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Mar 72 I-Asults of zbaioloRical iZ*sa"ch an 1-hral by F. Ostm-oki an-I A* trMiDrski, 57 pp. -f per 'b M4~, 19f,-)6, 1-,p. 57-01. -n-54o p0 tv s, apt 66 Vrospects for Bmiolo64cal Raftamh in Polwd,, by IC-zysztof Ostruwahl., 10 ppe PQLIB'a-',, per., Now pml., go. U.. Apr 1,00T, pp- 1*4.16- JPM 40%* KRZ"~S77TDF CST961v'SKI P-S-Foland Soc Juw, 611/ ~9j,755 Colorimbric DoUrmWation *f CxyLpu Mooolved in 'eater by Use of H.. W-a-(by~~j ~,Jlo)- by S. Omtwwakl ?MMp per.. ParmMim roiska. VID1 21S Nuo rp 743-746 WAF (L-- w0) ,S, TiZ Sci-CheUebrj Aue 63 IL 2b' ni'.e* Os+ro~;k7a.-. tont ESP" o' 9 vl~jl' Vol, ,a, 65 Analysis of the 10tvelowmt of !;~cimitiflc Research in. the Chade'al In4ustry, lp.-,j .I- W,,-am, cistrot&d, II rp. ))Or. Llrzv :P, 51 51 7 3 v each% ~i-tc~ria %yermis War Accoroplishinept 01. 0 " Sullivall , 8 LN.T.DIO)lf, por. Tnrtifihation, Vol 3.. 1964, GO-66'. 'C--i rT-23- 1157--72 72 -77: cru 0 u" tk: otezi~,-, Turbine by per, 3' (trails (4 L'ct 2 ",% 7 ftablo= a $tat Twbim DwOopmt Re- vlowade tv K4=n Oadds 12 pp. HuNumi, per$, WMgl 2l AIW2gWkgp LukPosto 04 Wo PP 513-518,o JIIRS 47o587 /~ /~ L A) 05 Vl~ 69 /j .7 IMPOUht Car Park) ~,ork3 ~-,U.OceseAtlly, 0 L4dislrts umtht 5 p y p,, part LP-Ruto VC11 IVIL'o C, Alull 1967o 22, Ed& Lji 445-68 354,047 Alestic-11 of ater Flucridatim iketuiti L'jjjj,;tjnj, Lit aiiii "Ibroad, Ijy (jo utsvajd, i-cr, Sverige T"IldlaUtrforb Tidp lAbs 77uv-7t;l. c. vq L cl 'wL B. Oswald Calculation Bases for Crowbar and Power Crowbar Discharges, 30 pp. Techn Bericht MPI No 7, 1 Feb 61 and 21 Jul 61 AEC/SL-A-73-0143 Mar 73 Aqon. A Vol 45, ':o 4u"5-49(R B6 02) TLY 7 1 Possibilities and Umitations of Linearization in Fluid Mechanicss by K. OmUtsch. GERMP rpt I DGm-jahreat%-tmg , no 2. ig6gt Bremeng 22-24 sept. Dept of Navy APL/JW T-2508 k - 0 'S w 14-~ . --~ Z. c ~ April 71 NJ, Froblms of RSFSR land Reolmtion Discumoed, by N. Om7chkin . 5 pp. RUSSM, np. Z(ale~M Z_hiW . Moscow, 16 Feb IWO$ p 2" j FM $8614 Apr 73 malogmil., by Fenno Oazi, 10 PP. MAIGUWP nps Post me"4 litim . 9 jui 1967. M Umigarlan fiii-s- SurMY iio 1842 5 sep 1967 L a)~,; -11 I,C,A "I I 4-u- 342poTi M-11ungm Sep 67 Interview idth Director of Imtemetall, by Nihay Onatatn's 7 pp- 31MARMp perO KuUvm*lw&M No 2j, Feb :L966j, pp- 35-37. JPBS 34663 &on Apr 66 297j,9ri L-4auxtoU - A Ucv Fom, CC OucisUst, Bco=xle coorimstloop IV VU1,43'y Ozetatal. MwA4-lvV?p ITS tt4=K Faft- A,44 P i w V, va YX ~t '. , i m anltuk~ lcx -77 !jz. Mow DprPlo-im-ant 34,01-ailOY ContaiMing 3-&P' VdIATM33N., per, Tetsu to ITUOneo Vol A) 9 ~~2pi HD 7543 No v 6 ~ C1445 Is Ni"hitilE. for by lzro-.i !Dtaq 155 QUalit,V d Baft-ing Steel Tab" Lxtma&A rrm conti",-.UUT caft bautax by T. CUA et al. JXWJM$ per# Tietou tu ffamaw, Va 52, vp T, UE-a- sel-mech D" civ mar I~mv oct 66 313,414 Carl-. Lift 'A"mud by lwsl4yuRi ~DVIO ki, 7, 1 ~XZ 2 -- IS5 -LA4 1 2 2 2 2 0 -) 92f ~Ihat Is Expected of R)mIgn TnImical Assiotan-Ic! Parsar-ml la Africa, by lluW. rt C"Labela, 5 1)!;- FiNlru.4 Der, Davelq=~nt Ct Civilioatims. d - - ;W~ Vol .1j, N.) 266,, June 19-66,, pp-9, 42-45~. J PIT 3 6 7 0 Africa r'om !ILV" bmwtmut numair,& by OtMw t4rok, 1.1 jv~ ougumm va =I cza:'6 13 Migs Mb 22y 3 JLM 19660 iv7l,, 4- mm. w0 2~,Yb , gem ~&Ag 66 V, 056 Chei,iistry and Biochemistry of Blasticidin So by M. 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JAPANTSE, 1'er, Nippon Idmok _V,Vol 458-463. *,';4 778ii lateri" Is Jun 6" T. c-,tc-T-O-r~' 0 Some Pathomorphological Findings in Acute Radiation Sickness in Goats, by P. Otoupal, 17 lip. C7E.C11, peT, Vet ~je(j, No 12, 1967, pp 427-434. ALULB/G-2995 Nov 71 (5 Porviatio-n of Pancake Crain .jtructuro. in. Lc,-,4 car'.on, 2'xluminium wrici calCiw-, Decxidi7c)O, S'tt.,oj, 1-y I% ;Aoya and Y. Kataura, JAPANE".15'k., per. Kinzoku, Vcl. 33, 3026 MLI 4r 11:1 ~M U 33# UJ 20MA V*Iadtt =a avusum Beat of a ii~ bV IL 4 ve V. 74ftv* amm.. pwo mr. ou Ruws Vol 24 No 5$ vwp pp 5)0-W)f Cbm Taws ST X= 6T Apr- 72 Ju" 71 ro r-, 4~!,- lru,:71 ii r 12, -if Structure of coefficients of a Successor Function, hy N. F. Otrokov. RUSSIM, per, DifferentsfalInye Urav- Vol 3, TqS --- 2 O's ClAya, '- fio- P I P - n 5~~-vpt7c~f Navy APL/31111 T-2211-9 sci--ath 69 376 34(? On tb& Strd*Wn at CoornalanU of the Track. IM FmotlaMp by 1, F. ftrokm #om"Nowsuftaftl MmIms per'. -- am 'ME 2MMMLEP V01 3# OD 20 imp iv M-M. "Dept of Sinj ROW J-I* Oct 6T ~j -" v\, \.- ~,\ ~ - I - - ~ '- Estonian official Calls for Broadening beanomic Eperimeatatione by Re Ctsom, 5 ppe RLWIANO npq 149--mtUrum CAS-Ou, Moscows 12 Jan 1972. P 10. JP&5 55130 Feb 72 Feb ?Z I T. Otsu Copolymerisdion of Viwl Chloride. JAPAN=: Per: Baks BIMITI, to P-or1 M-j Vol 7~ 1967j, PP 10-n order frm MP w WFA 1595. 120-00 92C 60676-1n 140rv 72 '~:") ~(-' ?~~' f" -1, Effect of Substituents on the 0AIn-Transfer Reaction of Poly-P-Metboxystyryl Radical vith Substituted Cumenes, by T. Otsu. JAPAN=, per, E= Kagaku Zaaahl., vol. 70, 1967) Pp- 2403-2404. NTC 71-UO05-07C August TI - NCH-200 947 Field 7A Otsuka, E.; Talmoto, K.; Yakabc~ M. RECOVERY OF EXCESS AMMONIA IN UREA 1. Seizaburc, Aoki, SYNTRESIS. 28 Apr 65, 21p, Brefs. SA-KKZ_62-1-1. 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ITTC-71-10708-13B Nov 71 Ant4-4i*",vt4c c;en=p Dow hirrm and LWAMIOSLcea Tolo-~ jj2 YOU49 Dop) 'by Its ottep 6 pp. PH=,, per# Cq=tes venaus Eoc. do Biol Vol 161., Ito 4. .49 Apr lg'u7p pp ~69-0. Dopt CYC lhvyl= 1254 soi-Rull Sept G3 'Es 'Pul,,amwry Alluti-ans."I"i-ts in ~Q 2, Icta Chir 1.)0-7, T '~47-760. jcJ /~314: 0 T, liivelsl,.:a Ul Vw I-iL)i;r i.,,istrosco-c 0 iu Ocat ?2 MARGNA, U. and OT-TER, M. Effect of ATP and inorgai phosphates on the formation of anthocyanins in buckwheat seedlings. Eesti NSV Tead.Akadjoim. (4):420-3 (1969) (CSIRO/No. 10107) rleartinmt of the Dissociation Rate of (91,11 Holoodu lonst tly Cho Ottinpro GERVANt perg ?4dUe Vol 2?Aq 1q6?M#ptpF"AP.- Tr No 25o Oct 1968 AIR/AFCRL/684549 I-eb 69 3739726 SMP mad Y~raW. TrAft'le on the 4wt Gerama Congo Da-im X965., IV w. aw O"mm, nu r;4 ows pr.# Wt. 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