo. INE BODY A,~40 OGIVAL CONTOUR GIVING MINI- 1. Perrarl, C. MUM WA`v;~ DRAG (Sul Problema del Fuso e dell'Ogtvs di Minima Resistenza WOW&). [1%3123p l1rds Order from SLA $2.60 Tr-63-20659 Trans. of Accedemils delle Sclenze dl Torino. (Classe di Sc1enzexWq?*'~K%tkfiVtC-We_W (1_M1yY049/50'_'v. '84'.-no. 3-1k, (Abstract available) DESCRWrdR$: $Fluid flow, *Supersonic flow, *Aerodynamic conf Igurationt, "Bodies of revolution, 00gtves, *Drag. Numerical analysis. Certain qualifications are premised in connection with the errors &rising frorn the linearization of the equation describing fluid flow at supersonic speelli, and re- ference and review Is subjoined of the results obtAlned (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics. 77, v. 11. m 3) (over) office of Technical Services Q7"= AUTIM M,&t Pathaj, by FUclao Cicalso 3,3 pp. IWJMP lxrp AOC&Imda dello RM Saimw im I .. ~: . "I ~~ . , dl T=Iwp Claa" labo-or 13P -s 12W imp MA 60-MM sai Feb 62 Vol 3113 No I Piecemeal Solutions in the Programming of Optimal Flight Trajectories~ by Placido Cicala, 40 pp. ITALIAN, per, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino: Atti Classe di i, Vol %C' 19561' pp 533-551. OTS 59-21194 Set OTS~ Vol III, No 6 /OP, Sep 00 A New Upper Limit for the Absorption Coefficient of the Gravitation, by Michele Caputo,, 5 pp,! ITALIAN, per, Accademia Nationale dei Unceis Estrat-o-Ze=Rendiconti jelra- Classes di Scienze Fisiche. Mat;m~at e 0 Laturali, Vol XXXXI, Ser VIII, No 4. 1962l pp 509-513. v,-5-'0e.2 e, j 4 6 7 Dept of Navy Tr No 5144/ONI 2289 Sci - Earth Sci & Ocean Mar 67 Cn tba Ammdap-Phoughorle ArAd System.. '0 3 IV- par, AcwAud&-RMw4W~ 41 Sdenw$ TattMen e kk*ti A U 9 p a MwTle2 Vol g T JAI su 6co-82oo Vol NO No 11 jun 62 63-17SC3 Comanduoct, E. INFUJIME OF SILWr ELWMCAL DEMARG13S 1. Omuduccf. E. ON SOME MIXTURES OF GASES AND VAPORS. H. K-H-3438 [1962] Sp. M. KMP-Hoobr Sdem Order frow K-H $7.25 K-H 3438 Ubmry Associates, Detroit. Mich. Trans. of R. A.Qg~ ~Scfmw~~ M#WMdcbe, Naples. RemBmtj ataly) 1909 [ser. 31 Y. 15. p. 15-17. DESCRIPMRS: Vapors, Cases, 0MIxtures, *Electric decharges. e7 ols -~q-lq4l (Fhysico, Tr, v. 10, no. 8) 62-22628 Parrozzani. A. ON THE PRESENCE OF UPOIDS IN NICOTIANA 1. Parrozant, A. IN RELATION TO THE STARCH AN15 NIMME, 11. K-H-3902-b NOTE 1. [1962132p. 111. Kresge-Ilooket, Order from K-H f 40.00 K-H 3902 b Science Library Associates, Detroit, ~caddi _d_&ML I Trans. of A; emia e , fdeglil Zelanti Actreale. Ren4fcontLLa-Meud44--- - 3. v. 7/8, p. 35-36. R cond ata Y 15, sFr. DESCRIPTORS: *Llpids, *Tobacco,. Starches, Nicotine, (Biological Sciences --Blochen-dstry IT, v. 10. no. 9) Oft d Tedwital urdm New S~mthesis of Piperazine and Derivatives, by F. Garelli, G. Racclu, 8 pp. ITAL143) per) Accademia dells Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Atti 1934) v 69, pp 162-165- SIA TT 64-16721 Jul 66 305;473 TT-63-20659 Ferrari, Carlo. THE BODY AND OGIVAL CONTOUR GIVING MINI- 1. Ferrari, r- MUM WAVE DRAG (Sul Problems del Fuso e dell'OSiva dt Minima Resister&& d'Onds~ [1%31 23p I Ire(' Orderfrom SLA $2.60 TT-63-20659 Trans. of Accademis delle Sclenze dl Torino, [Classe dt Sc1en;e_1W0W_ Whstlelw`e -MWT"iT.-'Ktti- (_h_&1yf'1949/50, v. 84,'no. 3-18. (Abstract available) DEXRWrbR$: *Fluid flow, *Supersonic flow, *Aerodynomic cadigurstiorls, 013odies of revolution. 00gives, $Drag, Numerical analysis. Certain qualifications are premised In connection with the. errors arts 1% from the linearization of the equation describing fluid flow at supersonic speeds, and re- ference and review Is subjotned of the results obtalad (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics, TT, v. 11, no. 3) (over) -film of Toth"Iml "M-u QAIM= AiXPUM Yl%ht Pathoo by Placido c1caus 13 ppe IWUUNs, 3%)-*358# SrA 6D-UM Sol r- eb 62 Vol 3:11, m u Piecemeal Solutions in the Progra=ing of Optiml Flight Trajectories, by Placido Cicala, 40 pp~ ITALIM, per, Accademis delle Scienze dl Torino; Atti Classe di "'j- T V" Vol XC) 1956-,,PP 533-551. OM 59-21194 SCI ors, Vol in, No 6 log W"'/ sep 6o 3~ A !?rocedlure for 7%n1mg a Hftdff,~i P311-'vtlizcd Oacillator, by 111afto B-milla, 6 pp, ~MCLASSIFTZD 1TAL-W., per, 4qcadcmta dalle f3cierme (11. I-flmrino- A-~ti 1. clause di scienze F lglche~ m3tewticho o Fatturalis Vol XG'I; lia 2a, 1956-1957. Davt Of Vatiorial L~bamau of Standards Sol - Eng Apr 158 Apprwlmte fttaml COMUtIms in necuumpatimr by ft4a ftffis U W. BUMs pas AcogOW-doUs Solmn daUlZstituto sivies Ims Vol v8 smomd (bu an 1=9 ob Sol - IU*Gtrm Aug 63 Accidents From Falls of Roof and Coal in Bituminous- Coal Mines. 1. Mine Accidents - Prevention; 2. Coal Mines and Mining - Accidents. SPANISH, bk, Accidentes por Derrubes _kj--Ter-ha y del Carbon en as . Bitividnoso. rso e evencion de Accidentes en las Uinas de Carbon. Seccion 2. Rev. Enero ISY; I--),, ,73 'Ur- Dept of Interior TH23 U5 Tio 48 (a) Jul 63 List 180 1 1 18054 DC 31 Jul 68 SF The Third Secretary of the Soviet Embassy and a Certain "Kunezov" Were Reportedly Messutils Contacts. SPANISH, np. Accion, Montevideo, 4 Sep 58, p 4. Acc."Lon Cultural Popular, 'The People's hJucatto;:a]. Mwement and the Great P~oblemc, of I-atin Amnrl'cs ,md of Golomblaj, 10 pp. SPANIS11j. iTt) AcciQn Catural Fm..uIvv y Lon Grandes Problw",de-'IA--A=rica Latin y-de Colombia, pp 11-18. AOSI 1-3688 ID 2251740" WE-ar knai.n p 14 q, Soc X Dec 63 0-85/63 Declaration of Principles on Cooperation for the Exploitation of the Mineral Resources of the Sahara. 7w- FRENCH, pamphlet, ~~ccords d'Evian., 1962~ p.-L) 26-31- XJPRSVDC-8784 Special WEur - France Econ Aug 63 hvtood RAWLM t0 tb* FVO=h Y"Ma HiGOiCA rA#Md &t US M99OSd Of the Alan*bw Downtle wt Poplw RepibU*; Teas Of OrpmIziftonj (four lettwo an raliated Rojeats)o 9 rp, FA=H* &mumnts Agg .tft ftsoes Ratre FMUM et ithloWe do 29M 1962 au 31 Wmabre 1963. PaKaj Val VMS, 1964.; pq 9.1-M. ACSI 1-6210B iD 2m4o%VA WE mar 65 P-76t342 zlyrian.-Leban-,no A6rer.-meix~ vLA Liquidation of +.ho JoWl, Operatica of the D.H.P. Rail- yor"d) 5 pp. PP I - 5, 1954 X81 U-978rt--A ID 17&1, v7y Emu 11 Oct 61 ,hprove=n:',, ou Landing Precision by Application of ii~, I Incidence Udicator, by P. lecomte, 9 pp., IX,,*cl, ZR=u"np rpt", L'Atteriesage par V-jD~aicltevr DOUcidance, 5 pp. ATTIC 7 TS 9647/v 0 Sci -AMz Feb 59 Mtlonale des Momim do Par Belaer, ifoo"'Rier. Wcic=,l Whmp)j by P. LU&JeTt'u. por., 3-274 set - glatt-vtm, Treateent With Sulphur for OlYwiting Surfaotwo With Righ Hosirtme to Vaiw aud Self-Lubri"ting FropertAes, t7 J. V. Saw3loid ITAL101, per, Ictra 7 EM U Vol XII,, -,- 49. ~ No 67t 1.955~ pp 454- T.I.L. T 4696 .70 SAvi 56 M order f io m A01M T ROOM BARCELONA 1968 vab P73-60 7261 csisl> Construction of Electric Are Furnaces, by C, BarbampaAliebard. UNMASWM FRIM- M, port L'Aalerie Elect.rique, No 1; nart 1, 1 WIAO' Co-op Tr Sch- Tr 541 -3 Sol - 24P Aug Electrical Equipmentt #o2r-,Are -viwmceo) by Danialcuo UBMMV= FRM, per, L"Aclerie Mectri No lp Palt 2; 1957; v I Co-op Tr Seh- Tr 942 sci - Engr Aug 58 bt-t8363 Danie'lou, G. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMEINM Investigation Rept., 1. Wnielnu, G. Pt. 1. 1196111391p. 11. 61 -20626 canceled Order from SLA $3.60 61-183b3 Trans, of I'Acieric Electrique [sic) .1951, Cahier Idu Cessidl no, 1, investigation rept. pt. 1, 29p. DESCRIPTORS: *Electric furnaces, *Electrical equip- mcni, Electric arcs, Design, Operation, Control, Circuits. (Engincering-Electrica), TT, v. 7, no. 8) MMI'rWD in an Arc Furnace, by Colin~ J. MMU, per, VAcierie Electrique, No 2".j Part 19 945 Be L mobbt A91~58 Aug (for Ara Ptmeeal by Penga. MIM, per, L/Acierle FacetriRue, Vo 1, Part 3., 1957.1 PP Ti '941 Aug %oorrosiou of Ultra-Light Alloys, by P. Basticu~ '15 PP. FRUCH, perp Aclers Spects" Wtaux et Alliageop Vol IX A "466,"h' h No 11 ;, Oct 193 , PP - I SIA Tr 57-631 Sci - min/met -rs , , Sep 57 order. frora NTO .... r, ACIERS SPkCIAUX~ METAUX CT ALLIAGES 19b9 NI P26-27 7561 (8151) t% Ved;mdty (,'gilibratlca Nam; VZ-,""Zq by V Vol M4 IIT59~. 74' '0 e463/WRL 3 Sol v RpIcs Apr 6o W, th--,, 11'requency WA&Un& of .'Noisp.~ bliectms by Be Lubke. per, Acoustica, Val Y-X. 1959., P-D 243-*C~ WIRD Ed - Pl*'c Jvul 62 '7 0 -e1' ~?a / Ylghuay Pavcmentsj by J. Canto Moniz. OVIASSTYEM T'U11 translation. OiTMUME: pcr, POP Orgoo ofIcial do Automovel Club de Portilgal, Vol A-41 Ho 9; 9 Oep 1951) pp 16-21. XM CofEam-s -17 YZJ'ar - Fortmal Lcommle - Construction, highvay pavemato OCD 52 CT3/=, 11hczes of the Problem of BUdsee IA -tbe Natival Ei&vay Nstuork, by Carlos'G. Craveiro Ipp" Coarew. Fuu trawlutim. MUMM" Pa.. Acp Mao Automml'Club de POTLuza w wa. 3 Vol =.I Ib 93, P 9 Sep 1951., M. ur Fortupi Econmic w BridM# hi*nmys Wt 59 C751M MpAeita =d the Azores WO Fernardo asSUmire laws, pull tramistim. thedr ROM IMSOAM, byy/ MCLAW PCHMMS3 per, Acp km Oficial do Aut-morml Club de DELUR-ai* Vol mat NO 92 9 SOP 1951;-Pp Rm. CoSugra-19 WL'u - Portugal Ecoumia - Cowtruetion, roadwaye, Raftirs, Azores Oct 52 CM/WX M&-ja7d,s ef the Porb*uese Oversea-s Presesolons) b,T~ Ferreira Meadee M-MIMSIPIED, Full trawlation, MUGUMM-0 perj An OrMI, 'oficial fic, Avtomovel Club 9- Sep Mg, 5 50 Pon~) Vol Mr NO 9) 0 MMMMI DOMAVO -18 1 Filux, . Portugal Economic - Canstruciion) hicilways Oct 52 CTB/= order from MC ACQUA L ~iAS 1962 V40 Nb PL22-130 70-11654-048 44) Evaime=.oft theDemutiminaiion of LAquid. Radoactive RfMi6nto, A. ]~Acdhfni. A. IftZiolb, et a4 36 pp. GERMAN# per,, Acq:ua Indim~e, No 7, B..1960. 9223518 AEC-ORNL-Tr-142 Sci-Chem Oct 64 267,336 Treatment of Radioactive Effluents at theEnrico Fermi Nucl6ar Research: Center ofthe Milan Polyt~cwc Institute,, by Alessandro. Facchird, 21 pp. .qERM^ft=* per, Acqua Industrwe, No 7, 8, 1960. 9223550 AEC-~ORNL-Tt~-143 I Pp. 62-22134 SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE SIIWF OF 'niE E C. MERIDIAN SEC'nONS OF "MORNING GLORY" If S?ILLWAYS. 119621 11P. dmical Ord,r from A'N $13. ~~O KIN - VV~ I i Servic,-s. Inc., Trans. of I'Acque Isicl 1961, v. 29, no. 2, p. 27- DESCRIP-NWS: 'Wws, Structur- (Enginccring- -Civil, TT, v. 9, no. 8) La-i; of Intensity o-f l,'ain A. I~_'ALUT ., i~ca.,, L'Acaiaa, Vcl. "'OY ITT 122-10,0. ,ulY tl.-5A-,.D 3D ov t ~15 Now Bowe ce LrAviawl 7-4on 'Atdas BY +6 GWAU PHUM oa H. mm r"I AMA ACWMS ADD==- s MI. D law" - -- IWOMAM, I Tq ,V-,Ca g4 nr'%Iw 20 iv Ia5 G=m - e4 rm Vaal TAM ea WIGD)d 0ow 109$. 1b mt mulato ao=mt The Apatit", SieIr Omdeal Cakmition and %eir Relation to the Physical and bbrphological Fropertlee., b.Y H. Hauclai PROM, per) Acta Acedemdue Aboemis, Hatbewtica at phPICS, vo DvA Interior W 157 No 385 Sai - am *w 61 on Gradient Clurrents in the Adriatic Sea, by K. Zore, 30 pp. smBc)-CROATIAI-1, per, Acta Adriatica , Vol VIII, No 6, 1956. 9067307 .- - oTs 61-ii2oo FL-48o Sci - Geophys oct 62 21-3,042 Tilhe Fluctuation of Rimperature -Ln 4chc Open Vla~ters of the Adriatic, by M. Buljan, 1"I pp. SLk!P,O-CROATMI) per, kta Adriatica -VQ-' IVIIIJ No 71 1957j-P-P-I--N~-92=3 Oro W-21713 PL-480 ,3c-k - Goophys Jan ;.-., 3 0) 6 (' 7 Bta)", REPORT ON WE RESULTS OBTAINED BY A NEW METHOD OF FERTILIZATION TRIED OUr IN THE MARINE BAY "MLJMKOG JURRA" (Izvjestaj o Rezukatima Eksperimewca Gwjeaja MIjetskog jezera Novim Postupimm). 1960, 30p. 48 refs. FROC Trans. Series no. 326. Order from NRCC NRCC C-4471 Trans. of Acta Adriatica (Yugoslavia) 1957, Y. 6, 00. 6. 46ri:- DESCRIPTORS- *Fishes, "sters, Fertilizers, Marine biology, Nitrogen, Bacteria, Growth. 63-22225 1. Buljan. M. U. FRBC Tram -326 III. NROC C-4471 TV. Fisheries Rewarch Board of Canada V. Btwesu of Translations (Cansda) (Biological Sclences-Zx)logy, T1', v. 10, no. 8) 004 W TftbftkW Icnicei Some Observations on the Response of Sardine (Sardina Pilchardus Walb.) to Light Under Experimental Conditions, by Radosna Muzinic. SERBO-CROATIAIT, per,, Actq adrictica. Vol XI, No 1~0, pp 219-226. *CFTSI TT 66-50107/6 Sol/Earth & Oeean Jan 69 ~,ttcr "assos of the Adriatic Sea. lixa Zorc-Anaanda, 88 lip. I-M, MI, per, Acta Adriatica Inst Za Occanc- ,~,rafiju I Idbarstvo Split, Jusoslavij~-, Vol No 5,, 1.1,163, I~Cyt Ot' Nav/ Tr 4542/,.-.,111 Tr 2119 - j7: OT 77 ~Zli The Airplane as a Means of Sencory PhysiologiC Researchs by AoTsclaermk-Seyseueggo GERWj, joer., Acta AeEZ&siolojaca no*2: pp.65m78. )1934) V01*3 su-TT-61-14571. B/M Aug 66 307,741 St%xUos on the Patchiness of Lupine. Stems Caused by Phomopsis Leptostrtaiformis (fthri) Bubskj, by J. Koebmn,p 19 pp. POLIBRa Duo AoU Ap*otavi Vol.. 6p IM* pp- U7- 143 - ~"30 OTO 60-M239 PL hft sci-aiol- 171, oat 61 Decomposition and Hunification in the Soil of Straw Labeled with Isotope C~14,, by J. Szolnoki, H. T. Vago. HMGARIM, per, Acta AaMomica Acadada-a scientiar= Hung=C", Vol 90 1959, F 40-7-413. NASA TT F-110122 GOVERNMM USE CHLY Sci- 8011 Sept 67 342,006 Egg White Edema in the Rat and Pituitary- Adrenal H.ormones, by H. van Cawienberge, J. Lecomte, et al. 7 pp. DANISH, per, Acta Aller~ologica, Vol 6, 1953, pp 295-303. SLA TT-64-14604 Sci/B&M Jun 67 327,773 The Use of the Tartrate of 3-tdroxy-n- methylmorphinan as Prenarcotics by R. &anuelli, Y. Vaccagno) 9 pp# MLW., per., Acta Anseethesiologica, Vol VI, 19551 PP 151-1560 NIB Tr 10-25 Sci - Mdicine Oct 57 I ACTA ANALSTKESIOL061CA .. . 1958 V9 N3 P171-160 Order from XPC . 70-21126 (*) 62-16114 Reinhold. Ii., Rood, K de, and Kenis, Y. COMBINED EFFETS ON ANGIMENSIN AND CYCLO- 1. Reinhold, H. PROPANE ON HEART RItY'MM (Effets Combines de It. Rood, M. de I'anglotensine et du Cyclopropane sur 1e Rythme III. Kenla, Y. Cardlaque). Paper presented at the World Congress of IV. Title: World Anesthedsts (no. 2) Toronto, 4-10 Sep 60, 119621 i4p. 23 refs. Order from SL A $1. 60 62-M 14 Trans. of A esth esiologlcal Belglical 1960, v. I I tno, 21 p. 163-17& DESCRWMRS. *Vasomotor drugs, Epinephrine, *Anesthesia, Blood pressure, *Heart, *11hythm, Oflypertensin, OPropanes, Sixty hyperter~slve tests were conducted on 12 dop anesthetized with cyclopropane, with equipocent doses of these two vasopressor substances. Examination of the electrocardiographic tracings has demonstrated aft't of Uthakaj SMx" (Biological Sciences- -Phamacology, TT, v. 9. no. 3) (over) Oa Diaturbances of Eye Developmat in Rat E14"ryos by Oxygen Deficiency in Early Pregnancy, b~ A. Werthemann, 14. ReInig-mr, 31 PP- OPM, per, Acta Amft,'Vol XI, 1950, pp 329-347- ri Mum 5 i - W. CI Se p '59 15: Bile Carkalicali, an glectrooLUcroscopic Study; by C. Rmdllor, 16 pp. A.411.,, lor, P-al-a Anatmics, Vol XM, 1956, pp 94 -log. Nn 3 -29 171f, OS9 Sai - Wd Dw 61 the,,Thokac4c~ Channel and the Main CoUecdq L- hiiie vesOels-ln the Human.Trunk, YMP by a. ke -idanov., FM#99 , per, - Aza vmica, Vol XOM, 1959, pp 20-47' Navy Tr 3811 NNE. 879 Sci - Biol & Med Sun 64 2610190 TONDURY,G. 57 -1945. On the problem of the development of the . face and of the formation of he relip. (Zum Problem der Geakhtsentwicklung Lmd der Geneee der Hasen- scharte.) Acta Anar., 11, no.1, p.300-328, 1950. (42p.) 6ra,~r from Mt, ACTA HEL161CA VE ARM KDICAALI ET PHAk%ACEUTICA I .w 141LITANI . m 19bb V3 ti2 P2b3-2bq 70-13551-067 0> order from ACIA 01CLOGICA LT REDICA GERMANICA l9bb VI P40-48 70-22175 19b4 V13 P361--357 70-20478 0) 19b4 V13 Pb4b-bb7 70-22176 (*> 1964 V13 P591-bOb 70-20701 1964 V13 PbO?.-bi4 70-2060 4) N-Acetyl-Ilaxosamin-Idases, by J- M- Ghuysen, 7 pp, 6 Atch. F IPARMM,. per, Biochimicajr;t Acta Vol XLVII, 19' ) P.P 561-568. IM 3-1-3-61 Sci - M~ed )7 Jan 062 bf luence, of AN on the Thermal Denato-u-ntion of - teins,v by Andrzej Kmwdeckls 18. pp. POLUM., perp Acta Biochimics ?,oloploa, Vol 1, No 1; 1954p pp 47-58. S.L.A. TT 9D5/1936 Sol - '71~7 d / Y- 071 Fwmtlcu of a Nov VItuda of Bi2 Group by Prapsml-'^ Acldj~mcterlap by J. JanAdd and J. P&Velkwloz/.-- PMM# per# ACta BLOCUM ftIMICal Vol I., 3.9,qip a 307,=S~ ., _., _L a4w~=-T-1755 Simi ~ 9' god aa 58 Acta Biok,,imica Polonica - Polska Alrzdemia Nauk. POLISH) per) Komitet Biochemicznl-), - Postep,1! Bioechemii. Kwartalnik - Warsaw - Committee on Biochemistro; Polish Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1. 1954, ~26 pp. *PL 4BO oTs 6o-213,-14 1961 Precargora in t1le Biogynthesic of Cyanocobn1prdne Micleotidea. M. The Effect of 2 Aureovycin on the S~Tftiaazia C'-F BI 0 Vitimirw by the Rec~j--Icmic Acid Bscgarin' by J .Tswelkimaricz, POLISH, per, Acts Biochim Paloaleg, Vol 11, 321 327. J111 59 s / T 60-2L570 [THE ORGANISMI: SEUCTED ARTICLES, tr. by 1. Title: Leuconostoc W. Kulerski. 1962 1621p. 87 refs. PL-480 Agr. 1. PL-480 Agr (60-21570) Order frcin OTS $0.50 60-21570 11, National Science Founda- tion, ',Vashtngton, D. C~ Trans. of Acta glochlmtca Potonica. 1955, v. 2. no. 1, p. 59-71;-A~cid-K4[-Cf6goWCa-Po-ro-nFca, 1955, V~ 4, no. 3, p. 205-217; 1956, v. 5, no. 1/2, p. 217-224; 1957, Y, 6, no. 4, p. 367-376; 1958, v. 7, no. 2. p. 131-138; [Gloymy Instytut Przemyslu Rolnego I Sporzywczego. Pracei (Poland) 1958, v. 8, no, 2, P. 105-111. ~ DESCRIPTORS: *Bacteria, *Plasma substitutes. $Dextran, 08losyntheals, Storage, *Freezedrying, Physical properties, Chemical properties, Molecular structure, Fermentation, *Saccharldes. Contents: Changes In the hiochemical properties Df a LLActu~conostoc 0MU 21 Tf9bk31 Wyk" (Biological Sciences, TT, v. 9, no. 8) (over) 11twin B12ps by :. JanickL. B PMWI par# AoU Vol 11, 1955 ~ . 329-SW.-'7r, - I- - 1. n OBDOO-R754 set Pus 58 .Ixf, 7Y1 Acta Biochimica Polonica - Polska Akademia Nauk POLISH, Eunitat biochemiczn'.r - Post'epl.- Diocheinii. Ywartalnik - Warsaw - Connittee or Bicchemistr.,-, Polish Academy of Sciences. Vol. 2, I.S1,155, 447 IT- *PL 480 - (Y23 6o-2137r, 1961 Acta Biochimica Polonica - Polska Akademia Nauk. POLISH, per, Kormitet Biochemiczny - Postepy Diochemii. Kwartalnik - Warsaw - Committee on "~iochermistrl,', Polish Acaderi-y of 3ciqllces. Vol. 3; 11~56, 675 r~p. *PL 480 OT3 6o-21376 i961 )Wlno-Ad&vft OwANA by MdAle Addp by S. AWe3oWj, & Iftedros V. Ndmr4ndez, 9 IV. -%.A -& PMW, perp Aaft Poloideas Val Vs No h, M8j, if "31 EM 3.2D-U Sel - Ned Nq 61 Acta Biocbimica Polonica. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, . '~O--- 1101 V, 195b, 4 P. * OTS 60-214C)3 ( .1 r I- f";,,. OTS Vol IV, No 2 Apr 62 Substuratr,6 and Enzimies of -the Omithine Q.%,rclc iri Peremi-.'al 11yegrass (Lolim Perenne), 'by L. B Peif er, L. Biiraczewska. 4- ROLISH, per, Acp Biochim Polon, Vol V!, pp 227-233. ,Impossibly PL-4,'30 SIci -- Biol mk, 61 Acta Biochimica Polonica POLISIT, per, Polska -Akadernia nauk. Vol. Circa 450 pp. Vol- 7, 1060. Circa 4--'C pp. *PL 48o OTS 60-215r38 OTs 6o-2155o 1961 A Few Mrawtoipsphic Sepamuon method for abonavin and Its Nucleotides and the Possibiltty of Using It tO Determine the Activity of Flavokinase, by A. BarLoolnWd , 7 pp. POMR, per, 4ta. Biochimica Polmlea., Vol VII, No 1, 1960, pp 85-91. Nn 4-50-61 Sci - Med Jul 61 sl,~ 35~