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),;'i 221-lkgj2j,,;~~-~t ,X-l - I-Jec, %lolul ~)115 -(;~v Detorminadon of Surface- Oxygen on lActals Lmriug Remetor AcUvatlon, by V-1.1. Lconliardt. GERMM, pex, Anglydea CJMFTc-a~ctq Vol XXM,, No 4, 1965, pp 355-360. 65 *W 72 G- Gl L e om I . ft 71 e;arohal Lemiov RecaUg Wmlkhin-JGol Cightines by As Lee=# 7 ppe per* LqgMU4 LqMLmh9nrW- - silo -mme ,-o 15o Aug 1909o PP 31-36o jws 4884-> a. ~ -zz~ Disturbawas in milt Hit Cr. Cu,arA Mo Enhangs Between Mother and Fatum In late Prepancy Taxicomes. RMSUNI~ pe rp Akademin-lbuk Balorgaskol �LR. Dgklady -Vol 15p No 79 19719 pp 656-657 RTC 3131-06F vapt 72 st*ps ju tim Universe (Fr= the LOPbook Ofh'tQ the voskliod-2),p by A. Loonavo RISSIM,, rar, Aviats. i KosPonAtp INO So 1966* pp 27-31 NASA TT ;.10.604 f 3- IL SCI-Agron Jul 67 3320868 Leo.~w' A,-As 4004" Psych6logical C;wwtaxi-,o ties of the Activil Coawnauft, by A. 4. 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RUSSIAN, perl, Dok A Dauk SSSRs Vol M)$ No 4, 1:169, pp 958-96J. cPJ PA-3y 7,J b'N , LD-F-','xv' \-'so~y-'r3-v~- Foro lzat-.iotic Tharwo Illeeded :Ui Literaturet by Eorls laonov, 6 ILP* -&mz~fii, ~~oscaw,, 1.5 ~4r 151' t - sm (2-1 RUS,SIA,"l npt iai~~ p 1". J,J-F.-j 55702, Ap r 7 2 6, Q,lMtltaUve 8stUaW of ArtItIcUa I=rww of PrwipitaUlAm In the CoU Wf of the Year In the Ukralda StMej. by JM* Ps LeMmp 9 ppe =SIM* vorm Imbr.9LrARehv M=bw-1401040- vatellowm OM=!!2ml999wmw MUM go 610 19660 pp 01-55. JPRS 43549 Scl 7 -Awspberie Gel ion 63 347Y.-571 btondfication of frodpitation Wor a .cathcr Lxpori=it Rarp in the of 0,6" 1,X,4# l-,T T CA, I , Loorsov '~, T. D. J;ar6i)oova-. par, Trg& Vitrains y .-Iluclula-Is ".p all 356. 5771, tit Inzcmtif loA 1 *,a *A-t 1, Jar, "65, pp 065 xy i rall =.rzarj Rasulta Or a SAW') of '-Ac~ ~rrickrAW4on, ;~,ased on Data or a Lazo 'IlAin- Q~age by P, 1.0n, Ov, 71US-1.17WAillip Pao A'lav.-BaLr4alt-ty i;auclvy0- isslodovaoll Gidrowtearclol ifi fn t 1965# 36-50- P fO b 6 r-~-7 .r:w 68 Moud fWftedioo DarIX tb& Cold Mmftso b7 IL P. town. MMMS bko W!-M vatwatyll" Us 13blaUg- V Pd-u- OL M Wdl",* 19679 152 ypo M.- OPI., '76 OM IT ~3 L SCI/Atcm SVt 70 M-Abcdo and swauatta ac Ideasirication of kTwiplt&Um ddrivS a Cold IXf-Y^-ar Perioa in tL-0 mmialm Stanp, by XT PT LoolWp 15 p") -, wwvj,, perk EMMSMMM-1 Alo UWE Oct-M/A A W- Basic Postulates of the Theory of Plasticity, by mq Ya, Lwnov. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak.Nauk SSSRV Sov Phys, Vol 1990, NO it July 191-1,,pp 5111t549 Am inst of Phys Vol 16, No 7, Jan.1972 Mar 72 -,bile JjL 11. A. o. Nall;, e- c) ~j o U "': L L S~C. 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PEELER& 171ITSY I IKII ROL V RASPRORMU-NII I I RU S- OV.- D-6- 9 -, - -,~ -,)- 3-68 --3 7 0 ,\nT7T-MT1-3- 06C mar 73 Geological structure of the Shm RAvw Dasin in Afganskiy IA&Wighan (iJorthonst Afglmistan)q by lus G, Leonme 6 ppe tiUSSIM p perg Sovetakava Geo1pg1,v4-# "!bScerat i,o 49 L 99 pp 1-%-161o JEUS 51155 14 - cs- - L Sci-um Se-I & Ocoanog Aug 70 Lev't~ D\/ ivwumtorls ffices Allm M6321 Blordasalso by Xuo Leonove 6 pp. I'likbUtip per. :)otslalui ches i-mcov* !,!o pp ,j vi~o 48026 69 ,~?yneieais of co: Autanatic ControZ S~sta,,.7 'or Ractox~ij ,jiVh .1ass 1),oduction of Electr~cal Eqllipncn-t, by Leonov, Yu. V. PU,')'SlAill F i-o 5., 19692 pp. 28-30. T!TD-HT-,l,pca-,*aZ 71-78 ~.V R*ulawtal wd Meoretical Rwemh on Wear of aMrging Unit Pertsv IV A, V, Loonava md D.. A, Storozbik, 11 Fp, motskjx ligiLbno- RUSSIAW,v per,, Dmatako D IgljMjMLt9l'gMZ Cbmw M4aUurzU# Me.taialy, Sbaralk Tr-WQv ND 17s 1969.9 pp 147- 156. 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Mghlblocity Impactst by L, V, Loontovi lj8 pp, RIISSIANt rpto, yXpoJ;gyltoroi3_twl:h Soudarg ITASA Irg F 13740 Oct 71 The Effect of Suporfidally Active Oil Sub- stances on Growth of Young Stocks by Z. A, Leantava. RUSSIM, per, Svinavotbtvoo No. 1, 1965, pp 370-8 NLL T16-3060 ~-' - 4, 1 7-o ,,t 3300 793 Sd - kgri Jul 67 i,iovelopment of a Ueneration Field of a Uiant Ruby Laser Pulse with a Saturing Filter in a Spherical Resonator, by A. A. Leontovich, N. M. Popova. I RUS SIAN, per, Izv VUZ Radiofizika, Val 11, %0 6, 1968, pp FTD-S-AS61 May (11), 360,974 Problems in the Theory of Plasma., by M. A. Legat-ovich, ed. (parts 1-5) RUSSLAN, bk. *CB 4-th quarter of 1965 nay 65 "ni n, 162 Ir- NO facsizile Ap-p#rvtwws 'Arapt" ft. St Be PUt Into Use Ca A Widor 3cals, by Ya. L. Falya*llys V. % LvoRtevich, 7 ppo PUSSIMa perl, Vestnik."39yatio No 4,p 1966, JVRS: S602 \). ~. Sci - Heaton 307*1544 Ault 02 l,tmrj of Biftmt.low o? Dynma4-e Systwo on a Plaws by A. A. Andronovp Ye. Av Lwntov-',cbj, 432 PP. LIMMIs, bk, rPepari DinmVicbeak-ft ?iva Biflarkatsiv sistm Ila P-7 ti 08-~ L e o !~!SU 17 , I L~l 1~14 1"Inansfon"ation of a FunetionaZ Rquatimi to si Pom,,, by A.F. Leont"ev 17V,5,-5!Afl, PtIrs ?Jatematicheskii 57)ornik. 116467 (109), 170. --', pp. 541-560(196 A-PLIJEU-CL13-3 T-638 Appi Z 71 of a Boundaxy Layer in tlic, Drjitial o-f: a `-ube in tho Prosence. of ;.iy zt.l. Lcontlyev, 7 pp. RL iSSIAI~, rpt. Pandtilra Pogranichnogo Llluya V Hiachal"11,47m. Vcnaastko Truby tri itaricail V (i Ll 1. i~, c 7 1 Turbulent I~otmdary Layer in the Init, al 'no; oectiatt 4af a Tube Undor Couditjon3 of ftUCJ'SIAJ, per, TTjjlofiz Vysokikh Tozaveratur, ;W%SA TT v-12.0356 0 ~J. JUaQ Urgent A. 2, Jari 54 1 ? L . 0*72 ------- ;.- S=atlm Of th4 arwahlat sarim with RMI. ijq4nwds for *n AftU*V Aralytigua VmcUcm, bV 4k;p F, LOCrAt'6Vp Rmsimit plort -~-Orz2mu Vol 319 30 is 196?6 pplb CLLV ap Vo ri I-, A16-711Z contributica to the calculfatit~,-. Uf the i,4:*p- cratura Distributico an 4 Porous Plates by S, All DmLialao Al 1* LQQn%IYDv* RL111, MI, pors. luzh. Figs ' 4 : J,;wrpel, Vol ", ';o 4, 119414s, pi) 47~-Qsle NMA II F-10*M Experimotal DotArmimMon Of Critical Diow-In Parazoter on a Pmum Plo*j, by ASIS 9 pp. MMUN't per., To jlgvg~~~ M-Umd V.3.0j, 30 4,F 1966.- PP 447-451 July G3 360..720 ot ti;,, pt zvitivc- Pognarlichlic)(10 :Al-c-,va -afl'cldi V~iu "r) 3 33. 73 .~ov Tj AwgAa Of Pmm ZUKAft idth to 50 S. Wataladw & A* 1. RuislCit part MIT= il"- IsA66. vp 1~ 3 De" a I All/JIN 4wawa Yob 66 &dw-hil-aLt the L:LTltlxk,, fitelativo Lamm GxmrAug 1'rictim w-4 Ilioat Trzasftu- to lacludo isWar.-.1 vas il(m idth ,Ixdto iioynous ,mcWrso 1, LoonttMs I-Irmnw, 7 *.np- Ot ~!A i Tokbaliebosilloy 1"i 0 5v 19659 - T - ~ - - Turbulent Boundary LWer in tIm LAtIal section of a Tube Under Conditions of lbalcothermicity and. BlouDig,, by A. 1. Leont~w- 14 W. Emm.. per., Tulofiz Y42., Te=emtur. VOI To Ito 2. lgbgl PP 270-03- IM TT F-12:356 ion TO Yj9:015 "atermination of Entrance Langth buring Turbulont Gas Flow In an Annular Tube for Substantial Noninotheraitity, by A. 1. Loontlyev. RUSSIAN, per, Zh Prikl Mekh i Tekh Fiz, Jul-Aug 1968, iFp 99-104. SAAA TT P-12,133 4 40 7p