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Problems In ln(nvasiM Froduction BMW- iency at th3 Yaros3avll Notor Plantp by A. ~~jdlnwv 5 pp, FUSSIAND nPI 2 "onqL2~2skeya 4zetall-lo 229 2 June 1965s p 4., ipro 31w Econ A 65 Z,569662 ft#Uyft x4buou" In PjmnUig DOU"ries 71 at msmma reruumws~, tw x. poly=wy oAa movwmt 20 W~ Aw 4wwo - fh"Amt lb, kp- Apr WIR pp~ JPBS lk2m UWR $~i4%th sopt 6? 339#0U Aji-licatkii j-." ":u-clear Uplosioas in tiw f1l, 10i Ya. Kudyrov, I Io -1 16 8 .ho Prob2an e cold !"amar"2atimMal Diao=j, Lly J. Mid"'bood" lkb vol pip 0 LZ All lov I" ~ 10 36 0 T Ta, ,I- 0; t"Le CU ;.;jp c,",c "to. 1, 'n ci. CO 71 Jet Propulsion TllstitUtOs UY fl. WeIll, ) (-j 6, li, Barth, CTIRVANj rl)t,, 24 pp. N&SA W F-120209 // Ka c /-) Sci-llrop & Fuels Sept 61) 3010566 A 'Now., T4nd= GOMM rf Do U-)X~ .1 ZLA- Sep 72 Nov 721 The Patermination of Usaful Field IntonsitY In tho Caso of Frequmcles Am 470 mc in the Irrogalar Terrains, by U, Kuehn., No 5,, 1965, Gre.khWi,, per,, Nachrichtenteelmikp pp 1,61-166 *ACS1 J-17;2 IV 2204005067 6-3 Sci-Ear Sci PC b 6 7 oc tho 5tato Council k'i,~CA:Aoll on C-mel Cill'uncoh, by Journal, f "ast Bet UP, ~'cc V, pp. I V'4p.Acmcas in &TImionttu Vil~ sho Procodums ~or the Yeatiug L,:r Terato,,,,orlc ~-',ffedts 4"Ako ,;;hupat by I-, Litalime pw& ~; Aemtl 1, Oerk. Vol 54P pp 63 Variations in AIrtariat Slubtraj;e Level Under t;je N'luence of Physical Work*, by Kuel., J., DOI% El. Deppler, D., and !?eindett, Li. 29 pp. OMIWI, per., Int. Z. mz-qeo., Phypiol., cinacht. Aiblqitaplkyq~oT.. -22: 1966 IIA VI,71ql'RNI- 518 2- 71 April 71 biaphracyratic Injuries and Their sequelae,, bY F. Kuem-arle, 6 pp. cz,-mu", chi!~~,, Vol 38, 1967, pp 399-405. NAW/oDMI-1616 -4, ~- ~j-:- Oct 72 Tests bbsure j,eady U" ilepsonal by ::". -,~.uetkol. 7 Grit-W4 rpto 1968', '~P 509-Dlio 47339 Gov feb 6o Protecu-tva Itormf rsat Dorlug Ilov Y?4t656 70-13443-20M Nvazd-H- ! i WINDOIVS IN WINTER, VIEWS ON THE EVALUATION OF THERMAL EFFECTS OF LARGE WINDOW SURFACES ON THE ROOM CLIMATE. Glastechnische' Berichte, v. 42, n. 10, p. 428-432, 1969. 1. Order from NITC aa 70-13443-20%1: HC $ 7.60, IMF $ S. 80. 41 1,*!I"u'(:I-d0IO,-I'C"1 Studies on tile t"Clatiolr. Fluorifiv, COUtunt (if Drhzi;in 'oviter, fk~ntnl Fluarosis Carics Ircidence, by fuelizel. !cr. "7u],twerz.41 Vol (48, '-o I'l 11"(70 Lf L 3t13,1 54 !]q t 69 ~ - C- - 1~ LL e S S lu e,(~- Appxwftmtion Theory of Oscillatbig Ving vrith Iarge Aspect Ratio in Suporsonic Flow idth E)mmpleap by Hs G, Kues -mar BUROPMil rpt, WimEghaftlighe GegenaghjLt A= kQ= und AWS&Wg E=meirscher LuftlwaG~2sq (no 6 Rmich, 1-4 asp 1965 NTC 71-16527-OJA nar 72 25 Tb"W 02 bftatev Tilln Profaa Oscluatba In an InVISCId SaSOZAC Rog.. by a. 0. M M-mm. am=p ]?or.. Wt Am flaoigenachaftep VD1 15, ro 8 9., 7). 7) pp 33.5-323. MC-69-la-32-OIA CIS 13 j~,*?A%--, 44, c-0. 'Ail A l-, 12 The Influence of TechnoloGical Factors on the PropertieS of High-Mangamse Steel, by P. KuEa. C=a, per, Sbornik V.S.B. Ostrava, Vol 14, Uo 3, 1963, pp 275-233. 071 Dec 70 Absolute Contim4ty of ~1-1 Clwr, F=ctimis on level Sets of A T11 Funcdon aml Cortz~ D=dary q Properties of llapgMa With Generalized Deriva- tivos in a Phne Region, by D. P. Kafarv. HUSSTAII, per,, Dok Ak 11m* SSSq, Vol 101.0 vo 2, i(j,630 pp 252-255. An Mth Society Vol 9P No 4. 1.968 jan 69 Xtl$226 Zero Sets and Homeomorphism with Finite Dirichlet Integralt by B. P. Ku:farev. RUSSIU# per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 173, No 6l 1967t pp 1257-1259- Am Math Soc Vol 8. No 2. 1967 ~g , p. ~~ Q Fl~ p- E V Nov 68 370l,427 Chi twc !.!etric ".ays of Defildm,! Pritw ;ands of a Sequence of Phole Regions, by 1'. P. mjf;;rev. PUSSIAN, ,-cr, Dol, At NaUL SSSRO Vol IF37, ;,C-, 11, 196.9" I'll ORC-988. Tlje An Math Soc Vol 100 .!o 48, July-AuF, 1969 0 Q, Jan 70 400#075 t '5vr, 1-1~xpavu The Drell& Round Form, by W. Kufferath. GERW, Papeterle, vol. 90, no. 10, 1968p pp. 1036-10470* NTC 71-11109-11L Auguf;t 71 IbUaft of CeuWba Rod Swl Bumbes In Ayfto- aq3j,.woW Tuebo.Swuvton,, by Ts. I. WM- MMM,, perp Man Vol 39P go 9s 10.- PP 34-00--Olalft~ LU W: 9M.03 (34U) X~ - -,, -~ Al '. _:Z, saiftlie& SaDt 0 390,.316 37, 4 A) Of I V-Parl Itt 00 by sp 1100 !wfo Pp i AMPATIV. V- vnp zorl -Irwa,, T 22 3ov 71. ZI--l PRII Fob 72 New Plant Growth StimLlwts, by G. P, ICWatova- Slierq&dna V. A. Illaenko, G. P. riMcMihov, L. 14. Rishurmakwja, D* A* Agakdshlyev., L. A. Penl-lo,.r and Vo F, Ushalcova, Pp RJSSLAII., per,, Dolzlady &-aden-ti NaWc S313p Vol 160., No 4~ 65o IYP 960-963- JFfS 29463 USSR Sci-Djl.l - A-m- 65 ,z R (.) 1 o "I "l, lbde=mtlon of Eleatrical SptGm In the ZIL-130 Tm=kp by N. Mgd$ 3 pp. MIN,, per., No 10, 10.. pp 35-40- Ar..VPM/UP-23-025-0 N~ ~,~ L, , E L i SCI/Elea aay 0 336,620 a 4 Problems of classifying Failures of Machines 70 and their Components, 6y it, V. Kugel 4 Ya. 8. Shor, 12 pp. RUSSIANs pert Vosbdk MwIdn. No 1., 1966, pp 13- 19. PSIC-787 WS11. SciAlach July 68 bor Desci-lba-1,, i7 A. YI-~ievlls 13 1), nor, -Alosol _A, ~osccu, ',~ol 22, pp 1342. U. ~ t.~ e P- Iq English Title Unknown, by J. Kugera. CZECII, per, Novove Matqria.~V, No 1, 19691 PP 97-107. -k-NTIS TT 72-5079- June 7P Feeler Gwgs for ?WUeation of tlia at xlyM 11j, b,7 G- Kugler, W- Bfte)M,. 35 PP- GUM.. Perm ;.Log ad EwApt No 4. Apr 1966.. vp 1h2-144j 149~-152.j 156-1b3; 171-174. DIA LN 313-67-1 inn 68 FIAT R"rt - Ftfo,-t of LtCht on of "~Ovw-nl ~~AIW of Aralhtdopd:; UOYMp by Idz Kulder, 33 m,~ ,Mnml, rot lintermdam7on eird -nbar 1" 21. ;- Th , MM a rl~llpt Of INIAVY Cal, ti. aim 6,2 .~rradiatticm of I'lot ln:~-,otr up to 29.1 for Upoo 1:~, J, '-A-nal., Vol jan F ~35 Operations of Main lealngrad Cwstrwtlon Admin- lstration,, by 10 No KxVpihevj 3 pp, HWIMj pers fta_WAM' StrOltelIqU TekhmW No 8,, Aug j, pp 20-239 JFFS 43082 k(A &-U V Set-Mech., Ind., Civil & Nov 67 344P107 ~A - V- t4, V, ~- K c, Incroased Use of Higher Strength Stoal. Roommended, by Tj'. Kuh.11m, 6 pp. IGMA7, np, '.I:)io Wirtschafty East Borlin, 16 F ob 72 ITPRS 5573 Apr ?2 H F_ ~_ 4(SLAC-Trans-139) JNFLUENCE OF EXTENDED DE- FECTS ON THE SUPERCONDUCTIVE PROPERTIES OF NIOBIUAI. ,Goodman, B. B.; Kuhn, G. 10Translated by A. Roder for Stanford Lincar Accaleratoi-C&-n-t6r, Calif., from jEJ. Phys, (Parts); 29: 240- 52(Feb-Mar 1968). 2036p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2zphysics; translations 2120 2aMN-34 2~P NSA 0 Transfer in Discontinuous and Contihuous Steel Making Processes, by E. Steinraetz mid J.. Huhun. '~GMIMWO per. Arch Zisenh.,, Vol 42,N 31 1971, PP 157-1657. ,IBISI 9397 Sep 71 Kuhn, W. Relationships Between Elastic Constants and Stretching Double Refraction of Highly Elastic qubstances. KOLI,OID-ZEITSGMJFr UND ZEITSCHRIFr IWR POLYMM, V-01-101, PP 72-60900-11J Feb 73 U. KOHN The Frequency Dependence of the Effect of Thunderstowin Tropospheric Propagation. NACHRICHTFXTECHNIKtELEKtRONIK):~Vol~21, pp 32F-3279 1971. NTC 72-15306-20N Mar 73 Metallurgical Possibilities of the Manufacture of Steels With Low Oxide Content5 in,the Arc Furnace, by G. Kubnelt, .GERRAN, per. Ber und Huttenm Monatshefte, Vol 116, 140 1 IIB 8737 Aug 72 Q~. Lessons from Dust-Explosions and Conclusions for Practice, by G, Kuhner, GERMAN, per. Staub, Reinhaltung der Luft, Vol 31, No 3, 1971, pp 112-1 5. APLIMIU-T-2613 Apr 72 The Calculatim of the Durrent Distribution in Farth Wires, Towers ad EaM Ratme for Slngle Fhase Fm1ts In High Voltage Networks vith Star Point ZWUdugj by Be ItImerbe GMM,, per, JQqWjMmdrtochaftp Vol 662 No 22, 1967s pp 654-690, GEGB-719 Jima 71 13iTect of Flying Upon the Fibrinolytic Activity in the I'lloGd of Jet Pilots. by E. KOnke. 18 pp. 01)VERINM-IT USE ONLY bk, Stress und Mean Sowic Aktuelle Problema der Fluplie-dizin. Damsta"dt, Wehr und b'issen Verlagsges Vol io, IN06, pp MASA TT F 13433 july 71 Fl. KTUTLF The Weighing Switchboard 1-7S 6000. A-- FEINGE,RAETETECHNIK. Vol 17, pp 412-413, 1968. 14TC 73-10389-14B Mar 73 -I:-- A Flocculation Method for Grain Differentiation of Bacteria Without Stainhig, by 1. Kujumgiev. GERNAN, per, Zent Bakteriologie, Paresitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiteri und Hygiene, Vol 196, 1965. NASA-TT-F-13,977 Oct 71 Vol 2t'.,~ 70 Posorms in 't Ae- fill "m 1,9 c0 -Y I 'lm uii IAJ Mdta of ilaw D"ttm b Awn amrstor Tass for Rmlear Power Statims, by A, RUMM= ftd f 0 mi 0 Ad=kY* ozavwil, b Rk I Vol no No 4. 1966* nA rA6 and i4ulp rxc 67 W5,5500 P /0 ll~- 4=P ',NP3Ailqs ContaincT Transport ~qr Itoval iab i per, lio 2;% p 6; j, -1) ; "io 24. Jim 1%8, olUq L ~Q-*?/~-,bclh, ind, --,iv :~nZr 0,,-;t (~s 2*2,~'04 0.,4 L,-,Qw"m= amwoo or- .1-h3 Ew"4t*~ zma azo,~-J,4 VC L U. Kuhhonn WW ~kezont. oil too.- i'tw4aw a'." ltw;~, pieo- U. KuhImnn lam va awAr ltmm= on a"glvlM am 43C 1?.I-u AoteCton and wo "Wou at *mains," )4. VA nowewdtyp 'w by A. KAP# 99 Wo B16, 19661, C7094 PWO am!L0 smief Vol pp 697-722. P9M79XR ASCL4W A. Kuhn jam 6T ~j ~- wmw= 02, siwp awivatim on the m"I .1 mWw or mawRtic ums by S. mjbn. 1 1 c2scAp pws casopu Udm= E!21! L-b; voi io63 Dw 1967s Y,3-1342-13430 *MA TZ v-312,682 9 ~ sai-M, .1 Oct 69 Experience in the OperatiOU Of n 110t Blast Cupola Plant with Water-Cooled Tuyeres and Pressura Sir-lions, by E. Kuhn. GERMAN, rpt or Presented at the tun Foundry Conieren Ff I-Te-G o i-j'If-siEn f t ?iTF-f-witenverk san Gm HG-fi-uss--i-f- dorf, June 1968, *21SI 6910 sci-I'lat 'I'lar 69 Jom"s p4r, Val U4 Z, ; m- 39244. AM iF Jul 61 lie A,- loa Zit~ In ZWU*ga Vetworka, by (~1113 a. J. raw$ W. 0. POU. GM4W* pwo Wv. Misu Aeft, Vol 49, No 23, tTfm X966j, pp m"IM am Tms sv ew 11. J. Kuha 3a,,w; 801 - modotry Apr 6T Fourth International Conference (Wiesbaden, 6-9 September 1966); Colloquium on Changes in Eastern Europe; Is Czechoslovakia ~Ioscowls Model Pupil, by HeinrichEahn,_12 pp. GEDIAN. rpt, Vierte Internationale Konferenz in Wiesbaden vom 6. bis 9. September 1966, 6-9 September 1966. DC-12630 Sept 66 J-386/66 The Third Revolution, by Heinrich Kuka, GERKWI np, National-Zeitung, Basel, 22 Aug 1965. DC-11662JSpecial USSR Pol Sept 65 I~i- - i. Of loolatinG ana Hatabllshln~ tbo 1. ~i lsuritg 060 COUAomi LV A. 1109 ~-, l'ba Ift. ,W$ W, WWI Vol 1*30 ~b 31, 190, pq 45-49. mm 130 rMl ,~( " sel-cima rw C9 V`-, 2 2 9 l "'lop oy Ann ittdiation, b17 par, F---- !Lbo Vol 35, 14,-~vw P 233-2' ` 1:~ , J30 tj. .5 Propadclation Toots at 841 We on a Radic 70 ROIAY Link tdth Optiml llanp, by U, Wm. per, lachniache MtteUunm d02 Vol Ito 50 2. 1967s 65-70- ill, ii-eft 9022.81 (2445) U sci-i4vi jan 69 372.636- KUHN, W. Method of measuring the vertical soil pressuri under open cut machines. Braunkohle Warme Energie 21(5):145-54 (1969) (S E % IK , , " /// (/ ?/~/- KUHN, W. Testing of conveyor belts in brown coal miniT undertakings. Braunkohle Wi'rme Energie 21(12):413-20 (1969) (SEC Ten Years of Ultrasonic Testing At the Brunswick Coal Mines, by W. Kuhn. GMR0, par, Braunkohle Wame Energle, Vol 18~ m 419 71~Z) Pp 132-142. SEC Sci - jul 67 L't) , K ('C h ?,./ 31P 31903 Damage of Rigid Plastic Foam Caused by Insects 9 by Von H, Kuhnej 32 pp. GOMMIT USE MILY GM=q per, Material und Or voi 4., no 2, 1969., pp 89-98~ zwIMMp AR.M/PSTC/HT-23-774-70 V 0 tj H. k&ll tie, June 71 Vow&tw tmlutg J* St"10 !V fi. StImbei co * Xubcolts ~41';IaAli,j sro ~&Mgbawwm 401 70 9m 2909wom Pt 10 19679 AV79 509,0500 Possibilitiks of improvin;7, iict-T)uctilit)F of Alloy Steels, by G. Kuhnelt. GERIAN, per, Berg und I;ijttenmnn Monats, Val 113, 1968, pp 114-124. N'LL Ref: 9022.4 (68/174) 9ci-Mat Mar 69 377,028 Possil-A-lides of huproviur-1; tile 1,(Jt lasticity of Alloy S"teels, by G. kuhnelt. 17 C11-11UMANO j;er, I;cr~l*,t4ttcjj, Vul 113, ..arch 196S, 0,11 =1-124. ~Xi-N,at ,.Lessons frim Dust Explosions and Conclusions for Practice, by G. Kuhnen, ,GERMAN, per, Staub: Reinhaltung der _Ae EulLtl :Vol 31, No 3, 1971, ~p T-- =2. APL/JTIU-J~-1661 :Mar 72 -hc & A!~st~ ing 1, Uplosi-OP L.'=Iyd Witil Ic- by f, Ruill-rion, per, ftvubj, NO 5, %U Pef ~)022..OJD (4,%1) 09