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ioe vro;-.iu-~j Plastic compra!;S- ;~r for ~n% TUrbine LnLines, -L7 y per, !Oxikla,~rtayp MaLi-,aniia, Vol 3, Aericaltumi and :mAdotrial sllavolo~,_~Oylt C'~' by ~-I. !'rivoraaWo. 13 PP- Vill OT, o. or, Mtn) rp bi C_ Lcon ot D=casiM the EffeeUvo UtIlizatim of Ship. Fapalr Ra or the Fur F,..Wt lplehing Ban" by 0o lie lCrim-wWwo MrAHp per,, Rummm Vol 42p NO 12P 10$ PP# 76-77& Dept off Interior Fish am wilduft r*rldce wk-S barew of rolvip nsherLm Uffill U.Sesell. Sept 611 3309244 14t lb W-k* a lbre Mccient Uac of tlw alip ReapaIr Ommcitlea of the Far-babarm B":-Inj by 0. 1. lrlvoruchWj BtL-'Slm* PM., &ftw KhDz so 12s 1966; PP 76-77- Ls *D*t of Interior nah and liUdlife, Serdw Wmau of C=aerclal Mherlcz VO ~64 c The Rfect of Malybdama CutmWI FUm m the Hschmded Propwties af HoWmm and %mblum by V. M. ldvorucbko,, et al. 1D pp s RUSSIAU.. bk., ZO& no"aswan I %Plo& 'Pokrytiya 1969, pp 316-323. AIRATD/HC-23-748-71 Doe 71 June 74^9 ~-,,oprjt Caro off Tanks Doscribedo by Krivodiolliw pp" AM 6 0 *14"emp vo 9# PuasMj, pars kftro &..~Mzftmt ~,:Gpt i9n. pp wet; 54~ hov 71 ?.Irty ~~Q-ekcrl 1AItTI, 7 14 6L KRIVOSHEIN, M. RU DE-7 RONWAY MAINTENANCE VFHICLE STROITFL#NYYE I UOROiHNYYF MASHINY, NO. 41, 19 72# PP. 18-20 FSTC-HT-23-0963-73 Alu. Wro 11 ".-1 Val On t,'* Maeu of Fonation of ilairlimp. Cr=-M 72-~ in Tvla-uyer chromiur'-ffielml Cwt Imn !bus, by A. E* KrIvoshftv end 1. V. Adarw MSSIAN., per,, lov, VUZ Clmraw- mets Vol lo.. No 7., 1967.. PP-1315-13-9--- RM Flef '. We -4 (67/375) y july 63 56iou (3"-) InMorm of baot4-WW Pass Shape an tho CooUrr, Rate of L%WAd SooUcn Rdlas tW A. .6. Krivoshw. Ausswto PWO vuz Vol 9f, UO L28 L9660 ?p ~IL Raft 9M.4 (67/91) Seib., ~lt eob 68 3tg)063D Autow- tic Recording of a Video Irlaveforms by M. L. Krivosheyev, R. L. Hareyn. 12 pp? UUSSIAN, per, Takh Kino i Talevideniya, No 3, 1963, pp 52-57. AIRRID/Iff-23-347-69 ScL-Elac June 7j A* Do j;brtaab6&A* tW_- 140 T dtrLal 0 J;"C 717?oil~11(110 T7 10 r.LC X7.1 LIU- 'c, 6 DittAbut ftab" MIS, I a 191 2#71970i. PP. 44Xw4-W orresnWcnc-e ~.,oursa an dar ~i~atcms Isouc-su' by :3. 1. ~-rivoshcln# 10 pp. ;Ab;A&',, per ~eotnik ;rotivovoz6,us.,--no,,, bomnyt oscolls 11,44 pp X~30. J; lk 9;-.!74 Ii i-~- ~zI 22n.1 AU Ualou Sclentifte Session Dedicated to Rmalo Day Television Section, by M. 1. Kdvakeye&4 50 pp, HMVBp bkjp l*Awxm-mHALmm sasoba'-poomr IfelevLj!amp 19bbs, vp 1-70. 1081,7-2120 rr) 22M14967 eal-bftviwal si Em Sol Feb 63 347,432 MadsU PapmUm of 0011-m Axg=MWitA AdvlXtM or 002d., by M A. Mdvovp R. V. I*IUM.v 0. G. Mdobbovp 4 pp. IWWMO pwp Rw"Is Baltun of Hidt" ZstsbUsbmts No 3p L96% iv 14&1534 I'mc 1%9 1-1. A. Yxivo',r 314,346 Eloetzmlw and sioctdftl Easlammulur The !"tlutioMlAp butwwn ProLon %va t-bo C*r= in u'A U.Yeoar Cyguo t~, r3 y 17. Goavjmv =1 Ls X-.Iv&dt WSMWO per,, I- -- .1. 1 . . .Ckl 43.1 "IX OF all 14-t-r. jill'y I'Uitary lk'0181% f~riOVAISGo L4GMftte Ilatedo by G. 1'. Krivuovt m. xa. hrayme c- pp. I.WSSW& bko sEravocblnk a Llf,,otakh j2~~Mosluzhmlslwhlm Oro" i &~t~ ,Wjo i Ikh 1967# pp V-23. JM 4W46 Fenaion Fagulations Announced for Raliated Personnel,, by Go F* Krivtsw and lie Yam Parshin., 23 PP- HJSSTMp bkp sDravochnik o 11gotakh Mnno- s1uzhasbzWb-a OgLd= i sverkhsE2Lh= sluzhby I M seplyam. 1967,, pp. 161-169,, 17a.195. jPM 42109 R t C/ T':3 USSR Mil Sept 67 339.-033 I ,'i. J~vlvtsov Daterr,inhnt- ti,e vad,us, of tne c,-Ev,'t,!.! ('ro,-,,, cr,; I . . t , J' reoidual 1:;,eosure ~721071- ~0,', ',',Oil "1"1 1:0 j,"resence 0 ,~~!'o~3icn, roduct-. 8 "3radak"i, r T ; I I -1"3-750-7-2 Oct i"OlpliLls Talk on tho 7,01clliDno. lory vol 'Al 1. Igiscst IIDTpt of Interior FAirm of 0 mordal 'Aaherles ilrooh oil l'brdEm l'-lahorlos 10-33 //1211 layer in ano, by Ii -, ~. pp. imp, M., .q Pp eue ix, V"'t,~WISM"Uml of Actindideas ta~,- thoh, i~ mo%nrv, t ro I-- of U-7 55 -tav "'adernaho V~-n 'o l?'3s 7, 77,7p. ~ r Vaporization of tho Actinides and Their Com- powds. Part 1. Basic Problems of Vaporization Studies, Vapodiation of Actbidess by 1. r'rivy. POLISH$, rptv Informacni Stredi3ko Ustavu Jader selto Yj2kiwl, USAVg L~S. Pragw, 195, 40 pp-v 20SA TT F-109,908 GOVEMIM4T M, MILY sel-Cleig lw~ 67 338s687 70 59-59. *Dcz t ci-.[ Interior ~Lq I was an Eyewitness .... by Miloslav Kriz. GERMAN, np, Vorwaerts, 6 Oct 66, p 12. *JPRS/DC 12872 Special EE-German Pol Dec 66 !,,,ov Priao otTioe Rao r=rAwd In ftu-. at-mattim s~ by Oo ~W!2~j tvi, rr mo,, c zlz pper$ L#711, r0.! S, Vp t~, PRS 53502 KRIZ EK, J. Determination of nitrogen oxides in low concentrations. Chem.Prum. 16(9):558-9 (1966) (CRL/T. 392 775 ,c-, i~-t 69 3 76 3 163 cono-Acs 4agionall OlwmkiZ in -lo7aldo Vi 4 - T)p 10 et V1109, Vp i lsr~326 con I-cc 6.-*:. T V, 1~ /a m 0 y 4 /J Effectiveness and Evaporation Resistance of Condensed ljono-LVorsf by T. V. 1,~myan RUSSIAH, per# ArwWaldi lOdmicheSkll--9b_ul_llgo Vol 20, 110 1l 196m(p pp 5-10 ITTC 71-150;-07D fob 72 --7 \/ . e e m 0 y ") Effect of Volatile Solvents on Lvaporation Radstance of lagher Alcohol Monolzyo=, by T, V. Mmoyan RUSSIANt per &-g=pkII Milmicheal-di Zhurnal, Vol 19t Na 1: 1966, pp 10-18 71-155B3-07D 0,/(? -X-6~0,5- fob 72 Influence of Air Viscosity on tho Dawing aud Resonance frequency of Helmholtz Resonators, by m. Ermik-. GEMM, por, Acustica Vol xvit No 60 1965/66 pp 33142. AASA TT F-100656 (IOUNIM1,47 WE WLY Sci-Phys ilar 67 320,82!) Title UWMOUMI bv M. Ernak. GEMj, per., Acustica Vol XVI.. No 6,, 5 1 ;-~~ A*0 1965-196(., P 33~-2. *xAm TT F-1o.656 sci-fts Dee 66 COMIGM (' "?,\ uttlizatio'r~ of Manpower In 9~4akia Dismissed by Dezider Kroasany, 5 PP. SLOVAK, pers ':-'race a lrizda~ Prague, Yo 3, 0 . r.-TY6-.- Mar 7 2, ; P 11 .ir,Rs 55~-76 - Hey 7 2 Algal Remins in Lake Sediments - A ContrLbution to the Developmeat History of Labo and the Surrounding Regions, by U, V. ftods, ?bpp. GMIM, pers ATchiv faer Aydrobiolgie Gimebnisse der Limol2gies No 3t 1966, pp 1-38* Dept of IntarLor BOOM A-37-Harch 1970-Vo 53 On Loan ~j - \1, K)P- cj-e- E04 a S Q UG Tq*ur Pro"= CC SiLtato abased and Xmir. Coqq=*At*,j by C, K&vftvrt L. Soonytm, GMMV perp - IWSLVP Vd A U651 VP 313-M- BOnA-653 C, kkl~"IL,~ I 7 Sol - Gbom Jd 67 334 538 soewi4 smreiptyo Proutarlan int.or- natimaime by iiwbert Krmpro 13 ON C.L&A,jo per* lbuMSbg ~k gest aorLug voo 1969t pp 1419-1428o El-E Garmany -uslifor'! Ismanm- or cmalt Old contwol -4-11 v, 2967, r,,,)* Aerovision Accoqmios the Peaca Rue.p by Gmater Krwaort., 5 ppi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY M-RM,l per,,.Jug"# und Tedudk Ho So 1966. 9700242 FSTC HT-23-17-66 ACSI 1-8769 ID 2204001766 Sci - Acro May 66 300#549 The Range Of Application Of Locaeorten, A Specific Topical Corticoid (Ueber den Anwendungsbereich von Locaeorten, einem Spezifischen Externkortilcoid), by P. Kroepfli. SWISS, per, E~,axis (Switzerland), 1965, P547-9 SIA TT-65-14226 P . k rC '( ~ ~ 3114,805 oTurkish Prison rxporlenoas Related b-7 Vivo Arrested on Drug. Charges, by Glaude !(roes, 7 ppy mr,0%, pero Humanite Dlmnoha, Paris, 13-19 Oct 71%-p-pF~* JPRS 54542 Dee 71 -roblems llmolve~ In ;U7,1natinig, by, ilalfmr --rofta, 15 per,, pp 4kV4r-'. i'mopolit-s. MEW. -.Ct 331,385 KROGER, C. Procegs of tar formation and the strength of coke. Brennstoff Chem. 49(12):359-64 (1968) (CHL/D. 896) 'k,e Tar Formation F,.-occ,3s ajj~d c0 stgep 1w 4tt by Cbmic Vol 49) 110 PP 359 3-n. 131SI 7Zb9 sci" maL,, - ~9 .AOV 397, 31L 3 Cct~.).usition of Coul ~.,acerals as ibleteimincl-i !~y 11".rce ivasic Ccuplexes ink] 11-i'vir Dcriveld, I'vorertics', I by ~,cr, FxeunSt.~Iluli Vol 41) No (j, lfuso 1.71-17i. July 69 t J! Physico Chaoical Properties of Brown Coali and Brown Coal Constituents. 4. Determination of the Carboxyl-and Hydro.V1 Groups, by C. Kroger. GEIMAN, per, Frdol Kohl*~ Vol la~ No 5, 1~65, ,,)p 366-372. SEC 1~ 61 C-7 Sci jui 6,( 333,736 vuration of Action of small Cortiscma Doses iu,00 Substrato Inducticu of 'syrosine-a-Ketaglutarate Trawamiuaso and Trytophane Pyrrolase, by 11WIS Kroger$ Jorg Philippv Ot al. Mf"i# per, Blochemische Zaitschvjft~, Vol 544, pp 22~432: -C O-ML Sep 66 3090458 KROGERIS, A. RU DEVELOPMENTS IN POWER ENGINEERING SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA NO 163(85251 14 JULY, 1971 P2 COL 1-4 FSTC-HT-23-0006-73 tic, M. 4 i,-4 70 ea~ of CbWSW IS UM CMWtb VAtS Of tba sodo" sab"m 0 do-oh 202~ft 'I==) of the ontmop uvoro by F* Ve KIVGtm* -111 i pwo is= Vol no 3R# 1900 0 50-517-k Dept of ftw4w Fish od wildure cluviw W,q bmwat row4p nabut4o SCI-M Oct 67 343AT6 Structures With Pt Chainno Part 1. "Violet" Potassium Tetraoynno Platinate Y,2(Pt(CN)4) XO.3.2.5H20 (XiCt.Br)j by Ke Krogmann. GIMMAN, per, Zgitaphritt fgar AA2EgRUi5Qh� And Allgeme1no Chamia, Vol 3580 1968v pp 67-81 NTC 72-12017-07B June 72 EETect, of' Stochastle DIstm-bances on Una 5ear.-,-I or of a GyrosttWiliemd Platrom ulth Gas-DcrlX! GYros as tensors, by U. Krogrmm. GrOMN, rpt, Bundear-irdetarlm Fur Ili Beene. cb'FLV- liche Forq~.hijnp, Researeb rlyrort 14 i!Tr DW.; of Ilavj AFL/JIIU T-,.)-4~~a < e 0 C. f-,) 14 N) astic t-,!% t1w 1u'. rt t isselisci"., ftl iell ic I-orsciiuii~., ilresoizch report il: oll,ib, h~~; ,C...7t cl civy e,j ar 70, InvestiLgetion of the EIATect of the Caurplin4m Der',,vocra PleWom GtOltmt,-Ion Loops aid the of tho Dprmlc Bcbwdor of a IGr,,o- 0 R iOllired Olat-Dom, on &n Anal og-Comi. titer.. W, U. lcm ~Amw.. GAMAliv I-jyl.,3 fur Wamilachaft- l3leba Forach-mr-, Rea earch R=--t Dc7L of llnnj APL/JTM T-244V" lmt 70 ski, 7 OOVETMITEA i'OE O'NLY ITALIAN!, por, liAnillu7jop NO 154p 1968P I"P X--8- rf-21-2S3-69 Sc,t 69 391.404 Rescar0i P%ngram of tke Polish PackaiJut Center 1,2-f for 1967-1968,, by S# Krogulski. ViLISAg per, ~gakowtwia No 2, 1967, pp 1-3. *ACSI J-2973 ID 2204031967 S,ci/~,.5ateriuls Aug 67 Socialist Line ShImping Comnw-Aes Look to Iritermational Tftrl~ots. Iry Hartmut Kroh, 7 pp. GETMAN.,, par, Soewirll-sebmft, East Berlin, Mar 72, ;D 22 M-11 .Tpas 5'59~fb I-,I,a-y 72 "i'mw-romationn of Frur,= Calci= Cates of Vie MO(B) Group on Autoclaving, 'Slli- cato Coricretc,, by P. r- . !%:~Wikav and 14. A. K.-,j I c h W z 1UNISLUR, psr, Ibk AL, liaek WIS11 Vol 176, -2b I., -t 1 WT-10. Obl 5 7 Liticn-6.Acpatim ol 0-lizIll-er by IT %hi Vol 5vA In b7 pp. 0-lZMAT'T n1p Fahrt I 2 'Aar 71, P97=57 ,r)28 5?-393- 71 t,mTaA Oorwoots of U~o i-blo of ni"vtsill In ~Wemn ~.,odv a-m-A Asturbincou il-i*itc- A. A. ~froldmlnv an," .Aleksoya", 12 pp. 113.v, rld A Oct 9M " F~ P, , 7 Kab 67 qutmttm Electroates Researchs, by_O. N. Krokhlm, ~)'/ PUSSIANI, piers, Vestnik AkademH Mauk SSSR _P 140 61, 1"51, PP *FTD-4ff-66*576 Scl-Electron & Elet Engr Sept 66 Liquid-Vapor zquilibrium Relations of the System Acetic Acid-IsoarWl Alcohol - Isaw7l Acetate. Part It The Mwry !~rstom Acetic Add - I"aq7l Alcohols by D. Go Krokbin, XUSSIAINt pors Zh 1~jz KMM3, Vol 419 No, 3p 1967, Pp 671-672. ATS., W-5012 fob 69 373*819 0. t~ ~ ~ at) P, ~.', t3 AW 73. . . 4(UCRL-Trans--10580.1 5HIGH-POWER LASER UNIT WITH A SERIES-PARALLEL SY""~`EM OF AMPLIFIERS FOR PLASMA HEATING. gBasov, N. G.: Krokh1nP, N.; Sklizkov, G. V.; Fedotov, S, I.; Shikanov, A. S. jran~IaFea for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from Preprint No. 123. 2020p. 2ADep. NTIS. 26phyBics (plasma); translations 2T20I 2IMN-34 2;P NSA v"rgy Flow in the PelagLc of Lake Dat'nee, by Ye. 14. KrokhLa. IMSSIAN, pars Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 189, No 5, 19691 pp GB Oct 70 Sept 71 11 . . Llno= TriMr For=d by crosonce of ---"vaniu,-- Sallbs, b- A* 11 IVISSIAI, per, DoIc A!, Hau-!.- o Vol c 1-3 V L P"Uropean.student- -'VIM* Re-Darts on Portuflnisso Attaoksp by'Paywnd Xrmaonaokor, 5 pp 07OVER12firmT Tjst'j' OTTLY , rap Hop, IMM..Aft4quo',, Parts,, 16 may 71,, pp ,TPRS/t 3f J)al 71 ihe '~Apatic iplalaution of in ilectron-Irra JAtad ii"19 Q yorg Ad- ~01, Interstitital )'A Awls bV ils ~rmullcre il.~'o 9, 1,965. pp S63- ci., At Aug 70 Lffect of Size of iiscapemont of Sockeye Salmon Spawners on the Phosphato Content of a Nursery Lake, by Ye. M. Krokbin. RUSSIANO per, Izv Tikh Nuchno-Issled jilst llybnoc bept of Interior ,urcau of Couiaercial Visherios Officu of Foreivit Fishories Ao A-28/lay 69/138 "n Loan Only sci-~ j, v Jul-, 64) .0 lmoluanw o? the Intawlty of Ptww~p og the sock-%m Solmon on the Pboaphate Content or SpawnlM Wwp by Ye. 14. &okhln. 14 pp. MSIANp Der, B4z i=t Blol Vaut Vod~ Vol 15j, lb lop igulp pp 25-31- Dept of Intarior Dumu of commolvdal Plawrles Ofrlw of FbMIP Flabulas A-29-Jum 1969-llo 151 on Imn Scl-BMI Nov 69 00:82T