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Vibration F.-havicur of Circulnr Sa0vInCics. rts 1-4-,, by G. Ptlllitzscht P). IRCITinsH. POLISfl, Ver, 'l-t&lz rch--ti !~.erl:stoff, V(-A '44, N't) 4, 29f)6, CZROILO -9211 311hr ("I' I vilmation ,mlinvicur of Circular ',:,awbladcs* by Rcmillski. POLR,Ii, 'per, 11o1% Poh-u I'erlstoff. Vol 25. 110 348-357, 'July 0 vi!)rativr, "'dIaViOUr Of Circular SnOd.-des. apt,- by C. PW-1--litzsch, P. i!owirmki. Per., ilolz koh-u ti(trL-s ,,o M60 toff 3 41 -346# JUIV t9 1017L or' Cinular !:awtpladc.,~. Pts 1.40 by G. Pablitzscht ?t. Povinski. ~ 'per, i:olz Xoh-u licrLstoff, Vol ~;o 10, 190,, 393-397. CSIRGIP-o 9211 h-,Cda July (.9 Aarity Effect in 21ectro-Macharge Machi*Lng, by G. PahlLtzach. 14 G'MWI pets Ann Int Prod SME Rasq Vol 160 1968# pp 243-241. A\ 0c, t 70 ;(LIB/TRANS-457) jFXPERIENCES AND RESULTS OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF WE LDING SEAMS ON THICK WALLS OF-REACTOR PRESSURE VESSELS. 61?ah*pj R-, 10Translated by U. Engelbert from a Gorman paper. 2091). 23(CONF-701144--3). 24DOI)e NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). 26From Conference on welding in nuclear technique; Fr,%Murt am Main, d6r-many (12 Nov 1970). 2.4methods and equipment; reactor engineering; translations 2yl4, 181 2CA-IN-80 29NP NSA "W"27 iD QFM of Al* bm* bry DAO paimtono C&Ci4 twm- X-crom 14to No 3, 19W, pp 263-279a *B.BI 6W4' sat-Aliat I I Jan 69 /1111~1 710"'e,- A Study on the Effects of Certain Factors on the Quality of Frozen Piabes after Defrosting,, by V. P. Pai-klo-fu, 161)p C . rpts Yu-Yeh Yen-chiu 1,-'eijNn-I1ui Ti-ch'i-tz'u Ch-uanltli Rui-i Lun-um-chi, Feb Il')66s pp 252-2`59 o,-fo6 Sci - Biol A. Med Apr 67 ftchwlogy and Notboft of RIWft=ft warrmj, by Alskundr ZpatewIft PaU. IT pp. Gwmaw un omx GUM,, pers Datse-ber MUtu-mrl p 1968p pp 180-189, 2276-03. AWMAT-23-4" ab-k4zt-n~ 0 WNW Hu sov 69 395#839 On the Phenomm of Germnation and Growth of Zro as Wen as Striation of Zr; Mm Reaction Current of this Metsa 'With OaWM Undmr Pressure Bme at Elevated TwWraturep b7 J& Faidusis Pr=,, per, 0. R. Apad-Sti, No 267, 19689 PP 1085-103. *MS TT 71-53028 Available MS Only June 71 Contribution to the Study of the Oxidation of Cobalt in Air at High Temperaturos, bY J. Paidassi, M. G. Vallee, et al. 16 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTEII14AL USL WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 014LY FR'-!NCIL, per, Les 1-temolres Scientifiques do I& 1',evue do MEtallurgie, Vol 02, No 11 1965, pp 789-900. AIk/FTD/i1T-67-146 Sci/t'latcria13 Nov 68 1 354,107 Cwt-.4-bultion to t1m L-bily of ;,YjAlatlw of ~~Otc%lt ir, Air at dovaW !&-Tjsmtures,, by v* ~oldavmlt al 0 port ZA ',O-Icdzw Stientifloilrep, -.,;e !a r 64 35Z,24Z a.-C/- I- !electronic ~.;arfarg Equipment and Aethods. Technology and Methods of Electronic I,J'arfaTe, by A. I. Pail. GLIZIA,'i, bk, 1968. 11opt of Navy NIC Trans No 2823 ELUr ~,Jay 69 582,74D ~,,, -P q ~l L e The Presence of Prinmry and Secondary Amines in Cigarette Smoke, by 14. Pail ler. uam~ per MittelLuMen der Osterreichischen Tobakregle, TO jo~ 19-6q,: "Op .1.65M.W. *M-IS 'IT 72-55058 Apr 72, Contribution To The Estination Of Benzo-(A)-Pyrene In Tobacco Snoke ondesstes, by 1.1 Pailer, W. Huebsch, 11. Kuhn. GERMAN, per, Fachliche Mitteilungen der Oestereichischen Tabakregie (Austria), 1965, 25P siA TT-65-14352 0'~ N'~ 'I ~ e I- 344,832 .tolts and SlIdp,~ft't A Aabiro of "conoidc, Usaoter, by 133-ilborto 12 ""R17 67 C - Pair Study of the NOUon of Sta* ApplIcatIon to Syntactic Analysis. EIRM, rpt) Naw mdMatj fteaty Of MatbemUcal Sdence, 19bb. WfC 72-IDMZM Is., NOT 72 ~~, A StUdy of the Application of the Concept of Pushlovm Store to Syntactic Analynis, by C, Pair, #Vereity FE&NOTI, rpt, 2&LtQE2j jhq2&s M2130nlpd at B. of N-ancy 1965, NTC-?1-10504-09B Fov 71 -X ths gdamw or ~'Lu Amumu ATWIA Is V~rloq--, %W,3 Of For"U ix valilank 4y unrou 46=44 ftuma sAdvioop MAM4 W:4 Jw 1966* 13-1-139. DeveleMefft of Aludm 1,actory Levimtdo bly Zoltan Paige 12 pp* i'uix4c~uio rpts ii2blefflo h6apests Lw 1963, . p PA-526. p 6-9 4-17 atz PAsAirsix Z~,tmrgner*d NP-te-Itils I by pt~-'Vorj 't. 2. 1,0 pp. M,ZP117, rp".. lyztrallipvpedeni~re- I Tem, lCtitsknil- 0bmb*, -~atalovA pp '1,0-g,~. 70 Tromformt4one 'twie Heat4ag I?owder for Vap, by JA a I - Pais% 9 pp a WSSVJ,p perp AviatWoaW- %kWIW, cbe!~~U lwtitut. T=d.Y. so Wo 1965, pp 30-37- PIM151K)W-V FTD-MT-66-83 Aug ail Depenaeme of ftmwture and Properties of Gap on Tvzq)amture oC Slvterb~S mid aagm of DeftmUcm durLU klUt7& by A* Pabov. RMUN., perp WUkawo Institute Trugly, so ce, 1955, PR 22-29, P10=5406d-V FTD-W-66-83 Aug 63 3(Q.,29P, niapom,:wn af by rip 6,3 awlag umtiwi 0v ~~p Povdor,, A. I. Paisovj ot al, RMA42$ perA Tz3dg 041 TT F-10,449 .:cl-MicaalcU M~r b'-i E. Palsiev Determination of the Characteristics of a Reactor Unit for the Manufacture of Acetic Acid Using Statistiml Methods. RMSIANO perm Moscow, Spetsiaboe Kmotruktorskoe Brwo Do Aytowtus v N&LaysElrRbotite i Neftekhildi, TruAy No 1/2t 19699 pp 129-133 NTC 72-12630-07A sept 72 t4imnutative M&17sis of tlz cbww in the omvdc ioztm Cmuss~ by the hoorAmdo efornlo by Ivvvi PaJ, 35 !.lP- Jul-AVL, 19670 lkl--I;Iiob Fad d- (7 yjrj 16"Ps. The rJewly NAlt f"mietor cars of tho furodav Railroads for testing %.IUM 'Itock, by D'Mjoslav Pa,11c, 43 par, "CO ~"o I, Jim 1067t 15-37. Apr l)7 it* au2k Ivopam Togol" jaw 4 Famw 00CAMO fto" 24 54t r~4 aq A it IVAN - t a an the UUIImtl(m of 4late Ash In Polodi, bY V- POlk, J. Cebu]&. aomp N" alfte, Val lot 110 lg,, 1965p Do. 73~-W- Ez t / ' q,),4, /-< SCUM Aug 69 399,608 =9 Otb*r FrOfts b7 Thdrass NUs 6 pp. PMJA pa, zolzderz PWAI, NO 411, (956b 1966,t iv 2o. DU Ul-ri-67 / 0 d 5 2- F G j '(~ Cz- mkr-polwd ma MY 67 326*IW --4I-- , FaJostm Froooda bomwela 4ansion Prollems, by jomr ftjestka* L4 We PoLmil part jvw Jul 196,90 nag trow# , D pp 20-30o Ms 48873 k,E-PolaW Lcon Sept 69 0003 i~',ew Arategy of LconovAc LjqAWion by Josef tajoatka. 10 1k"), nor# ~&Clauoarmdarezo& t~aruawt 6 July A, k ;,t pp It Flo 435,,t5 6~,-$-02anc; L con Aug 61, P093",Y) bjf%jljS in ?VI:LlUlatin(j oa.:cstka, _',5 11P. -Yap et ~ 4. > .. 1. - J. J C, L-7 Joeel I-ajoztka, 12 pp. ft~I-Lkjq lip$ ~Y(dq 60spAghre 9 Juno 1%6f yt 11. 04-6 46,163 FSJGS~ SOS$ W*Y* Ar B*ttdr k&WWASI /0 klunings bly Jowf Pajoetko* 27 pp. kiuLIW# Mo imat I to W4r9Wj Nos A 39v 220 29 Sept 19680 pp is 4l 1-2. Ras 46sM i-C, ~ E -~ 0-/)J, C 's i /~ ~ Wpolaw Leon Doo 68 3540627 Strategy in the Development of Teelmology, by Jozef Pajestka, 5 PP- FMISH., np, Kulturs) No Vt., 21 Nov 1965, ppe 1-2. JPR8 33390 EE-Poland Econ jan 66 293,752 Pajoetka Sn=ft w heowdo lbmis% by J*Wf ?aJOStb4 22 FP* N(w 1968# PMMH# pwo ~w RMW# pp 8&1o2. JPRS 47404 ,~, -~ ec~ (- 5 1- Jo -L -~ j BE/Pouw BOM i= 69 3m= ;;L-w Ami i-brjolo,,.xiont ;othot)s by QqZIDI-'AM --arzatz. -ay np, q_q. 4t con Jay 6') The XI Congress of the Italian Communist Party, by Giancarlo Pajetta. ITALIM, np, L'Unita, 29 Jan 66, pp 13-14. J1,RS: 34,816 WE.-Italy Pol Apr 66 r,A 9 I iseas ixnans of ~renah (;risis. Uiaii 11'arlo rajetta, 5 1IFF "'d-napoit Jill 'ku, Wl W. Pqjewski t'The problam of uUmonia energy cono6ntration. 20 pp. POLL59,0 per, tekb-onika Alo 3,0 197.1, pp 106-114. AM/FO-MC-23357-72 US GOV IT USE ONLY, Ct9,PY)?IGIIT INFORIMTION sept 72 Evaluation of the Pastnees of Mothpr* Trealments, by 0. Pajgrt. J. Ondrejka~" GEM, per Dt. Text-Tech.- V01. U, No- 3 1965, 163-165 CSnO No. T690 () . P/Y 3 6- r, r Sc - Aur., 5T 33r-61":) ... G. Pajank 06Wla lov 72 .i I I.. 1. A %w '4thYx for Rim Deeonti.,Awtiolk~ by W. J. P'Ijor~ PMM~ per, w9mehM."t, N,) 1(1983) 1967, pp 21-22. *CMI Tmt-67-56124/21 gci-R.irth Bei Oceo-zagnphy 67 rrcmch TecbrAcal AsAstem-o ;.=gram in Africat by L814() '_ajotg 22 pjpo ro a=-094AUe A -.awu=mc 71001 APrljmc 1969s pp 2536-M. &ics W63o (-0, Al-Di"':1~4 KTAM)' 1 eon Arg, 6-Q 3-~OaW Tim etau:tm of AbsowgUau fim a.? sle If Graws In tbil SIUMA at IOV by B. P*3t*# 13 iv. Mck jouva SOU& Va 25* NO JLP au 39bTo 0 73-79- i!WgA ABC MUT-09A B. Pajot 67 004n Lu ?I Uy Ina-An No, t), G Sqpeoc'."~' fenowe tu 1W At*-Ic an by Pnk. c-,,on3-!xY,,)n, 5 qx)- J~XJAZMME Altglia JIMS, at tio japall'ute :!:,Ayl- z~vdro-(-m 0 IV pol Korean Delegate's Speech at the Japanese Con- ference to Ban Atomic and ILydrogen Borfos, by Pak ClionG-hyon, 5 PP- JAPJUTM, np. Akahata 7 Aug 19661 P- 3- JPRS 37546 ==== Fpwapan Pal oct 66 312.,360 me Nothodology Claos Camducted by the Otate Lieat Industry ComisoLony I)y Pak Cl=g-taeltp 10 pp* IMIWS, up, kAr. qu Clio!ML 20 Aue 1965, p. 2t JPFS 3= M-Kom Econ oct 65 239AT7 Party Spirit Awt Be EVroosed Ma Work, by Pak Cong-taek., 10 pp NDMR) np, Nodmg sira=., 7 mar 65., PP 2-3. JPM MW FE-Korea Fol Apr 65 27,9j,152 Repoated Var. 11mvoeations Oarged to Im4dows, by ?ak ftw-guki ? pps XORM. Plseraw*. ?5 July 1968, .21 JPAS F-r,-N Korea POI ("at (Se 367.753 33 S3MWWIB8 Wd St"qpgwog Favolutlowry CajWAty; by P& fto-j=Op 10 VP- IDMWp pwo DD lp 5 JSn 1966# pp, 19-259 ME 347% P,~ ~ d,,~ k j lbj~jj , mKoma Pol Apr 66 298,287 in thS DNA Of SOMS A4pe, by H. V. PakhoMoVa. OMAN, part Dok Ak Nouk SSSR, Biocbem, Vol 182, No 3f Sept 19689 pp 712-714. CB m . %V , p a fl~ ~, C 0-1 0 \j F~ Nov 7U The RevolutioMrj Wm* 1 14 ppe per# ASA pp 30-3?. oll ",Una 6) 'Ahod isocribm's by 383.550 seu-.qoliwme wring, the :man-UU itl~arfareo I~r Pak ilui-soke 12 FPO Lo,ia, Pyongyaugo 30 Aug porg rul 1968. pp 24-30. aiu 46,C03 &/ai L~oroa poi Doe 68 3%0*)9 Per, ac al ~t~.i.;cattjn IL ui, Na4 i3r 0" L tl-~ Citizens In Jalmn, jr As Ark.,xie of Lwin and 3talin Againat IlLaft.t " Anrl"and Righto-NIM, Opportrasm, tW Ank Xun-yan,,,,. 31 tp- KDRCAl,', Par, tl,'un ;!gl.2Aa' '10 9. 20 Sept 1966. pp, 45-611., Jan 67 Tecbnical Guidance for Agricultural PrDd-liction, by Pah Kon, 5 pp KOWM, np., Nodong SiRM!S, 14 jan 65, p 2. JPRS 2099 FE-Korea Econ MaY 65 279,337 _:; 9 Tho Teachors' Study of the Revolutionary Tradition, by Pak Yzn-vnn, 5 PP- MEAN, rD, Kyovon Sinmm, 14, Jun 1g()(, p. 2. MRS 41916 P/~,k - k 04/. C,(.YX) lli~-Korea Soc Aug 67 332,708 A,-4mb for ~~.*rld ilms .'Aipports by lak;sm~bols 33 irvt W419 re0io, IWoG,.!rj 25 szot lviq at 69 31316W 'Ar a a,,Ainr)t Left-'"-06, wid 'Ipportmism., 'U,,r Euk To-sup 11 pp* eA 15., 22 2i JNI, 335107 SQC ,cc 3 4,. ,,)rigin an! Dtrmlop w-nt of Sociallat Owaarsidp, jy P* '-i'q ) 3 pp. El.'e-SUO Nr, Kyongje YjMl lb, 2~ 15660 pp* 43-46. JPEM s-k,)l3 FE, -Korea Econ jec 66 For PmMuon of ifitematimal Fitowalip and Unity Betwom the Korean Iabor Faity and Peoplo and tho IndonesUm Ca=.,rAErt Party and Poopus tV Pak lm~-Ohols 5 PP* x0l"If npp MaL m ~=, Kor,m), 3 J,,jjs-Y%3v p 2* JM 314200 FL - Korea POI Alig 65 2360631 Now I *form are munded In Coal induA* 9 by 4k 6ch-amq 12 pp. Kv~zi&p port b9216-p 1-~'y*n&WSq 15 lFeb pp 44,*0 j - 1 ,~i 4Fj 00 r-(Z,P" ,J~ - o yt, -Zores -01 i,w~, 69 331e451 C'A"ftO VOW& and RV7.vsaQw List Koaa 21o ML-Anatodo by Pap, 34 pp, Ml-woa lord 6~=- Obalz, lio 3,9 1-9 No 6, rm-. 1 755 X"T"B 3Ua G5 On Oc-canion of tue 2Y,-i A=iversarj of t~o TVjxUt~g *f the Poaty - So Splendid ficaUzaticra of PartW SpLrlt and Clms GlAil-lu, in Our Litembum and Ait, lyj PW-,, Ung Ko-.11 14 pp. KOWMP up-,, HodMg Sim=i 3 Oct 1965,, PP- 91-34 JPW 3W32 pol Nov 65 1)5 PTA. Korea Fcon Apr 71