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I~roP am' weathor P*,w-,to April by pp. part Aw-lait. tut ,zoing Ito 69 699 4,3565 Aug 'ficather and Crop Fq?ortp February 19f)7,, by Do Krz-b"Leselp 7 PP, GEMAN, per, Feldwirtsc,)wXt, Nom 4. Apr 1967, pp* 22,-P,-49 jpjz wy-'~2 June 67 32 1, 53,` At-nowhoric Conditions and Growth, by Do Krmiaevl, 7 pp. GMAN, per, Folc'hiirtschaft. ~~o 5, Aul, 1907, 1,32 pp * 43W, j:)r,s 4,?-446 T-3, . I's a s t G o rm, an y sci..V'ric Sept 67 377,981 . ',r,- k;; Aa Nmths? 4v * ~z r. u teat np, Inv 10 L~m aral "',,eather i'wporto Juim by 5 r, . 11 Harcli - I" ll.~rll ip vad Wo-ather Be, C 1966" i~y W. ITp* 01-0143, perp Die De-11tWhe Iz.,idw:LrtcchlnX- tP T)l Wo 53 5p N3-Y 1966x N,- 271-VO,- R RS 36,3221 J. 11 " kj -,%4 3 -,4 j V/ The Problem of Resistaucavi Slander bodies at ~Zcro Lift in Supersonic flow, by A* Vast N Kruxt 41 pp. GERUN, por, Zeit Flugwisscasch~ftj Vol 19, No 2t 1971, pp 62-7r. NAWSTIC-Tr-3277-72 14ar 72 Cavitatimal and Hydro-Abrasive Fesistance of I-latals in Hydrotunbines, by I. R. Krya=. 47 pp 3~ PISSIAN, rpt, Trudy Tsentrall Naudmo--Issledo- vatel'skiy Institut IhJftoloqii i Mashinostroyc- niya Kavitatsictma --vnaya Staykost' ya i Gidroabrazi llbtaUov v Gidrotutbinani. Nauctmo-T-Jdmcheskoy Konfrentsii, 1965, pp 3-36. A117-EM)-HC-23-358-69 ~~)ar sci/06 e aug 70 Heat-Resistant Steels for Heat End erlngp by L R* Kz7anim, and L- Po TrUSM, 12 pp- W WM.. perp. Teogag etlka pp 2-5. MIS 43083 Sel-Materials Ww 67 and Pomer 1. L. Mirkin No 9j, Sept 196T, 344,110 lo-is.ire Tlrae mid l1w t.,.) Increase It, frUffiTAR., kp, 11L 36 no 2s ., t ans 30~6 _ Zxa., 7 July 1~y % u III- s rt Sac c" cmpt 66 N71-11734*# Translation Consultants, Ltd., Atlingion. Va CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF THE FISSION-GAS RELEASE IN METALLIC NUCLEAR FUELS ICONTRIBUT!O.'%' A UETUDE DU DEGAGEMENT DES GAZ DE FISSION DANS LES COMBUSTIBLES NUCLEAIRES METALLIQUES1 B.Krygei(Ph-D.ThE!sis-Consetvaloi(eNatI des Arts et Metiers. Oci 1969) Washington NASA Nov. 1970 72 p refs Tran5l MIC ENGLISH of CEA. Foritenay-aux-Roses, France. fepor; CEA-R-3888 lComraci NASw-2038) iNASA-TT-F-13339. CEA-R-3888) Avail NTIS CSCL 18K .,r(47jicAL--! of LW.~k i'I, 12 P953 70 Influence of the Extent of Time luterval '37 Between Light Signals on the Durations of a Simple Sensorimotor ilzoaction by i';aa, by A. A. Krylov, A. D. Pukhomov. RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Inzh Psikhologiy, No 2, 1965, p)) 231-240. AIR/FTU/,.'T-2A-228-67 C~ 4-~ a rk- sci-aeh 'Pj Soc Sic Afir 69 380,497 ~.n VIC Queation of the "Throughput Capacity" of the ~,Porftt0r, kv A. A. 11:171ave A. 1-. kakliorsov. pp. i-baboMqUA isi IoLm Nwr 40-9m I - la L I -ad Irt. and Sm Soi ~eb 69 -T,Qrx,ndcnce of tho L.=tim of a L IqAc , ensor- imtor -!.eaction in t1w Iliumn of the Intem-al oi 'ilme ~eparatlng $1r .mlow by At A. A, 9 pp* f-I - SIX. rpt" '&: "ll _q3 i Am t',!~~,minriradskqLq tdo- icniNn , bshchesbm PsVtolopo%, 's omilc* fadrwMA, /0 v -ci-Be 60n. Sd 1 eb 69, limstigaticti of G--itain Somas of -r:,rmr in tile Wteminatim of the Exact coordinbtes of tim ~ 39/25 -~rddcial Earth .9bb-Alites ',Iitil IMOr- Cmn-era, by P. (-~. rrllav. 42 a). FILSISIA4 I-er, N Infbr2Lt2ii,, No 5,, 19671 i ., . a ~-, y y p pp 40-67. ETD SA28 ~ 6 /~., /~- ,,, 7 ---) J 69 383lO37- f off, b'" T . ................... LVj -'o ".It 'tx' It,, . I -;,i i - U'' t L A. L. KrYlov- U, I SS 748-M. Vol 10, L ar iO III* Caup~W Pro'.;lw Ibr a Secodd-Ordor Equatio.. Zm IndopmdaA Cazplex Variables, -.,.y A. L. &ylov. IMSIM, per, Dok Ak Boa SSSEO Vol 183o 110 4., w~',At pp 765-fu7. Tilia Am Mato Sm Vol 9y No, 60 19W ,~ . L ~ j~ k ~ L c) V mar 0 3016., &3~~ Difleron-ce Appro3dRztions to- Diff'rerential Cporators d llhthomtiva 1hysicsj, by A. L. KryloV. Dok Alc ,,:m& SSISIZA wi p 'Vol 1782 Fo 3 .1 1 pp 535 The Pi-.joric= 11;mthomatical Society Vol 9,, !,';o Is 1963 4 . L c1 L 0 V Sci/l,h-th oct 68 363)434 A New Refractory Economical-Composition Alloy For Prolonged Service at High ToWeratures, by A. Rq L71ar, et alt 7 Ppt RTJS=I, rep, Taffitral Inny Nmr1mo-Issledovatal - skLv Thstitut Chernor Mztailuridl.--~Qrnilk Trudcrv, No 65, 19682 pp 19-23~ AIR/FM-12-23-569-70 ~- . ~. '~V ~' / ~~ mar 71 Ratios Of Residuml, Ly A, Ya, Erylov, :,:* A, Lisitspia, Y'j* I. M'~' ya, Ml, Tsuvbuu, RUISSIAL', T,-.r, Wh ilk '.,auL S.$,SR', Vol 1812, -14% 40 1968, !'1- 926-0r,.- X 1 Jur. C-9 ~(Z~ (Ov' 4 , VA 384,425 Cb,~Mztlc Of tbauteUve mmlow 02 rich at Tbmjlnap b7 A. 1. Iftsb=70 0. 1. IIA710:0 n 099. Wwmi, vorp abdom a121291!MM.11a2a~ lb Tv 1969., Y.3 34-39. rapt cc lot,= WIFlow A-33POv 691107 Ql zmn ion 1-0 Procedures for Constructing Logarithmic Video Amplifiers With a Stable Pass Band, by G. M. Krylov, V. 1. Panov. 4 T)p. OtT=N, rpt, XXII V'ses Nauch Sessiya, Posvyashchennaya Dnyu Radio. Sektsi),a Radiopriyemnykh Ustroystv i Usiliteley, 1966, pp 97. JPRS 37520 Sept 66 t';'xact and Approximate goundary CouditiollS 0,3 in the Theory of Ulactromaguetic W.Avu Propagation, by G. N. Krylov, A. V. Petrovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Leningrad. Ujilv.crsitet. Problemy "ifraVis'xy o n, so S,. 1966, . -I)p 85-96. Xff'7FT-o/flT-25-484--6S G. N. Krylov Sci-Sci-PhY5 A 1) r 6.4 k 379 97S -dw i-J The oldest Traess or life on Earth* by D71m# ION* MRSM PWP &.1r-0AM Vol 570 1b Up 19630 PP U-54, ETC-69-36792 ~. ". MAr 70 403044 SU*utoUth AMSOISOU ot tbo MMU BlpbaWji by Is H. 071M, S. V. Uuzbwv. MEMI tbk Ak Us* MM Vol Im., ilo 20 X968) pp AGI --, A) - ~< ~ ~ L 0 V J- Aw 69 378s714 "Ovict 14bemtion of Athwmia 1 WACVC-C~, vylo,,, 5 into July, V4 ~'fZ 43-t10 I~cpt 390 1 -1- i-y rlp,-4-v Vol A., 19(il, .7 2-19 7-0 -6 c-f ii~!-iaiatcx i-~tulilv: c1, Y'13 1;1~1 .u,~tv1--4f i_ 1:01 Alf Z; 1-~ 'Sic-. BlectrolAle Reflubg of Copp= vM interm mitteat Superlapwitlan of Altermatima Current, by L. A. &WjUellov. RmWsper, Zbk Uftl Mmel-l-lasled Prmkt Imt Pram, HO Up 190., PP 356-71"- Nor 70 403426 Liest,:d Quiract-'ri'mia; C-C Lull taL icc~i Kryiov, M. V. Dxperim-ents to Clarify the Localization of Piroplasna Bigemiun 'in the Vertebrate Host. AKADFIIIYA M TADZIIIKSKOI SSR. OTDELENIE BIOIXICI-IE-S- KIM NAUK, I=- IYA, No 1, pp 75-81, 1962 NX-72-14573-06C Jan 73 ,jOvjqt Day for rUsna Troops wd ArtMM Calobratede by 14, M710vt 5 pp. RWIVII, nP.9 Sovaiam Wadal 1ALlint 19 am 1968s, P 1. JIM$ 47o099 USSR I I-Al Jan 69 372v275 owe fdrouth of, U-Salo Troops by N. 4rylovt U lusLos, per. Us NOV w7i~pp 54i%l Jan 72 Wabal FAd fwkot Troops ad Art4Uaryt by pp. porw &qAjf$Pj* !~*Sccwe Ct 1971. pp 47-49.1 3"36 I !UL~ry 5 7 Zia Zav of this Moolle SWVICOv by 11. 1. rbrilOV- FOR GDVMKMT Me oto MSIM, npt Owma Zver4as 28 AUDWO 19167p lp. ArW/F8TC/&-23Z9= ,,~ 'y -'s- I i's N,--, t(iQ~Lo\l msu*n see W 354..775 Strategic Ro&-et Troops, by 1._ Xx ~qv, 1-Y .7 __ RUSSIMI., rpr Krasn!za Zvezdo, 26 Jan 670 1) 2. *FTL)-IIT-67-207 -/-, - 4'~ " / o V 4, 1 ~ ! , ev USSR Mil Feb 67 V, P%"I' k 12 D67. Tho Influouct of Monuclease on and Conditioncd Reflexes of Waite Hice in Oatogeuesis,, by 0,A. Krylove R,A. Danilova, V.5. Tongur. 11pip. ' RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal V4ssh!!Z Nomoy Vexatell- no3ti, Vol 15, No Ig 19b5# 79-85, U-PRS 39764 USSA Sci/Wf FcI; 67 319.237 Krylov, 0. N. The Effect of Surface-Active Agents on Fish. BIOLOGICIIESICAYA PRODUKTIWIOST VODOF240V SIBIRI SOWSHCHAITIE PO BIOLOGICHESKOI PRODUKTIVNOST VODOPMOV SIBIRI (110.1). DOI=Y. pp 276-279, 1969 I,ITC-72-14642-06F Jan 73 Kinetics of# and Catalysts for, the Condensation of Formaldehyde# by 0, V, Krylov, RU-SSIANp perp gola, At NAUJ 1�111 Pbyl Chao* Vol,199v No 3#.July 1971v pp 643-6430 fiC,scL TT F ILI cot Feb 72 LIffact of H0A*ftoabRrldw Came fiattim or c4al-immum or rarnarls~ into As 4rp=fty* 4 0* V* fAvlove lo Fv# -4, J6;- ON- 971* 1~ I - CentraUzod wd ibowtvaltzW PlamAw, DBbatedo by F* U71ove 14 pp. flussiAnt lArs UADMIM X 6.0sami N I no, 19681 pp 9-19, o JVRS 4?*555 P, ~p 7 4-o d USSIR Leon khr 69 376t109 v, 16 ye L 4Q, J,-wu Instractions fcr Plan CorqYnation Lv,- platiodp by P, ftlove L? pp. RU631kig port i2lawnew'LIMMAVO Iloscout iwi 19690 rIp jPits 48517 Econ Auf,, 69 308M1 ")roc 16 E adurzc auZ CopAltoloris far Comeruion to Vae U%i 1~c==Ic Systam., by P. Tray1mr, b. Rotshteyn and Ds Igaarevp 17 p-,* iVS57AH,, perp ~~ ... L~12!mt"p N:) 4., A,= I-)G6-,, irz?- 55-6G- 35920 P 0 v Jun 66 Rates of Duvelopment of Soviet Agrimature and Industx7 Appraised., by P. Krylavp 14 pp. HUSSIMT voye khozya~m ., perp Plaw tvo, No. 6.. Zune 1967s rP e 26- MIS 41775 Y), 0 v USSR Econ Aug 67 333.-119 of q=urt tv vie ,iY Jan \~"\ L v, - Progress in , ementing Econwde Roform in CmAructiont by R. Krylovo ? PP. RL13SIANt per, Amomika Straitelletva. llbscmt No 2, Fsb 19'12t pp 14-16. JITIS 55838 may 72 &gineer ~Xoses Simplification of Construction ~%=gement, by R* Krylov. 12. pp., RMSIAN. per. Ikonorlka .1151traiteltstM, Yoscowl No 3.1, 1971s, pp 13-21- Feb 72 Non 50viet. mi na Umwedg by iwlov. 10 pp. WY ?I Petter ~.-rp ,~'tvuctjtjjj, RIISOANI Port 2kc. stwl ?0v (;s. 63 ~~ A", Inpravenimt of li~conc;1,114,c Work in ConstmatiOn ,,nanizations, by F. M. icrylovo 6 pp* 'Ril')SMI, pnra i~bscow, ~,'#a 3l ?ar 19?29 ?p 33-)5. J7-,s 55857 E8372 ~ia,e Freque-ney 6,7~ctrxm of Cilioxrt-Puri~)a Vlacz4atlonal) of '.~ea I.atf,-r Tu.-,Tcratmv,, by 43. 1* HISSItilil, per, PV* 744 I~cctificr Protection for 'I"hyristur- Ty:~~u :'ecti-icrs, i),0 ' y luryloit and i,.i. "'nilysil'ov 2767. .11MUIV -thlo civat Al the .: of tilo &A. Sa",Umm PWt of VW V%t S:VA4= LWIWAy tv so Itre Y~ ~Iqv. V, S. Bmiw ana r.. .7MO Mho Earth Crust Structure in the Cmiter and the 56 Souttmast of the West Siberian Lovlsnd Accord- ing to Data of Isolatod Seismic Soundings, by 5, V, Krylovs Ot al, PXSSIAN. 1mr, Goolojiya i Geofitika No Is 1966. ACIC TC-1061 Sci-Ear Sci Aug 66 307,173 onode Atalpus Assessed, Problem ovx~suvo yo by V, Rrylov, 10 pp*. RUSSWO per, Uftalteraux W-hst, Mascows NO 12, 19?19 pp 33-dot Fab 72 Bo& on Profit-Analysis Ibthods Ruvim-Me by ve exyllove 6 ppe R-0531AIIi. per$ Bft x jv~-At Mosecue i1o 99 1969g pp , 7. MIS 49311 I.." -k~,~ 613 uzs~ L- corw Doe 69 39( '9464 ecru" gptl= qo Prob2ow U ww4w AWOU0 aWU'~M~ In Cd4Wt IE* vo ftylly'? ma Ve Jp Krylot/ The Se=d I*tuntlm of Pao=o WaLrao Ebmalos,, bj V. 1. Erylov. 27 pp. &MM, pwp 3wl ammi., Val 45.. rb 6,1966, P.p 919-927. D)vt or Intorl= Bumu O:e Cmxmial Fisbwios offigo Of Forml&p plaherloo A-30-a4y 1969-170 30 on rmu Determination of Age., Rate of Grovth and Anslyzis of tho Ago Structure of the Paciftc weirua Catobj, by V. 1. a7low.14 pp. MOMIJ. bk., 19013, pp 2,11-W, D*t of LAer W of Cam Fisbetles Off of Xbrol -0 maberies A-a)4uly 196).No 81 On Loan liov 69, 39T,2A Fir3t Tagging of tho Par:ific Walruss, by V4 16 Krylov, RWSIA,N,, por, Rybpop Khozj, Vol 41s No 100 1965,, pp 24-25. Ocim f Interior Ush wild Wildlife Sol-Ace BCFv Bmau of Foreign Fisherios AL41, 6 7 &U,244 Iuv',e'stI[;eUOn Of tim WW-sWave An6-tdar Spec- -t,) trUm, bY U. M- K1710vs So So Strekalov aml V, F. Tsypiukhia, 15 ni-n. -TSSIAV, per, FigUm atmpsfery i okesna, Vol Il" 30 7,, Tq'j6s Pro 7,"--73)- JPFs 37661 U, M LOL USCOR scl.-~rp/o Out, W 332 p 443 Method of Analyzing the Readtion of a Neu ron: to a Stimulim, by V, Yu, Krylov, RMSIANt W9 Dpk Ak Rmtk...S.SJI',R, Ugl Sci Vol 198, No I May 1971, PP 247-249, lan 72 mt-out the Influems of tho aaaranco Detwim the dn aades ard Iondw, of a Read Turbine oil its ~Monts by Yo. P. Xr7lov, Ye. A. dpumdev 1.3 m. I1IJSMr':, per* I!MU j',~n- no 7, vX51 PI) 6 sci-prop .1 Nola im 63 6-'q ~u- ~-. KektLoV The problem of Heating of Material by Intensive Electromagnetic Radiation, by Yu. K. Krylov, 8 pp. RUII%,, per., IzvestLn VUZ. Priborostroyegypt 11o 5, 10_ Z io&m. ARM/FSTC/HT-23-u85-71 Oct 71 i~ffi-2ct of tile Z'Ill"jlc of hicicuma-, of straig atic nadiatim ai tie Valm and 1~11-,-Cdcn of Cie 'bL Yu. iZ. Krylov. -7," ~~erp Izve VU7Z, T.ribormt vol 11, SI 1, aeni .)'-)CCial 36-70 x -ix 70 404,M5 On the Problen of llestlu~ a Substance by -intensive Electromagnetic Radiation, by Yu. K. Krylov. T RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya VVZ Prif)orost- royeniye, Vol Mur 09 375,41") hvi5oti,gatAon o-' tho lim-Ulmonslonal ,-Jlea and Lmx-,th of And i'l.,mros. b7 fStrokobv, 16 pp. Okfianct, I~oscov-, 761 4. i ~D Ll Ll L c Yu. V. KM lov (,luestion on the da,,ly periodi"cal hearino in a porson in C"~~ditionr, of prolonqed noiny action. Aviakostm~ciheskqja meditsina do 1, 1067., pp 170-173 *3ASA TT P 14.$568 sep t 72 MlOtWIZ MWU " AUWS A. & Er,71=. 11 pp. aw zwt - At lasultut e wi O.Ws z I- a C~. ~L' /~~' "I ~LarcL~ Distribution of Mercury in the Organs of Rate Subjected to Ethylmercuric Chloride Poisoning, by At No Krylovao RUSSIAN, porp �uAob4o-NgditeJnpkftveL kjsDertisa, No 12, 1969v pp 34-40 HTC 72-12041-o6T June 72 0~ k!i%utTQz, ai Proyp'lowo _wn'.1 Antiuuity-ti;i ~)xiolo. Catalylt god ~Aalkrjlc tv L. L. -%iwawiya t "'kaya, !"o ou cWu4sto# by A. n). Oar", flu, i= cr V v,irlaticas of Mr kw;~asity ia tha Fnv k.wr Certain neiJoas of the 'imthem iimd5liherv, tty Le :1,, Krylovs., lC'V,"GV,;4* per" Trudys lVictscow. ski4 Institut HPIAtOIQV~ii NO 30, LS65,, PI 'S renolty Variations in the Pree Atmophere over Scm Regions of the Nortbern Uemisp1wre,, by Lo No F471me and Oe Be Pbrtualcm., 19 ppe wmvaj, roerp M& MvwJmO-L~ssleWvaUl'&Lv Institut Aerold I 2RIpjo& no A M5-s- ppe, 1194329 JPTS 34614 Far 66 297j.9D3 or, oe Posults of nside Tranaplantation Frova the aon to Kutuluksky neservoir, -'USSIAN. por. G.1droblologichesky VI, No 4, 1966, *Dept of Interior ~urasu of commercial Fishurics 4rancii of Poraif,_- r4sherles thm- Pu,na(!-A~-07.Ains w, h"y Id per. 91 13, Oxidation of 6-0-Tritylcellulose with Sodium Periodate., by R. G. Krylova. y , Vol 10, MSIM~ per, Vysokomolckalymmye Soedinen-i a 110 1.1~ 19682 pp- 2V56-2454. *I'TTIS TT 71-51007 R. (~ , K, P, ~ L v -v ~ Jul,v 71 New Reactions of Polraccharides I. Condensation of 2, 3 Dialdebyde-&O-TritylceUulose and 293-Dialdehydecel ose with p-Tolylbydrazine, by R. G. Krylova. MMIM9 per, yysokcwlsla~~ Soedinenkyal Vol 9, NO 5s 1967P pp 993-998. *MS TT 71-51005 Q. G . 1~ Q ~ L c) v f) JblY 71 ~b Sc INA-Tt, lpo 19~2o:p 14, JPRS RW The `tffect of tha ConUtions of glactrotysis on the Y1614 with Respect to the curraut and voltasa Across the gath in the Production of Powdered :Mver, by A* V. POW030vt Ye. L. Krym*ova. ZUSSLAN, part Poroshkover MetallurAly-111, Vol 1, No 6, 196bg pp 27-34. O.A. Trans 91b sion Polymerization of vinyl chloride in the'7 0 rgeseence of Sodium Bis(2-9thyle3wl) Sulfowccin- ate, by A. 1. KrysDvas rMSSIAN, per, Plast Massyt 140 6# 1969s pp 10-13, AS U-5353 June 70