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ftf- .,j-r 6. 1 .3 Y KRISCH, A. and LAKSHMANAN, R. Effect of the rate of 'testing on. the measured yield point and tensile strength of, steel specimens. Arch. EisenhiYtt. Wes. 39:683-91 (196B) (CRL/T. 40Z3x) Tin~fbpondant Creep mid S baillumia=n :Aruatural t,homgoo in stools, 'qy a. i:JvAi.'ali' por', Vol 80 p~p, 416-449. -OVA 6Y409 of, !3tools" Lry A. Lri-sch. V61 -,20 7F at ) o o Tho SUWS--Strain MaGM at UA liold StrOss Of ,dld Steols bj A. KAsch &. R. Lahbm=o GLA4MA's PWO jt~L. ELIM-hj# Vol 38, ittrto 1967, pp 443-W. Fob 349o492 riao3 nal ~'Ivtr ifll'oot o-zi ~:rw- lay ',~nuawinf V 0l 'Opt 1066"o -,at ~,;ay /',I,1, - -. " -1 /'.~ " / U 4(ORNL-ti-2589) 5&EEP RUPTURE STRENGTH AND STRUCTURE OF THE STEEL 10 CrMo 9 10. 6Krisch, Alfred; Naumann, Friedrich Karl. LoTranslated by 11. Gregg Manheld (Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn.), from 5Arch. Eisenhuettenw.; 41. No. 9,835-9"70). 2011P- 24Dep. 2Gnietallurgy; translations 2111F 20MN-25 21P NSA ,:e~ aDd jr. Ss frjps~cr I;etvccli In Fluidise%j mWi Solid LkOds, b Ond L. MosbaT,Yer. I~cr, Otem. Tied; 010A.'A 7034 wid Air PLrticlcs a J, ~), I'xisch(x Vol 37, .,o 'j, 1965, 's C, lie Fd.? J), On the Incorporation of Foreign Ions in -A1203 ; Report No. 2. The Influence of Ga++, r++9 and Ba++ on the Thermal Stability of -A120jj, by H, Krioohner. GERMANg pers Mogatilieft fuer Chemie,, Vol 99, 1968; pp 220-229, NTC 72-10125-07B Apr 72 ~ P- Is ~ R ~ Study of the Diffusion of Some Elements in Magnesium, by L. Kriahan. FMCII, rpt, CEA-R 31.36s 1966. ~KIJIITJS TT 72-53106 Aug 72 on the atization with FurfAwa of / 7~ 61- orlab KMNW ft'liatimp Irl Pe V* lavisime FMSIU,p pwo Izv VUZ Ddt I Gaz Vol 8o 1b 2p 1965o pp 55- . 10-69-MiT-aD V eRIChIvg-, I./ Sol.Pmp & RMIS ftt 69 3919ZT5 jowl- C-7 m. A . ~~ fa Is ~ ~ R L Diffusion of Metals and Alloys, by M. A. ICrishtal. RUSSIANS bk, Vsesoiuznaya Konferentsiya Po Difuziy V. 'I'lletallakh i Splavak-h, 3rd ed., 196d. nalig T-L 72-7)Fc)-27- !a!3 7P Ln ir"to 11i fier, Zansixh.,, !',4 :-0i; 2v llj'GBt --d 20-216. 72,vW7 Ih k"- ;.5 lh~ 213 na 2, b6b" Overvoltage In The Anodic Evolution Of Chlorine On Graphite, by L. 1. Krishtalik, Z. A. Rotenberg. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Fizicheskoi 1~hinii (USSR), 1565, P32841 SLA TT-65-17085 L - ! - K1, iski C, 1 1, k 314)~' 889 Tim Selection of the Nwbar of Qzdations in A/ 0 ~ PrdAbility Scy~~ DrXicar by A. D. Krisilov, 12 ppi TMSM.4t m0 PAtWEthi 2L~~qt~, 19650 44-53, & JPM 350951 R,D, KY-15~6 sai - nect t,-Zt.,Vw 303p412 JIM 66 Cn the Existence of Corv-10to 110momorplAGrus For Sorm Quaternionic 'EquationDj 'by Pe-) Dok Alc !,auk- SLSlU,- "1-01 17 -.0 8 T 3p 19661 FP 533-53!1 Uie hmrican Ihthamtioal Societ"Ir I Vol 9, NO 1., 1958 (-Ict 60 363:43.3 ~,tc, i, 1~ P. ; S ~ vi L) t~ ~ ; The Wed Or M*ft=-Dw= CcqXxmdG on Butadime PoUmvlzaUm by the ActAon of a C&tWvUc, Syotm B&W Cu r,-AUYI Iti" Olwidep by E. V. Xristal'm MIM) W., D* A Nwk I ass Ego CheM. t Vol 204t no 6,, T=e 10 =Xpp 13bb-2,391. 0 ,4M jLwAs in the ravellop=t of tho Chenleal Ams V~y Lo j',VlOtAnOV* PWO 3-6. I I UN L! F I I'L~ T I I L S T D f- y j / C, .-~ Jet QmbuvUon of Pua in tho Ilocirmlot-Jimi ',.one VaUnd a TwUg~.~'~hw*d !~Irwis 1,01dor, 13~v J. A. Krivticho forgatAn, Lip ~barosxn sv ~,OZOVO,,,r AnVAK 01 TI dzy TMT(I'- cmU of five-Ivor il" in j~aoaa~. CutUnsdo by TalUn* as Plw-sw* apt ~pydt 229 23 Bw 1971- !-ab 72 The Development of Estonian Natural Resources in the Five-Year Plan) by 5 PP- RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 21 Apr 1966, pp. 2-3- JPRS 37870 USSR Econ oct 66 312)523 -In D*ep Usterj, by Date of Sediwxtatim a 1, A. &IStiewn. 15 pp. Kwissly PO R.-UGIMIa cbetverti vp P- 15rt 32- jgv7-y--DOO Tmn 45U 1 0- - Sol-Ear Bel Dr. 69 397,406 tic 071 I.i.irapping ievels in pakali ualido crystiii.,-, induced at lml=ity Neigh6ora, LY N. 1.~. Kristoffel. aUSSIAN, per, I-!'-vudv Inst 11z Astron 1,1~ p 54-63. 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Ca V Jan 71 flolationship Bottman W.TA and llolyphoT)hato "' tabolism in Cartain ':,umgi., by Bot 'S'el., por, ro". 0 1 0 3 71 a -T!"9-0, T-fiT' r- TIT ~T-- B M 's ke- ,:0v 70 -7 Use of a Small Cmtralized Oo In an Ore Bulchment FactW.. tV Ye. L. rxitddy and I. V. Olovsk.Va. 6 pp. HUSSIM., perp Melchwdzgj&U;~ Avtmatizatsiya Proizvodetva. lb 5,, 19699 pp 25-26. AWFTD/HC-23-373-71 Dee 71 4.uovU= on tba Use of InEMMUCR L4~q~ et Cwmatiuting and Arj tim Ilantas 1,7 '~. if, ayucL.U4 Y-00 -1. u-Itold$1, 4 pp. i,U,SSZW,t pre 2AM&M 36 ISYM-o pp go-a* A ki/f 2 011 ,4 ~i, -i_, 'MV RM W'S IMUGtry C41ft UNO 4tAGOO, XQ%I IM9w i4nas i2amlagg by Vo F. A* 6 pp., macm# 140 pp cat 71 Participation of Peptidoa in tho F~?Ocow of Uoriyutheas of Inculin, by Kritmm,, RUSSLAJT,, por, Dok Ak Hank B."35T,". Dloclm4v 'V01 196, T a lb It 1971j PP 930-r2330 OB *milk- Determination of the Parameters of a Com- --31- pressiort iluve in Rocky Ground, by B. D. Kristoforov, A. 111. ilomashov. RUSSIAN, per, Fizika goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 3, tNro 1, IT6-7.-p~-1317ZT142. AIZZ/F7D/IAT-23-696-68 B . 1) . K ri sto f orov Sci-Ear Sci Apr 69 379,562 Ettimation of Vie Chief Components of a Tin and Antimony Solder by Meaw of B--ta Radiation Back Scattering, by V, Krivan. CZECHj per Chemicky. PrLm, Vol. 15, 1b. 40, 1965, PP 39-41 GB T2 L) - K /-?) L"4,t) S(,i - Aug 17-1 337-486 con.f~rmca Hold on lnftatrW Chwdstryt by Antonin KrIvamko AanislaV ZbOrils 9 PP9 GuWw"DWill Uloli~ WiLy C&Cilp parg I'lesticke itpt a Kaucuk-f vrasuef flov 1968# pp 338-341. Mis juUu 296? I-Ar 69 3750% ~~c 'c'N' Ca..,d PEF ~!ar~ JMM TM5 'WO, sc.t..D/l 1 Aq,r 65 b,,, A. M, 1~01 -.con Compositim, of Pyr=e~.e vr= the G&&bro-Sya.-.--I'te Associatim: L. bul'shcy TaG41 Pluto, 2 fti,etski$ Alatiku., by A. P. WmAms Ye. S. Gaetawa. RWMN# per.. D3k Ak %uk ~E~ voi ia,~, uo 4., 19681, Pp 958wcj~a- AGI fi'p. /~P- I- q e 0) W- 0 Mar ~9 3750744 conanction in VWges ~0wratig to liotvorl~ ,;r-ja4,nvzx,, by P. KrIvenkop 5 JV- mcsovv; pero Eltonwalchoslava Gazata 191,37., P MISR Econ Jime, 67 Fi~vrekl, on Israel Budr,~~ct--Ani Analyn-!.S, DuVid 10 -PP- Jerusalola -Post,,, -ioriwalera, ,13 Feb *(2, p 06 -gp r kpwuc the "itir Of ftv-wool Pile FabrIcep by Z. H. lkivimurJu. mmuNt p=p T"A Ptak Vol 27p lb 4p 19E)T: 19. 25-2b- =AW 4452 - 5a sci-Iliat Auz 69 Operatioml Pivblema of the Donets %.UxoW J System,, by Yac KriveWw., 5 ppe RlqalM,p per., Zkononicheakaya-Gamte Ub 51,, Dec 1965: P, 319 MRS 34274 ME Econ nar 66 2c,6t676 .L j 110.1'. Ire., I%- 0'~' 5 .." a CL i ~. xtah- Furl., of tho i.);~tin..iity coni'litilms, by ..U-L,~-"*!A.'-'., Por, 11ciii A Vol 181'~' !~o 2, 1 ~.' 2 '1* 7 :- 2 'InQ fuil Path Soc. Vol 100 1"o So -'~C"A-Oct 190ii :."!r 70 CKIOIS into 17Y Ale K-0 151, J ct iije rkae-arj of 1,!Ox*t alui Control Syntnra,~ by Ti. P. I-IrivoW.,,ov; L, ppo IVEZIAN, per, Mll elv_ AltatlejaU llyAqt, V'QSRP Vol Y(ij 1b 21 19Ckip 3-'ZP-:~15! ji~ro 7~4 /V6" c' I k isT scl-Blactronics Jan ('i'f 0)'! i couplim, of 4M&40 fft&WUcb workst ~v luo. k. Krivvakov.. mussuiut Wt 1)Ok #1 lim)k IIi~R* Jx4v 1967t pp 1284-12W, Am bet fte Vol 12s No 6p L)ac 196? Itull into iiat- Val 174v :~o 64 0 b!;3b 6-j. 349930 i1cu Ammdm -,gos wiarld Ccamnut tv unam Ir bifto Kolart 5 PP. by 1%,96 pp 617-M. jmw, 46487 D /Y) H j POI Aug 69 3A913 The !-"uweIIIC Effect of Ultraviolet rz.Y's, an A 'Fine nird Intei-vollular 'by 4. S. KrivI&'dyj, U pp. iWISIAN, rpt, U11trafiglott(mr-O IzIuchmiye, pp Jan 346,,5Sr Ethane Capacity of Coal , by R. W. Krivitskaya, T. V. strukovskaya. RUSSIA, lier, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 179, 1-11o 5, 1968t pp. 1210-1212. AGI ri. ivi, ) ~ r i v I T s 1~ c,IC~- Jan 69 373-395 ~,- ii,* A .. .~t~ri'cron~ctcr for ;.~Jiaaity conti,ol o~ .svllwr~cal "Ur" Ces f),-* Mtatiop of tho 'Socolla s.v. ial~itin, V..'!'. Wtunko Gu' JIT.L', lAG 12910 67 c.0=4 ladvorr Ao ~V R*,T. 44voba"dwo 6 PPO pop,* LOAZMAO. .50 it '1=# KR, iVOGLAZ RU CHANGE IN, THE SHAPE Ji- A VGIU MOVING IN A NA UN I FGkcl F I EL u ,~'ETALLOFIZIKA,(31) 1970 VP 37-45 PU13 ~AY NAOKC, VA LIUAKA KIEV ~-STC-HT-23-2413-72 OramaDboaqhmm COOPMg2aa.. lilal-- Action =a mtwft of La0mumi lavestt~ticsp by D- A- XrLVOGUM.- 04Y PP- ,Us=., M-,, KLLPJ~w 1 12~;~ IntOL-31- L^atal-Y 5- ams UMR vu . v 66 -ffoct of Affusion on t1w '~Iossbauer ruin of Impurity Ccymplexes in Crystals, ;.)y :i. ti. vrivoglaz, et al. rMSIA'%, per, mrain. Fiz. Zh.Vul. 11 reT 70-57095 70 M. or I. 1~ p.~.j, C~3 L Pi %. no Uflusn" Of Zffuslm on M6o*ml Spectra Wlth FIM Struoturle., ~bY M- A- MV091wo I MBSIM., perp Fizlka Nrt&Uvv. I NotCUovedodep 'Vol 32s 19T1,P OP 115U-U,bT-, M 72-14449-ML Jan 73 1.1rolo'lutrian Intemattonalisr, by I., I'llrivi -,Ilz~ np, Lonia~~.vadp~~~ I Oct ).,~jj~ JPI ~~3532 V, 3 Doc L-,-, 314orf-( !`xpair-jental Part I. by J. i,rivrjhlvvy. 67 L:zi:ciio Yerv USLOSIOvensLa Psycholc'-Ie, Vol 11, 1967, T'p 2,D!)-27-1: :,TC W-11092-015J J- Niv July 6~s Lxperineatal Garacs. Part H. Gat-es witi-i Irrational Solutions, by K. Krivohlivy. CZECII, Por, Ces~oslovensha psycholagie, Vol 11) 1967, pp 301-517. 'iTC 6`3-10504-oW sci-lieh 'q~ -;cc Sci July C~!) 3 CC. , f) 4 3 /-P 2 Vi,67* re" I.- I TL=ds in the 7owl Matribution of Orlbatoid Ritea$ by D. KrIvalutBldy. MMUN., per,, Oikm, Vol 19., Uo 2., 1968., pq 339-344. CSIRO/HO qT54 00 Sol-M,*4 sk-pt 69 3)2,372 J. aj (6i Uk; OJ 1,C heat tieat,~,fv~ 8 1);,,. Vibratim Strwgth of Cmtain St 0 and of Titmium-Azid Almdam-Based Alloys at High Taqwatures~ by Go S. Krivonogove 10 pp., MISSIM, per,, TgMMMft2st' Ymtw~alovl Konstrukt4vmth Elavatcy No 51 1969) pp 176- 183. AUVM/liT-23-99-71 Sept 71 Crystal Lattice State and Ihgaetomechmdcal Damping in Fertensitic Steels., by Go S. Krivonogov and 14. F. Alekseenko HUSSM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk GSSR, Vol 178, No 5.. Feb 10, --op 1055-1057. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13P 11b 2, AWt 1968 "s (J V v Sci-Physics Oct 63 366Y095 jr..- yu. wyl of shops - kri '~Cwwdo% S"Unill't -,or a hffoLtiva Utilizati'0'31 of ~.'msic CaTitAl, by ilk, Krivro."I'COT74 Val 114l ~',o 4t rz*tch of "isharlos Interoot Rates an Pimed Productive Capital Mist be DiffermtIatedo by A. YrIvowwv,, XMIMP I*r., ftzlidotvo, Vol 44s go 5,P 19A, PAM.-E& *1~-,Pt of utevior Burm or cDmmua Fiswries Bramh of Foreigu Tiaborles V.aym of incradng tho V" of iApital AsSetus pytnoa AWMAE UV Vol 43t i~o 3v pp 72-7). Eopt of Inte4or ~ivh and -,eildlits .,;~orvlce Lew ' Jan 68 t-,'ays of lacraasini; the Use of Capital Assets$ by A. 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Krivoruchei-flco EM - D141 A r-ld A- '967 .324, Q U-3