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'10 Jruly 72 -~ Information Processing in an Empirical Scienceq by We Kunt. RUSSIANq pert Nachrichten fuer Dokumentationp Vol 18P 1967,, pp 85-90. NTC 72-10228-05B Apr 72 /-~ Polymerisation of Adsorbed Hydrocarbons by Electron Bombardmentp by D. Kunse. GIRKkN,, perq Zeitgehrift f)jgr Aggoligndte Zhv#Ikq Vol 22, 1967v pp 69-75. NTC 72-10554-07E Apr 72 ~e -k~ LL &) 7. e- Studies on the Efficacy and Gompatibility of Miethaqualone in lle=ologla Diseasesl by K. Kunze GOW', per, Armaimittel4brsehung, Vol 17t 1967, pp .10,':;2-1027 IdC 71357-060 mix 72 . Feb 7 3 1 1 .1. . I ~ -.1, . I..'' On the Perturbation of Oscillationo by a Colliding Body. Part Ip by K. Kuphal. GERMAN,, perp Zeitachrift fu2r- Aagevandle Mathematik und HgahanUp Vol 45v 1965s pp 73-79 NTC 72-12343-20K July 72 X,~ On the Perturbation of Oscillations by a Colliding Body. Part 1. Sections B and Cl by Ke Kuphal. GMMNv par# leitgabrift fuer Angeyandte MstheWi * Vol 45p 1965v pp 79-86 RTC 72-12344-20K July 72 A~ The Influence of an Impact Body Upon Vibrations. Part IL The Vertical Systeml by K, Kuphal. GERMANy per, Zeitschrift fuer Angavandta Mathmatik Una usalmn!172=101 45, 1965p Rp 419-431 NTO 72-12342-20K July 72 F, ku f &1 9.0 N 0 v Impo-~*es - of Guard Ddyj I*ro0mg, Performance of GaLrd bAy, by F. KupAyanov, 5 pp. RUSkANO npo LMMM &MIA, FAsoow, 5 Jan 1973o p 26 JPRIS 5=3, Feb KUS ADV po FUk"HCAST F,,'jll, DEVELUIMENT UF PRODUCTION AND AP PLICATION, OF PACKAGING ", P A K 0 W AN I E~,, U, 1 Z1~71 PP 3-4 F.~TC-vlT-~- 3-2q81-72 Classification of the strains oj xantilo- ijonas Oryzaa on the Basis of Their Viru- lence Against Plants, by T. Kusaba. JAMiESE# per, bulletin of the National Institute of Agife-Ut-Iii-al "'Ciances, Ser C, Jo 20, Mar 1966, pp 67-82. ACS1 J-640S VSTC-JIT-23-604-68 A u If, 6 319,953 30 PoUtical ilativity among the FarurerG. by Abbas Kusaibah) 17 pp. AMM, per, al-Talilah may 1967., pp. 16-24. JPRS 41743 =P /) 4 1 'q j /k" v S'4 / i'v A bE,-UAR Pol Aug 67 333,v145 :,Effect of: AiisteiiitA G'O .-Slize-'and Forgirl, on oln .1 eirii, ~ Ba ee ~Aeducti r 6,:. , idiii st il K. Ikusaka,, - 4ndS 'Araki JAPANESE# per,~~Tetou-to,Haaane,,.Vjol,:34, Vo.9, 1970's pp 957-962.W, .l. lm, 8647 CoIC vi~ork 3, r* ~ p AO' 3 r..: , 1~69, Lc!cturo 8167 Ii-fe Stotelz, by K. Xuoal~a, per 'A"ot,3u-to,-L!%a(Jancw, Vol 156, p 5 546. 55 11, 70 Of 20 3v ~Dsr, Tetzu tv i~~Prlncf p4n 752) IP17 ~a 53* s;~,O ut ,,I - . PI- C- j(RFP-Trana--108) IINFLUENCE OF AUSTENITE GRAIN SIZE AND FORGING RAT10 ON FERRITE BANDED STRUCTURE. fKusaka, lCw o, Arald, Shotaro; Iwamaru, Masuki. joTranslated for Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Div., from 15J. Jap. Inst. Metals; 34; 957-62(1970). 2D12p- 24Dep. NTIS. 2ginetalhurgy; translations 2111F 28MN-25 29P NSA rl u r D'i I o 1 6, ~' Rapid Determination of Baron in Glass by Prompt 0~~[A'A-Ray Measurement, by Y. Kusaka, 8 pp. JAPANESE, per, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi, Voll 88, No 8, 1967, pp 1006-1008. AEC/RFP-Tr-83 Sept 71 S I Structureal Midifications Of tha Carboweams Material Ln PyrolytLc Petroleum Cokess by U. D. KWakin- OSSIAN, per* Tavat Lbtalt Vol 33v Vlo 10, 19659 pp 59-62. ATS RJ-S434 YJ Sci-Mt June 70 trivestization of the aloatics of the Dow wransiomatLoa ku volyacrylouitrile by In AbUOtptiC'.% SPQCtral, by 5, A, Subasoval 14. M, duaskov, S pp. W-asEat Per$ Seriya D. KratkjM-3o2jgbcWniva, Vol 11, tio 3p pp 193-F.16. Airm 7j Deoxidatica Of IrMoCarbon Alloys Ath Cerium ad tbe. Resulting Nomtallic b-clusions., by T. KutakAws, Y. Watanabo. JAPSESE, per, Tom to 111gimep Vol sit No 10, 196st pp IIB 6669 Jul. 66 3046394 Llt,uia Cry-stni Of I !,- IS I A,,, I-cro Vol', ;-,mL Vlpl 1,1~60 I~lr~ '7 Jnu 701 OVIC-17 of Tloetr'001',-C, '~~Mloltlrlrlg by "y1sprAciA, Y. pov, Totau to ;,o ,.0 -31 10,660 -T 70-1905. 6 5 1! P s c i /I r-, t c r:^,- no 3 533, on ingot Surfam, SoUdification and wIting fate of an Blecty0slag Rewlted Inaots, by H. Kusmdcbi Ot al, JAPANESE, per,, Tstsu to Haumo Vol Sim, ftr 1965, pli 25&'151.. *alSl 4861 sci-M&M ,lay 66 be. i,wA oi ikrcdit in k~orUern iawktwtp-n by 5, Kuwlnov# Ve 4ovalovp 7 pi-~* iii-&-i:Am, Por. L)MPt A -~radljo J. It; W623 'o Y/Vov I cm Aug 6~; jj-. Automatic Rocognition of Spokon Numbers, by H. Kusch. GIMMAIT, por, ITnalwichtontechniache Zoitcchrift. Vol 13, 1 To 2,, 19G5s, PP 57-62. 'AW-71-10513-09D Nov 71 40--t fv*j ZIA A.Utowatic i~ccogzsitiok ~u SpChkell ~.Jwbcnz, I;j ii, KU261, Git-T-i-Aii, pors, 4'ddiriditentecimi3c~ic zoitschrift Vol 168 .,-,'o 20 V059 ly, 57-1419 vi F-11938s, WE U,,,tLY '13ci-Ilu"Flaviorul L. Social ,')ci Jar. 66 A Lignt Point Scanning device for Auto- tiatic Evaluatin of Astronomdcal Moto- ,~vaphs, by D. Kuschbert. ~,ERMIAIN, per, Astrouomische Nachrichton, Vol 2B8, 1965, pp 25-140. .'4TC 69-IU613-03A 46c, r Sai-Astron July 69 .3 F.IL 6 , 6.3 D of 44 For a t,~ottcw UWAnation of ll~btor -In H=Ostlk7 in tho by 1. 6`2 6 ,quiftiric Acid FlaILUuS of Titwim Alloyzj by S* A, gashakovich and Zo '(9 101=inap 6 pp. RUMAR., perp Tamigm 'MeteXl m- 22, r4c 1965j, pp. =6P 9. jpf,v, 35419 A v Jun 66 Sol, 6C)l Ilc'k,',.-,y lt,~ie Liall-it In tie of lilininG ~hcldnarj, by pp. L CS, 171, Sc in 5 t U") 02" Oct 71 '~e A. i w 00 commllaulwl. Fame= civa-loal TO libe= W. l4awam Of tho social. mitisma scwUvo vj vacimp cap ca-I petr M =.t# low's (ZEM, per., %22.0tV.1m xfo h 1965,~ 'MA, 155- 1610 &~S CM 762 Mi cwchoalmc~da DI-M J~M.C6 2,1110963 IN Jt. 10:15 for 04~ P.-moo Cor .1 the .collt . ratod Comont 2 jurpics, by Par, "'Ok Al.- 1817 Ot Aue PP Wj3-11! r 35 s C1.1j. W&IwEze v 10 0~ mcr -77-- , ,,. I ~ - ~', 1 ~ * 2 3 1 /C ct-, Z- 'Code ""w'Lbmq for Direet samlw,, bj, iiT, CIMM.- pw" re.r J~ Ppo ao mi, ~Uy3 L 178~, OIZAIXI ft"00~ ftl~p by A, Vmttel# To StIrtzo 220 Mw,p,?~rs 40-zeftr, us do MA W-150-2-0755 - - a -Y~/ Sel - Mat Jul$ 67 3 N. p 5 7.1; Wilorination Reactions, of Al~rdxocarbons with 11olten Salts, Part is Chlorination of I-h=ffins and Olefins idth Copper Chloride-Potassium Chloride I-'Olt,, by T. Kun%i JAPAIIE2 # per* Kopyo Kagaku Zasshl Vol 72, 1969# PP 2385-2390 NTC 71-10128-07C max 72 7, Ile w. 04 4~2 ; Ugh Tempomtwe Docomposition Reactions of Butene-I In the Presence of lVdrOgOnt bY T , Kunu~~i jApAilLisE, pert i~or-vo Kwalm Z.-usship Vol 70t 19670 pp 1477-W2 1"T0 7i-16457-070 rxx 72 t~~ amue st* on the Ppolpla a Propm in the Presence of FOUNven., by Ta Minial. ahum; p , �SME GOMMI mdo, Vol 9.1 3* up 19667~96 V)D-tM* A"-"34 -/ Sol-ptva I.-lar 70 401099 Urdty in Dwe3W Rosembg Developmnt Sotwhtl All by Arpad Kummio 9 pp. HUNMI&III Pop* it= TadgM arkpostol. Jul-Avz. L9699 PP 47Z-479-, JP,Rs 49220 Econ 69 396,1230 I"Vltwllv-D 0" (0011A3 VAL..r Totqwlatmv oil tjla Ift-bl~p-tcil c.W-"Un,c, cmdltilonz X'O.- ~Ovkpmn-ltr~ tjy B.P.. lnuwalnidl Vj"~'IMIL mvih,10 1 9~ 1965~ o,!) OB 1W 1~ 197 - ,:~-alvyhv Ee,; Alt7 6.7 ~ 3.5 - ~ i 111) 6 Spacial Cases of Disturbance to Lightning, by A. Kunz. GMK4n, per, Bull A.S.G.1 Vol pp 1093-1095. C.9. Trans S250 C, . /~U A), ~' Sci- June 70 in U.V. System Du 9,g 589 No 24, 1967, Special Cases to Ughtning, FRWCH, per,, 25 Nov 1967, GEGB-5250 of Usturbance In RV System Dua by As K=z. BOU.- Assoc, Suisse 4ect., Vol 58s pp 1093-1095. ,~) - ~~- -11-1111~ i Juue 71 I'Xperi"Itts with !;Yachrotroa kadiatioft, ?%or, -',eit fur Ait', "hys., Vol '13, 7 1~'CIIV 2- Y!i 1), ~~7 , 4 1 F, a -z- Exc~osure to InonzipU :~~acdiatiori Flurin~j rjia~jnostic I~miz, 7 CL""-;Cll, per. Cas.-Lel'. Cesh, "llo 108, 1969; D,nc 71 ventilation in Foundries, by 11. Kunz, GER-W, per. Giesserei, Vol 56, Oct. 9, 1969, pp 625-627. DISI 9168 j 1~ - r-~ June 71 -1 1 "1 Y The Influence of Phenobarbital and Halogenated Hydrocarbons on Nitrosoamine Carcinogenesis. by W. Kunz. GERMAN, per, Z. Krebsforsch, Vol 72, 19690 pp 291-304. *AEC/ORNL-Tr-2659 Jan 73 -5 of ftyA ecavam or the MWWWWA 49too ft-F~ SWU 11-Ga# V-51 W V-C-a# tv w. SU14 F. arm. ommo pwp mu..drm, 110 Vol 10I ,1* 4,* ~W* 0 4a.41b. AAM 2354 11. Kunz on tbg Logic of Emmueb and 7-11) rot I. am sustao" b DwIpuls "AmIcal larbodim ftubm rw &dawm amwabp by U4 MM.0 IL attols GEMP W;p gal I . Vol 5% 30 as i4p Irv 350-yal* lm-69-13458~ 69 3A*6n Ox A., Aj4:,,Aiio C-f 'i Terp ;.Cue lutte, 3, (A kf\ 377.7-11 Feasibillty Study Pertalning to the Manufacture of a picture Tube With Internal Secondary Electron MultLpll- cation, by) C. Kunze) M. Hermann, 32 PP- FOR OFnCnL USE ONLY FOR 7 1 L USE WITM W IEPARUM OF I M ' ONU. THIS MOM= 13 NOT BELRAsKkm To ME MMM DOCUMMTZON CENM. GUMN, rpt) Forechungs Isboratorium Dr. Walter Udy-nn pp. 1-29 3-379-70 March 71 5L- T,),c Picklin,, i-echanism for Unalloyed Stcels in and llilh -i'Ditor-Free Acidt" E. Kunzc pol, Corrosion Budapect, Oct, 1-9L2, pp 21~.--224. I'lill;l 10180 Jul 7 2 ~: . 4e U- P~~ -ly. C'. leAwaination of Porosity in Elect-rolew wiami ftung, by W. Bergemm,, S. R=zzej, 8 pp. GOVELMWT USE Ow GMU rpt I Ali Wl,)WT :23-5-24-71. Ileb 72 """C&tJOR Of 00 C4MURW)W C001ing l3ransfomatiou (CCT) Diagum to the Practice of Host Trantmnto by E. Kunzep 11, Drandist QRM# per,, DEW Technische Berichte Val 59 No 30 Mig pp 09 May 66 no Mact of tho Mfftion AMABUM cm tho la,5' stracUm or HiGh Spw2 Stw2vp by 1L DmnA4 . cEmq, per, mi Tacbm BWICJAO; Vol 4.. lb 2, pp. 63- MZ Daf: 3774.5 (IT60) Sci-Materials JUILY C-9 34, 3 17 Colonol Vie= IW UUtary-lAmdor Problomp Todsp by U9 F-unzoo 10 pp. (jalwo pore miltaod2ghnik Least Lorlinp V-,qr 1969o pp 97-100, JPR,,'> 48102 G, 7 f-d-S, clormny Jun 69 3a2olO lit, ill; Ilt !AA.'IWO 11 F C- 4(CERNmTran&-71-38) 5RESEARCH INTO THE SCINTILLATION BEHAVIOUR OF A FEW PAST ORGANIC PLASTIC AND FLUID SCINTILLATORS. O!Kju~!~nzeR -, Langkau, R. 10Translated by J. Nicholls (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland), from ifiNucl. Instrum, Methods; 91: 667-B(1971)- 2GGP- 24Dep. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only), 26instrumentatfon; translations 2118D ,aMN-37 5NP NSA (9 RF-C~4(LF-tr-71) 5PULMONARYLAVAGE,THERAPY OFPULINIONARYCONTAMINATIONS. Glim ~Ie-lriqzAl.; Metivier, H.; Nolibe, D., Simon-Vermot, A.-, Gimbert, J. L,, Jockey: P. joTranslated by A. A. Horvath (Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, AlIxiquerque, N. Mex.), fTOM i5POL1111011 Coeur; 26: 1029-,38(1970)- 2010P- 2jDep. XTIS. 26biomed; health and safety; translatiom 2706, 0611 29MN-48 29P NSA lz~) _.x 7n " i '4~ "glish Title Wknmug by Hal" Kunzals, GLIMM, rpt, KolaUrchan, Soadardruch aus Bodon wand fieclo. No 10, 1965. 6 pp. *Cnfl TT 67-'590 3 Jul 67 Gbanoterlotice of Swe RoUted Ron- Commndoml Tuo-Axle fiats Gyroo# by flolmt Ruplamr, Ollw"Ll"t rpto Rateft M am Lun- md-&%abE& S. V. kmolgI Lt4ft Wd Oct 1967o 48 pp, Sci-I'lavril, Cam, Wt a- C.'l J= 69 372#552 A d-f1h i7sssw-~ 11-ftel"ater tm. to 5003 kmlc4. bv L(~/ V4 :"Mezel" ;Mr, T elm i~-Idt - )65s ~p M- , ro 13, V pp 46-010), 1-1 70-57536 '4i-dws Aug. ?0 w . )(d Tilin --Layer CAVOWILOV'rap'Hy Of hutals of orolisio Importance .by P. i