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Effect of aircumforent nmuomfor-n 11 of. X -aj direction on reaonance. vibratimw. of compressor rotor bladws# bj? V. A. Kulqqina.. 19 ppo RUSSIAN, perj, niganiua 2jaahnm~'neravnanernosts', Napravleniya potoka-na reaonmontlye leoe~f-a~jaatok Rabookago koleca komprea8pra, ZopatoRLY;uye,2achilvj i stntiMle gpamty hlo So-2974 pp 9V14071ft-, NASA TT F 14,107 apr 72 ---- I - - . . ~- I I . I . .;.% ~-... s~,7-777777. ~, , " - -., ~:,:- , .- 1. .. - .. . -_.i-. ; p 1. 1. :: I, , .- - ~1:~ , - .. Z;~~, ., %1. . , : . ., :. .:",., - '. -i : ~, , ,, ~ ~: ~.: - ,, -,;; n! :1. 1 . . .~ -,, 4~ - -. C,~,!., ~, .. ~; . rt -Y-C - e-z~~klnll? Hygienic Evaluation on Pollution of the Atmosphere With Hexamethylonediaminep by A* go Kulakov, RUSSIAN, perv Hioloalgheskoe DRiatyle I algienichesk2e ing 16di"Ca A+-"n efernvkh Zigaryasnanii, 'Vol 9# 1966g pp 28-41* NTO 72-joooo-o6p (p. 18-29) Apr 72 --l 23t ~fI commaiwtions Nwmml Undorgo Field lraLvdjk,,s by I* Kulakove 5 ppo RUSSIAA, npl, Km Zvuzda# Mmem-ro a sept ig6go p 20 iPfi$ 4903.1, 1. A-~g,(a kHl- USSR illu Oct 69 OV12 iiolr3 of Revolutionary 3nd c"10at ;:Iary, by 1. 1. iiaykcv, ?i. M. Kulakov. FOIR QFPICIAL USE OALY POSSIA111, ~4r, Al)r 61 V f, 'BISI-116.9 'l.'-~,',l' I . oz.. %'ll. Feb 73 Ufact of Saall Additions of Raftactory Uv~ 17 r2 monts on the Structm and Properties of $heats of Aluminum Alloy Cuntaining 5% Za and 2t by V. 1. Kulakov. RMSIAN, per, ]4~ Aviatsimagi Tekh:1010,;- ichoskiy Lusta No 061, U;Wd, pp 147-156a Mb-MT-24-272-67 Oct 6 7 i~.Ofoot ot -m*U Additlaus of ilafmaterj --lownits on i~ztruotwo ad Fr*PWAas iof 14,00to of Allmlmz AMY, conudalmo, 5." V, xjnlcbnftovt am Z,', als by Lo C-b V. le Kulakove 7 hn- a pp Jon &; .llrsv 1~tl:, ~vvatt Alltrury ZP 15 45,73', M. K(A-lo,-kov eoloAcall I-Aructure of thn '-u~,dkarokh ~Axvr i. Afghanintan, by V, lv'. iluUkovg ~'olchwovq ? per, 9. ygzg-.Fp X-10 V - k:~ -~ L Aug 70 Nov-Type of Symnstry Porming the B*OjO of Pbysical Tbeorles of the ftenomonological-Typet by Tuo Is lulokove RUSSIANp part Dok Ik Nagk-S$Ug joy ZhZe., Vol 201,;,, No 3 NoTleabor 1971# pp 570-572, in Inst ofFg;f Vol 16,, No 11,, Kay.1972 May 72 CbanotaUtift d the aamd% of Didwdma OW AoUvat4qn ShUMu,- f*r Faat Umctm-al, IV 1.110 Yat gul4kovddyt 29 0. MUNI, rAMO sitzmetm 8~91 soatmaltAto I FammMvy %bot. vo Sooftaim ABS 2 k2&:u_cMajj h- Mdadm vp JM 48331 /1j, I;d a TWI Jul 69 In Exposing Defects in the Insulation of Elactrical Machines by ceans'Of Defogtoo scopos, by V, B. Xulakovskiye RUSSIAN,, per., Stektr*- Stmuts~ Vol 36, k.-0 5$, 1965. P11 51-53. NLL W: 3771.5 1965 (1299) 14LL Pof Jul 66 I", G , k) - L 6 ti e- v C=el&Uou of the Accwx4AU= of Pa4ra4aborldes bY tbe Coll WOU m4 Ou+*EU FracUons of RLgb- Molocula PolipbmbeUs JA Yeadoy by I. S. ID11m. MWIM,, per$ D* A go* MR,, Mochm, , Vol 2A.. ND 3s 1W 19t; PP 734-73b - CB Feb 73 Absori5tiOn 4.7, Ponicililiza S by 1. 4-5- Wz Air, Ug 11,101 17, 9 LO pp il:ov ?o (.~ S, Inorganic Polyphosphates in Vic EvOlutiOll of Phospi)orus rietabolism, by 1. G. Kulayev. I RLISSMI, bit, Abiogenez i 11achalInyye ;tadiy ts -T i Y U Zhizn, 9 TT 13-12,127 Jul YGD 383,565 le. ~.L L Localization.of,l'~3-Diphosphoglyceratei .Polyphoephate Phosphptransferase tu Neurosporm, crassa, Wlf,p by L S. Kulae"S Rissinj per$ Rok 'Jik - lAuk BAIA B&2'ghe Vol 200, 9 No 20 September 19711p pp 477-480-0 CS May 72 Attentlon of Visible and lyrir~,ated Vlaus Thra -b...-, W Jta rdIfect on Via", bs, Von W. Rial-bl, 40 pn-. MM, bl-,p mr) 679-mi. ACSI F. OSTC-irl-23-097-71 Li March 71 iWels and I*thods Used In Creatln_g Autonted SyAew of Cmtrolg by Vs V* Xullbas A. G. kAnikonove 2? ppe RUSSIM 0 part 4kvk-=Atuw TelcmekhArdka, Moscow, Ro lqa-,ppp n6-132* jF116 55227 Fob 72 I ) . I . " /~. . , .1 . /-. /-. X'6 ~_L' 6, -a ~ 4 z _ 1; 1 Determination of Low-Energy Parameters of piN Scattering, by A. A. Kulbardis. RUSSIAN, rpt, No 177, Akad Nauk SSSR, Moscow. Fiziko-'rekh 17s-titut. AEUCERN-Tr-71-12 f3 Ty K Fro&cUmo operation of Stumboshavskap Gmss by As I* Kullchitaklys 6 ppo Rmsulit pore 4mmetikm i Kiewo 40 to 1969# pp 6-ge JM '476,68 Sd-~~V.Or& I~ay C-9 178. 56,P 11eat Field and Distribution of Oil and Gas Pools in the I-lest Ukrainian Uil and Gas Ilegion, by D.I. Kullchitskiy , V, G, 0sadchiy, RUSSIA, per, bok AL, Naul SSSR, Uol 179, No 1, 1068, P062-165. AGI D, r N Uk i C', il ' h; ) ~ I' , i Jan 69 373-326 ImprovementB in the Econamic Activity of the Synthetic Inatber and Industrial Rubber Produets Combine imeni Ho 19 741ininp by 8- Kullchit%j and L* De'bmr,, 8 ppe M%L49s' 'SwetjtM !~21~ 5 Feb 1966., P 0 2 JFBS 3456T USSR Econ, mar 66 296,971 b) 21ruji. mi arW4=m ex or, 30 W-4-Iftraw PT.-n"zl X4 .1o Q=V~ I olitical S~cncc DoUnad b~r fic-cfArch "Araett ,17 by , a!,-an ~ ~ulczar. 8 pp. ii 1023 -61-). IjL'Ce6~jv ~ Financing of Berlin's Blood Donating System According to berformance,, by W. Kulczyk. aMM, per, Zelt fuer Aar Fortbildung, vol. 63P pp. 1157-11 1. 1969 x= 7i-1oq74-o6z August 71 Toward saw Trends in the Production paagging'O by Zo Xulczyckie POLISHO Pere 2~akov=iaa Nb 20 19661 ~p 1-3, AC.S.1 J-0271 ID 2204035766 2 /r/ of, ( b 0 'I -/Q, -,C 4 j , , ~,f scivm/14 Jul 66 Boris Sawilavich Uato (18864942) A. A. Kulea"s AWSIAN per, Gidr0iolagiaskly Zhurnal, Vol III: NO l" 19670 pp 92-, *Wpt of Interior Fish and Wildlifa 51-ervice Dureau of Coamrcial Fisherios WSSR Ulu- i Og May 67 cX TracLol' to tj-.).nal v-101,J%j, I)y i'm') ga'..ona'Alm SKO I.Xk 5 -53o LEM Z UL f"Con ja-n ~ZCel il " ethod f c Simplified Oil-Celloidin ethod for Preparation of Thin Large Surface Sectionsy by H. Kuleak ampff. GERMANO pers Mikrgokggja9 Vol 23, 1968v pp 352-355. KTC 72-11268-06E May 72 ,JAE, t u -S" 71 Dcte=lning the AetivIty o? Anti.-Hoof and VoWth Disease Al=inm gyftoxide rorm-A vaccIlle in ouirm Picas by L A. Weahmrat G. A. F=1075htll~ a pp# RUNIC, pers kilo, tfaa*,. lo'k 22 SWBUA lwa 70 soviot Rocket and ArtMery Troops kmieOds by P. ituloshm* 6 pp. RUSSWO por, Sowton Rggdmp Mosamrs 19 Nov 1963p pp 1-20 im,- 479216 F ~'Es // d ~,- UlWa im jaa 69 3729526 ilzeed for Scientific In:corffation in ,-'ediclno, by v. i'mieshov and N"t a-kovskV, , 6 Ppt o 967, r,,%~~ota, 20 Jun RiY36JAN, per, ~Odjt: p, 2, JM 42382 USSR Sci-B and A:! SOIA ~? 0 3781,063 Lont-nal 0 n. to the ror*ler fA(Actr; w 4 t 6,1 povj~~Wrj, by S. Vo rq%ftkov, Yus A. tic MIS o0savow Jua 67 -r. ~-- - k' u, L e,,% ~ -o q R C=duu%l LI&s of Ue V**Ubuiv Am in the C&t Cm-tSxj bv T. P. MAesba7a. RLSOM.9 per, D* Ak No* smo Dial scles Vol 204" No im NO 19;j2., PP 243-245- CB Feb 73 lie low "lu AMI, MyW" by Jozef ,,,Llosza# 'I'Mro JA liar. a p 1.149 L&I (T, i. Carl 69 Ea4o Factwo rar 1971-19?5 nm by, Jozof Kaosms U ppo FOLTS"ll pore bdo 2-ommtmf 25 ray 19698 py) 1-2. JFPS W264 ftcamteds Warawat ~_; -f: - -, 7 /1 j - ;L K'4, ~ - II-b-polaTA Eem Jul 69 00066 C;~ 6v Polish Amdiiiw 'fools W.-Ith F19coparAwt, Oa4aolv 12 pp.~ Lv Stanislav Kubgras POMM, per, PrzeFTIQd M=bamiew v tio log 25 !,%y 1965s pp 303-305- iprs 31436 EL - Poland Econ A-ug 65 Tha Doskinskiy PeleCypOd ASsaMblage of the Tatarian Ln the Orenburg Diatrict of tha Ural Region, by G. V. Kuleva. RUSSIAN, par, Wk Ak Nauk SSSP., _~Iar Sci, Vol 189, No 1, 1969, pp 163-154. -401 '~h Z/~ Jon 71 The latrme Wld4w Amm&ry of Ice in Far 2astem Se"t by No P, XmlggkcNo IS pp. RUSSIANS, par* Flo 13a 1965o pp. 6&76. Dept of Bavy SGO tr 292 sop 6? 338,1143 Luainous Zoac Propagation at ml L-lertric 1.),3 Explasion in Heavy ~ircsj by V. m. Kulgavrjiuk, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Zlwr Priki I~Wt i Tokh Fiz# No 4, 196T.* r)F rb"r.158. P10010'20607 V, Sci - Phys Ap r fj 7 322,00 1TI- '3 CA - 1: lztter to tba Attornoy W-mral on Abuse of 4 4utluority, by Ivan Kulluv-iok, 5 pp. Cau, r4- r, alturpL Rovirly " 0 NO. 17, 26 Aprill 68p ,,1 12. jr-RS 45.496 my Q' In. Vic- CIA gk. virt \ - ., . - " , tudif ;,I 'T 7' 0 vi-I 131 -,ov 71. Preparatioa of Additives Contdzdng Phosphorass &afars ana worine Frm Thio Ethers of Mycezol a -1-lDnodaorobydrin2 by A. H* Kuliev., et al., 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pria0d k SmazochMm Has1ma No 2. 1969, pp 57Z2. AL%6,VD-HT-23-713-70 ~'C) - 9~,, - mar 71 .tratlq~, ipevthl its t,.Aa~ a"lid '51, '4 -F FOU'.0 A"'I ~VP"x~ - -------- - - - - ItootrUA 0*41W LXXA, Eeebnologieal IDesign Classification of Parts. by L. Iii. Kul:Lk. G. 114. .5&mydmo* 8 pp. RWSLU-49 por, AandaLtZAi Kaebestyo, 'Ibeccup No 39 1972, top 13-15. J14PL 56047 Nay 72 rota ca ovpw 141majo 'w omum Kwuzz, 6 pp, PM=t Iwo wdo - OF 3-0. 2r, j'a L%5., P. 5t JEFFIS 3165-0 // r FAMn JAMI-C, 651- 9111-217J.) Lek ~. V. ivVe4di zau-" Ww ,4 vol 831V zxlt B~46T,--- 01' low 3911f Sol Operatim of a OwkWz with CaVlate Jlaito=mus 3 Ffnswlv~6 by Go IWUj, 7 Vp* MWIMP Pas ..... . 00 33~ Aug 19671, po 394, - opm lew , 6, kif h'K usn Em oat 6-11 3043V Lectures in Agricultural Meteorology,, by M. S. Kulik. IMSTMv bko IRktsii Po 8qlqkokhoSMjiMpM lieteoro- logii, 1966. *NTIS TT 71-51000 m . SS, , k C', t 11 ~ JUIY 71 1. - ,--.. :..-. - I . - ~ . ~ .1 -1 ". -:-,~ " .., .'. ~ ". -.,r." i - -I- -, .- - , ., , I I I" . I , I I :., ~z '., .:,., " ". , -, L~ .; . .. j. "- , . , , . 1. . , - ; I . . . " , , , . , .'. . ~ ~.T -~,, , ~. ~ :~ ~ ~ . , , " 1 , , .".1 ]..~j . , . - . . - , , , . . , z , ~, i;.,. l. - " "' - , , 6~~ --. :, - ,-. , .,. - , . -.", .. 4 " " : ~.. ;", . ., ! , -, , . , " - , . t 7. --.ILAL kA-- ~ :. , - . % - ~ ~ ~- ~ I\~ I 0 u U \