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02~ Ulf. a Influence of ~:icroorpijds;is or the l7ropertic-s of Pet rolewi;-!~as cil Nels $ Ity S. Yc,, 1,ryrt, 7 I!W. !I USS I M; 2. 1969, pp 233-236, Kov 69 I~Liic Role cif the Z~arCa Atlaxstiv ill tho Formation of Spring-Sur.7nor Air Tcr-,i~;cra-- ture Axwaalieo in ihe il,um.~can 4 A. 11. Kryndin. Tr Lull Vol 23, 1962, 45. '.r4d, Ref: 5820'.4F (7462) 0.. -R. K-Yxb~-~ 13ci-Rtros Sci May 320,720 stmatural ChRngas o,~ Merchant Pleat in 1966-1970 Analyzed, by IrIN'ppicki, POLISTI,, pero Radom, I-qti,,,o- Okretowej Odan,,;',,) .1 -- T~Iawl-,,2. ,TO 2, ve~ 723 pp Plis 56o5'5 ~Tum 7 2 pfjj- S',lipyard Activitlest bY AVLIM 1~1."Jnlc 6 pp. POLMI, pors ~~e Vol 23,, No cl,(W),, Oopt 196T, PP 203- xns 434o6 M[A~IiN VIMOCK, "I'-polmd 'gel: Mochaniea-., Industrial, civil fr IMM-m ftgr. Jan 0-3 346 ) 547 iMUMUM of ~Obalt %0j 6 FdrUlAttr for Flab ~Wdss by To Tw Cv4skiij, ;,, ,ovs. RIOIAR, So 70 WY~4 of wrta R. V. Krynova 63, 34A.5GI Toxi,cological Characteristics of Ethylidene I~iacetatu, by I. L. Krynskaya, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, *.,*),':, Toksikol Vyskomc)l Materk-himi Svr'ry Sin Gaz Nauch-IIII.ed Inst. 1966. 192-200. ACSI-i',-3012 FSTC-ilT-23-1420-72 Apr 72 ULitri,bution of '4Lrn--juiI2)ALTP-, Caimantraum ot ~.',.,cancies in a Liffusicnal Ama, by -~r -LtaL 9 yc AL , liakmr, Vol 21. o 3p 1966, pi~ 259-2G5. ITD ::;.-7cJ5 470-69 6 9 P r, ~ Cove. Vion og ilom~~xa) rtructurm jols on! T-Itaninz Ano~-Z,, .-jy N". ):~U. 4 IL -. Ti. V--Lmin And SO 'I* 2:)i";; 167775~5775- VN- ,111$zAr,lr;n ~.tloaos of C-1-owl, Pivio L7 by ~,rJOUMIOV, 13 port %'Ostrdlc Meact, 3W. LLIC Wi i I Or the LA" a n e k 17-24 li t jCn I ur Pedla it iiealt-h pw, ? ro~jj~~'pub d Uo Apr ?1,1 -1-1 ms .51015 71 'low i;us For Aa=Afts Ijz~ic !Vstemj, by 110 so C'WAwamal a. a. a pp. .Tima, * SM2 !RM V*l 35P !so 7j, IM-v pp 12-13o mw 70 T-20 Of Patty OfIflieful-1v ?XN Pp. ,L 1-1-Immaya V,,VZda ILI -Trl-9 331-50 kt~ y c, c- /) k uss.;3 W.1 I anO3.inG of Letters to the Witor Usc=cx.~q b,y I-* ;i7uclicov, 8 p-pe 1,uj i -, Ux"P porp '-pimmist QO Dio 12, Jrne j 4361o Al Aug &P X0437 F. A. Kryuchkov t CA v Group Ahod -for An4yalai Of ImPudtlas in re. SCAMrSted 4taro -A. 4~bkov4: a PP* p a r11 "Ollsa IWO PP a, NOV 71 u Technochemical "haracteristice of Krill, by M. 1, Kryuch1covag 0. Ye. Makarov. Busswit Perp LS&.01RO, Vol 66, 19690 pp 295-29J. Dept of Interior MP/oFF A-37-hirch 1970-No 46 On Loan C> V 1) Sci-BUN Juup. 70 t Etief EEL-- _7 -17 U-SM., rk -~\ .,.I W. V-~ ( ~ v )"kW - . . Jm 71 t I Cost Awlysis of Construction Lnterprlse Froftation, tW Af Be KryUkMe 6 pp4 RUSSlA,I, Per, -!,jMLUjAVO-i ftLhjvkLUm 4a .'L'asbkent fteUstar 9 1968t pp 30-32. 9933 k' V NO a 5 15 High-Power Lasers for Rig -Temperature Heating of Piasma, by P. G . Kryukov, Y6. V. Senatskii, 25 pp. RCWIAN, rpt, Akad Nauk SSSR, Moscow, Institut Fiziki, 1971 AEC7UCRL-Tr-10578 Jan 72 10 -~i Lwas md Themomdear Rea; ~,- -ions., by Ps 00 xvy*ove 5 ppe RUSSIM., pers PrirWa Vd 79 aAy 1969s pp 61-63. NAsA TT-F-i3662 Aug 71 5,7 Z~IstrliAlt-W arA ".4tXual ll'-flm"40 Geri=lk &W lmtbaram on Cast Aws by ~! 1 - ~16 ; & , - , pall 17 vo-21, mgM. V101 3, 1%,?t I)p 104-106. *:JZ-A: 63!2 IV, e, v vz- ee~v-kcv Combining Professions ancl Functions on Ywoels - Illae Way of Raising Productivity of Labor, by V. 1. Krywcov.. RUSSIM, per, I:t?bnoe Nhoz.,- Vol 471, No 12~ 1W-1, pp 90-94. *Dept of Comerce MIn Mar 72 ~~tudy of Oic vcc;.,asdsr of the Svittliesis of Grl-aitic Coei-ounds frma Co and 1!2 by Vealls Of Yth"nol, 'RUF~14A,-; ror INC tchil i!,.Iiya, Vel 5, '.'o 1" I~A)5, 0 62-617. locarfoln"'u, Ion Vile - ~ no 'Inc u by IF)"7 AWZ T777-T-6.~ (iI -F-noz. U ~ovvolth6dov. -no 32. -3:L(;" '15 - 7 V, :11YO 315 3 '3~, jhn 69 Effftt of QjbbmlUu an Vm7w AvUelty In Z=Sdtoftd Plautes li. X. 297wwnp 9. 9'. MjkhW3fttw*"v. Ewral MA kk. A. buk M &W Mago Vol l8f; No 61 &xg=t 2959 Vp 1412-1424 July 70 charae in Pmrwwy of Chrccmome AberratAom In Irraftated PU&U Da to GLbbomMu by L. IL Kryukom,, L. F. Duarova .j Be." Mee, mint P" D* Ak. ad a.= Vol l8T,, go 455455 Cmsdtmts all"m " - ~N Shcholcino tlathod, &'n-, Used in Gromiy Cleelcal- Com ,plax u?xratimis, by I.. KMAmv, 5 pp. FUSSWO np, I'Moscamp 24 i-~xr 1972, p 3. ji-;is 56036 hay 72 Lic~ cbm0twumm of tto wvud Aettdty the calswa HOMWOWM DOM ENWOM wd amoulw wwk lu lba., T. L Krygme losmi, -PM=l s= im L VL lowi-69W iD =WoO69 7- sa-ml 391o2& sayt 69 . Jan 72 U~ic C:' Au r Cc-o-ClUn., ~o, Crr- .3s.-Ir obtaining an Electric ConduCting Luycr GY Ojj the Surface of Vieloctrics, by I U, P. Kryzhanovskiy. RUSSIAN$ pors Patent No 180670. ~~. P- k,~V z h;3 iv 61 v ~~/ sci - I-Oloct 4 lilac Wig Ap r 6 7 obtabiirig~ An "Aactria "wr on, the ~,urfaca of by P, lr~'T, z"Irmovsk-ly, 2 v)ps "..v lo,(M, 0, 61, PaVmt L, G, 2' Cl n. r 3 /9.x Conduativity of fin Dloz!Ldo iu,Tln Lay*rov by S. P* Irysbanovskii, .R9SSUWv per# shmalm, F, , * 'AL=o Vol 450 So 2# 19710 Vp 258-260 VIC 72-12185-47D July 72 ., -.. . - .. I.. I-- " - '. 1 -- ~ - ".. I - . I... M... ~: .. .. ".. ~ ~ : -.: ~ 1. . . - - 1, . l- .- ~,~ I _'i - ~ .: The Caepultlon and Origin of bhe TmTestrIal rGAM 010 .,, viddlo Psla., by 0. L. Krj&mvsldY- MUM., b14 Sastay i ProiskbotsbftnIPM~1 .,a -1 11 p 419 Fm= Brednia-77 Az )65 PPO 'JIUN 7T 70-53039 O.L. s cIm m Fab 72. f) - ~4 - K' Q ~ ;L 1-4 a K) 0) '(3 )~ I ~ Teelmology of Preliminary Proeessir~g of Triangaation on "Mnak-2" Electronic CbrVutsr,, by A. A. Krj&anovakiyy 10 pp. IMSIM, per, Geodaziya i Kartogrgjya~ no Bt 1968. ATC9 0275, G352) 1968 11o 8. SePt 71 The Uses of Computers in Geodesy and TopograplW# by A. A. KryzbanovB!W. 'RUSSIAN) rpt~ Ob- lg2l'z2MWX ElektroSIM Vychislitellnykb Mashin V Geodeziy i Tapografil, PP 27-30. AAGSI J-9708 *FSTC-11T-23-333-71 19-19. )~R. y I MaY 71 by cr -c,sc, u, IA,S 45,127 ! 'S s 357,724 m rLy 1~~;6 I,-Ritipt M-A t:-ie Krzolt, U rm. nPo Vol L"j, NO. m.wi ve w Sall !%~5, MrS KOO 1,,4) jj) Jan V) HaLiODAI C~~AlaVd to SOloct0a p per, Irclu 223a'.'a-cze~ Y.$/)l Oct 1-9651 P2- I Md. 6,5 It's ci~ On t`x CS." 0 Fil~ Of 17. t r V~C, f.CA-iwi jyj "A C* C ',3 1) - 3 1. C "A c 3 711.1111.19 ~l $,muo limats of lamtIoAlow cc tho Up of a FM of VaMr tmd t1a ~btlm of ~rjpa or ia the Aeroarawde fzuoo 1>j fi. PUZ~WRgid tW So KIT44TWUNU 7-=-A Ws -?M21$ 1103, y P.~i-valtxv CIwftmlk~ P-mmoss On tic poush Maim HaulAws., Iv Mol."amaor nlwld, 9 VPO " "- iEVI, per, t-=lLal I'IpLa 6, 4,~, ~l 3 YU-' 65 Jill, 72 j,atjUtemi Coopamtion in Global G~phyalcal WoMho by "told YMV4=ki# 5 rp* ljo 5, 1967, pr, 70- 1mrs ia" XRYAO ?2. j ~ i6., 0061 1~01. w -sci and "'Ci ~,Tg Pab 68 349.059 Fox= ot, Fwtmmr -q vitylainjor4 5 P-n- PMM!, per, ~Lcle GosoodmInc, HO 49P 5 Wal . - 1M, P- 9- f /-~ JTIZ 34W.1 W)6j-;L1,12lj,c5R7- IM-Poland Rcon Feb 66 295,,265 I-IWXWSO in i4tigW Stftngth Of lif,11-1-StM19th Allay stmebuvl Awls ty 'dit-Lath Atmbx~ in osbtiw to ~;m -~Avmgth and A"iltridliz, dws by r4 Amms %I# IrMninskl. aWA~,iq p"9 !!art*-T&Cka* Mho Vol Z?t Jul 1901, pp ID-We ELI 5911 /* Jan 69 Deveio~ 6 e.- t, la Building Ila cr 1s Industry ,in 197i-1980, by Tadeusz Y;rzysztofik, 16 pp, V MISH, per " Przeglad Ded 71, PP 625-029, Ms 55256 1.1p.r 72 -ruot n Cor'.94. I . 10% n .,P~-.y8%tof,jk* 21 pp?, by TadoUSS 7, ;Yun 71, pp J?Rll~ Oat 71 rll~ utiuzation of Pilo 33. R51" TA 311, Typical -crosion Damge to Blades TUrbjuegg tr y per, ;4wrigglyka Vol 23, pp 163-WC50 C.3. Trans 5128 j-- el~ 7-1 ez' Al'~ aj Sk"I SCL-PAr-01> e-cmj June 70 in Modern RUM May 06), Typical Erosion Dalwge to Blades in Modern Steam Turbinesi by j. KrzyzanovsId- 969s POLISH) perp EaergetAgi Vol 23P XV I pp 163-1 r,]MB-5128 Jur,e 71 tlio IneAtuto o9 Land t 16 n-) 3-ml ,;,rowary pl=aruso 'wi tci57, p U5, K b; je~rj Of valuat lap po. 39, c A ri 31 Diffimaties in Rwal Cowtruction, by Jan Xrzy=osp ? r/p. PM,MI, npi 2~vcie 2290darczel Ilo 42, 1!j Oct 1965~, P- 9- JPFS 32758 EE-Poland Econ Nov 65 291,226 bite .1 Criteria for Econado EvulAstion of Stato -