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A Sirgular Problem with Fkan1d " Tricomi Conditions. IV H, B. larwr, S. P. Pul'Idn. Russun, pw, pok Ak iiauk s=, vol 174, No it 1967t iV--XW. - Am hath Sw Vol 80 No 39 1967 c M ~ E . 10 r- -I, Nov 68 3709437 A IwAmm Principle for I~yperbdia Equations with Applications to Equations of la%Dd Typeo by 14. E. Lerner. Russwt per Dok Ak Hauk SSSR Vol Me No 6. 1967. Am Bath Soo Vol 81 No 61 1967 M,~,, LEk[QCP\ Dee 68 334,396 Prafabricatod Reinforcad Co-acrote Dim or tho Tctenv lavors by V, 1. Lonero A. V, Tsarankov, COVIEW-1.0.17 w5h QILY RUS~Uivl, Por, No 6, V66. p,-) CIA X-11,1650 Junv 68 357,1S4 Yu. Lerner Investigation of antifriction properties of copper allt ed mamwaiwn cast irons. 10 pp. 03SIAN, Poz~yshmiijje dolgovechnosti lityldt rxiterialov, 1909, pp 59-72 AIRIFTD-0-23-1027-72 nov 72 MoUg Radjo-adive thftr-ftm Rooat4b-poolp by B. UWUUP- am=) PWI amdue m p 1968v pq 711-T,!I--- - ,6 /-P- ~1; ~ 71~ Sci-NWI Soi Savt 69 In the Osiris I/ Vol 23o Uo B., 392#910 TU 1-irin'.. -A lanLs at sight, 'vy L(,-roux, Lelio, 23 FIIIILWO, pcr. VATr.,ce Revue Nrio6iquo Ve L'Ant. Du Torre Fetanenise -iuvN:r &';, ~Iarch T'771-MA77-1 73-162,40 L x u./tu ~~Ay 70 Influence of Pressurg~Wtha Pu-4 Phase Diagrarl.. by t~ Rouxt Po ~Le Ro"S 10 pp. FKWqW.*O,pvr* Journal of Nuclear Materials., Vol 40$ Na 3# 4971D pp AL-C/UCHL-Tr- 1O.S67-71, Fab 72 Protecting Food Mteins In thc Ru=n At,~aimt Bacterial-induced Dmination. Account of Rermarch Carried Out With the Help of an Artificial Rmen, by F. Leroy. RUCH, per C.r. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci.Pariu Vol. 259, no. 19Z pp 1592-1595 CSIRO/No. M6 C- R 0 y Sci - Aug 67 337-52 metbou. wd AgAifttl= or Queatw Cb=LBWO V 0. l0r4V. MMI 906'lr~pjl 94 CC~h== Be " Vol =J' no xv 19 VP 1069-IOU0. mu 7z 'go-100419 - 'j . i U. S. COMES= LM =2 SCi-Chom Dee 66 3j6,j,*;5)4 uwuuetua 0: notmal ces no= bw 9AW4 't-Y /2/0 A. Alus L ZAM- mmo xvtj i=t F=W cocb p4miAlm 1965's w 39,34-m- Ull Bor: 5ik-707= ~~ L , L C?--o 7 & blols Ity 0- 3wt= -T-722451) FORMATION AND REVERSAL OF (SC PREPRECIPITATES IN IIARDENE D ALUMINUM ALLOYS. Leroy, Michel; Miraill.e, Jean-Pierre; Brichet, Claude. Trans- Utc-d-f6i Sandia Labs., Air)-uquerque, N, Mex., from Scr, Met,; 5: 1111-16(1971). 8p. Dep. NTIS. metallurgy; translations IlF MN-25 P NSA or --eta i"Orth its ~,Ultlwpal -0- by Rollanm.~ LoroYt n FT Labiors c." :aAss pp 4)? 04 rv, ob ?0 Diffusion in the SoUd State: Application to ;: tho Termary System Ni-Co-Cr, by V. Leroyj /~ 11; FRMICHv part Doctorate Tbesis, Univ Paris, 066. *Nat Bur Stand TT 70-57879 sci-Phys Jul 70 \J - IR C)-l' Colimycin Therapy in Urinary Tract Infections Due to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa# by A. Leruitte. EUROPEAN# per# Acta Uroloeica, Be4caj, Vol 37v Vlo 1, 1969, pp 86-94. N'rC-70-13290-06C feb 72 salt Baths III - Salt oaths for ifecLt 7o Treatment of High-speed Stools# by Pe Lesages U. c4ots, FW01, Per, Truitemont 7,110rao VQl 2# k~2r. Apr. 1965, pp 25-35o BISI 4505 - III ~0- Sci-N&I'll Jul 66 Intensification or Pwier inliatri, in T= L--Snk p MIEPIKINT U.0TE, OrCy C71M. pcr~ I'lanovano IlosmdaroWits It;. lo~ Oct 1966, nP- 30-3lb- jMVIS Mo 12er-YI13 P, E, -( I z C', C I Econ 33.4) y,)3 1)cc 66 rijol siztzas in rawwas, ty im I-oagtj. 6 pp# cewmam WE MY cmi, per.. Lxg~2-o M) 7t JAl IYX64~ rip', 532-5354 ato M W4 ~-t, " 2c ~ cc,~' Er-czm~ll Boun A.-,18 65 3,y3,? QT;) Co"activo Crush-Grinding of Idmestono in a Vertical Circular Cylindrical Grinding Gap, by X, Loachontild, OML411, per,, Chomio-In2nietir-Tochnik. Vol 33, 19661 17p 705-711, TrIC-71-11206-131, Nov 71 ;P -f IL , , ~: ~A - Corminixting Machines, by P. Loschondd. GEMWI, per, Chemig-Ingeniour-Tochn1k. Vol 3~s 1967o pp 136'1--1369, MG-71-11201-07A Pov 71 AUt=Uou or UMMY PUto TW.U AutwaUa Calculatim of Acnw*Dm Pngra=M# by 0. U. tolot. =ICU$ Dws C.D*G. pp 1037-143. BISI C. H. Lescot 3U) UW Apt 6T Lou- J. coll, L.~ C. Lescot A .New Iwd CeUo by C, 16 Tgaco~j J, flcri-Mld- I ) q vumqicl~ per., L.D.S.CirC*s RD 4,j 1966,v IV IM" 1036. MZI 52323 C. H. Lescot 319s3417 Sal - Vbclanical) Intwtriuls civaj, and turine M, 0" 7 Comittee on Plate WIling-0 aeavy 5nd me(HUM Plate Sections by Ce He Lescote FRMOJ, per, CD,S,Circ,,, No 41, 1966s ji,p 1037-1043#~ *8IS1 5011 f Sti-mach Industrial civil Marine ED,-,T Sept 66 'A -7 ialld'eck ilochat AsoussGs Us Nm Dwko by -rancola Losourea 5 PP* z I-It, Parls. 5 f'-Ob 1969. pp A) C 0 6n, 37, "rk istanco C4 ,.,o ccono-lll 01, fao tho 'Year w. 8 ppq i.0 'A, 4-5 ? NN - 41 -con ~Iovt 6ri 029 ,Uteml Loi~da aw.' the Stmrigtfi of vI.Ight vWcieoc~ (Selected CWptars), by A. 1. Gudkov, P. ,j'. Loshakovs 112 pp. RUSIAN. bko TrashnLIa WU111:mh Aggaratoyp 1900* pp Doe Uxcerpts frcm Russian-lanvAm BooL on BatioMl Diety by Ps Do 140hChenko et al? -9 JV . MSVWO bks fttsiomllp-a vitaniYe 1965,, pp* 3.4o 5-10~- -219-920. JPBS USSR I 13ci-B/H Ap r 6, 6 Autozated Electric Drives for Machines in Synthetic Fibre Factorias, by Ya, V, 11i0man, V. G. Leshcheako* RUSSIANO bk, AytomatigirovML blektreprivod Mullin zav0dov-sintaticiie.%ko,~O.Volokna, 19658 A 1V6 pp. NLL it 39603 Jul 66 'aic *Uj;orithrdzatiQn of the Procosses of Control of the Aerial )-!utiou of tUrcraft, by V. ~4 Lashemko. 12 pp. MNSIARO, rptg, Avtogatidiaske rativa2Ze upravlaniYe i1roMMsEvonnymi Proteass P 96 1, pp 04-21V, P100063967 FTD 11IT-66-545 v Methods aad Lquip Fiar 67 320,414 colla,matum UXES cat 8tutlaticiW62 /Oj by A- IASL16Mp 5 pp- HZ=,t IWt --- --- 6 6 . stiu, r40 9; sapt 19z, ppo 40-4130 JPM 3933D 6. ~e,AQLV MM, 17 '40a N07 65 1 2 )A11A E. V. Leshchinakaya Comparative Study of Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in Different Endemic Foci of Similar Diseases in Central Asia AKADEMIYA MEDITSINSKIMi INAUK SSSR. INSTITUT POLIOHIELITA I VIRUSNYKH ENTSEFALITOV. TRUDY No 7, 1965, pp 315-323 NTC-72-14525-06M Jan 1973 Con,~'arvtivc Effect of Sodiun Salicylate ari cullor ftructuril Isorers of I~vjruy-~.cvzoic iicic: (,n 111,10110elly Tjtre and Functionvil Crou-'%s of Protedus,, 1--y A.F. Loslicliksl-,y, E.S. Vavlov,~,.. I'USSIAN -per Farnal".. -iols,, Vol 31, 190,8, "0 1 0 JOY 0 I Cmu~maeristlcs 0~ 1:cvur 6YiWr(r.:c (fltlp0s) titvaliow, C-Q";,rl"'!)w by i.., V, "A"Isladdlishaya. J'S!-,:, 1.;'~ lj~t, Prol'Aca3 o'-' liatural Focal 111),Oct- ons. 'ind :,b:dical L."Ou",r3phy., Tula (conforoace) pit (un Loun) d t'4" 67 on 64") J ip &AaW and Itz Action a,", Il-At 1. Los-II&L-)-taywal, - f p07# Lcs, 93- AC61 J-4577 ID' timlo 395, 3D2 7---~17-77-~7 7-.- . -, ik ii~, .i , .~ f7, D-C wid A-C Dom- Tran=issllon., by ri. D. lelflutkov, 2c"1) pp. RMSIAllp bitt ftobft Rimrgly Post LL~~ peremommAoir 0 W 0 -no - --j reTS-TT 70-50C *7 N) - b - Len s ~ LA ~~ov G-Wpnenct Feb 71, Vt, t) USE,,: Eel' 21- Causos of Fmlz-x in tho Anulyzb of 11MItlers I*Pay f1mrasconce - Special vmw of Iron 1)~ M. lautoclers, ~11. Led"Ibe FrIZ1401. tor. rxv 1114'65, (--1, 274f)-272~i. 21st SS26 e, tz '4/4 - "at'a ri a 15 ';~ay 67 326,1M, Raising tile Yield of 41110d Ingot Steel by the 0 Use of Isothormul Hot Topsa by W. Leaskiewicto et al. DUTCHOPOT, New fluttep Vol 112 No 120 19660 pp 721-725. JIB 7240 Z~& ~~ Sci - Nech Aug. 67 338$594 Aerofal 4aatmnU by A* Lealdno 7 ppo RUSUAV, per, Z&&Wdjtm ',*A#mgz at rc&ta(& V f-e pp Jan ("s 348.633 J,-/, Teleccoamication Chamel Units in the ISEP Ccn- structim *stem., tV SMW-CROATIAN, porp Vol 36, No 3,- 1969,9 AWMAIC-23-446-70 M. fAskova&- 32 pp. KL�hiwehn g3d VestnIko PP 93-104- Aug 71 ~Omalav o:0 nn2 "u,# - -4* ~ZV VA Listitute of Pmcisim !-Bdia-dag aie Conputaticti 12-2dulology Of the Accicery of Sc~, ces MR"' atic-Dio&--Tramistor Logical Lllerents of -k)id Pzdcn of Coms of Per-kaloy Licreased RL r .eE~~j by lemausldy. 23 ].p. rl-,t, IIJ S91314 Institut TC)dulw l'bldizalik-i i aciiislitalln~Z 'iti-dmtki. yyCus- giy, 1965p Y~) 1-57. 111b ::,-734 407-69 j t4-1 6 19 394g313 low CjbAj mim ownt, CK M Vp L-,Y,(# ace ar StUdleU Ln EleCtaIMIC CQW4PAra, b,f R, 14, LesmVekiyN F. P. Caletaldyf L. A# tqubavlab~ 0, Do MuLmv-Yemellyanov, Vs. ZI& Pyrebonluxr, V* I* Wftkat*Vj, A* At MnqXJWt Iftlo 1# Vitm, 164 py. RMIM, bk, W=~== w2bifillic! 1=0 mashUW# 3965v r.V- 3-58v 61.- JVW 35256 ~p . NIN, C7 s Nf- y s um sa-naaal/rp P)PO26 May 66 -Past# Pmwnt Parposas of darsaw Fact ifmr&nod. by ','* Le=avskiys 6 pp, R11551AIJ9 perl LOLO_m any 1969, pp 12_Aj. ZmAva JERS Jul 69 3B694?2 !iomaalst ~Vrloialmn Z-4ucztlwn ilio~' Cy 16 iri iomioka, 5 vv,. P,G-r .kilit pwg ,s,-Lz~ ijciva~uc M k-lay 1%31 pp is 4* IMIS 45o968 0 /-) L ~ N) L?L' L E ~ k" I c-, i< /), iz~l taw otil-turil Ia. lhduotr~ Arlvokro'w. by A. (I. ewl1c, mc va "ntal. lamia rA, dot 61 Certain iiesults of Investigation of Atmo- spheric Surface Layer Turbulence, by G. Ye. Lesnik. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy C)Iavnaya Geofiziches- kaya Observatortya, No 205, 1967, pp 194- AIII/FTU/,'.IT-24-579-68 G. Ye. Lesnik Sci-Attaos Sci Apr 69 379,55o) 'iy . July 72 . .1 w I I iau-ractiua (if a olao" iiave vitil a I-iiu wi i)y vul IS3, 10 026-OSL C6 4)--'XL4 iw4c J?61, ~47 ft"oMtion HICbMWO Of Heteragene" D4tcxlmtiov,, by S. A. tesvAk~ 14. A. ftsum. MWIAN,q Mo Jbk Ak sauk M. Vol 182s lio 5p Oct, 1968p iv 1122-11250 CB 11) -, ~, , L, t~ / ,~ j,' ,,-w 0 3UtOG9 au-i vatcar-prwant; tiawrialo, 'oy u P P t~UNSUAII, per, Straitelln~aa 1,iatarial., kq~ I~X~j PP, 12-13! -C -;W oscol? 'Witural ktojocts JeorAmlizadl I ,ddz, -~,* ppe by Yuo ~Bsol .16 i~,ov 1963, 2. 4?137 Soo Jan 69 m 7133 Shortening of lutruction Period at Mosew Iq Imtit,ate of =ture by Yus 1&-sokhin, 6 pp. RJSBIW., np, Bovetpka 1966s p. 2. ya-Kulltura 19 Feb ipm 35396 Yo- ~js(4114 / A) USSR Boo jun 66 301j,872 E.- . L e I o~ ,,- Meanf; of Coping Vith Littoral. Drift for the Pro~~ectlon of Beaches, Dunes and the Entrance to Harbors and Eatuaries. Establishing Artificial Beaches., by I-P. Lenplne. FIFNCH., rpt, T:onns do 1-1aitriser 1e Cheminenent Littorr?J- en Vue d'Assurer la Protection des r12M.,.- et des Dmes et VEntree dsns lea Ports et dans lea Estudres. Re7LIisation de Plagec ArtiPicielles. A galtipUcative Wo-Eamont AmV, With Slg=l Trawfoundl(m to Zorewe tho Directiult-y or Gomw Systwa,, by E. lessiCp " pp. GOVERMW LM am GEM# M, LO.ChMmamdachiAtt und Meldro- ftf41,.- Vol 'Jut 110 &V 190- p um ML Tr 110 UO'n E - L Sciplav Sept 70 Vie Lffoct of tl;t~ '7101,ght of a (iyrosco""C on the -Aatura of its ;-wvc4ietas ill the Prosaace of ~--ry vriction. 1-Y buterin, Leatev. RoSSIA%, pcer, lzv VU Z Pribor, Vol 11, lip 74--lii S 6 .5 6 7 5 Fjr,jsliin~j and Tnt-e-rMediate Rolls Eor 1,1,olling .Ull,,:, for Special Steels, bv L. Lostrat, C.D.S. Circ. , Vol '26, No 9, 1961", 2OG3-2078. BI'SI 0291 '71 'j un Computation of Shrouded Propellers with the Aid tained frout Diagraws of Tests of Propellers, by RUSSIAN, per, 1'ruJy Inst ort 14 D a, I R ? F T 57;w-f and U115hrouded of Formulas Systematic Model V. A. Lesyukov. Inzitencrov Vod- rp 3-S. V. A. I,cs),uI,,,ov c i -M e c Apr 69 379,337 is ozo-Ita- illcthzds atalgit I ADVIlted to va at tw fymm-r.-aflu or ndla &unftags bV It. ON=4 Nam BUCL-4hirlo 141W, So 4.-YAWWAO a0 intermediate and Finishing 110119 Mille, by L. LP-strat. FRW,jjt per, c.D.S. Circ, i4o 9) *BISI -j291 Sc i-Ma t May 7j for AllOy Steel L969, pp 203, L L bbmd---LAn GeNda jw;sm Out" at 4m INft swa sup* IW T* A, &NWAW* mam,p pro 50 1190# P 13-- WA iw: 9m-M MN) - ~-~ ZIN ad/At" & an 20P lkw To 210pat. 40f aWi Awo~%dod flfpj ul-~,Imlv o--,' 4 0. iTOPOU02-0, bY Of OV MLI N th.:~ rig e,' 717 1, 65- Sant 71 W, Description of Unguaga and AISUM Trawlstar forO ~ UMC Huchiness by J. LeezezynsH. 10 pp. POLISH9 part AlgogbM, Val 39 No S, U65, pp 123-133. AIR/FTD/W-23-499-69 ~-i ~-1,5 2- el 2. V~Lj 6 )~; C -Math June 70 Proopma for tue Dawippmat Of the Gat Wuotry in Polsad,, by Stcudolav Leawspoki., 9 ppe pmtmp verp Mealk Vol Mp NO U-12,p Nov- Dw 1965o MV 34033 EE-polm"d Econ Fab 66 295P535 Tochni~al Cooperation, by TadouxesZ, Laszell~,j ,,- -op. 6 pC)hr,T,, rm. 'f~Cio G0513odareze, ll,.'ars nw 12 Fob 72~j P'P- i I ~ RS 5 5 3 15 6 MAY 72 A -I IrMailaritlos Found in Farelp I*lado Ilorks by StardsUv LeaAcoviest 13 PPe PULB;11, pwo amapi Agm I.ZW=f No 9# 1968t pp '00-3W. JPRS 46jM S t,4,V1'lSL19 w L cs z ~ c, u- ic- 2- EO/pOlaw BOW Dw 68 3,AsM on the Propertien o3f L'Io~li`cato Catalysts in the Proceas of Ionic Decompordtion of Luopropylbonzone ilydroperoxide. Part I. The Activiby of Catalysto and Conventional Proton Acidity, by Z. LoezcynWd. POLISH, per, Przonvol Clion-lunX, Vol 11o 99 1965, m, h88 -493, ITTG-71-11496-07C flov 71 rotmatim of Uquld Molwive M143M at Immod .Nqpr*t=ftr ty V. A. latmaIns V. S. SoloMI /' VXMP I*rp Fb- Gum- I M=-# lb 3., U67p -'e7 pp W3-397. am Ber: 5mv (II.T4w) q - f9, Let ", i'A) 3 sair-wo tv 69 3u.,Om